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Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion drawn and

recommendation offered.

Summary of Findings

Based on the analysis and interpretation of data, the findings are hereby


1. On the profile of the students’ respondents, most of them belong to 17 years

old and above with a frequency of 319 or 52.5 percent. In terms of sex,

females outnumbered males wherein the former had a frequency of 369 or

60.7 percent while the latter had 239 or 39.3 percent. In terms of year level,

there was 401 or 66 percent senior high school. Meanwhile, on the profile of

teachers the highest frequency with 23 or 29.1 percent were 26 to 30 years

old. In terms of sex, females is greater that the number of males with a

frequency of 54 or 68.4 percent. When it comes to length of service, teachers

instructing a period of one to five years had a top frequency of 32 or 40.5

percent. In terms of educational attainment, 9 or 11.4 percent have master’s

degree while 2 or 2.5 percent have doctorate degree. In terms of eligibility, 72

or 91.1 percent are LET passers. In terms of subject taught, significantly, both

English and Math have the same frequency of 17 or 21.5 percent. Lastly, on

the profile of parents, the dominating age belong to age brackets 31 to 39

years old and 40 to 45 years old with the frequency of 72 or 29.0 percent.

Most of these were females with frequency of 200 or 80.6 percent. Those who

have 2-3 children have frequency of 149 or 60.2 percent. In terms of

educational background, 90 or 36.3 percent are college graduate. In terms of

occupation, 73 or 29.4 percent are private employees while 69 or 27.8 percent

are self-employed.

2. With regard to the perspectives of the three groups of respondents on the

Home-based Online Education, the overall means in terms of Student’s

Academic Performance was 3.92; Children to Teacher Communication was

3.97; Financial Capability was 3.80; Character Formation was 3.9; Personal

Discipline was 4.0; Peer-Relations was 3.76; and Decision Making Capability

was 3.94. The prevailing indicators were all verbally interpreted as Agree.

3. There was significant difference on the perspectives of the stakeholders in all

stated variables relative to Home-based Online Education because the p-

values was less than the level of significance except in Peer Relations and

Character Formation wherein the p-values of the former was (.129) and the

latter was (.061) which were greater than the level with significance .05.

4. The challenges encountered by the respondents were, for the students –

Distractions from the Surroundings, Poor Connectivity, Miscommunications,
They become shy and incompetent, Tardiness, Honesty has Weakened and
Poor Disciplines; for the teachers – Having Trouble Keeping an Eye on the
students, Not so Skilful in Technology and Limited Time Frame in Teaching;
for parents – lack of interest in education and not all families are suited for
online education.
While the opportunities were it encourages the easiest form of communication,
gadgets are used always, develop close companions, online learning saves
time, it imparts practical skills to the students, academic subjects and religious
activities combine, interactive methods for monitoring online attendance,

adaptable, having WIFI at home is advantage in online classes, affordability

and financially equipped.


Based on the findings, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. Considering the profile of the teachers and parents in terms of educational

attainments, occupations and eligibility, one can see their readiness to get

themselves involve in the conduct of Home-based Online Education.

2. Parents, teachers and students subscribe to the benefits they all get in the

implementation of Home-based Online Education.

3. Homes-based Education is a breakthrough in the educational system,

however, it lessens opportunities of students to develop more their intra

and interpersonal relationship.

4. Despite the benefits Home-based Online Education could give to learners,

there are still challenges that need to be addressed immediately to make

such modality more responsive to the needs of the clientele.


In the light of the findings, the following recommendations are hereby offered:

1. Administrators and teachers may create more opportunities for students to

address and handle their personal issues brought by online classes.


2. Guidance counsellors may provide mental health and behavioural

activities that will help the students in adapting the new trends in

education and other social concerns.

3. Teachers may enhance the instructional practices and modality for the

students to maintain or advance their academic performance.

4. Parents should engage with the new technologies related to education

because their duty is to monitor and supervise their children to be able in

online learning.

5. Parallel studies may be conducted considering other variables.

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