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lOMoARcPSD|306 361 77

lOMoARcPSD|306 361 77

Tribhuvan University
Faculty of Management
Project Proposal


(Blood bank management system)

In the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Bachelor of Information

management (BIM)

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Shiv Kumar chaudhary Ambikeshwari campus
Ghorahi-14, Dang
lOMoARcPSD|306 361 77

Tribhuvan University
Faculty of Management
Ambikeshwari Campus


This is to certify that this project proposal prepared by (mr Shiv kumar cahudhary) entitled
"(Blood Bank Management System)" in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor in Computer Application has been evaluated. In our opinion it is
satisfactory in the scope and quality as a project for the required degree.

_____________ _____________

Raj Singh Jora

Supervisor HOD/ BCA
Ambikeshwari Campus
lOMoARcPSD|306 361 77

1. Introduction:- .......................................................................................................................... 1
2. Problem Statement:- ................................................................................................................ 1
3. Objective:- .............................................................................................................................. 1
4. Methodology:- ........................................................................................................................ 2
a. Requirement Identification ..................................................................................................... 2
i) Study of existing system:- ..................................................................................................... 2
ii) Literature Review:- .............................................................................................................. 3
iii) Requirement Analysis:- .......................................................................................................... 4
b. Feasibility Study ...................................................................................................................... 5
C) High level Design of the system ............................................................................................... 6
4.1 Flow Chart............................................................................................................................. 7
5.Gannt Chart ............................................................................................................................. 8
6.Expected Outcome:- ................................................................................................................ 8
7.Reference:- .............................................................................................................................. 8
lOMoARcPSD|306 361 77

1. Introduction:-
Blood Bank Management System is a browser based solution that is designed to store, process,
retrieve and analyze information concerned with the administrative, inventory management and
clinical aspects of providing services within a blood bank.

2. Problem Statement:-
The problem statement of a blood bank management system is to efficiently manage and
maintain the inventory of blood and blood products in a blood bank. This includes tracking blood
donations, processing and storing blood and blood products, and ensuring their timely
availability to patients in need.

3. Objective:-
The primary objectives of the Blood Management System are as follows:

1) To create a centralized system that allows for the easy management of blood donations,
inventory, and distribution.
2) To streamline the process of blood donation by providing an easy-to-use platform for donors
to register and donate blood.
3) To provide an efficient and effective system for blood banks to manage their inventory and
distribution of blood.
4) To reduce the risk of errors and increase the accuracy of blood transfusions by providing an
electronic system for tracking blood donations and transfusions.
5) To increase awareness and education about the importance of blood donation.
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4. Methodology:-
The methodology of the Blood Management System is a web based system with integrating sms
alert function that implemented using HTML,PHP,CSS, JavaScript and J Query for web
development and MYSQL and database system.

a. Requirement Identification
i) Study of existing system:-
There are several existing blood banking management systems in use today, and they vary in
terms of their features, functionality, and user interface. In this study, we will review some of the
most commonly used blood banking management systems and highlight their strengths and

1) Medinfo Hematos: Medinfo Hematos is a comprehensive blood banking management

system used in hospitals and blood banks. It provides features for blood collection,
inventory management, cross-matching, and transfusion management. The system is
user-friendly and customizable, allowing users to tailor the system to their specific needs.
However, the system can be expensive and may require significant customization to meet
specific requirements.

2) LabWare LIMS: LabWare LIMS is a laboratory information management system that is

used in various industries, including blood banking. The system provides features for
sample tracking, workflow management, and data analysis. It is highly customizable and
scalable, allowing organizations to tailor the system to their specific needs. However, the
system can be complex and may require significant training and support to use
3) HemaTrax: HemaTrax is a cloud-based blood banking management system that provides
features for blood inventory management, donor management, and transfusion
management. The system is easy to use and customizable, with a user-friendly interface
that requires minimal training. However, the system may not be suitable for large
organizations or those with complex requirements.
lOMoARcPSD|306 361 77

4) eBloodBanking: eBloodBanking is a web-based blood banking management system that

provides features for blood inventory management, donor management, and transfusion
management. The system is easy to use and affordable, with a low monthly subscription
fee. However, the system may not be suitable for large organizations or those with
complex requirements.
5) BloodBank Manager: BloodBank Manager is a blood banking management system used
in hospitals and blood banks. It provides features for blood collection, inventory
management, and transfusion management. The system is customizable and easy to use,
with a user-friendly interface. However, the system may not be suitable for organizations
with complex requirements or those that require extensive customization.

ii) Literature Review:-

Blood management systems are critical tools for managing the collection, processing, storage,
and distribution of blood products. They can help improve patient outcomes by reducing the risk
of transfusion-related adverse events, optimizing blood utilization, and minimizing the cost of
blood products. In this literature review, we will examine the key findings from recent studies on
blood management system.

