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Introduction to the Study

In recent years, the use of technology in education has been rapidly growing, with

the aim of enhancing the learning experience and improving educational outcomes.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly advancing technology that has the potential to

revolutionize education. AI-based educational applications and tools have been

developed to support and enhance teaching and learning processes, providing students

with personalized learning experiences that cater to their individual needs and

preferences. The purpose of this study is to investigate the experiences of senior high

school students using AI-based educational applications and tools. Specifically, the study

aims to explore the benefits, challenges, and overall satisfaction of students with these


Hence, this research is significant, as it can inform educators and policymakers about the

effective use of AI-based technologies in education and guide future developments in this


The findings of this study will contribute to a better understanding of the potential of AI-

based educational applications and tools in improving the quality of education and

enhancing students’ learning experiences.

(As technology continues to advance, educational institutions are increasingly integrating

technology-based tools and applications into their teaching and learning practices. One

such tool that has gained prominence in recent years is the use of artificial intelligence-

based educational applications and tools in senior high schools. While there is a growing

interest in the use of these tools, little is known about the experiences of senior high

school students who use them.

There is a need to examine the experiences of senior high school students who use

artificial intelligence-based educational applications and tools in their learning. This is

important because technology-based tools have the potential to transform the traditional

classroom environment by providing personalized and adaptive instruction to students.

However, it is unclear how effective these tools are in enhancing student learning and

whether they are being used to their full potential.

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To conduct this study, a mixed-methods approach will be used, including

interviews, surveys, and focus group discussions with senior high school students who

have used artificial intelligence-based educational applications and tools. The study will

focus on understanding the students’ experiences, including their engagement levels,

perceptions of usefulness, and challenges encountered while using these tools.

Additionally, the study will explore how the use of artificial intelligence-based

educational applications and tools impacts student learning outcomes.

The benefit of this study lies In the potential to provide insights into the use of

artificial intelligence-based educational applications and tools in senior high school

education. The findings will help educators and policymakers make informed decisions

about the adaption and implementation of technology-based tools in the classroom. The

study will also contribute to the existing literature on the use of artificial intelligence-

based educational applications and tools, providing a foundation for future research on

this topic. Ultimately, the study has the potential to improve student learning outcomes

and enhance the educational experience for senior high school students.)

Background and Rationale of the Study

The implementation of AI-based educational applications and tools in Senior

High School classrooms has the potential to provide a more engaging and personalized

learning experience for students. However, little research has been conducted on the

experiences of Senior High School students using these technologies. This study aims to

explore Senior High School students’ experiences with AI-based educational applications

and tools and examine the impact on their learning outcomes, academic motivation, and

overall satisfaction with the learning process.

Additionally, the results of this study may provide insights into the effectiveness

of AI-based educational applications and tools in improving student learning outcomes

and inform the development of future educational technologies. This study’s findings

may also be useful for educators and policymakers in the Philippines as they consider the

integration of AI-based educational applications and tools into the Senior High School

curriculum. Overall, this study’s research questions will provide valuable information on

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the role of AI-based educational applications and tools in enhancing student learning

outcomes and experiences in Senior High School.

Significance of the Study

In this study, researchers will be able to provide insights into the effectiveness of

AI-based educational applications and tools in enhancing Senior High School students’

learning outcomes, academic motivation, and overall satisfaction with the learning

process. It can also help identify the strengths and weaknesses of AI-based educational

applications and tools in terms of usability, engagement, and effectiveness in enhancing

Senior High School students’ learning outcomes. Additionally, the study can contribute

to the growing body of literature on the use of technology in education and provide a

better understanding of the complex interactions between technology, learning, and user

experience in the context of Senior High School education, informing future research and

advancing the field of educational technology.

Statement of the Problem

This study is aimed to determine the impact of AI-based educational applications

and tools on the academic performance of senior high school students.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

What are the most commonly used artificial intelligence-based educational applications

and tools in Banate National High School senior high school?

What are the experiences of Senior High School students in using AI-based educational

applications and tools, including their perceptions of the user interface, ease of use, and

engagement with the contents?

Theoretical Framework

This research paper will be anchored to several theories related to technology in

education, learning theories, and user experience design.

The Technology Acceptance Model suggests that students’ attitudes towards AI-based

educational applications and tools’ perceived usefulness and ease of use impact their

intention to use it.

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The Cognitive Load Theory emphasizes that the amount of information presented to

learners can impact their learning outcomes.

The User Experience Design Theory emphasizes the importance of designing

technology that is easy to use and meets the needs and preferences of the end-user.

Finally, the Social Learning Theory emphasizes that learning is a social activity, and

learners can benefit from observing and interacting with others.

Overall, the theoretical framework provides a foundation for understanding the

complex interactions between technology, learning, and user experience in the context of

Senior High School education.

Definition of Terms (Conceptual and operational definition)

For purposes of clarity and understanding, the following terms were specified by

their conceptual and operational definitions:

Academic Motivation – Academic motivation refers to the drive, energy, and

enthusiasm that students have towards their studies and academic pursuits.

In this study, academic motivation will be operationalized through a self-report survey

instrument that measures students’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivation towards their


Artificial Intelligence (AI) – AI refers to a branch of computer science that enables

machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning,

problem-solving, and decision-making.

In this study, these are computer programs or software that utilize AI technology to

support and enhance teaching and learning.

Educational Applications – Educational applications refer to software or programs that

are designed to support and enhance teaching and learning.

In this study, educational applications refer to computer software or programs that use

artificial intelligence-based algorithms to deliver personalized and adaptive instruction to

senior high school students. These applications may include interactive simulations,

multimedia content, assessment tools, and other features designed to enhance student

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learning. The educational applications used in this study will be specifically those that

utilize AI-based technology to provide personalized instruction to senior high school


Experiences – Refers to the subjective thoughts, feelings, and perceptions of senior high

school students who have used artificial intelligence-based programs in their learning.

