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Kingdom Animalia

0. Overview Of Phyla Of Kingdom Animalia
1. Phyla Of Kingdom Animalia
2. Classes Of Phylum Annelida
3. Classes Of Phylum Arthropoda
4. Classes Of Phylum Mollusca
5. Divisions Of Phylum Chordata
6. Subclasses Of Class Pisces
7. Subclasses Of Class Mammalia
Kingdom Animailia

No True Tissues True Tissues

1. Porifera

Radial Symmetry Bilateral Symmetry

2. Coelentrata
No coelom Pseudocoelom True coelom

3. Platyhelminthes 4. Nematoda

Proterostomes Deuterostomes

5. Annelida 6. Arthropoda 7. Mollusca 8. Echinodermata 9. Hemichordata 10. Chordata

Table 1

Acrania Craniata
Polychaeta Oligochaeta Hirudinea
Urochordata Cephalochordata Vertebrata
Table 2

Pisces Tetrapoda
Crustacea Insecta Arachnida Myriapoda
Table 3 Cyclostomata Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes

Gastropoda Bivalvia Cephalopoda Amphibia Reptilia Aves Mammalia

Table 4

Prototheria Metatheria Eutheria

Table 5, 6 & 7
Heading Structure
For Tables of Kingdom Animalia Few Key Points Related To Phyla
1. Common Name Of Kingdom Animalia
2. Habitat
3. Organization/Symmetry • Diffuse type of nervous system evolved in
4. Size Cnidarians while central nervous system evolved
5. Digestion in Platyhelminths
6. Reproduction • Sac like digestive system evolved in Cnidarians
7. Development and also present in Platyhelminths while tube
8. Nutrition like digestive system evolved in Nematods
9. Transport • Closed circulatory system evolved in Annelids
10. Skeleton while open circulatory system evolved in
11. Respiration
•Largest phylum of kingdom Animalia is
12. Excretory System
Arthropods while largest class of Phylum
13. Nervous System Arthropoda is Insecta
14. Muscular System • Respiratory system evolved in Arthropods
15. Locomotion • Simpler the animal , higher is the regenerative
16. Specialties capacity and vice versa (e.g poriferans have
17. Other Characters highest while chordates have least regenerative
18. Economic Importance capacity)
19. Examples
1. Phyla of Kingdom Animalia
3.Platy- 10. Chordata
1. Porefera (Pore 2.Coelenterata / Cnidaria 4.Nematoda/Aschelminthes 6. Arthropoda (Jointed Leg 7. Mollusca (Soft Bodied 8. Echinodermata (Spiny
Feature helminthes 5.Annelida (Segmented Worms) 9. Hemichordata (Notochord Containing
Bearing Animals) (Stinging Animals) (Round Worms) Animals) Animals) Skinned Animals)
(Flatworms) Animals)
►Have both invertebrate
►Animals with jointed legs >Anthron= (echinoderm) & chordate
►”Coelentera-ta” joint >pods= feet characters
►Flatworms >Bcz ►Round Worms ►Latin Mollusca means: “soft”
►”Sponges” ►Called “Cni daria” bcz of presence of: ►Have com- mon origin with annelids ►Because of their close rel ►Named so due to few
they are ►Nematoda means: “pointed ends” ►Segmented worms ►Second lar gest phylum of ►The spiny skinned anim als
1. Common Name ►Latin word “porus”=pore “cnidocytes”
“Dorsoventra lly ►have elong ated worm-lik e bodies with ►”Annelid”(la tin word) means: “little ring”
Both have aff inities in : >segmented
invertebra tes ►5000 species
ationship to chordates, they common char acteristic of th is
Ferra=to bear ►They give rise to: Nematocysts body (not metamer ically in artrop ods) are call- ed: “prechordates group: >Notochord
compress-ed” pointed ends ►More than 50,000 species
(Stinging cells) >appendages >cuticle >similar plan of ►Hemichord ates(along Ec
nervous system hinoderms & Chordates) are :

►Few: >Freshwater
►Total no: 5000 species (All eg.Dugesia ►Marine eg. Nereis ►Terrestrial ►Widely distributed
►Exclusively Marine
Aquatic) ► Aquatic >Mostly: Marine >Some: ►Many: >Parasites ►Freshwater eg. Stylaria ►Freshwater ►Aquatic (Marine+freshw
2. Habitat ►Freshwater: 150 species Freshwater (endoparasites) eg.
►Mostly: parasites
►Damp soil eg.earthworms ►Marine water ater) eg. >Cephalopoda
►Most are free-living & att N/A ►Live in all kinds of habitat
atched to subs tratum
►Marine: Remaining >Tapeworm >Liver ►Parasites eg. Hirudu ►Many can fly ►Terrestrial eg.Land snail
fluke >lood fluke

