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, the volume of gas is directly related to its number of

b. At constant volume and number of moles, the
temperature of gas is directly related to its pressure
c. At constant volume and temperature, the pressure of gas
is directly related to its number of moles

2. Which of the following expresses an inverse proportionality?

a. As n increases, P increases
b. As n increases, V increases
c. As P increases, V decreases
d. As T decreases, P decreases

Describing Gases
There are three states of matter, namely solids, liquids, and
gases. All states of matter differ in their properties based on the
arrangement of their particles. Solid particles are tightly packed,
usually in a regular pattern, liquid particles are close together with no
regular arrangement, while gas particles are well separated with no
regular arrangement.


Activity 1: FACT OR BLUFF

Directions: Write the word FACT if the statement discusses factual

information and BLUFF if otherwise. Write your answers in your
notebook/on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Gases have low densities.

2. Water vapor is a mixture of gas.
3. Ozone is a gas at room temperature.
4. Gases expand when more pressure is applied.
5. Gases assume the volume and shape of their containers.
6. Gases are the most studied and easily understood states of matter.
7. The higher the temperature of a gas, the slower its particles are
8. Under the normal atmospheric conditions, there are only eight
elements that are gases.
9. At STP, the standard temperature and pressure are 273 K and 1
atm, respectively.
10. Gases are so compressible because they consist mostly of
empty space between particles.

Activity 2: How does gas behave?
(Adapted from: SCIENCE LINKS 10 Worktext for Scientific and
Technology Literacy, Revised Edition)
Directions: Perform the activity below and write your observations
and answers to the guide questions in your notebook/on a separate
sheet of paper

Materials: ordinary party balloon, empty 2-liter plastic soda bottle


1. Push an ordinary party balloon into an empty 2-liter plastic

soda bottle.

2. Stretch the balloon’s mouthpiece over the opening of the bottle.

Blow into the balloon.

3. Blow up an identical balloon outside the soda bottle to serve as

a comparison.

Guide Questions:
1. How big does the balloon in the soda bottle get?
2. How big does the balloon outside the soda bottle get?
3. Explain the difference.
What is

Properties of Gases
Gas is the state of matter that has particles that are freely
moving and are far from each other, which makes them highly
Gases have important fundamental properties that are
measurable such as volume, pressure, temperature, and the amount
of the gas or the number of moles.
Volume, which is one of the measurable properties of gas, is
denoted by the symbol V. It is the amount of space occupied by a gas
sample. Its SI unit is in liters (L). It can also be expressed in millilitres
(mL), cubic centimeter (cm3), cubic meter (m3), and cubic decimeter

1 L = 1 dm3 = 1000 mL = 1000 cm3

Pressure is the next important measurable property of the gas,
which is denoted by the symbol P. Pressure of the gas is the force
exerted by the gas per unit area. In equation:
Pressure (P) = force (F) / area (A)
The SI unit used for pressure is pascal (Pa), named after Blaise
Pascal. This unit is equivalent to force of 1 newton, acting on 1 square

1 Pa = 1 N / 1 m2
Other units of pressure are atmosphere (atm), millimetre of
mercury (mmHg). Torr, bar, kilopascal (kPa), and pounds per square
inch (psi).

1 atm = 760 mmHg = 760 torr = 1.01325 bar = 101.325 kPa =

101.325 x 103 Nm 3


The temperature is denoted by the letter T. The temperature of

a gas depends on its kinetic energy. Gases expand when the
temperature is increased. The temperature of gas is expressed in
Fahrenheit (oF), Centigrade or Celsius (oC), and Kelvin (K).

Though we often use the Celsius degree when dealing with

temperature involving gases, we always express it in Kelvin
temperature. The unit Kelvin was named after Lord Kelvin, a Scottish
physicist who has identified the lowest attainable temperature known
as absolute zero with a value of -273oC, hence, the Kelvin temperature

To convert Celsius to Kelvin, we use the equation K = oC + 273

Amount or Number of Moles

The amount of gas (or mass) is another measurable property of

gas. The mass of the gas is related to its number of moles and is
generally expressed in kilogram (kg) or gram (g).