1) Implementation and adoption of blood management systems: A survey of 150 hospitals in

the United States found that while the majority of hospitals have implemented blood
management systems, many are still struggling with adoption and utilization. The study
identified several barriers to adoption, including lack of resources, training, and
leadership support.

2) Customization of blood management systems: A study of a large academic medical

center found that customization of blood management systems can improve efficiency,
reduce waste, and optimize blood utilization. The study highlighted the importance of
involving frontline staff in the customization process and using data-driven decision-
making to identify areas for improvement.
3) Role of blood management systems in patient blood management: A review of patient
blood management (PBM) programs found that blood management systems are a critical
component of PBM, providing the tools and data needed to implement evidence-based
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transfusion practices. The study emphasized the need for collaboration between blood
banks, clinicians, and hospital administrators in the development and implementation of
PBM programs.

4) Integration of blood management systems with electronic health records (EHRs): A study
of a large healthcare system found that integration of blood management systems with
EHRs can improve data accuracy, reduce documentation errors, and enhance
communication between blood banks and clinicians. The study recommended that blood
5) management systems be designed with EHR integration in mind and that healthcare
organizations prioritize EHR integration in their blood management system

iii) Requirement Analysis:-

The blood bank management system, the following are some of the requirements that need to be

1) User requirements: The system must be user-friendly and easy to use for all types of users,
including blood bank staff, donors, and recipients.

2) Functional requirements: The system should be able to handle various blood bank activities,
such as blood donation, blood testing, blood storage, and blood distribution.

3) Security requirements: The system should have adequate security measures to prevent
unauthorized access to sensitive information, such as donor and recipient data, blood inventory,
and financial records.

4) Performance requirements: The system should be able to handle a large volume of

transactions simultaneously and be scalable to meet future demands.

5) Maintenance and support requirements: The system should have adequate documentation,
training, and technical support to ensure its smooth operation and maintenan
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b. Feasibility Study

A feasibility study is an evaluation and analysis of a project or system that somebody has
proposed. following feasibility were studied before building the system to see if the system could
be built with exact requirement in required time.

Technical Feasibility:-

The system would require the integration of various technologies such as electronic medical
records, laboratory information systems, and specialized software for blood management.

Operational Feasibility:-

This may include IT professionals who can set up and maintain the hardware and software
infrastructure, as well as blood bank staff who can use the system to manage blood inventory,
track blood usage, and maintain accurate records.
Economical Feasibility:-

blood bank management system can involve significant upfront costs, including the purchase
of hardware and software, training for staff, and system customization and integration.
However, these costs can be offset by the potential cost savings associated with the system,
such as reduced waste and improved inventory management.
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C) High level Design of the system

These components may include:

User interface: The user interface is the part of the system that allows users to interact with
the system, such as by inputting data, viewing reports, or performing other tasks.
Data management: The system should be capable of managing a large volume of data related
to blood products, including donor information, blood types, inventory levels, and usage
history. Data should be stored in a secure database and be easily accessible to authorized
Inventory management: The system should be capable of tracking inventory levels in real-
Reporting and analytics: The system should be capable of generating reports and analytics on
blood product usage, donor trends, and inventory levels.
Integration with other systems: The system should be capable of integrating with other
healthcare systems, such as electronic health records, laboratory information systems, and
biling system.
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4.1 Flow Chart

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5.Gannt Chart

The project for the proposed system is as follows:

6.Expected Outcome:-
The expected outcome of a blood bank management system is to improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of blood bank operations. Increased accuracy and speed in blood inventory
management: A blood bank management system can help automate the tracking of blood
donations, blood components, and expiration dates, reducing the risk of errors .

1) /bts_learningmaterials/en/index.html.
2) /bts_learningmaterials/en/index.html.
3) /blood_donor_selection_counselling/en.

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