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Wilhelm Wundt – Father of Modern Psychology

2. Sigmund Freud- Psychoanalytic theory
3. Erik Erikson- Psychosocial
4. Urie Bronfenbrenner – Ecological
5. James Marcia- Identity Status theory
6. Jean Piaget- cognitive theory of development
7. Lev Vygotsky- Sociocultural
8. Lawrence Kohlberg – Moral Development
9. Ivan Pavlov- Classical conditioning
10. Edward Lee Thorndike- Connectionism (S-R Bond)
11. John B. Watson- Father of Behaviorism/ little albert
12. 1B.F Skinner – Operant Conditioning/ skinner box rats
13. Albert Bandura- social cognitive theory/ARMM
14. David Ausubel- Meaningful reception learning
15. Wolfgang Kohler- Insight learning theory
16. Kurt Lewin- Topological & Vector/Field theory
17. KoKoWeLe (Kohler,Koffka,Wertheimer,Lewin)- Gestalt
learning theory
18. Jerome Bruner- Discovery learning and spiral

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