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Lesson 1: Ballroom (Cha Cha Cha)

The term is being applied these days to a variety of dancing styles

between two participants - a 'leader' and a 'follower.' Ballroom dancing
requires a significant degree of physical contact across their upper or lower
bodies or limbs between these two participants (Realbuzz, 2000).
Most ballroom dancing is non-choreographed, though it has a range of
ancient customs and rules of etiquette that you should try to understand
before you go to dance. Dancers also require a degree of knowledge of phase
placement, so the leader can direct the follower in every pass.
Compared to other styles of dance it is a very low impact practice and
therefore health benefits include:
Builds a stronger heart - Regular ballroom dancing can lead to a
slower heart rate, as well as lower blood pressure and a more balanced 5
level of cholesterol.
Burns calories - Ballroom is known for its ability to burn off calories,
with a one-hour session consuming up to 800 calories, depending on
the dancing 's strength.
Cross-training – If you're on a steady path back from a serious sporting
injury, a ballroom dance spell might be suitable in moderation to help
you recover general body mobility and prevent loadbearing on the

Lesson 1: Ballroom (Cha Cha Cha)

The term is being applied these days to a variety of dancing styles
between two participants - a 'leader' and a 'follower.' Ballroom dancing
requires a significant degree of physical contact across their upper or lower
bodies or limbs between these two participants (Realbuzz, 2000).
Most ballroom dancing is non-choreographed, though it has a range of
ancient customs and rules of etiquette that you should try to understand
before you go to dance. Dancers also require a degree of knowledge of phase
placement, so the leader can direct the follower in every pass.
Compared to other styles of dance it is a very low impact practice and
therefore health benefits include:
Builds a stronger heart - Regular ballroom dancing can lead to a
slower heart rate, as well as lower blood pressure and a more balanced 5
level of cholesterol.
Burns calories - Ballroom is known for its ability to burn off calories,
with a one-hour session consuming up to 800 calories, depending on
the dancing 's strength.
Cross-training – If you're on a steady path back from a serious sporting
injury, a ballroom dance spell might be suitable in moderation to help
you recover general body mobility and prevent loadbearing on the

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