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Communication is the key to moving forward and the most important aspect in this world not

only to see and hear other perspective but also to have a good relationship between you and
In everyday of our life, we use this method to communicate and have good manners and
conduct using of this to have a long conversation among the group of friends, instructor
especially our family. Having this technique is a unique and most efficient method to be part of
a group. This communication leads us to a better thinking on how to handle situational actions.
Having everyone opinions is good especially if we are in team because communicating in every
member can help our team grow more and even solving the problem of one can be solve
through ideas and other opinions. Everything we use, we solve even we calculate needs an
attendance of this method because this communication is unerasable and always exist.
Communication is highly effective when someone approach or even you’re having a small talks
or even long conversation. Communication is everywhere so we don’t think or see that we’re
communicating already. Communication is valuable and unpredictable things or words in this
world it can change our life together, forever. Communication is efficient and exaggerated
indeed. When solving a problem with your classmates’ communication already existed. Even
though your alone communication with your brain is already there not that you’re crazy but
only brainstorming. Everyone has a different type of communication or different technique
when communicating. Solving a problem is not easy when other members are not
communicating when the problem is hard to solve it when there is a good communication it is
good to have more suggestion and ideas. It is more effective when you share and show the right
timing of actions when its needed. It also depends on the situation even right now. even
through social media we call our family, friends. in every corner in this world even mole needs a
connection to value and see what’s on your back.

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