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Introduction j

Theme 1 : Myself and Friends Topics i) My Best Friend 1

ii) My Birthday 5
Theme 2 :My Family Topics i) Going out with my family 6
Theme 3 :My home Topics i) Things we have at home 9
Theme 4 :My School Topic i) People and Objects in
my school 13
Theme 5 : Community Workers Topics i) The Baker 17
ii) Dentist 20
Theme 6 : Celebrations Topic i) Christmas 21
Theme 7 : Community Workers Topic i) The Postman 24
ii) The policeman· 27
iii) The Fisherman 30
Theme 8 : Plants in Our Environment Topic i) Plants 34

II) t How Pumpkins Grow 36

iii) Fruits 37

Theme 9 : Animals in Our Environment Topic i) Animals that live on land 38

ii) Animals that live in water 42

iii) Animals that fly 45

Theme 10 : Transportation in our Environment Topic i) Transportation on Land 48

ii) Transportation on~

Ri¥eJs vv :J<yJ. 52

iii) Transportation by Air. 55

Thanks are extended to the following persons for their involvement in the preparation of the Curriculum Guide - Nursery
Year 2.

1. Professor Jaipaul Roopnarine - Department of Child and Family Studies Unit.

~· yracruse University, New York.
2. Mr. Mohandatt Goolsarran -Director. National Centre for Educational Resource Development.
3. Ms. Juliet Sowdagar -Former Lecturer, University of Guyana .
4. Ms. Alexia Kwong - Former Lecturer, Cyril Potter College of Education.
5. Ms. Claudith Thompson - Lecturer, University of Guyana.
Guyana Representative - Caribbean Centre for Excellence in Teacher Training
6. Ms. Ingrid Trotman -Lecturer, University of Guyana .
7. Ms. Ingrid Barker - H'3ad (ag) Curriculum Development a nd Implementation Unit.
8. Ms. Patricia McPherson - Curriculum Spec ialist
9. Ms. Shondell Hercules - Senior Mistress - Anna Regina Nursery School. Region 2.
10. Ms. Lorraine Barker -Senior Mistress - St. Gabriel 's Nursery School. Georgetown.
11. Ms. Elizabeth DaCosta -Senior Mistress - Starters Nursery School. Georgetown.
12. Ms. Banmattie Persaud -Nursery Field Officer/Head Mistress Enterprise Nursery School, Region 4.
13. Ms. Christina Persaud - Head Mistress- No.2 Nursery, Ca nje, Region 6.

Developed By : Florence Sukhdeo

National Curriculum and Materials Advisor,
Basic Education Access and Management Support Programme.

The Nursery Curriculum has grown and changed since September, 1976. We have gained new insights into
what nursery teachers need to know and do and we have applied them in this Curriculum Guide using the
Guyana Curriculum Standards as the base. These standards are in keeping with the Caribbean Standards.
Helping teachers to organize their classrooms into learning centres and using them effectively, is the first step in
implementing a Curriculum.
However, much more is required. Teachers need a scope and sequence of skills and concepts to be learned
with specific daily activities.
This curriculum guide is intended to help teachers implement these developmentally appropriate practices.
Since the Nursery Curriculum is based on themes which usually involve a Science or Social Studies thrust e.g
Animals in our Environment, teachers need to know how to purposefully incorporate Literacy, mathematics,
Health and Family Life Education, Music, Movement and Drama, Drawing and Painting and to have ongoing
daily routines and displays.

Ongoing Daily Routines and Displays

It is strongly advised that teachers have morning routine at the beginning of the day. It can be done as the first mini-activity
during Arrival and Free Play. Children should take an active part in these routines, which will provide numerous opportunities
for developing Literacy and Numeracy.

Some suggested experiences

• Greeting children, Connect emotionally with each child
• The Attendance Chart or We are Here Chart.
As soon as children arrive at school they should select their name cards Year 1 children should have a photograph or a
drawing of himself or herself to give him/her a clue (The name should be written in bold script) Year 2 children should
have their names only written in bold script.
Each child should place his/her name Card on Chart. The teacher can see at a glance the children who are present

• The Daily Chart

Today is !Monda~
After discussing the day of the week children can take turns to put up, the day on the chart (Year 1)
Sing the Days of the Week Song (Tune: My Darling Clementine)
There are seven days

There are seven days
There are seven days in a week
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

T· lmP"t"''~,, ,S ay

Year 2 Chart can be extended e.g.

Today is !Monda~
Yesterday was ISunda~
Tomorrow will be tfuesda~

• The Weather Chart

General weather conditions should be recorded each day.
Year 1 children should have a pictorial weather chart with an arrow pointing to the weather e.g. rainy- sunny
Year 2 children should have the sentence.
Today is a lrain~ day <Jlift> /
,:_ • '
Today is a ~ day I? 'V ~ !BJf~
Children can take turns to fix the weather each day.

• The Birthday Chart
After discussing birthdays whenever there is a birthday the child's name and age can be placed on chart e.g.
Today is Pohnl's birthday.
He is [ouo year's old.
Each child can contribute by drawing a picture for the child who is celebrating his birthday
Staple the pages together and give the child a 'Birthday Book' as a gift.

A picture with a birthday cake and four candles can be placed on chart.
• The Calendar &\'e are in the month o~ ~eptembeo
• Pictographs
Birthdays - Number of children who have birthdays each month
e.g. September

•• ·J·,. :~: ..
II j

2 boys 2 girls


.I I. , ,,

2 boys 1 girl
Pictographs should relate to children's interests
Favourite animals
Favourite stories
Favourite rhymes
Favourite toys
Favourite colours
Favourite vehicles

• Symbols of Nationhood
Daily singing of the first stanza of the National Anthem
Reciting the Pledge Daily
Identifying the Flag of Guyana

Identifying photographs of the President, Prime Minister and Minister of Education
Naming your village, town, estate, country
Naming your school

In addition to Charts and Photographs special displays should be set up throughout the year e.g.
• National Festivals
Mashamani - Phagwah
Christmas - Eid-ui-Fitr
Diwali - Eid-ui-Adha
• Displays related to current themes and topics
{Touch and Feel table. Materials, artefacts to explore freely to gain deeper concept understanding)
• Health and Family Life Education
Personal Hygiene
Discussing daily
Brushing teeth
Combing hair
Wearing clean clothes and shoes
Using 'humour puppets' and stories to model healthy habits

Road Safety/River Safety/Safety on Trails and Tracks
Discussing daily (using puppets and stories to emphasise safety)
Walking on the right hand side of the road
Crossing at the Pedestrian crossing
Safety precautions when travelling in vehicles on the road (keeping heads and hands inside,
wearing seat belts)
Safety precautions when travelling in boats (wearing life jackets)
Safety precautions when walking along trails (looking out for Snakes)

Daily Health Chats during Snack Time

Discussing daily nutritious snacks and observing children's snacks
Practising healthy habits
Washing hands before eating snacks
Using a table mat
Cleaning up after snack time
Using the toilet independently
Washing hands after using the toilet
Using 'Humour Puppets'. What happens when you do not take a bath, eat nutritious snacks.

Children can contribute to charts (Flannel Board) by cutting pictures and placing them in the
appropriate places.

Healthy Foods Not Healthy Foods

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• Job Charts, give each child an opportunity to do tasks e.g.

Share Lunch Kits Water Plants Wipe Tables Share Place Mats

John Mary Jean Michael

- - ---- - - - - - - - -

Theme : Myself and Friends
Topic : My Best Friend

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will : A best friend is the friend you Listening to short stories, Tape Recorder, Cassettes The child can:
- listen to, repeat and like the most. nursery rhymes, songs. Story books, - listen to and repeat short
dramatise short stories, New Vocabulary and Nursery Rhyme Books, stories, nursery rhymes
nursery rhymes, sing Sentence Structures in short Using dress up clothes for Stories, rhymes, songs about correctly.
songs to acquire stories, Nursery rhymes drama Friends.
Standard English songs related to theme/topic. - dramatise stories and
vocabulary and Clapping to music. Dress up clothes for drama rhymes
sentence structures and I have a Best Friend
develop phonemic I have a best friend Imitating actions Home-made percussion - answer questions in a
awareness. Who is standing next to me. instruments. sentence.
Even though we are the best Dancing to music.
of friends - answer 'who', 'what',
I would still rather be me. Identifying rhyming sounds Bulletin Board with 'how', 'when ', 'where',
- identify rhyming sounds and same beginning sounds. photographs of friends. questions about stories.
and initial consonant Sentence Structures
sounds. Q: How many friends do you Giving other words with the Crayons, paper, paste
have? same ending sounds and Chart paper. - participate in discussion
- draw my best friend . beginning sounds. on my friends.
A: I have .. ... friends.
- Cut out and paste on Answering questions in - draw 'My best friend'
chart. Q. Who is your best friend? Standard English.
- trace/ copy sentence
- copy sentence written by A. My best friend is ... .. .. .... Participating in discussion of written by teacher.
teacher. A best friend is someone we 'My Best Friend'
like. - participate in group
- Discuss Helping a friend. Drawing My Best Friend. activity.
My Best Friend Being kind.
How to help my friend. Being courteous. Tracing/ copying sentence.
How to take care of my friend.
How to share. Free Oral Ex~ression. Working as a group to make
How to play. Tell me something about your Chart "Best Friends"
best friend

Creative Ex~ression
Draw or paint your best friend.

Theme : Myself and Friends
Topic : My Best Friend

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

- participate in discussion Shared Reading - Big Book Participating in discussion of Big Book The child can:-
of Big Book Cover, Title, M~ Friend and I Cover picture, Title. Picture word-cards
pictures. p. 1 (picture) Individual letters. - participate in discussion of
I have a friend Reading with teacher. Small Books. Big Book.
- Listen as teacher reads Her name is Susy.
Big Book Reading independently. - read with teacher.
p. 2 (picture)
- Read with teacher. I have a friend Reading picture-word cards. - read independently.
Her name is Susy.
- Read independently. She likes to run Matching letters to words. - answer questions on Big
Just like me. Book.
- Use picture-clues to
read picture-word cards. p. 3 (picture) - match individual letters to
I have a friend words.
- Match letters to words. Her name is Susy.
She likes to walk
- Identify words with Just like me.
rhyming sounds and
same beginning sounds. p. 4 (picture)
I have a friend
- Answer questions in Her name is Susy.
Standard English She likes to play
Just like me.

p. 5 skip
p. 6 eat
p. 7 climb
p. 8 go to school.

Free Oral ExQression

Tell me something that you
like in the Big Book.
Creative ExQression
Draw or paint something that
you like in the Big Book

Theme : Myself and Friends
Topic : My Best Friend

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

- listen and repeat rhymes Maths Rhymes for developing Fixing inset trays with Height chart. - fix jigsaw puzzles 1-1 0.
for developing Maths Maths concepts number/ numerals. 1-10.
concepts. Seriation trays. - fix inset trays 1-1 0.
tall short Fixing inset trays according to
- identify and count big small heights of objects Playdough, crayons, paint - fix seriation inset trays.
objects 1 - 10
number concepts Fixing number/numeral Language Experience Chart, - contribute to Language
- group objects jigsaws 1 - 10. Experience Chart.
1 - 10 News book
- make patterns with Comparing heights of self and - illustrate what he/she
numbers 1 - 10 friends. Crayons. saw.

- add objects. Tracing templates of tall, Plastic corks, shells, seeds, - copy sentence written by
short, big, small, children. drinking straws, thread teacher
- recognize patterns with spools.
numbers 1 - 10
Illustrating news
- use height charts Language Experience
News Copy-writing sentences.
Going Out With My Friend
- use own language to Participating in Language
report personal Sentence Structures Experience Chart, Daily
experiences News.
My Friend and I went to
- use Standard English the ................. .... .. ..... .. .
modelled by teacher.

- answer simple questions Free Oral Exgression

Tell me something about a
place you went with your best

Creative Exgression
Draw or paint "My Best
Friend and 1".

