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It is often claimed that carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels cause a significant
hazard to human health. Most of the emissions come from transport systems that use huge quantities
of fossil fuels. In the lecture, which was dedicated to this very topic, two methods were defined con-
cerning the ways how government can help to reduce the Carbon Footprint in big cities. The present
essay is aimed at figuring out the effectiveness of two proposed methods.

The first option is to lower the ticket price of public transport. It can motivate people to take public
transport instead of driving. Compared with driving alone, taking public transportation drastically
reduces CO2 emissions, decreasing pollutants in the atmosphere and improving air quality. It is
worth saying that the transport system should be arranged to meet all the needs of the citizens - new
routes, upgrading of public vehicles.

Providing people with bike sharing is the second successful method to cut CO2 emissions. Riding a
bike helps not only to avoid Carbon Footprint but also to maintain people’s well-being. Bike shar-
ing should be located within walking distance. This environment-friendly decision is money-con-
suming, however, it can help to avoid carbon emissions completely.

Summing up, I find the first method to be more reliable and easily implemented. In addition, plenty
of homes aren't within walking or cycling distance of offices or schools, that is why the first option
is more convenient for locals.

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