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Van De Graaff's Photographic Atlas

for the

Biology Laboratory

Byron J Adams
Hrf.1,!/J;1,n ¼1u1t(! Umverrity

John L. Crawley


925 W. Kenyon Avenue, Unit 12

E nglewood, CO 801 1()

wv1.-, v.111orton .. pub.co111

Tb <>11r reac/1m, colleag11cs,Jrie11ds, and srudcms
tvho share ll'ith 11s a 11111/tial fove Ji,r /iioloJy.

A young cheetah. Adnm,yx jubatus, 1n the morning light

oo ,he Maasai Mar:.l iu Ko:nya.Africa.

CopyTi~ht © 2018, 2013, 20(/9, 2(Hl5, 2(Hl2, 1998, I995, I99.'I by Mo rton Publisbmg C:omp:any

All rights reserved. No part of mi..;; pltb1ication may be reproduced.. stored io a retriev.11syntm,
or trJrl.$:nutte-d, u) :my fo rm or by :m>r means,dectro111c, 111ech1njcaJ, photorop},n:>cording,
ur otherwise, without the prior writtt'n pennis.;;ion r_lfthe publi\her.

Printt."d m the United St:&tt's oi America

ISBN- to: 1-6 1731-765-9
lSBN- 13: 978- 1-6 1731- 765- 1
Library of Congress Control Number: 20 17942732
COiter: 1-lorn~d putlin. r:mrhtultr MmiwlattJ
Biology u :m exciting. dpumic, :uu:l challenging science. h i$ the !tudy of lite?'. Stude.n rs are fo rtunate to be li\~ng :H a time when
i,uighu :ind discoveries in :1lmolit all a.~pect." c'>f biology ~ue occurnng at a ver>r r1p1<l pace. Much of the knowledge' le.1rned m :1
b1c,log>• coune has ;1pplit:iuo11 m u nprt>\rinf[ hum ;inity :uut t.he quality oflifo.An un<lerstanduii;: ofb ioloi,w i, essenttal m esmblish1ng
:1 secure found:mon for more :idv:in<:ed m tht' biologlc:iJ S<:ii::nce." o r health :,.c1tnces.
Biology 1s :i visu:tll}' oriemed $cie11ce. Van De Ctu.ifft Plwto,:~mpliit AIIM .fi>r the 13;.,J~t?)' L,/Jor<1wrr is intended to provide:: you ""ith
q uality phot~r:iphs of :1ni1·u:ib smubr to thme you may h,we the o pportumt}' to observe m :1 biolOj.,")' laboratory. It i:, designed to
:iccon1pany ;iny b1ology tC'xt o r bbo r:tt01·y numu:.J you m:iy be ullm~ in the das~mom. In certai n c::ourses Viiu Dr Gru,~ff} J>hot~czmplrit
At"1sfi>r 1/,e Bji>l~ey L.,/x,r.rtory could $<:rve :t! the fobor.11o ry m:u,ual.
An o1:>_jet;twe of this :ltlas is to provide y<m with a bal:111ced visual rtp~sentat1on of the m~or kin~•dom ~ of b1o log1cal o~nutnu .
Gre:1t care h:lS been L':'i kt!n tel construct completdy bbeled. informanve figures th:it are depicted d e:irly and .itcur.1te1y. -r he
micff*raphs repre:semative of what stude-nts w ill .,ctuall>r be lookin)t ;1t m the1r b hs, not ::un::izlng one-of-a-kind photo come-st
wmnerll. T he terms used in th111 atl:lS :tre in :igrN.·ment with those :1ppe:1ring- m the more commonl}' used collc:>f,.~ biology tex~ .
Numerous d1S$.l"C::t10n.~ o f pbnc.s and mvcrtebr.ue and vertebr.ite :i.nin1:1ls were completed and phot0grlphed m the prep1r:ition of
this :lcl:ts.Thciie ima~s are included for tlu-,se studenL~ w ho ht1\'t' the opportumty to <lo similar dissect1<m-. :tS p:irt of thc:>1r l:tbc)r:ttt)ry
Chapter 9 of th1s is devoted to the b1ology of tht' lmm.;111 o r.,.r:l1ll">m. which is emph:t.S1zc:-d 111 many biology textbook.~ and
courses. In tl1L~ chapter, you art' provided with :i. complete set of pho1og-r.1ph! for e:-ich o{ the hu1nan body t.ys-tenu. Hum:111 c:-idaven
have ht!t'n C:tn'fully d1s.~ cced and photogr:iphed co dearly depict each of che principal o~u1.~ from each o f the body !>)'Stems. Sclected
radiogr..1phs (X- r:l.)'$) , CT scans, ::ind MK. imagt!S depict $truCh1res from Jivmg per.«:ms ::ind thus provide an .ipplled dimeos1or'I co thi\
poruon of tht" :ltlas.

Preface to Eighth Edition

The succe,:;s of the p rev1(ms editions of Vim De Gm,if/'.< Plwtcwmpliir Atltt.tji'Jr tht JJialcwy L,bamtory provided opportumt ies to mak<-"
ch.ang,£>~ m enh~nee the- v:\lue of this new edluou in !Udin!t srudeuts in Jean1i11g :,hour living Ori-,,:ini~n,~. Tht' rt'vu;io11 of this :itbs
pr~ented in its eighth editio n rtqmn"d organu::adon. an d s1g:11ific:-.nt work. As. authors ·we hav·e the opportunity :ind
obli~tion N> listc-n to the cntiquei and su~~stions ln'm, ~tuc.leut.~ .and faculL)' who have u3ed thi~ :u-fa.t .Thi.s co11u ructive input is
appreci:ited and h:t.S resulted in a ~n::itly i,nprovec.l :itlas.
One objecuve m preparing this edition of the was to create :m uwiting :ind upd::it.ed pedl~~y. T he p;igt byout w:is
m1proved by c:.'treful selt'ttion of updated, 11ew, and repbeeme11t photo~raphs. C ladogr:mu wrre updated, n1:,k1ng: the connectioni.
between taxonomy, morphology, and evolutton:uy histo ry n1ore i11L'uitw-e. hnages in t-his atlas were carefully evaluated fo r their
qu:ility, etltctiveness, and act.ur:·, cy. Enl:,rged imagt"s, in certam chapters, :md :1ddit1or'lal phorogr::iphs o f represe-ntt1tive
,vere added. M.icrographs were chosen that would do~ely :lpproximate wh;1r stu<le1ns wt,)uld set: m thc- lab.

About the Authors

Byron J. Adams John L. Crawley

Dyron i;rcw up on a small farm in rural nonbc-,utcrn California. John sp-cnr lus carl>r ycar1 growmg up in Sourh1.~rn Califomia.
when- his parents :md schoolteachers n urtu.n.•d h is Jovc- of tht" w hi:n- he took t' Vt'fY opportunity to cxpJon: nll-urc and the-
natural world. Ht' oomp1ett.~d his undt'tgraduace degt\'e m Zoolof:,')' outdonr.,. He c:11rremly re..,;uic,; m Prov(), Urah. w here he enjoys
in 1993 fro m l:h igh am Yo ung Un.i\'t'rsity w ith :in c mph.,si'> in th,: proximfry ro the mou,!-, dcs,-n. aud local riwrs a.nd Ltkl.'S.
nurinc hm1ogy an d his Ph.O. in Oiologic.11 Science$ fmm rht' H e received his degree in 7.oology from Bn g h:on Young
Uoivcnil}' ofNebr~ ka i1l 1998. Followrng a shott 11im a,). a Un..iv('rsiry iu 1988. Wbilc- ,\1:>rk1og ..s a 1-es..-atdt<.·r for (he Nacil)lla)
pondoctoral fellow llt rhc Univcnrit)' of Californfa•Oavb, Byron Fon:st Sc-T\•i,:c- and Urah Division of\Vikllife Reso urces in th e early
look his fir~l fu t'uhy position at lite U11ivct.s.i1y ofF)orida prior 10 1990s,John was lnvncd to work on his 6nt p roject for Mottoo
rcturmng to Bri~h,m1Yo ung Uni\~f$.ity. Publishi ng. A J>twr1wm1,hicAdas far tllt' Andtmuy and PJ,y.;f,110,1?)'
Oyron's m \Uldcrs.tanding biology involve'$ in(crrrng 1.Abof.:flclr)'· Afo:r completion of cha( ntl~1J o hn ha:. continued fO
c vnluoonary processes from p;1ttcms in 1umrc. H is n:1,c;m: h \\U rk with MorlOu l'u blbhing:,and, lo datt", ht< lLb <.·<Hnplcted
p<ograms in biodivctsil)'. <.-volurion. and ecology have had the e ight tides w1rh rbcm.
contiJJuous supporl o Ct..11~ N ation al Scit-nct'.' Foundl tiou lS wdJ Jo hn has spt:nl m uch of' hi._ life obsen·ing: n:iJure- an d uking
.,s other agencies, including the United Stare s n ep,,rrme nt (')f pic,:rure,,;. Hi~ photogr;tphy ha,; provided the nppo r runity for
Ag r-ic uln1n- and the NationaJ Mum;m Gt'nomc R ese-:m:h Institute. hint m O"J.\'d wide1)1. :illov.'Jug buu to observ~ and learn aboUL
Mi.<; mn$t rc~nt proj<""rt$ involve fieldwork iu Ant;11"(tir::i, where othc-r o t.ltutci and bnd... l-f o p hotos have .appeared in national
he an.J h is collotag:u,·-. arc snu:l)1i11g the relauooihip h lWCt.'11 ads, magazines, aud uuultrous publkatim:is. H<.· has wotkt<l for
biodiversity. ecosystem fu nctio ning, :md d im atc chan~e. When groups such a.,; De!t.a Airlin es., N,uhmQf Gct1grdpl1ir, llun:au of L1nd
hi:'s uo l fret-zing llli b ull off in du:• ~1cMurdo D11· Vallotys or Management. U.S. Forest Scrv1cc, and many o thers, l-1.Js proJCCts
southern Trans:murctic Mount:lins. he makes his h ome in with Morlou Publishi.u~ luw bet>n a gR·at fit fo r Ills passion for
Woodland H iU,. Uul1. photogrJ1lhy aud the bioJogical sc1cnccs.

