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Republic of the Philippines

Region IV
Division of Negros Occidental
Technological University of the Philippines

LABORATORY REPORT NO. 1 | 1st Semester


A Laboratory Report Presented to Ms. Jocelyn S. Sorilla, RCh

Physical Chemistry 1



Alcosaba, Dana Mae O.

Pedrajas, Joy D.

Positos, Judy V.


September 8, 2023

A series of four (4) experiments were conducted to explore the fundamental behavior of
gases with a focus on the relationships between pressure, volume, temperature, and the number of
gas molecules. Boyle's Law, Gay-Lussac's Law, Charles' Law, and the Ideal Gas Law were
examined to better understand the behavior of gases under various conditions. The first experiment
established an inverse relationship between pressure and volume of a gas, as predicted by Boyle's
Law. This relationship was graphically represented, showing a strong linear correlation with a
coefficient of determination (R^2) of 0.9997. The results affirmed the reliability of Boyle's Law in
understanding gas behavior under constant temperature and mole count. The second experiment
demonstrated that pressure is directly proportional to absolute temperature, in accordance with
Gay-Lussac's Law. The linear relationship between pressure and temperature was validated with
an R^2 of 0.9974, strengthening the usefulness of Gay-Lussac's Law under conditions of constant
volume and mole count. The third experiment illustrated a direct relationship between volume and
temperature as predicted by Charles' Law. The linear relationship between volume and temperature
had an R^2 of 0.978, further supporting the reliability of Charles' Law when pressure and the
number of molecules were held constant. The fourth experiment showed the direct relationship
between pressure and the number of gas molecules, as described by the Ideal Gas Law. This
relationship was represented graphically, exhibiting a strong linear correlation with an R^2 of
0.9788, emphasizing the accuracy of the Ideal Gas Law under conditions of constant volume and

Gases represent one of the fundamental phases of matter, alongside solids and liquids. The
study of gases enables us to gain insight into the behavior of matter in its most basic form:
individual particles operating independently, largely free from complex interactions and
interferences among themselves. This knowledge of gases serves as a foundational stepping stone
toward our understanding of the significantly more intricate condensed phases (liquids and solids).
In these condensed phases, the principles of gas theory may not yield precise results, but they still
offer a valuable framework to aid us in making sense of the behavior exhibited by these more
complex states of matter (Libretexts, 2023).

Under standard conditions, all gasses exhibit comparable behavior. The variations in their
behaviors arise when the physical parameters associated with the gas, such as temperature,
pressure, and volume, are altered. The gas laws basically describe the behavior of gases and have
been named after the scientists who discovered them (BYJU’s, n.d.).

Boyle’s law, Charles’s law, Gay-Lussac's law, and Avogadro’s law govern the behavior of
gases. These four main laws were combined into a single equation known as the ideal gas equation:

P = pressure in Pascals
V = volume in m3
n = number of moles
R = the gas constant
T = Temperature in Kelvin

An ideal gas behaves as if its molecules occupy zero volume and experience no
intermolecular forces among themselves. While there are no actual gases that perfectly adhere to
ideal gas behavior, numerous gases closely approximate it when subjected to low pressure and
high temperatures. Gases like oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and noble gases are generally regarded
as exhibiting ideal behavior at room temperature and standard atmospheric pressure (Akbar, 2018).

Furthermore, it is possible to establish a mathematical connection between any two

variables, provided that the other two variables are maintained at a constant value. For example, if
the number of moles and the volume of a gas remain unchanged, the pressure of the gas sample is
directly related to its absolute temperature (Yeager, 2004);
P = k T or P1/T1 = P2/T2 (with n and V constant)

These relationships, or gas laws, will be examined in this experiment. Boyle's Law relates
volume and pressure. Boyle's Law states that the pressure (P) and volume (V) of a gas are inversely
proportional when the temperature (T) and the number of gas molecules (n) are held constant.
Mathematically, it can be expressed as;
PV = k or P1V1 = P2V2 (with n and T constant)
Charles' Law explores the relationship between volume and temperature. Charles's Law
states that the volume (V) of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature (T) when the
pressure (P) and the number of gas molecules (n) are held constant. Mathematically, it can be
expressed as;
V = k T or V1/T1 = V2/T2 (with n and P constant)

