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Soil Science 22

Laboratory Exercise No. 3



Soil weathering is a natural process that refers to the breakdown and alteration of soil
material through physical, chemical, and biological means. Over time, weathering can
significantly alter soil texture and structure, nutrient content, and overall fertility. Effective
soil management practices can slow the rate of weathering and help maintain healthy,
productive soils. This is particularly important in areas where soil erosion and weathering
may be more prevalent due to climate or land use practices. Effective soil management
practices include reducing tillage, practicing crop rotation and cover cropping, applying
organic amendments like compost or manure, and using appropriate fertilization and
irrigation techniques for the specific soil type and crop needs. By implementing such
practices, farmers and land managers can preserve the long-term productivity of highly
weathered soils and minimize negative environmental impacts associated with soil
degradation. Overall, understanding the processes of soil weathering and taking steps to
manage it properly is essential for ensuring sustainable agriculture and protecting our natural
resources for future generations. Proper management of soil weathering can improve crop
yield and sustainability while minimizing negative environmental impacts. Furthermore,
studying soil weathering and its effects on nutrient availability, water retention, and plant
growth can lead to the development of new management strategies that are more effective,
efficient, and environmentally friendly. Ultimately, the importance of soil weathering in
agriculture and ecosystem health cannot be underestimated. In conclusion, soil weathering is
a complex and dynamic process that affects soil structure and fertility over time through
physical, chemical, and biological means. Thus, soil management practices are crucial for
minimizing the negative impacts of soil weathering and maintaining healthy, productive soils.


Part I. Hydrolysis of Feldspar

First, 100 mL of distilled water was placed in two Erlenmeyer flasks. Second, 4 drops
of phenolphthalein indicator were added and boiled. Third, when water is already clear after
boiling, 0.5 g of powdered feldspar was added (or 2g powdered feldspar containing rock) to
one of the flasks and then will continue boiling. If potassium (K) is released, then water
becomes basic and it turns pink. Data gathered are recorded and tallied in a table (Part I.
Hydrolysis of feldspar). to organize and analyze information fully.

Part II. The release of nutrients from minerals in soils by weathering.

To start, 5 g (1 level teaspoon) of the two soils were added in separate small 100 mL
beaker. Then, 50 mL of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid was added and mixed by swirling. Next, heat
just to the boiling point on a hot plate. Next, the filtrate was filtered and collected by a clean
beaker. Next, each filtrate will be tested for the following nutrients.
a. Calcium (Ca) - Take 1/2 test-tubeful of filtrate. Then, add 5 drops of 1N NH4OH solution
and then 5 drops of saturated ammonium oxalate and swirl. A white precipitate is calcium
oxalate. The amount of calcium present may be judged by the amount of precipitate.
b. Phosphorus (P) - collect 5 ml of filtrate in two test tubes. Add 5 drops of Reagent "C"
(ammonium molybdate + ascorbic acid). Data gathered are recorded and tallied in a table
(Part II. Release of nutrients from soils). to organize and analyze information fully.

Part III. Evaluation of the degree of chemical weathering of soils

By using the total elemental analysis of basalt and of the two soils (Andisol and
Ultisol) derived from it in Mt. Pangasugan, the gains and losses of major elements (oxides)
are then calculated during weathering by completing the table (Part III. Evaluation of the
degree of chemical weathering of soils). Data gathered are recorded and tallied in a table to
organize and analyze information fully.


Part I. Hydrolysis of Feldspar

Flask Containing Color After Boiling K Content

Water Clear None

Water + powdered rock Clear None

Part II. Release of nutrients from soils

Soil Relative amount of Ca Relative amount of P

1 (Sandy) Positive relative amount of Ca None

2 (Clayey) Positive relative amount of Ca Positive relative amount of P

Part III. Evaluation of the degree of chemical weathering of soils

Elements Fresh Andisol Ultisol Corrected Corrected Gains / Losses of Elements

in rocks Basalt (%) (%) amount Amount
and soils (%) Andisol Ultisol Andisol Ultisol
(%) (%)
Absolute %, of Absolut %, of
Amount orig. e orig.
amount Amount amount
SiO2 49.9 39.1 36.7 25.8 24.2 -24.1 48.3 -25.7 51.5

Al2O3 21.8 33.0 32.8 21. 8 21.7 -0.02 0.09 -0.15 0.7

Fe2O3 9.18 14.17 13.81 9.35 9.11 0.17 1.85 -0.07 0.76

CaO 9.64 1.12 0.11 0.74 0.007 -8.9 92.32 -9.57 99.27

MgO 3.66 1.46 0.39 0.96 0.26 -2.7 73.77 -3.40 92.90
Na2O 3.63 1.15 0.11 0.76 0.07 -2.87 79.06 -3.56 98.07

K2O 1.42 0.14 0.04 0.09 0.03 -1.33 2.82 -1.39 97.89

P2O5 0.39 0.17 0.07 0.11 0.05 -.028 28.21 -0.34 87.18


1. Why are highly weathered soils generally redder in color than less weathered soils.

-There are many factors contributing to soil colors, such that different processes cause
the soil to change in color and other mineral substances present in the soil. The color of soil
tells us the important characteristic of the soil such as its processes and age. Reddish colors
indicate good drainage and aeration of the soil, allowing the existence of oxidizing conditions
to form oxides and soils with good drainage indicates highly weathered soils.

2. In Part III, which soil is more weathered? Why?

-The SiO2 in andisol and ultisol; there is a higher elemental loses in SiO 2 for both
andisol (-24.10 and ultisol (-25.7) because applying the basic principle stated on the
laboratory guide, the higher the elemental losses means more intensive weathering, thus SiO 2
is more weathered than the other elements present on rocks and soils.

3. Which soil released more Ca and P in Part II? Why?

Clayey soil released more Ca and P because after adding the solution for determining
the relative amount of calcium, it has more precipitate of calcium oxalate and after adding the
Reagent “C” the filtrate developed a deeper blue color indicating higher presence of
phosphorus than the sandy soil. And it is also because of clayey soils, its clay particles have a
large surface area relative to their mass thus resulting to higher nutrient-holding capacity.

4. How does climate (temperature and rainfall) affect weathering?

Climate (temperature and rainfall) affects weathering, because as a potent greenhouse

gas, atmospheric carbon dioxide also traps heat from the sun. And a warmer Earth increases
the rate of chemical weathering both by causing more rainfall and by speeding up the
chemical reactions between rainwater and rock.

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