Dyron. on' pla.ue, making ]us w:iy back from the Traos..~uarcck John 1norkding widl grocn sea curries in the GjJ:\pagos.
Mountlin~ a nd heading for McMurdo Station.
Scientists work to determine :iccttraq· in undcrst:mding th e re huionship o f o rganlsn1$ eo.·cn when u requires ch:mgmg cst;ibllshed
con cep~. D NA sequences, dcvelopmennll p:ith\,,·:i.ys, an d morphoJogK:.11 srntcturcs, nlong w1th the tOSSil reco rd .ind geolo~icaJ
cbting. :we used co n-cmtr d1e· evo lucionary history o f Jifc (phylogcl'l}') .,nd rcpm.ent this in a h1er.i.rchical d:.lS.\ific.ition {taxo no my).
Ne\v methods for gc-ner:umg :md :inalp:ing e ,,-,lu rio nary hypotheses continue to t mprm,t o ur understandin g o f phylogC'neric
rebtions.l-ups.13c."c,, use cb$ifi cario n schemes th:it reflec t p hylo~enetic rdati011$h ip.,; have so m uch mo re exp l:1.n.,tory pO\ver than simple for::.
o f o rg:mism.,;, scte ntists :tn= co1ut:mdy updacing their d :i..~,;ification schemes to rctlc-ct these ad van ces m knowledge.
In 1758. C:lrolus Linn.lcu~, :l Sv.-edish n:tmr:tfot, ., ss1gncd aJJ known kmds o f or~ msms into tw o kmgdom\--i,l:mts :lnd ;munals. For
over t\VO centu ries, rhis d1chotomy of p l:tnts and :tninuls scr\'ed b iologists weU bm h:ls been replaced by the hypo thesis o ( sh:ired common
:UlC'<"Sf?)' by three m:tJor evolutionary Ii nc-.1ies (sec E.x lu I). Th is hypothcs1s is b:tsed primarily o n DNA k qucnce dau but cormborntes
n umerous o ther lines of e vid e nce as wcU.

Exhibit I Domains. Kin doms. and Re rescntative Exam lcs

Eukarya D111otli1.!:,.'(;lfacn
Ll1!d pl:tntS
C.rc..-n .Jg:a~ Red
The Three Domains of life
Tr wau osomes flu~ phylogcn'!"ric rn:c-
<:cllular slime molds swnmarizes the d ai.sific:uion
th:il dt'Jn<:ts all oilitb divided
(M im<:ho11dnon) into dm.•c do 1n:ains- B.1cteri:t,
Ar('h:.te3. ;111d Eukarya . Note
Bacteria th:: d iwrSity of the.• non3n imal
lin<.::ag~ 1x:l.itivc to rhl': orhcr
o rgan.isms. th1..•ir rdativdy rect:nt
t'JOer~ncc. ami 1hc bacterial
o rigin of mimchondri:a ~m d

~ - - - ( :y,ln.:ibat!lCl'i:l
Common onc:edot iududing
.\ fol1m11)/.1..1rt,·ri11m of all lffe chk11url.\Sts)

Domain Bacteria - Cyanoll'.lcrcn a. Domain Arc hoea - Mc1h:mogens . Domain Eukaryoto -,
g r.m•- t~~tiV\.' a.u J g r:i.m -positive· bact,:ri:a h;llo ph1lc~. a11d rhermt)ph dc!> ~tnglc-..cclled ,.rn<l Jlu1ln,::(':lled o ,gan1,;,m ~:
fung ~ "protists," pl:utts, and ,mim:als:

Oscill11t,JTfo sp ., ., cy:mQb.lcterium ·111iothrix sp., :t tli..."Tmopltile- that oxiilizc:s

rtproducr.s through fragrncntation. 1-1 2S for ;m energy ~our,;-c
.. . .

ll!p1·1xi'll11s 11p. is .i mold that reproduoe;s I i,/u;\.\· sp. i! a motilC' g:rem aJg;i th.u MuJ<J sp., 1he ban:uu. is high in Cf111m,,rlro rulyptr.Jfl(l, the \-Cilcd
ascxu:tlly and sonwrun<.-s sc-.xuaJI)•. f(.'Pl'Odu;;('S .uc.xuall>· orsexu:all)•. nunitfona.J v.1luo:. ch:1111L'l,.:on. t-i kn01.v11 for its :tb iJity to
c h:1111,.'t:' colou ;1(.'rord ing to it~ m<JoJ
Basic Characteristics of Domains Common Classification System of
Domain Domain Domain Some Groups of Living Eukaryotes
Characteristics Bacteria Archaea Eukarya Unikonta
Nudear erwelope No No Yes Phvlu1n J\fnoclx,zoJ genetic Ph}·tum MyxomycotJ
material (DNA) Opisthokonta
Kingdom Fungi
Circular dromosomes Yes (usually) Yes No Pl1ylu1n Chytridionwcor,l
Phylum 2¥i;o;:nycot3
Membrane-enclosed No No Yes Phylum Glou1..·romycot :1
organelles Phvh1m A~·nhwcola
Ph;•luin B..,sid iOl,t}'COt;J
Rotary nagella Yes Yes No (<ilia and
Kingdom Animalia
flagella are Phylmn Porifor.1:
undulatory) Phyh1m O .eu('lp hora
Multicellular No ( although some Pl1ytum Cmda.ri:i.
No Yes (but Procoston:ria
.. $peci es.,.,, cyanoba<:.teria covld there are
be exceptions) unic.etlular Phvfum R ntifcra
eukaryot<!s) l)h~·lumPla1vheln1wtl1e..~
Cell walls (if preoent) Yes No No Pb)"him Ga~ltotrich:i
Phytmn Br:u:h iopodJ
composed of Phvhun Ph(l1\')oid;i
peptidog!ycan Ph~·lu1nN<'n,ertea
Plasma membrane. Yes No {ether Yes PbYtwn Eutoprocta
llplds made or linkages) Phyhun Bryozw
Phvh1m /\n,lcl;da
unbranched @tty Ph)'lum t\'\Ollu!:Ca
adds bonded to Ecdysozoa
glycerol by ester Phylum Kinorhptch:a
bonds Phvhtm Nem au,cfa
Ph)'lu:n N t111at011k.'rpl.1..,
RNA polymerase of No (5 subunits) Yes (13) Yes (14+) Phylum Arth1X>pod;a
more. thM 10 subunits Phyhun T..mtii mda
Number distinct types 1 1 (closely 3 (Pol I. II,
of RNA polymerase related to and Ill) Phvlum Henucho.n.1M:t
r1iYtum Edi.i11odermat:1
Phyhun Cho r<l:tta
Initiation of translat.ion N-formylmethionine Methiorvne Methionine Hikonm
( fMet) Excav;)m
Pbyhun Eugktu)zOa
• Doe prtrnof"lly lo thi:1r procitlli(y tor horcwntal p,,:,;c trwi~k•. Bactem and lultM"ya. don·l Phyhun tvk-umon:uh
h,"PM ..p,-,:li!, m 1h~ s.:,1,,e !.ense 11, ..1 rnnu E1.;k.11 r•' dt1 (lndtptndcr : ry ~-.olv,l"g .-..o!i1oon.:.l'y Kingdon, J>tanme
111'1..,,g~~ w•1h ,u,trr-1- nhg_1:'l1 Md h1r<,l. Phylum Rhodopby~
Green Algae
Phyhun Chlorophyta
Phylogenetic Relationships among L'lttd Plants
Phylum H q,:i101ihyra
the Major Groups of Eukaryotes rbylum 13ryophyt.l
Phyhun Authott·rophyta
, - - - - - - - - Bacteria Vuc ul:u fllanu
Phylum Lycophy1.l
rhylum Prilotop byu
, - . - - - - - - Archaea Phyhun Pli:ri<lovhyt:1
Phylum fui11i$l~co1,h)•t.i
Seed Plants
Amoebozoa Gj'mnosperms
Phyhan Gin k~oph)13
Opistokonta Phyh1m <;yc~ito1\h}'Q
Phylum Pir1opltyra
Pl1ylum Guetophvra
,-.----Excavata Angiospenus ·
Phylum M:tgnoJ10\,hyu
(= i\mbop l)'ta)
,....--Plantae Rhizaria
Phyhmt For..un init(°ra
Phylum Cercoioo
. - - - Rhizaria A lveolata
Phylum Ciliopl1<.1r.a
Alvealata Stramcnopila
Phyh1m H("'tcro kon1<11,hrc;)
Phvhuu O 0 10\'C0la
Stramenopila r 1aYtum Ph:il'Ophyta

.\•t m y profe.s.sion.:ils h ,wc ~tq isted in the prepmuion o f J{m /)c Cmqtfs Plwk,,zmplifr A tliis. fiw the Bi,1/'tf!y L,l,.u.rle>r)', E.ighth Ed ition, a nd h:we
sha~d o u r e nthusiasm abom its value for student$ o f biolog)·. \Ve :ire espec.;,-.Uy .:tppreciam-c of D:mid l lub<"r from Umvenity of'Thmp:l,
Judy N esmith from Uni\.-crsity o f M ich ig.,n-De.lrborn. Teresa A l)oner fro m S., lem CoJlcge. Chrissy Simmons from Southern lUinoi$
U niversity Edw,ud.wille, I lcidi Richter from Umvcrsiry of the FraserV.tlley, I leather Bn c-nt-Johnson from Inver l lllls Community College.
P.,m Dobbins fro m Shdton $t:lte Community CoUege, and M:mhew McClure fio m L.lmar $rate C'..olJege for tJ1eir det.1ilcd rc.-view of chis
:uLu. Ors. R,Qnald A. M eyers.Jo hn f MulJ,.md Samuel I. Zcvd off of d1e Dep.1 rtmcnt of Zoology ,lt WC"ber St.1rc University and Or. S.,n md
R . R ushforth a nd D r. R o bert R. Robbins .lt Ut.1h V.1Ucy Univcr~ity espcc1ally help ful a nd supportive of this project. T he racbograph..\,
CT sc:u1s .•md MR 1m:igcs ha\'e been m.ide possi ble rhrou~h the gcncmmy ofC~uy M . \½tts, M.D. • .ind the D c:pu tmem of R adiology at
Uuh V.tlley R c~ion..11 /lvlcdical Cc-mer.
\Ve Jake\ en,Jam cs 8.irrett, .lnd Austen Sbde for th eir spccuncn di.\!.t'.'CtlOJl.$. O thers who a1dcd in specimen d i.s.~<'cuons
were Nathan A. J:u:obson, D.O ., R . R.id1.u d R.1.smussen. M .D.• :md S.mdr:t E . Sephto n , Ph .D. \1/c arc- indebted to Dougl:t.\ M o non :md
the personnel at Morton Publish m~ Com pany for the opportunity, encouragcn1ent, ,md support to p tl.'p:. ue this ,ulas.