Gay-Lussac's Law links the relationship of pressure and temperature. Gay-Lussac's Law
states that the pressure (P) of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature (T) when
the volume (V) and the number of gas molecules (n) are held constant. Mathematically, it can be
expressed as;
P/T= k or P1/T1=P2/T2 (with V and n constant)

Avogadro's Law describes the relationship between volume and number or molecules (n).
Avogadro's Law states that the volume (V) of a gas is directly proportional to the number of gas
molecules (n) when the pressure (P) and absolute temperature (T) are held constant.
Mathematically, it can be expressed as;
V/n= k or V1/n1=V2/n2 (with P and T constant)

In the laboratory experiment, a series of meticulously controlled experiments and

measurements was conducted to investigate the properties of gases. The first part of the experiment
Boyle's law was used in investigating the correlation between pressure and volume. Subsequently,
the second part of the experiment explores the relationship between pressure and temperature
through Gay-Lussac's Law. In the third part of the experiment, Charle’s Law was used to link
volume and temperature. Lastly, in the fourth part of the experiment, the Ideal Gas Law, described
how gases behave under various conditions. It relates the pressure (P), volume (V), temperature
(T), and the number of gas molecules (n) in a gas sample.

Through the analysis of data and the application of fundamental gas laws, the researchers
aim to attain a deeper understanding of how gases behave under various conditions. This
knowledge holds the potential to not only enhance comprehension of the physical world but also
to find practical applications in fields such as chemistry, engineering, and environmental science.

As the scientific journey unfolds, it becomes imperative to approach these experiments

with precision and meticulous attention to detail. This approach will enable the researchers to make
valuable contributions to the understanding of the intriguing realm of gases and to advance their
capacity to harness the unique properties that gases possess.

A. Materials

⚫ Pressure Sensor
⚫ Temperature Sensor
⚫ LabQuest 2
⚫ Luer-lock syringe
⚫ Erlenmeyer Flask
⚫ Rubber stopper with two-way valve and plastic tubing with Luer-lock connectors
⚫ 4-L Beaker
⚫ 600-mL Beaker
⚫ Hot plate
⚫ 20-mL plastic Syringe

B. Method

Part One (1) Procedure: Measurement of pressure, P, and volume, V (temperature and number of
molecules constant).

1. Preparation of the closed container

In this experiment, a 20-mL syringe was used for the preparation of the closed container. The
piston of the 20-mL syringe was made sure to be in the right position to ensure there was 20 mL
of air in the barrel of the syringe. Then volume was read through the front edge of the inside black
ring on the piston of the syringe. A syringe was attached to the valve of the gas pressure sensor. A
gentle three-quarter turn should connect the syringe securely to the sensor. The gas pressure sensor
was then connected to the LabQuest 2. Make sure that the closed container is clean and properly
sealed to prevent gas leaks. The container should have a fixed volume that will not change during
the experiment.

2. Set-up of the LabQuest 2

Turn on LabQuest 2. Open the program applications, go to settings, and change the data collection
mode to events with entries. Enter the name (volume) and units (mL), and then select OK.

3. Changing of Volumes

In this experiment, a total of six (6) measurements were used, namely 20 mL, 18 mL, 16 mL, 14
mL, 12 mL, 10 mL, and 8 mL. The adjustment of volumes was done by moving the piston using
a gas syringe.

4. Measuring of the initial conditions

Record the initial volume, pressure and temperature of the air inside the syringe. Make sure the
temperature remains constant throughout the experiment.
5. Measuring the pressure (P)

After changing the volume, allow the system to equilibrate, and then measure the pressure inside
the container using the pressure measuring device. Repeat the process by moving the piston syringe
while collecting the data in 2-mL increments. Record data until you have acquired six

6. Data Collection

Data gathered from this experiment were computed and presented in graphs. Appropriate statistical
treatment used in the study includes the following:

a.) Show the data table of Pressure (atm), Volume (L), and 1/Volume (1/L).
b.) Show the plot of Pressure (y axis, atm) vs. Volume (x axis, L), and the plot of Pressure (y axis,
atm) vs. 1/Volume (x axis, 1/L).
c.) Fit the plot of Pressure (y axis, atm) vs. 1/Volume (x axis, 1/L) with a linear fitting line, and
show the fitting equation and R^2 value on the graph.
d.) PV = k1 (at constant T and n). So, P = k1 * (1/V). The plot of P vs 1/V should be a linear
distribution, and the slope m = k1. Report the k value including the unit.