►Bilateral Symmetry
►Triploblastic ►Triploblast- ic
►Acoelomates ►Coelomate
►Bilateral symmetry ►Coelomate ►Worm-like
►Bilateral symmetry ►Metamerica lly segmented >transversely ►Triploblastic
►Radial symmertry ►triploblastic ►Bilateral symmetry ►Have soft body
►No symmetry (Asymmetric- ►3 germinal layers; divided into s egments >segment are separated ►Coelomate ►Triploblastic
3. Organization ►Diploblastic Organization ►pseudocoe lomates ►Coelom is reduced and communicate ►Body is div ided into anterior
al) >Outer; Ectoderm by septa ►Bilateral symmetry ►Coelomate
►2 Germinal Layers: >Outer: Ectoderm ►Body cavity is pseudocoe lom: >derived with blood vascular syst em.Such coe- coelomic pouches: >Proboscis N/A
Symmetry ►No organization
>Inner: Ectoderm >In Between:
>Inner: Endoderm
from hollow space in blastula(bla stocoel)
►Have true coelom(cavity b/w body wall
lom is called: “Haemocoel”
►Unsegment ed body ►Larvae: Bilateral Symmetry
>Collar >Trunk
►NO germinal layers >In between: &alimentary canal &lined b y mesoderm) ►Coelom is divided into: ►Adults: Radial Symmetry
Mesoglea (jelly-like) (not a layer) >have vacuolated cells ►Body is segmented >Each segment is ►Coelomic cavities are
Mesoderm ►Mesoderm splits into: >Outer parien tal layer: “sinuses or blood spaces”
►Unsegment ed Body attatched to its neighbour by thin&flexible present in each of them
►Unsegmented covers body wall >Visceral layer: covers alimen
(modified) portions of cuticle
body tary canal >In between: true coelom (filled with
coelomic fluid)

►Few mm wide to more than ►SHAPES: >flattened li ke

1m tall ►Few mm to 1m or more biscuit (cake urchin) >star-
►Few mm to several
►Macrosco- Pic ►Microscop ic: eg. Hydra ►from micr oscopic form s to macrosc opic shaped with short arms (starfish)
m e.g >Planaria
4. Size ►Largest: ”Scolymastra ►Macrosco pic:: eg.“Branchio
(10mm) >Tapeworm
forms N/A N/A N/A >star-shaped with long arms N/A N/A
joubini” >Barrel shaped glass ceranthus” is: >hydrozoan polp >reach ►Upto 1m (brittle star) >globular (sea
(several m)
sponge >in Antartica >More 2m in length urchin) >elongated (sea-
than 1m tall cucumber)

►”Gastrovasc ular cavity or Enteron”: ►sac-like di gestive

►In the form of alimentary canal
>It is the sing le cavity whic- h serve as sytem >poorely dev
►Digestive s ystem in the form of “alime ►A.Canal ha s two openin- gs: >Anterior end: ►In the form of Gut(Alimen ►Digestive tract is straig
►No system, organ both: >digestive >Body cavity eloped in some ►In the form of alimentary canal
5. Digestion ►diffusion ►Sac-like di gestive syst- em: >opens species >Has
ntary canal” with two open ings >Anterior Mouth >Posterior : Anus
►Has 2 openings: >Mouth >Anus
tary canal) with 2 openi- ngs: ►Organs present ht(tube-type) >may show N/A
end opening: Mouth >Posterior: Anus ►Mouth is overhung by a lobe called: >The mouth >The Anus variations
to out side by only one opening: “the branches >Absent in
mouth” Ta peworm

►Asexual: >By budding eg. Hydra ►Asexual: >Binary

►Asexual: >Budding Buds-
►Sexual: >By gamete formation eg. Fission
external or internal >Internal
Obelia (both asexual & sexual) >Has ►Sexual: >They are: ►sexes are separate >Female has: ►Common method of reproduction: Asexual
buds called gemmules ►Sexes are separate ►Organs present
kind of zooid(blasto- style)which gi ves hermaphrodite (both >ovaries >produce egg >Male has: >gonads ►Most are hermaphrodite (eg. Earthworm,
6. Reproduction ►Sexual: >Mostly
rise to: “medusa” >Medusae fo- rm male&fe male >produce spe rms >Zygote form by leech)
►testes prod uces sperms& ovaries prod ►Sexes are separate ►Sexes are separate N/A N/A
hermaphrodite & pratandrous uce eggs ►Fertilization is external
reproduct- ive organs. >They produ- ce reprodu ctive organs fertilization ►Sexes are separate (eg. Nereis)
(male sexcells develop first)
gametes >Gamete form zygote >Zygote are present in same
>sexes separate
deve lop into Obelia individu al)
10. Chordata
1. Porefera (Pore 2.Coelenterata / Cnidaria 3.Platyhelminthe 4.Nematoda/Aschelminthes 6. Arthropoda (Jointed Leg 7. Mollusca (Soft Bodied 8. Echinodermata (Spiny
Feature 5.Annelida (Segmented Worms) 9. Hemichordata (Notochord Containing
Bearing Animals) (Stinging Animals) s/Flatworms (Round Worms) Animals) Animals) Skinned Animals)
►Metamor phosis(Met a=change,
morph=sha pe) takes place in life cycle of
in sects
►It is abrupt change of form or stru cture
►larval stage during life cycle ►Larvae such as: >bipinnaria
►Develop-ment is:
►Includes: >Blastula >Larval ►develop- ment is indirect ►A free- swimming trochophor e larva is ►Complete metamorph osis has 3 forms: ►Trochop hore larva” >brachiola ria are produced
7. Development stages
N/A >Direct >Larval st-
►Blastula is early sta ge of emb ryo produced during the life cycle >Egg develop into larva >Larva conv ert develops >show bila teral symm etry
develop ment into motio nless pupa >pupa devel op into >resemble those of chordates
►Incomplete Metamorpho sis: >Larva
resem bles adult & is called: “Nymph or
instar” >lives in sam e habitat as adult

