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The axial skeleton consists of the bones of the skull (cranium), vertebral column, ribs, and sternum

The skull has 22 bones, excluding the ossicles of the ear. Except for the mandible, which forms the lower
bones of the skull are attached to each other by sutures, are immobile, and form the cranium. The cranium
subdivided into:
An upper domed part (the calvaria), which covers the cranial cavity containing the brain;
A base that consists of the floor of the cranial cavity; and
A lower anterior part - the facial skeleton (viscerocranium)

+ Base: mental protuberance, mental tubercles
+ Alveolar part
+ Mental foramen, oblique line
+ Head
+ Mandibular notch
+ Coronoid process

The adult sternum consists of three major elements: the broad and superiorly positioned manubrium of ste
the narrow and longitudinally oriented body of sternum, and the small and inferiorly positioned xiphoid p
Manubrium of sternum: jugular notch
Body of sternum
Xiphoid process
Sternal angle

There are twelve pairs of ribs, each terminating anteriorly in a costal cartilage
Although all ribs articulate with the vertebral column, only the costal cartilages of the upper seven ribs, kn
true ribs , articulate directly with the sternum. The remaining five pairs of ribs are false ribs
A typical rib consists of a curved shaft with anterior and posterior ends. The anterior end is continuous wi
costal cartilage. The posterior end articulates with the vertebral column and is characterized by a head, ne
Posterior end
- Head: crest, 2 articular facets
Tubercle: articular part, nonarrticular part
Shaft: angle, costal groove
Anterior end: costal cartilage

Vertebral body
Vertebral arch
- Pedicle: superior vertebral notch, inferior vertebral notch ->intervertebral foramen
- Lamina
- Process: Spinous, transverse, superior articular, inferior articular
Vertebral foramen -> vertebral canal

Foramen transversarium
CI vertebral (Atlas): 2 lateral masses, anterior arch (facet for dens), posterior arch
CII vertebral (Axis): dens

2 demifacets: the superior costal facet articulates with part of the head of its own rib; the inferior costal fa
articulates with part of the head of the ribs below
An oval facet (transverse costal facet) articulates with the tubercle of its own rib

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