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Certainly! Here's a 50-item quiz based on the provided information.

Each question has four choices (a, b,

c, and d), and the correct answers are indicated in parentheses.

1. The only branches of the ascending aorta are:

a. Left and right common carotid arteries

b. Left and right subclavian arteries

c. Right and left coronary arteries (Correct Answer)

d. Brachiocephalic trunk

2. The brachiocephalic trunk splits into:

a. Left common carotid artery

b. Right subclavian artery

c. Left subclavian artery

d. Both a and b (Correct Answer)

3. The left common carotid artery divides into:

a. Left internal carotid artery

b. Left external carotid artery

c. Both a and b (Correct Answer)

d. Right common carotid artery

4. The third branch of the aortic arch, the left subclavian artery, gives off an important branch known as:

a. Brachial artery

b. Axillary artery

c. Vertebral artery (Correct Answer)

d. Radial artery

5. The subclavian artery becomes the axillary artery in the:

a. Abdomen
b. Leg

c. Thorax

d. Axilla (Correct Answer)

6. The brachial artery continues into the arm and supplies the:

a. Leg

b. Arm (Correct Answer)

c. Thorax

d. Abdomen

7. At the elbow, the brachial artery splits to form:

a. Radial and ulnar arteries (Correct Answer)

b. Vertebral artery

c. Axillary artery

d. Femoral artery

8. The lumbar arteries serve the:

a. Heart

b. Kidneys

c. Abdomen and trunk walls (Correct Answer)

d. Brain

9. The inferior mesenteric artery supplies the:

a. Spleen

b. Second half of the large intestine (Correct Answer)

c. Liver

d. Stomach

10. The common iliac arteries are the final branches of the:
a. Ascending aorta

b. Thoracic aorta

c. Abdominal aorta (Correct Answer)

d. Aortic arch

11. The veins draining into the superior vena cava are named in a distal-to-proximal direction, reflecting
the direction of blood flow. What is the correct order?

a. Radial and ulnar veins, cephalic vein, basilic vein, subclavian vein (Correct Answer)

b. Subclavian vein, brachiocephalic veins, internal jugular vein, azygos vein

c. Azygos vein, internal jugular vein, brachiocephalic veins, subclavian vein

d. Median cubital vein, cephalic vein, subclavian vein, brachiocephalic veins

12. The cephalic vein provides for the superficial drainage of:

a. Leg

b. Lateral aspect of the arm (Correct Answer)

c. Head

d. Abdomen

13. The basilic vein is a superficial vein that drains the:

a. Medial aspect of the arm (Correct Answer)

b. Leg

c. Head

d. Thorax

14. The median cubital vein is often chosen as the site for blood removal for blood testing because:

a. It drains the head and neck

b. It is a deep vein

c. It is a superficial vein

d. It joins the basilic and cephalic veins at the anterior aspect of the elbow (Correct Answer)
15. The subclavian vein receives venous blood from the arm through the:

a. Deep brachial vein

b. External jugular vein

c. Axillary vein (Correct Answer)

d. Brachial vein

16. The vertebral vein drains the:

a. Leg

b. Arm

c. Posterior part of the head (Correct Answer)

d. Anterior part of the head

17. The internal jugular vein drains the:

a. Anterior part of the head

b. Dural sinuses of the brain (Correct Answer)

c. Posterior part of the head

d. External jugular vein

18. The right and left brachiocephalic veins receive venous drainage from the:

a. Internal jugular veins

b. Subclavian veins

c. Vertebral veins

d. All of the above (Correct Answer)

19. The azygos vein drains the:

a. Abdomen

b. Thorax (Correct Answer)

c. Pelvis
d. Head and neck

20. The inferior vena cava returns blood to the heart from all body regions below the:

a. Heart

b. Diaphragm (Correct Answer)

c. Abdomen

d. Thorax

21. The anterior and posterior tibial veins and the fibular vein drain the:

a. Arm

b. Leg (Correct Answer)

c. Head

d. Thorax

22. The great saphenous veins begin at the:

a. Dorsal venous arch in the foot (Correct Answer)

b. Popliteal vein

c. Femoral vein

d. External iliac vein

23. Each common iliac vein is formed by the union of the:

a. External iliac vein and femoral vein

b. Internal iliac vein and external iliac vein

c. Internal iliac vein and femoral vein (Correct Answer)

d. Common iliac artery and femoral artery

24. The right gonadal vein drains the right ovary in females and the right testicles in males, while the left
gonadal vein empties into the:

a. Right renal veins

b. Left renal veins (Correct Answer)

c. Right common iliac vein

d. Left common iliac vein

25. The right and left renal veins drain the:

a. Spleen

b. Kidneys (Correct Answer)

c. Liver

d. Stomach

26. The hepatic portal vein drains the digestive tract organs and carries this blood through the liver
before it enters the:

a. Pulmonary circulation

b. Systemic circulation

c. Aorta

d. Systemic circulation (Correct Answer)

