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Part I. Book Report

Title: Five Feet Apart Author: Rachael Lippincott, Mikki Daughtry, Tobias
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Year of Publication: November 20, 2018


MAJOR PROTAGONI Stella Grant - She is a seventeen-year-old girl who has cystic fibrosis (CF) and
ST one of the central characters in the story. She is determined, organized, and
focused on her treatment and maintaining a strict routine. Stella dreams of
getting a lung transplant and living a long life. She becomes the love interest
of Will Newman.

ANTAGONIS Cystic Fibrosis - Cystic fibrosis serves as a major obstacle and source of
T conflict in the story. It poses constant health risks and limitations for both
Stella and Will, making it difficult for them to be together and live normal lives.

MINOR PROTAGONI Will Newman: Will is a teenage boy who also has cystic fibrosis. He is
ST rebellious, artistic, and has a cynical outlook on life due to the limitations
imposed by his illness. He becomes involved in a romantic relationship with
Stella, despite the risks of cross-infection that come with their disease.

T Nurse Barb - Nurse Barb, while not necessarily an antagonist in the strictest
sense, is a strict enforcer of the hospital rules and policies. She disapproves of
Stella and Will's relationship and makes it difficult for them to spend time
together. Her strictness and adherence to protocols create additional
obstacles for the protagonists.

Poe Ramirez - Poe is Stella's best friend and fellow CF patient. He is

outgoing, humorous, and serves as a source of support and encouragement
for Stella. Poe is also in a same-sex relationship with his boyfriend, Charlie.

II. SETTING: Time: Snowfall at hospital Place: Saint Grace’s Hospital

Type: Internal and external conflicts
The problem: The main conflict revolves around Stella and Will's desire to be together while managing their
cystic fibrosis (CF). The strict infection control policies of the hospital and the risk of cross-infection make it
challenging for them to have physical contact. They must navigate their feelings for each other while
maintaining their health and following the rules.

In the novel "Five Feet Apart," the solution to the conflict revolves around Stella and Will finding a way to
express their love and be together while still prioritizing their health. They come up with the idea of using a pool
cue to measure the "five feet apart" distance, ensuring they maintain a safe distance from each other. This
allows them to have limited physical contact and share moments of closeness while minimizing the risk of

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Stella and Will cross paths at the hospital and are immediately drawn to each other.
Despite the inherent risk of cross-infection between CF patients, they make a daring
decision to challenge the rules by maintaining a distance of "five feet apart" instead
of the recommended six. This initial action sets the stage for their relationship and
establishes the central conflict of the story.

Stella and Will meet at the hospital and are drawn to each other. Despite the risk of
cross-infection, they decide to challenge the rules by keeping a distance of "five feet
apart" instead of the recommended six. Stella and Will cross paths at the hospital
and are immediately drawn to each other. Despite the inherent risk of cross-infection
between CF patients, they make a daring decision to challenge the rules by
maintaining a distance of "five feet apart" instead of the recommended six. This initial
action sets the stage for their relationship and establishes the central conflict of the
Stella and Will's relationship deepens as they spend time together, sharing their fears
and hopes. They support each other in managing their illness and find solace in their
connection. They face disapproval from people like the strict nurse Barb and must
navigate their feelings while adhering to the hospital's strict policies.

The climax of the story is the pivotal moment where Stella falls through the ice during
a spontaneous adventure with Will. This incident poses a significant threat to Stella's
health and puts their relationship to the ultimate test. The climax intensifies the
emotional stakes and raises questions about the future of their connection and their
ability to continue defying the rules.