Part Two (2) Procedure: Measurement of pressure, P, and absolute temperature, T (volume and
number of molecules constant)

1. Preparation of the Water Bath

In this experiment, a water bath was prepared using a 600-mL beaker with water at room
temperature. Then the water was gently heated on a hot plate in a separate large beaker.

2. Preparation of the closed container

An Erlenmeyer flask with a rubber stopper and two-way valve was prepared. It was made sure that
all fittings are airtight, and the rubber stopper was twisted and pushed hard to ensure a tight fit. It
was also made sure that the rubber stopper and the neck of the flask were dry. After this, the valve
was opened and connected to the pressure sensor tubing, which was then closed and connected to
the pressure sensor on the LabQuest 2. Ensure that the closed container is clean and properly sealed
to prevent gas leaks. The container should have a fixed volume that will not change during the
experiment. Break any seals, if any, between the flask stopper and syringe. Ensure that the closed
container is clean and properly sealed to prevent gas leaks. The container should have a constant
amount of gas.

3. Set-up of the LabQuest 2

Turn on LabQuest 2. Open the program applications, go to settings, change the data collection
mode to Selected Events, select OK, and choose change units > K (Kelvin) from the sensors menu,
then select the graph display option.

4. Measure the initial conditions

Record the initial pressure and temperature of the gas inside the container. Ensure that the volume
remains constant throughout the experiment.

5. Adjusting the temperature

Change the temperature of the gas while keeping the volume constant by adding aliquots of warm
water to the water bath by about two Kelvin. Stir the water bath for a uniform temperature.

6. Measure the pressure

After adjusting the temperature, allow the system to equilibrate, and then measure the pressure
inside the container using the pressure measuring device. Repeat the process until six
measurements have been acquired.

7. Data Collection

Data gathered from this experiment were computed and presented in graphs. Appropriate statistical
treatment used in the study includes the following:

a.) Show the data table of Pressure (atm), Temperature (K).

b.) Show the plot of Pressure (y axis, atm) vs. Temperature (x axis, K).
c.) Fit the plot of Pressure (y axis, atm) vs. Temperature (x axis, K) with a linear fitting line, and
show the fitting equation and R^2 value on the graph.
d.) P/T = k2 (at constant V and n). So, P = k2* (T). The plot of P vs T should be a linear distribution,
and the slope m = k2. Report the second k value including the unit.

Part Three (3) Procedure: Measurement of volume, V, and absolute temperature, T (pressure and
number of molecules constant)

1. Preparation of the closed container

In this procedure, a 4-L beaker was filled with room-temperature water and a beaker with warm
water was placed on the hot plate. The Luey syringe was securely attached to the rubber stopper
assembly with a two-way valve with a 3/4 turn. Made sure that all fittings were right. The valve
of the syringe was opened. The pressure sensor was attached to the stopper tubing and connected
to the LabQuest 2. The same goes for the temperature sensor.

2. Set-up of the LabQuest 2

Turn on LabQuest 2. Open the program applications, go to settings, change the data collection
mode to Events and Entry,change events to volume with units (mL), choose change units > K
(Kelvin) from the sensor menu, and choose show graph > graph 1 from the graph menu. Tap the
x-axis and choose temperature. Tap the y-axis and choose volume.

3. Measuring of the initial conditions

Record the initial pressure and temperature of the gas inside the container. Ensure that the pressure
remains constant throughout the experiment. If the pressure changes during the experiment, pull
the piston to expand your volume and go back to the initial pressure.