Number of moles = mass of the gas/molar mass of the gas

In symbols, n = m /M

Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases

The properties of gases can be explained in terms of their

molecular motion. The ideas about molecular motion were developed
into the kinetic molecular theory by Rudolf Clausius, James Maxwell,
and Ludwig Boltzman. The kinetic molecular theory of gases is a
model that could help us understand the behavior of gases. Its
postulates are the following:

1. A gas consists of very small particles. The particles are in constant,

random, and straight-line motion.
2. The particles of a gas are separated by distances much larger than
their size. The attractive forces between particles are negligible,
and the particles act independently of one another.
3. The gas particles collide with each other and with the walls of the
container in a perfectly elastic manner. After each collision, the
total energy of the system is the same.
4. The average kinetic energy of the gas particles is proportional to
the absolute (kelvin) temperature. As the temperature increases,
the gas particles move faster.

Activity 4. Kinetic Molecular Theory

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is accurate and FALSE if the
statement is flawed. Write your answers in your notebook/on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. The particles are in constant, random, and straight-line motion.
2. The attractive forces among particles are negligible.
3. The average kinetic energy of the gas particles is equal to the
absolute temperature.
4. The collision of the particles with each other and with the walls of
the container changes the kinetic energy of the particles.
5. The particles of a gas are separated by distances much larger than
their size.
6. The gas particle occupies a negligible volume.
7. Collisions among molecules are perfectly inelastic.
8. After each collision, the total energy of the system is the same.
9. The repulsive forces among particles are negligible.
10. At higher temperatures, the collision of the gas particles with
the walls of the container becomes more often and with more
force, thus producing a lesser pressure.

Activity 5: Practice Math

Directions: Solve the following problems. Write your answers in your
notebook/on a separate sheet of paper.

1. A mountaineer experiences a pressure drop as he climbs up a

mountain. On his way up, the pressure drops to 476 mmHg. What
is the pressure in atm?

2. What will be the equivalent value of 87oC in kelvin?

3. What is the amount of gas (in moles) of 13.6 g of NH3?

(N = 14 g/mol, H = 1 g/mol)

Gas Laws
The four measurable properties of gases such as pressure,
volume, temperature, and number of moles are related to each other.
If one of these variables is changed, there is a corresponding change in
other variables depending on its relationship. Gas law equations can
be derived whenever one of these variables is altered.
There are four main gas laws. These are Boyle’s Law, Charles’
Law, GayLussac’s Law, and Avogadro’s Law. The combination of
Boyle’s Law and Charles’ Law is known as the Combined Gas Law
while the relationship between variables used by the four main gas
laws is explained by the Ideal Gas Law.


Activity 6: Match Me
Directions: Identify the given pictures below by choosing the
appropriate answers found inside the word pool. Write your answers
in your notebook/on a separate sheet of paper.

Gas and volume Gas and temperature Gas and Pressure Gas and
amount of gas

A. C.


B. D.

Activity 7:
Directions: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of your
answer in your notebook/on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Combined Gas Law A. Volume is inversely proportional to pressure.
2. Avogadro’s law B. Volume is directly proportional to temperature.
3. Boyle’s Law C. Pressure is directly proportional to
4. Ideal Gas Law D. Pressure and volume are inversely proportional
to each other, but are both directly
proportional to the temperature.
5. Gay Lussac’s Law E. Volume is directly related to the number of
6. Charles’ Law F. Pressure is directly related to mass.
G. Volume is directly proportional to the number
of moles and temperature and inversely
proportional to pressure.

What is

Boyle’s Law
Robert Boyle, an English chemist was the first to investigate the
relationship between the pressure of a gas and its volume at a
constant temperature. Based on his experiment made wherein he
trapped a fixed amount of air in a J-tube and changed the pressure at
a constant temperature, he found out that as the pressure increases,
the volume decreases. He then concluded that the volume occupied by
the fixed amount of gas is inversely proportional to its pressure at a
constant temperature.
Boyle’s Law can be expressed by the following equation:
V at constant T and n
V = volume, P = pressure, T = temperature, n = amount of gas
To change the proportionality, sign to an equal sign, the
proportionality constant k, is introduced
V =k or PV = k
For a given sample of gas under two different conditions at a constant
temperature, the product of pressure and volume is constant, and it is
written as follows:

P1V1 = P2V2
Where P1 and V1 are the initial pressure and volume; P2 and V2 are the
final pressure and volume at constant temperature and the same
amount of gas.
In Boyle’s law, the following formulas are to be used when three
variables are given and one is unknown:

P1 = P2V2/V1 P2 = P1V1/V2 V1 = P2V2/P1 V2 =


gVhLsvtnwPpmDeC6A] Schematic illustration of
Boyle’s Law
A sample of nitrogen gas (N2) has a volume of 12.0 L and a pressure of
760.0 mm Hg. When the gas is released, it gives 32.0 L of nitrogen. If
the temperature is the same, what is the new pressure of nitrogen?