Photo Credits
i\ of tht'.' photo~'T.lphs o f living plan ts :ind animal\ wen- nude po ssible becms.c of the cooper:ttion and generosity of the S:i.11 U ic.-gu Z-oo,
S.tu O iego W ild Animal Park, Sea \Vo rld (San Uicgo, CA), Hogle Zoo (Salt Lakr City, UT). :md Aquatica (On-m, U11. \Ve- :ire cspeciall)'
:ippn-ci:1tive tu dw professional b io logists :it th::se lint' instiw tions.
\Ve :trt- appr«btivc of U r. \Vilford ~ - H :::s.l ~md L>r. William ll. \\/inborn for their hdp in olx:i..ining photographs :md pholl)microgr:1plu.
The: el«tm11 1uicmgr~lphs :ln- rourt<:Sy o( Scott C. Nliller a nd James V. ..\lien.
Figun-s 1.13, 4 .22, 4 .24, 4.26, 4.27, 4.2S, 4.29, an d 4 .3 5 from ..-1. l '>fwt()J?nrp/1i<A1fosj.,, t}ic i\..lim.1biol<:gy .L.1f,011tl<•--Y• 3rd Edition. by .\1ic h:id
J. Le-boffc: and Uunon E. Pierce:.© 2001 Mo n on l"ubJishing.
Figun- 1.2 l c--ica Microsystems
Figun-s 5.138, 5.139, 5.161, :md 5.292 Champio n J>apt'r Co.
Figure 6 .2 Porn-st M ich:id !:$rem
Figure 6.3 Centc-rs for U iselse Coutrol and Pn-vention
Figun-s 7. 12 and 7.101 NOAA (NatlonaJ Oceanic :md Atmosp heric Administr.ttion)
Figure 7.199 Ari l';i.nj
Figure 7.201 NOAA Oke:mos Explo re--r Pm~'T.un, INUEX-SATAL 2 Vto
Fignrc 7.222 (f) Linda Snook, NOAA
Figure 7.247 (a) loLti\ l'<,rn:-
Figun-s 7.214, 7 .217, 7 .219, 7.220, 7. 221, 8.4, 8.11, and 8 . 12 &om C<1t11ptm1tivc.- A,wtomr. Mrmua! 4Vc.-rMm1t1• Diss«timr, 2nd Edilion, 6>'
IJ:Jc W. Fi.shbe1.;k :md Aurora Seb:i.-.tiani. Ci 2008 Mortl)n Publishing.
Figun-s 8 . 110, 8 . 11 1, 8.112, 8 . 113 , 8.114, 8 . 115, 8 . 116, 8.117, 8.118, 8.119, :md 8.120 &om Mw1111Mlitt11 Am1tomy:'l1u· C.11, 2 nd Edi Lion,
by Aurora Scb~tiaJJi au d IJ:Llt• W. Fishbeck . Ci 2(t05 Mortlm J>

Book Team
Presid ent .md CEO: D.wid M . Ferguson
Senior Acquisitions Editor: Martl R . l'c.-ntec0$t
1}pogr.aphy and Text D esign: Jo hn L. C r:iwley
Oevdo1»11enraJ Ed1tor: Sar:th D. '"n,o mas
Ecbtorial Project Mana~crs: R.:iyna S. ll:uJey an d Trm.a L~1mbc.rt
Uluscrations: I maginccring Media Sc-rv1ccs. Inc.
Cover Design: \\fill Kelley

a CHAPTER 1 Ce lls and Tissues 1
Plant Cells and Tissues 3
Animal Cells and Tissues 7

l1 CltAPTEtl 2 P~rpe uallon ol life: Mll,:,sls. Maicsrs and De,utuument 17

a CHAPTloR 3 Bacteria and Archaea 27

a CHAPTER 4 Select Slngle-Celled Eukaryote Supergroup Phyla ("Protlsts")

Phylum Heterokontophyta - diatoms and golden algae 37

Phylum rnnoflagellata - dinoflagellates 40

Phylum Amoebozoa - amoebas 41
Phylum Aplcomplexa - Plasmodium 42
Phylum Me tamonada and P~um Euglenozoa - flagellated protozoans 42
Phylum Ciliophora - ciliates and paramecia 43
Phylum Chlorophyta - green algae 44
Phylum Phaeophyta - brown algae and giant kelp 55
Phylum Rhodophyta - red algae 60
Phylum Myxon~ota - plasmoctlal slime molds 6-3
Phylum Oomycot.a - water molds, white rusts. and downy mildews 65

a CHAPTER 5 Plantae 67
Phylum Marchantiophyta (= Hepatoph)1a) - liverworts 69
Phylum Anthocerophyta - hornworts 73
Phylum Bcyopl~ - mosses 74
Phylum Lycophyta (= Lycopodiophyta) - club mosse s. quilfwons. and spike mosses 78
Phylum Pterldophyta, subphytum Psilophyta (= Psllopslda) - >misk fems 82
Phylum Pteridophyta, subphytum Equisetophyta - horsetails 85
Phylum Pteridophyta. subphytum Potypadiophyta - ferns 88
Phylum C)<:adophyta - cycads 92
Phylum Gi nkgophyta - Ginkgo 97
Phylum Pinophyta (= Coni ferophyta) - conifers 99
Phylum Magnollophyta (= Anthoph)ta) - angiosperms: monocots and d.icots 106

a CHAPTER 6 Fungi
Phylum Chytridiomycota - chytrids 135

Phylum Zygomycota - conjugation fungi 136

Phylum Ascomycota - yeasts. molds. morels. and truffles 138
Phylum Basldiom><:ota - mushrooms, toadstools. rusts. and smuts 142
Lichens (symbiotic associations of fungi and algae) 147
a CHAPTER 7 Anlmalia
Phylum Porifera - sponges 151

Phylum Ctenophora - comb jellies 153

Phylum Cnldarla - hydra, Jellyfish, and coral s 154
Phylum Platyhelminthes - flatworms 160
Phylum Mollusca - mollusks, chitons. snails. clams. and squids 166
Phylum Brachiopoda - lamp shells 172
Phylum Nemertea- proboscis worms 173
Phylum Annelida - segmented worms 173
Phylum Nematoda - roundwo,ms and nematodes 176
Phylum Rotifera - rotifers 178
Phylum Arth ropoda - arachnids, crustaceans, and Insects 180
Phylum Tardigrada - water bears 193
Phylum Echinode imata - sea stars, sea urchins. and sea cucumbers 194
Phylum Hemichordata - acorn worms 199
Phylum Chordata - amphioxus. fishes, amphibians. reptiles, birds, and mammals 200

• ) CHAPTER 8 Vertebrate Dissections

Class Chondrichthyes 223
Superclass Osteichthies - Class Actlnopte,ygli 229

Class Amphibia 231

Class Sau ropslda (= Reptilia) 239
Class Reptilia - Archosauria - Clade Aves 244
Class Mammalia 246
Rat dissection 246
R3tal pig dissection 250
cat dissection 255
Mammalian heart and brain dissection 263

a CHAPTER 9 Human Biology

Skeletal System 2 70

Muscular System 2 75
Nervous System and Sensory Organs 281
cardiovascular System 286
Respiratory System 288
Digestive S)'Stem 290
Urogenital System and Development 293

•• Glossary



Cells and Tissues

All o rg.inhmfi .ire compo!;cd of on<· or more cclk Crlls arc! 5. c:dlul:ir m arkc~ (;mtigcm), which ldemify the
ba,ic i;r.nH·tu r.11 :md fonction;1l units (.l ( (.l rg.;m i.,;m,. A cell is ;i blood and tis.,;ue, type.
mino~c. mt~rnbr;me-endosed. protophm1k mass cc.msi~ting of The c:irb<>hydrat~ molecl1les:
chmmosomt·s surrounded by cytopl:J",lll, Specific organc:lks. :ire I. repel negative obj<.·ct.s due to thdr m.·gativc charge:
c<mt:'lincd in ch(! cytopl:i:o:..m that function indcpcndcm1y hue in 2. l CL' a.s rc:ceprnn. fo r hormone~ an d <>lher n.· gufato ry
coordin.irion with one .inothcr. Pmk,u y(lt:ic cell~ (Fig:. I. I) ;ind molerul<:$;
t~\1 b ry(u;ic .-c..:11~ (Fi~. 1.:1 .ind 1. 18) :ire the t·wo b,,si(: types. 3. form specific cdJ markeN that. enablt- like cells to
Prok,irycri, rtlfr lack .i mcmhr:mc-bound nuclc-m., inm,;::ui :itttch and a~~gate mto ti\\ud; aud
conr:-iining a ,;ingl(• -.i:r,m<l of 11ud1·ir atid.T h~e n.:11._ cont:lin fo·w 4. enter into immune n::icdons.
OTE,'<'! nt;lles. A rigid or i;.emirigid a.:11 w:111 provides shape to tht~ Tissui:'; arc groups of similar cells that perform :specific
cell out., the «II {plamw) nwmlmmr. Fbctcria an.~ r-x:m,pk:s of funcuons (se-~ Fig. I .l)).A flo wering pfam. for example,
probryoric. ,;ingh:-t;d lcd orl§lni,;ms. is c:omposffl o f three: tissue systems:
Tiukaryoti( u,J/i comain :., rru(! uudrus with m ultiple 1. thc- .~rowul,~ .(ystcm, provu.l mg support,
chmmnsom<.'.'.s, hav(! ~ ver:11 typ<..~:i of !ipt~c·ializ,~d <n g:md h:s, ,m d regeneration. respiration. photosyntht~sis, and
h~vc ., rliffcrr nti:11ly pc•nneablc cell mt:mbr:lne . Org:rnismt i wrage;
consisting of et1k:aryork cdk indude protm:o:i, fimgi, alg~•i:. 2. thc- 1.-astul11r tiss11C' system, providing: 0011duction
pl;mts, and invertcbr.1te ;ind vcrtcbr:1t,c ;lnim;ils.. p:1s'-:1g('\v:iys chrough che pbnt; :md
Pbnt cells d iffer in some· w:iys &om other c:ukaryotic 3, the: d1,rm11I lt.tJUl' sym.,,,, pnwidi ng pmrccrion t f,1 the:
cells in th~t thdr ct·II \\';Ill!'. concain rl'ilulou for stifhless (Fig. plant.
1.3). Plant ctlls ;llso cont;lin v::icuolcs fr)r ' "mer stor,1gc ::ind The tu., ue-s of the body o f :1 mulucellul::ir :u1iin.:1.l :ul!
m emhr:mt--brnmrl rl,l()mpl,1rh \\;th ph<lt<>S)ntheric plgmen"' for
dlliificd int0 four principal rypcs (s(,c Fig. 1.36):
photosyntht~is. I. eptlbelitll ri5,.m c covers body and organ surfaces. lines
The mulm.<is the l.nb'C, spht-:roid body w ithin the c:11.b ryoric body cavmes aJ\d Jwuina 01olfow poru(,nt o f body
cell that n .mmins the gcni.:tic m ati:ri:11 of the cell. The nude\1:; it tubes.) . :met forms vari<>tts gl.,nds~
t·ndoscd by ;i double mem br.m<· c,, lled the 111,rhw mt>mbraire, or 2. rottH«ti,.,.~ ,;.ss11e bind,;, support::;, ., n d pmtt:ctS body
uur/,-,Jr fttVi•lnpr. The ,iurlr,•!m is ;i dense. nonmcmhr.rnous h(Hiy parts;
compn:se<l of protein ~met R...NA mnlc<;:ulcs. The chn.l m:1rin ;'ITC .3. nrusde sis.sue contracts to produce movcm~nti.; and
fi bers of pll.ltt:in :111d ONA molecules d 1;1t; m:ikc· up .i l'nkar)'C.wic 4. nrrvow tissm· initiates and cr.msmits nerve impulsc:s,
chromosome. P rior to c;cllu l;ir divi,.itm , the f-;hromm:in ,;horccn$
, nd c<.lil§. into rod-~h:lpCd dJmm1Homr Chronmsom c~ consist of
• ,.