4. Adjusting the temperature

Change the temperature of the gas while keeping the pressure constant by taking the flask out of
the water bath. Take away some water in the flask, add temperature by adding warm water, and
immerse the flask again. Collect data in increments of 2 Kelvin. Measure the volume after
adjusting the temperature. Measure the volume of the gas inside the container using the volume
measuring device. Ensure that the pressure remains constant during this step. Repeat the process
until six measurements have been acquired.

5. Data Collection

Data gathered from this experiment were computed and presented in graphs. Appropriate statistical
treatment used in the study includes the following:

a) Show the data table of Volume of syringe + flask (L) and Temperature (K).
b) Show the plot of Volume (y axis, L) vs. Temperature (x axis, K).
c) Fit the plot with a linear fitting line, and show the fitting equation and R^2 value on the graph.
d) V/T = k3 (at constant P and n). So, V = k3 * (T). The plot of V vs T should be a linear
distribution, and the slope m = k3. Report the k3 value (including unit) in your report.

Part Four (4) Procedure: Measurement of pressure, P, and number of molecules, n (volume and
absolute temperature constant)

1. Preparation of the closed container

For this experiment, the seal of the flask was broken in order to open the atmospheric temperature.
The piston was extended to the highest graduation of the syringe barrel. It was firmly pressed into
the rubber stop assembly in the flask. The stopcock valve was opened between the syringe and the
flask. The piston was pressed to compress the volume by 4 mL and then close the stopcock valve.
It was kept pressed to enter the total volume of air that had been added to the flask, open the
stopcock valve, and again be pressed in order to compress the volume by a further 4 mL. Then the
stopcock valve was closed. Keep and Enter was selected for the total volume of air that has been
added to the flask. Open the stopcock valve and add another 4-mL volume to the flask. Ensure that
the closed container is clean and properly sealed to prevent gas leaks. The container should have
a fixed volume and a known temperature that will remain constant throughout the experiment.

2. Set-up of the LabQuest 2

Turn on the LabQuest 2. Open the program applications go to setting and change the data collection
mode to events with entry mode, enter the name (Molecules) and leave the field units blank.

3. Measuring the initial conditions

Record the initial pressure inside the container. Ensure that the volume and remain constant.

4. Adjusting the number of molecules

Change the number of gas molecules inside the container while keeping the volume and
temperature constant by adding gas molecules as needed. Open the stopcock valve between the
syringe and the flask. Press the piston to compress the volume by 4 mL, and then close the stopcock
valve. Press Keep and enter the total volume of air that has been added to the flask. Repeat the
process until six measurements have been acquired, then record all the data, including the initial
and final values of pressure and the number of molecules.

5.Data Collection

Data gathered from this experiment were computed and presented in graphs. Appropriate statistical
treatment used in the study includes the following:

a) Show the data table of Pressure (atm) vs. number of moles of total gas in flask (mol).
b) Show the plot of Pressure (y axis, atm) vs. number of moles of total gas in flask (x axis, mol).
c) Fit the plot with a linear fitting line, and show the fitting equation and R^2 value on the graph.
d) P/n = k4 (at constant T and V). So, P = k4 * (n). The plot of P vs n should be a linear distribution,
and the slope m = k4. Report the k4 value (including unit) in your report.
First Experiment

The first experiment establishes the relationship between pressure (atm) and volume (L)
using a Gas Pressure Sensor, while the temperature and the number of molecules are constant. This
experiment examines Boyle’s Law. The data collected are as follow:

Table 1. Pressure and Volume of Six (6) Measurements

Volume (L) Pressure (atm) 1/Volume
0.02 0.8682 50
0.018 0.959 55.56
0.016 1.0682 62.5
0.014 1.2163 71.43
0.012 1.4034 83.33
0.01 1.6689 100
0.008 2.0415 125

The table above corresponds the amount of pressure for each of the six volumes and each
of the inversed volumes. It is observed that as the volume decreases, the pressure increases. On
the contrary, as the inverse volume increases, the pressure also increases. This relationship is
explained by Boyle's Law, which states that the pressure (atm) and volume (L) of a gas are
inversely proportional when the temperature (K) and the number of gas molecules (n) are held
constant. This relationship is graphically represented by the two (2) below.