27. The hepatic veins drain the:

a. Spleen

b. Kidneys

c. Liver (Correct Answer)

d. Stomach

28. As the heart beats or contracts, the blood makes continuous round trips into and out of the heart,
through the rest of the body, and then back to the heart. What is this continuous round trip referred to

a. Pulmonary circulation

b. Systemic circulation (Correct Answer)

c. Coronary circulation
d. Hepatic circulation

29. The spontaneous contractions of cardiac muscle cells occur in a regular and continuous way, giving
rhythm to the heart. What is this system called?

a. Extracellular conduction system

b. Intrinsic conduction system (Correct Answer)

c. Sympathetic nervous system

d. Parasympathetic nervous system

30. Cardiac muscle cells can contract spontaneously and independently, even if all nervous connections
are severed. True or False?

a. True (Correct Answer)

b. False

31. Which node has the highest rate of depolarization in the intrinsic conduction system, setting the
basic rhythm for the heart?

a. Atrioventricular (AV) node

b. Bundle of His

c. Sinoatrial (SA) node (Correct Answer)

d. Purkinje fibers

32. The impulse spreads through the atria to the AV node, resulting in:

a. Atrial contraction (Correct Answer)

b. Ventricular contraction

c. Both atrial and ventricular contraction

d. Neither atrial nor ventricular contraction

33. The contraction of the ventricles begins at the heart apex and moves toward the atria, resulting in a
"wringing" contraction. What part of the conduction system is responsible for this?
a. Bundle of His

b. Purkinje fibers (Correct Answer)

c. Sinoatrial (SA) node

d. Atrioventricular (AV) node

34. The depolarization wave in the conduction system passes through the right and left bundle
branches. True or False?

a. True (Correct Answer)

b. False

35. What is the purpose of the intrinsic conduction system in the heart?

a. To initiate heart contractions

b. To enforce a contraction rate of approximately 75 beats per minute (Correct Answer)

c. To control the external nervous system

d. To regulate blood pressure

36. The cardiac cycle refers to:

a. The events of one complete heart beat (Correct Answer)

b. The process of blood clotting

c. The pumping of blood by the ventricles

d. The circulation of blood through the systemic and pulmonary pathways

37. During mid-to-late diastole, the pressure in the heart is low, and blood is:

a. Flowing passively into and through the atria into the ventricles (Correct Answer)

b. Pumped actively by the ventricles

c. Forced out of the heart into the arteries

d. Flowing into the atria from the pulmonary and systemic circulations

38. Systole refers to:

a. Heart relaxation

b. Blood flowing into the atria

c. Heart contraction (Correct Answer)

d. Blood flowing into the ventricles

39. Diastole means:

a. Heart contraction

b. Blood flowing into the atria

c. Heart relaxation (Correct Answer)

d. Blood flowing into the ventricles

40. The first heart sound, "lub," is caused by:

a. The closing of the semilunar valves

b. The opening of the semilunar valves

c. The closing of the AV valves (Correct Answer)

d. The opening of the AV valves

41. The second heart sound, "dub," occurs when:

a. The AV valves close (Correct Answer)

b. The semilunar valves close

c. The atria contract

d. The ventricles relax

42. What is cardiac output, and how is it calculated?

a. The amount of blood pumped out by the left ventricle in one minute; calculated as heart rate
multiplied by stroke volume

b. The amount of blood pumped out by the right ventricle in one minute; calculated as heart rate
multiplied by stroke volume

c. The amount of blood pumped out by each side of the heart in one minute; calculated as heart rate
multiplied by stroke volume (Correct Answer)
d. The amount of blood pumped out by both ventricles in one minute; calculated as heart rate divided
by stroke volume

43. Stroke volume is the volume of blood pumped out by a ventricle with each heartbeat. True or False?

a. True (Correct Answer)

b. False

44. According to Starling's law of the heart, the critical factor controlling stroke volume is:

a. The heart rate

b. The volume and speed of venous return (Correct Answer)

c. The diameter of the blood vessels

d. The strength of the heart muscle

45. The most important external influence on heart rate is:

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Activity of the autonomic nervous system (Correct Answer)

d. Body temperature

46. A diet low in salt, saturated fats, and cholesterol is generally believed to help prevent:

a. Diabetes

b. Hypertension (Correct Answer)

c. Hyperthyroidism

d. Anemia

47. Arterial pulse pressure is created by the:

a. Closing of the AV valves

b. Opening of the semilunar valves

c. Expansion and recoil of an artery that occurs with each beat of the left ventricle (Correct Answer)
d. Contraction of the atria

48. Blood pressure is the force that keeps blood circulating continuously between heartbeats. True or

a. True (Correct Answer)

b. False

49. Peripheral resistance is the amount of:

a. Blood pumped by the heart

b. Friction the blood encounters as it flows through the blood vessels (Correct Answer)

c. Oxygen in the blood

d. Carbon dioxide in the blood

50. The parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system has the major action of causing
vasodilation, which increases blood pressure. True or False?

a. True

b. False (Correct Answer)

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