Theme : Myself and Friends
Topic : My Birthday

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will: New Vocabulary and Listening to short stories, Tape Recorder, Cassettes The child can:
- listen to, repeat and Sentence Structures in short nursery rhymes, songs. Story -Pink Pig's Birthday - listen and repeat short
dramatise short stories, stories Nursery rhymes, Party, stories, nursery rhymes,
nursery rhymes, sing songs related to topic. Clapping to music. Song - Happy Birthday to songs.
songs to acquire Standard Pretend Play you. - dramatise stories and
English vocabulary and AnswP-r questions in Imitating actions rhymes
sentence structures and Standa,d English. Dress-up Clothes.
develop phonemic Imitate actions. Dancing to music. Home-made percussion - answer questions in
awareness. Five Candles instruments. Standard English.
Five candles on my birthday Using dress up clothes for
- identify rhyming sounds cake. Pretend Play - identify rhyming sounds.
and initial consonant Five candles burning bright. Nursery Rhymes
sounds. Let's blow out the candles Identifying rhyming sounds and Birthday Charts - give other words with
- give other words with the Wh! Wh! Wh! Wh! Wh! same beginning sounds. same ending sounds.
same beginning sounds. Until there is no light.
- give other words with the Phonemic Awareness Giving other words with same - give other words with
same ending sounds. Rhyming Sounds ending sounds and beginning same beginning sounds.
- participate in discussion bright light sounds.
Initial Consonant Sound - participate in discussion
fake fandle Answering questions in on My Birthday.
Sentence Structures Standard English
Q: When is your birthday? - read Birthday Chart.
A: My birthday is Using home-made percussion
on ....... ...... instruments.
Q~ How old are you?
A~ I am .. ...years old
Today is ...... .'s birthday.
.. .. .. .. .is .. ...... years old.
Free Oral Ex~ression
Tell me something that you
like in the rhyme.
Creative Activi~
Draw or paint or model
something that you like in
the rhyme.

Theme : Myself and Friends
Topic : My Birthday

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

listen to, repeat and Maths Concepts Listening to, repeating and Tape Recorder, Cassettes The child can: -
dramatize Maths rhymes 1 - 10 dramatizing short stories, Story- Pink Pig's Party, - listen and repeat short
for developing Math nursery rhymes and songs. Song- Happy Birthday to you. stories, nursery rhymes,
Concepts. Fractions songs.
halves, quarters Sorting, matching , grouping Home-made percussion
cut dough model cake in objects instruments. - sing alphabet song.
halves, then quarters. Eye-hand Co-ordination
Matching numerals to Birthday Chart count by rote 1-10.
group, sort, match Big Book Shared Reading. numbers.
objects Pink Pig's Party Jig-saw puzzles 1 - 10 Group, sort, match
p 1. (picture) Fixing jig saw puzzles objects.
draw 1 - 10 objects. Pink Pig had a birthday party. 1 - ·iQ. Inset trays 1 - 10
add objects. He invited his three friends recognize numerals
Blue Bird, Yellow Duckling Counting candies on Birthday Play dough, 1 - 10
associate number with and White Rabbit. Chart. knife.
numeral 1 - 10 make patterns with
fix jig-saw puzzles p. 2 (picture) Making play dough cake, Plastic corks, beads, seeds, numbers 1 - 10
1 - 10 Pink Pig waited for Blue Bird. (round and square) and shells, drinking straws.
She did not come. cutting in halves and quarters. recognize halves and
fix inset trays 1 - 10. So he ate a quarter of the quaiters.
birthday cake.
read words on Birthday participate in discussion.
Chart. p. 3 Pink pig waited on Participating in discussion of Big Book,
Yellow Duckling .. ....... Big Book. Small Book, listen as teacher reads
participate in discussion Picture Word Cards.
of Big Book p.4 Pink pig waited on White Listening to teacher read Big participate in shared
Rabbit. ... ....... . Book. reading.
listen as teacher reads Free Oral Expression
Big Book Tell me about something you Reading with teacher. - read independently using
like in the Big Book. picture clues.
participate in reading Big Using picture clues to read
Book Creative Expression words
Draw or paint or model
read small book something that you like in the Matching letters to words.
independ~ntly. Big Book

Theme : My Family
Topic : Going out with the Family

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Each family is different. Some Listening to, repeating, Tape Recorder, Cassettes The child can: -
- listen to and repeat families are made up of a father, dramatizing, short stories, Story books, - listen and repeat short
short stories, nursery mother and children. Some families nursery rhymes, listening to Nursery Rhymes. stories, nursery rhymes
rhymes, action have a mother and children or a and singing action songs.
songs related to father and children. Home-made percussion sing songs.
theme/topic to New Vocabulary and Sentence Clapping to music. instruments.
acquire Standard Structures in short stories, nursery dramatise stories and
English vocabulary rhymes, action songs related to topic. Using dress up clothes for Dress up clothes rhymes.
and develop Pretend Play. drama.
phonemic I went to the Farm Dancing to music. Number/ numeral jig-saws answer questions
awareness. p. 1 (picture) Identifying rhyming sounds 1 - 10. Where?, Why?, When?
I went to the farm and beginning sounds. What?, How?
- answer questions in And what did I see? Imitating actions Number/ numeral inset trays
Standard English. Five little baby birds 1 - 10. count by rote 1 - 10
Looking at me. Answering questions in
- identify rhyming (continue with six .. .. ..... and seven .. .. .. Standard English. Large numerals for tracing. match number/
sounds and initial Farm can be substituted with market , fair Grouping, sorting, matching numeral
consonant sounds. and zoo) objects. Number charts, 1 - 10.
Phonemic Awareness number/numeral jig-saws.
- sort, match, classify Rhyming Sounds Counting objects 1- 10. - recognize numerals
animals/ Fruits/ see me Matching equal sets. Templates of fruits, animals 1 - 10
vegetables Initial Consonant Sounds and vegetables
according ~aby _Qirds Fixing number/ numeral - make patterns with
to shape, size Sentence Structures jigsaws 1 - 10. number 1 - 10.
colour. Q. Where did you go with
Mommy/Daddy? Fixing numbers 1 - 10 - classify fruits, animals,
fix number/numeral A. I went to the Farm/ market/ zoo. vegetables according to
jig saws. Maths Concepts 1 - 10 Drawing objects to match shape, size and colour.
Size, shape, colour numerals
Free Oral Expression. - group, sort, match
Tell me about something you like in Classifying fruits/ vegetables/ objects.
the rhyme animals according to shape,
Creative Expression size and colour.
Draw or paint or model something
you like in the rhyme.

Theme : My Family
Topic : Going out with the Family

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

- count animals/ fruits Number Concepts 1 - 10 Matching numerals to Number charts. The child can:-
1 - 10 numbers 1 - 10 Number/numeral jig-saws - fix number/numeral jig-
Rote counting 1 - 10 Paper, crayons. saws to 10.
- fixnumber/ numeral jig- Group, sort, match objects Reading number charts.
saws - count by rote to 10.
1 - 10 Sentence Structures Grouping, sorting, matching
Q. What did you see? objects - answer questions in
- draw what he/she saw on Standard English.
trip. A. I saw a.................... ... Counting by rote to 10
- trace/copy sentence.
- copy/ write Q. What do you like? Fixing number/numerals jig-
sentence- read sentence. saws. - use picture clues to read
A. I like the ................... ... word/sentences
- trace/copy numerals Using picture clues to read Plastic corks, shells, beads,
1 - 10 Number Concepts. words and sentences. seeds - make patterns with
- count by rote 1-10 Number Patterns. Making patterns with
numbers. - count objects 1 - 10
Free Oral Ex~ression.
- identify and count objects Tell me about some place you - group, sort, match objects
1 - 10 went with your family

- count animals/ Creative Ex~ression

fruits 1-10 Draw or paint or model you
- identify and count and your family
objects 1-1 0
- make patterns with
numbers 1 - 10
- recognize patterns with
numbers 1 - 10

Theme : My Family
Topic : Going out with the Family

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Shared Reading Participating in discussion on Big Book, The child can:-
- participate in discussion Going Out With Mother Big Book. Small Book, - participate in discussion.
of Big Book p. 1. (picture) Picture-Word Cards,
I went to the Zoo. Listening to teacher read Big Picture/Word jig saws. - participate in shared
- listen as teacher reads And what did I see? Book. reading.
Big Book One little macaw
Looking at me.
Following sequence from left- - read independently using
- participate in reading Big p. 2. (picture) to-right. picture clues.
Book I went to the Zoo.
And what did I see? Reading with teacher. - fix picture/ word
- read Small book Two little monkeys jig- saws.
independently. Looking at me. Using picture clues to read
p. 3 (picture)
- use picture-clues to read I went to the Zoo. Using picture-clues to read
picture-word cards. And what did I see? picture-word cards.
Three little snakes
Looking at me.
- match letters to words. Matching letters to words.
p. 4 (picture)
- identify words with I went to the Zoo. Identifying words with
rhyming sounds and And what did I see? rhyming sounds and same
same beginning sounds. Four little turtles ending sounds
Looking at me.
- answer questions in
Standard English p. 5 (picture)
I went to the Zoo.
And what did I see?
Five little parrots
Looking at me.
Free Oral ExQression.
Tell me about something that
you like in the Big Book
Creative ExQression
Draw or paint or model
something you like in the Big
Theme : My Home
Topic : Things in My Home
··-· ..... -···-· -- -··-··· -·· ····-···-· --· --······-···· ·- ... ···- ····-··-· ······-··-··- ···-·-··· ·-·-· -· ... ·--·· -·--·
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child can:-

The child will:- A home is a place where you live Listening to, repeating, Tape recorder, - listen to, repeat,
- listen to, repeat and with your family. dramatizing short stories, Cassettes, dramatise short stories,
dramatise short stories, New Vocabulary and Sentence nursery rhymes, singing Nursery Rhyme Books, nursery rhymes. I

nursery rhymes, sing Structures in short stories, action songs. Story Books. - Dramatise stories and
action songs related to nursery rhymes, action songs, rhymes.
theme/topic to acquire related to topic. Dramatising stories and Dress up clothes for drama
Standard English Nurserv Rh~me rhymes - sing songs
Vocabulary and develop We Will Build A Little House. Home-made percussion
phonemic awareness. Clapping to music. instruments. - identify rhyming sounds
We will build a little house and same beginning
- participate in discussion With posts so very tall Imitating actions. Diorama with models of sounds
of Realia, models in A little sloping roof equipment and furniture for
And a garden wall
diorama and large wall Dancing to music. bedroom, sitting room and - participate in discussion
Two big gates that open wide
pictures of things in the And two tiny little windows kitchen . of Realia models,
home. We can peep inside Identifying rhyming sounds pictures of things in the
We can build a little table tall- wall, wide- inside, Large wall pictures. home.
- answering questions in Big enough for two Words with same Nursery Rhymes Charts
Standard English; Who? Two cozy little chairs beginning sounds; garden 1. We will build a little - answer questions in
What? Where? Why? One for me and one for..Y.Q.!,L -gate, house. Standard English.
When? How? Phonemic Awareness 2. I can help do dishes.
Rhyming Sounds Answering questions: 3. Sing a song of - identify rhyming sounds.
- identify rhyming sounds. Tall wall wide inside Who? What? Where?
Initial Consonant Sounds washing up.
Why? When? How? - identify same beginning
- identify same beginning garden gate Which? In Standard 4. I looked into my house, sounds.
sounds Sentence Structures English.
Q. Who will build a little house?
And what did I see?
A. We will build a little house. Field trips around the Two little chairs
Free Oral ExQression. environment to observe
Tell me about something you like Looking at me
different types of homes
in the rhyme for Language experience Two little chairs can be
Creative ExQression Charts
Draw or paint or model substituted for any furniture in
something that you like in the your environment,
e.g Two little hammocks.

Theme : My Home
Topic : Things in My Home

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

Shared Reading
The child will:- Grandmother's House Participating in discussion Big Book; The child can:-
- participate in p. 1. (Picture) of Big Book, "Grandmother's House" - participate in discussion
discussion on Big When Susy went to her Grandmother's house, of Big Book.
Book, Cover, Title, Oh! What did she see? Picture Word Cards
p. 2 (Picture)
A bed that was big,
- listen as teacher reads
Listening to teacher read Big Book.
A bed that was small,
- listen as tea.:her And that was all. Big Book.
reads Big Book. p. 3 (Picture) - read with teacher.
When Susy went to her Grandmother's house, Reading with teacher.
- read with teacher. Oh! What did she see? - read independently.
p.4 (Picture) Reading independently.
- read independently. A table that was round - identify rhyming sounds,
A table that was square Identifying rhyming words; small-all.
- read picture-word And that was all. all - small and same
cards. p. 5 (Picture)
beginning sounds; big - - identify same beginning
When Susy went to her Grandmother's house,
bed, sounds, bed - bowl-
Oh! What did she see?
- match letters to p.46 (Picture)
words. A chair that was red Identifying big and small - identify rhyming sounds
A chair that was yellow objects Answering and same beginning
- use picture clues to And that was all. questions Who? What? sounds.
read words. Why? Where? When?
You can substitute hammock for bed How? - identify big and little
- identify words with depending on your environment. objects.
rhyming sounds and
same beginning Sentence Structures - answer questions in
sounds. Q. Who went to her grandmother's house Standard English.
A. Susy went to her grandmother's house
- identify big and little - use picture clues to read
objects beds, Free Oral Exgression. Answering questions words.
chairs, tables, Tell me about something you like in the
bowls, spoons. Big Book

Creative Expression
Draw or paint or make something that you
like in the Big Book.

