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Finding Your True Calling

Finding your true calling is a journey that begins by exploring your passions and purpose.
It requires delving deep into your inner desires and identifying what truly ignites your soul.
Whether it be in the realm of art, science, or entrepreneurship, the choice is yours to make.
Embracing your own passion allows you to unlock your fullest potential and achieve fulfillment
in life. Your context, comprising of your unique experiences and upbringing, plays a crucial role
in shaping your true calling. It molds the lens through which you perceive the world, helping you
identify the areas where you can make the greatest impact. Believing in your abilities and staying
committed to your chosen path is paramount to finding your true calling. Trusting in yourself and
your capabilities builds the foundation for success and allows you to overcome the challenges that
may arise along the way.

In my own experience as I am still working on the profession pursuing my dream

profession or the profession of my choice, I can say that in this phase of my life everything is
challenging and it is not easy for me. I wanted to be a teacher ever since I was a kid, I felt like
teaching run’s in our blood since there is also a lot of professional teachers lined up in our family
and relatives. Teaching is the profession that I have chosen for myself and I was not force to choose
this profession. I experienced tutoring or teaching the kids in our neighborhood before and I find
it overwhelming that they recognize me as their teacher and started to call me Teacher Joy. I was
in my elementary days during that time and I am happy that I was able to teach those little kids
before. That experience of mine made me tell my self that I wanted to be a teacher someday and
that made me choose my own profession that I am currently pursuing now.

As I grew at this age, I realized that there is a lot of circumstances in life that you will feel
like giving up your dreams and your dream profession because of the hardship that you will
encounter while you’re own your way on pursuing that. There were moments where you will
question your yourself if you can really pursue this dream or not, but just like what like Teacher
Sab said in her speech, if someone believes in you and you believe in yourself, you will overcome
those hardship. The love and support you are getting from your family and other people is really a
great help for you to continue. If you believe in yourself you will succeed in everything you do.
As a future teacher it is important that you believe in yourself and also you are full of love with
yourself for you pass it on with your students. It is also important that you love what you are doing
and you choose teacher as a profession by heart for you to be an effective teacher.

As a future teacher, discovering your true calling and passion has special meaning. Start
by thinking deeply about your interests, the topics you're interested in, and the impact you want to
make in your students' lives. Recognize that you have autonomy in choosing your own educational
passions and goals, taking into account the specific context and belief systems that interest you.
Set clear educational goals that align with your personal mission, ensuring that your educational
journey is both purposeful and fulfilling. Your commitment to nurturing a love of learning and
creating a positive classroom environment will be vital, requiring dedication and resilience. Join a
supportive community of educators who share your values and vision, providing invaluable
encouragement and opportunities for collaboration. Remember that your journey as an educator is
dynamic, grows with each student you inspire, and is a combination of your self-awareness,
commitment, and conviction on the transformative power of education will guide you to become
an excellent teacher.

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