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Name________________ Score_________

Last name____________ Mark__________


Initial Evaluation
I. Read the text and answer and answer to the questions below.

We have all been there: busy with our jobs and taking care of our families, we have to-do lists a mile long. If we are
lucky, when we stumble into bed at night, we might have crossed off a handful of tasks. We have trouble sleeping as
we think about all the things we failed to do. For some reason, in the middle of the night, the size of these tasks is
exaggerated. When we get up the next day, we are sleep-deprived and racked with guilt, ready to begin yet another
day of being behind. This vicious cycle goes on day after day, month after month, year after year. In this age of 24/7
connectivity, if we take a "vacation", we continue to do work, and if we don't, we feel guilty. The fatigue,
disorganization, and sense of loss of control usually lead to reduced productivity and quality of our efforts, both
professional and personal. Stress and anxiety take up valuable time and energy. Anxiety eats brain power. How do we
break this cycle? Learning to manage our time, instead of allowing time to manage us, is the key.
There are many management and organization books and other resources. Unfortunately, many make the reader feel
guilty because it is difficult to feel comfortable with you. The key steps to successful time management are the
following:1. set realistic goals, 2. get organized, 3. delegate, 4. relax and recharge and 5. stop feeling guilty.
The implementation of realistic time management plans can improve productivity and quality of life. Accept the fact
that you are not Superman or Superwoman. Find time to relax, including time to do absolutely nothing. Stop feeling
guilty. The result of having adequate downtime is a brain that works better doing both professional and personal time.

1. Why do many people have trouble sleeping? A 0 1 2 3 4 5

2. What are the reasons of reduced productivity and quality of our efforts?

3. What is the key to break the vicious cycle of daily problems?


4. What are the key steps for successful time management?


5. How can we improve the productivity and the quality of our life?

Find synonyms for the following words in text. A 0 1 2

Assignements (n)_______________________________________________
Priceless (adj.)_________________________________________________

Find antonyms for the following words in text. A 0 1 2

To fail (v.) ____________________________________________________
Privileged (adj.) ________________________________________________

Choose the correct variant. A 0 1 2

1. We do not think about all the things we failed to do.
True False
2. You must take big steps and do things.
True False

Think of the title for the text. A 0 2


Choose the correct verb. A 0 1 2

1. We were late. When we _________________, everyone else _______________ their lunch.
a) had arrived, finished
b) arrive, finish
c) arrived, had finished
d) arrived, finished
2. they ___________________ to the airport, when they suddenly ________________ that they had not turned off the

a) were driving, remembered

b) drove, were remembered
c) were driven, remembered
d) drove, remembered.

How can you make our country a better place to live?

In 100 words, express your opinion on the topic using reasons and specific examples to support your ideas.
A012 A0123 A012345 A012345
Barem de notare:
30-28=10, 27-24=9, 23-20=8, 19-16=7, 15-12=6, 11-8=5, 7-6=4, 5-4=3, 3-2=2, 1=1
Barem de corectare
Pentru evaluare inițială
Nr. Right answers P.

I. 1. They think about all the things we failed to do. 0

2. The fatigue, disorganisation, and sense of loss of control. 1
3. Set realistic goals, get organized, delegate, relax and recharge, and stop feeling guilty 2
4. Find time to relax, including time to do absoletly nothing 3
5. The implementation of realistic time management plans 4

II. To- do lists 0

valuable 1

III. manage 0

IV. False 0
True 1

V. 0

VI. 1C 0
2A 2

VII. Se acordă 15 puncte pentru răspunsul corect 0

vocabular-2p. 1
Gramatica-2p. 2
Dezvoltarea ideii-5p. 3
Volum-2p. 4
Ortografie-2p. 5
Argumentarea prin exemple-2p. 6

Barem de notare:
30-28=10, 27-24=9, 23-20=8, 19-16=7, 15-12=6, 11-8=5, 7-6=4, 5-4=3, 3-2=2, 1=1

Matricea de specificaţii la evaluarea subcompetenţelor

evaluării inițiale la limba engleză în clasa a IX-a
organizată în semestrul I, anul de studii 2021-2022
2.1. Prezentarea unor idei, opinii găsite într-un mesaj prin esprimarea atitudinilor personale cu utilizarea argumentelor;
2.2 Prezentarea răspunsurilor asupra unei teme de interes utilizînd vocabularul adecvat, respectînd normele socio-culturale;
3.1 definirea vocabularului necunoscut din context, determinînd semnificația figurată de bază și secundară a cuvintelor
3.2 Deducerea temei și ideii principale a unui mesaj scris;
4.1. Redactarea textelor și a altor texte structurate, utilizînd termenii gramaticali, reguli de punctuație, vocabular, ortografie;
Poate adapta lucrarea la o situație și utiliza vocabularul apropiat situației;
Utilizarea cunoștințelor achiziționate în activități extracurriculare.
- Să exprime opinia proprie utilizînd vocabularul adecvat situației;
- Să identifice sinonimele și antonimele pentru cuvintele date ;
- Să răspundă la întrebări asupra unui text necunoscut;
- Să redacteze un text coerent structurat aducînd argumente și exemple;
- Să aplice regulile gramaticale în enunțuri ( utilizarea timpurilor gramaticale, vorbirea indirectă, pluralul substantivelor,
prepoziția, Infinitivul)
Competenţe vizate
Cunoaştere Aplicare Analiză Sinteză Total
Unitatea de conţinut
Înţelegerea mesajului textului I- 5p 17%

Exprimarea opiniei proprii utilizînd IV-2p 13%

vocabularul adecvat situaţiei V- 2p

Aplicarea regulilor gramaticale II-2p VI-2p 20%


Redactarea unui eseu structurat, aducând VII-15p 50%

argumente şi exemple în sprijinul opiniilor
Total punctaj 9p 4p 2p 15p 30p

Total % 30% 13% 7% 50%


A elaborat Grușca Dumitru

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