Theme : My Home
Topic : Things in My Home

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Each home has different Modelling with play dough. Play dough. The child can:-
- model things in the things. - model with play dough.
home with play dough. Things in my home: Tracing around templates. Templates of things in the
home. - trace around templates.
- trace around templates Bed, chair, table, stove, Colouring within outlines.
of objects in the home plates, spoons, pots, Crayons, paper, - colour within outlines.
hammock, garbage bin Cutting and pasting paper in old magazines pages,
- cut and colour within outlines. scissors, paste. - cut and paste bits of
outlines. Sentence Structures paper within outlines.
Drawing things in the home. Bits of sponge and
- cut and paste paper in This is a bed. clothes clips for painting. - Create "something in his
outlines. Painting things in the home. home"
This is a hammock. Powder colours (paint)
- draw things in the home.
Upper and lower case letters Using scrap materials for Local scrap and discarded
- paint things in the home, of the alphabet. creating things in the home materials in the environment.

TimAhri Readers
- copy/write
words/sentences under Animal Friends Paper,
drawings and paintings. Copying/writing words or Crayons.
Free Oral Ex~ression. sentences. Copy/write words or
- read words or Tell me about the things you sentences.
sentences. have in your home.

- create "something in his Creative Ex~ression

home" Draw or paint or model Timehri Readers
something that you like in
your home. Animal Friends

Theme : My Home
Topic : Things in My Home

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- New Vocabulary and Sentence Listening to, repeating, and Number Rhymes, The child can:-
- listen to, repeat and Structures in Math stories, rhymes, dramatizing Math stories, Math Stories, Songs - listen to, repeat and
dramatise Math finger plays, songs and games for rhymes, finger plays, songs Finger plays, Games. dramatise Math stories,
stories, nursery counting to 10. and games for counting to 10. rhymes, finger plays,
rhymes, finger plays, Nursery Rh~e • Shapes Identifying things in their Geometric shapes of different games for counting to
songs, games for homes with geometric textures, colours and sizes ten.
counting to ten . I am a circle, shapes.
Roundl~pie Model of a house. - group, sort, match
- identify things in their Grouping, sorting, matching objects.
home with geometric I am a triangle, objects Models of chairs and tables.
shapes, Three sides have I. - identifying things in their
e.g. clock face -circle, 0 Using cut-out shapes to make Models of furniture equipment homes with geometric
window - rectangle. I am a square, a house. in different positions. shapes.
My sides are four. Placing objects in different
- -
use cut-out shapes to
make a house. 0 positions on a model of a
house and identifying Plastic corks, shells, beads,
use cut-outs to make
collage of a house.
I am a rectangle positions. seeds
- place models of Shaped like a door. Answering questions in - place objects in different
objects in the home in Standard English. positions and identify
different positions on Begin to understand spatial Field trips around the school positions.
model and identify relationships environment to observe


answer questions in
GJ I under I
different shapes on buildings.

Using shape pieces to make

- answer questions in
Standard English.

Standard English. I behind II in front of I objects of his choice.

- Use shape pieces to Sentence Structures

make objects of his Q:- Where is the chair?
choice. A:- The chair is in the house.
Free Oral Expression.
- Play outdoor games- Tell me about something that you

jumping in tyres- like in the rhyme
jumping out of tyres. Creative Expression
Use the shapes to make something
you like.

Theme : My School
Topic : People and Objects in My School

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- A school is a place for learning. Listening to, repeating, and Tape recorder, The child can:-
- listen to, repeat, and New Vocabulary and Sentence dramatizing short stories, Cassettes, - listen to, repeat,
dramatise short stories, Structures in short stories, nursery nursery rhymes. Story books, dramatise short stories,
nursery rhymes, sing rhymes, sing action songs, related Nursery rhyme books. nursery rhymes, sing
action songs, related to to theme/ topic. Listening to and singing songs.
theme/ topic to acquire Pretend Play/Drama action songs. Home-made percussion
Standard English I looked in the Cu~board . instruments. - identify rhyming sounds
Structures and I looked in the cupboard Clapping to music. and same beginning
vocabulary and develop And what did I see? sounds.
phonemic awareness. Six big books Imitating actions Dress up clothes for Pretend
With pictures for me. play. - discuss people and
(continue with seven, eight, nine and
Dancing to music. objects in school.
- participate in
Phonemic Awareness
discussion of people Dramatising stories and
Rhyming Sounds
and objects in my nursery rhymes.
see me
Initial Consonant Sounds
- answer questions in
- answer questions in
Sentence Structures
Discussing people and Standard English.
Standard English, objects in my school
Q. Who are the people in your
Who? What? When?
Where? Why? How? Naming the people and
A· We have teachers and
children in our school.
objects. - Dramatise stories and
nursery rhymes
Q. What kinds of things do you
- identify labels of
have in your school?
A walk in the school
objects in classroom. environment to observe
A. We have chairs, tables, plants,
- locate and talk about
people and objects.
information on charts Labels- chair, table.
in classroom.
Free Oral Ex~ression.

Tell me about something you:; .e i!,

Associating words with Labels of objects in - identify objects in
objects in classroom. classroom. classroom,
the rhyme
Creative Ex~ression
Draw or paint or model something
that you like in the rhyme .

Theme : My School
Topic : People and Objects in My School

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

locate and talk about Daily chart, Weather Chart, Recognizing that information Daily Chart, associate labels with
information on charts Birthday Chart, Alphabet Chart may be found on charts, Weather Chart, objects in classroom.
in classroom. pictographs, changing Birthday Chart,
Aa II Bb information on Charts. Alphabet Chart, read labels.
recognize that Attendance Chart,
information can be Pictographs. Read charts.
found on charts and
pictographs. ISunnyI to I Rainy I Number/Numeral Charts.
apple I I bat

~ ~9
Picture- word cards
Labels in the classroom
Plants, flowers, seeds,
shells, stones, aquarium.

cat IMondaj 14 Tuesdaj

Attendance Chart, Pictographs,

Number/Numeral Charts.

1 2
one two

I Realia (real objects)

Theme : My School
Topic : People and Objects in My School

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

- count the number of Count objects in classroom; tables, Counting objects in classroom. Plastic beads, seeds, The child can :-
tables and chairs in chairs, books, plants, count the shells - count objects in
classroom. teachers in school. Grouping, sorting objects classroom.

- count the number of Count the children in his Counting teachers. - count people e.g.
teachers in the school. class/group. teachers, children.
Counting children.
- count the children in Identify shapes of objects in school identify shapes of objects
his class/group. -circles, squares, triangles, Identifying shapes in the Number Charts 1-10.
I- in school.
rectangles. school.
- identify shapes in - use number chart to
school- circles, Number Rhyme Using number charts to count count forward and
squares, triangles, One, two, three, four forward and backward. backward.
rectangles. Teacher's waiting at the door
e.g. round table, square Five, six, seven, eight Identifying quantities - identify quantities
table. Run to School and represented by numerals represented by numerals.
Don't be late. 1 -1 0.

Identify quantities represented by

numerals 1 -10. Adding objects.

Free Oral Ex~ression. Taking away objects.

Tell me about something you like in
the rhyme

Creative Ex~ression
Draw or paint or model something
that you like in the rhyme.

Theme : My School
Topic : People and Objects in My School

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

- participate in Shared Reading Participating in discussion of Big Big Book - participate in

discussion of Big Big Book Book. My School discussion of Big Book.
Book, Cover, Title. Ann went to School Picture Word Cards
p 1. (picture) Listening to teacher read Big - listen attentively as
- listen as teacher Ann went to school Book. teacher reads Big
reads Big Book. And what did she see? Book.
Using Picture Clues to read
- read with teacher. words. - follow left-to-right
p. 2 (picture) sequence.
- read independently. A teacher that was tall, Reading with teacher. - Read with teacher,
- Read independently,
- use picture-clues to A teacher that was short, Reading independently.
read picture-word A teacher that was tiny,
cards. And that was all. Using picture-clues to read
picture-word cards
- trace/copy words
p3 (picture) Identifying words with same
- match letters to Ann went to school beginning sounds
words. And what did she see?
Identifying words with same
- identify words with p. 4 A boy that was tall ending sounds.
p. 5 Agirl that was tall I
rhyming sounds
p. 6 A table that was big I
- identifying words with
A table that was small
same beginning sounds A table that was tiny
And that was all
Continue with a chair, cupboard
depending on the objects in your
Free Oral Exgression.
Tell me about something that
you like in the Big book
Creative Exgression
Draw or paint or model
something that you like in the
Big Book.

Theme : Community Workers
Topic : The Baker

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- A baker is a person who bakes Listening to, repeating and Tape recorder, The child can:-
- listen to, repeat and bread and cakes. dramatizing short stories, Cassettes, - listen to, repeat,
dramatise short New Vocabulary and Sentence nursery rhymes. Nursery Rhyme dramatise short stories
stories, nursery Structures in short stories, nursery Books,
rhymes, sing songs to rhymes, songs related to Dramatising stories and - nursery rhymes.
acquire Standard theme/topic. nursery rhymes. Home-made Percussion
English vocabulary and Pretend Play. Listening to and singing Instruments. - sing songs.
sentence structures The Baker action songs.
and develop phonemic Tell me , Mr. Baker Imitating actions Picture of a Baker. - identify rhyming
awareness. Tell me what you do Clapping to music. sounds and same
I bake and sell Dancing to music. beginning sounds.
- participate in Big brown bread Experience Chart on Field Trip
discussion on the And coconut buns as well Identifying rhyming sounds - participate in picture
Baker. Thank You Mr. Baker and initial consonant discussion.
Thanks for all you. sounds.
- answer questions in - Draw what he/she has
Standard English. Phonemic Awareness Answering questions in seen on field trip to the
Rhyming Sounds Standard English. baker shop.
- talk about experiences sell well
on Field Trip to Baker. Initial Consonant Sounds Going on a field trip to a - Talk about experiences
Qig Qaker bakershopforlanguage on field trip to the
- draw what he has seen Sentence Structures Experience Chart baker shop.
on field trip. Q. Have you ever been to a baker
shop? Discussing picture of a - Dress up materials for
- copy sentence written A. Yes, I have been to a baker baker. drama.
by teacher shop.
No, I have never been to a Participating in making
baker shop. experience charts on field
Picture Discussion - The Baker trip.
Free Oral Ex~ression.
Tell me about something that you We went to the baker shop.
like in the rhyme We saw .... ..... .... .. .... .. ... .
Creative Ex~ression
Draw or paint or model something
that_y_ou like in the rhyme.

Theme : Community Workers
Topic : The Baker

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

- model bread, buns with A nutritious snack. Modelling with playdough. Play dough - model bread, buns with
playdough play dough.
Pictorial recipes. Counting number of objects. Ingredients for a nutritious
- draw bread, buns snack, bread, cheese, butter, - count models.
Measurement capacity. Preparing a nutritious snack. fresh fruits, water, sugar.
- count the number of i) 1 cup Cheese sandwich. - draw bread, buns.
buns. ii) 2 cups. Pictorial recipe.
Counting slices of bread. - copy sentence written
- Make cheese Recipe Plastic beads, seeds, shells by teacher.
sandwiches (cooking Grating cheese. Plastic drinking straws.
experiences) Measure - prepare a nutritious
Cutting slices into triangles. snack.
- mix butter and cheese. i) 1 cup
ii) 2 cups Grating fresh fruits. - read pictorial recipe.
- Spread mixture on a iii) 3 cups
slice of bread. Measuring water, sugar.

- Cut bread in triangle. Reading pictorial recipe.

- Prepare fresh fruit


- Measure water- 1
cup, 2 cups, 3 cups.

- Measure sugar - 1
cup, 2 cups, 3 cups.

- Use cookie cutters to

cut sandwiches in

Theme : Community Workers
Topic : The Baker

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Shared Reading - Big Book Participating in discussing of Big Big Book, Picture-word cards. - participate in
- participate in The Baker's Sho~ Book. discussion.
discussion of Big p. 1 (picture)
Book, Cover, Title, I went to the baker Listening to teacher read Big - listen as teacher reads
Pictures. And what did I see? Book. Big Book. i

- listen as teacher p. 2 (picture) Using picture clues to read - fix picture-word

reads Big Book. Six brown bread sentences fluently. jig -saws.
Looking at me.
. read with teacher. - match words to
p 3. (picture) Using picture clues to read sentences.
. read independently. I went to the baker picture word cards .
And what did I see? - match letters to words.
- use picture clues to Tracing/copying words
read words. p. 4 (picture) Picture Sentences Cards
Seven coconut buns Identifying words with same
. match letters to Looking at me. beginning sounds.
p. 6 eight pine tarts. Identifying words with same
p. 8 nine cheese rolls. ending sounds.
p. 10 ten beef patties.

Free Oral Ex~ression.

Tell me about something that
you like in the Big Book
Creative Ex~ression
Draw or paint or model
something that you like in the
Big Book.