P1 = 760.0 mm Hg V1 = 12.0 L
V2 = 32.0 L
Find: P2

Derive the equation for P2 using Boyle’s law (P1V1 = P2V2)

P2 =
Then, substitute the given values to the equation
760.0 mm Hg x 12.0 L
P2 =
32.0 L
P2 = 285 mm Hg

Kinetic Molecular Theory and Boyle’s Law

The kinetic molecular theory of gas helps us understand the inverse
relationship between pressure and volume. Pressure is created when
gas particles collide with the walls of the container, and every time a
gas particle collides with the wall, it exerts a force on the container
wall. As the average force exerted by the gas particles increases, the
pressure of gas increases, thus decreasing the volume of the gas.
Charles’ Law
French physicist Jacques Charles determined the volume-
temperature relationship in gases. From his experiment on balloons,
Charles observed that, at constant pressure, the volume of gas
increases with every increase in temperature. Also, volume decreases
as temperature decreases.
Charles’ law states that the volume of a fixed amount of gas
maintained at constant pressure is directly proportional to its absolute

Charles’ Law can be expressed by the equation

V T at constant P and n

V = volume, P = pressure, T = temperature, n = amount of gas

To change the proportionality, sign to an equal sign, the

proportionality constant k, is introduced.

V =kT
or k =
For a given sample of gas under two different conditions, you will
arrive at the following equations:

V1 V2
= k and = k
T1 T2
V1 V2
T1 T2
Where V1 and T1 are the initial volume and temperature; V2 and T2 are
the final volume and temperature at constant pressure and the same
amount of gas
In Charles’ law, the following formulas are to be used when
three variables are given and one is unknown:

V1 = V2T1/T2 V2 = V1T2/T1 T1 = V1T2/V2 T2 =

Schematic diagram of Charles’ Law
A mountain climber inhales 484.0 mL of air at a temperature of -
10.0oC. What volume (in mL) will the air occupy in the mountain
climber’s lungs if his body temperature is 37.0 oC assuming that the
pressure remains the same?


V1 = 484.0 mL T1 = -10.0oC

T2 = 37.0oC
Find: V2

Change the temperature to Kelvin when they are given in


T1 = -10.0oC + 273 = 263 K

T1 = 37.0oC + 273 = 310 K

Rearrange the gas law and derive the equation for V2,
then substitute the given values.

V2 =
Then, substitute the given values to the equation
484.0 mL x 310 K
V2 =
263 K
V2 = 570.49 mL ≈ 570 mL
Kinetic Molecular Theory and Charles’ Law
From the kinetic molecular theory, the average kinetic energy of gas
particles is directly proportional to the temperature of a gas. The
particle’s average kinetic energy is related to its speed. When the
temperature of the gas is increased, the particles move at higher
speed. This results in frequent collision of the particles with the walls
of the container, so the gas particles exert a greater force on the walls.
Gay-Lussac’s Law
The person who is credited with the determination of the
temperaturepressure relationship in gases at constant volume is
Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac. He deduced that the pressure of the gas is
directly proportional to its temperature.
Gay-Lussac’s Law states that, at constant volume, the pressure
of a fixed amount of gas is directly proportional to the absolute

Gay-Lussac’s Law can be expressed by the equation

P T at constant V and n

V = volume, P = pressure, T = temperature, n = amount of gas

To change the proportionality sign to an equal sign, the

proportionality constant k, is introduced
P =kT or k =
For a given sample of gas under two different conditions, you will
arrive at the following equations:

P1 P2
= k and = k
T1 T2

P1 P2
T1 T2

Where P1 and T1 are the initial pressure and temperature; P 2 and T2

are the final pressure and temperature at a constant volume and the
same amount of gas
In Gay-Lussac’s law, the following formulas are to be used when
three variables are given and one is unknown:

P1 = P2T1/T2 P2 = P1T2/T1 T1 = P1T2/P2 T2 =

DYk4mMvrsiZ9vuqm6 Schematic diagram
of Gay Lussac’s Law
What will happen to a can of paint spray containing only the
propellant at a pressure of 750.0 torr at 30.0 oC if it is thrown into a
heap of garbage burning at 165.0oC?