Figure 1. Relationship between Pressure and Volume in Six (6) Measurements

Figure 2. Relationship between Pressure and Inversed Volume in Six (6) Measurements

Pressure vs. 1/Volume y = 0.0157x + 0.0895

R² = 0.9997

Pressure (atm)



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
1/Volume (per L)

The two figures above display the relationship between quantities. Figure 1 shows a
hyperbolic curve that indicates an inverse relationship between pressure and volume. An inverse
relationship is a situation where if one variable increases, the other tends to decrease. In other
words, when Pressure increases, volume tends to decrease, and vice versa. On the other hand,
Figure 2 shows a straight line that indicates a direct relationship between pressure and the inverse
of Volume. A direct relationship means that both variables increase together or both decrease
together. In a direct relationship, Y increases when X increases. These figures follow the formula
for Boyle’s Law:
PV = k or P1V1 = P2V2 (with n and T constant)

The graph of Figure 2 has a linear fitting line and an R² equation. There is a strong
perfect linear relationship between pressure and the inversed volumes. This relationship is more
than evident as the coefficient determination (R^2) is 0.9997. PV=k, So P= k(1/V). The plot of P
vs. 1/V is a linear distribution, and the slope m=k, is 0.0157 from the equation of the line y =
0.0157x + 0.0895. A coefficient of determination of 0.9999 suggests that the line has a strong
perfect linear relationship between the said two variables, making Boyle’s Law a reliable equation
to be used in solving for pressure and volume in constant temperature and number of molecules.

Second Experiment

The second experiment establishes the relationship between pressure (atm) and absolute
temperature (K) using a Gas Pressure Sensor, while the volume and the number of molecules are
constant. This experiment examines Gay-Lussac's Law which relates pressure and temperature.
The data collected are as follow:
Table 2. Pressure and Temperature of Eight (8) Measurements
Temperature (K) Pressure (atm)
295.2 0.8534
297.2 0.861
298.7 0.8661
298.7 0.8661
299.9 0.87
299.8 0.87
301.4 0.8748
302.5 0.8801

The table above corresponds the amount of pressure for each of the eight (8) temperatures.
It is observed that as the temperature increases, the pressure also increases. This relationship is
explained by Gay-Lussac's Law, which states that the pressure (atm) of a gas is directly
proportional to its absolute temperature (K) when the volume (L) and the number of gas molecules
(n) are held constant. This relationship is graphically represented below.

Figure 3. Relationship between Pressure and Temperature in Eight (8) Measurements

Pressure vs. Temperature y = 0.0036x - 0.1953

R² = 0.9974
Pressure (atm)

294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303
Temperature (K)

Figure 3 shows a straight line that indicates a direct relationship between pressure and the
temperature. A direct relationship means that as one variable increase, the other also increases, and
vice-versa. In a direct relationship, Y increases when X increases. The figure above follows the
formula for Gay-Lussac’s Law. Mathematically, it can be expressed as:
P/T= k or P1/T1=P2/T2 (with V and n constant)
The graph of Figure 3 has a linear fitting line and an R² equation. There is a strong perfect
linear relationship between pressure and temperature. This relationship is more than evident as the
coefficient determination (R^2) is R² = 0.9974. P/T=k (at constant V and n), so P=k(T). The plot
of Pressure vs. Temperature is a linear distribution, and the slope m=k, is 0.0036 from the equation
of the line y = 0.0036x - 0.1953. A coefficient of determination of 0.9974 suggests that the line
has a strong perfect linear relationship between the said two variables, making Gay-Lussac’s Law
a reliable equation to be used in solving for pressure and temperature in constant volume and
number of molecules.

Third Experiment

The third experiment establishes the relationship between volume (L) and temperature (K)
using a Gas Pressure Sensor, while the pressure and the number of molecules are constant. This
experiment examines Charles’ Law. The data collected are as follow:

Table 3. Volume and Temperature of Seven (7) Measurements

Volume (L) Temperature (K)
0.1582 297.2
0.1588 298.7
0.159 300.1
0.16 301.9
0.1607 303.2
0.1616 304.7
0.1623 305.8

The table above corresponds the temperature for each of the seven (7) volumes. It is
observed that as the volume increases, the temperature also increases. This relationship is
explained by Charles's Law, which states that the volume (L) of a gas is directly proportional to
its absolute temperature (K) when the pressure (atm) and the number of gas molecules (n) are held
constant. This relationship is graphically represented below.