Theme : Community Workers
Topic : The Dentist

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Pretend Play Listening to, repeating and Tape recorder, The ...:·. ,J can:-
- listen to, repeat and New Vocabulary and Sentence dramatizing short stories, Cassettes, - listen to, repeat,
dramatise short Structures in short stories, nursery rhymes. Nursery Rhyme dramatise short stories,
stories, nursery nursery rhymes, songs related Books, nursery rhymes,
rhymes, sing songs to to theme/topic Listening to and singing action - sing songs.
acquire Standard songs. Home-made Percussion
English vocabulary and Rhyme Imitating actions Instruments. - identify rhyming
sentence structures Brush ~our Teeth. Clapping to music. sounds and initial
and develop phonemic Brush, brush, your teeth, Dancing to music. Picture of a Dentist consonant sounds
awareness. Brush them everyday. Dressing up clothes for sounds.
Up and down Identifying rhyming sounds and Pretend Play.
- Identify rhyming And all around initial consonant sounds. - participate in picture
sounds and same That's the correct way. discussion.
beginning sounds Answering questions in Standard
Phonemic Awareness English. - dress up for Pretend
- Participate in Rhyming Sounds play.
discussion of the day-way Pretend play - dressing up as a
dentist. Dentist
Initial Consonant Sounds Going on a field trip to a dentist
- Answer questions in Day - down for Language Experience Chart
Standard English
Free Oral Exgression
- Talk about experiences Tell me how you take care of
on their visit to the your teeth.

- Pretend Play -
The Dentist

[_ - - - - - - - - --

Theme : Community Workers
Topic : The Dentist

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- A dentist is a doctor who takes Listening to teacher read Big Big Book, Picture-word cards, - participate in
- participate in care of people's teeth. Book. Word cards, Letter cards discussion.
discussion of Big Shared Reading - Big Book
Book, Cover, Title, The Dentist Following sequence left to right. - listen as teacher reads
p. 1. ( picture) Participating in discussion of Big D Big Book.

- listen as teacher
reads Big Book.
A little boy went to the dentist.
And sat down in his chair.

Using picture clues to read

[;;] - fix picture-word
jig- saws.
- read with teacher. p. 2. (picture) sentences fluently. - match words to

- read independently.
And the dentist said, "Why
does it hurt and where?" Answering questions in standard ~ sentences.

English. - match letters to words.

- use picture clues to p. 3 (picture)
read words. And the little boy said, "I'll tell Fixing jig-saw puzzles 1 -- 10 - fix number/numeral jig-
you the truth. Picture Sentences Cards
- match letters to I have a little hole in my tooth." Drawing sets to match numerals.
Plastic corks, beads, seeds,
words. - group, sort, match
Grouping, sorting, matching shells drinking straws.
p. 4 (picture) objects
- answer questions in And the dentist said, "Open objects.
Standard English. your mouth wide, So that I can - add objects
see inside." Adding objects.
- fix number/numeral
This is a dentist
- take away objects
jig-saws 1 - 10 Timehri Readers Taking away objects
Timehri Readers
- match similar sets of Animal Friends
numbers and
Animal Friends.
dramatise Maths Number Concepts
rhymes. 1 - 10
Number/numeral jig-saws
Free Oral Exgression.
- copy numerals Tell me about something that
you like in the Big Book
- draw sets to match

Theme Celebrations
T . Ch.
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Many families celebrate Listening to, repeating, Tape recorder, The child can:-
- listen to, repeat short Christmas. dramatizing short stories, - Cassettes, - listen to, repeat and
stories, nursery New Vocabulary and Sentence nursery rhymes related to - Story Books, dramatise short stories,
rhymes, action songs Structures in short stories, Christmas. - Songs, nursery rhymes.
related to theme/ topic nursery rhymes, and action - Nursery rhymes.
to acquire Standard songs related to Christmas. Listening to and singing action - Dress up clothes - sing songs. I

English and develop Pretend Play. songs related to Christmas.

Phonemic Awareness. Christmas Presents - Home-made percussion - identify rhyming
See the pretty presents by Imitating actions instruments. sounds and initial
- participate in the Christmas tree. consonant sounds.
discussion of Some for you and some for_me. Clapping to music. - Dioramas
Christmas Diorama or Long ones, short ones, tall ones
- Pictures of Christmas. - participate in
pictures. too
Dancing to music. discussion of diorama
And here is a round one
Wrapped in blue. Fun with Rhymes and large wall pictures.
- answer questions in Isn't it fun Identifying Rhyming Sounds and e.g Silly Sally went to town
Standard English. To look and see? Initial Consonant Sounds. Walking backwards - ask and answer
All of the presents Upside down. questions in Standard
- talk about how the By the Christmas tree? Diorama/Large pictures of English.
family celebrates Christmas scenes.
Christmas. Phonemic Awareness
Rhyming Sounds Asking and answering questions
- trace around templates tree me in Standard English.
of toys, Christmas tree, Initial Consonant Sounds
Santa Claus. ~ee ~orne A field trip to a nearby shop or
Sentence Structures store to observe Christmas
- colour within outlines. Q. What would you like to decorations for Language
have for Christmas? Experience Chart.
- ,nake Christmas A. I would like a.............. for
decorations for Christmas.
classroom using red Free Oral Ex~ression.
and green. Tell me about something that
you like in the Big Book.
Creative Ex~ression
Draw or paint or model
something that you would like
to have for Christmas.

Theme : Celebrations
Topic Christmas
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

make decorations of Christmas decorations Playing question and answer Templates of Christmas trees, trace around templates.
different colours, games. Santa Claus, Christmas
shapes and sizes to stockings. colour within outlines.
hang on class Talking about how the family
Christmas tree. celebrates Christmas. Crayons, paper cut out templates and
cut and paste pictures Making Christmas decorations. I Used gift paper.
from used gift paper make mobiles.
for making Christmas Used Christmas cards.
cards. Visiting a store in the community. make Christmas
Paste, scissors, string. decorations
fold paper to make Looking at Christmas
Christmas cards decorations, foods, and to see Christmas food and make Christmas cards.
Santa Claus. drink
visit a store in the Participate in cooking Christmas observe Christmas
community to look at Measurement foods decorations, toys,
Language Experience Chart.
Christmas decorations, Long short foods, Santa Claus.
foods and to see Santa Longer than Participating in discussion. Children's illustrations and
Claus. Shorter than participate in discussion
sentences written by teacher.
Drawing something they like. Red Paper, green paper,
make paper circles. Cooking experiences participate in cooking
scissors, paste.
make paper chain in Christmas food Contributing to Language
red and green Experience Chart. draw what he would like
Number/numeral jig-saws.
make paper chains in Free Oral Expression Reading se'ltences with teacher. for Christmas and say
of different lengths Tell me something that you Cutting paper to make paper why.
short, long, like for Christmas decoration. chains.
Jig-saw puzzles
1 - 10 circles. Making pattern s with paper contribute to Language
Red and green paper
Creative Expression chains. Experience Chart.
fix Christmas jig-saw Use scrap materials to make Making different lengths. Plastic corks, beads, seeds,
puzzles : 1 - 10 your own Christmas 1 - 10 circles. cut and pas.o:: paper to
shells, plastic drinking straws
objects, x-mas trees, decoration. Fixing jig-saw puzzles make chains.
balloons. 1 - 10 objects.
make paper chains of
make Christmas Grouping, sorting different lengths.
sandwiches red and Adding objects fix number/numeral jig-
qreen. saws 1 - 10

Theme : Celebrations
T . Christ
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Shared Reading : Big Book Listening to teacher read Big Big Book The child can:-
- participate in Santa Claus Book. Picture-Word cards
discussion of Big Word cards - participate in
Book, Cover, Title. p.1 {picture) Following sequence from left- to- Letter cards. discussion of Big
I went to Santa Claus right.
- listen to teacher Oh! What did I see? Book.
reading. A big brown teddy bear Participating in discussion of Big
Looking at me. Book. - listen as teacher
- read with teacher. reads Big Book.
p.2 (picture) Listening to teacher read Big
- read independently. I went to Santa Claus book - match words to
Oh! What did I see? Reading with teacher
- read picture -words A big, pink dancing doll Reading independently sentences.
cards. Looking at me. Using picture-clues to read Timehri Readers - match letters to

picture -word cards

- match letters to words p.3 (picture) Tracing/copying words Animal friends. words.
on picture -word card A red racing car. Identifying words with same
beginning sounds
p.4 {picture) Identifying words with same
A yellow helicopter. ending sounds.
Answering questions in Standard
Timehri Readers English

Animal Friends

Free Oral Ex~ression.

Tell me about something that
you like in the Big Book.
Creative Ex~ression
Draw or paint or model
something that you would like
to have for Christmas.

Theme : Community Workers
T- r--. The Post - ~ -- -

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child can :- A Postman works at the Post Listening to, repeating and Tape recorder, The child can:-
- listen to, repeat and Office. He brings our letters. dramatising short stories, Cassettes, - listen to, repeat,
dramatise short New Vocabulary and Sentence nursery rhymes. Story books, dramatise short stories,
stories, nursery Structures in short stories, Dressing up for Pretend play. Nursery Rhyme Books. nursery rhymes.
rhymes, sing action nursery rhymes, sing action Dress up clothes
songs related to songs, related to topic: Listening to and singing action - sing and dramatise
theme/topic to acquire Pretend Play songs. Home-made percussion songs.
Standard English The Postman Imitating actions. instruments.
vocabulary and I come from the Post Office - identify rhyming
sentence structures My mail sack on my back. Clapping to music. Pictures of the Postman. sounds and same
and develop I go to all the houses Dancing to music. beginning sounds.
phonemic awareness. Leaving letters from my pack.
Identifying rhyming sounds and - participate in
- participate in Phonemic Awareness initial consonant sounds. discussion on "The
discussion on "The Rhyming Sounds Postman".
Postman". back pack Answei;r,g questions in Standard
Initial Consonant Sounds English. Mathematics rhymes and - listen to, repeat,
- listen to, repeat and leaving [etters stories. dramatise Math
dramatise Math Listening to, repeating and rhymes and stories.
rhymes and stories. dramatisinq Math rhymes. NumberlNumerniCharts.
Number Concepts - copy/write numerals
1 - 10 Copying/writing numerals 1- 10. Manipulative materials - I
- copy/write numerals plastic corks. 1- 10.
1 -10. Matching t1umerals to sets. Used postage stamps.
Language Experience - Little clock faces. I- match used postage
- match numerals in A Visit to the Post Office Matching used postage stamps. stamps.
sets 1 -10.
Free Oral Ex~ression. Drawing Postman. Crayons, paper. - draw, "The Postman".
- match usad postage Tell me about something that Plastic corks, beads, seeds, i - Grol.!p
stamps with the same you like in the Rhyme Tracing/copying words. I- Sort
currenry from Guynna Grouping, sorting shells I - Match
and overseas. Creative Ex~ress ion Adding and taking away objects plastic drinking straws - .A.dd
Draw or paint or model - Take away objects
- draw the postman". something that you like in the
- - -- - - '----

Theme : Community Workers
T --- P
The - - --------

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

- colour within the Visit to the Post Office. Drawing his experience. Used envelopes with stamps - draw his experience.
outline of the from Guyana and overseas.
postman. Language Experience Telling teacher about his - express himself freely.
- trace/copy words. Sentence Structure Language Experience Chart - read with teacher; the
Reading with teacher. Language Experience
- visit a nearby Post This is a postman Chart.
Office {Language Discussing used envelopes with
Experience). Participate in Shared Reading postage stamps. - discuss letters that are
Big Book. posted in Guyana and
- discuss used The Postman Participating in discussion of Big overseas.
envelopes with p 1. {Picture) Book.
postage stamps from Every morning Big Book - participate in
Guyana and I wait for the Postman Listening to teacher reading Big Picture Word Cards, discussion.
overseas. To see what he will bring Book. Individual Letter Cards
- listen as teacher reads.
- participate in P.2 {picture) Reading with teacher.
discussion on Big A letter or a parcel - read with teacher.
Book, Cover, Title. That's just the very thing. Reading independently.
Using picture-clues to read - read independently.
- listen as teacher p. 3. {Picture) picture-word cards
reads Big Book. Lots of letters in his bag, Tracing/copying words - match letters to picture
One specially for me Matching letters to words. word cards.
- read with teacher. Identifying words with same
p. 4 {picture) ending sounds
- read independently. The postman is the helper Identifying words with same
And that's what I want to be. beginning sounds.
- read picture word Answering questions in
cards. Free Oral ExQression. Standard English.
Tell me about something that
- match individual you like in the Rhyme
letters to words on
Picture Word Cards. Creative ExQression
Draw or paint or model
something that you like.
I --- --

