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(Foundation for Biological Sciences)

Em-240 Time45mins

This paper is based on the Heart and Blood vessels Cell(The Basic Unit).
Total number of questions is 60. For each positive response 4 marks and for
each negative response 1marks deducted.
This paper has 2 parts - level-1 and 2.

Answers should be flled in omr sheet with proper information.

1.During an examination, the cardiologist noticed that the P-R interval in a
patlent's ECG was 0.4 sec long.This probably indicated that

(A)The patient had a clot in the coronary artery.

(B)The patient was suffering from CAD or Rheumatic fever.
(C)The tricuspid valve had displaced downward into the right atrium.

2.An oval depression present in the right atrium adjoining the Interatrial septum

(A)Fossa Ovalis (B)Crista Terminalis

(c)Foramen Ovale (D)Cisterna Chyli

3.The condition that leads to uncoordinated rapld contraction of heart muscles

thatcan prove fatal is called
(A)Stokes-Adam Syndrome
(B)Ebestin's disease
(C)Atrio-ventricular Fibrillation
(D)lschemic heart disease

4.The procedure done to remove atherosclerotic plaques from coronary artery in

case of partial blockage is called-
(A)Angloplasty (8)CABG (C)Cardioversion (D)Defibrllation

5.The Eustachian valve guards the opening of

(A)Superior vena cava
(B)Pulmonary trunk and aorta
(C)Inferlor vena cava
(D)Coronary sinus

6.The structure present in heart that hold the Artilo-ventricular valves in place
whlle the heart is pumping blood are called-
(A)Papillary muscles
(B)Chordae tendineae
(C)Columnar carneae
(p)Trabeculae carneae

7.The 2nd heart sound is heard when

(A)The cuspld valves close.

(BThe blood flows from the atria to the ventricles.
(C)The semilunar valves close.
(D)The blood flows Into the vena cava.

8.Whlch of the following statements ls Incorrect about arterles?

(A)Walls of arteries are thick and muscular.

flow of blood Is prevented by valves.
(CjOutemost coat,tunica advertising is formed of connective tissue.
(D)All arterles carry oxygenated blood excopt pulmonary arterles.

9.Select the mismatched palr.

(AJAV Node-Pacesetter
(B)Malplghlan bodles- Red pulp spleen
(C)Erythroblastosis fetalis- Rh incompatibillty
(D)Thebasian valve- opening of coronary sinus.

10.The given figure Is the ECG of a normal person.Which one of Its components
ls correctly Interpreted below?
(A)Complex QRS - one complete pulse
(B)Peak T initiation of total cardlac contraction.
(C)Peak P and Peak R along -Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure.
(D)Peak P- initiation of leftatrial contraction only.

11.Glven below are the figures of blood vessels. Identify them and select the
correct option.

- Lumen
Smooth muscle
Lumen A C

(A)capllary vein artery
(B)artery capllary veln
(C)vein capllary artery
(Dvein artery capllary

12.ln the glven figure the duration of the events of the cardlac cycle are glven.
Identity these events and select the correct option.

0.1 sec))

(0.4 sec(0.3Csec

(A)Auricular Joint Ventricular
Systole Dlastole Systole
(B)Ventricular Joint Auricular
Systole Diastole Systole
(C)Ventricular Auricular Joint
Systole Systole Dlastole
(D)Jolnt Auricular Ventrlcular
Dlastole Systole Systole
13.Which of the following statements) Is/are correct about cardlac systems?

(MHuman heart is derlved from ectoderms.

(Uu)Mitral valve guards the opening between the right atrium and left ventricle.
(l)SAN is located on the left upper corner of the rlght atrium.
(IV)stroke volume x heart rate= C.0

Optlons(A)I only (B)I and I

(C) ll and ll (D) V only

14.The given figure llustrates the section through the human heart.
Which labellod part represents the site for the generation of action potential?
(AJB (B)A (C)D (D)C

15.The rate of heart beat is regulated by the integrated activity of Inhibiting and
accelerating effects occurring in which part of the brain ?

(A)Cerebellum (B)Diencephalon
(C)Medulla Oblongata (D)Pons varol

16.During acute myocardial infarction, which of the following changes occurs In

the ECG?