►Get food by water currents

brought about by movement of ►Parasitic: >Absorb
chanoflagell ates” ►Carnivorous >Prey paralyze d by nutrit ions from host ►Mouth is on lower surface
►20% food: Small animals Nematocy st >Taken into di gestive ►Free-living: >feed ►Nutrition is: >small plants >small (Oral)
8. Nutrition (zooplankton) And plants(p cavity >Digested >Distributed by on small livind,dead
►Anus is on upper surface
hytoplankton) Diffusion & decaying animals (aboral)
►80% food: detrital organ ic eg. Planaria

9. Transport ►Diffusion
►Diffusion N/A ►Circulatory system N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

►In the form of outer covering called
►In the form of needle-like
structures: spicules ►Mesodermal cells develop a
►Produce hard exoskeleton of Calcium ►Chitinous exoskeleton (Chitin is non-livi
►Spicules may be: firm calcareous exoskeleton wh ►Endoskeleton
carbona te, sectreted by epidermal cells ng, non-cellular nitrogenous poly
>calcareous >siliceous ►Coelomic fluid functions as hydrostatic ich may bear spi nes ►Main factor in development
10. Skeleton ►spicules present: >among
that take lime from sea water >These N/A ►Hydrostatic skeleton
saccharide comp ound, secreted by N/A
►Because of its orgin from
& specialization of higher
are called corals >Skeleton of coral underlying epidermis)
pinacocytes >Around osculum mesoderm, it may be called animals
form: “coral reefs” or “coral islands” ►Muscles are attached to exoskeleton
and ostia endoskeleton
►Provide: >protection >Locomotion
►Provide support
►Process of shedding of exo skeleton is
called “Moulting or Ecd ysis”

►Gaseous exchange by
►Has Open circulatory sytem.►Have gills(present b/w
►Respiratory system;absent.Exchange os ►Circulatory system consist
extensive tracheal system formed of air shell&mantle)►In snai l,
►circulatory & Respiratory systems are gases through skin having blood vessels. ►Circulatory system:poorely of: ►Have paired gill-slits in
►Respiratory & tubes called trachea for exchange of mantle cavity is converted into
►No respiratory or circulatory absent ►Annelids are first group of invertebrates developed ►Respiratory system is embryo nic stage►In some
11. Respiration system
►Absent circulatory system
►Gaseous exchange takes place through having closed circulatory sytem.circulatory fluid
gases lung►Circulatory system is
►No special organ for >Median dorsal ventral these are non
►Diffusion absent ►Main tubes open to exterior through open(exce pt for
general body surface (blood)flows through blood vessel network, respiration composed of gill-slits >Median functional&functional in some
openings called spiracles►Aquatic cephalopoda)►Blue
transports gases and nutrients. ventral vessel
>(gills&book lungs) respiratory pigment,
Haemocyanin, is present

►Consist of:
► No definite excretory ►Consist of: >2 longitudinal excretory ►Well developed
>Branching tube s ►By specialized structures: “Nephridia” These ►Excretory system: >has
system canals >It unites at ante rior end to form ►Consist of: “Malpighian Tubules” ►Excretory organs are: Paired
12. Excretory System ►Diffuse through: >sponge
N/A ending in bulb- like
single canal >Opens to exter ior through
are: >Ciliated organs >presented in each
►Nitrogenous wastes excreted in form of Nephridia
►No special organ for excretion single glom erulous connecte d N/A
cells called; “flame segment in the body wall with blood ves sels
(body wall) >osculum exter ior pore on vent ral surface solid uric acid (C5H4N4O3)

