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Welcome to The flash News we are a newscast that offers updated information in real time, which
we aim to report the most relevant news at a national and international level of what can happen
daily whether political, economic, social, sports or cultural spheres that may be in the interest of
the viewer.

Living in New York has become much more expensive this month:
electricity, gas, Subway, buses, bridges and tunnels rates increase

New York is a more expensive city to live in E.E.U.U, but this month the city has
increased rates for electricity, gas, Subway, trains, buses and some bridges and tunnels
and has also affected residents of neighboring areas. However, It is possible that they
can increase different types of services such as food, internet and other quality of life
services, on August 1 of this year gas increased with 8.4% and electricity with 9.1%. In
2022, New York will have increased 300% of electronic invoices. On the other hand, the
increase in public transportation in subways and buses is insecure and the increase in
homelessness and evaders or stowaways. Lastly, gasoline has also risen $3,912 on
Thursday, starting more than two cents above the state average of $3,888 and the
national average of $3,869.

Weather in the US: temperature and probability of rain for Dallas

this August 6

During Dallas the temperature on August 6 of this year reached 42° with the
probability of rain was 3%, with a cloudiness of 18%, while the wind gusts
were 37 kilometers per hour. However, At night It reached 29 degrees, while
the precipitation forecast was 6%, with a cloudiness of 9%, while the wind
gusts reached 30 kilometers per hour at night. Dallas is located south of the
united states and northwest of the state of Texas, the weather in Texas is
humid subtropical, the hot temperatures are felt in July and August, where it
is around 40 degrees; In contrast, it is in January and December when cold
weather prevails, with temperatures close to zero degrees. Also, the month
that falls with the most rain in Dallas regularly is in May.

Girl or boy? The beautiful discovery made by the Colombian

National Team players after their victory over Jamaica

The Colombia women's national football team. It was held in the World Cup between
Australia and New Zealand. However, The Colombia women’s national football team
are in the semifinals 1-0 this Tuesday over Jamaica. This way the Colombia national
team has played four matches, of which have won over very strong teams as Germany,
which they beat for the first time in history, and against Jamaica, who had just
eliminated nothing less than the great favorite Brazil. After, The Colombia national team
got another with South Korea in the group stage, and in the same instance he lost 1-0
with the eleventh of Morocco. Finally, after the game there was a party at the stadium.
The players remained on the pitch for several minutes celebrating the unforgettable
step they had taken, while the fans also stayed in the stands, jumping, dancing, waving
the national flag and applauding the heroines of this campaign.

Finally, The flash News wants to thank you for choosing this last-minute news of what is happening nationally and
internationally for being one of the best newscasts in the country to stay on the air. we hope to have good news for the viewer.
See you soon.

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