P1 = 750.0 torr T1 = 30.0oC + 273 = 303 K

T2 = 165.0oC + 273 = 438 K

Find: P2

Derive the equation for P2 using Gay-Lussac’s law (P1/T1 =


P2 =
Then, substitute the given values to the equation
750.0 torr x 438 K
P2 = = 1,084 torr
303 K
Combined Gas Law
Boyle’s Law and Charles’ Law can be combined and treated as a
single law, called the combined gas law, which describes the pressure-
volume-temperature relationship of a constant amount of gas.
The pressure and volume of a gas are inversely proportional to
each other, but are both directly proportional to the temperature of
that gas.
Translating it to mathematical equation:

V or PV T or PV = constant

= k

At constant n, or mole, the equation is:

P1V1 P2V2
T1 T2
Where P1, V1 and T1 are the initial pressure, volume and temperature;
P2, V2 and T2 are the final pressure, volume and temperature at
constant amount of gas
In Boyle’s law, the following formulas are to be used when five
variables are given and one is unknown:
P1 = P2V2T1/V1T2 V1 = P2V2T1/P1T2 T1 = P1V1T2/P2V2
P2 = P1V1T2/V2T1 V2 = P1V1T2/P2T1 T2 = P2V2T1/P1V1
A 20.0 mL bubble is released from a tank at a pressure of 4.0 atm
and a temperature of 10.0oC. What will be the volume of the bubble
when it reaches the water surface, where the pressure is 1.0 atm and
the temperature is 19.0oC??

P1 = 4.0 atm T1 = 10.0oC V1 = 20.0 mL P2 = 1.0 atm T2 =
19.0oC Find: V2
Change the temperature to Kelvin when they are given in
T1 = 10.0oC + 273 = 283 K T 2 = 19.0oC +
273 = 292 K Derive the equation for the unknown from the combined
gas law

V2 =
P2 T1
Substitute the values, then solve for the unknown
(4.0 atm)(20.0 mL)( 292 K)
V2 = = 82.5 mL (1.0 atm)(283 K)
Avogadro’s Law
When you inflate a balloon, its volume increases because you
add more air molecules. If the balloon has a small hole, the air leaks
out and causes the air volume to decrease. Amedeo Avogadro, an
Italian chemist and physicist, formulated the Avogadro’s Law, which
states that at constant temperature and pressure, the volume of a gas
is directly related to its number of moles.
This law is expressed as:

V n at constant P and T

V =kn or k =
n1 n2

Where V1 and n1 are the initial volume and amount of gas; V 2 and n2
are the final volume and amount of gas at constant pressure and
In Avogadro’s law, the following formulas are to be used when
three variables are given and one is unknown:

V1 = V2n1/n2 V2 = V1n2/n1 n1 = V1n2/V2 n2 = V2n1/V1

A weather balloon filled with 2.0 mol helium has a volume of 40.0 L.
To what volume, in L, will the balloon expand if 4.0 mol of helium is
added, to give a total of 6.0 mol of helium keeping the temperature
and pressure the same?

Given: V1 = 40.0 L n1 = 2.0 mol n2 = 6.0 mol

Find: V2
Derive the equation for V2 using Avogadro’s law.
Substitute the given values, the solve for the unknown.

n2V1 (6.0 mol)(4.0 L)

V2 = =
= 12.0 L n1 2.0 mol

Ideal Gas Law

At this point, different gas laws – Boyle’s law, Charles’ law, Gay-
Lussac’s law and Avogadro’s law have been discussed. The equations
representing these laws may be combined to arrive at one equation
that interrelates pressure (P), volume (V), temperature (T) and the
amount of gas (n). This combination gives the expression called Ideal
gas law. The different equations that comprise the ideal gas equation
are the following:

Boyle’s law: V at constant T and n

Charles’ law: V T at constant P and n

Gay-Lussac’s law: P T at constant V and n

Avogadro’s law: V n at constant P and T

Combining these laws gives a more general equation below:
The proportionality sign can be replaced by an equality sign by
introducing a proportionality constant R:
V =
The constant R is known as the universal gas constant with a
value of
0.0821 L-atm/mol-K.
In the ideal gas law, the following formulas are to be used when
three variables are given and one is unknown:
P = RnT/V n = PV/RT T = PV/nR
6.5 moles of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas are present in a container with
a volume 31.5 L. What is the pressure of this gas in atm if the
temperature is 65oC?