In this study, experiences refer to the senior high school students’ perceptions,

attitudes, and feedback about their use of artificial intelligence-based programs in their

learning. This may include their level of engagement and motivation, the perceived

usefulness and effectiveness of the technology, and any challenges or issues they

encountered while using the programs. The experiences will be gathered through

interviews, surveys, and/or focus group discussions.

Learning Outcomes – Learning outcomes refer to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes

that students acquire as a result of their educational experiences.

In this study, learning outcomes refer to the students’ academic performance and

their level of understanding of the subject matter.

Senior High School Students – Senior High School students refer to learners in the 11th

and 12th grades of the Philippine education system.

In this study, Senior High School students are learners in the 11th and 12th grades of

Banate National High School.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focused on investigating the impact of AI-based educational applications and

tools on students’ academic performance, motivation, and overall satisfaction with the

learning process on Senior High School students at Banate National High School in the

Philippines. It specifically aimed to explore the usability, engagement, and effectiveness

of AI-based educational applications and tools in enhancing students’ learning outcomes.

However, the study is delimited by factors such as its limited generalizability to other

Senior High School students in different settings, its exclusive focus on AI-based

educational applications and tools, and its lack of investigation into the perspectives of

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educators and parents on the use of these tools. Additionally, the availability and

accessibility of AI-based educational applications and tools at Banate National High

School may limit the study's findings.

Review of Related Literature

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly popular in the field of

education in recent years. AI-based educational applications and tools are designed to

enhance the learning experience of students by providing personalized, adaptive, and

interactive learning materials. The following is a review of literature about the experience

of senior high school students using AI-based educational application and tools.

One study conducted by Aljaberi et al. (2019) aimed to investigate the impact of

AI-based educational applications on the academic performance of senior high school

students. The results showed that the use of AI-based educational applications

significantly improved the academic performance of students in various subjects. The

study also found that students enjoyed using the AI-based educational applications, as

they found them engaging and interactive.

Another study conducted by Zhang et al. (2019) aimed to investigate the

effectiveness of an AI-based educational tool in improving students' critical thinking

skills. The results showed that the use of the tool significantly improved students' critical

thinking skills, as measured by a standardized test. The study also found that students

perceived the AI-based educational tool to be helpful in improving their critical thinking


Similarly, a study conducted by Kaur and Singh (2019) aimed to investigate the

effectiveness of an AI-based educational tool in improving students' problem-solving

skills. The results showed that the use of the tool significantly improved students'

problem-solving skills, as measured by a standardized test. The study also found that

students enjoyed using the AI-based educational tool and found it helpful in improving

their problem-solving skills.


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The purpose of this research is to explore the experiences of senior high school

students who have used artificial intelligence-based educational applications and tools.

This methodology will outline the research design, participants, data collection methods,

and data analysis procedures used to achieve the research objectives.

Research Design

The research design for this study is a qualitative approach that utilizes a

phenomenological method. This method will enable the researcher to understand and

describe the experiences of senior high school students who have used artificial

intelligence-based educational applications and tools.


The participants for this study will be stem senior high school students who have used

artificial intelligence-based educational applications and tools. The sample will be

selected using purposive sampling with 30 respondents as it is the required minimum of

respondents, and participants will be chosen based on their availability and willingness to

participate in the study.

Research Locale:

The study will be conducted in Banate National High School in urban area of Iloilo

City. The research will involve stem students from public senior high school in the town

of Banate Iloilo. The selection of the school will be based on the availability of AI-based

educational applications and tools used by the students.

The participants will be chosen using purposive sampling, which is a non-probability

sampling method that allows the selection of individuals based on specific characteristics

that are relevant to the study. The inclusion criteria for the participants are students in

senior high school, who have used AI-based educational applications and tools in their


Data Collection

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Data collection will be conducted using semi-structured interviews. The interviews

will be conducted face-to-face, and will take place at 1:00 until 3:00 pm in Friday

afternoon in the ICT Laboratory of Stem Building, It was agreed to conduct on that time

as it is the time they are available, questions will be open-ended to allow participants to

express their experiences in their own words. The interviews will be recorded,

transcribed, and stored securely to ensure the confidentiality and anonymity of the


The respondents will be required to answer in an interview, the following will be the

questions that will be present:

1.What are the most commonly used artificial intelligence-based educational applications

and tools in Banate National High School senior high school?

2.What are the experiences of Senior High School students in using AI-based educational

applications and tools, including their perceptions of the user interface, ease of use, and

engagement with the contents?

Data Analysis

Data analysis will be conducted using a thematic analysis approach. The transcribed

interviews will be analyzed for common themes and patterns that emerge from the

participants’ experiences. The researcher will read through the transcripts multiple times

to develop a coding framework. The coding framework will be used to categorize the

data and identify themes that emerge from the data. Once the themes have been

identified, the researcher will write a narrative that describes the experiences of the


Ethical Considerations

The research will adhere to ethical guidelines outlined by the American Psychological

Association (APA). Informed consent will be obtained from all participants, and they will

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be informed that their participation is voluntary and they can withdraw at any time

without consequence. During the structured interview, participants will be given a printed

handout and anonymity will be maintained throughout the study, and participants will be

assigned a pseudonym to protect their identity.


This methodology outlines the research design, participants, data collection methods,

and data analysis procedures that will be used to achieve the research objectives. The

phenomenological approach will enable the researcher to gain insight into the

experiences of senior high school students who have used artificial intelligence-based

educational applications and tools. The results of this study may be used to inform the

development of future educational applications and tools that utilize artificial



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