(Aflattened T wave
(Bdepressed S-T segment
(C)Elevated S-T segment
(D)Increased length of PQ interval

17.Which one of the following is correct for 'atherosclerosis"?

(Aconstriction of arterial lumen reduces the blood flow.

(B)High blood plasma concentration of cholesterol (LDL) is responsible for thls
(C)Cholesterol deposition at the Inner wall of the artery.
(D)AIl of these.

18.Heart pumps blood more forcefully in older persons than young ones due to -
(A)Decrease in 02 content of blood.
(B)Decrease In elasticity of arterles.
(C)Fall in nutrlent content of blood.
(D)Increase in elasticity of arterles.

19.If due to some Injury the chordae tendineae of the tricuspid valve of the human
heart is partially non-functional . What will be the immediate effect?

(A)The flow of blood into the aota slows down.

(B)The pacemaker will stop working.
(C)The blood will tend to flow back into the left atrium.
(D)The flow of blood Into the pulmonary artery will be reduced.
20.In humans,blood passes from the post caval to the dlastolic R. atrium of heart

(AJstimulation of the Sino Aurlcular node.

(B)Pressure difference between the post caval and atrium.
(c)Pushing open of the venous valves.
(D)Suction pull.


21.Refer to the glven ECG and select the correct statement.


(AIt shows the ECG of a healthy person.

(B)t shows partial blockage due to damaged AV nodes.
(C)it shows complete blockage and there Is no synchrony between atrlal and
ventricular activitles.
(D)t shows that the muscles of the heart are weak.

22.Excesslvely high heart rate(>180) can reduce cardiac output because

(A)blood is moving too fast through the lungs to pick up enough 02.
(B)It tries out the heart muscles and so they pump slower
(C)t reduces the time for Ventricular filling whlch roeduces stroke volume.

23.The given graph shows pressure changes in the left side of the heart during a
single heartbeat.Between points "W" and "X", which of the following valves are
open or closed respectlvely?
12 Key
pressure in atrium
Pressurel 8 ---
pressure in ventricle
pressure in aorta

0.2 0.4 0.6

(AJclosed closed
(B)closed open
(C)open closed
(D)open open

24.Lungs receive blood from the right side of the heart, whereas the branch of
system arteries result in a parallel pattern. What's the advantages of such an

(A)lt ensures that each of the peripheral organs and tissues receive only a
fraction of blood pumped by the left ventricle.
(B)It allows for Independent variation in blood flow through different tissues as
their Metabolic activities change.
(C)Both (a) and (b)

25.f a person takes 500ml 02 per minute througha spirometer. Amount of 02 in

his 100ml veins blood-20 ml and 100ml arteries -25 ml.Finds the value of cardiac
(A)5 L(B)10 L (C)4.5 L (D)8 L

26.In this type of Myocardlal Infarction, patlents have Bradycardia with multlple
episodes of vomiting. Even doctors aren't using beta blockers to treat

(A)inferior ventricular wall MI

(BInferior atrial wall MI
(C)lschemic heart disease
(D)Superior ventricular wall MI
27.The conditlon in which patlents have high levels of apollpoprotein B.
28.What would be the heart rate of a porson If the cardlac output Is 5L, blood
volume In the ventricles at the end of the diastole is 10Oml and at the end of the
ventricular systoleIs 50ml?

(A)125beats/min (B)50 beats/min

(C)75beats/min (D)100 beats/min

29.Doctor uses a stethoscope to hear the sounds produced each cardlac cycle.
The 1st sound ls.

(AJAV valves open up.

(B)Closure of semilunar valves.
(C)Closure of artio-ventricular valves.

30.The figure ropresents the total perlod of a cardlac cycle(0.8sec) and A,B and C
represent itsstages. Identfy A,B and C and select the correct statement
regarding them.

(A)During A, tricuspld and bicuspid valves open and blood flows from the atrla
into the ventrlcles.

(B)During B,blcuspld and tricuspid valves

close, producing 1st heart sound.
(GJDuring B,the atrla contract due to a wave of contractilon by SA Node.
1.These are elongated tubular structures made of a plin protein.

(a)Pill (b)Microtubule (c)Fimbriae

2 s the
longest portion and extends from the cell surface to the outside.
(a)Fillament (b)Fimbriae (c)Basal body

3.In prokaryotes, It helps in increasing the surface area of the plasmalemma and
enzymatic content.

