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‫تقرير فحص ومطابقة المواد والتجهيزات الموردة ضمن مشروع مختبر فحص‬

‫المياه التابع للهيئة العامة للموارد المائية والممول من قبل منظمة الصحة العالمية‬

-‫الدفعة الثالثة‬-
Inspection Report of the NWRA’s Water Testing Lab. Which Funded by WHO

Third Patch



:‫أعضاء اللجنة‬
‫ أمين أحمد القدمي‬.‫م‬
‫ يحيى محمد الشهاري‬.‫أ‬
‫ هاني عبدهللا ابراهيم‬.‫م‬

‫م‬2022 – ‫ يونيو‬:‫بتاريخ‬

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‫بناء على التكليف الصادر من رئاسة الهيئة بخصوص اجراء عملية الفحص والمطابقة للمواد والتجهيزات الموردة‬
‫من قبل منظمة الصحة العالمية – الدفعة الثالثة – وذلك ضمن مشروع توريد وتركيب وتشغيل وتدريب وصيانة مختبر‬
‫فحص المياه الخاص بالهيئة‪ ،‬قامت اللجنة بإجراء عملية الفحص والمطابقة لجميع المواد والتجهيزات التي وصلة الى المختبر‬
‫من الصحة العالمية عن طريق شركة نقل وخدمات (الوحدة العربية) وذلك بمعية مندوبي شركة النقل‪ ،‬والتي قامت بنقل عدد‬
‫منها من مخازن وزارة الصحة العامة والسكان والعدد االخر من مخازن تابعة لمنظمة الصحة العالمية وذلك الى موقع‬
‫المختبر في الحصبة‪.‬‬

‫تم اجراء عملية الفحص والمطابقة للكميات والمواصفات الفنية فقط‪ ،‬ولم يتم اجراء عملية الفحص التشغيلي او الوظيفي لهذه‬
‫المواد والتجهيزات وذلك ألنه لم يتم الى االن اجراء عملية التركيب والتشغيل والتدريب‪.‬‬

‫سيتم أوال في هذه التقرير عرض منهجية وأنشطة الفحص المتبعة ومن ثم النتائج التفصيلية (الموضحة في المرفقات) ومن‬
‫ثم المالحظات العامة وفي األخير سيتم سرد التوصيات العامة للجنة‪.‬‬

‫خلفية عن المشروع‪:‬‬
‫يتكون المشروع من أكثر من مجموعة كل مجموعة تحتوي على عدد من األصناف (مواد او اعمال او تجهيزات‬
‫او اثاث ‪....،‬الخ) وكما هو مذكور في وثيقة المواصفات وجداول الكميات المتفق عليها بين الهيئة ومنظمة الصحة العالمية‪،‬‬
‫الجدول التالي يوضح عدد واسماء المجموعات‪:‬‬

‫‪# of‬‬
‫اسم المجموعة‪LOT NAME‬‬ ‫اسم المجموعة‬
‫‪01‬‬ ‫‪Microbiologically analysis Laboratory.‬‬ ‫مختبر التحليل البيولوجي‬

‫‪02‬‬ ‫مختبر التحليل الكيميائي‬

‫‪Chemically analysis Laboratory.‬‬

‫‪03‬‬ ‫المختبر الحقلي لفحص وتحليل‬

‫‪Field/ portable water quality testing analysis‬‬ ‫المياه‬

‫‪04‬‬ ‫مختبر التحليل المتقدم‬

‫‪Advance Water Analytical Laboratory‬‬

‫‪05‬‬ ‫الزجاجيات والمواد الكيميائية‬


‫‪Page 2 of 45‬‬
‫‪06‬‬ ‫الملحقات وأدوات األمان واالثاث‬
‫والمعدات الداعمة للمختبر ‪Accessories, Fittings, safety tools, furniture and‬‬
‫‪supporting equipment for Water testing‬‬
‫‪Laboratory analysis Laboratory‬‬

‫بناءا على هذه الوثيقة‪ ،‬سوف يتم تنفيذ عملية التوريد والتركيب والتشغيل والفحص والتدريب والصيانة لجميع‬
‫األصناف والبنود وبالمواصفات والكميات المحددة فيها باإلضافة الى ضمانات الصيانة وخدمات ما بعد البيع (قطع الغيار)‬
‫وغيرها االشتراطات مما تم ذكره في نطاق االعمال والشروط الخاصة والعامة‪.‬‬

‫سبق وان تم توريد عدد من األصناف ضمن دفعتين سابقتين وكان معظمها مواد كيميائية ومحاليل (بحدود ‪)%95‬‬
‫والتي لوحظ ان هناك اختالفات وفروقات كثيرة وكبيرة في الكميات والمواصفات وذلك بمقارنتها مع ما تم طلبه وما تم‬
‫االتفاق عليه باإلضافة الى ان بعضها مشارف على انتهاء الصالحية وغيرها من المالحظات التي تم ذكرها في تقارير‬
‫الفحص والمطابقة الخاصة بهذه الدفعات‪.‬‬

‫تأتي هذه الدفعة في الترتيب الثالث وتحتوي على معدات وتجهيزات ومواد كيميائية ومحاليل‪ ،‬ولكن لوحظ ان هذه‬
‫األصناف موزعة على أكثر من مجموعة‪ ،‬وبالتالي فقط تم ابراز النتائج لألصناف محل الفحص والمطابقة فقط مع اإلشارة‬
‫الى رقم المجموعة والبند فيها‪.‬‬

‫المنهجية واألنشطة‪:‬‬
‫قامت اللجنة ووفقا لما سبق بعملية الفحص والمطابقة للكميات والمواصفات الفنية ولم يتم اجراء عملية الفحص‬
‫التشغيلي لقياس األداء الوظيفي المطلوب من هذه المواد والتجهيزات وذلك الن أجراء ذلك يتطلب أوال تنفيذ عملية التركيب‬
‫والتشغيل والتدريب وهذا الذي لم يتم بعد‪ ،‬لذا قامت اللجنة باتباع الخطوات التالية‪:‬‬

‫مطابقة الكميات‪ :‬اجراء جرد عام لجميع المواد والتجهيزات الواصلة بمعية فريق الشركة الناقلة ومقارنة كمياتها مع‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫االصناف المطلوبة – أوال ‪ -‬ومع األصناف المذكورة في وثيقة الكميات والمواصفات المرسلة من قبل منظمة الصحة‬
‫العالمية وفقا للمقترح المرفوع سلفا – ثانيا ‪ ( ،-‬مالحظة‪ :‬تم استبعاد الكميات التالفة) (ملحق رقم ‪ - 01 -‬يوضح‬
‫نتائج عملية الفحص والمطابقة للكميات)‪.‬‬
‫مطابقة المواصفات‪ :‬قامت اللجنة بقياس مدى االمتثال للمواصفات المطلوبة في الوثيقة المشار اليها في البند السابق‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫وقد تم ذلك من خالل االطالع على مواصفات المواد والتجهيزات المتوفرة محل الفحص من خالل المالحظة‬
‫المباشرة باإلضافة الى الكاتلوجات المرفقة ومعاينة اللوحات االسمية لبيانات المواد والتجهيزات والبحث في االنترنت‬
‫باستخدام موديالت االجهزة (ملحق رقم ‪ - 02 -‬يوضح نتائج عملية الفحص والمطابقة للمواصفات الفنية)‪.‬‬
‫التأكد من شهادات الجودة‪ :‬التأكد من مدى توفر شهادات الجودة المطلوبة على مستوى كل صنف سواء عن طريق‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫معاينة الشهادات والكاتلوجات المرفقة او عن طريق االنترنت او من خالل اسم ماركة التصنيع واللوحات االسمية‬
‫لبيانات المواد والتجهيزات (ملحق رقم ‪.) - 02 -‬‬