Theme Community Workers
T- ---- The Pol'
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child can:- A policeman works at the Listening to, repeating and Tape recorder, The child can:-
- listen to, repeat and Police Station. dramatising short stories, Cassettes, - listen to and retell short
dramatise short New Vocabulary and Sentence nursery rhymes. Story books, stories, nursery rhymes.
stories, nursery Structures in short stories, Imitating actions Nursery Rhyme Books. -
rhymes, sing action nursery rhymes, and action - dramatise stories and
songs related to songs related to theme/topic. Listening to and singing action Dress up clothes and props rhymes.
theme/topic to acquire Pretend Play. songs. Home-made percussion
Standard English Dressing up for Pretend Play. instruments. - sing action songs.
vocabulary and The Traffic Policeman
sentence structures Sing a song of happy days Clapping to music. - answer questions in
and develop Crossing with the green light Dancing to music. Standard English.
phonemic awareness. And looking both ways
Watching the policeman Identifying rhyming sounds and
And crossing when you're told . initial consonant sounds.
That's the way to happiness
And laughter when you're old. Answering questions in Standard
Phonemic Awareness
Rhyming Sounds A field trip to a nearby Police
days ways Station or outpost for Language
Initial Consonant Sounds Experience Chart.
§.ing §.Ong

Sentence Structure

This is a policeman
Upper and lower case letters
of the alphabet
Free Oral ExQression.
Tell me about something that I
you like in the Rhyme

Creative ExQression
Draw or paint or model a

Theme Community Workers - /

T- ....... -- . The
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Shared Reading - (Big Book) Participatin9 in discussion of Big Big Book The child can I
Five Strong Policemen. Book. - Identify Rhyming
- participate in p 1. (picture) Picture Word Cards Sounds.
discussion on "The Five Strong Policemen Listening to teacher reading Big Single Letters.
Postman". Standing by a store Book. - participate in
p 2. (picture)
discussion of big Book.
- participate in One became a traffic cop
Reading with teacher.
Then there were four.
discussion of Big p 3. (picture) - listen as teacher reads.
Book. Four strong policemen Reading independently.
Watching over me.
- listen to teacher p 4. (picture) Using picture-clues to read - participate in reading
reading. One took a lost boy home picture-word cards Big Book.
Then there were three.
- read with teacher. p 5. (picture) - read small book
Tracing/copying words
Three strong policemen independently.
- read independently. With shirts all blue.
p 6. (picture) Matching letters to words.
One stopped a speeding car
Then there were two. Identifying words with same
p 7. (picture) ending sounds
Two strong Policemen
How fast can they run? Identifying words with same
p 8. (picture) beginning sounds. I
One caught a bad man I

Then there was one.

p 9. (picture) Answering questions in
One strong policeman Standard English.
Saw a fire one day.
p 10. (picture) I
He called the firefighters
Who put it out right away.
Free Oral Exgression.
Tell me about something that
you like in the Big Book

Creative Exgression
Draw or paint or model
something that you like.

Theme : Community Workers
- .,._. The Pol'
- --- -

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation I

- listen to, repeat and New Maths concepts in short Listening to, repeating and Maths stories, songs, rhymes The child can:-
dramatise Math stories, nursery rhymes and dramatising Math rhymes and 1 - 10 - listen to, repeat and
rhymes and stories. songs. stories, nursery rhymes and dramatise Math stories,
action songs: Model of traffic lights. rhymes and action
- sing action songs. Number concepts:- numbers 1 - 10 songs. 1 - 10
Numbers 1 - 10 1 - 10 Model of pedestrian crossing
Identifying colours of traffic lights - identify colours of traffic
- identify colours of the Traffic lights. Cardboard, cellophane, paper lights
traffic lights. Identifying colours of pedestrian
Red, amber and green. Colours crossing. Crayons. - draw and colour traffic
- identify pedestrian Shapes Identifying shapes of traffic lights Plastic corks, shells, beads,
crossing. - circle. seeds, plastic drinking straws - copy caption written by
Group, sort teacher.
- identify colours of the Classify Drawing and colouring traffic
pedestrian crossing. Add lights. - identify the traffic lights.
Take away objects
- identify the shape of Drawing a policeman. - copy sentence written
the traffic lights. Free Oral Ex~ression by the teacher.
Tell me how the policeman is Copying caption written by
- draw a policeman. a friend to us teacher. - Group, sort classify,
add and take away
- copy caption written by Creative Ex~ression Grouping, sorting objects
teacher. Draw, paint or model traffic Classifying, adding, taking away
lights objects

Theme : Community Worker::;
T ... . The Fish -- ------

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- The fisherman catches fish. Listening to, repeating and Tape recorder, The child can:-
- listen to, repeat and New Vocabulary and Sentence dramatizing short stories, Cassettes, - listen to, repeat,
dramatise short stories, Structures in short stories, nursery rhymes. Nursery Rhyme dramatise short stories,
nursery rhymes, sing nursery rhymes, sing action Books. nursery rhymes.
action songs related to songs, related to theme/ topic. Dressing up with clothes for
theme/topic to acquire Pretend Play Pretend Play. Home-made Percussion - sing songs
Standard English The Fisherman Listening to and singing action Instruments.
vocabulary and The fisherman rows his boat songs. - identify rhyming
sentence structures and along Picture of a Fisherman. sounds and same
develop phonemic His arms are beautifully brown Imitating actions beginning sounds
awareness. and strong Dress up clothes and props for
He throws his net into the sea Clapping to music. Pretend Play - participate in picture
And pulls out a fish as big as discussion
me. Dancing to music.
Phonemic Awareness
Rhyming Sounds Identifying rhyming sounds and - answer questions in
along strong initial consonant sounds. Standard English.
Initial Consonant Sounds
Q.oat Q.ig Answering questions in Standard
Sentence Structures
Q. Have you ever seen a A field trip to a nearby trench or
fisherman catching a fish? creek to observe a fisherman
catching fish for Language
A. Yes, I have seen a Experience Chart
fisherman catching a fish.
No, I have never seen a
fisherman catching a fish.

Free Oral Ex~ression.

Tell me about something that
you like in the Rhyme

Creative Ex~ression
Draw or paint or model
something_ that you like.

Theme : Community Workers
T .
- -.--- The
- --- Fish
- ----- -- - ----

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Fishes. Modelling with play dough. Play dough The child can:-
- model fish with play - model with play dough
dough. Eye- Hand Co-ordination Tracing around templates Templates of fishes
- count models
- trace around Colouring outlines Crayons
templates of fish. Sentence Structure - trace around templates
This is a fish. Pasting paper Paper
- colour outlines - colour within outlines
Timehri Readers Drawing fishes Bits of coloured paper
- paste paper in - paste bits of paper
outlines. Animal Friends Painting fishes Paint brushes within outlines.

- draw fishes Copying/writing word/sentence. Powder paints

- paint fishes Free Oral Ex~ression. Paste,

Tell me something about the Old magazines,
- copy/write word or fishes that you like. Scissors.
sentences under
drawings and Creative Ex~ression
paintings Draw or paint or model a fish Timehri Readers
that you like.
- read word or Animal Friends

- -··--- - - - -

lllt:lllt: . vUIIIIIIUIIILY YVUfl\tlr:S

Tooic The Fish

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Big Book Participating in discussion of Big Big Book The child can:-
- participate in Shared Reading. Book. - participate in
discussion of Big The Fisherman Picture Word Cards discussion.
Book, Cover, Title, p 1. (picture) Listening to teacher read Big
Pictures. A fisherman went fishing one Book - listen as teacher reads
day. Big Book.
- listen as teacher On a river that's far away. Reading Big Book with teacher
reads Big Book Picture Word Jig-Saws - read with teacher
p 2. (picture) Reading independently.
- read with teacher A fish in the river heard him - use picture clues to
say, read words and
- read independently "I will catch a fish today." sentences.
Using picture-clues to read
- read picture word p.3 (picture) picture-word cards - fix picture-word jig -
cards, saws.
So the fish hid behind a tree.
Tracing/copying words
- match letters to "You can't catch me.
words. Matching letters to words.
You can't catch me."
- use picture clues to Identifying words with same
read words. ending sounds
p 4 (picture)
And the fisherman went home Identifying words with same
beginning st;unds.
Still hungry. I
Free Oral Exgression. Answering questions in
Tell me about something that Standard English.
you like in the Big Book

Creative Exgression
Draw or paint or model
something that you like.

Theme : Community " urkers
T- - ---
. The
- --- Fish
- ----- - - -----

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Match correct numeral to Match correct written numerals 1 Number Chart 1 - 10. The child can:-
- identify quantities number 1 - 10. -10 with corresponding number. Number Stories, Nursery - identify written
represented by Rhymes. numerals 1 - 10.
numerals 1 -10. Counting the number of letters in
Group, sort, match, classify the word; . Plastic Corks for making sets, - match sets 1 - 10.
- understand that the objects. Numeral Cards 1 - 10
last number counted - match correct numeral
tells how many things
are in the set.
Add objects

Take away objects from a

to number 1 -10.

Listen to, repeat.

- listen to, repeat and group dramatise number
dramatise number Making sets 1 - 10. rhymes.

stories and rhymes
1 -10. Drawing sets and matching - Group, sort, match
numerals 1 -10. objects
- copy/write numerals
1 -10. Counting forward and backward
1 -10. C?J~G - Add objects

- Take away objects.

Eye-Hand Co-ordination
Grouping, sorting, matching,
classifying objects
Adding objects
Taking away objects Plastic corks, seeds, shells,
beads, plastic drinking straws


Theme : Plants
Topic : Plants in our Environment
.... _...... -···-· -- -··-··· -·· ····-···-· --· --······-···· ·- ... ···- ..... _.,_, ······-··-··- ···-·-··· ·-·-· -· -·--·· -·--·
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- A plant is a living thing . Some Listening to, repeating, Tape Recorder, The child can:-
- listen to and repeat plants grow in soil. Some dramatizing short stories, Cassettes, - listen to, repeat,
short stories, nursery plants grow in water.New nursery rhymes, action songs. Nursery Rhyme Books dramatise short stories,
rhymes, action songs Vocabulary and Sentence Imitating actions nursery rhymes
related to theme/topic Structures in short stories, Home-made percussion
to acquire Standard nursery rhymes, action songs, Clapping to music instruments, - sing songs
English vocabulary related to theme/topic. Dancing to music. Diorama with models of plants,
and develop Nurse!] Rh~mes Identifying rhyming sounds in flowers. - identify rhyming
phonemic awareness. 1. Five little Buttercups nursery rhymes. Real plants and flowers. sounds
Yellow and bright
- participate in Watch them open brjgb!- sunli.9b!_- njgb!. Nurse!] Rh~mes - give other words that
discussion of realia In the bright sunlight 1. My Garden, rhyme
models, pictures of And see how they close Giving other words to rhyme with 2. Little Seed,
plants, flowers. When it is night. the above. 3. Little Mango - identify same
Phonemic Awareness 4. Mango Tree beginning sounds
- answer questions in Rhyming Sounds Identifying Same Beginning 5. My Garden
Standard English; bright sunlight night Sounds - participate in
Who? What? When? e.g. §unlight I looked in my garden, discussion of plants/
Where? Why? How? Initial Consonant Sounds §ee And what did I see? flowers.
§Unlight - §ee Two big sunflowers
- identify rhyming Giving other words with same Looking at me.
sounds Sentence Structures beginning sounds.
Q:- What is the colour of (Two big sunflowers can be
- identify same buttercups? Answering questions in Standard substituted for any flower in
beginning sounds. English. your environment.)
A:- Buttercups are
yellow Planting seeds
Free Oral Ex~ression. Growing plants in water
Tell me about something that In soil- indoors and outdoors
you like in the Rhyme.
Field trips around school
Creative Ex~ression environment to observe plants,
Draw or paint or model leaves, flowers, fruits for
something that you like. Language Experience Charts

Theme Plants
Topic Plants in our Environment
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Eye-hand Co-ordination Modelling with play dough Play dough The child will :-
- model plants, flowers, - model fruits with play
fruits, leaves with play plants, flowers, fruits, leaves. Tracing around templates Templates of plants, flowers, dough
dough fruits, leaves - draw leaves, flowers,
Colouring outlines fruits
trace around Crayons, paper, - trace around templates
templates of leaves, Cutting and pasting paper within Magazine pages, of fruits, leaves
flowers, fruits outlines Scissors,
Paste, colour within outlines of
colour within outlines Drawing plants, flowers, fruits, Powder paints. fruits and leaves
cut and paste paper in Bits of sponge and clothes cut and paste bits of
outlines Painting flowers, fruits, leaves clips. paper within outlines
Cutting and pasting on a tree.
draw leaves, flowers, Sentence Structures Individual letters of the I- copy/write words or
fruits, cut out and Copying/writing words/sentences alphabet. sentences
paste on a big tree.
This is a flower. Reading words/sentences. - read words or
paint plants, leaves, l sentences.
flowers, fruits This is a plant. o:I
-· ::J
..., ,..,
,.. Ill
Upper and lower case letters -·tr'<...,
of the alphabet c,.., 0
read words or Free Oral Expression.
o·:::: """rn
sentences. ()a.
Tell me something about the c

flowers that you like. ,....., 2,..,
G 0
Creative Expression I
Draw or paint or model the I J
flowers that you like.