DNA :incl strncrur:11 protein:; <;alh,.' il lri.<!tllU'S,

The ,~yldf'l1m11 ofrhe eubryotic cell i~ the m(;cfium bt·twec:n
the nuclear m cmhr;mc ;111cl the cdl mc·. O rgam·l/r( ;'ITC
sm::-111 m emhr.m e-bmmrl lltnicn 1n;, w ithi n the cytophrn1. Thi.!
cellu l:ir 6.mctitms (::irricd out by org:mdles ;ire rt•fen-c·d to 'c-. :.-- Nucle()fd
,,_, nwtt1[1t~lism. Th~; strucun·~ :tnd fiincrio n nf the nud c~1~ ;'Ind '-'----=- - R..1bosomt·.s
princip;ll oll:}'lndle.s ;ire listed in T.1hlc: 1. 1. In nn:lcr for cdl;(
to remain ;11ivc. m ~~1boli,;e, and m:iim:~in homeosrasi,, they
m uq have nccc~ tc·1 nmric·n~ :md r ~ pir:1t<1ry g.,~~. be :thlc to
d im in,'ltc w,1st($, :md be in a cnnst:im, protct.tivc r nvimnment.
The rrll mnulirimr i, composrd of ph<,:.pholipid. prOtcin, ;and
c:1rhnhydr;1tc mo lt:cults.The c:c11 mi::mhr:1nc g ives form to ;i c;cll
,i nd c<.lntnl k the pass:1ge of ni::ite rial into .ind om of a cell. More
:;.._,_ Pcptidoglyc:aJ ,
s.pccitic~lly; the proteins in the <:d i meml,r:mc providt:;
l . s.tructural suppon; Cd! "-.ill
2. :i Jr'le'Ch:mism of m ol~ule- transport .-.cross the
membrane :

3. enzyulatic control of c henUcal reacuons:

-l. recc:prors for horn1one-s :ind o ther re'~ufat(>ry Figure 1. 1 A g-enc-.t~liuti 1)mbl')'()fic ,~cu,
molcn1lc,;.; and

a A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

Table 1. 1 Structure and Function of Eukaryotic Cellular Components

Component Structure Function
Cell (plasma) membra ne Composed o f protein and phospholipid Provides form to cell; controls passage
molecule s of materials into and out o f c~II
Cell wall Cellulose fibrils P=ldes structure and rigidity ,o plant cell
Cytoplosm Auld to jellylike substance Serves as suspending medium for
organelles and dissolved molecules
Endoplasmic reticulum Interconnecting membrane-lined Enable s cell transport and processing of
channds metabolic chemicals
Ribosome Granules of nucleic acid (RNA) and protein Synt hesizes protein
M ilochondrion Double-membraned sac with cristae (chambers) Assembles ATP (cellular resp<ration)
Golgl complex Flattened membrane-lined chambers Synthesizes carbohydrates and packages
moleooles for secretion
Lysosome Membranwurrounded sac of enzymes Digests foreign molecules and worn cells
Centrosome Mass o f protein that may contain rodlike Organizes spindle fibers and assists
centrioles mitosis and meiosis

Vacuole Membranous sac Stores and excretes substances withil the

cyto plasm: regulates cellular turgor
Microfibril and Protein strands and t ubes forms cytoskele ton, suppor ts cytoplasm,
microlubule and transports materials
Clllum and flagellum Cytoplasmic exten sions from cell: containing Movements o f particles along cell
microtubules- surface, or cell mO\/ement
Nucleus Nudear en,,elo pe (membrane). nucleokls• .w,d Contains generic c:ode that directs cell
chromatin (DNA) 3c.civicy; forms ribosomes
Chloroplast Inner (grana) membrane withil outer membrane ln.'01,-ed in photoiynthesis

Figure 1.2 (a) A
4 ... ~
comp()111ld l!l<lll<U.'Ufar
m icroscope. and ~,) a
..:0111pOl11td binocufar
m k roscopt'.
5 5 1. Eyepiece (ocuJ.u-)
2. 1-fc:.d
6 3. Arm
7 /, ... N()SCJ) ICC('

8 7 5. ObjcctiV<.'
9 8
r,. Srng<' dip
7. C"..O:trit' l'(x:us
9 adjus,:mem k:noh
It) FL $t'J~-c
lJ. ( ..Xmd(",iscr
11 I 0. Fim.· fon11'

s: ~'":, 12 :tdju.<.rmem Koob

13 11 . CoUe-nor lens. with ins
12. IUunu n,uor (in.s.ide)

(a) 13 . Base


Cells and Tissues
(_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _P_la_n_t_c_e_n_s_a_n_d_T_ls_s_
u_es_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.)

Figure 1 .3 A t}'pinl t·-uk3ryodc

pl:uu cell.
I . CcU ,v.tll
2. C:d l ~'>1.:asm;:aJ mi-mht:1ne
3. Rough endoplasmic r('tl(u lum
..J. N udeu.s
5. N ucl,;:.-olus
ft , N 11de.11• •»e•nhrao<: (e,welope)
7. L>•Soro1ue
S. Smooth .:udopJ.u:mic rcriculum
9 , Mitorho ndr1<u1
to. V.:u."uole
l 1. Colgi c rnnpk x
12. Cltloropb.,;t
8 - -.\-V,.--=------'W
9 -4~ "'"'1:'(i

O,g•n (loot)
compri!t:d of
tisS Ul!'S

Leaf tissm.•s
compri~-.·d of cdl.s

Figure 1.4 'lh .· ~1t111•n 1t'<'I levek ol llbm orl}rn t1.,:1u on.

a A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory


2 5

(a) oox
Figure 1.5 Live l;./(J1£.·<1 'Ip. le.1f cdl<i (a) ph<ltogr.irhed at fhc." ce111cr of the leaf :ind (h) at che t"dge of I he leaf
J. Ce ll w·.all .3. Nlldcus 5. Spinc--sh.:lpo.".d ccU on 6. Nuclem S. Cell w;1U
2. Cldoroplasrs 4, Vaeuole t·xposcd ec~'rt ot" lea( 7. CIJoropbns

2 +-- - -
3 !1c---- 2

Figure 1.6 (a) CcUs of :t pot:ito, S,'1,wum w/Jmisum, d1owu, g stal'ch gr;urn ,u a low magnific:ulon , m d (b) ,H .'I h igh m.3guific:nion. Food
~ sto red :as st.:1rch in pot:ito cells, w h.ic h is
di•posit..-J in o rg:ancD~ called lnt}•lopbsts.
L. CcU " '.all 2. Cyt<.ipl~m 3. Stan:h gr.iins tJ. Nudcus

5 2


Figure 1.7 An eJN"rt·o,, inirn,grJr~h of :1 p<U' tio1l of :1 Figure 1.8 A f~cw1•cd h.uley ~uuc ~pore,
l>l J g.ttC:UlC IC":1.f c:dl. I. CcU w:JJ 2. Cd! nu:mbram•
I Mitoc ho nd r100 6 . s,roma
2 (:ell membn11<" 7 T hybkoi<l memhr.ine
3. Ct·U wall 8. C hlotuplast c nw Jop-c-
4 N ud cu<. (outer m cml,r ::ane)
S Gr.loa

Cells and Tissues
T he 2pic.ll ntcri.~h:m
ApiC'.AI _ _ _ _,,,,.
o f chc shoM producCl>
mt n~ten, linear growth :an<l
(i f t ho()( gives I i."-C to uc-w
foh:igt. hr:'l11('hl':'-, ;111d
..,.. ..- M ,u grn
bu<l L10111l.1 M csophyll
Stem : M idrib

Root :
_;"}!~ --- P'ruu~r y ro()t
St."cond:ar}• root

,;,-----1-- phlot"m
R. 001 CilJ)

R<H'>t .ll'W'X {or :ip1l"al nx•riccem of 1'()01)

R oot
- R.oo c c:i.p

Figure 1.9 A rli;igr.,.m 1ll11q 1•,m ng ,he :i 1l:iton 1y :ind rhc p rmcip,11 Mg.ins :ind (i<.<11e ~ o l ;i ty1}1ca.l <lit'ot


Rgure 1.10 A longitudinal s<.-ction through the l.·y}l.'n1 figure 1.11 Longi n.dina1 ~cction tbmu,;h the xylem of :i
of a pine. /.'im,s.. sh(l,,, og fl"l<-' he1d cells ,vith pro1H11,cn.1 squash stem , C 11011bild m:Jxima.Thc vessel d .:-n11.•nts sh own he re
bordered plts. h..we .re,--traJ dJllbrem p:ittems or '"':Ill thidwmnip.
I. Bonltml p i~ J. C~ll wall 1. P,l rcn chym :i .) . Hcl1c2I Vl"":S\el c-lemcnl$
2. Tr.1ch t."id ci:ll 2. A tuiubr Vt'$$d dtnk'nts 4. Pitt{-d vcssd d .:1ue:nt.S

a A Photographic Atlas for the Biology laboratory


figure 1.12 A st--ctmn th rough a Jcaf of rhe vcuus ll}'tup. Figure 1.13 An :istrosdcrcid in the pcriolc of:i pond lily•.Vuplt.1r.
Dion,te,1 1'm.t/i11ul<1, sh0\\.1i1-.g c.pidt"rmaJ <'d is with a digdtive glaud l. Astrosderc-id 3. Crystals iu cdl w.tll
The gl:md is composed o f secn'tof)' pa.n.·ncbyma cdli.. 2. P.l!'~n(hym~ cell
L. Epid<:rmi-~ 2. Gbud

Figure 1 .14 A tr.msvc-rs~ Sl~ctio u through the leaf o f ~ Figure 1.1 S A s<.x·tion tbrout,'TI tht· cndospcrm cissui: of a
yucca. )'Ju.-a brn,[li>li,,.showmg a \~!leular bun(Ut (vein). pcr$,lmmon. Di1,st>YfM 1:i~iui,ma. Thc,;e , hick-w.tlle<l cells :ltl!'
N<1Cc the pr,:umncm sdcri;nc:hym~ DSQl C fo rming c:ip~ acrually p-.ucnchrm:i cc.ll$. Cytophsmic counc.'ction.s> or
0 11 bud, )idt·s oftbt· buudk . pfo<.:n,odt&n,n:i. 3ft." ev1d<:m lx:cweeu C('Us.
1. Lc-af p.1rcnchyma 3. Xylem 1.,:ics.m.1t.l 2. Cd) 1Luw:·n (imcnor sp11c(.')
2, leaf'll\:l •t l'hJoem
(hundll· ca1\} 5. Bun.:Uc c.11•

figure 1.16 A rr-uis,,er<-c i;crncui d11'()1,.1gh rhc stem of ihx.

