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Week 2 – Distant learning 30th March 2020 Monday

1. Before answering the outcomes revise the topics needed to answer the given outcomes, you
can use kerboodle, class notes, free science YouTube videos and GCSE Bitesize.
2. It is ineffective answering the outcomes without revising as this will not be a revision tool or
help you recall, or recap content covered.
3. Write the outcome in black and answer in full sentences in blue
4. Do not answer the learning outcomes in your current exercise books
5. Answer these outcomes in any other book – (or the learning outcome book provided to you
previously). If you do not have any learning outcome books you can answer these on a lined
paper and keep all these together in a folder.
6. Make sure your work is always well presented and completed to the best of your ability.
7. Make sure for every new piece of work you have dated your work and given it a title

Work to be completed
1. Date:- 30th March 2020 Title:- Week 2 distant learning
2. Sub heading Cell outcomes 1-8 To complete learning outcome 9-16, write the question
and the answer
3. On Kerboodle – open Biology book (not the combined biology book)
4. Subheading Kerboodle summary questions complete the following questions: - Pg. 9
Q1a,b. Pg 31 Q1a,b Q2. Pg33 Q2.
5. These above kerboodle questions just need to be answered in FULL sentences – you do
not have to write the question out.
Please complete tasks set weekly, leaving work last minute will result in work not being
completed to the best of your ability – you all have potential to complete the above work set.
This will make a fantastic revision tool for you in Yr11 and you will definitely need these
outcomes and questions for revision, so please put a lot of effort into this work set.
Any questions do not hesitate to contact me on
Miss S Amin

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