(amesosome (b)slime layer (c)plasmid

4 a r e used to monltor bacterial transformation with foreign DNA

(a)Plasmid-DNA (b)Plasmid -RNA (c)Genomic-DNA

6.In polysome, m-RNA blnd

(a)ca2+ (b)mg2+ (c)Fe2+
with free ribosome by-

6.In humans, the membrane of the erythrocyte has approximately_7_%and

(a)52,48 (b)52,40 (c)60,40

7.Which part of a young plant's cell wall is capable of growth?

(a)Middle lamella (b)primary wall (c)secondary wall

8-ofthe cell wall transverse by plasmodesmata.

(a Middle lamellae (b)prlmary wall (c)secondary wall
9.The fluld nature of plasma membrane Is important for
(ajformation of Intercultural junction
(b)Provide flexibility
(c)formation of the endomembrane system.

10. Major component of cell wall of algae-

a)Gala (b)lecithin (c)Hemicellulose

11.ln prokaryotes, the fluldity of plasmalemma is malntained by

(a)Hopanoids (b)cholesterol (c)}lecithin

12.Important site of formatlon of glycoproteins and glycolipids.

(a)G.B (bER (¢)Lysosome

13.In plant cells the vacuoles can occupy up to_?_of the volume of the cell.
(a)90% (b)75% (c)80%

14.In mitochondrla, which one helps In Increasing the surface area?

(a)FO-F1particle (b)Oxlsome (c)crilstae the wrong statement.

(a)mitochondria unless specifically stained aren't easily visible under the
(bythe number of mitochondria per cell is variable depending on physlologlcal
(c)tt's typically sausage shaped.
16.In chromoplast carotene pigments are solublelin
(a)Alcohol (b}fat (b}water

17.The stroma of chloroplast contain enzyme required for the synthesis of-

(acarbohydrate and protein

(b}fat and protein
(c)carbohydrate and fat

18.In chloropast_?connecting the thylakold ofthe different grana.

(a)Stroma (bjtubules (c)stroma lamellae

19.The centroles in a centrosome lie at _?_to organize a cartwhee

(a)Perpendicular (b)Horizontal (c)parallel

20.The core of flagellum called ?possess a number of microtubules.

(a)Axoneme (b)9spokes (c)proneme

21.An elaborate network of filamentous proteinaceous structures present in the

cytoplasm is called

(a)cytoskeleton (b)Microtubule (o)Microbodies

the clium and flagellum emerge from centriole like structure called
(afilamentous body
(b)Basal body (c)atonement

23.Select the correct statement.

(a)nucleoplasm Is the site of passive r-RNA synthesis
(b)In an acrocentric chromosome the centromere is situated far to Its forming
(C) larger and more numerous nucleoli are present In cells actlvely caryling out
protein synthesis.

24.These?are the passage through which movement of RNA and protein

molecules take place in both directions.
(aNucleo pore (b)Nucleoplasm (e}Perinuclear space.
25.In few chromosome, the appearance of a small fragment of secondary
constriction called-

(a)Satelite (b)NOR (¢}Kinetochore

26. Sllme layer and capsule in bacterla are modiflcations of -
(a)Glycocalyx (b)cell wall (c)cell membrane

27.Studythe given flow chart.

|Cell organelle No |Cell organelle
bound by double bound by single
membrane membrane
Yes Yes
Present in Present in
animal cel plant cell

Yes Yes

(a)R takes part in protein synthesis and is also present in bacteria.

(b)T takes part in preparation of food whereas S takes part In oxidatlon of food to
release energy.
(cInner membrane of T contalns stalked partlcles whereas the inner membrane of
Sis connected to thylakoid at varlous places.

28.In Invertebrates, sperms and ovums ER has pore membrane,called-

(a)Annular lamellae (b)Myelold Body


29.Organelle "X" ls the major centre of release of energy In aeroblc resplratlon,

but Is absent in prokaryotes and anaeroblc eukaryotes. It can be stained
differently with Janus green. Identify It

(a)Mitochondria (b)Chloroplast (c)ER

30.In TCA, intermediate compound like aspartic acid, glutamine acid form in
(ajMitochondrla (b)G.B (¢)Cytoplasm

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