Theme Plants in our Environment
T . How Pumokins G
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Big Book Shared Reading. Participating in discussion of Big Big Book The child can:-
- participate in Pum~kins grow from Seeds Book. - participate in
discussion of Big p 1. (picture) Picture-Word Cards discussion.
Book. Pumpkin seeds need lots of water Listening to teacher read Big
to grow. Book. - listen as teacher reads
- listen as teacher p 2. (picture) Big Book.
Pumpkin seeds grow into small
reads Big Book Reading with teacher.
p 3. (picture) - read with teacher
- read with teacher. The small plants need lots of Reading independently.
sunlight to grow. - read small book
- read independently. p 4. (picture) Using picture clues to read independently.
The small plants grow into big picture-word cards.
- use picture clues to plants. I - use picture clues to
read picture- word p. 5 (picture) Tracing/copying words read picture-word
cards Soon yellow flowers grow on the cards.
big plants. Copying words.
p. 6 (picture)
- trace/copy words. trace/copy words.
Then small pumpkins grow on the
Matching letters to words
big plants.
- build words. p. 7 (picture) - build words.
The small pumpkins grow bigger Answering questions in Standard
- identify words with and bigger. English.
same beginning p. 8 (picture)
sounds. Now it's time to pick the big
p. 9 (picture)
We can make many foods with i
pumpkin. II
Pumpkin soup, pumpkin cake and I
pumpkin pie. :
Free Oral Ex~ression.
Tell me about something that I
you like in the Big Book. i
Creative Ex~ression
Draw or paint or model
something that you like in the
Big Book. l 36
Theme Plants in our Envi·· Jllment
T . F ----.
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- New Maths Concepts in Maths Listening to, repeating and Math stories, The child can:-
- listen to, repeat stories, rhymes, finger plays, dramatising Math stories, Rhymes, - listen to, repeat and
and dramatise songs, and games for counting rhymes, finger plays, songs and Songs, dramatise Math stories,
Maths stories, to 10. games for counting to 10. Finger plays, rhymes, finger plays,
rhymes, finger Games games for counting to
plays, songs, Measuring sugar, water, 10.
games for cherries, using cups. Pictorial Reci~e I

counting to 10. Capacity - use pictorial recipe for

- use pictorial Ef -one cup

Ef -sugar
making fruit drink

recipes for making

fruit drink, Eru - two cups
Eru -cherries - place fruit in different
positions and identify
- place fruits in
different positions
U U U- three cups Placing model of fruits in
Eruu- water positions. I

different positions on a model of

on a model tree a tree and identifying positions. - answer questions in
and identify Spatial Relationships; Standard English.
EJ 1 under
I Answering questions in Standard
Model of a mango tree

- answer questions
in Standard behind I Iin front of I
English. Field trips around school
Sentence Structures environment to observe plants,
Q:- Where is the fruits
A:- The mango is
under the tree

Free Oral Ex~ression.

Tell me something about the
fruits you like.
Creative Ex~ression
Draw or paint or model the
fruits you like

Theme : Animals in our Environment

Topic : Animals that live on Land
•• • ••••• -•••-• -~U'w••-••1"41 - • • ••••-•••-• ·--• --••••••-••••• • .., Ill •• •v 111-.VII-1 1111111."'"11'-'II I W IIW""IWIII IWifoAI VI \o41WWII WI'-"Yo

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- An animal is a living thing. Some Listening to, repeating, Tape Recorder, The child can:-
- listen to and repeat animals live on land and can walk, dramatizing short stories, Cassettes, - listen to, repeat,
short stories, hop, crawl, jump. nursery rhymes, action Nursery Rhyme Books, dramatise short stories,
nursery rhymes, New Vocabulary and Sentence songs. Story Books nursery rhymes.
action songs related Structures in short stories, nursery Imitating actions.
to theme/topic to rhymes, action songs related to topic. Home-made percussion - sing action songs
acquire Standard Five Little Mice Clapping to music instruments
English vocabulary Five little mice Dancing to music - identify same
and develop On the kitchen floor Diorama with models of beginning sounds
phonemic This little mouse, Identifying rhyming sounds animals
awareness. Peeked behind the door, and same beginning - participate in
- participate in This little mouse, sounds. Large Wall Pictures, discussion of realia,
discussion of Not a sound did he make, Nurse!Y Rh~mes models and pictures.
Realia, models and This little mouse, Answering questions in 1. Five Little Mice
pictures related to Took a bite of cake Standard English. 2. One little brown - answer questions in
topic. This little mouse heard, Mouse Standard English.
- answering The kitten sneeze, 3. Ten Fluffy Chickens
questions in Ah-Choo! Sneezed the kitten Field trips around school 4. The Animals on the
Standard English And squeak they cried, environment to observe Farm.
Who? What? As they found a hole animals for Language 5. Suzie the Cat
Where? When? And ran inside. Experience Charts. 6. I went to the Farm.
Why? Which? How? Phonemic Awareness
- identify rhyming Rhyming Sounds I went to the Farm
sounds in nursery floor door ; make cake And what did I see?
rhymes. !nitial Consonant Sounds Many little ducks
- give other words mouse make Looking at me.
that rhyme Sentence Structures
- identify words with Q. How many mice were on the floor? NB. Ducks can be substituted for I

same beginning A. Five mice were on the floor. any animal in your community.
sounds. Free Oral Ex~ression.
- give other words Tell me about something you like in
with same ending the rhyme.
sounds Creative Ex~ression
Draw or paint or model something
that you like in the rhyme.

Theme : Animals in our Environment
T . Animals that live on Land
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Shared Reading Participating in discussion of Big Book The child can:-
- participate in Big Book. Big Book. - participate in
discussion of Big Picture Word Cards discussion of Big Book
Book Animals around us Listening to teacher read Big
p.1 (picture) Book. - listen attentively as
- listen as teacher A little dog came into our yard teacher reads Big Book
reads big book today. Reading with teacher.
- read with teacher
- read with teacher p.2 (picture) Reading independently.
He looked at our big dog - use picture clues to
- read independently He looked at our little dog Using picture-clues to read read words
And then he ran away. picture-words cards
- use picture clues to - trace/copy words
read picture word p.3 (picture) Tracing words
cards A little cat came into our yard - build words
today. Copying words
- trace the word - identify rhyming
p.4 (picture) Matching letters to words. sounds
- copy the word He looked at our big cat
He looked at our little cat Understanding informal - identify same
- use single letters to And then he ran away. subtraction, beginning sounds
build words Identifying rhyming sounds,
Identifying same beginning - answer questions in
- understand informal Free Oral Ex~ression. sounds, standard English.
subtraction Tell me about something you like Answering questions. I
in the Big Book. I
- Identify same Creative Ex~ression I
beginning sounds Draw or paint or model I
something that you like in the Big
- Identify rhyming Book.
- answer questions in
Standard English; I
Who? What? Where?
Why? When? How?

Theme : Animals in our Environment
T Animals that live on Land
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Animals that live on land. Modelling with play dough. Play dough The child can:-
- model animals that - model with play dough.
live on land with play Eye-Hand Co-ordination Tracing around templates. Templates of animals that live - Draw animals, cut out
dough on land. and paste.
Colouring outlines.
- trace around Crayons, - trace around
templates of animals Cutting and pasting bits of Paper, templates, of animals
paper in outlines. Old Magazine pages,
- cut and paste paper in Scissors, - colour within outlines of
outlines of animals Drawing with crayons. animals
Powder Paints.
- draw animals, cut out Painting with bits of sponge I - copy/write words and
and paste on a farm clothes clips. Long strip of cardboard sentences
painted by children to
- paint animals Copying words and sentences. represent a farm. - read words and
Sentence Structures sentences.
- copy/write words or This is a cow. Reading words/ sentences.
sentences under This is a dog.
drawings Pasting c: ·t out pictures of
Timehri Readers animals on farm.
- read words/
sentences. Animal Friends
- Participate in group
activity chart. Free Oral Exgression.
Tell me something about the
farm animals that you like.

Creative Exgression '

Draw or paint or model one

animal that you like best.
Theme : Animals in our Environment
- --- live on Land
------ - ~--- ~--

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation '


The child will:- Listen to, repeat and dramatise Listening to, repeating and Maths Stories, The child can:-
- listen to, repeat and Maths stories, rhymes, finger dramatizing Maths stories, Rhymes, - listen to, repeat,
dramatise Maths plays, songs and games. rhymes, songs and games. Songs, dramatise Maths
stories, rhymes, finger Finger plays, stories, rhymes, finger
plays, songs, games. e.g Number Rhyme Drawing animals to match Games plays, games.
- group, sort, classify Ten Little Mice numerals. - group, sort, match,
objects Went out one day, Grouping, sorting, classifying Number/numeral Jig-saws . classify objects
Looking for food objects 1 - 10
- draw sets of animals to eat on the way. - draw animals to match
to match numerals 1 - Out came Pussy Cat Fixing number (animals) Plastic corks, seeds, shells, numerals 1 - 10
10 Big and Fat numerals jig saws. beads
- fix number (animals) And only nine little mice came - fix number/1numeral
numeral jig saws 1 - scampering back. Identifying rhyming sounds. Cut-outs of snakes, jig-saws 1 -10.
10 caterpillars.
- identify rhyming Phonemic Awareness Measuring with lollipop sticks, - identify rhyming
sounds Rhyming Sounds
day way
string, hand span.
~ sounds

- identify same Initial Consonant Sounds Counting circles on caterpillar - identify same
beginning sounds. cat £a me to identify 'long - short' ~ beginning sounds.
Spatial relationships. 'more -less'
- measure cut outs of in on - measure to identify
snakes, caterpillars
with a string or
in front of behind
Placing models in different
positions on kennel and
Oxxxxxxn long - short, longer
than, shorter than.
popsicle stick or hand
on top of under identifying position. Oxxxn
Model of kennel, - count circles to identify
Sentence Structures
Q. Where is the dog?
Answering questions in Model of dog, long - short, more -
- count circles on Standard English. less.
A. The dog is in the
caterpillars Model of kennel,
Free Oral ExQression. Model of dog, - place objects in
- place models of dog in different positions and
Tell me about something you like
different positions of identify positions.
in the rhyme
kennel and identify
Creative ExQression
positions. - answer questions in
Draw or paint or model
something that you like in the Standard English.
- answer questions in
Standard English.

Theme : Animals in our Environment
Topic : Animals that live in Water (sea, rivers)
''"-• •••u _, .. ..,., -~"'••-•••~ v•• ••••v•••v• Y-w• v-••n••w•u\Y ,.., 111 •••"" III"""IIVI 11111'-""''UIIW IIW''liiUIII IUI~U VI \.IIUQII QICc:loJ

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Some animals live in water and can Listening to, repeating, Tape Recorder, The child can:-
- listen to and repeat swim. dramatizing short stories, Cassettes, - listen to, repeat,
short stories, New Vocabulary and Sentence nursery rhymes, action Nursery Rhyme Books, dramatise short stories,
nursery rhymes, Structures in short stories, nursery songs. Story Books. nursery rhymes.
action songs related rhymes, action songs related to topic.
to theme/topic to Five Little Fishes Imitating actions Home-made percussion - sing action songs
acquire Standard Five little fishes instruments.
English vocabulary Swimming in a pond, Clapping to music. - identify same
and develop The first one said, Fishes in aquarium, beginning sounds
phonemic "I'm tired" as he ya~ned, Dancing to music. Models,
The second one sa1d, p· .. .
awareness. "W 111 t' t k .. 1ctures, - part1c1pate 1n
e e s a e a !J.§Q Rh d' · f 1·
The third one said ymes ISCUSSIOn o rea 1a,
- p~rticip~te in . "Put on your sleep,ing ~" A field trip to a nearby 1. Five Little Fishes models and pictures.
d1scuss1on of real1a, The fourth one said, trench, pond, creek to look
models and pictures "Wake up! Don't sleep. at fishes for Language 2. The Alligator and the - answer questions in
related to topic. The fifth one said, Experience Charts. Monkey. Standard English.
"Let's swim where it's deep"
- answering So the five little fishes swam away 3. I looked in the river
questions in But came .back the very next day. And what did 1 see?
Standard English Phon~mlc Awareness Identifying rhyming sounds A Big Black crocodile
Who? What? Rhymmg Sounds n§Q- C§Q Looking at me.
Where? When? n~~ cap ; sleep deep; away day sl~ _ d~
Why? Which? How? Initial Consonant Sounds awgy_- dgy_ 4. I'm a little fish in the sea so
- Identify rhyming five Dshes blue
sounds in nursery Sentence Structures . . Giving other words that 5. Have you ever seen a
rhymes. ~· How many fishes were sw1mmmg rhyme. goldfish?
- give other words In the pond? Identifying same beginning
that rhyme, A. Five fishes were swimming in the sounds;
- Identify words with pond. . Dsh- Drst- fourth- Dfth ·- In Rhyme 3-
same beginning Free Oral ExpressJo~. . . Dve Big Black Crocodile can be
sounds. Tell me about somethmg you like 1n substituted for any other
the rhyme animal in your environment.
_ give other words Creative Expression
with same Draw or paint or model something
beginning_ sound that you like in the rhyme.