‫‪Page 3 of 45‬‬
‫المالحظات العامة‪:‬‬

‫تم توريد العديد من األصناف بحالة سيئة‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫لم يتم توريد الملحقات المطلوبة للعديد من األصناف‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫لم يتم توفير الضمانات المطلوبة لجميع األصناف و أيضا قطع الغيار‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫تلف أجزاء من بعض األصناف‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫وجود نقص في بعض األصناف‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫ال يوجد اتساق في ترتيب األصناف والبنود مع ما تم طلبة‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫عدم وجود الكاتلوجات لبعض األصناف‪ ،‬حيث لوحظ ان معظمها تم توريده من غير التغليف (الكرتون) او قد سبق‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫وان تم فتحه بطريقة غبر سليمة‪.‬‬
‫بعض األصناف تم توريد أجزاء منها ضمن هذه الدفعة على الرغم من انه سبق وان تم توريدها ضمن الدفعة السابقة‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫بكميات كبيرة‪.‬‬
‫العديد من األصناف غير مطابق فنيا للمواصفات المطلوبة‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫بعض األصناف مطابق فنا ولكنها غير مكتملة كوحدات‪ ،‬كما تم طلبه او كما هو الزم للتشغيل‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫لم يتم التأكد من بعض المواصفات‪ ،‬المميزات او الخصائص الوظيفية التي تحتاج الى تركيب الجهاز وتشغيله‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫لمعرفتها‪ ،‬وهو االمر الذي يتطلب بعض المتطلبات لتنفيذه‪.‬‬
‫باإلضافة الى العديد من المالحظات التي تم سردها قرين كل بند او صنف في الملحق رقم ‪ 01‬و‪.02‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫ضرورة استيفاء األصناف او البنود الغير مكتملة‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫ضرورة إلزام الجهة الموردة بتركيب وتشغيل وتدريب واختبار جميع األصناف المطابقة وكذا لالصناف الغير‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫مكتملة (بعد توريد النواقص والمتطلبات المطلوبة او االزمة للتركيب والتشغيل)‪.‬‬
‫ضرورة توفير الضمانات المطلوبة‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫ضرورة التركيز على توفير جميع المتطلبات (األدوات والتجهيزات والبنى التحتية) الالزمة للتركيب والتشغير‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫ضرورة استبدال األصناف الغير مطابقة‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫لجنة الفحص والمعاينة‪:‬‬

‫التوقيع‬ ‫التاريخ‬ ‫االسم‬ ‫م‬



‫‪Page 4 of 45‬‬
‫الملحق رقم ( ‪) 01‬‬
‫نتائج مطابقة الكميات‬

‫‪Page 5 of 45‬‬
Page 6 of 45
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Page 9 of 45
Page 10 of 45
) 02 ( ‫الملحق رقم‬
‫نتائج مطابقة المواصفات الفنية‬

1- Microbiologically analysis Laboratory.

2- Chemically analysis Laboratory.

3- Field/ portable water quality testing analysis Laboratory.

4- Advance Water Analytical Laboratory

5- GLASSWARES& MISCELLANEOUS and Chemicals Substances

6- Accessories, Fittings, safety tools, furniture and supporting equipment for

Water Testing Laboratory Analysis Laboratory

Page 11 of 45
1- Microbiologically analysis Laboratory.


:‫الفحص والمطابقة ل لمواصفات الفنية‬

Item & Required Specification ‫البند والمواصفات‬
# Specification Remarks ‫المالحظات‬
‫مواصفات المتوفرة‬

1 Hot Air Sterilizer (Oven). Item No. (2.3): ‫غي مكتمل حيث لم يتم‬ ‫البند ر‬
Oven (Vacuum Drying oven), capacity 80-100L ‫الخارج‬
‫ي‬ ‫ارة‬‫ر‬ ‫الح‬ ‫حساس‬ ‫توريد‬
‫ مع أن‬،‫كما هو مطلوب يف البند‬
‫الصنف او الجهاز يعتي‬
Should have double walled construction, with high OK, Stainless Steel
quality insulated steel. Inner walls of 304 quality SS,
OK, 2 Shelves
Outer walls of Powder coated GI sheets. ‫احد االصناف الفرعية للبند‬
Facility for adjustable shelves, 10 removable shelves OK. ‫ من المجموعة الخاصة‬2 ‫رقم‬
to be provided. ‫البيولوج حيث لم‬
‫ي‬ ‫بالمختي‬
‫يتم توريد بقية األصناف‬
Inner chamber: with internal lighting facility, OK. .‫المطلوبة يف اطار هذا البند‬
Insulated door fitted with heavy hinges, mechanical
door lock.
 External material: 304 Grade Stainless Steel body  OK, Stainless
with powder coating. Steel
 Interior material: Fully stainless steel.  OK, Stainless
 Inner chamber: Stainless steel structure with  OK, Stainless steel
adjustable minimum 4 shelves. with adjustable 2
 Window: Double layer glass observation window  OK, Double layer
in front side. glass.
 Type: Bench Top type (Tabletop model).  OK, Bench Top
 Temp. Range: Ambient +10°C to +250°C with  +50°C to +200°C
temperature setting accuracy ±0.5°C with forced with temp setting
air circulation for temperature uniformity. accuracy ±0.1°C.
 Capacity: 80-100L.  OK, 90L.

 Temperature Accuracy: ±O.5°C.  ±O.1°C.

 Temperature Protection: Automatic over  OK.

temperature alarm based protection system.

Page 12 of 45
 Timer function: Choice of time (On/Off  OK.
condition) for automatic setting.
 Temp. Control: Microprocessor control with LCD/  OK, LED display.
LED display.
 Convection system: Gentle drying and heating  OK.
with superior temperature uniformity.
 Certification: International standard quality  CE.
certification (IEC, DIN, CE or equivalent).
 Power supply: AC 220V, 50Hz ±5%. With all  OK.
electrical peripherals required for smooth
functioning should be provided.
System is to be complete as described above,
ready for use including but not limited to:
- Should have all the accessories required for - The oil of
the functioning of the equipment. vacuum pump
was dropped.
- Separate PT 100 sensor and display for - NO, Separate
temperature (LED). PT 100 sensor
and display.
Warranty : As mentioned on Technical/Special NO. ‫توفي الضمانة‬
‫لم يتم ر‬
Teams and Conditions .

2 Multiple Vacuum Filtration System With

Sterilized Filter Packs.

Membrane filter holders, 100 and 300 ml funnel, with No. ‫لم يكتمل البند حيث لم يتم توريد‬
suction flask 2 liter (PP with drain). PES membrane, :‫االتي‬
polystyrene/SS housing, Filtration apparatus is used - 100ml
.‫ملي‬100 ‫االقماع مقاس‬ -
to filter culture media, make use of a thin layer of Funnel was
semipermeable material that separates substances not ‫أوراق الترشيح المطلوبة‬ -
when a driving force (vacuum) is applied across the .‫لهذه الوحدة‬
membrane. Membrane processes are increasingly
used for removal of bacteria, microorganisms, - Suction ‫دورق الشفط سعة‬ -
particulates, and natural organic material, which can )‫لتر(للمخلفات‬2
flask 2 liter
contaminate the cultures.
was not .‫االنابيب الالزمة للتوصيل‬ -
supplied. ‫باإلضافة الى ان ضغط التفريغ‬
‫للمضخة منخفض (دون‬
Minimum functions: ‫المطلوب) كما ان حوامل االقماع‬
A multiple vacuum filtration system suitable for ‫ليست استانلس استيل‬
microbiological analysis is to be supplied.

Page 13 of 45
- A stainless steel manifold for 6 filtration units is to
be fitted with stainless steel units. To consist of valve
area with 6 or more taps, and a suitable joint flask.

- Filter Funnel Manifold, 6-place stainless steel

lightweight and durable for easy handling. The most
convenient way to filter multiple samples. Each funnel
location has individual port control valves. Suitable
Effective filtration area.
Features Features
- Made of Autoclave material. - OK.
- Individual control valve: Each branch permits - OK.
individual control.
- Quick-fit hose barb. - NO.
- Vent valve design. - NO.
Material of Body, Control valve, Filter funnel, Funnel All parts were SS
support base, Connector, Vent valve and Handle is except the Handle
SS. was Metal.
System is to be complete as described above, ready
for use including but not limited to:
a) Multiple vacuum filtration system as described a: NO. The suitable
above with a suitable joint flask. joint flask was not
b) Suitable connecting pipes must be supplied. b: NO. The connecting
pipes was not
c) In addition, individually sterilized filters with c: NO, The individually
≤0.45 μm pore size suitable for membrane sterilized filters with
filtration analysis are to be provided. With ≤0.45 μm pore size
diameter suitable for the diameter of the funnels suitable for membrane
and all system. filtration unit were not
 The filter type, diameter, lot number, sterilization  OK.
and expiration date should be printed on the
package of each membrane filter unit for
complete traceability.

