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Anievas, Maria Estrella E.

ARC1602: Section 4
Ar. Elmer Soliman

Far Eastern University

With the help of a reputable group of academics from the Department of Economics at
the University of the Philippines, Dr. Nicanor Reyes' idea for Far Eastern University began as
an ideal goal in 1928.

A time of personal development and self-discovery is university. Given that I've been
attending Far Eastern University for nearly seven years and reside in Manila to attend FEU,
there is already a strong likelihood that it could have an impact on my life. As a student, FEU
introduced me to a wide variety of individuals, perspectives, and ideas, which contributed to
my own growth. My perspectives have been broadened by this exposure, which further
encouraged my critical thinking. The difficulties and accomplishments I faced while attending
FEU might have helped in my character development and personal improvement. Life skills
like time management, stress management, and overcoming challenges in the classroom are

Spirit of the place:

The IARFA Building: As I previously stated, the fact that

I have been a student at FEU for so long establishes a
connection between myself and the IARFA Building. It
became essential to my development and to my college
experience. IARFA Building became my home because
I spend more time there than at my own house.

Freedom Park: Freedom Park also became a part of

my college experience because it is where I frequently
stay when I have free time or when I need to unwind
after a long day. The ideal location for relaxing, getting
together with friends or group members, and spending
time under the shade of trees is here. Students can
reduce stress from their academics thanks to the
environment's peacefulness and quiet.
Anievas, Maria Estrella E.
ARC1602: Section 4
Ar. Elmer Soliman

Cultural Significance:

Historical:The Campus itself- FEU's long history has left a lasting impression on people given
that it continues to operate as a university. In the middle of Manila, on the FEU campus, the
Kempetai headquarters were established when the Pacific War started. Along with stealing
the lives of the great founder and several of his family members, the enemy troops also burned
and destroyed the university's documents and buildings.

Aesthetic Value/Historical: The Buildings- FEU's buildings have unique compositional

characteristics that emphasize the campus' identity. The largest collection of Art Deco
buildings still standing in Manila is thought to be on the FEU campus. It was given an
Honorable Mention nomination by UNESCO for the 2005 Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for
Culture Heritage Conservation.


• Far Eastern University. (2023, August 8). The Story of FEU • Far Eastern University.
• Ryanl. (2020, October 31). TAMbayan: 5 spots we miss most in FEU campus |
Lifestyle.INQ. Lifestyle.INQ.

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