Theme Animals in our Environment
- -- ~
- - -- -- -- - ---- - ---- - - - - - - - -- -- --- ---, -- - ---
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation '

The child will:- Big Book (Shared Reading) Participating in discussion of Big Big Book The child can:-
- participate in Five Little Sharks Book. "Five Little Sharks" - participate in
discussion on Big p. 1 (picture) discussion of Big Book
Book, Cover, Title, Five little sharks swimming in the Listening to teacher read Big
Pictures sea Book. Picture Word Cards - listen as teacher reads
- listen as teacher Big Book
reads Big book p. 2 (picture)
Reading with teacher. Strip of cardboard painted as
One bumped into
- read with teacher A giant manatee the sea by children - read with teacher.
- read independently p. 3 (picture) Reading independently.
- read picture -word The mother called the doctor and Using picture- clues to read - read independently.
cards the doctor said, picture- word cards.
- match letters to words "No more sharks Tracing/copying word - model with play dough
- use picture clues to swimming in the sea." Matching letters to word
read words p. 4. (picture) Identifying words with same - trace around templates
- answer questions on Four little sharks beginning and ending sounds
Big Book. Splashing by the shore
p. 5 (picture) - colour within outlines
- model animals which Modelling with play dough,
One got stuck
live in water (with play On the ocean floor tracing around templates of Play dough. - paste bits of paper
dough) animals. within outlines
- trace around Animals that live in water Templates of animals,
templates of animals. Fishes live in water Colouring outlines. Crayons, - draw animals, cut out
- colour outlines, Manatees live in water Paper, and paste
- cut and paste bits of Upper and lower case letters Cutting and pasting paper within Old Magazine pages
coloured magazine of the alphabet outlines. - paint animals
pages in outlines, Powder paints,
- draw fish, cut out and Timehri Readers Drawing and painting animals, Clothes clips, - copy/write words/
paste on sea Animal Friends cutting out and pasting on the Bits of sponge, sentences
- paint animals with bits sea painted by children Scissors.
of sponge and powder Free Oral Ex~ression . - read words and
paints. Tell me about something that sentences
- copy/write words or you like in the Big Book Alphabet Chart
sentences under Creative Ex~ression Copying/writing words and
drawings and Draw or paint or model sentences, Timehri Readers
paintings. something that you like in the Reading words and sentences. Animal Friends
- read words or Big Book

Theme : Animals in our Environment

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- New Vocabulary and Sentence Listening to, repeating and Number rhymes, The child can:-
- listen to repeat and Structures in Maths stories, dramatizing Maths rhymes, Maths stories, - listen to, repeat,
dramatise Maths finger plays, songs and finger plays, songs and games. Songs, finger plays, games. dramatise Maths
stories, rhymes, finger games. Number/numerals jig saws stories, rhymes, finger
plays, songs, games. Drawing fishes to match 1 - 10 plays, games.
1, 2, 3, 4,5 (number rhyme) numerals.
- Draw sets of fishes to One, two, three, four, five - draw fishes to match
match numerals Once I caught a fish alive Fixing number/numerals (fishes) Plastic corks, seeds, beads, numerals 1 - 10
1 - 10 Why did you let him go? jig saws. shells.
Because he bit my finger so
- fix number/ numeral Which finger did he bite?
(fishes) jig-saws The little finger on my right. Grouping , sorting, adding, taking - identify rhyming
1 - 10 away objects sounds.
Phonemic Awareness
- identifying rhyming Rhyming Sounds Identifying rhyming sounds. Number Rhyme: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - identify same beginning
sounds. five alive sounds
go so Identifying same beginning
- identifying same Initial Consonant Sounds sounds.
beginning sounds four five finger

Sentence Structures.
Q. Which finger did the fish
A. The fish bit the little finger
on my right.

Free Oral ExQression.

Tell me about something you
like in the rhyme

Creative ExQression
Draw or paint or model
something that you like in the

Theme : Animals in our Environment
Topic : Animals that Fly ( birds, insects)
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Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will :- Some animals have wings and Listening to, repeating and Tape Recorder, The child can:-
- listen to, repeat and can fly. dramatizing short stories, Cassettes, - listen to, repeat,
dramatise short New Vocabulary and Sentence nursery rhymes, action songs. Nursery Rhyme Books, dramatise short stories,
stories, nursery Structures in short stories, Story Books, nursery rhymes.
rhymes, sing action nursery rhymes, action songs Imitating actions. Home-made percussion
songs related to related to topic. instruments. - sing songs
theme/topic to Prett~ little Butterfl~. Clapping to music.
acquire Standard Pretty little butterfly Reali a - identify rhyming
English Vocabulary Dancing in the sun Dancing to music. sounds and same
and develop Sleep upon the flowers Diorama with models of beginning sounds.
phonemic awareness. When the day is done. animals.
- participate in discussion
- participate in Pretty little butterfly Large wall pictures. of realia models and
discussion of realia, It is time to fly away pictures.
models and large wall Open out and spread your wings
pictures of birds and And come another day. Answering questions in - answer questions in
insects. Standard English. Nursery Rhymes Standard English.
Phonemic Awareness 1. Big Big Bumble Bee
- answer questions in Rhyming Sounds Identifying rhyming sounds 2. Here is the Beehive
Standard English away day and same beginning sounds.
Who? What? Where? Initial Consonant Sounds
Which? When? How? day done A field trip around the school
Sentence Structures environment to observe birds
- identify rhyming Q. Where does the and insects for Language
sounds. butterfly sleep? Experience Charts
A. The butterfly sleeps
- identify same on the flowers.
beginning sounds.
Free Oral Ex~ression.
Tell me about something you like
in the rhyme
Creative Ex~ression
Draw or paint or model
something that you like in the

Theme : Animals in our Environment
Topic : Animals that Fly (birds, insects
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Some animals have wings and Modelling with play dough. Play dough The child can :-
- model birds, insects can fly - model with play dough
with play dough. Tracing around templates. Templates of birds and - draw, cut out and paste
Birds can fly. insects.
- trace around Colouring within outlines - trace around templates
templates of birds and Butterflies can fly. Crayons, of birds and insects,.
insects. Cutting and pasting bits of paper Paper,
Bees can fly. in outlines, drawing with crayons, Scissors, - colour within outlines.
- colour outlines painting with bits of sponge on Powder paints.
clothes clips. - cut and paste bits of
- cut and paste bits of Old magazines, paper in outlines of
paper in outlines. Copying words and sentences. pages birds and insects.

- draw birds, insects Reading words and sentences. - copy/write words and
Template of a big tree sentences.
- cut out and paste on a Drawing birds, insects, cutting
template of a big tree. them out and pasting on a big - read words and
template of a tree. sentences.
- paint birds, insects Timehri Readers
Timehri Readers
- copy/write words or Animal Friends
sentences under Animal Friends
drawings and Free Oral Ex~ression.
paintings. Tell me something about birds
that you like.
- read words or Creative Ex~ression
sentences. Draw or paint or model any
bird you like.


Theme : Animals in our Environment
Topic : Animals that Fly ( birds, insects
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will :- Shared Reading Participating in discussion of Big Big Book, The child can:-
- participate in Big Book Book. Picture -Word Cards - participate in
discussion of Big discussion of Big Book
Book, Cover, Title, Seven Little Blue Birds. Listening to teacher read Big Single letters
Pictures p. 1. (picture) Book. - listen attentively as

Seven little blue birds sitting teacher reads.

- listen to teacher read on some sticks, Reading with teacher.
Big Book. One flew away and then there Maths Stories, rhymes, songs, - read with teacher
were six. Reading independently finger plays, games,
- read with teacher - read independently.
p. 2. (picture) Listening to, repeating and Number/numeral jigsaws 1 -
- read independently. Six little blue birds sitting on a dramatising Maths stories, 10. - match letters to words
hive, rhymes, finger plays, songs and
- listen to, repeat and One flew away and then there games, Plastic corks, shells, beads, - listen to, repeat and
dramatise Maths were five. Drawing birds, insects, to match seeds dramatise Maths I

rhymes, finger plays, numerals 1 - 10. Plastic drinking straws stories, rhymes, finger
songs, games. p. 3. (picture) Fixing number I numeral jig-saws plays, games.
Five little blue birds sitting on a 1 - 10.
- draw sets of birds or door, Identifying same beginning - draw birds and insects
insects to match One flew away and then there sounds, to match numerals
numerals 1 -10. were four Identifying rhyming sounds. 1 -10.
Grouping, sorting
- fix number numeral p. 4. (picture) Adding and taking away objects - fix number/numeral
jig-saws. Four little blue birds sitting in a jig-saws 1 -10.
- identify same One flew away and then there - sort, match, group,
beginning sounds. were three, classify, add, take away
Free Oral ExQression. objects
- identify words with Tell me about something that
rhyming sounds. you like in the Big Book
Creative ExQression
Draw or paint or model
something you like in the Big

Theme : Transportation in our Community
Topic :Transportation on Land (cars, buses)
... _ .... ... -·· ·-· -- -··-··· -·· ····--··-· --· --······-···· ·- ... ···- ····-· ·-· ·····--··-··- -· -· --·· -· ---
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- New Vocabulary and Sentence Listening to, repeating, Tape Recorder, The child can:-
- listen to and repeat Structures in short stories, dramatizing short stories, Cassettes, - listen to, repeat,
short stories, nursery nursery rhymes, action songs nursery rhymes, action songs Nursery Rhyme Books, dramatise short stories,
rhymes, action songs related to theme/topic. Imitating actions Story Books. nursery rhymes.
related to theme/topic
to acquire Standard The Bus Clapping to music. Home-made percussion - sing action songs
English vocabulary Such a lot of people instruments.
and develop Waiting for the bus Dancing to music. - identify same
phonemic awareness. If the bus is crowded realia beginning sounds.
We won't push or fuss Identifying rhyming sounds and Models of vehicles
- participate in same beginning sounds Large Wall Pictures - participate in
discussion of realia, Such a lot of people discussion of realia,
models and pictures Getting off the bus models and pictures.
related to topic. Hear the engine beating
I'm sure there's room for us. Answering questions in Standard - answering questions in
- answer questions in Phonemic Awareness English; Who? What? Where? Standard English
Standard English; bus fuss us Why? When? How? Which? Nursery Rhymes
Who? What? Where? Initial Consonant Sounds 1. The Wheels of the Bus .
Why? When? How? QUS .Qeating
Which? QUSh Qeople A field trip to the road to observe 2. The Bus
Sentence Structures vehicles for Language
Q. What are the people Experience Charts
A. The people are waiting for
the bus.
The people are getting off
the bus.
Free Oral Ex12ression.
Tell me about something that
you like in the Rhyme
Creative Ex12ression
Draw or paint or model
something you like in the

Theme : Transportation in our Community
. -'t'·-


.. _____ ,.. __ ·-··-·· -·· --··- --· -----,
Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Shared Reading Participating in discussion of Big Book, - participate in discussion
- participate in Big Book Big Book Picture Word Cards
discussion of Big The Bus - listen as teacher reads
Book. p. 1. (picture) Listening to teacher read Big Big Book
The wheels of the bus Book
- listen as teacher Go round and round
Round and round - read with teacher,
reads Big Book, Reading with teacher, - read independently
Round and round
The wheels of the bus Reading independently
- read with teacher Go round and round - use picture clues to
All through the town. Using picture clues to read read picture word cards
- read independently p. 2. (picture) picture word cards
The people in the bus - trace/copy words,
- use picture clues to Go up and down, Tracing/copying words, - build words,
read picture word Up and down - identify words with
cards Up and down Matching letters to words rhyming sounds
The people in the bus Identifying words with same
- trace/copy words Go up and down
All through the town. beginning sound, - identify same beginning
p. 3. (picture) sounds
- build words The driver of the bus says,
"Have a nice day" .... Identifying rhyming sounds, - answer questions in
- identify words with p. 4 (picture) Answering questions in Standard English.
rhyming sounds and The horn of the bus goes Standard English.
same beginning " Peep, Peep, Peep" .....
sounds. Phonemic Awareness
Rhyming Sounds
- answer questions in down town
Standard English. Initial Consonant Sounds have horn
Sentence Structures
Q. Where is the bus going?
A. The bus is going to town.
Free Oral Ex~ression.
Tell me about something that you
like in the Rhyme
Creative Ex~ression
Draw or paint or model something
you like in the Rhyme.