 Should have a Vacuum Suction pump suitable

for liquid handling.
Power Supply: 220V, 50Hz, ± 5%. OK.
Max. flow rate: Not less than 30 l/min. OK.

Page 14 of 45
Max. vacuum: approximately -650 mmHg. NO. 219 mmHg
2.1 Membrane filter holders (filter funnel), 100 ml Not Supplied ‫لم يتم توريدها‬
funnel capacity, with suction flask 2 liter. With
diameter suitable for the diameter of the filters and
all system.

2.2 Membrane filter holders (filter funnel), 300 ml 300ml Filter Holder ‫تم توريد االقماع سعة‬
funnel capacity, with suction flask 2 liter. With was supplied. ‫مل ولم يتم توريد قمع‬300
diameter suitable for the diameter of the filters and ‫شفط المخلفات‬
all system. The suction flask 2L
was not supplied.

2.3 Filter Funnel Manifold With remarks ‫تم التوريد مع المالحظات‬

6-place stainless steel lightweight and durable for mentioned above. ‫السابقة‬
easy handling. The most convenient way to filter
multiple samples. Each funnel location has
individual port control valves. With diameter
suitable for the diameter of the funnels and all
2.4 Suitable Oil Free Vacuum Suction Pump, At least Not Supplied ‫لم يتم توريدها‬
500 mmHg, for membrane filtration, at least 30 L/min
pumping speed, pressure gauge reading. Vacuum
gauge reading. Separate pressure regulating valves.
serrated hose connections, handle, 3-wire cord (L,N
and G) with line switch and plug. Pump is mounted on
four rubber feet.
2.5 Individually sterilized filters with ≤ 0.45 μm pore Not Supplied ‫لم يتم توريدها‬
size suitable for membrane filtration analysis are to
be provided. Packs each consisting of minimum 50,
With diameter suitable for the diameter of the
funnels and all system.
2.6 Suitable connecting pipes, Silicone Tube. Not Supplied ‫لم يتم توريدها‬

3 Incubator
1. Configuration: Multi-chamber, floor-standing NO. Single chamber, ‫غي مطابق‬
model with Castor wheels. floor-standing model
with Castor wheels.
2. Independent Temperature Control of Each NO.
3. A minimum of 2 nos of SS-304 height adjustable OK.
racks in each chamber.
4. Temperature range (oC): 25-80 oC, ±0.2oC accuracy NO, 5-60 oC, ±0.1oC
and ±0.5oC uniformity with programmable accuracy.
Temperature Control with Illumination.
5. Temperature and display of each chamber to be OK.
control independently).

Page 15 of 45
6. Independent temperature control system for each Not confirm.
chamber to provide precise temperature.
7. Stainless Steel 304 Inner Chambers. OK

8. Door specification: S.S installed with lock. NO, the outer door
is metal and the
internal door is
glass with lock.

9. No. of Perforated shelves per chamber minimum 2 NO. Single chamber,

floor-standing model
with Castor wheels.

10. Digital PID Controller or Programmable Controller. OK

11. Over Temperature Protection, Over Current NO

Leakage Breaker.
12. Adjustable time and interval. OK

13. Magnetic door closure with positive sealing OK

14. Certification: Traceable Temperature Calibration CE
certificate for each chamber ,CE and FDA
15.Each equipment should supplied with multi- NO
channel data logger for temperature.
Warranty: As mentioned on Technical/Special NO
Teams and Conditions.
3.1 Incubator 50 L (Single chambered): OK
Capacity (Individual Chamber volume) Single

3.2 Incubator 100 L (Multi chambered): NOT SUPPLIED ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
Capacity (Individual Chamber volume) 30-50 L x 3- 2

3.3 Incubator 200 L (Multi chambered): NOT SUPPLIED ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
Capacity (Individual Chamber volume) 50-60 L x 4

4 Automated Colony Counter with CPU ‫غي مطابق‬

‫المطلوب جهاز كشف وتحليل‬
OK ‫رقم‬ ‫ون‬ ‫ر‬
Colony counter, with magnifier lens, Set of adapter ‫ي‬ ‫لون الكي ي‬
rings, and spare fluorescent tube. ‫حقيبتي‬
‫ر‬ ‫ناقص (تم توريد‬
) ‫ولوحظ نقص يف األدوات‬
1. Camera CMOS color camera or higher version. NO
Digital Zoom Minimum 28X or higher
2. Resolution Minimum 1 mega pixels or higher NO

3. Color detection Optional NO

Page 16 of 45
4. Counting time 1000 colonies per second or more NO

5. Minimum size colony 0.1 mm or less NO

6. Lighting LED and Automatic NO

7. Counting Automatic, with manual control NO

8. Counting on petri dishes 90mm or higher OK

9. Counting on pour, Surface plates Yes; Optional – NO

Petri films, Chromogenic
10. Data export PDF, JPEG, BMP, PNG and EXCEL NO

11. USB Connection should be there. NO

12. Computer system Laptop with Windows 10, 3 GB NO

RAM, Graphics Card, i-5 or higher processor.
13. Guarantee: as specified on terms and conditions. NO

14. Compliance GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) & full NO

For validation vender should having its own
capability with his or her own company trained
service engineer to perform validation. No third
part validation will be entertained. Company
personnel should do one validation at the time of
Warranty: As mentioned on Technical/Special Teams NO
and Conditions.
5 Digital Laboratory General Purpose ‫مطابق‬
Constant Temperature Water Bath With
Minimum functions: A rectangular high constant OK
temperature water bath to cover a wide range of
applications is to be supplied.
Volume: 10 - 15 Litres or larger. OK, 15L.

Temperature accuracy/control: Capable of achieving NO

±0.5˚C or better.
Temperature: Ambient to 99˚C or a better NO, 45-90˚C.
temperature range.
Display: Digital display for temperature control. OK
Material: Inner bath made up of corrosion resistant OK
stainless steel.
Minimum Features: Basic safety features to assure OK
user safety and equipment safeguard, robust and
durable construction.

Page 17 of 45
Accessories: System is to be complete as described OK
above, ready for use including but not limited to:
Water bath is to be provided complete with lid or
6 Circular Boiling – Electric Heating Bath. ‫مطابق‬

Minimum functions: A circular bath with concentric OK

ringed lid to vary the hole size is to be supplied.
Steam produced will provide an effective source of
heat for the samples.
Material: Stainless steel or an alternative high OK
corrosion resistant material.
Features: Overheat protection; circular style bath; to OK
be suitable for a sufficient variety of flask sizes.
Certification: Traceable Temperature Calibration OK, CE
certificate for each chamber ,CE and FDA
Accuracy : -+ .5% OK

Maximum hole aperture diameter after removal of OK

rings: 150 mm or larger.
Accessories: Equipment is to be complete and ready OK
for use with a heating device. Also the System is to be
complete as described above, ready for use including
all accessories required for smoothing operation.
Multi Place Electric Heated Bath. ‫مطابق‬

Minimum functions: Multi place rectangular heated OK

bath with multiple sets of rings to vary the hole
Material: Stainless steel. OK
Features: With overheat protection; bath is to be OK
suitable for a sufficient variety of flask sizes.
Certification: Traceable Temperature Calibration OK, CE
certificate for each chamber ,CE and FDA
Accuracy : -+ .5% OK
Capacity: Minimum 12 holes; closest available to OK
80mm diameter.
Accessories: Equipment is to be complete and ready OK
for use with a heating device/s. Also the system is to
be complete as described above including all
accessories required for smoothing operation.
7 Micro Centrifuge ‫مطابق مع وجود نقص‬
‫يف الملحقات‬
Minimum function: A durable micro centrifuge OK
suitable for routine applications.
Features: Quiet operation, displays values digitally,
Page 18 of 45
allows speed to be set and displayed, compact design,
suitable for 24x 1.5/2ml tubes, 12x 5/10ml and 6x
15/50ml, contains as minimum the basic safety
features to protect equipment.
Speed: Up to 13,000 RPM or faster. OK, 14000 RPM

Capacity: 24x 1.5/2ml tubes, 12x 5/10ml and 6x NO, ONLY 24x
15/50ml or higher capacity. 1.5/2ml tubes.
Accessories: Equipment is to be complete and ready NO, ONLY 24x ‫لم يتم توريد الروتر بالمقاسات‬
for use including but not limited to one rotor 1.5/2ml tubes. ‫األخرى المطلوبة‬
satisfying the maximum capacity and a set of The 12x 5/10ml and
compatible 1.5/2ml, 5/10ml and 15/50ml tubes or 6x 15/50ml was not
closest available are to be supplied. Also Should supplied.
supplied with Five rotor head, 10 x fuses and all
accessories, if any must be included to put the
system in to fully operational.