Figure 4. Relationship between Volume and Temperature in Seven (7) Measurements

Volume vs. Temperature y = 0.0005x + 0.016

R² = 0.978
Volume (L)

296 298 300 302 304 306 308
Temperature (K)
Figure 4 shows a straight line that indicates a direct relationship between volume and
temperature. A direct relationship is proportional in the sense that when one variable increases, so
does the other. In a direct relationship, Y increases when X increases. The figure above follows
the formula for Charles’ Law. Mathematically, it can be expressed as;
V = k T or V1/T1 = V2/T2 (with n and P constant)

Figure 4's graph features an R^2 equation and a linear fitting line. Volume and temperature
have a strong, perfect linear relationship. Given that R^2 = 0.978, the coefficient of determination
for this relationship is more than clear. V=k(T) because V/T=k (at constant P and n). Volume vs.
Temperature is plotted as a linear distribution, and the slope, m=k, is calculated using the equation
y = 0.0005x + 0.016. Charles' Law is a trustworthy equation to apply for calculating volume and
temperature under conditions of constant pressure and molecular number since it has a coefficient
of determination of 0.978, indicating that the line has a strong perfect linear relationship between
the two variables.

Fourth Experiment

The fourth experiment establishes the relationship between pressure (atm) and the number
of molecules (n) using a Gas Pressure Sensor, while the volume and temperature are constant. This
experiment examines Ideal Gas Law. The data collected are on the table below:

Table 4. Pressure and Number of Molecules for Five (5) Measurements

Pressure (atm) n

0.8865 0.000138

0.9069 0.000277

0.9279 0.000415

0.964 0.000554

0.974 0.000692

The table above corresponds the number of moles for each of the five (5) pressures. It is
observed that as the pressure increases, the number of molecules also increases. This relationship
is explained by Ideal Gas Law, which states that the pressure (atm) of a gas is directly proportional
to the number of molecules (n) when the volume (P) and temperature (K) are held constant. This
relationship is graphically represented below.
Figure 5. Relationship between Pressure and Number of Molecules in Five (5) Measurements

Pressure vs ny = 0.0058x - 0.005

R² = 0.9788
Pressure (atm)

0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98

The straight line in Figure 5 depicts a direct correlation between pressure and number of
molecules. In a direct relationship, one variable increases directly in proportion to the other. In a
straight line, as X rises, Y rises as well. The formula for Ideal Gas Law is shown in the graph above.
In mathematics, it can be stated as;

P/n= k or P1/n1=P2/n2 (with V and T constant)

The graph of Figure 5 has a linear fitting line and an R² equation. There is a strong perfect
linear relationship between pressure and the number of molecules. This relationship is more than
evident as the coefficient determination (R^2) is R² = 0.9788. P/n=k (at constant V and T), so
P=k(n). The plot of Pressure vs. Number of molecules is a linear distribution, and the slope m=k,
is 0.0058 from the equation of the line y = 0.0058x - 0.005. A coefficient of determination of
0.9788 suggests that the line has a strong perfect linear relationship between the said two variables,
making Ideal Gas Law a reliable equation to be used in solving for pressure and number of
molecules in constant volume and temperature.

This laboratory experiment explored the fundamental behavior of gases and how they
relate to the condensed phases of matter. Specifically, it examined the relationship between
pressure and volume of a gas while keeping the temperature and number of molecules constant.
The data collected from this experiment were computed and presented in graphs, and appropriate
statistical treatment was used to analyze the results.

The results of the experiment showed that there is an inverse relationship between pressure
and volume of a gas, as predicted by Boyle's Law. This relationship was demonstrated by the linear
distribution of the plot of pressure vs. volume, which had a slope of -k1. The value of k1 was
determined, indicating that as the volume of the gas decreases, the pressure increases
proportionally. This result is significant because it provides a clear demonstration of the
fundamental gas laws and their predictive power in understanding the behavior of gases under
different physical parameters.

