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Elementary School

3/4/14 Hope College

Teacher’s Name Teacher’s Signature Date School

Administrator’s Name Administrator’s Signature Date

Goal Statements & Rationale Strategies (Plan of Action) Documentation/Criterion for Timelines for Goals and
Evaluation Strategies
Goal 1: I will grow in my -Read Teach Like a Champion by -Use weekly/monthly reports & On-going throughout the school
professionalism by incorporating a Doug Lemov, a comprehensive reviews to analyze student year (monthly)
new teaching technique to close the resource full of concrete & specific progress and growth. -Each month choose one to two
achievement gap every month. For teaching techniques that help -Make analytical notes and reflect new techniques to use.
example, these techniques can be create successful learning on student behavior after using -Continue to use each new
Cold Call, Exit Ticket, Post It environments. each technique technique as school year goes on—
(objective visible to students), -Use one or two new techniques building my teaching strategies to
Formative Matters, etc. each month in my daily create a successful learning
teaching routine. environment.
-Collect & analyze student data
-Use data driven instruction to plan from assessments to determine the
lessons that meet the individual needs of each student. On-going throughout the school
Goal 2: I will be able to differentiate needs of my students. -Research innovating strategies to year (weekly)
instruction more effectively in -Record student data and slightly meet these needs & document my -Assess students weekly to
order to help each student reach change expectations/tasks in order results of using these strategies collect data for my plans for
their highest potential. to meet the student’s individual -Document evidence of instruction.
needs student growth.
-Let my students choose how to
meet objective (poster, test, writing,
etc.—they choose what words best -Write & document each connection On-going throughout the school
Goal 3: I will use more integrated for them) that can be made between unit plans year (timeline based on length of
lesson plans in my students’ —make a chart of related objectives unit plans)
education. Therefore, my students -Find & make connections that can -Assess the students’ ability to -Find connections between unit
will make connections between be made for each unit plan of make the connections between the plans from different subject areas
different subjects. different subjects. two objectives of the different to create integrated lesson plans.
-Create lesson plans that can cover subjects after integrated lessons
two objectives from different are
subject areas. taught.

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