• Digital read out (for time & speed). OK

• Timer: From 0 - 90 Minute With Hold Mode. Timer OK

for run can be set up to 90 minutes continuous.
• Powers supply: 220 V/ 50 Hz ±5%. OK

• Full Automatic Microprocessor Control. OK

• It should be tabletop model with ergonomic design. OK

• It should not produce sound at maximum speed OK

with noise level less than 50dB.
• It should provided with fixed angle rotor NO, ONLY 24x ‫لم يتم توريد الروتر بالمقاسات‬
accommodating 24x 1.5/2ml tubes, 12x 5/10ml and 1.5/2ml tubes. ‫األخرى المطلوبة‬
6x 15/50ml. The 12x 5/10ml and
6x 15/50ml was not
• It should come with 3 years warranty and on-site NO
repair services as and when required.
• Technical features described above should OK
supported by original illustrated catalog.
8 Water Purification System: ‫غي مكتمل حيث لم‬ ‫البند ر‬
UV‫ وال‬RO ‫يتم توريد وحدة‬
OK. ‫وبقية الفالتر وبقية‬
1. General: Compact, Wall mountable / benchtop,
‫الملحقات المطلوبة تركيبها‬
sleek water purification system for Ultra – Pure Type-I
‫ر ر‬
‫الت تم‬
water for molecular biology application. ‫التقطي ي‬ ‫قبل وحدة‬
2. Quality of water: Should deliver Type I/Ultra –pure
as per International specifications as follows:

Page 19 of 45
- Resistively: 18.2 MΩcm;

- TOC (typical): < 5ppb;

- Bacteria: <1CFU/10ml;
- Endotoxin: <0.001EU/ml;
- RNase: 20pg/ml;
- DNase: 0.002ng/ml;
Important: Should have an ability to deliver Type III
water also.

3. The capacity: 3-5 litre/hour. OK, 4 l/h.

4. Feed – water: Potable tap water. OK.
5. General Essential Features:

- Preferably should start giving pure water

immediately after start.
- Should have built in RO, Dual Wavelength UV NO. ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
lamp, Purification pack or DI cartridge.
- Should have built-in integral tank with NO ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
minimum 5-10 litre capacity.
- Facility to attach external point of use Bio NO ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
filter or any such filter to control endotoxin.
6. Dispenser: Should have a flexible handle dispenser,
preferably, with a facility of :

- Variable flow drop by drop up to 2 litre per

- Locked dispense for glassware filling.
- Auto volume dispense from 50ml to 60 liters.
7. Display: TOC TEMPERATURE, conductivity, volume
dispensing, alarm and tank water level indicator.

8. Other important features:

- Sanitization facility to avoid contamination,

- Facility of intermittent water recirculation to
avoid contamination build-up.
- USB Port to capture data.
9. Accessories:-
System is to be complete as described above, ready
for use including but not limited to:

- All cartridges, filters, pump or any such item

which is /are essential for Installation and
functioning /operating the equipment.

Page 20 of 45
10. Consumable: Must Quote separately for
consumables (cartridges, filters etc.) for a period
mention above on technical terms and Conditions for
trouble free working.

11. Warranty: As mentioned on Technical/Special NO

Teams and Conditions.

8.1 Water still, Capacity 2 L/ h stainless steel or glass ok

condenser, with spare heating element.
8.2 Deionizer Water purification system (Water NOT supplied ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
still), Capacity 4 L/ h stainless steel or glass
condenser, with spare heating element.

9 Laminar Air Flow Cabinets ‫مطابق مع ضرورة التأكد‬

‫من متطلبات وملحقات‬
Working principle ‫التركيب قبل عملية‬
 The LAMINAR AIR FLOW UV Chamber OK, The Pre-filter
made of Polyester
when switched on, the blower unit should
fiber, washable.
create a suction pressure through the
primary filter (or Pre-filter), which
removes dust particles of above 10 micron
size in the first stage.
 Subsequently, the filtered air passed to OK, The HEPA Filter:
99.999% at 0.3micro
the HEPA filters, where the particles or
substances of 0.3 micron size and above
are removed.
 Finally the ultra-clean filtered air supplied NO,
to the working chamber as a uniform
airflow to perform precision analysis
Cabinet (Material of construction)
The system should have:

 Laminar Air Flow Cabinet should have fully OK

enclosed bench designed.
 The Laminar flow bench should have OK, The bench / work
table is 304 S.S.
Stainless Steel SS 304 table with MS coated
The Body is Cold-
tabular frame and body. rolled Steel with anti-
bacteria powder
The Side and Front
Window: 5mm
toughened glass, anti-

Page 21 of 45
 Laminated Unit should also have stand by
control system with lock and key.
The unit should have:

 Door should be made of tempered safety

glass sliding door or glass wind screen.
 Should have LCD display to show measured OK.
parameters like stage velocity, total using
time, UV/FL lamp on/off etc.
 Unit should have Differential pressure
Cleanliness level
The system should have:

 CLASS 100 (ISO 5 for particle sizes 0.5 µ <

3530 particles/M³ of air at both at Rest &
Operation Condition as per ISO 14644 –1.

Working size: at least 4 ft x 3 ft x 3 ft.

Work table

 It should have IS 304 Grade Stainless Steel

with finish 4 polish surface Front door.
 5 mm thick clear Acrylic Sheet - Vertical OK
Direction of flow: Horizontal. NO. Vertical

Airflow Speed: Velocity should have 90 OK. Average of

Feet/Minute ± 20. 0.3—0.45m/s, air
speed adjustable.
Blower Assembly
 It should have one set blower system, which
consists of dynamically & statically balanced
aluminium centrifugal impeller driven by 1/4
HP, single phase,1200- 1400 RPM motor,
enclosed in an PU coated GI casing suitably
suspended in a pair springs & connected to
the filter chamber through flexible canvas

HEPA Filters
The filters should have:

 Size: approximately 30” x 18” x 3” .

Page 22 of 45
 Type: Separator less type, Mini-Pleats HEPA
 Media: Ultra clean glass fiber paper.

 Retention: at least 0.3 Micron.

 Efficiency: 99.997%.
 Initial Pressure: Approx. 16 mm WG.

Pre Filters

 Size: Approx. 600 x 300 x 65 mm.

 Media: Synthetic, non-woven polyester.

 Casing: Epoxy painted GI frame.

 Retention: at least 10 Micron & above.

 Efficiency: 90%.
 Initial Pressure: Approx. 6 mm WG.

 Grade: F7 rating.
Particle Retention: Approx. 0.3 Micron.

Noise level : <60 dBA±5.

Power Supply
 Power supply should have 220-230 V, 50
Hz.±5%. And all components UL listed and CE

Illumination: Fluorescent tube 1 no.


 High intensity, low wattage >800 lux

 Pre-mounted UV lamp (30 W) with separate

UV lamp

 It should be 15 Watts, Equivalent to Philips

make, 1½ Feet.
 length,– 1No. each.
Other Accessories
System is to be complete as described above, ready
for use including but not limited to:

 5/15 Amp power point, Gas inlet, Levelling

Screws & Castor Wheels.

Page 23 of 45
 Side mounted double electrical socket for
ancillary equipment operation.
 DOP test port.

 Easily changeable pre-filters

 Fitted with UV Germicidal lamp for

 Fitted with Acrylic Front Door sliding type.
 Fitted with Manometer for Measurement of
HEPA Filters Choking system.
 Fitted with Cock for Gas Connection.

 Ensure noiseless operation and anti-vibration

construction provides efficient working
 Filter replacement-warning signal.
 All cartridges, filters, pump or any such item
which is /are essential for Installation and
functioning /operating the equipment.
 Consumables: Must quote separately
(cartridges, filters etc.) for THREE YEAR for
trouble free working.
Warranty: as specified on terms and conditions.

