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Unit 1 Lesson 1

Where does energy

come from? (1)
Part 1 Warm up

• What things in the picture are

sources of energy?
• What things use energy?
Part 2 Let s learn

windmill sailboat wind farm wind

Part 2 Let s learn

1. How do sailboats use the wind to move

across water?

2. Why do you think people are interested

in wind energy?

3. Why do we say that wind energy is clean?

Part 3 Let s practice

What is Wind Power?

Do you like to fly a kite on a windy day? The kite lifts off
the ground and goes high in the sky. A pinwheel spins in the
wind. Wind blows the seeds from a dandelion. The kite, the
pinwheel, and the seeds are all moved by wind power.
Part 3 Let s practice

Look and check.

Wind power is a source of energy. Getting power from wind is nothing new.
People used wind power long ago. They made sailboats. Later, they built
windmills. Wind turns the blades on a windmill. People used windmills to
pump water or turn grain into flour. Today, we can use wind power to make
electricity. Electricity powers many things in our homes, such as lights and
Part 3 Let s practice

Read and talk

• What are some things that you like about a windy day?

• What are some things that use wind to move?

Part 4 Review

What have you learned about windmills?

Thank you!
See you next class!

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