►Well developed
►well-develop ed ►Nerve ring around pharynx ►Consist of: Paired ganglia (simple
►No CNS ►In form of: >simple ►it gives rise to >dorsal >ventral >lateral ►A well-devel- ped CNS brain) connected to ventral double nerve ►Nervous sys tem is poorly
► No definite system ►It consist of: 3 pair of inter- ►Nervous syst em has sub-ep ►Have CNS
►In the form of neuron cells either: netwo rk of nerves Nerve cords ru nning through length of ►Consists of: >simple brain >solid double, cord >On ventral nerve cord, ganglia is developed >No brain >Nerve
13. Nervous System ►Neurosensory and neuron
>scattered in body-wall >From plexus >Ganglia >sensory worm. longitudinal, ventral nerve cord >Nerves arise f pres ent in each seg ment. >Nerves arise
connected gan glia present in:
ring is present around
idermal plexus of: >Cells ►CNS is: >dorsal in pos
cells present >head >foot >body region >fibers Ition>Is hollow
(net) in body wall orga- ns at anterior ►sensory org- ans are in form of : “sensory rom nerve cord from ganglia “Pharyngeal region”
end papillae" ►Sensory org ans are pair of:
>Compound eyes >Antennae
10. Chordata
1. Porefera (Pore 2.Coelenterata / Cnidaria 3.Platyhelminthe 4.Nematoda/Aschelminthes 6. Arthropoda (Jointed Leg 7. Mollusca (Soft Bodied 8. Echinodermata (Spiny
Feature 5.Annelida (Segmented Worms) 9. Hemichordata (Notochord Containing
Bearing Animals) (Stinging Animals) s/Flatworms (Round Worms) Animals) Animals) Skinned Animals)
►Degenera tion of ►Muscles are arranged in four band >two ►Body wall contains mus scles: >Circular:
musc ular system (in dorso- lateral >two ventro- lateral Arranged alo ng circumfe rence of bo- dy
14. Muscular System ►None N/A
case of parasitic mo ►circular muscles: absent >Longitudin al: Arranged al- ong length of body
de) ►Bending: Dorso-vent- ral Only ►Help in locomotion

►By interact- ion of muscle s &hydrostat- ic

skeleton WAYS: >contraction of circular mu
scles produce pressure in co elomic fluid >force
►Move by “cilia”
body to elongate >Contraction of longitudinal ►Organs of locomotion are: “paired appe- ►With the he lp of: “tube feet”
eg.Planaria ►Organ for locomotion is
►Adult sponges: sessile ►Most: sessile eg. >Hydra >Obelia ►Move by: Undulations (wave of cont muscles produ ce pressure in coelomic fluid ndages” or “jointed Appen dages” (soft sac-like structure pres ent
15. Locomotion ►Larvae: Motile >Sea-anemone>Corals
►In parasitic form,
ractions&rela xation of mus cles) >cause body to widen ►wings(to fly)
“Muscular foot”
along edg es of grooves present
move- ment is limit- ►Others are: Sessile
►Others: Motile eg. >Jellyfish ►Organs of locomotion: >chitinous chaetae ►swim,crawl or fly in arms)
>setae (embedded in sacs(earthwo rms) or
parap odia present in body wall (e.g Nereis)
►chaetae are absent in “Leech”