Certification required
 Test Certificate for Mini-Pleat HEPA Filters.

 Calibration Certificate for Pressure Gauge.

 Calibration Certificate for Air Velocity
 Warranty Certificate.
Operation and maintenance training component
The supplier will have to carry out successful
installation at NWRA laboratory premises
(where ever the system has to be installed)
and provide on – site comprehensive training
for scientific personnel operating the system
and support services till customer satisfaction
with the system.
Bio Safety Cabinet class II Type B2 ‫مطابق مع ضرورة التأكد‬
‫من متطلبات وملحقات‬
‫التركيب قبل عملية‬
 Cabinet (Material of construction): OK. ‫التركيب‬
Cabinet should have made from Galvanized Iron 18

Page 24 of 45
SWG sheet metal with polyurethane paint coated
finish and bottom will be supported with MS with
PU coated modular stand that can be adjustable
for height with levelling legs.

 Unit.
The unit should have:
- Front door Made of clear 4 - 5mm thick OK. 5mm two layer ‫يتم التأكد من عمل الباب هل هو‬
Toughened glass, vertical sliding, with Feather laminated toughened ‫يدوي ام كهربائي أيضا تشغيل‬
glass. ‫) وذلك بعد التركيب‬UV( ‫لمبة‬
touch Motorized operation, while opening the
door UV Lamp will be cut “OFF” And while closing
the door UV Lamp will be “ON” Automatically.
- Side Panels: Both the sidewalls are made from OK.
double layered outer GI & inner stainless steel
with return-air plenum in between.
- Edges should perforated to avoid entry of room OK.
air into the work zone and exit of contaminate air
in to the room and such contaminated air is sucked
through this full height perforation at the edges of
the sidewalls.

 Cleanliness level.
The system should have:

- - CLASS 100 (ISO 5 for particle sizes 0.5 µ < 3530 OK

particles/M³ of air at both at Rest.
- - Operation Condition as per ISO14644 replaces OK.
Class 100.
- - (US-FS 209 E) Conforming to NSF/ANSI 49, USA & OK.
En12469 standards.
 Working size: Ft (w x d x h) 3 x 2 x 2.
 Work table: It should have Removable type
tabletop, made of perforated IS 304 Stainless Steel
with satin finished.
 Working Area: The entire working zone should
lined with IS 304 grade stainless steel materials
with joint free covering on corners for easy
 Direction of flow: Vertical.
Air Balancing: 100% Exhaust & 0% Re-Circulation. OK.

Page 25 of 45
 Particle retention: 0.3 micron particles with typical OK.
efficiency of >99.997%0.3 micron particles with
typical efficiency of >99.997%.
 Airflow Speed Velocity: should have at least 90 OK.
0.33-0.53 m/s.
Feet/Minute ± 20.
 Supply Air Blower : OK.
It should consists of dynamically & statically
balanced aluminium centrifugal impeller driven by
an Single phase, Approx.1440-RPM motor,
enclosed in a PU coated Suspended in a pair of
springs & connected to the filter chamber through
flexible canvas duct inside the cabinet.
 Exhaust Blower: OK.
It should have Suitable displacing capacity having
a static of 60 mm WG and made of mild steel and
directly driven by a single phase, Approx. 1440-
RPM motor. The exhaust motor & blower unit will
be connected to the cabinet through an exhaust
duct made of rigid PVC pipe.

 Exhaust Duct: OK.

The exhaust air will be sending out through an 3 meter PVC duct
exhaust duct made of approx.125 mm diameter length, 300mm
rigid PVC pipe. Suitable canopy will be provided at diameter.
the end of the duct.

 ON/OFF Controls: OK.

“ON/OFF” soft touch switch controller for the VFD Display, LCD
blower, UV lamp, Day light lamp. Display and Remote
The UV will automatically switch “off ” when the Control.
front doors opened; likewise, the UV will switch
“on” automatically when the door is closed. This
will avoid accidental exposure of UV rays to the
users’ as UV rays are harmful to the skin.

 HEPA Filters:
The filters should have:

- Type: Separator less type, Mini-Pleats HEPA OK.

Media. 99.999% at 0.3 um.

- Media: Ultra clean glass fiber paper.

- Retention: 0.3 Micron.

- Efficiency: 99.997%.
- Initial Pressure: Approx.12 mm WG.

Page 26 of 45
- Grade: H14 rating.

 Pre Filters:

- Media: Synthetic, non-woven polyester. OK, washable.

- Casing: Epoxy painted GI frame.

- Retention: 10 -15 micron.

- Efficiency: 90%.

- Initial Pressure: Approx. 6 mm WG.

- Grade: F7 rating.
 Noise level: Approx. 65 decibel on “ A” scale ± 5 OK.
as per NSF 49. EN12469, less than
58 dB.
NSF49, less than 61
 Power Supply: OK.
- Power supply should have (220-240V, 50Hz) ± 5
%. And all components UL listed and CE marked
Electric supply requirement.

 Illumination: 4 feet, 40 Watt, Fluorescent tube – No.

2 Nos. 1 Fluorescent lamp,
21w, 1000Lux.
 Light:

- High intensity, low wattage >800 lux. OK. 1000Lux.

- Pre-mounted UV lamp (30 W) with separate switch. OK.

1 UV Lamp, 20w
 UV lamp: It should be 30Watts, 3 Feet length. OK.
1 UV Lamp, 20w
 Certification required:

- Test Certificate for Mini-Pleat HEPA Filters. OK

- Calibration Certificate for Pressure Gauge. OK

- Calibration Certificate for Air Velocity OK

- Warranty Certificate. NO

- Meet American (NSF/ANSI) or European standard OK

EN 12469 (type tested) or both.
 Operation and maintenance training component: NO
- The supplier will have to carry out successful
Installation at NWRA laboratory premises
(where ever the system has to be installed)
and provide on – site comprehensive training

Page 27 of 45
for scientific personnel operating the system
and support services till customer satisfaction
with the system.
 Accessories:- NO
System is to be complete as described above, ready
for use including but not limited to:
All cartridges, filters, pump or any such item
which is /are essential for Installation and
functioning /operating the equipment.

 Consumables: Must quote separately (cartridges, NO

filters etc.) for THREE YEAR for trouble free
Warranty: As mentioned on Technical/Special NO
Teams and Conditions.


:‫ملخص الفحص والمطابقة للكميات والمواصفات الفنية‬
Item QTY. As QTY. As Quantity Technically
Item Name Unit
Code# Requested Supplied Matching Matching
Benchtop Autoclave 1 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
Hot Air Sterilizer-50-80L. 2 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
Hot Air Sterilizer-250-300L. 1 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
2 1 ‫زيادة‬ ‫الجهاز مطابق‬
Oven (Vacuum Drying oven), capacity
4. 1 PCS ‫مع وجود نقص‬
80-100L ‫يف الملحقات‬
Hot Plate with Magnetic Stirrer. 2 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
Hotplate 8 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
Multiple Vacuum Filtration System
7. /// ////
With Sterilized Filter Packs.
Membrane filter holders (filter 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
30 PCS
funnel), 100 ml funnel capacity
Membrane filter holders (filter 60 30 ‫زيادة‬ ‫مطابق‬
30 PCS
funnel), 300 ml funnel capacity
Filter Funnel Manifold, 6-place 5 ‫مكتمل‬ ‫غي مطابق‬
stainless steel
Suitable Oil Free Vacuum Suction 5 ‫مكتمل‬ ‫غي مطابق‬
Individually sterilized filters with ≤ 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
32,000 filter
0.45 μm
Suitable connecting pipes. 5 M 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬

8. Incubator /// ////

Incubator 50 L (Single chambered): 2 PCS 1 ‫مكتمل‬ ‫غي مطابق‬
Page 28 of 45
Item QTY. As QTY. As Quantity Technically
Item Name Unit
Code# Requested Supplied Matching Matching
1 ‫مكتمل‬ ‫غي مطابق سعة‬‫ر‬
Incubator 100 L (Multi chambered): 2 PCS
‫ل ري‬160
1 ‫مكتمل‬ ‫غي مطابق سعة‬ ‫ر‬
Incubator 200 L (Multi chambered): 1 PCS
‫ رلي‬270
Automated Colony Counter with CPU 2 PCS 2 ‫مكتمل‬ ‫غي مطابق‬‫ر‬
Portable Laboratory Label Printer 10 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
Digital Trinocular Microscope with 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
11. image processing system and digital 1 PCS
Bench top pH meter: 1 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
Digital Laboratory General Purpose 2 ‫زائد واحد‬ ‫مطابق‬
13. Constant Temperature Water Bath 1 PCS
With LID
Digital Highly Accurate Water Bath 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
14. Primarily Used For Incubation 1 PCS
1 ‫مكتمل‬ ‫مطابق مع‬
Circular Boiling – Electric Heating
15. 1 PCS ‫وجود تلف‬
Bath. ‫بسيط‬
Multi Place Electric Heated Bath. 1 PCS 1 ‫مكتمل‬ ‫مطابق‬
1 ‫مكتمل‬ ‫مطابق مع‬
17. Micro Centrifuge 1 PCS ‫وجود نقص يف‬
Table Top Centrifuge for Routine 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
18. 2 PCS
Analytical Balance 2 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
Balances 2 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
21. Water Purification System /// ////
2 ‫غي مطابق‬
Water still, Capacity 2 L/ h 2 PCS
‫وجود نقص‬
Deionizer Water purification system 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
(Water still), Capacity 4 L/ h
22. Laboratory Refrigerator. /// ////
Refrigerator with a capacity of not 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
less than 200L
Refrigerator with a capacity of not 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
less than 400L
Motorized Pipette Filler/Dispenser 1 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
23. 20 PCS
to 100 ml
1 ‫مكتمل‬ ‫ التأكد‬+ ‫مطابق‬
‫من متطلبات‬
24. Laminar Air Flow Cabinets 1 PCS ‫ر‬
‫اليكيب قبل‬
‫اليكيب‬ ‫ر‬

Page 29 of 45
Item QTY. As QTY. As Quantity Technically
Item Name Unit
Code# Requested Supplied Matching Matching
1 ‫مكتمل‬ ‫ التأكد‬+ ‫مطابق‬
‫من متطلبات‬
25. Bio Safety Cabinet class II Type B2 1 PCS ‫ر‬
‫اليكيب قبل‬
‫اليكيب‬ ‫ر‬

Stomacher 1 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬

Microwave Digestion System 1 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
Automated Microbial Enumeration 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
28. 1 PCS

Page 30 of 45
2- Chemically Analysis Laboratory.


:‫ا لفحص والمطابقة ل لمواصفات الفنية‬

Item & Required Specification
# Specification Remarks ‫المالحظات‬
‫البند والمواصفات المطلوبة‬
‫مواصفات المتوفرة‬

1 Comparator (colorimeter). :‫غي مطابق‬

Should be supplied with glass standard discs for NO. ‫المطلوب جهاز كشف‬
chlorine ( 2 ranges) with square section cells ( 5 .‫رقم‬ ‫ون‬ ‫ر‬
‫ي‬ ‫لون الكي ي‬
‫وتحليل ي‬
pairs )
Minimum functions: An accurate and stable NO.
general-purpose colorimeter, to measure
transmittance and absorbance of solutions and ‫لون يدوي‬
‫تم توريد كاشف ي‬
reactions is to be supplied. ‫غي مكتمل مع ان المطلوب‬
Wavelengths: Allows selection of minimum of 4 ‫ون‬ ‫ر‬
NO ‫لون ألكي ي‬
‫جهاز كاشف ي‬
wavelengths (violet, blue, green and red) with drop
in filters or otherwise.
Measurement Ranges: 0-100%T, 0-1.99 Abs or NO
better ranges.
Resolution: 1%T or better, 0.01Abs or better. NO

Features: Portable or bench top, accurate and NO

stable, durable construction, LCD or LED display.
Accessories: System is to be complete as NO
described above, ready for use including but
not limited to 20 cuvettes
3 Thermoreactor for Digestion. (THERMO ‫غير مطابق‬

1. Minimum functions: A thermoreactor to OK

enable rapid heating and digestion of COD
(Chemical Oxygen Demand) vials in a safe and
secure environment is to be supplied.
2. Features: Minimum 12&24 holes (24 or more OK. 24 Hole.
simultaneous digestions), with timer, allows
different temperature settings (minimum of 2),
up to 200˚C reaction temperature or better,
durable and robust construction.

Page 31 of 45
 A thermo-reactor for thermal digestion of NO. 150°C.
samples up to 170°C.

 The system should have fixed and user-defined OK.

programs to set temperature and digestion

 The system should have the capability to hold OK.

minimum 2 x 8 standard cuvette shafts.

 Reaction time setting: 20 min, 30 min, 60 min, OK.

120 min (via fixed programs), and

 The system should have alarm and automatic OK.

shutdown facilities to indicate end of the
digestion cycle.

 It should have good temperature stability (± 0.5 OK.

K or better). ± 0.1
 Temperature range: 25 to 170°C with a OK.
regulating accuracy of ± 1°C or better. 20 to 150°C
 All accessories including but not limit the NO. There is no ‫لم يتم توريد حساس الحرارة‬
cuvettes, external temperature sensor, cracks .‫الخارجي‬
for heavy metal digestion and nitrate temperature
degradation for total nitrogen analysis should sensor.
be provided with the system.

 The power requirements of the instrument shall OK.

be 100-240 Vac, 50/60 Hz 8.

 Analysis of COD Parameter should be done in OK.

Same Make of UV-VIS spectrophotometer.


- Programmable Temperature Range: 37 to OK.

165°C (99 to 329°F). 20 to 150°C
- Operating Temperature: 10 to 45 °C (50 to OK.
- Programmable Timer Range : 0 to 480 OK.
OK. 20 to 150°C in 12
- Heating Rate: 20 to 150°C in 10 minutes.
- Temperature Stability: ± 1°C. OK.
- Stored Programs: NO. ‫لم يتم توفير هذه الميزة في‬
COD 150°C 120 minutes. ‫الجهاز المورد‬
TOC 105°C 120 minutes.
Fixed 100, 105, 30, 60,

Page 32 of 45
150, 165°C 120 minutes.
- Power Requirements: 100 to 240 Vac, OK.
50/60 Hz,
- Compliance: CE, GS, cTUVus. OK.
- Number of Vial Wells : Single block : 15 OK. 24 Vials.
vials x 16 mm
Warranty : As mentioned on Technical/Special NO.
Teams and Conditions.
Compliance: Compliance statement along with OK.
every above-mentioned point should be submitted
with relevant literature, specification sheets, and
brochures. Any deviation from specifications
should be clearly mentioned in compliance
3. Accessories: System is to be complete as OK.
described above, ready for use including but
not limited to a minimum of 24 vials to satisfy
the hole diameter/s of the equipment.
Training: the training should be provided as NO.
mentioned on terms and conditions.


3.2 THERMO REACTOR COD 12 holes. NOT, Supplied ‫لم يتم التوريد‬

OK. 15000 ‫تكف لعدد‬
‫ي‬ ‫الكمية ال‬
Reagents for 15,000 tests (samples) Required
Expire date: 2024 ‫تكف لعدد‬
‫ي‬ ‫ حيث‬.‫فحص‬
for 15,000 tests (0 to 150) (0 to 1500).
‫ فحص فقط‬3750
4 Specific-ion meter, AC mains operated, full
scale: 2 concentrations decades, with electrode NOT, Supplied ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
holder, with the following electrodes:


‫االلكيودات بحالة‬ ‫تم توريد‬
1. Minimum functions: Electrode for
determination of free fluoride in potable water, ‫سيئة من دون توريد جهاز‬
soft drinks, to be supplied. ‫التحليل الخاص بها‬
2. Temperature range: 0 to 80˚C or up to a higher
3. pH range: 5 (or lower) to 8 (or higher).
4. Concentration range: 0.02 (or lower) up to
1900 ppm (or higher) or saturated.
5. Required Features: Combination type (to
include a sensor and reference electrode in a
single body) or dual electrode head (fitted
with one ISE and one RE); fast, stable and
accurate results; robust and durable

Page 33 of 45
NOT, Supplied ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
1. Minimum functions: An electrode for
determination of free calcium in beverages and
water is to be supplied.
2. Temperature range: 0 to 40˚C or higher
3. pH range: 4 (or lower) to 10 (or higher).
4. Concentration range: 0.2 ppm (or lower) up to
40,000 ppm (or higher).
5. Required Features: Combination type (to
include a sensor and reference electrode in
a single body) or dual electrode head (fitted
with one ISE and one RE); fast, stable and
accurate results; robust and durable


