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Expérience Professionnelle Anglais

I'm currently on my second BTS MCO year. I am working for Lidl which is located in Merignac.

I’m on sandwich courses that-is-to-say 1 week per month I’m at school and the rest of theme at work.

My company is located in Merignac said as given earlier and was established in 2012 since then continues to be

I found this company by my self, by sending an application letter and a CV to « Indeed ». Subsequently, I was
contacted by IFP business school, o ering me to join their business school in order to be able to join Lidl.

I am more than 30 kilometers to get to work, so 60 kilometers for the day. The working hours are divided into two
parts, either from 6 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. or from 1:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

When I arrived, I was trained at the cash desk. Then trained on all positions in the store. I spent a lot of time in the
Fruits & Vegetables section, which is called the Fresh section at Lidl.

Within the company, I hold the position of head cashier, which consists of taking care of the cashiers. It begins by
taking the safe of the company then by the distribution of the money boxes then the permanent control of the
I have been in this position for more than 1 year now. This position is the real job of my work-study program.

My store manager manages more than 35 employees

In this job what I like a lot is the autonomy that has given me. When I hold the position of head cashier, I am solely
responsible for it, it allows me to gain con dence in my profession. In addition, it is a very physical job where we
never stop, we do not see the time passing. On the contrary, what displeases me is waking up early ... I love
working in the afternoon.

I think this job is a success for me because it con rms to me the idea that I like to have responsibilities. I think that
this choice of studies is just to progress faster in a company.

I would like to continue my studies in order to progress further in position and why not continue at Lidl, since I like

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