U,mm . Note th~ thlck-,va)k·d tib,·rs ~ cotnpar<..-<l to thl'
1h1n- w.1llcd p:irenchyma cells.
F igure 1.17 A $e(rkm 1h r<:1ugh the qesn ()f 2 \'\'1IX 1)1.;uu , H,)u
('(mwsa. Thic.·k-w:dlt·d Stfort·ids (stoni: cdb) 3re cvidcut.
l. Parcndlyma ccD 2. Sdcn:-id (stone a ll)
I. Fib~rs 2. P:u-ettch)•ma cdl COt'ltaming sta.n·h g:r:tinll

Cells and Tissues
(..___________________ Animal Cells and Tissues )

Sccrecor)' Nudeus:
C hront:H 111
Nuf l~,1lu<1
Lt Glyc<igeo gr.wuks

{cyl'o~I plus
org:rncllcs c~<c-p<
rhc- uudcus)

lt cwgh

c11dopt:l.,1t11c Golgi co1upk x
l'<'IH'!O l l HH

Figure 1.1 8 A sc-cnonal \'lCW

Microtubulc- oi a ty1nca.l auuna.1ceU.

Figure 1.1 9 An d<."cmrn nticrowa,ph of a Figure 1.20 An eleccrou microg:r.iph o(' v:triou'> oiga.nelles.
1i,.-ctt-(r.'IC(urtd uucle-ar erwelope showmg th<: I. Nudcut 3. M 1ro.;h()1~!'-io 11
nud ..•:tr pores. 2. Ccntrioh.-s -I. Colgi complex
I. Nudc.'3r pores

a A Photographic Atlas for the Biology laboratory

2 Figure 1.22 An dl."ctrou ,nicrogr;iph of l~-sosomcs.

I , Nud e!JI. 2, t~osnou,':s.

Figure 1.21 An cl~"'°"' niitr<>;;f.,~h ofwmiolcs. Tht

ccntnok-s :ire.- positioned :n ng1u :mgh.-s to ouc :mothl.'t'.
I. C',eutriolc. (showu in tr.ans- 2. Centriolc (show11 iu
,-crs.: s,·cnon} S('(;tion)

Figure 1.24 An dc.i:oo n uUc~ph ofcifu (wrlS,ei:s...·

(f(.'fl<Wl) <.;hmvitlg rhc rh:t~'fcri<.;rk ..9 + 2'' arr,rng<,ttcnt of
2 nUUUtubub in dtl' tr.u:c.'\'1.'r~ .s-.x:tioll.'i.
I M1c:ro1ubuk<


Figure 1.23 Ao elccrmu mi,·rognph of ;l mil).')dh1ndrmn, 200-0X

I. O utt·r membratlt' 3. Crista Figure 1.25 An de<.·trun micrograph show1HJ,t tht•
2. Im 1ci: membr:mc J ifk~ncc bt·.twet•o .- ru1c.·Tovillus au(I ,1 t iliunL
I. Cilium 2. fVliL,'l:Wi1ht$

Cells and Tissues

: .. -I

'· .

Figure 1.26 An electron micrograph Figure 1.27 11,, eh 1rou


Figure 1.28 An dc.x'lruu 111icro~.:iplt
of smooth cndoplrnuic n:tinJu111 fmm uticto€,'l"Jph of rough cudoplasnuc orroui,th endopl:1,;m!C retio tlum secreti11g
rhc fe,;fi-.. n:tin dum. roUag:t'nous £il:m1cnts to d1C" outsick of' the eel
I. Rihosom~ I Nudcm ,\ , Cnll.:igeJ1<m'-
2. C istc-ru..1t• 2. Rougli CJ~lUl t'rll'i
cndop l:t,;m1c ..J. Cell mC"mhr,m e

Figure 1.29 Au epichdial cdl from a dH:ck Figure 1.30 A.u dectron mkr<>',;r.tph of a hwnan t'?)'throcr~ (,.,,d blood ceU).
I. N udcau
2. Cyt(lJ'b~,n
3. Cell mt•mbr:mc-

a A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory


Figure 1.31 1\-r,l"J. oflc-111:ory,es. N()fe ,h :it c::.di phl"lh) figure 1.32 An dc:(tmn m1c:rogr:ipb of :l c::a1Hl!:u·y conr.umng
contains sen.·r:i.1 ,:rp}m)cytt·s: tlH.~c (:<.'Us lack nude-i. JU·ytc-.
t. Nc-uttupluJ 4. Lymphocytl! I . t w,tesl ()( c:ip1ll:try 3. lfodo1helfal <'Ci'Jl
2. n~soplul 5. M ono<yt<" 2. Nudcus of t."ndodtdi:tl cc.•U +. Erydmx:ytt•
3. EosmophiJ

Figure 1.33 Au clecuun

micrograph ()f :l skckul
m uscle myofibril, showiui;
the s1ri:uion.s.
I. l\•litochon drb
2. Z line
4 3. A band
4. I b.11td
5. T--tuhnlc-
6. S:i.rcorlas1n1c retkollHt'I
7. l\•l line
8. San.'.Onu:n.~

_ _....__ __ 2
c-____;__ 3

Figure 1.-34 An t•k't."trou mi(roi,.:rlph of' :m Figure 1.35 A nl.'wo n smc.•.u.
Ox,nc ceJJ) in oortic.ll hone m.ttrix. I . N l1Clei o{ ll<."Ut·e>ghal ceib
I. Bom• matri.\'. 3. l.3cw,a 2. N ucleus of ucuro:l
2 C:1n11icul1 4. O~teocytc: 't N 1u;leni11~ of nc11r<u1
4. D(.•n<.lritc.s of n euron
Cells and Tissues
Epithelial Tissue Connective Tissue
Epithelial tissue covt'.'rs the o utside of Connccti,,c ri~ ne foncriom a$ a binding
t-h(' body a11d lines all orgam. Its pnn1.1ry aud 1up portiw tti-sue for al) otbt•r tiSSut'~
(uuctiou is lo providt' pmtt't.:tiou. 111 the organism.

Slmpl& squamous epttheUum

Dense regular connective tiuue
-..... _ / Nud~u'"

_/ Cell ;:- 'I

- -- - - N11d c.1L-.
-'-" - - - mcmbr:anc

-~ - - - - D.1scmt<11t
_ ,,,_~~ tlroplct
Simple cuboidol eptthellum (lamina}
- - - - - - Cycopli1.-.1r1
Adipose tissue

Simple columnor epithelium

Muscle Tissue Nervous Tissue

Muscle tissue i.s. a tissue ad:·1ptOO to co11rra<'t. Nervou~ rissue fi.1n.ctions to n:-cdve
M.uscles provide moven1cnc omd functionality stimuli and transmits sii n;ll.::, &om o nt!
co the organtlltn, 1>art of the org;mism co another.
Sd1w.JJU1 cell
{11t•urolc111111ocyt c)
N udcus \ '

Skeletal muscle-
Jnten:;<l dbk bunon

Cordioc muscle

Smooth muscle

Figure 1.36 Son1l• ('x.lntpb or :miu1aJ tiSSUti. Neurologicol cell

a A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

--- -~
- -
Figure 1.37 Simpk· sq u.unous tspichdium.
I. :0,mg!e 13)'(;1 o f flant·nc:d cells v,-.irh ¢lb1,ncal m1ck-1

Figure 1.38 S1111plc ..:uboid:11cpi1hchum.

t. Sing.le l:.t)'C'r of cdls with row1d uud,.,i

figure 1.39 Simple <.:<>lum n:ir c:1, irh dium. figure 1.40 Sn:triik·d cqu.amou.. epuhcl1um.
I. Siu~k 1J)'t'f of ce-lls \\'ith oval n udci I. Mult~ple b)\rt (Jt n-Jl,; cliat :U\' lhttet)l'l.3 a1. d1i.- up-pl,. b)·t.-r

Figure 1.41 Str,mtied c<>lunrn:ir .:-pirhelu uu.

I . C t·lls w: b.:ul\)Ou-lik'-' at surfu('C'
Figure 1.42 l)~u.t~tr:iuherl <:<th1nuur cpi1hd1un1.
I. Cilia

2. (;ohlet <.<"II
3. Pscutlostr.tti6ed columnar t-pithd iu m
--1 0.l.<;(•mem m c:mbr:mc

Cells and Tissues


Figure 1.43 Adipose counecuve tim1c. flgure 1.44 Loose <'-Om1..:cri~" uss:uc siamOO 101· fibers.
I. f\d ip<>c.ytes (adipose cells) I. Elasci< 6b<rs (block)
2. (.;(ll!.-gcn r1hc1'( (1>ink)


F(gure 1.4-5 Demc rei;,•uhr ..:onnN'tiV(' tissue. Figure 1.46 IJCllSC 1rrcguh r ,onuc;c:,iw: ossue.
I Nuclei of 6brobbsts a.-1-anged p:u~dlcl r0ws bt.>tW('('f'I t. Epidermti
pmk-.stamt."'1 co lbgi•n 6tx-n. 2. Dcrne tl'rc:-gular connccciw t~ia.1c ( l:lyct of dcrnti.<)

figure 1.47 An dt•ctron micr~r-.:iph of dense im.·gular Figure 1.48 n.,c-11cul.u- co,rnccuw: rnsue.
C0Hll('Cti\ 1C I. R c ti,:ular 6bi:rs
I . C..olbgl·nous fib~rs

a A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

Figure 1.49 Hy:llmc c:irtil.lge. Figure 1.50 £1.tStic carcil:igc.

I, Cho1ldrocyte.s t Chondrocytt'S J. E1a1c libers
2. Hy:ilin~ c:irtibgt> 2.

figure 1.51 Fibroc:m:ih~<i:.· . Figure 1.52 A tr.m~\l\'rS1..· ~ctiou of two •~l~O n!

