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Name ___________________________ Date ___________

Match each cause to its effect.

why it happened what happened

Cut out the sentence strips. Then match each cause
to its effect on the worksheet provided.

she forgot her the soccer game

lunch at home was canceled

he had a
she was hungry

he fell off of his

it was raining

he scraped his he ate too many

knee pieces of candy
Answer Key  

Match each cause to its effect.

why it happened what happened

the soccer game

it was raining
was canceled

she forgot her

she was hungry
lunch at home

he ate too many he had a

pieces of candy stomachache

he fell off of his he scraped his

bike knee
Name ___________________________ Date ___________  

Match each cause to its effect.

why it happened what happened

Cut out the sentence strips. Then match each cause
to its effect on the worksheet provided.

you did not hear you completed

the directions your homework

you are late to you studied all

school week

you are prepared you were talking

for school during class

you do not hear you got a 100 on

your alarm go off the test
Answer Key  

Match each cause to its effect.

why it happened what happened

you were talking you did not hear

during class the directions

you do not hear you are late to

your alarm go off school

you completed you are prepared

your homework for school

you studied all you got a 100 on

week the test
Name ___________________________ Date ___________  

Match each cause to its effect.

why it happened what happened

Cut out the sentence strips. Then match each cause
to its effect on the worksheet provided.

you had to wear it was snowing

shorts outside

you had to wear you had to use

sunglasses an umbrella

you had to wear

it was hot outside
snow boots

it was really it was raining

sunny outside outside
Answer Key  

Match each cause to its effect.

why it happened what happened

you had to wear

it was hot outside

it was really you had to wear

sunny outside sunglasses

it was snowing you had to wear

outside snow boots

it was raining you had to use

outside an umbrella
www.teacherspaytea Store/graphics-from-the-pond


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