►Mouth surround ed by tentacles

►There is a cen- tral disc from
bearing nematoc ysts: >These are
wh ich Arms radiate
organs of defence and offence ►In higher chord ates:
►single cavity in body: ►Water vascular system
►Living: >Solitary(eg.Hyd ra,sea- >Notochord repla ced by
spongocoel ►In mouth cavity of (many) present in their coelom (It is a
anemone, jellyfish etc) >Colonial(eg.Phy ►Blood is colorl ess due to absen se of Vertebral column >Bony brain
►in some sponges: mollusc there is:”rasping complex sytem of tubes &
salia, Vellela etc) ►fluid filled space present b/w body haemoglob in case formed >So,They are
16. Specialities spongocoel divided into
►Each member of colony:zooid:
wall&alimentary canal >provides tube wi thin
►Has a primitive heart
toungue-like Rad- ula, rovided spaces surroundi ng the mouth N/A
called Craniates
flagellated cells and canals with horny teeth and passing into the arms and
1.Polps: >cylindrical >Asexual animals tube structure ►Main blood vessel situated dorsally ►In lower Chordates: >No
lined by flagellated ►Heart pumps blood tube feet) >Water enter the- se
>Nutitive in funct- ion so called: bony brain case >no
chaonocytes. canals through “sieve-like plate”
“gastrozoids” 2.Medusae: >Umbrella-like replacement
called: “Madreporite” present on
>Sexual reproduce tion >Have gonods
aboral (upper) body surface
>called blastosty- le or Gonozoid
►Body is divided into three regions:
►Body wall: >outer layer-
► Alternation of Ge nerations >Both >head >thorax >Abdomen ►Body is divided into: >Head
“pinacoderm” >Inner layer: ►Notochord is a rod-like semi
generations are diploid ►Have jointed appendages. >they are >A Ventral muscul- ar foot
“choanoderm” >In between: rigid body of vacuolated cells
►Polymorphism: “occurrence of struc modified for specialized fuctions: >Dorsal visceral mass
“Gelatinous mesenchyme” which are filled with
turally&functionally more than 2 differe- >locomotion >offence&defence (contains mos t of internal ►Regeneration of body parts is
which contain: >Amoeboid proteinaceous material which
nt types of individual ls called zooids >reproduction organs) present (eg. In starfish,sea
17. Other Characters cells >Spicules(or sponging
with in same organism” eg. >Obelia has
N/A N/A ►Fertilization is external
►Body covered by waterproof chitinous ►Body covered by glandular cucmber, sea lily, brittle star,
N/A may extend the length of the
fibers bodyb/w enteric canal&dorsal
three zooids: >gastrozooids cuticle secreted by epidermis. epithelial envelope(over visc- sea-urch in)
►Pores: >Water enters: hollow CNS
>gonozooids >medusa ►chitin: >in jaws is used for biting & eral mass) called “Mantle”
“Ostia” >Supports&stiffens the body,
>Physalia(portugu- se man of war) has crushing food >forms lens of comp ound which sec- retes”Calcareous
►Water leaves: “Osculum” therefore, act as skeletal axis
five types of zooids eyes >forms copulatory organs >forms shell” >hinders locomotion
(main opening) “
organs of defence&offence
►Harmful: e.g Slugs
►Insects: >compete with man for food & Shipworms >Slugs are har
►Form coral reefs
space >attack man, domestic anim als & mful in gardens & Cultivations
►At lowerside or base of corals are
►sponge skeleton for washing crops (eg. Locusts) >Dangerous to health >Teredo(shipw orm) damages
pres ent masses of dead stony str
& bathing ►Roundworm in breaking do wn of organic ►Burrowing cavity of Earth worm air penet >Cause econo mic loss to man >Some wooden parts of ship
18. Economic ►in surgical operations for
uctures(rhodo- phyta or dead polps),
►cause diseas es to matter rates into soil and drainage capacity of soil is useful (honeybee,silk worm) >Some ►Beneficial: >Source of food
made of calcium carbo- nate called coral N/A N/A N/A
Importance absorbing fluids&blood host ►Parasitic rou ndworms cause serious improved insects are: >predaceous >scavengers >Shells of fres hwater mussel
►sound absorption in diseases in man & plants ►Causes mixing of soil (eat dead animals &vegetable) >Insect used in button industry >shells
►Found In: >Australia >West Indies
buildings larvae r source of food for fish of oys- ter mixed with tar to
>East coast of Africa >Coastal water s
►Cause diseases: >Malaria >African make roads >making
of Florida >Island of Cor- al Sea
sleepi ng sickness >Cholera >Hepatitis ornaments >Oysters make
pearls eg. The pearl oyster
►Ascaris lum bricoides (intestinal par asite ►lobster
►Dugesia (Planaria)
of man) ►Prawn
►Sycon (marine) ►Hydra (freshwater, has only polp) ►Genus Rhabditis ►Woodlouse
►Fasciola (Liver
►Leucosel enia (erect tubes ►Obelia (marine) ►Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm) ►Mosquito ►Mussel
fluke) >endoparasite ►Starfish ►Frogs
having) ►Aurelia (jellyfish) >causes: >anus itching >inflammation of ►Earthworm (called natura l plough, bcz they ►dragonfly ►Land snail
in: >sheep >snail ►brittle star ►Balanoglos sus ►Amphioxus
19. Examples ►Euplecte lla (made of glassy ►Actinia (sea-anemone >polp only
>rarely human
mucous membrane of colon & appe ndix are the most active segmented worm in mixi- ng ►Moth ►Slug
►Sea urchin ►Saccoglos sus ►Fishes
framework:Commonly called: >Enteron divi ded by large partitions ; >insomnia >appetite loss the soil (Burrowing activity)) ►scorpion ►Octopus
►Taenia ►sea cucum ber ►Man
“Venus”) mesenteries ►Ancyclosto ma duodenale >parasite of ►spider ►Water snail
►Spongilla (Freshwater) ►Madrepora (corals) human small intestine in As ia,North Africa ►mites
>endoparasite in:
& Europe >Anemia & re tard physical& ►ticks
>humans >cattle&pig
mental growth ►centipede
2. Classes Of Phylum Annelida 3. Classes Of Phylum Arthropoda
Features A. Class Polychaeta B. Class Oligochaeta C. Class Hirudinea Features A. Class Crustacea B. Class Insecta C. Class Arachnida D. Class Myriapoda
►Largest gro up of Animal ia
Common Name N/A N/A N/A Common Name N/A kingdom: 53.1% are insects N/A N/A
►Has great variety

►Found every where

Habitat ►Mostly: Aquatic (marine) ►Terrestrial ►Aquatic ►Aquatic Habitat ►Aquatic
►Many show social behaviour

►Body has fixed no. of segments ►Segments have addition al ►Coelom is reduced and haemooel is ►Anterior segments fu- se to ►Dorso-ven trally flattene- d
Organization Symmetry N/A ►Internal & external segmentation
circular rings or mark ings called: “Annuli”
Organization Symmetry present
form: “caphalothorax” ►Body is div ided into large no. of segments having a pair of
Size N/A N/A N/A Size N/A N/A N/A N/A
Digestion N/A N/A N/A Digestion N/A N/A N/A N/A
►Sexes are separate ►Sexes are separate
►Sexes are separate
Reproduction ►Sexes are separate (usually) ►They are: Hermaphrodite (bisexual) ►Mostly hermaphrodite Reproduction ►Modified ap pendages
►They are: Oviparous (eyy- ►They are Oviparous (egg- N/A
laying) laying)
►During develop give rise to: ►Metamor- phosis take s
Development “trochoph- ore larva”
►No larva formed during dev elopment ►During developme nt: Trochopho re larva is formed Development N/A
►No true Metamorp- hosis N/A