I ( :hor'ldmcyt~ ,lri':.l11ged in :i tnw in comp.:.ct bou~ rissu.:.·.
I. L,cun~c cont:iimng asteocytcs 3. t:nud fac
2. Cl'11tral (l·lawrsiJu) ca1iab

Figure 1.53 An elc;c;i;mn nuc.1\'.>g.r:aph ofl)()ll t~ D~it• Figure 1.54 A,1 cl(X"11'Qn min1.'"lg1'<lph nfhooe ti\Suc fmm.ariQ11,
I . lntCNun:il fanw ll:tc 4 . l,.1cmu.._~ l . Bone mim'.ral (calcium salts staiu blat· k)
2. L:unc:-lla~ S. Osteon {J-hv<:rstan 2. Collagcnou~ fibm cm (di.Hmct banding p:mcrn)
.3. Central canal ~ rem) 3. ColJagcn-semcin h <>Stt'Obl:t~t~
Olawn ian canal}
- _-_·.._, ·-;,

...., • -
Cells and Tissues

l 2

3 3

. 4

• I
• ,, " ..- ;
. ,-_
Figure 1.55 Ostcobl:1.,;ts.
,._ ,;

Figure 1.56 Ost:cncl:\SI.

- ~7~

L Oneoblasu 3. t >stcoid I Osteocytt~ 4, O<leodt1.$1. 01

2. Bone -l. Oscc.·oc)-1'-"S 2. Bone How.ship's bcuna
:\. H O\\'$hi1 )',; br'llll:l

Figure 1.57 A longuudiru.l S(."<:tiou of skdct:d musd e tL-;suc. Figure 1.58 A lr:an:.·vcn -.· sccnon of skdctal mu.sdc tii.'iue.
I . Ske-1et:d mmde ct& ( ttvl c .itri1tion~) l . Pt'rimysium (s-u..rrot111Js bm1dlcs o(' c..-Us)
2. ML1hiplc n.udd in p~riphcry of cd ! 2 . Skeletal m u.-.d c i:c-Us
3. Nuclei i11 penphery o( <:d i
-1. E.ndom ys..ium {surrounds cdk)

Figure 1.59 Thf' :m:1drn~1n <>i<kc:Jml mu~ I<; II) 1cnrlno Figure 1.60 Smoo1h musde tu.sue.
I. Skdt>t:tl ruu«-lc 1. Smooth muscle
2 Dens.: l\'gular con1iec1ivc: ussuc (1endw1) 2. Blood vcssd

a A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

Figure 1.61 Canli:ic musdt" ti~u1.•. figure 1.62 A n·ansvcrst~ section oi :i nerve.
I I nterc:llatt:d disks I. Endoneuntnll 3, P..-n11eurn.110
2. Ltgh r-s:uining p\'"riuudc,.:ir s.:ircoplas11l 2. A."X(IU', 4, 8pit'IClll'it11H
3 N ucleus IU <;cnt~r ol'a-11

Figure 1.63 A lo nr;iwdiool '-t('cfou of ::ixoos Figure 1.64 A m:urom uscular jmu,tiou.
I. :vtvdiu sht:.1th 1. Skdetal rnusc1e 2. Motor t'l('rv(•
2. Nt"mofibril nod~~ (uc.~es of Rauvit r) 3. Motor end pl:itc:s

Figure 1.66 Ptu:kiujc: ne u1U 11i from tbt' cerdxllum.

I. Mo lecular bver l'>( ccrcbdfar cortex
Figure 1.65 MC>(M neomo-. ti'O:l, spin:tl 1'ord 2. Granular b)'<'r o( cen.-bellar co11ex
I. Ncutu!,..•li:t cdls 3. Dcndrit(.'S of P\1rki,~c eel]
2 Dc:ndrites 4, Putkinj c cell bo-dy
:\. N udc-u.s

Perpetuation of Life: Mitosis, Meiosis, and Development

The tenu u/1 (yde reJe'rs ro how a m ulticdlul-a.r «.)rganism 3. b11di/i,1g-budi. dt.'Vdop t>tyan isms lik~ lhc pareul
develops, gmws~ and 1n."li1-u:iiu.,; and repai~ body ti<:sues. 111 the aud dlel'I detach themselves 01>rdru, yeast, cettau1
ceU cyd e, each Hew ceU receivt"s a coo1plete c:opy o f all genetic plants); aud
ioform:uion iu the parl"rit cell aod the cytopl:u1nic subst:uu.·es 4. jr,~rtmeutdtion-organisms break into tv.f\'.t
and l)rgarh.~.lles to carry our hereditary u1struct1on.s. or more parts., and e:ich part Lil (apabJe of
rhe anim.:i.l cellcyde (see f ig. 2.3) isd1videdinto: I }interphase, becouung a complete- orgaru.'>n'l (algae, Qarwonni ,
wh,ch includesG•p I (G ·t), Synrhes,s (S).:md <,;ap 2 (G2) phases; echinoderms).
:m d 2) mitOS.1$, which includd. prt)phlSl", met:iphase, ,ma.phase,
:. nd tdophase. luttrpluH·t is th~ intenr.J hetw~t'n -'-UC:Ct"ssive cell St:rnal rtJ>r£id11ttim1 is p n.)pa~1tion o f uevJ through
divisions du ring which tht cell is m t'l:1b<:>lizing :ind the the union of genetic m:1terial from two µ:,rems. St! xual
chromosome$ :u-e din:cting RNA J.yntlie!.L'\. The C 1 p l11H t is the reproductio n usu:,l1y invo lve_,; the ilL;;lor1 of h:iploid g:,meces
first growth ph:L'\C, the S plurse is w ht:n DNA is rcplicatc:d, :md (rncb :1s sperm ;m d egg c:eUs) duri ng: fe.rciliz:itinn t o form
tht' G2 ,,lw.w is th t! ,;ccond gm,vth p haic:. ,\1/itosi.s (:also known J zygote.

as bryokinesis) is the d ivision of the pans o f ;i cell to T he m:9or biologic::,I d ifferen ce• betw een -.exu:'11 and
fo rm t w o rfo ught-er nuclei wi th t he; same n u mbe r o f .i,;c;,.:n:il rt.'.produninn is that :;p.·ua1 reprtuh1crion pmdnc<:s
c hrom nsnmes ~,; the o riginal nudcus. genetic varfarion in che ntl;pring. T he c,,mhining of generic
U ke the :animal c,·ll cy<:le. the pfont cell cycle c:onsist'i m.iterial from t he game te,; p rnchu:c.s o tTspdng rhar ::ire
of growth, synthesis, mitosis. and cytokincsis. Growtl, i,; ,he d iffere nt fr<">m cithc;r p;lrem and c:Ontain new combinations
incn.~:\S<' in ccllul;ar mass as the result of mctabolismi .ty11slwsi.s of ch.-ira.ctcr~\tks. T hi.s 1n.1y increase rhc ability o f the spec:ics
is th<.· pn.l duc:tion o f DNA and R NA to regufacc cc.~Uular to survive environmental changes or m reproduc.:c in new
activity; mitoih i5 ch, splimng of th, n11clc11s ;md tlw c,1ual habimr,;. The only g,,n,,ric l"Jriation thar can arise in asexual
scpar:u:ion o f che chromacids: and 9·tokincsis L\ the di\,ision of reproduction comes from nmtarions.
the c:ympl~ m dtat ac:compa.nics mitosis.
U nlike animal cells. plant cells have: a rigid cell \\::tU chat
does not deave dlu-ing cytokincsis. IJ1stl!'ad, a new ceU wall
is cons-cruc::cc-d bet\veen che daughter c::e]k Funh enuore-,
rnan y laud planes J o not have cenll'ioles for che- attachmt>m
of spindles. The m icrotubules in ch ese plan ts for m
a batrel-shap~d auastraJ splod1e at e-ach pole. Mitosis and
cytokiue,s:is iu pl-ants occur ill basicall}' thl!' same sl!'queoce as
these processes ln tulin,a.l ce Us.
Ast'Xrtal rt'pr,,duawn ,s propag;it1on without sex: thar k, the
productioo of new indiv1dul1s by pn)cesse~ that do r)Ol involVc"
.~"metes (sex cells}. Asexu:tl reproduction occun ln l variety o(
microorgttni1n1.,, li111gi, pl:uns. and anm1jls, whe-rem :t 1mglc-
parent produc."t."S ompnng with eharacte rism:s idc."nt'ic,tl co
itSC".lf. Asexual rtproduction is 110 L depe-1,dc-nt on dte p r~ncc-
of other mdividu:1ls. No eg~ or spt'rm is req lw cd. J11 :.sexual
re producti('rn, all chc o A:Spring :u-e ~c."netlc:dly idencic:11 (cxcc:-pt
fo r mutants). Types of asexu:i.l reproduction mdudt::

I. fis.<;ou-su bd ivision (lf :\ cdl (or c)rganism,

population , specie-..~. ccc.) imo i:cp:1r.1te parts.
Bin:,ry fi~ion pr<.Xl1,H;es t\-VO sep:m1tc p:irts~ multiplt:
fu-.ion pmduccs mor,c th:m t\'.'f.l scp:ir;ite pans
(c:dh,, popul:ickms, specie.,;, etc.);
2. .spo111/oticm--m ultipk fus ion: ma.ny cells :lre
formed ;md join togc.:thcr in a cyst•likc strncm.rc
. ,,

(protozoans and fung;Q: Figure 2.1 Sexual ri:production. A pair of M:iw'Jil:m stilu,
H1'm111tu•1m< Hn•·x jr..tmt < t•1111,f r,•11i1 111 r,,l tly '-1»-rng.

Vegetative p,opagaHon
A pbm pmduc<.-s <.·xn.--rn:11 stt·nt.~. or
rmmcrs. Si1upl,: ,,q;etatiVl" p rop~g:ition
occurs. in a numbl"r of ll,4>,,'l.~rii,g 1'-l:ims.
<uch ;i~ i,tr.lwhernes,

Binary fission
A :siu¢e cell divllks. formin~ two separ:m.:- cd .ls. Fistion (K<.' uG
m b:ictcri:l, proro.u uns. :i.nd other smgl.c---cdJed o rg:t1usmc;.

Figure 2.2 [)•p"~ 1,( .'l~C.'<"u31 r(pr<>du<:rion: vcgc-t:iti\'e

p n">pag;\UOtl, brnary 1iss.-io1\, :u,d 1i·:.i.gn1cnt.'IQ011.

An muhicd1ubr Mg.mi;.m hu:ah i,uo N,'O o r mot,:-
pans, eadi c::ipabJt• ofbec:omiug a rnmplc-t~ o~:u1is1n.
Fr.1g.,11ent.1u<.m o-ccur~ in flat \\'Oru\S and .:chiuo::lernu.

Chrom .mn stnml

O n!.'! (duphc-.ltcd)
composed ,,fcwo
C hro111arirt

tdcntic:i.l chmm.1nd<.

