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You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic.

Art is regarded as an important part in the culture of many countries in the world.
However, more and more children seem to be less interested in art and thus it is
important for us to promote art at school. Do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.

Bài đồng ý hoàn toàn:

In recent years, there has been a growing concern 1 that children are becoming less
interested in the arts. Some argue that this is due to a lack of exposure2 to the arts in
schools, and that we need to do more to promote the arts in education. I strongly agree
with this notion. In this essay, I will provide arguments and examples to support my

In my opinion, art is an important part of the culture in many countries around

the world, and it is essential to promote art in schools. Firstly, I strongly believe that
art plays a crucial role in improving the mental well-being of students, especially after long
and stressful hours of study. Engaging4 in artistic activities can help students relieve 5
stress and anxiety6, enhance their creativity, and promote a sense of calm and relaxation.
This can ultimately lead to improved academic performance and a more positive outlook
on life. Secondly, learning art at school with the guidance of a teacher is easier than
learning it on their own at home. Students have opportunities to access a variety of art
forms and techniques such as painting, music, or dance. The teachers who guide them
have a wealth of experience and can help students to explore their artistic interests and
abilities in a supportive environment. Moreover, art in education is evident 7 with the rise
of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) programs instead of
STEM nowaday. The value of incorporating8 arts into STEM subjects, STEAM education

Lo ngại rằng
Tiếp xúc
Engaging in: tham gia vào
Dịu đi, giảm (căng thẳng/đau)
Lo âu
Hiển nhiên
Sự kết hợp
Nhấn mạnh – Very important or worth giving attention to
emphasizes9 the importance of creativity and artistic thinking alongside scientific and
technical skills. This holistic10 approach11 to education at school allows students to
develop a well-rounded12 set of skills that are valuable in the modern world.

On the other hand, there are several arguments that it is not important to promote
art at school. In fact, people have this opinion because of some following reasons.
Firstly, many people prioritize13 science and technical subjects over art. They believe that
these subjects will lead to better job opportunities and success in the modern world, for
example software developer, data scientist, etc. Additionally, some believe that art is a
talent that only certain students possess, and that it is not suitable or relevant for all
students. However, prioritizing science subjects may lead to better career opportunities,
but disregarding14 arts education might cause excessive 15 stress and affect students'
mental health. Integrating art into both academic and extracurricular activities can
promote a well-rounded development for students. Hence 16, creating an environment in
schools that fosters17 the exploration and development of students' artistic skills
becomes imperative18.

In conclusion, it is crucial to have more activities promoting artistic development in

schools to help students develop comprehensive 19 skills and maintain20 good mental
well-being, fostering long-term happiness and positivity 21.

Mở rộng: Bài đồng ý 1 phần (trong trường hợp đề cho mở rộng)

Toàn diện
Phương pháp tiếp cận
Toàn diện
Ưu tiên
Bỏ qua
Nghiêm trọng
Do đó
Nuôi dưỡng
Cấp thiết
Toàn diện
Duy trì
Tính tích cực
Lo ngại rằng
In recent years, there has been a growing concern 22 that children are becoming less
interested in the arts. Some argue that this is due to a lack of exposure23 to the arts in
schools, and that we need to do more to promote the arts in education. While I agree
that the arts are important, I do not believe that schools are solely24 responsible for
fostering25 an appreciation26 of the arts in children.

On the one hand, it is certainly true that schools play an important role in shaping
children's attitudes toward the arts. When children are exposed 27 to music, theater,
dance, and visual arts in school, they are more likely to develop an interest in these
areas and to see the value in them. Moreover, the arts can be an important tool for
enhancing children's creativity, critical thinking skills, and ability to express themselves.
By promoting the arts in schools, we can help children to develop these important skills
and to become more well-rounded individuals. For example, in recent years, there has
been a significant emphasis on Science, Technology, Art, Engineering, and Mathematics
(STEM) education instead of STEM.

On the other hand, however, I do not believe that schools are solely responsible for
fostering an appreciation of the arts in children. Parents and caregivers also play a
critical28 role in shaping children's attitudes toward the arts. If parents take an active
interest in the arts themselves and encourage 29 their children to do the same, children
are more likely to develop an interest in the arts. Additionally, there are many
opportunities for children to engage with the arts outside of school, such as attending
concerts and plays, visiting museums, and taking art classes.

In conclusion, while it is important to promote the arts in schools, I believe that we

should not place the entire burden of fostering an appreciation of the arts on schools
alone. Parents, caregivers, and the wider community also have a critical role to play in
this regard. By working together, we can help children to develop a lifelong love of the
arts and to reap the many benefits that come with it.

Tiếp xúc
Duy nhất
Thúc đẩy đổi mới
Sự đánh giá cao
Tiếp xúc, khám phá
Quan trọng (trong vai trò quan trọng)
Khuyến khích
B2 (n) stæns/stance (on something) the opinions that somebody has about something and expresses publicly

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