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Business Executive Summary: Punjab University eBike Network

1. Introduction: Punjab University eBike Network is a pioneering initiative aimed at revolutionizing

transportation within the Punjab University campus while promoting sustainability, reducing car
congestion, fostering a healthy lifestyle, and enhancing the sense of community. We propose to establish
a network of electric bicycle (eBike) stops strategically placed throughout the campus, allowing students,
faculty, and staff to conveniently access eBikes for efficient and eco-friendly travel.

2. Vision and Mission: Vision: To transform Punjab University into a sustainable, bike-friendly campus
that encourages active commuting, reduces carbon emissions, and improves overall campus mobility.

Mission: To provide a seamless, affordable, and environmentally conscious transportation solution within
Punjab University, promoting a healthier lifestyle and a greener campus.

3. Business Concept: Our concept involves the creation of eBike stops strategically located across the
campus. These stops will house a fleet of eBikes equipped with electronic app unlocking systems. Users
can easily pick up an eBike from one location, travel across the campus, and return it to the nearest
eBike stop, all with the convenience of a mobile app. The system is designed to encourage bike usage for
commuting within the university, reducing car congestion and contributing to cleaner air.

4. Market Analysis:

 Need: Punjab University has a large population of students, faculty, and staff who often struggle
with transportation and congestion issues on campus.

 Trends: The global trend towards sustainable and active transportation makes eBikes an
attractive solution.

 Target Audience: Students, faculty, and staff seeking a convenient and eco-friendly way to
navigate the campus.

5. Revenue Model:

 Subscription Plans: Offer monthly or semester-based subscription plans for unlimited eBike

 Pay-Per-Use: Provide an option for users to pay per ride.

 Partnerships: Collaborate with local businesses for sponsorship and advertising opportunities at
eBike stops.

6. Competitive Advantage:

 First-Mover Advantage: As the first eBike network on a university campus in Punjab, we have a
unique competitive edge.

 Sustainability Focus: Our commitment to sustainability aligns with the increasing demand for
green transportation alternatives.

 Convenience: The mobile app unlocking system offers unmatched convenience for users.

7. Operations and Expansion:

 Establish eBike stations and charging infrastructure across key locations within the campus.

 Implement a user-friendly mobile app for bike reservations, unlocking, and payments.

 Monitor and maintain the fleet to ensure optimal performance and safety.

 Expand the network to accommodate growing demand and explore partnerships with other
educational institutions.

8. Sustainability Commitment:

 Promote a sustainable and eco-conscious image by providing a green transportation solution.

 Regularly assess and report on the environmental impact of our eBike network.

9. Financial Projections:

 Forecasted revenues, expenses, and profitability over the first three years.

 Initial investment requirements for infrastructure and fleet acquisition.

10. Conclusion: Punjab University eBike Network is committed to transforming campus mobility,
fostering a sustainable environment, and enhancing the overall quality of life at Punjab University. By
providing convenient, eco-friendly eBike transportation, we aim to lead the way in reducing car
congestion, encouraging active lifestyles, and strengthening our campus community.

We invite potential partners, investors, and stakeholders to join us in this exciting journey toward a
greener and healthier Punjab University.

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