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10/13/21, 10:25 PM Google Docs L1

Google Docs L1 Total points 17/17

Email *

Sila isi emel anda sekali lagi dan pastikan emel ini sama dengan emel di atas. *

Mrs. Jones is a seventh-grade teacher who is focused on making sure 1/1

her students are doing everything they can to be safe and secure online.
They go to the computer lab each week and do a lot of web browsing on
sites that she’s gathered links for on a shared Google Doc. Students add
their own notes and comments below each link as they do their research.
They can also add new resources as they find them on the Internet.Which
of the following contemporary skills is Mrs. Jones developing in her
students? (Select all that apply.) *




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10/13/21, 10:25 PM Google Docs L1

What are ways students can ensure that their information is not saved in 1/1
their Chrome browser when they are done in the computer lab each
day? (Select all that apply.) *

Shut down the computer

Clear the browsing history

Utilize chrome profile

Use an icognito window

You are preparing for an after-school session with teachers to train them 1/1
on Google Docs. You’ve created a great ‘Getting Going Guide’ that you
want them to have and keep for reference. What sharing setting should
you set for the doc? *

Anyone with the link can view

Anyone with the link can edit

Public on the web and anyone can edit

Anyone with the link can comment… 2/7
10/13/21, 10:25 PM Google Docs L1

A colleague of yours has been collecting video links in a Google Doc to 1/1
share with her students. You explain to her that she could use the playlist
feature in YouTube instead. Which of the following are advantages to
using Playlists over a list of links in a Google Doc. (Select all that apply.) *

Playlists can be shared more easily than a Google Doc.

You can quickly add a video to a playlist directly from within YouTube without
having to also open a Google Doc.

Playlists continually play all of the videos in a row.

Students can save your playlist to their YouTube channel.

Which two stand-out collaborative features of Google Docs help 1/1

facilitate group work? *

Real-time editing and commenting

Automatic saving and add-ons

Publish to the web and commenting

Real-time editing and version history

What feature allows you to view all of the changes made by editors on a 1/1
Google Doc? *

Document history

Track changes

Version history

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If you want to advise simple changes to student work (such as adding a 1/1
comma) but do not want to directly edit the document, you could take
advantage of this feature in Docs: *

Suggested edits

Revision history


Public sharing

Students are going to be working on a project together. How can they 1/1
add collaborators to their Google Doc? (Select all that apply.) *

The blue “Share” button

The “Add Collaborators” option in the Insert menu

Under the File menu > “Share”

(From Drive) Select the file(s) > "Share"

Which of the choices below are options when sharing a Google 1/1
document? (Select all that apply.) *




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10/13/21, 10:25 PM Google Docs L1

What are the key benefits of using the Google Docs suite? (Select all that 1/1
apply.) *

There’s only ever one version of a document, meaning you never have to compile
different revisions from group members

Others can only “View” or “Comment” on your documents to ensure that no one can
edit your work

You can easily share documents using a URL instead of attaching a document to
an email

It doesn’t work with Microsoft Office

If you have a file saved on your desktop, what are the steps you would 1/1
take to be able to edit it using Google Docs? *

Copy the text from the document and paste it into a new Google Doc

Create a new Google Doc and re-create the original document

It is not possible to edit documents that aren’t natively created in Google Drive

Upload the document from your desktop to Google Drive and use the built-in
feature to automatically convert it to a Google Doc

Using a Google Doc for keeping minutes is a good idea because: (Select 1/1
all that apply.) *

It lets everyone in the meeting contribute if they want to

Google Docs are hard to lose and easy to find

They can be emailed to people who may have been unable to attend the meeting

They can be set up so that some people can edit them and others can just view
them.… 5/7
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Two ways to provide feedback in Docs are: * 1/1

Revision history


Headers and footers

Suggested edits

To access and review the revisions in a Google Doc: * 1/1

Click the History menu, then select See revision history

Click on Share, then email yourself a link to the doc

Click the File menu, then select Version history, then See version history

None of the above

How can a teacher view contributions made by several students in one 1/1
collaborative Google Doc? *

The revision history will color code the revisions made by each student

The teacher can only view the first student’s contributions

The revision history only reflects changes made that day

This feature is only available as an add-on… 6/7
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If Johnny accidentally deleted a paragraph of his partner’s essay, how 1/1

can he restore those revisions back into the doc? *

Click the File menu, then select Make a Copy

From the revision history, locate and select the revision, then select Restore this

Revisions cannot be restored

Johnny will have to retype the paragraph

Why is revision history an important feature to utilize during group 1/1

activities? (Select all that apply.) *

To keep students accountable

To plan next steps in the activity

To allow the teacher to assess the work of each student individually

To help students track their progress

This form was created inside of Arus Academy.

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