►Modified app endages for capturing

Nutrition N/A N/A N/A Nutrition food

Transport N/A N/A N/A Transport N/A N/A N/A N/A

►Exoskeleton of chitin;present
►It becomes ha rder due to depo sition
Skeleton N/A N/A N/A Skeleton of salts N/A N/A N/A
►On dorsal side of cephalothorax,
exoskeleton is in form of: “carapace”
►Have gills for respiration ►By: Gills, Lungs, or special
Respiration N/A N/A N/A Respiration ►Modified appendages
structures called Book lungs

Excretory System N/A N/A N/A Excretory System N/A N/A ► It is by: “Malpighian tubules” N/A
►Composed of: >Brain
Nervous System N/A N/A N/A Nervous System N/A (formed by fus- ed ganglia) N/A N/A
>Double nerve cord (ventral)
Muscular System N/A N/A N/A Muscular System N/A N/A N/A N/A
►Organs of locomotion are: ►No organs for locomoti- on
Locomotion “parapodia”
► Organs of locomotion are: “Setae”
►Move by contraction of body with help of suckers
Locomotion ►Modified appendages N/A N/A N/A

►Thorax has 3 segments in

which are present: three pairs
►Have distinct head region ►No distinct head is present
of jointed legs
Specialities with: >Eyes >Structures known ►Head region not distinct or prominent ►Leeches have chitinous jaws for making a puncture in the skin of Specialities N/A
►one or two pairs of wings
as palps >tentacles host eg. Hirudu medicinal is (medical leech)
►Abdomen has varying no. of

►No antennae
►No true jaws
►Abdomen may be:
►Body is divided into three
>segmented >unsegmented OR
►Appendages are modified for: regions: >Head >thorax
>appendages >without
>capturing food >walking >swimming >Abdomen
Other Characters N/A N/A N/A Other Characters >respiration >reproduction ►Head is vertical to the body
►Cephalothorax bears >a pair
►Head has: >A pair of Antenna >A pair of eyes
►Head has two pairs of: “antennal ►Jaws;ventrally placed
of appenda ges called
appendages” ►head has pair of:
“chelicerae”with claws >2 pairs
>compound eyes >antennae
of pedipalps >4 pair of legs
►Eyes are simple >Spiders
have 8 eyes

Economic Importance N/A N/A N/A Economic Importance N/A N/A N/A N/A

►Daphnia ►Dragonfly
►Cyclops ►Mosquito ►Scorpions
►Lumbricus terrestris
►Crabs ►Butterflies ►Spiders ►Centipedes
Examples ►Nereis ►Chaetopte rus ►Pheretima posthuma N/A Examples ►lobsters ►Moths ►Mites ►Millipedes
►Other earth worms
►prawn ►wasps ►Ticks
►woodlouse ►Beetles
4. Classes Of Phylum Mollusca 5. Divisions Of Phylum Chordata
C. Class
Features A. Class Gastropoda B.Class Bivalvia (Pelecypoda) Subphylum Vertebrata/Craniata

Common Name N/A N/A N/A Features Subphylum Cephalochordata Superclass Pisces Superclass Tetrapoda

Habitat ►Terrestrial
►Aquatic ►All Aquatic Class Pisces Class Amphibia Class Reptilia Class Aves - Birds Class Mammalia

►Their name means doub- le

life ►Both birds& mammals ev
►Called: “Invaders of land” olved from reptiles ►Term given by Linnaeus
►Least in Number & least ►Called: “the creepers” ►Earliest kn own bird foss il is ►Most adva nce group
adapted ►first successful land vertebra Archeopteryx >About the size ►Most imp. advancement is
►Structurally they are b/w tes of a crow >skull similar to t hat the evolution n&developme nt
►Bilateral Symmetry
►Bilateral Symmetry fish&reptiles ►Reptiles we re dominant in: of present da y birds of brain ov er all other
Organization Symmetry ►Asymmetrical ►Body is laterally com pressed
►Dorso-ventrally flatt N/A N/A Fishes
►Because of their depende Mesosoic period(225- 65 million >Elongated jaws in the form of vertebrates
ened body
ncy on water, they are not a years) “beak” >Bony teeth pre ent in ►Evolved fro m reptilian an
successful gr oup of ►Only their 4/12 alive today jaw socket >Long tail on bo th castor: “Cotylosaurs”
vertebrates ►Evolved fro m Amphibian sides having feathers >Each ►Mammals became domi nant
►Devonian period fossil wing had three claws in: “Cenozoic Period”
Common Name suggest their evolution fro m >resemble dinosaurs
dipnoi(lobe finned fish)

►Amphibious ie.Live both on:

>land >water
Size N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ►Aquatic (Called: Fishes) ►Amphibian are borderline ►terrestrial N/A N/A
b/w terrestrial &Aquatic ani

