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There are many types of trips for students that could act either as holiday trips, or ones that

with the purpose of gaining knowledge. In schools students primarily go to visit places of cultural
importance abroad and sometimes to foreign sports or adventure trips. But what would be most
suitable for students?

Firstly, one of the trips that are most commonly taken are to places of cultural importance. It is a
very pleasant way for students to study different subjects, for example history and geography
rather than learning it from books. It is also a great opportunity for students that have not
traveled at all and would also help students to do stuff on their own and act a little bit more
independently. One of the drawbacks would be the grades required to sign in for the trip.

Another type of trips are foreign sports and adventure trips. Adventure trips are more relaxing
and not always have studying involved. It could be an exciting trip in the wilderness or some
type or if you are in a team you could challenge new opponents, boost skils and gain lifetime
experiences that enhance your life beyond sport. It is a balace between competition and culture
in exciting destinations but the downside is thay you have to be in a team in your school.

In conclusion, all types of trips are good in some way to the students with small negatives but
most suitable would be visits to places with cultural importance since students gain small amout
of "independence" and learn about culture and history of foreign nations. 266

Dear Paul,
How's it going? Did you try my advice i wrote you in the email last month? I think you found it
useful, since you wrote me an email 3 days ago about giving my opinion about the new music
app that got released recently!

To be honest with you, I am dissappinted from the app and the company that made it. I'm sure
they are not a poor company. Why'd they need to have so many ads during and between
songs!? Most of them can't be skipped, since it requires "premium", that really ruins the
experience. Oh and that's not even the worst part! If you haven't bought the premium plan, all of
the songs that are in your library are shuffled! At least it is not that bad for PC users, they aren't
affected really by that. It downgrades the experience mainly for phone users. Not only the
shuffle feature, but also the restriction to listen to songs from your library when you are offline. If
you are on a computer or laptop it doesn't really matter, but on phone you have to waste your
mobile data. And guess what, it's again a premium feature!

There are many other music apps that you can try out, but just please… not this one. It would
actually be better to pay for another app than struggle with this one for free. Using the newest
stuff doesn't make you cool. Hope you find my recommendation useful, now I have to make a
presentation for tomorrow because I totally forgot!
See you soon,

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