‫تم توريد االلكيودات بحالة‬
1. Minimum functions: Electrode for
determination of sulphide ions in natural water ‫سيئة من دون توريد جهاز‬
and soils is to be supplied. ‫التحليل الخاص بها‬
2. Temperature range: 0 to 80˚C or up to a higher
3. pH range: 2 (or lower) to 12 (or higher).
4. Concentration range: Silver: 0.11 ppm (or
lower) to 107,000 ppm (or higher), Sulfide
0.003 ppm (or lower) to 32,000 ppm (or
5. Required Features: Combination type (to include
a sensor and reference electrode in a single
body) or dual electrode head (fitted with one ISE
and one RE); fast, stable and accurate results;
robust and durable construction.
‫تم توريد االلكيودات بحالة‬
1. Minimum functions: Electrode for
determination of free chloride ions in food ‫سيئة من دون توريد جهاز‬
products, plants and beverages is to be ‫التحليل الخاص بها‬
2. Temperature range: 0 to 80˚C or up to higher
3. pH range: 2 (or lower) to 11 (or higher).
4. Concentration range: 2 ppm (or lower) up to
35000 ppm (or higher).
Required Features: Combination type electrode (to
include a sensor and reference electrode in a single
body) or dual electrode head (fitted with one ISE
and one RE); fast, stable and accurate results;
robust and durable construction.

Page 34 of 45
‫تم توريد االلكيودات بحالة‬
1. Minimum functions: Electrode for
determination of free bromide ions in ‫سيئة من دون توريد جهاز‬
applications including, but not limited to water, ‫التحليل الخاص بها‬
wine, soil and plant Tissue and blood
Electrolytes/clinical analysis is to be supplied.
2. Temperature range: 0 to 80˚C or up to higher
3. pH range: 2 (or lower) to 12 (or higher).
4. Concentration range: 0.4 ppm (or lower) up
to 79,000 ppm (or higher).
Required Features: Combination type (to include a
sensor and reference electrode in a single body) or
dual electrode head (fitted with one ISE and one
RE); fast, stable and accurate results; robust and
durable construction.
‫تم توريد االلكيودات بحالة‬
1. Minimum functions: Electrode to measure the
levels of ammonium ions in applications such ‫سيئة من دون توريد جهاز‬
as, but not limited to, fertilizers is to be ‫التحليل الخاص بها‬
2. Temperature range: 0 to 40˚C or up to a
higher temperature.
3. pH range: Up to 8.5 or a higher pH.
4. Concentration range: 1 ppm (or lower) up to
18,000 ppm (or higher).
Required Features: Combination type (to include a
sensor and reference electrode in a single body)
or dual electrode head (fitted with one ISE and
one RE); fast, stable and accurate results; robust
and durable construction.
5 Flam Photometer. OK. ‫مطابق‬

6 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer ‫البند غير مكتمل مع ان الجهاز‬

‫لم يتم توريد الملحقات‬
High performance UV/VIS Spectrophotometer, PC OK. ‫األساسية للجهاز وفقا لكاتلوج‬
controlled true double beam UV-Visible :‫الجهاز‬
Spectrophotometer for liquid (Water)and solid
‫ خاليا‬2 ‫ لم يتم توريد عدد‬-
sample analysis in reflectance /transmission and
.‫فحص نوع كوارتز‬
absorbance mode. The system should have the
‫ خاليا‬4 ‫ لم يتم توريد عدد‬-
capability of analysing transition metal ions,
.‫فحص نوع زجاج‬
highly conjugated organic compounds, and
biological macromolecules precisely and

Page 35 of 45
accurately. The system should be quoted with ‫ لم يتم توريد غطاء الحماية‬-
below-mentioned specifications: .‫من االغبرة‬

Minimum functions: A UV-VIS system that is ideal OK. ‫باإلضافة الى عدم توريد جهاز‬
for routine and research water /wast water .‫الحاسوب بجميع ملحقاته‬
testing purposes is to be supplied.
Wavelength range: 190 –1100nm. OK.
Stray light: Capable of achieving ≤0.05% T or better. OK
Wavelength accuracy: ± 1 nm or better. OK, ± 0.3 nm
(Basic) operating modes: To include OK
%Transmittance, absorbance.
Other modes: To include Kinetics mode and OK
Quantitative Mode.
Photometric range: Up to 3.0Abs or a better range. OK
Technology: Double beam or split beam OK
Detector: Solid state detector - Si diodes Sample and OK
Environmental Requirement: OK
 Temperature: 15‐ 35 °C.
 Humidity: 30‐ 80% Non‐
Software: System compatible original Licensed OK
Software should be quoted with following

1. Multi-component measurement - Software OK

should measure Absorbance,
Transmittance, and Reflectance at the full
or selected wavelength with real-time
spectral displays and live instrument and
accessory status bar.
2. Software should have the facility to OK
export data to Clipboard, CSV file, Excel
file, BMP file, ASCII file, JCAMP file Zoom In /
Out, Add / Edit Labels.
3. Windows-based operating Software is OK
preferred. The software should enable
recording, manipulation, and storage of
spectral data. It should have complete
control of instrument and accessories of

Page 36 of 45

1. A branded PC with i7 processor with NOT Supplied ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
minimum 8GB RAM, 2GB Graphics
Memory, 1tb HARD Disk, minimum of two
LAN ports, DVD/Blu-Ray, 21” LED Monitor.
2. Reputed Branded colour Laserjet printer and NOT Supplied ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
automatic back to back should be provided
 50 mm Integrating sphere for NOT Supplied ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
transmittance/reflectance should be quoted
in the main item. Integrating sphere should be
quoted with proper reference material for
background correction.
 Powder sample holder should be quoted for NOT Supplied ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
analysis of solid samples.
 Compliance statement along with every above-
mentioned point should be submitted with
relevant literature, specification sheets, and
brochures. Any deviation from specifications
should be clearly mentioned in compliance
Features: Large LCD or LED display and interface, OK
ability to interface to PC, with Windows
compatible software, good signal to noise ratio and
suitable stability, fast scanning speed .

Accessories: To include as a minimum all the basic

equipment required to run the equipment,
including but not limited to:

a) Suitable cell holders (cuvettes) NOT Supplied ‫لم يتم التوريد‬

b) Software/s, all required interface to PC OK

and detector/s

c)A PC (Duo core Processor or better, IBM NOT Supplied ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
compatible with latest Windows operating
system, with networking ability and ability
to backup onto UPS).

Training: Specialized training is to be provided as NO

mentioned on terms and conditions.

Page 37 of 45
:‫ملخص الفحص والمطابقة للكميات والمواصفات الفنية‬

Item QTY. As Quantity Technically
Item Name Request Unit
Code# Supplied Matching Matching
Bench top Conductivity Bridge. 1 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
Comparator (colorimeter). 2 PCS 2 ‫مكتمل‬ ‫غي مطابق‬
Bench top Turbidity meter. 1 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
Variable speed vortex mixer with 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
4. 3 PCS
digital speed display.
Muffle furnace. 2 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
Digital Titration Kit. 10 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
Portable Multi-Parameter Water 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
7. 1 PCS
Quality Analyzer.
8. Thermoreactor for Digestion. /// ////
8. 1 ‫مكتمل‬ ‫غي مطابق‬
8. 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
‫مكتمل‬ ‫مطابق‬
Reagents for 15,000 tests (samples): Required
8. for
3 - 0 to 150. 15,000
- 0 to 1500.
B.O.D Incubator with BOD Analyzer
9. /// ////
and Reagents.
9. 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
B.O.D Incubator,300L 1 PCS
9. 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
BOD Analyzer 12 holes 2 PCS
Required 1250 (0-150) ‫الكمية الموردة‬ ‫الصنف مطابق‬
9. for 1250 (0-1500) ‫تكف لعدد‬ ‫مع نقص يف‬
Reagents for 15,000 tests (samples) L.S ‫ي‬
3 15,000 1250 (0-15000) ‫فحص‬3750 ‫الكمية‬
Refrigerator (Low Temperature 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
10. Freezer) 2 PCS

Specific-Ion Meter 1 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬

.1 (ISE)
.2 (ISE)

Page 38 of 45
Item QTY. As Quantity Technically
Item Name Request Unit
Code# Supplied Matching Matching
11 SILVER/SULFIDE ION SELECTIVE 2 ‫مكتمل‬ ‫غي مطابق‬
.4 (ISE)
.5 (ISE)
11 AMMONIUM ION SELECTIVE 2 ‫مكتمل‬ ‫غي مطابق‬
11 REFERENCE ELECTRODES, DOUBLE, 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
LS Kit
2 ‫مكتمل‬ ‫مطابق‬
12. Flam Photometer 2 PCS
0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
13. Soxhlet Extractor 1 PCS
Multi-Parameter Water Quality 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
14. Sonde. /// ////


.1 SONDE For 500 m.
.2 SONDE For 1000 m.
1 ‫مكتمل‬ ‫الجهاز مطابق‬
‫مع وجود‬
15. UV-VIS Spectrophotometer. 1 PCS
‫نقص يف‬
0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
16. Chemical Fume Hood. 1 PCS

Page 39 of 45
3- Field/ Portable Water Quality Testing Analysis Laboratory.