ACTION Following the climax, the falling action focuses on the aftermath of Stella's accident.
The characters are forced to confront the consequences of their actions and evaluate
the risks involved in their relationship. The hospital staff, including Nurse Barb,
becomes stricter in enforcing the rules, creating additional challenges for Stella and

The denouement of the story occurs as Stella's health deteriorates, leading her to the
top of the hospital's roof, where she realizes the importance of following the
guidelines to protect her life. This realization impacts her perspective on her
relationship with Will and forces her to make difficult decisions regarding their future

In the conclusion, Stella and Will must come to terms with the reality of their situation.
The story highlights the power of love and connection in the face of adversity but also
acknowledges the importance of personal responsibility and prioritizing one's health.
The conclusion may offer resolution to some aspects of the story while leaving room
for interpretation and speculation about the characters' futures.
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Love and Sacrifice: The story delves into the complexities of love and the sacrifices Stella and Will are willing
to make for each other despite the challenges posed by their illness. Living in the Present: The characters
learn to appreciate the importance of living in the present moment and making the most of the time they have
together. Overcoming Obstacles: The novel highlights the resilience and determination of the protagonists as
they navigate the difficulties of their illness and strive to find ways to be together.


The point of view in the given text appears to be from a first-person perspective, primarily focusing on the
thoughts, feelings, and experiences of Stella, one of the main characters in the story. The narrative allows
readers to gain insight into Stella's emotions, her interactions with others, and her perspective on the events
unfolding around her.


1. Love has the power to transcend physical boundaries and challenges.

2. Personal connections and relationships can provide strength and support during difficult times.
3. Illness and adversity can lead to personal growth and self-discovery.
4. Breaking the rules and taking risks can lead to both positive and negative consequences.
5. Every moment and connection in life is precious, regardless of its duration.



Cystic Fibrosis and its impact on Hospital policies regarding CF The importance of empathy and
daily life: The novel may make patients: The book may present understanding: The novel may
claims about the factual aspects of claims about the policies and convey a claim about the value of
cystic fibrosis, such as its protocols implemented in hospitals empathy and understanding
symptoms, treatments, and the for patients with cystic fibrosis, towards individuals with chronic
challenges it presents in the daily specifically regarding infection illnesses, emphasizing the need
lives of those affected by it. control measures and restrictions for compassion and support.
on physical contact between

X. LANGUAGE GROWTH (words, expression, idioms)

1. Word: Common ground
Meaning: Shared interests, beliefs, or opinions that people can agree on.
Sentence: "We've finally found common ground. I stand, taking a deep breath as I pull the strap of my
portable oxygen farther up on my thin shoulder."
2. Word: Whizz
Meaning: To move or pass quickly with a buzzing or humming sound.
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Sentence: The familiar hallways whizz by, everything seeming too bright, too whitewashed to make out
3. Word: trot
Meaning: To run or move quickly and lightly.
Sentence: Abby ran off and found me the final gift of that day. The best I'd ever receive in all my years at Saint
Grace's. Abby trotted back down the brightly colored hallway of the children's ward.
4. Word: livid
Meaning: Extremely angry or furious.
Sentence: I'm still livid over my fight with Will.
5. Word: Straddling
Meaning: Being caught between two opposing or conflicting situations or positions.

Sentence: "Leaving me straddling the in-between."

1. "Human touch. Our first form of communication," she says, her voice loud and clear. She takes a deep
breath, her new lungs working wonderfully.
As seen in "Five feet apart" by Rachel Lippincott, Chapter 30
2. "I got your cartoon. You're forgiven."
As seen in "Five feet apart" by Rachel Lippincott, Chapter 12
3. _"Lungs for Stella. Get back now."
As seen in "Five feet apart" by Rachel Lippincott, Chapter 26
4. "And I give it to her. I give everything I have to her, the girl that I love"
As seen in "Five feet apart" by Rachel Lippincott, Chapter 29
5. "My beautiful, bossy Stella" and "I will love you forever.
As seen in "Five feet apart" by Rachel Lippincott, Chapter 29


 Do you find the novel beautiful? Why?
 Would you recommend the novel to be read by others? Why?