Additionally, the experiment showed that there is a direct relationship between pressure
and the number of moles of gas in the flask, as predicted by Ideal Gas Law. This relationship was
demonstrated by the linear distribution of the plot of pressure vs. number of moles of gas, which
had a slope of k4. The value of k4 was determined, indicating that as the number of moles of gas
in the flask increases, the pressure also increases proportionally. This result is significant because
it provides a clear demonstration of the predictive power of the gas laws in understanding the
behavior of gases under different physical parameters.

Furthermore, the statistical treatment used in the study, including linear fitting and R^2
values, provided a rigorous analysis of the data and ensured that the results were reliable and
accurate. This statistical treatment is important because it allows for a more precise understanding
of the relationship between pressure, volume, and number of moles of gas, and provides a
foundation for further research and experimentation.

Overall, the results of this experiment provide a clear demonstration of the fundamental
gas laws and their significance in understanding the behavior of gases under different physical
parameters. These results can be applied to a wide range of real-world scenarios, from
understanding the behavior of gases in industrial processes to predicting the behavior of gases in
the atmosphere. The statistical treatment used in the study ensures that the results are reliable and
accurate, and provides a foundation for further research and experimentation in this field.

In this laboratory experiment, the relationship between the quantities of volume,

temperature, pressure, and moles for gas was examined. Three different laws of gases were
explored and its different properties was identified through series of investigation. By doing these
investigations, it showed how these laws of gases can play a vital role in our daily activies.

Gas laws are important for drawing conclusions in various scientific and engineering fields.
These laws help to explain the behavior of gases under different conditions, such as pressure,
temperature, and volume. Some of the key gas laws include Boyle's law, Charles' law, Gay-
Lussac's law, and the ideal gas law.

Boyle's law, also known as the pressure-volume law, states that the pressure and volume
of a gas are inversely proportional to each other when the temperature and number of moles of gas
are constant. An example of Boyle's law in daily life is the use of scuba diving tanks. These tanks
contain compressed air, which is at a high pressure when the tank is full. As the diver descends
deeper into the water, the pressure surrounding them increases, causing the air in the tank to
compress. Boyle's law explains why divers need to monitor their air supply carefully and ascend
slowly to avoid decompression sickness. Boyle's law has many practical applications in daily life,
particularly in the fields of diving, pneumatics, and fluid dynamics.

Gay Lussac's law, also known as the pressure-temperature law, states that the pressure and
temperature of a gas are directly proportional to each other when the volume and number of moles
of gas are constant. An example of Gay Lussac's law in daily life is the pressure cooker. When
water is heated in a pressure cooker, its temperature increases, causing the pressure inside the
cooker to increase as well. This increase in pressure allows the water to reach a higher temperature
than it would under normal atmospheric pressure, resulting in faster cooking times. Gay Lussac's
law has many practical applications in daily life, particularly in the fields of cooking, heating, and

Charles's Law is a fundamental principle of thermodynamics that has several practical

applications in our daily lives. From the simple act of inflating a balloon to the complex process
of refrigeration, the law helps us understand the behavior of gases and how they respond to changes
in temperature and pressure. It is a vital concept in the fields of chemistry, physics, and
engineering, and has enabled the development of numerous technologies that we use today. By
understanding Charles's Law, we can appreciate the science behind many everyday phenomena
and appreciate the role of thermodynamics in shaping our world.

The ideal gas law, PV=nRT, is a fundamental equation in thermodynamics that describes
the behavior of gases. It relates the pressure (P), volume (V), temperature (T), and number of moles
(n) of a gas to each other. One example of the ideal gas law in daily life is the use of propane gas
in a barbecue grill. The gas is stored in a pressurized tank, which increases the pressure and
decreases the volume of the gas. When the valve is opened, the gas flows through a regulator that
reduces the pressure and increases the volume of the gas. The ideal gas law explains why the
pressure and volume of the gas change as it flows through the regulator, and why the temperature
of the gas increases as it burns in the grill.
In general, by understanding these laws, scientists and engineers can make predictions
about how gases will behave in different situations. These laws provide a fundamental
understanding of the behavior of gases which is essential for many scientific and engineering


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