Figure 2.4 Bach d uplic.ucd d1romosomc C() n.~tsts o f two idcnnc.11

Figure 2.3 Thl' :iuitnJI cell cycle. chromatids att:ichi:ll 3t the ccntr.1U)• lo<.'at.:d and cousrrictcd C('Otr(Hutrc.

Eorty prophase - C1uumarin bc:~rins late prophose - l\.\1clc:·.u e nn-lopc is Eor1y metaphase - D uplic:ucd
to cond1.•us:c to (orm d uumosom1.~ i1uae1.. ;md dln>matin t"o11d f 1L(;(::~ u Ho chrofno.so111e~ are c..ich m:i<le up ofl\vo
dtrotllOOOllll-S. chrn111:1tids. :tt eqn.lmri:.1 phm:.

late metaphose - Duplic:Ul-d Earty ona phose - Si.<;tl:'r chrom:.1riJ~ late onophase - I >~ughtcr
diro,uo~,H~ are, ,oade up <Jt.. two .ue bcg:muiog to sc.1>mte into cbughtcr chrm 110Soutc~ :i.n- m·:irlug polc."S.
dunm.1nd$, ::at equ:-1(()1• pb ne. ( hr<'t1U~om e,l

Figure 2.5 The.· sugcs of mim,;is i.n

t-ly..\Cu'llh. f ly,iri11tl11t.~. root tip. (all 4,WX)
Te lopho s.e - D:wghcer <hromosou~j lnterphose - Two daughlcr cells
are ,u pok-s. :md cdJ pbtc.· is forming. resuk fron1 cytokmesis
I. C::cll pl:ire


Prophase 1- Ea<h chll)mos:01nc eon.ities Metaphase I - Chrornoscmie Anaphase I - No J.ivision a t th.:

of t\\O chrunurids joi11~d by .1 ,:;encmmeTl'. }".lirs ali~n :n the cqultor. (1.'llfln mc.res orcm'S :a,; the <:hro1nQ$CWUC.<.
t. C hromatid,; I . Chrom oSOmt:' pab~ at t:qu:ttor separ:uc• .so one .:ntin- chrumosom<.· got.'!!
2. Nud l·o1us 2. Spindle fibers t1) each pole.

I. Chromosom<.-s (two c hrom :icid,; l":teh)

Telophase I - Chromoson\es Prophase ti - Chromosomt.-s condcusc :t.\ Metaphase II - Chto11)0S011\e,,; aligo

ltr1i,hcn 1nd beco11tt- lw dii-tinct. in propJwe I. 0 11 thl· .:q ultor, :md i;pinJ.te fib<.'rs attach
The ceO pbtc {in some plants) fo rms I, C h,-omosonH•.t m ,he cemromc,c.,; r hi~ i.,; sund;;it 10
bl•twt'en forming cdls. ntl·taph.,m: in mitosis.
I. Cc.II pt:ue (new cell w:.ll) I . ChrotnO!>ontcs
2. C lm.nuommc

figure 2..6 T he Mages of n1c1ons

in hly mi(-r0spo1t,cJtt•:- to fo rm
mjcmspores. I OOOX.
Anaphase II - Chrumatids Telophase II - CclJ di\'iSi011 1$
separate, and ,e:-ach i$ pulkd to an complc.·tc, and cell w·.1.Ui of four h:ip!oiJ
o pposit~ pol.:-. cell, <11re tnrintd,
1, C hroinaticb L C hmmaticls
2. New cdl w':lJls (n·ll pJatcs)


Prophase Mela phase Anophose
E ,ch chromosomt· co1tsi...,ls o f two T bc cbromosonH."S :m: posicion<.'tl :it dw Tlu: Ct'UtrVm l• n.- i 11plit. an<l du: S.tiCt'r"s j cfoed I>>• :t t'COtroine,x-. Spitld.JI" cquat()t.T he ,<,1,i1\dlc f1ber5 0'01H t='d ' chrom:iods' i,; each r. puUc.-d
fibers c.xc,: m l from <.'oh.·h ccntt ioJc. ccntrlolc .Huch to d11~ ct·u tro me r<.'). to 311 OPJH'Xiitt' pole.
A~ter :H( )u1Hi cenruole I. k t~r .iroun<l 3. Chr<,mOiome~ at l. Astl.'r .lrotmd 3. Se-pmtcing
2. Chnm 1o~mes ceuc:riole eqo.'lt<u· ccn trioli.· d u omosum,: s
2 . Spindle filxrs 2. St"n<lle iibcr"'

Figure 2.7 Thn"'~" of

:mint:11 cdl mitost$ followed
b)• C)'IOku~ctis. Whjteli ~h
Telophase Daughter cells hbsruh . 5<•t>X.
The chromoso1m:s lcn~tth t:n {dt·coudt•usc) T h e singlt: c.-hromosom :.•s. (fo mu·r
,rnd bec()inc k ss d i~u1cr.1'he t:<"ll nictnhr.lne Chl'o nr:ihd ~ (ee ;uup l1.ise) co,11inue to
!Orms bcr,..-ccn th.c fotnu ng cfanghc-e r cells.. lengthen (dccondc-nse) :tS the nuc:le:.,-
I. New cdl m cmbr.ant• m<.·mbrane reform>. O o·U <li\'ision is .::ompk•tt<,
2 Newl)~(ormiog ouckus :ind the 11cwly formed ccUs. grow and 111:1:1ut\".
t. JJaoghter nuclei

Oogomuoo ~
•. ·. · .

(uiploid) {diploid) ~

l' r imary oocyt<:

,·· . . ' '
Meiosis I

~ S(.x-oniliry ou(·yt<·

Pr im:arr------1 mcmac 01aploid)
$JH'f'UllltOC~•t c d ,v,,;io,11


'\t.'C01"1;11y .Sperm cc:i,111.,c~

~J'lerm~t«:)CYh' Scc;oud
~'' l l.°COJH.hry 00(.) 't~
lll ("t(lll(':
<:bnsiod ) ,,.
r I M eiosis O
I. - f-crtilintio n of
J>\"11:u- Ccm:de ~Ul(.'1t" (ov.J)
bodj ~ \,iith mak· g:unt•H·

-1 Maturation
( I


(h:i1~1<>h1) Figure 2 .9 O(lgcocsis h rlw pM<luc;:ru>n o f 1¢inale
ga.m<..-c:,-s, or ov:i. th rough ihe pmce-ss of mdos.LL

Figure 2.8 S1)t;r1n~togcneQs 1s 1hc pmduc;tioo ofm:ile g:tme,cs,M

Spt·nnaunoa. thmug:h the pt'(><.'e.u of mi:iosis.

Flgure 2 .12 (a) An tnt:t(:t (:h iden c~a1u.l (b) a porcion
200X C>f d 1t shell j~ rcu1on..-d exposiu i; Lhc Uuern!l.l s:tn1cturd.
Figure 2.10 Frog testis. Figure 2. 11 Frog ov:ary. I. Shell 5. Albumen (egg white)
I . Sp1:rnu tocyu.";.; I. Follicle (:e]l,. 2. Vitt'Uinc membr.tnt' 6. C h:a.l:u:1 (<lt'ltit.' :Jbmm·n)
2 l)<:veloptng spc.rm 2. Gc-nnin.:al \'('Side 3. Y<'l1k 7. Au ~p•.:a.;;e
3. Nucloo!j 4 . Shdl m..:mbrJJ1i:
Unferflllzed egg
I . N ud ,.::ar mcmbr.u1t'
2. Nudeus 4-cell stage
Fertnized egg 2-cell stage
3. N udeolm l. Fcn:iliz.:nion membr.ine
4 CcH rn<;mh~nc-

8-cell stage 16-cell stage 32-cell stage 64-cell stage

L Dlast<>cod Early gastrula
I Bl:.~tocod ;\. Bl;).sfOJ)(U'("
2 . Archcmcron ..t. Ecrndi:nu Late gastrula
(&,'~U'('l('.fleQ 5 l~1ldnrltntt
l. Ecwtlerm 5. Ard1entt'ron
2 . M csenchymc cclls. (g.wrococl)
.3. Codomi<: sac 6. BbstopoR·
4, Eudodentt
Blplnnarla Early brachiolario
larva larva
2 - - -.,. ():ner:J view) {aur(•rior vie,.,,•)
3 - ----,-- I. 01-.d lobc- I M•ut h
2. lvtoudi 2 . S tOIU;l(h
5 . Codomic 3. Anus
4. $ronuch
3. Auus 2 - --ti-""-

Figure 2 .13 The d tvdopnu:nc of the sea star. Astit1itrs sp. IOOX . Young sea star
Ferti&zed egg 4-cell stage 8-cell stage 16-cell stage

Fertlflzed egg 2-cell stage

(tunsve r.;:e sc.-ction) (tr.1n1-wTS-.· .s.c:ction)

F..c1od c:rm


Blastuta Early gastrula

(rr~nsvc rs<· :<.(;r.tion) {tr.mswrse ic-ccion)



Blastula Early gastrula

(transvcr....· st·ction) {tr.mswnc sc-ccio11)

Figure 2.14 frog d¢:\'('lop1ucmt fmn, fcmh,:cd i.'gg ro c:.rly g:lsrrul:l, shown 11l d13gr:1m ;i11d ph<>t<illUCl\)gr:iph~ I (l(.IX

Yolk plu!' N omchord develop., here

......._ An~lae1lt~n.)J1
BJ.alltocod Ec,odcrm

Gastrula Ea~y neural p late

(0-J Jl,i.\\".r,S,¢ St"CllOJl ) ( verse sc<t i~1 n)

Notochord N c uraco(•)

Pros<.•m:cp lu Jo n

O ral cvagmation
~~-· O ra.I pbtc

Hean Ml'So<l(:rm
l..1ver H c,a11

Neural tube stage late neural tube stage

(longitudm~ i;ection) (JongitudiruJ st<Ction)

P harynx:


Neural tube stage late neural tube stage

(cr:tllt\'t:r~ ~ec·lio n) (longitudinal section)

N:tSll pie

An us

late neural tube stage Tadpole stage

(rnmswrse St.'t:t ion)

figure 2.15 f...-og, d<.·\•c-lopmenc from ~strtda to t:tdpole. shown in diagr.:im ,md p h,>tomlcro~r:1.phs. lOOX.

