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Matter can be roughly divided into three main categories namely gases, liquids, and

solids. These common properties relate to a unique characteristic of

gases: Gas molecules are incredibly far apart and rarely interact with each other.
In solids, the attractive and repulsive forces between molecules—the intermolecular
forces—are so strong they lock the solid into a fixed shape and size, In liquids, the
intermolecular forces are weaker, and liquid molecules can move around each
other. But a liquid's molecules are still close enough that intermolecular forces affect
nearby molecules, A gas’s molecules are so far apart that the intermolecular forces
are negligible, because gas molecules don’t interact with one another, gases don’t
exist as different types like liquids and solids do. The different types of liquids and
solids (such as molecular and network solids) have properties that reflect the unique
ways their molecules interact. As a result, all gases share some common behaviors.
The Ideal Gas Law is a simple equation demonstrating the relationship between temperature, pressure,
and volume for gases. These specific relationships stem from Charles’s Law, Boyle’s Law. Charles’s Law
identifies the direct proportionality between volume and temperature at constant pressure, Boyle’s Law
identifies the inverse proportionality of pressure and volume at a constant temperature (Kevin M.
Tenny; Jeffrey S. Cooper).

Over the past four centuries, scientists have performed many experiments to

understand the common behaviors of gases. They have observed that a gas's
physical condition—its state—depends on four variables: pressure (P), volume (V),
temperature (T), and amount (n, in moles).The relationships between
these variables are now known as the gas laws, which describe our current knowledge
about how gases behave on a macroscopic level(Megan Cartwright, PhD., Anthony
Carpi, PhD, 2010).

Boyle’s data showed that when air was squeezed to half its original volume, it
doubled its pressure. In 1661, Boyle published his conclusion that air’s volume was
inversely related to its pressure. This observation about air’s behavior—and
therefore, gas behavior—is a critical part of what we now call Boyle’s law.
Boyle’s law states that so long as temperature is kept constant, the volume (V) of a
fixed amount of gas is inversely proportional to its pressure (P) (Zumdadi and
Zumdahi, 2014). The concept of boyles law is usually taught in the high school
physics and chemistry classes and experimental verification of the law is an
essential part of the lessons (J. chem. Educ. 2019).
If a fixed quantity of gas is held at a constant pressure and heated or
cooled, its volume will change. According to Charles’ law, the volume
of a gas at constant pressure is directly proportional to the absolute
temperature. (Megan Cartwright, PhD., Anthony Carpi, PhD, 2010).


The main purpose of this study is to observed that a gas physical condition its state
depends on four variables; pressure(P), volume(V), temperature(T), and amount of
(n, in moles). This section examines behavior of gases wherein Boyles and Charles
Law was applied in the bottle experiment with the hot water and ice cubes its

This research study used a experimental approach. Researchers itself do the
experiment at the science laboratory to record and gather data through actual
observation. The was observed by the following procedure;


Figure 1 shows the temperature inside the bottle and it underdoes deformation
process which explain Boyles Law of Gases. Boyles law states that so long as
temperature is kept constant, and that is refers to the hot water poor inside the
bottle, the volume of fixed amount of gas is decreasing to its pressure, that causes
the bottle to deform. It means that the value of one quantity increases with respect
to decrease on other or vice-versa, means that the two quantities behave opposite
in nature.

Figure 2 shows the observed outcome of the bottle and ice cubes. When
researchers put the ice cubes insides the bottle it undergoes deformation process
but it expand to its natural bottle size, which it explains Charles Law of Gases.
Charles law states that if fixed quantity of gas is held at a constant pressure or
cooled, its where will change it become increasing. It means two variables whose
ratio is equal to a constant value etheir they both increases quantity or decreases

This experiment explain the ideal of gasses in each figure of presenting between a
different temperature applied in each of the bottle, Boyles law explain gas pressure
is inversely proportional to the gas volume at constant temperature. It means that
the value of one quantity increases with respect to decrease on other or vice-versa,
means that the two quantities behave opposite in nature while Charles law explain
that the temperature applied affects the volume of the bottle as temperature
increases, the volume increases when pressure is held constant. Heating a gas
increases the kinetic energy of the particles, causing the gas to expand. That was a
direct relationship of volume and temperature of gas. This experiment further
study and observed that a gas's physical condition—its state—depends on four
variables: pressure (P), volume (V), temperature (T), and amount (n, in ). This
research paper focused on determining behaviour of gases behave which apply
and focus only in Boyles and Charles law of gases. This are the research paper that
help helps you to expand your knowledge.


Behaviour of gas molecules depends on the temperature, pressure, volume, and quantity of the
gas molecules, these properties relate to a common set of behaviors called the gas laws. Particles
of a gas are constantly moving and bumping into things. This gives gases pressure.
The gas laws describe the relationship among pressure, volume, and temperature of a
given amount of gas. scientists have performed many experiments to understand
the common behaviors of gases. Researchers have observed that a gas's physical
condition—its state—depends on four variables: pressure (P), volume (V),
temperature (T), and amount (n, in moles; The relationships between
these variables are now known as the gas laws, In this paper researchers conducted an
experiment about behaviour of gases affecting the bottle to deform due to applied temperature
which explain and only focus the two ideal of gas law, the Boyles and Charles law that has a
different theory about the relationship of four variables; pressure, volume, temperature and
number of moles on that experiment. This study used experimental approach which
researchers do the experiment to gather the needed data on this study. The
researchers used water with different temperature trapped inside. The one bottle that has a hot
temperature of water poured and locked it tightly has some changes that further explain to boyles
law of gases states that so long as temperature is kept constant, and that is refers to
the hot water poor inside the bottle, the volume of fixed amount of gas is
decreasing to its pressure, that causes the bottle to deform. It means that the value
of one quantity increases with respect to decrease on other or vice-versa while the
another one bottle that has a extremely cold temperature of ice cubes poured into
its inside and locked it tightly it also has some changes it become deform actually it
expand. The researchers noticed some changes of both two bottle that’ has
different temperature the hot and cold one that explain on the said ideal gas law of
boyles and Charles.

In another study, Schuttlefield, Kirk, Pienta, and Tang (2012) found that similar factors involved
in a symbolic problem affected a students’ ability to complete the problem—label conversions
for temperature, pressure or volume, numbers in scientific notation or not, or gas type (ideal,
mixed, or unknown). The difference is that Schuttlefield and associates looked at the symbolic
level of understanding from a memory load standpoint, while Christopher and associates looked
at it from a student performance standpoint (in context).

West, J.B. (1999). The original presentation of Boyle’s Law. Journal of Applied
Physiology, 87(4): 1543-1545.
 -----. (2005). Robert Boyle’s landmark book of 1660 with the first experiments on rarified
air. Journal of Applied Physiology, 98(1): 31-39.
 -----. (2014). Robert Hooke: early respiratory physiologist, polymath, and mechanical
genius. Physiology (Bethesda), 29(4): 222-233.

 Whitaker, R.D. (1979). The early development of kinetic theory. Journal of Chemical
Education, 56(5): 315.
 Ashkenazi, G., James, S.G., & Jason, D.H. (2008). Similarity and difference in the
behavior of gases: An interactive demonstration. Journal of Chemical Education, 85(1):
 Laugier, A., & Garai J. (2007). Derivation of the Ideal Gas Law. Journal of Chemical
Education, 84(11): 1832.

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