The ‘’Five Feet Apart’’ book explores themes of love, sacrifice, and living with chronic illness. It delves into the
emotional journey of the protagonists and their desire to connect despite the challenges they face. The novel's
portrayal of cystic fibrosis and its impact on the characters' lives has resonated with readers who appreciate its
realism and ability to shed light on a lesser-known illness. The characters' struggles, resilience, and personal
growth throughout the story can evoke empathy and inspire readers. The book's engaging and emotional
storytelling, combined with the forbidden romance aspect, keeps readers invested in the narrative. It explores
the complexities of relationships and the significance of human connection. I recommend the novel to others to
read because engaging and emotional Story, unique perspective on CF and explores themes love and
resilience. It is advisable to read reviews, consider personal interests, and explore similar themes to determine
if "Five Feet Apart" aligns with one's.


 Include relevant details about who the author is and where he/she stands in the genre or field of
inquiry- link the title to the subject to show how the title explains the subject matter
 What is the main argument or thesis of the book?
 What important idea/s would the author want you to get?
 Is the author successful in conveying his/her ideas/arguments to the audience?
 What is the author’s style of writing?
 How are the characters developed?
 What is the structure of the plot?

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"Five Feet Apart"

Author: Rachael Lippincott, Mikki Daughtry & Tobias Iaconis

The complexities of love, friendship, and resilience are explored in depth in Rachael Lippincott's gripping
young adults book, Five Feet Apart. Anyone who loves heartwarming stories about the human experience
should definitely read this. In this tale set within the confines of a hospital environment, we follow the struggles
faced by Stella and Will: two young people battling cystic fibrosis. To minimize their chances for infection due
to proximity, they must always keep at least 5 feet apart. Both navigating their feelings for each other and
dealing with the challenges of their illness. Readers are provided thought-provoking narrative as Lippincott's
novel skillfully delves into the emotional journey of its characters.

The importance of human connection and love as a means to conquer physical barriers is showcased
prominently in Five Feet Apart. Valuing every moment and finding hope during adversity are pointed out as
crucial by the author. The message conveyed by Lippincott through Stella and Will's changing relationship is
that love can blossom, bringing comfort despite adversity.

Lippincott's successful communication of her ideas and arguments is attributed to her engaging writing style.
Readers can vividly imagine the hospital setting and empathize with the characters' experiences thanks to her
descriptive prose. Narrating the story from Stella and Will's perspectives allows for an understanding of their
thoughts,fears,and desires as offered by the author. This generates a profound emotional attachment between
readers and characters.

The development of characters in Five Feet Apart is characterized by depth and authenticity. While navigating
the intricacies of their condition along with forbidden feelings for one another, Stella and Will go through
personal development. By introducing supporting characters like Poe, Abby, and Stella's parents into the
narrative, the story gains depth and develops further.

Each chapter of the story follows a structured yet captivating narrative arc that concentrates on specific events
while also developing characters to build up both emotional intensity as well as suspense. This story reaches
its pinnacle as we watch these character's bonds being put to a test. At this stage, their relationship
experiences a turning point. The resolution concludes in a fulfilling way with potential for hope and future
prospects still remaining.

A young adult novel that tackles serious themes with sensitivity and authenticity, Five Feet Apart succeeds.
Lippincott's capacity to tackle the difficulties of coping with a chronic disease, especially cystic fibrosis,
promotes awareness and encourages compassion among readers. The book is a prompt to value the small
instances in life and treasure the relationships we form with other people.

Fundamentally, Five Feet Apart is an emotional powerhouse of a book that brilliantly depicts the importance of
both love and human connection. This unforgettable and compelling read of the novel is thanks to Rachael
Lippincott's adept storytelling, engaging writing style, and well-developed characters. The book Five Feet Apart
will have a long-lasting impact regardless of whether you enjoy young adult fiction or stories about resilience
when facing difficult situations.

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Name: Eric Alvarado Saludares Strand: 11-STEM

Date submitted: june 27 2023

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