►Body is: >steam-lined

>spindle shap ed
Digestion N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ►Body is steam-lined N/A ►Dry scaly skin
►Body has 4 divisions: >head
►Most have hair on body
>neck >trunk >tail

Reproduction N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

► Animals are highly

Development N/A N/A
developed & Active

►Have copu latory organs for ►Sexes are separate
internal fertilization ►Fertilization is internal
►Most are Viviparous (give
Nutrition N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ►Fertilization is external ►Eggs are: >large >Amniotic ►Only one ovary&oviduct is
birth to young)
>with yolk functional (except for ea-
►Shell is leathery gle:both func- tion)

►Change into adults by:

►Have pro tective emb ryonic
“Metamorp hosis” >Amphibia
Transport N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
ns are: Anamniotes
mem branes: >Amnion N/A N/A
>allantois >chorion
►Larval stages are present

►Birds donot have teeth

>They have developed a thick
Skeleton N/A N/A N/A
muscular structure called:
Gizzard for cru shing food

►Aquatic species have Gills

►Mantle cav ity is connected
►Respiration is by Gills (plate-like) ►Circulatory system
Respiration to lungs for gaseous exch
►Circulatory system is open is closed
►Circulatory system is open
Subphylum Vertebrata/Craniata
C. Class Subphylum
Features A. Class Gastropoda B.Class Bivalvia (Pelecypoda) Features Subphylum Cephalochordata Superclass Pisces Superclass Tetrapoda
Cephalopoda “Urochordata”

Class Pisces Class Amphibia Class Reptilia Class Aves - Birds Class Mammalia

►Swim bladder is a hydrostatic organ: ►Epidermal exo skelton of

►Lower jaw is composed of 1
>can change the gravity of fish >fill itself feathe rs
Excretory System N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
with gas (O2, CO2, N2) so fish can
►Skeleton is mostly bony N/A
►Endoskeleton is light due to
large bone&arti culates with
the skull
float&sink inH2O air spaces in bones

►These are warm-

blooded(homeothermic) ►Have muscular
Skeleton ►Respiration by Gills in larval ►Circulatory system has 4 diaphragm(separates thoracic
►Mostly by gills Network of blood stages ►Reptiles are Cold- chambered heart and Abdominal
Nervous System N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
capillaries ►Respiration by lung and skin blooded(poikilothermic) ►Right Aorta curves to right cavities)►RBCs are non-
in adult side & th- en bends backwards nucleated►Warm-
►Lungs have extentions blooded(Homeothermic)
called air-sacs

►No bladder
Muscular System N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ►Kidneys of fish N/A N/A
►Urine is semi-solid

►Notochord & Nerve

►Nerve cord and Notochord present through
Locomotion N/A N/A N/A cord only in free-
out life
N/A N/A N/A ►Highly Developed N/A
swimmi ng larvae

Specialities N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

►The 4 limbs are modified

Nervous System into wings for flying
►Have limbs in place of fins ►Hind limbs for: >perching
►Adults are sessile
► SHELL: Body is covered ►SHELL: >Much ►Limbs are usually >running
& are enclosed in c ►Fins Two types: >Paired fins: these are
with a coiled one piece shell ►SHELL: Body is enclosed by two reduced >Internal four(tetrapod) ►Well-devel- oped limbs for ►Modern bir ds have pow er
Other Characters ►Animals can withdraw itself pieces of shells >So they are Bivalv- es >Absent in most
overing called N/A pec toral&pelvic >Unpaired: These are do
►Some are legless locomotion n of flight
“tunic”So call rsal,caudal(ta il)&anal fins
into the shell cases eg.Caecilians ►Others: have vestigial
►Webbed fe et often prese nt wings(unflya ble)
►In Penguin: Flippers for

►Have deciduous and

►Hibernate in winter
permanent teeth
►Heart has two chambers, with: ►Heart is 3 chambered & has: ►Ventricle of heart is incomple
►EAR: >External ear or pinna
>afferent >efferent branchial system >two atria >one ventricle telly partitioned
Economic Importance N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
►swim bladder may or maynot be >>sinus venosus& truncus ►But in crocodiles it is
is present >Middle-ear is tube-
like >Chain of 3 bones in
connected to pharynx arteriosus are present >Double completely pa rtitioned into 2
internal ear: Malleus,Incus &
circulate- on

