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Gaurav Tomar, TA: Chiranjit Ray

ME 201: Fluid Mechanics
September 27, 2022
Solutions (Assignment 2)

Answer 1.
Minimum number density for continuum: n = 1012 × (103 )3 = 1021 m−3 . The corresponding pressure in
the gas is given by: p = nkB T = 4.14P a = 31.1mT orr
For the minimum size of the domain: L = λ/Knmax = λ/0.01 = 3.18m where the mean free path is:
λ = 1/(1021 π10−20 ) = 1/(10π) = 0.0318m

Answer 2.
Pressure at the left end of the manometer fluid surface is: p1 = pa − ρa g(h2 − h1 − 2
) and at the right
end is: p1 − p2 = pc g.Thus,
ρb + ρa
pa − pb = ρc g 1 − + (pa − pb )gh2 − ρa gh1 .

Answer 4.
The top surface H1 = 0, pressure at the two ends of the mercury are the same:
patm = K(L − (H2 − H3 )) = Ainn
where L is the natural length of the spring. When the depth gauge is submerged, lets say the level in the
annulus region drops by X amount, and the corresponding increase in the level in the inner region is X ′ .
Pressure balance yields:
K(L − (H2 − H3 − X ′ ))
ρHg g(X ′ + X) + = patm + ρw gH1 + ρw g(H2 − H3 + X)
Since,Ainn = Aann =⇒ X ′ = X. Solving for X from the above equation, we get:
H1 + H2 − H3
X= ρHg
2 ρw + AinnKρw g − 1

Answer 6.
(i)Density of the fluid-X computed using the equation of hydrostatic pressure is: ρX = 20, 000kg/m3

(ii)Choosing the origin at the free surface on the leftmost side of the cylinder, we can write:
p = −ρgz − ρax + C
From the slope we can compute that the bottom surface is at z = −9 − ∆h , where ∆h = 1m is the rise
in the level of the left end of the container. Following this pressure at x = 0 is given by:
poil = patm − ρoil gz
pwater = poil − ρwater g(z + 1)
pHg = pwater − ρHg g(z + 3)
pX = pHg − ρX g(z + 5)
The pressure at the bottom surface now can be written as: pbottom = 1401kP a−ρλ ax = 1401kP a−20000×
5 × x.

(iv)For a rotating cylinder, we can define a potential function:

ψ = gz + ax − Ω2 (x2 + y 2 )
where x, y are local coordinates in the rotating frame in the directions ı̂ (along the horizontal acceleration
direction) and ȷ̂ (normal to z and x-directions), respectively, with r̂ = cos(θ)ı̂ + sin(θ)ȷ̂ (θ being the polar
angle). For equilibrium, constant pressure lines must coincide with the constant ψ lines, where pressure
increases with a decrease in ψ , and therefore,
ρΩ2 2
p = −ρψ + C = (x + y 2 ) − ρgz − ρax + C
which can be written as:
ρΩ2 a a2
p= (x − 2 )2 + y 2 − ρgz − ρ 2 + C
2 Ω 2Ω
The above relation is valid separately in each fluid where ρ is constant. Therefore, the constant C would
assume different values:
ρΩ2 a 2 a2
pi = (x − 2 ) + y − ρg(z − zi−1 ) − ρ 2 + pi−1
2 Ω 2Ω
where the index i indicates the number of the layer from the top with i = 1 indicating oil and p0 =
patm , z0 = 0 with the origin on the left end of the cylinder. Here, pi−1 essentially indicates the pressure at
the bottom-left corner of the fluid layer on top of the fluid i.
One should note the shift in the paraboloids towards the direction of acceleration. NOTE that the free
surface is pinned at the cylinder walls and fluid would rotate along with the cylinder walls and thus would
result in non-equilibrium.

Answer 8.
Gate will start to open when the magnitude of the net fluid torque exerted on OA is just equal to or greater
than net torque on OB. Torque balance about O (per unit depth) reads,
Z a Z




0 0

(Patm does not contribute as its acting on the outside surface as well)
Z a Z b
ρg ((h + a) − y) ydy ≥ ρg ((h + a) + y) ydy
0 0
It is clear from the above inequality that the result will be independent of fluid density.
Thus, h = 95 a or 56 b

Answer 9.
Force balance reads,

pn̂ dS = Ws + Rh

(Since Rh , the reaction at the hinge is unknown, one cannot use just force balance to find ρ)
Torque balance about O eliminates Rh ,

⃗r × pn̂dS = rcom × Ws

(all integrals taken over the curved surface. Patm has no contribution)

h = 0 → ρ = 32 ρs , h = R → ρ = 53 ρs

Answer 10.
Weight of submarine = Weight of the fluid displaced.
πRo2 Lρw g
W =
Pressure in the tank = Pressure at the flood port.
pgas = Patm + ρw gRo
πRo2 L
Volume of the gas chamber = 2

Department of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru, 560012 India

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