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Name: Date Completed:

Year & Sec: Time Submitted:

Activity No:

The Structure of the Root Tip


1. To study the different regions of the root.

2. To identify the function of each region of the root.

A. Embryonal Regions (Mongo seed, Zea mays L. and Oryza sativa L.)

Make a culture of roots hairs by germinating mongo seeds, corn and rice grains. To
germinate the seed, submerge it in water for 4-5 days (palay) and 1 day (corn) and mongo
seeds. Then plant 10-12 grains of each in a very small can with drainage holes at the bottom
containing garden soil. Don’t bury the seeds, and sprinkle with water moderately every day.
On the second day when the shoot begins to appear, place the can inside an inverted medium-
sized bottle and cover tightly. This will serve as a humid chamber which will induce rapid
formation of root hairs on the 3rd up to the 6th day of the seedling’s existence.

Examine the growing root tips using a hand lens. Look for the root cap and the root hair
zone and identify the different embryonal zones developed during the grand period of growth
of the root tip.


1. How far away from the very tip of the root can you find the root cap? The root hair zones?

2. How are root hairs formed?

3. Why is the root cap not completely worn off as the root bores through the soil?

4. How does the production of the roots hairs affect the absorbing surface of the roots?

Draw and Label the parts: (Use extra Sheets for the Drawing)

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