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Title: It takes Bravery Before coming to be Successful despite of Number of Years

General Purpose: To motivate and encourage

Specific Purpose: To motivate and encourage my audience to reach and not to give up about their chosen
course or field to be in the future
Central Idea: Reaching our dreams is never an impossible even if it takes years as long as you have the
courage, determination, and patience to pursue it.

I. Introduction
A. (Gaining Attention): It took me years to finish my chosen course.
B. (Motivating the Audience): Taking the road to reach a dream course in years needs more patience,
perseverance, courage, and determination.
C. (Establishing Credibility): My under graduation course was confirmed last January 2023.
D. (Preview of Main Ideas): I will share my personal experiences on how I was able and what motivate
me to pursue my under grad course despite of it took me number of years
to survive it.

II. Body
A. Why it took me a number of years to conclude my under grad course
B. What motivate me to persist my dream to be a mechanical engineer
D. How does it feel to be left behind from your batch mate in my undergrad course
C. How can I survive and face the struggles

III. Conclusion
A. (Signaling the End): “To finally close one of the chapters of my life”
B. (Review of Main Points): I have shared my experiences on why it took me a number of years to
conclude my under grad course, what motivate me to persist my dream to be, how
does it feel to be left behind from your batch mate how can I survive and face the
C. (Reference to Introduction): I am here living with my dream and soon to be certified mechanical
engineer inn Shaa Allah.
D. (Ending with Impact): Climbing a mountain or a hill is an adventure we all should experience in our
life. It also symbolizes the ups and downs of our life. But as well as you hold your faith, face your obstacles
with courage, perseverance, patience, and determination, your sacrifices will bring you to be one of the
successful one in time will come. Difficulties in life make you a better version of yourself to face your
weaknesses. Remember that one day you will step on the stage and you will say I survived it and I did it and

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