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Name: Alpha Nicole C.

Arirao Date: 09-11-23

Grade & Section: 12 - Stem Alcala Teacher: Mrs.Darlene P. Baldera

Activity 2: Understanding the text

ASSESSMENT 2: Do as instructed.

2a. VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Define the meaning of each word based on how it is used in the
paragraph given.

1. stock (paragraph 1) the ethnic or racial origin or background of the Filipino people
2. piousness (paragraph 2) a strong devotion to religious beliefs and practices
3. culminated (paragraph 4) reach the highest point or to result in a final outcome
4. interspersed (paragraph 1) scatter or distribute something among other things
5. prominent (paragraph 11) well-known, important, or easily noticeable

2b. LET'S CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING: On a separate sheet, answer each question in a
complete sentence.

1. Based on the given selection, what are some foreign influences that the Filipinos inherit from
various colonizers?
- Based on the given selection, some foreign influences that Filipinos inherit from various
colonizers include Chinese (close family relations), Spanish (piousness and Christianity),
American (English language proficiency), and various cultural elements from a history of
Western colonial rule.

2. What are some positive Filipino traits mentioned in the text?

- Positive Filipino traits mentioned in the text include bayanihan (spirit of kinship and
camaraderie), close family relations, hospitality, and proficiency in English.

3. What does the expression "East meets West in the Philippines" mean?
- The expression "East meets West in the Philippines" means that the Philippines is a place
where Eastern and Western cultures have come together, resulting in a unique blend of
cultural elements from both regions.

4. In terms of religion, how do you characterize Filipino people?

- In terms of religion, Filipino people are characterized as predominantly Roman Catholic, with
historical influences from Islam, Protestantism, and independent churches such as Aglipay
and Iglesia Ni Kristo.
5. What makes you proud of being a Filipino?
- I am a proud Filipino. Being Filipino often stems from a deep appreciation for the country's
rich cultural heritage, strong family values, and the enduring sense of community that
characterizes Filipino society. Filipinos take pride in their resilience, their ability to find joy
and positivity even in challenging circumstances, and their unwavering support for one
another. The country's diverse and vibrant traditions, from festivals to cuisine and music,
contribute to a unique cultural identity that many hold dear. Additionally, a sense of pride
arises from the nation's history of heroic figures and the Filipino people's contributions to
various fields, both within the Philippines and on the global stage. Lastly, the warm
hospitality and genuine friendliness of Filipinos are often cited as reasons for being proud of
this unique cultural identity.
6. If there is something you want to improve as a Filipino, what will it be?
- Improvement is a continuous process, and while every individual's perspective may vary,
there are several common areas that many Filipinos aspire to enhance. One key aspect is
the socio-economic disparities within the country; many hope for more equitable access to
education, healthcare, and economic opportunities to uplift marginalized communities.
Environmental conservation is another concern, with a desire for more sustainable practices
to protect the country's natural beauty and resources. Additionally, there's an ongoing effort
to combat corruption, improve governance, and ensure a more transparent political
landscape. Lastly, fostering unity and understanding among the diverse cultural and
linguistic groups in the Philippines is a shared goal, promoting a stronger sense of national
identity and cohesion.

7. How are the different foreign influences reflected in the history of the Philippine literature?
- The history of Philippine literature reflects a tapestry of foreign influences that have
woven together to create a uniquely Filipino literary tradition. Spanish colonization left a
profound impact, introducing Christianity, the Roman alphabet, and a wealth of literary
forms such as corridos, komedya, and the zarzuela. American colonial rule introduced
English as a medium of instruction, leading to the emergence of a body of work in
English, alongside the continued development of literature in Spanish and indigenous
languages. Japanese occupation during World War II also influenced literature through
wartime narratives. Beyond colonial influences, pre-colonial folklore and oral traditions
continue to shape Philippine literature, blending with external elements to produce a rich
array of literary works that reflect the country's cultural and historical complexities. This
diversity of influences has given Philippine literature a unique and multifaceted
character, with each era adding its own layer to the literary landscape.

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