Theme : Transportation in our Community
- --- - I -- --- -

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Vehicles on the road . Modelling with play dough. Playdough, The child ca11:-
- model vehicles with A vehicle transports people - model vehicles with
play dough and goods on the road Tracing around templates. Templates of vehicles, play dough
car - draw, cut out and paste
- trace around bus Colouring within outlines. Crayons,
templates of vehicles truck bicycle - trace around templates
motorcycle Paper, of vehicles.
- colour outlines ambulance Drawing vehicles, cutting and
pasting on a road Magazine pages, - colour within outlines
- use scrap materials to
create vehicles Painting vehicles. Bits of sponge and clothes - cut and paste bits of
clips, paper in outlines.
- cut and paste bits of words/sentences. Paste, - copy/write words or
paper within outlines sentences.
Reading words/sentences. Scissors, !

- draw vehicles in their - read words and

environment, cut out Powder paint. sentences.
and paste on road .
Long strip of cardboard
- paint vehicles in their painted by children to
environment represent a road

. - copy/write words or

- read words or

- ·-'----

Theme : Transportation in our Community
- - ~-- - - -~-- -- - --- -, -- --- --
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- New Maths Concepts in Math Listening to, repeating and Number/numeral Charts, The child can:-
- listen to, repeat and stories, rhymes, finger plays, dramatising Math stories, Number Stories, - listen to, repeat and
dramatise Math songs and games for counting rhymes, songs, finger plays, Rhymes, dramatise Maths
stories, nursery to 10. games for counting to 10. Finger plays. stories, rhymes, finger
rhymes, finger plays, plays for counting to
songs, games for sizes Observing real vehicles, models Games for counting to 10. 10.
counting to ten. bigger than - smaller than and pictures.
realia, Models, Pictures, - identify vehicles which
- identify vehicle 'bigger speed Observing real vehicles. are 'bigger than' and
than'/'smaller than', fast - slow 'smaller than'.
Participating in short field trip.
- identify vehicles which money $100 bill, - identify vehicles which
travel fast/slow. $20 bill. Paying bus fare. travel 'fast'/'slow' .

- participate in short Participating in a shopping trip, Real money; - travel by bus

field trips using a bus Purchasing food items for $100 bill,
and pay bus fare. cooking, e.g. making $20 bill, - pay bus fare.
sandwiches, fruit drink, fruit Food items,
- participate in a salad. Pictorial recipes. - shop with $100bill,
shopping trip to Plastic beads, shells, seeds, $20 bill
purchase groceries, Grouping, sorting, classifying, plastic drinking straws
fruits for cooking adding and taking away objects. - use pictorial recipes
experience. for preparing snack.
- group
- sort
- match classify
- add
- take away objects

Theme : Transportation in our Community
Topic :Transportation by Sea, River
.. ...... -···-· -- -··-··· -·- .... __ ., ____ - . --····· · ..... ·- ... ···- ····----· ······-··--·- -· --- .. ·- -
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- New Vocabulary and Sentence Listening to, repeating, Tape Recorder, The child can:-
- listen to and repeat Structures in short stories, dramatizing short stories, Cassettes, - listen to, repeat,
short stories, nursery nursery rhymes, action songs nursery rhymes, action songs, Nursery Rhyme Books, dramatise short stories,
rhymes, action songs related to theme/topic. Story Books. nursery rhymes.
related to theme/topic Clapping to music.
to acquire Standard Down b~ the Stelling Home-made percussion - sing action songs
English vocabulary Down by the stelling Dancing to music. instruments.
and develop Early in the morning - identify same
phonemic awareness. See the little speed boats realia beginning sounds.
All in a row Models of vehicles
- participate in The captain of the speed boat Large Wall Pictures - participate in
discussion of realia, Turns a little handle Answering questions on realia, discussion of realia,
models and large wall Vroom! Vroom! models, and large wall pictures models and pictures.
pictures related to Splish! Splash!
topic. Off we go - answer questions in
Answering questions in Standard Standard English.
- answer questions in Phonemic Awareness English; Nursery Rhyme
Standard English; stelli.o.g morni.o.g Who? What? Where? Why? 1. Boats
Who? What? Where? When? How? Which?
Why? When? How? Same Beginning Sound Story
Which? §Qiish §Qiash 1. The Three Little Amerindian
Sentence Structures
Q. Who turns the handle?
A. The Captain ... ......

Free Oral Ex~ression .

Tell me about something that
you like in the Rhyme

Creative Ex~ression
Draw or paint or model
something that you like in the

Theme : Transportation in our Community
-J,._- -- -----"'r- 'J

Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation


The child will:- Shared Reading Participating in discussion of Big Big Book The child can:
- participate in Big Book Book Picture -word cards - participate in discussion
discussion of Big Shi~s and Boats
Book. p. 1 (picture) Listening to teacher read Big - listen as teacher reads I

Over the sea and far away Book Big Book

- listen as teacher Big ship, little ships
reads Big Book, Sail everyday Reading with teacher, - read with teacher,
Reading independently ship - read independently
p. 2 (picture)
- read with teacher Over the sea
A hundred miles or more Using picture clues to read - use picture clues to
i - read independently Many , many captains picture word cards read picture word cards !

I - use picture clues to
Bring their ships ashore
Tracing/copying words, - trace/copy words,
read picture word p. 3 (picture) - build words,
cards Down by the river and far away Matching letters to words - identify words with
Big boats, little boats Identifying words with same boat rhyming sounds
Travel everyday.
- trace/copy words beginning sound.
p. 4 (picture)
Identifying words with same - identify same beginning
- match letters to words Away down the river ending sounds. sounds
A hundred miles or more i
- identify words with Many, many captains - answer questions in I

rhyming sounds and Bring their boats ashore Identifying rhyming sounds, Standard English.
same beginning Phonemic Awareness Answering questions in Standard
sounds. Rhyming sounds English.
More ashore; away day
- answer questions in
Standard English Free Oral Ex~ression
Tell me about something that
you like in the Big Book

Creative Ex~ression
Draw or paint or model
something that you like in the
Big Book

Theme : Transportation in our Community
bv Sea. R
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Ships Modelling with play dough Play dough The child can:-
- model boats with play Boats - model with play dough
dough. Canoes Tracing around templates of Templates of boats - draw, cut out and paste
- trace around Steamers boats Crayons,
templates of boats. Speed boats, transport people Paper, - trace around
- draw, cut out and in the river and sea. Colouring outlines of boats Old Magazine pages, templates, of boats
paste boats on the Scissors
sea. Cutting and pasting bits of paper - colour within outlines of
- cut and paste paper in Sentence Structures in outlines Powder Paints. animals
outlines of boats This is a canoe.
- colour within outlines I like the canoe. Drawing with crayons, cutting - copy/write words and
- draw boats, and pasting Timehri Readers sentences
- paint boats
- copy/write words or Painting with bits of sponge I Animal Friends - read words and
sentences under Timehri Readers clothes clips sentences.
drawings, Number rhymes,
- read words/sentences Animal Friends Copying words and sentences Math stories, - listen to, repeat and
- listen to, repeat and Reading words/sentences. Songs, dramatise Math stories,
dramatise Math Finger plays, rhymes, finger plays,
stories, rhymes, finger New Maths Concepts in Math Listening to, repeating and Games, games for counting to
plays, songs, games stories, rhymes, finger plays, dramatising Math stories, 10.
counting to 10. songs and games for counting rhymes, finger plays, songs and Realia,
- identify boats that are to 10. games for counting to 10. Models, - understand 'bigger
'bigger than', 'smaller Picture, than', 'smaller than'
than'. Understanding concepts of Observing real boats, models,
- identify boats which 'bigger than', 'smaller than'. pictures. Long strip of cardboard to - understand concepts
travel 'fast' and those represent the sea. 'fast' 'slow'
which are 'slow'. Understanding concepts of Observing real boats.
'fast', 'slow'. - understand value of
- Participate in a short Value of Participating in a boat trip money; $20 bill;
boat trip, paying with $20 bill, $100. bill.
real money. $100 Bill.

Theme : Transportation in our Community
Tooic : Transoortation bv A'
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Aeroplanes and helicopters Listening to, repeating, Tape Recorder, The child can:-
- listen to and repeat transport people and goods in dramatizing short stories, - listen to, repeat,
short stories, nursery the air. nursery rhymes, action songs. Cassettes, dramatise short stories,
rhymes, action songs New Vocabulary and Sentence Imitating actions nursery rhymes.
related to theme/topic Structures in short stories, Nursery Rhyme Books,
to acquire Standard nursery rhymes, action songs, Clapping to music. - sing songs.
English vocabulary related to theme/topic. Story Books,
and develop Dancing to music. - identify rhyming
phonemic awareness. My Aeroplane Home-made percussion sounds and same
I had a little aeroplane Identifying words with rhyming instruments, beginning sounds.
- participate in My aeroplane could fly sounds.
discussion of Realia, I jumped right in - participate in
models, large wall And off I went A trip to an airport or airstrip to discussion of realia,
pictures related to Right into the sky. observe aeroplanes, helicopters models and pictures
topic. for Language Experience Charts
Phonemic Awareness - answer questions in
Rhyming Sounds Standard English.
- Answer questions in fly sky Nursery Rhymes:-
Standard English; Sentence Structures 1. Helicopters
Who? What? When? Q. Where does the Answering questions in Standard I looked up into the sky
Where? Why? How? aeroplane fly? English; Who? What? Where? And what did I see?
Why? When? How? Which? Five big helicopters
- Identify words with A. The aeroplane flies Oh! How they could fly.
rhyming sounds. in the sky.
2. The Airport.
Free Oral Expression
- Identify words with Tell me about something that
same beginning you like in the rhyme.
Creative Expression
Draw or paint or model
something that you like in the

Theme : Transportation in our Community
Tooic : Transoortation bv A'
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- Shared Reading Participating in discussion of Big Big Book The child can:
- participate in Big Book Book Picture-word cards - participate in discussion
discussion of Big Aero~lanes and Helico~ters
Book. p. 1(picture) Listening to teacher read Big - listen as teacher reads
In the sky and far away Book Big Book
- listen as teacher Big aeroplanes, little aeroplanes
reads Big Book, Fly everyday Reading with teacher, - read with teacner,
Reading independently ~"'rnnl:m"' - read independently
p. 2 (picture)
- read with teacher In the sky and far away
Over the sea and land Using picture clues to read - use picture clues to
- read independently Many , many pilots picture word cards read picture word cards
Bring their aeroplanes to land
- use picture clues to Tracing/copying words, - trace/copy words,
read picture word p. 3 (picture) - identify words with
cards In the sky and far away Building words helicopter rhyming sounds
Big helicopters, little helicopters Identifying words with same
- trace/copy words Fly everyday. beginning sound. - identify same beginning
Identifying words with same sounds
p. 4 (picture)
- build words In the sky and far away ending sounds. - answer questions in
Over the sea and land Standard English.
- identify words with Many, many pilots
rhyming sounds and Bring their helicopters to land Identifying rhyming sounds,
same beginning Answering questions in Standard
sounds. Free Oral Ex~ression English.
Tell me about something that
answer questions in you like in the Big Book.
Standard English
Creative Ex12ression
Draw or paint or model
something that you like in the
Big Book

Theme : Transportation in our Community
Tooic : Transoortation bv A'
Objectives Content/ Concepts Learning Experiences Materials Evaluation

The child will:- New Maths Concepts in Maths Listening to, repeating and Number/ numeral Charts The child can:-
- listen to, repeat and stories, rhymes, finger plays, dramatising Maths stories, - listen to, repeat and
dramatise Maths songs and games for counting nursery rhymes, finger plays, Maths Stories, dramatise Maths
stories, nursery to 10. songs, games for counting to Number rhymes stories, rhymes, finger
rhymes, finger plays, 10. Finger plays plays, games for
songs, games for Spatial relationships. counting to 10.
counting to 10 Games for counting to 10 - Place aeroplane in
In on top of Placing models of aeroplanes in different positions and
- place models of different positions on a model Model of a shed and model of identify positions.
aeroplanes in different Behind in front oft shed, and identifying positions an aeroplane.
positions on a model - group
shed, and identify Sentence Structures Plastic beads, seeds, shells
positions Q. Where is the aeroplane? Grouping, sorting, matching, - sort
classifying objects.
A. The aeroplane isjn Adding objects - classify
on Taking away objects
under - add

over - take away objects

An IDB/GOG - BEAMS Initiative
Prepared by: Curriculum Development and Implementation Init, NCERD
Printed by Materials Production Unit, NCERD
Date: January 2006

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