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Teacher: Mrs. Marieflor R.

School: San Fernando National High School - Senior High School Department
Subject: Earth Science
Grade & Section: Grade 12
Date: April 18, 2023 (Tuesday)

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Earth Science 12

(Third Quarter of School Year 2022-2023)

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
 explain early beliefs on the shape of the earth; and
 discuss the development of the idea about Earth’s shape;
 appreciate the value of studying the spherical Earth


Topic: The Spherical Earth
Reference: Quipper School Study Guide
Botkin, Daniel B. and Edward Keller. 2011. Environmental Science: Earth as a
Living Planet: John Wiley and Sons Inc.
Physical Science Curriculum Guide
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Realia, black board, and chalk
Value Focus: Appreciate the importance of development of the idea about Earth’s shape.
Learning Competencies:
1. explain how the Greeks knew that Earth is spherical (S11/12PS-IVa-38).


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Activity (15 minutes)

1. Prayer Yes Ma’am, let us pray.
Please all stand, let’s begin this day with a short prayer. (All students will stand and pray.)
, can you please lead the prayer?

2. Greetings Good morning, Ma’am! Good morning

Good morning students! classmates!

3. Checking of the Environment

Before you sit down, please pick up the pieces of paper, candy (All students will pick up all the trash and keep
wrappers, and all the trash that you see around and under your their things inside their bag.)
chair and
throw them in the trash can. Arrange also your chairs properly.
Lastly, keep all the things not related to our subject inside your

4. Checking of Attendance No one is absent Ma’am. (Students will do

Look at your seat mates. Is anybody absent today? Ok, the said Clap.)
Good to hear! Let’s do the Very Good Clap!


Buddy Gazing Game:

Before we start our lesson, let us have two pairs of volunteers
stand in front. (Two pairs will volunteer)

I have here some items, I want you to identify the shapes of

these items.

Piaya Circle
Orange Circle
Lemon Circle
Which among the items you’re holding is/are spherical in
shape? Orange, Apple

Which among the items you’re holding is/are as shape as the

earth? Orange, Apple

What about the Piaya? The lemon?

No Ma’am because it’s flat.
No Ma’am because it’s oblong.

Very good! All your answers are correct.

Analysis (17 minutes)

Now before we proceed to our lesson, I have here three (3) At the end of the lesson, the students will be
objectives expected of you to accomplish at the end of the able to;
lesson. Class, please read the objectives.  explain early beliefs on the shape
of the earth; and
Thank you! We will proceed.  discuss the development of the
idea about Earth’s shape;
 appreciate the value of studying the
spherical Earth

A while ago, you mentioned that the earth is spherical in shape,

that is correct and that is our topic/lesson for today

The Spherical Earth

Flat Earth Model

 It is an old belief model that the earth is plane or discoidal
in form.
 Early Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Homer (Greek (All students will read the facts about
philosopher) believed that the world is a disk in the ocean. the flat earth model)
 Israelites thought that the earth is like a disc floating in
water where an arched bowl separates the earth from the
 They believed that the sky is a solid dome with the sun,
Moon, and other planetary objects embedded in it.
History of the Spherical Earth Model
 Pythagoras introduced the idea of the round model of the
earth in the 6th century BC.

Are you familiar with Pythagoras?

Yes Ma’am

Based on the picture given, can you explain the Pythagoras model?

Thank you for your answers.

 Anaxagoras (430 BCE) observed that during lunar eclipse,

the earth’s circular shadow was reflected on the moon’s

Earth moves around the central fire but

we could not see it because it was
blocked by a counter earth, made music
as it spins so planets are spherical and
orbit in a circular path.

History of the Spherical Earth Model

Around 340 BCE, Aristotle listed several arguments for a spherical
• Earth was also spherical since the moon and the sun were
both spherical

 The North Star is closer to the horizon for places nearer

the equator

Do you know what horizon means?

 When the ship sailed, the hull disappeared first, which

implied that the surface of the earth was curved.
Class, what do you mean by hull?

Horizon is the line at which the earth's

surface and the sky appear to meet.

Hull is the body or frame of a ship, most

of which goes under the water
 The sinking ship evidence.

(Ask some volunteers to read the history)

History of the Spherical Earth Model
• In Alexandria, the sun rays make an angle of 7.2° from the
vertical, whereas, in Syene, it makes an angle of 0°.
• He hypothesized that the light rays coming from the sun
were parallel, and the earth was curved.
• He computed the circumference of the earth to be
approximately 250 000 stadia or 46 250 km (1 stadia -
185 m).