:‫الفحص والمطابقة ل لمواصفات الفنية‬

Item & Required Specification Current Specification

# Remarks ‫المالحظات‬
‫البند والمواصفات المطلوبة‬ ‫مواصفات المتوفرة‬

1 Wells Depth Meter ‫مطابق‬

Wells Depth meter should be robust, light and OK

convenient in use, and should all fitted with an
extremely strong tape marked in meters and
It should powered by a 12 V battery with a suitable OK. 9v
capacity to operation for long time, it should
produce an amplified audio signal (buzzer) when
the probe contacts a water surface.
The graduated tape should wound on a robust OK
open PVC reel which is mounted on a small steel
carrying frame.
Length of tape: should be not less than 500m. OK

Catalogue: Along with Technical Bid detailed NO

manual with specification for the quoted model to
be supplied.
Catalogue should be original.
2 Water Level Monitor ‫غير مطابق‬

The Water Level Monitor should be supplied with OK

a data logger and a submersible pressure
transducer for remote monitoring and recording
of water level, flow and pressure data.
This water testing instrument should be used in OK
various applications, i.e. Groundwater
Monitoring, Irrigation Canals, Wetlands,
infiltration/In flow studies and much more.
Water Level Monitor: Should be supply completely OK
with Data logger, should be housed in a
weatherproof cylindrical enclosure, pressure
sensor, PC software, at least 10m of cable & 12Vdc
battery with a suitable capacity.

Page 40 of 45
Extra Cable Lengths: from at least 1000m. NO ‫لم يتم توريد الكابل‬
Other Requirements: Includes handheld NO ‫لم يتم توريد الحاسوب‬
computer (with good specification), field cable, +‫ الكابل الحقلي‬+ ‫المحمول‬
robust carrying case and all necessary ‫حقائب حمله وغيرها من‬
accessories. ‫الملحقات الالزمة للعمل في‬

3 HDPE Narrow Mouth Bottles ‫مطابق‬

HDPE Narrow Mouth Bottles for wastewater
samples, 125 ml, leak proof, good chemical
resistance, pre cleaned to EPA standards for with
certificate of analysis.

4 Portable pH Meter: ‫غير مطابق‬

Portable, accuracy 0. 1 pH with 2 combination

electrode and spare electrode.
‫تلف الحساس نتيجة تسرب‬
‫السائل الحامي له في جميع‬
A general-purpose portable pH meter offering 1 or NO, 3 point pH
‫ لذا في الغالب لم‬،‫األجهزة‬
2 point pH calibration and automatic buffer calibration
‫تعد تعمل بشكل صحيح‬
recognition with manual override. It
simultaneously displays both the temperature
compensated pH readings and the manually set
• Heavy-duty waterproof casing OK

• Simultaneous pH and temperature display. OK

• Storage of not less than 30 results. NO, 20 Results

• Automatic or manual calibration. OK

• At least 500 hours battery life. OK

• Application specific electrodes and

consumables (sufficient for at least 2000 tests).
Range -2.00 to 16.00 NO, 0 to 14

Resolution 0.01 NO, 0.1

Accuracy ±0.02 NO, 0.1
Manual temperature 0 to 100°C OK
Automatic buffer 4.00, 7.00, 9.22, OK
recognition 10.00 (with manual
Calibration User selectable 1 or NO, 3 POINT
2 point
Connector BNC NOT Supplied ‫ال يوجد‬
Power Battery operated NO.
with suitable AC No batteries and NO AC
adaptor for 220VAC. Power adapter
Battery life 500 hours typical The batteries NOT ‫لم يتم توريد البطاريات لجميع‬
supplied ‫الوحدات‬
Carrying Case Hard carting case OK

Page 41 of 45
Display Backlight LCD OK
Operating Temp, 0-50Co. OK
Document O&M Manuals 3 NO, Only one copy
copies and 1 CD.
Guarantee 2 Years. NO

pH meter supplied with (but not limit):

- Epoxy bodied combination electrode and NO
other extra one.
- PH buffer sachets. OK

- Batteries (fitted). NO

- Carry case. OK

- Other necessary tools / accessories for



:‫ملخص الفحص والمطابقة للكميات والمواصفات الفنية‬

Item QTY. As QTY. As Quantity Technically

Item Name Unit
Code# Requested Supplied Matching Matching

Portable Physico-Chemical and

1. 6 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
Microbiological Water test kit
Combined Water Sampling &
2. 6 Kit 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
Measurement Kit.
3. Wells Depth Meter 3 PCS 1 ‫ناقص‬ ‫مطابق‬

4. Water Level Monitor 8 PCS 8 ‫مكتمل‬ ‫غي مطابق‬


5. Environmental Soil Sampling Kit 5 Kit 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬

6. HDPE Narrow Mouth Bottles 100 PCS 100 ‫مكتمل‬ ‫مطابق‬

7. HDPE Wide Mouth Bottles. 100 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬

Portable Spectrophotometer System
8. 3 Kit 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
9. Portable Autoclave. 3 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
10. Microbiological Portable Incubator 3 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
11. Digital Field Camera. 5 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
12. Laptop computer. 3 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
Portable Multi-Parameter Water
13. 20 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
Quality Analyzer.
‫مكتمل(وبدون‬ ‫غي مطابق‬
14. Portable pH meter. 10 PCS 10
Portable virus concentrator for
15. 1 Set 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
testing water in the field

Page 42 of 45
Item QTY. As QTY. As Quantity Technically
Item Name Unit
Code# Requested Supplied Matching Matching

TV Imaging System for Borehole

16. 3 Kit 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
17. Vertical Water Bottle Sampler 8 PCS
18. Horizontal Water Bottle Sampler 8 PCS
‫تم توريدها ضمن الدفعة الثانية‬
Vertical clear acrylic Kemmerer water
19. 8 PCS
20. Stainless Steel 8 oz. Bacon Sampler 5 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
‫تم توريدها ضمن الدفعة‬
21. Telescopic Handheld Sampler 5 PCS

Page 43 of 45
4- Advance Water Analytical Laboratory.


:‫الفحص والمطابقة ل لمواصفات الفنية‬

1. Microwave Plasma Atomic Emissions ‫لم يتم توريدها‬


(Atomic emission spectrometer with CCD detector that

offers high accuracy, reproducibility and versatility for
heavy metal testing)
2. Jar- Testing Apparatus

3. Gas Chromatography (GC) With PC and Auto



:‫ملخص الفحص والمطابقة للكميات والمواصفات الفنية‬

Item QTY. As QTY. As Quantity Technically

Item Name Unit
Code# Requested Supplied Matching Matching

Microwave Plasma Atomic

1 1 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
Emissions Spectrometer MP- AES.
2 Jar- Testing Apparatus. 1 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
Gas Chromatography (GC) With
3 1 PCS 0 ‫لم يتم التوريد‬
PC and Auto Sampler.

Page 44 of 45
5- Laboratory Glassware Miscellaneous and Chemicals Substance.





‫ حيث تم معاينة األصناف التي تم توريدها وكمياتها ولم يتم تحديد األصناف‬.)01( ‫كما هو موضح في الملحق رقم‬
.‫المطلوبة والتي لم يتم توريدها‬

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