►By mammary glan d,

females nuse the ir young
►Organ of voice is called
►Heart is 4 chamb ered
►Include 3 classes: >Cyclostomata ►Amphibians are Cold- Syrinx >present at lower end
N/A N/A ►Hibernate in winter >There is left aortic arch(in
►Loligo (squid) >Chondrichthyes>Osteichthyes Blooded (poikilothermic) of brochi near orin of the 2
birds there is right)
►Sepia (cuttlefish) brochi
►Have larynx and epiglottis as
►Octopus (In
the voice apparatus
invertebrate es,
largest complex &
►Group amphi bians are first
►Helix Aspe rsa (Garden ►Mytilus (Marine muss el) highly develop ped N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
land vertebrate s
Examples snail) ►Anodonta (Freshwater mussel) brain is of octopus&
►Limax (Slug) ►Ostrea (Oyster) is enclosed in shell-
►Ostrich (running)
like case of Cartilage) ►Lizards
►Kiwi (running)
►Giant squid ►Snakes
>largest inver tebrate ►Tuatra (sphenodon) (In New
►Frogs & Toads (tailless) ►sparrow
anima- l >length upto Zealand)
15m(50 feet)
Examples ►Molgula ►Amphioxus ►Newts and Salamander
►Crocodiles (modern birds
►Kestrel N/A
(tailed) ►Kingfisher
derived from it)
6. Subclasses Of Class Pisces 7. Subclasses Of Class Mammalia
Features A. Cyclostomata B. Class Chondrichthyes C. Class Osteichthyes Features A.Sub-Class Prototheria B. Sub-Class Metatheria C. Sub-Class Eutheria
►Most primit ive living vert
►Egg-laying mammals ►Most primitive next to
Common Name ibrates ►Also called: “Cartilaginous Fishes” ►Bony fishes Common Name ►Have both reptile&mam mal character ► prototheria
►Placental Mammals
►Are without Jaws
Habitat N/A N/A N/A Habitat ►Some Aquatic e.g >Duck bill platypus N/A ►Live in all kinds of habitat: land,freshwater r,sea etc
>Echidna (Spiny ant-eater)

►Body is long& eel-like ►placoid sca les; absent

►Body fusiform ►In some: hair are modified into: >scales (pangolin) >Spines
Organization Symmetry ►Scales are absent ►Placoid scales on body
►Have Dermal scales.These are: >ganoid Organization Symmetry ►Thick fur on the body N/A
►No paired Appendages >cycloid>ctenoid scales.

Size N/A N/A N/A Size N/A N/A N/A

►No stomach in digestive ►No separate opening for digestive and ►Have abdominal pouch: “marsupium”
Digestion system
►Digestive system with J-shaped stomach N/A Digestion urinogenital systems ►Here they bring up their young(develop to maximum)

►Fertilization is external
►Sexes are separate (in ►Sexes are separate
►Sexes are separate
Reproduction lampreys)
►Oviparous or viviparous
►Gonads paired Reproduction N/A N/A ►Viviparous (give birth to young)
►Hag fishes are ►Fertilizationusually external

►During developme nt, placenta is formed through wh ich the

►long larval perio d in lampr-
Development eys
N/A N/A Development N/A N/A fetu s is nourish ed
►Complete developme nt takes pla ce in uterus of mother

►During development, they feed on milk produced by milk

Nutrition N/A N/A N/A Nutrition N/A
glands of mother
►Placenta pro vides max. nourishment to developing embryo

Transport N/A N/A N/A Transport N/A N/A N/A

►Cartilaginous skeleton ►More or less bony skeleton

Skeleton ►Cartilaginous Skelton
►No swim bladder ►Replaced by cartilaginous skeleton
Skeleton N/A N/A N/A

►Circulatory system has many pairs of aortic arches

►Respiratioon by means of gills coverd
Respiration ►Six to fourteen pairs of gills ►Respiration by means of 5-7pair of gills without the covering
with Operculum
Respiration ►Has diaphragm N/A N/A
i.e. Operculum

Excretory System N/A N/A N/A Excretory System N/A N/A N/A

Nervous System N/A N/A ►Brain with 10 pair of cranial nerves Nervous System N/A N/A N/A

Muscular System N/A N/A N/A Muscular System N/A N/A N/A

Locomotion N/A N/A ►by fins, both: >median (single) >paired Locomotion N/A N/A N/A

►Mouth is termin- al
►Jaws are with & without teeth ►Animals have cloca and cloacal
Specialities ►Heart is with one auricle ►Mouth ventral olfactory sacs not connected to mo- uth cavity
►Two chambered heart with: >one atrium
Specialities opening
>one ventricle

►Swim bladder present &with or with out ►Mammary glands present without
►Nipples of mil or mammary glands are present in mars upium. ►Placenta has endocrine function (ie produces hormo
Other Characters N/A N/A connection to pharynx Other Characters nipples
>Therefore, they are called: “Marsupials or Pouched mammals” nes).For this reason, they are called placental mammals
►Notochord may remain in parts ►Heart has left Aortic arch
SHARKS: >destroy fish lobster&crabs >Used as food by man
Economic Importance N/A >Shark liver oil is source of Vit amin A & D >Shark skin lea ther N/A Economic Importance N/A N/A N/A
is used for making articles
►Sharks (largest living vertebrates) >reach30-50 feet in length ►Whale
►Trout fish ►Opossum
►Lampreys ►Skates and Rays: Can be: >Sting rays: have large whip-like ►Duck bill Platypus ►Horse
Examples ►Hagfish tail&sharp spi nes >Electric rays: Dorsal muscle modified into
►Plaice Examples ►Echidna (Both found in Australia)
►Perch ►Tasmanian Wolf (These are fo und in: >Australia >America
electric organ >give severe electric shock ►Mice

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