(Students will read the history)

 Earth’s circumference based to Eratosthenes calculation.

Modern Evidence Supporting Spherical Earth Model

Spacecraft Photos
• Satellite photos show that the earth is plainly spherical.
• Astronauts in satellites orbiting in low Earth orbit
personally observed curvature of the planet.
Enhanced satellite photo of the earth.
Lunar Eclipse
• During a lunar eclipse, the shadow of the earth formed on
the one side of the moon shows a dark circle.
• The shape that casts in the moon at which direction is it
pointed shows spherical shape.

Round shadow of the earth cast on the moon during a lunar


Time Zones
• The time difference in different places in the world is due
to the presence of a time zone.
• It can only be explained if the world is round and
continuously rotating on its axis.

Can you read the time zones in different places?

Arctic Circle, Tropic of Cancer, Equator,
Tropic of Capricorn, Antarctic Circle
Rotation of the earth on its axis that forms the time zone.

Can you read the description ___________.

Riding a Plane
• Airplanes are capable of traveling in a straight line without
falling off any edges even for a period of time and it can
circle the earth without stopping.
• The curvature of Earth on the horizon is noticeable if you
travel in transatlantic flight.

(The student will read the description

about riding a plane.)

An airplane traveling on the curvature of the earth.

So that’s the proof that the earth is really spherical in shape.

Questions? Clarifications?
 No Ma’am

Abstraction (3 Minutes)
1. What is the shape of the earth? The shape of the earth is sphere.

2. What is the difference between flat earth and spherical earth? Flat Earth is the perception that Earth exists as
a flat disk, either circular or square-shaped.
This view persisted in the ancient world until
empirical observations revealed that Earth’s
shape was spherical or ellipsoidal.

Application (5 Minutes)
Individual Activity

Please get ½ crosswise yellow pad and answer the following

1. What are the early ideas regarding the flat Earth model?
disk in the ocean, circular flat Earth surrounded
by water, solid dome sky, earth is plane or
2. Who are the philosophers who contributed to the spherical Earth discoidal in form.
Pythagoras, Aristotle, Anaxagoras, and

3. What are the pieces of evidence presented by the philosophers

to support the spherical Earth model?
Earth's shadow during a lunar eclipse,
the shape of the moon and the sun,
positions of the North Star,
the disappearance of ships over the horizon,
the circumference of the earth, and
the difference in the angle the sun rays make
from the vertical.

4. What is the modern evidence presented to support the spherical

Earth model? satellite photos,
lunar eclipse,
time zones,
observations when riding a plane.
IV- Assessment (5 minutes)

1. Explain the early beliefs on the shape of the earth: Israelites thought that the earth is like a disc
a. How do the Israelites explain the early beliefs on the floating in water where an arched bowl
shape of the earth? separates the earth from the heavens.

Homer (Greek philosopher) believed that the

b. How did Homer explain the early beliefs on the shape world is a disk in the ocean.
of the earth?

Homer believed that the world is a disk in the

c. How does the explanation of Homer and Israelites ocean, while the Israelites thought that the
differ from each other? earth is like a disc floating in water where an
arched bowl separates the earth from the

2. Discuss how the following evidence proves that the Earth

is round and spherical in shape.

Evidence Explanation Lunar eclipse- the earth’s circular shadow was

Lunar eclipse reflected on the moon’s surface.
Time zone Time zone- difference in different places in the
Photos from spacecraft world is due to the presence of a time zone.
Sinking ship in the horizon Photos from spacecraft- show that the earth is
Traveling via airplane plainly spherical.
Sinking ship in the horizon- when the ship
sailed, the hull disappeared first, which implied
that the surface of the earth was curved.
Traveling via airplane- Airplanes are capable of
traveling in a straight line without falling off any
edges even for a period of time and it can circle
earth without stopping.

V- Assignment (5 Minutes)
Answer the following questions in a ½ sheet of paper.

1. What do you think will be the most prominent problem in In a flat Earth assume that gravity would pull
traveling if the earth is flat? straight down, but there’s no evidence to
suggest it would work that way. What we know
about gravity suggests it would pull toward the
center of the disk. That means it would only pull
straight down at one point on the center of the

According to Aristotle, earth was also spherical

2. Based on the discussion, how did Aristotle prove that the since the moon and the sun were both
world is round? spherical, the North Star is closer to the horizon
for places nearer the equator, when the ship
sailed, the hull disappeared first, which implied
that the surface of the earth was curved.

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