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Lesson Plan – Dynamics

Date – 9/22/22
Class – High School Choir
Learning Objective:
Students will be able to define dynamic markings in their musical score, as well as sing them in
a manner that is reflective of the composer’s intention.
Music Standards: MU:Pr4.1.7: Identify expressive qualities in a varied repertoire of music that
can be demonstrated through prepared and improvised performances.
Social Emotional Learning Standards: 3C.5b: Plan, implement, and evaluate one’s participation
in a group effort to contribute to one’s local community.
Materials Needed:
- “Lights” Sheet Music
- Pencils
- Power Point Presentation
o Dynamic Definitions / Symbols
o Learning Objective
o Standards
o Measure Numbers
- Smart Board / Smart Pen
- Vocal Warm-Ups:
o “Yaw-ah” – Start at a volume 2.
o “Itty-Bitty” – Start at a volume 4.
o “Nya” - Start at a volume 6.
o “Yo-Yo-Ma” – Start at a volume 8.
o “Me-May-Ma”
 Start at a volume 2.
 Crescendo to a volume 8.
 Decrescendo back to a volume 2.
- Sing Through Lights without any dynamics.
o Be sure to use your pencils to mark any trouble spots as you sing through it.
- Provide students with a Power Point with all of the musical markings found in the
o List of dynamic markings.
o Definitions of their meanings.
- Ask students to look through their music:
o Can anyone point out dynamic markings for me?
o Where are they in your music?
 Speak in page number / measure number.
- Higher Thinking Questions:
o Why do you think that the composer chose those dynamics?
o What is the composer trying express?
- What trouble spots did you mark in your music?
o Why do you think this was problematic?
 Run through / fix.
- Sing through the piece with dynamics / issues addressed.
- Ask students if they felt the difference when they added dynamics.
o Musically?
o Emotionally?

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