Given: n = 6.5 moles T = 65.0oC + 273 K = 338 K

V = 31.5 L R = 0.0821 atm-L/mol-K

Find: P
Solution: Derive the P from the ideal gas law, then solve for it.
nRT (6.5 moles)(0.0821 atm-L/mol-K)(338
P= =
V (31.5 L)

P= 5.73 atm

1. The law which states that temperature and volume of gas are
directly related to each other.
2. The law which states that pressure is directly proportional to
3. Absolute temperature
4. STP means ________ temperature and pressure

Activity 9Problem Solving

Set A:
Directions: Analyze and solve the following problems in your
notebook/on a separate sheet of paper. Show your solutions.

1. At 0oC and 5 atm, a given sample of gas occupies 75 L. The gas is

compressed to a final volume of 30 L. What is the final pressure?

2. A 15 L container is filled with gas to a pressure of 2 atm at 0 oC. At

what temperature will the pressure inside the container be 2.75

3. Under constant pressure condition, a sample of hydrogen gas

initially at 85oC and 7.2 L is cooled until its final volume is 4.1 L.
What is final temperature?

4. The volume of a sample of gas is 750 mL at 60 oC and 0.7 atm. At

what temperature will the sample 1.0 L occupy under a pressure of
1 atm?

5. A balloon containing 2 moles of helium has a volume of 0.8 L.

What would the volume be if 3.5 moles of helium are added to the

6. A sample of gas occupies 10 L of space at STP. How many moles of

gas are present in the sample?

Set B: (Optional)
Directions: Analyze the problem and identify what formula will be
used. Write the answer in your notebook/on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the six gas laws will be used if you are going to calculate
the pressure exerted by a 0.25 mole sulfur hexafluoride in a steel
vessel having a capacity of 1,250 ml at 70oC?

2. If a helium gas has a volume of 250 mL 0oC at 1.0 atm, with a

final pressure which is reduced to 100 mL at 45oC. Which among
the gas laws is to be used to solve the problem?

What I Have
Directions: Complete the summary below by filling in the blank
spaces with appropriate word/words. You may choose the words from
the textbox provided. Word/words can be used more than once. Write
your answers in your notebook/on a separate sheet of paper.

Gas Boyle’s Law perfectly elastic Kinetic

Molecular Theory Volume Charles’ law faster Robert

Boyle amount of gas negligible Gas law equations

total energy average kinetic energy pressure Avogadro’s

law ideal gas law Gay-Lussac’s law related

Combined gas law Temperature Amedeo Avogadro

particles Molecular motion Jacques Charles Joseph



(1)____ is the state of matter which has particles that are freely
moving and are far from each other, which makes them highly
compressible. Gases have important fundamental properties that are
measurable such as (2)______, (3)________, (4)_____, and (5)_____. The
four measurable properties of gases are (6)_____ to each other. If one of
these variables is changed, there is a corresponding change in other
variables depending on its relationship. (7)_______ can be derived
whenever one of these variables is altered.

The gas laws are (8)_____, (9)_____, (10)_____ and (11)______. The
combination of Boyle’s Law and Charles’ Law is known as the
(12)_______ while the relationship between variables used by the four
main gas laws is explained by the (13)____. (14)_____, an English
chemist was the first to investigate the relationship between the
pressure of a gas and its volume at a constant temperature. French
physicist, (15)______ determined the volume-temperature relationship
in gases. The person who is credited with the determination of the
temperature-pressure relationship in gases at constant volume is
(16)_____. (17)_____, an Italian chemist and physicist, formulated the
law, which states that at constant temperature and pressure, the
volume of a gas is directly related to its number of moles.

The properties of gases can be explained in terms of their

(18)____. The (19)_____ of gases is a model that could help us
understand the behavior of gases. Its postulates are the following:

a. A gas consists of very small (20)_____. The particles are in

constant, random, and straight-line motion.
b. The particles of a gas are separated by distances much
larger than their size. The attractive forces between particles
are (21)____, and the particles act independently of one
c. The gas particles collide with each other and with the walls
of the container in (22)______ manner. After each collision,
the (23)_____ of the system is the same.
d. The (24)_____ of the gas particles is proportional to the
absolute (kelvin) temperature. As the temperature increases,
the gas particles move

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