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Analisis Kepadatan Penduduk Kabupaten Padang Pariaman

tahun 2018
Analysis of Population Density in Padang Pariaman Regency in

Suci Astika Sari

Program Studi S1 Ekonomi, Universitas Andalas

Abstact : This research was conducted in Padang Pariaman Regency by

looking at data from the Central Statistics Agency for Padang Pariaman
Regency in 2018. The purpose of this research was to determine the
population density in the district in 2018. The research method and type of
data used in this study are quantitative methods with secondary data
sources. Data collection techniques used are based on existing data. The
steps taken were to calculate the total population of the 17 districts,
calculate the area and then find the total population density. Based on his
calculations, the total population in 2018 was 413,272 with an area of
1,343km2. With the data that has been obtained, it is hoped that it can help
in completing the research.

A district is an area in which there are several districts. In one district
there are hundreds of people who live and continue to grow, the district also has
a certain area. Padang Pariaman Regency is one of the regencies in West
Sumatra Province which has hundreds of thousands of residents each year with
an area of 1,343 km².
To find out the number of population density, strong data is needed. Here
we will look for the total population density for 2018, based on the Central
Statistics Agency for Padang Pariaman Regency, the total population for 2018 is
413,272 with an area of 1,343 km².

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