13-hour stage 18-hour stage 21-hour stage
L Embryo nt.3in body J. Neurulatiou 1. l-lc-~d fold
fonnatio n 2. N('ural tblJ
3. Muscle pb tc (somues)

28-hour stoge 38-hour stage 48-hour stage

L Hc;id foJd :u.d hr:1i11 I. Opti" vc-ticlc- 1 Ea.r
2. Art.:ry tc>Tmatiun 2. Ul'.un \Vlfh tivc n'gt(ln,r; 2. llr.-ii.i1
3 . M uscle pl.uc (wmmc,;) 3. Hc:in 3 Eyt
4 . Blood \'l!'SSd formation 4. Hean
5 A~<·r)'

Figure 2.16 T he sag<s of

duck dC\'Clor>11u,.1n. 2(1X ,

56-hour stage 96-hour stage

I . E:ir t. E)~
2. 2 . Mcscoc:eph:il<>n
3. Eyt~ 3. I IC'a.rt
4. l-lc.-.m -I \'Vinft form:irioo
5. Artery 5. F'-·cal !lac (aJlanmis)
(1. 1-t:g f<u m:iti<»,

Bacteria and Archaea

Bacooria range between I and 50 µm in width or dirunc,.:r. and found in ttmperacc environments. The cell \\~alls of
The morpholof_'lcal appe.arauce of bactt~ria may be spiral Archaea lack peptidoglycan (charactcrislic of bacteria}. Archaca
(spirillum), spheric,) (coccus). o r rod-shaped (bacillus). Cocci ha\'? di:scinc:tiw 1\NA'- aud RNA polymerase enzymes. T hey
lnd bacilli fr~quently foJ' m dusters or linear fi laments and may includt> methauogens. cypi(.-ally found iu s,.vamps and marshes..
have bacttrial tlagdla. ReJaowly fow species of bac.t(!l'i-a cause and thennoacidophiles, found in add bot springs, acidic soil, and
infection. Hundred~ or i pecies of uonpath ogeoic bacteria live deep oceanic vokallic: ve,Hs.
l')n the humao bod>' and w1dun the g,m:mlncescma) (GI) u·act. Melhauog-ens exist m ().'i:ygen-free environmetlls and subst,;t
Those m t.h e G I tract constitute a person~ gut and are o n simple co,upouuds such a~ CO 2. acetate, OI' ,ueth:uh'Jl.
b1ologic:tl1y criucal rt) human.>. As their name unp!Jes, Metl1a11ogens pJ'r,duce utelhane gas
Photosynthetic bacteria co1ttam chlorophyll and re]t-:ise as <l by-product of 1-ne-ta.bolism. T hese orgaJ1Js1us are typ1c:illy
l)xygen durlng- photosyuthesls. Son1e bacteria 1re (),/,li_,~·tte ,1erc>bes fourh'I 111 organic-rich mud arld iludge th.1t ofren coot:tm fecaJ
(require 0 2 fo r ,ne-l.tboh!:m) and others are .fotufo11i11(> cw;J("rc>bes wastes.
(mdiCfertnt rn 0 1 for 111tL-abohs1u). So111e are oM:t?alt nmJt>r~>l,i's "'I hermoacidophiJes ~s1sta.11c to hot temp eratures .'Ind
(oxygen m:iy po 1so11 the1T1). Mo!.t bactena :ire hettrotrophic lugh :u.;1d con~nu·-auons: J11e cdl membran e of these orgamsnL.:;
:wpr..,pltylts, which secrete cnz.yn1e,; co bre:ik down surroun<lmg C:(mt:lins hiJlh :uuounts of .saturated fats. :ind their en.zymes
011,::init mole<:u]t'S into :ib.~orb:ihle compoull(k and orher pmce-in_ t. 1~ :able to with..:;ti.nd t xt:rc:me co1tditio1t~
M~t Ard 1ae:1 nre thought to be :id:ipttd to a limited r..,nge \\'tthc)ut denarur:ition. The.~e microscopic c)rg:inisms thrive in
of extreme conditions. :i]though :1 few are mort' co~mopolitm m o.~t hm Springi. and hot, :itid ~oils.

Figure 3.2 A mai;uitit:d TJ,fo1hrix Sp. fit:u ntnt w id 1 sulfur ~ ranuJes

in ics cytoplasm.
I Cyr01pl3<;m 2. Sulfot g1•:1nulc_11;

Figure 3.1 11,ivrliri.\· sp., .:i gcmt'i ofb:icten:, tlut forms Figure 3.3 The ti,.::r A r( h :1e,1 \Vere discovered ln extreme
-.ulfur gr,mi,lcs l1i ~ e,ymplasm.T O'W\IIJ$.mt obtaj11 euviromnems such as vokanic hot sprin~ like chose found
c:-1u,rgy from oxid:uion of 1--½S, in Yellowstone National Park.
I. Fil:uuems 2. $ u1fur gr::mu!es

3 A Pt1otograph1c AUas for the 8101cm, Laboratory

~r.i5 ij.:

••••••••••• I Eubryotcs



fauy:1.1.:ha(.'l.ltl'~ I lllfoba,:tm11m. M r 1J,a,.,i,,,l(ftrrn,

N,;inolJ'ch :tcotC'i

Uuivcn-al Epsilon protc.-ob.:tc:ccria


Ddt:1 prot,.:obJctcn:a

G :unm.i p tut(.'Ob.ictc.•r il Pro1o,~~ A·.-,tdm11t>1t,1$,

F.sdu·rrd,w. Rfoz.olmun

.,.. :e._ "'-
Alpha proteob1cteria
11£J Rl1i,d.-,5pirillm,1,
Rltb'>lntrt11, Ritkt•usi.l

0 11:un:ydias

~==JI Spfrochcu:s

&,rrdk1. 'lrtpm,enw.

(~.i.11obactt·r J:1 .'111t1l1,N•11,1, ( )srill,u,1rtll,

Spin1li1111, J,·.,Jt,,r

G ram -pol-ltivc bacteria

~- "'
l~1<illus, s,~,,,J,yfor.:m,J, Srrqir"""'-·ms,

Figure 3.4 1>hyloge,1,;:tic ~ lac101l3hi ps a.od

()1mtidi.11m, l.J's,rti11, M)V:1>pl,w1w

d :t.ot.<\ili c:uic)O of Ul:IJOC' hane,•ia :tnrl a1dlac-;i lmcag<·s.

Bactena and Archaea 3


t 3

f,Jgure 3.5 T lu.· bJ1;:ci:rium &n!fos figure 3 .6 T r,mw,·n c secnon thmugh figure 3.7 The spinx:bc-tc-, B<ird/a
mf)[dr,.,.ium. ll,tdlfu< 1s cJpahll" oi the rooc nodule of clovtr £.ho\,•ing 11'i'urn>ml~.Spi1'0ChCtC$ :i re: flexible
proUucm y, t'ndi~pon:s. T lu s spt<cics intr:icclJubr;;:cn-6xmg bacter1.a. r()d~ CWlS.1<.xi mto h d jc.•.:tl shapes.
of & tilltts 1;te.11('r.tlly r1:1n..1ins iu chaiu.s 1. Cell wi1h b:i<;tcna T lus ~pe..:ie.s cau~t'~ rdapsiu~ lt'\'er,
after n d ivid es. 2. Epidenui~ I. R c:d blood cd k
2, Sp1rocb<'te
3. Whit..- blood cell

• •
.. ,

t- .
~...- - - 2
.. "

• d

... ("
.... "

,::_--'l~- + 2

flgure 3.8 T he ~puod1ece Trrp,mrm,1 Figure 3 .9 Nc·isM'ricrg<1•1<'rrl1,1e,,e, l1lis Figure 3.10 /\11 /lrrJb,,n,+1 '>Jt 6 fa11K:c11L
p,1Jlidum. Thi<<1'1Ccic'<( c.Ht<c$ ~1,hilis ,,. :\ , hplocoaus cau<s~ g()tl l)t1'h r:i. 'rim 1)1'§lni~m ,., ~ nirmgi."t"J-tixiog
I. Trq,c•1ac.w11 pt1,'litfum q ·anob:tclt'num. Nitro.1,.11.·n 6x:nion takes
2. Wh ne blood ccD pbci.': t\1thin rhe h<:t'croc:yq <:dl<
I . I Ictcrocyst 3. Vtge-tatiYl"
2. Spore (:akint.'t~) cd !

., J10ilX t
Figure 3 .13 The conjugation of t ilt'
bacterium l:Jdit-rirhfo t<1fi. Uy this proc~
2SOOX of cot~uhr:ilio n, gc-n,·cic lll:tl<.-rial is
Figure 3.11 Au Anab,1e1111 ,l,P, tiJamem. Figure 3.12 T he Jl:,gd fac<.·d OOcter-ium . tr.'l1ntt'rred 1hn'lugh I he- co11; 11t}lfJOrl
tubt• from one cell to the oth<.· r :tllowing
This is :t nitrogen- fix ing cy.uiob:tctc:-num. PsrmlotJwn..u S}\
h"t'llc-cic «.'Ct)mb in;.Hion.
Nhn:>ge11 li.xt1no11 t'J.k("\ rbcc wlduu I. Fllgdlum
rhe hererocyst <'dis 1. Uacten ur)l 2 , Coujug,mon cube
I. Vt-gt·.tativt cell 3. Spore
2. H;tcrocyst
• A Photographic ALlas for the Biology Laborato,y

Table 3.1 Some Representatives o f Bacteria and Archaea

Cate gories Representative Genera
Photosynthetic bacteria
Cy~nobacteria ;,I ,1.1h :1<1tut, Os.-i/1111,,rin. Sp1ruli11,1, N0Jtt1r
Green bacteria Cl,fon.t,iltm
f\irple bacteria Rl1•>•fospirill,1m
Gram-negative bacteria Protc1;,:;,, Psrml,>mt>11,u1 Esdterid,in, Rl,fz()bjum, Neis~n-,';_r
Gr am--positive bacteria &t<illm. Stapl,y/()(()((W, Strrplo<Mws. Clo.stridiwu, U>teri<1
Spirochete s Spirrtdtaet", 1h po11e,,ur
Actin omyc.etes Strc1,to111y(es
Rickettsias and Chlamydias Rfikt:.t1S1°<J, Clrlamydia
My,:oplasmas ,Hy«•plasmfl
Methanogens HaWiJadcrium, ,\1etha,u,l,act.eriu111
Thermoacidophiles 111t:ntroplamaa1 St1!J(1l,,bus
Halophiles I la!o(,.u1aim11

~-----------------• IN1t,og\'. 11 (N..J 1n :.irmos:1,hcre " " ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - .

Plunt ~ A~

Figure 3. 14 Few o~.tnisms haw dtt' ability tu u tili:tc ltln O!l--ph<.·ric 111trogt:l'L N itmgen-tix1n~ bac:ti:ri.l within tht.• root nodu.l~-s o f
lcgi111l~ (:.l11d some fre<.-- bvwg h:aaen.l) pmvid e :i us:ihlc: souri:e o f nnmgcn to pfarn<;,
Bac1ena and ~rcllaea 3

Figure 3.15 Colomt-s of Srri-pto(<1f(IU py..,gerrt's cultun:d ou figure 3.16 C)i:ltlOb.'.ICtcna Jivmg iu hot sprm ~ .ind hot
:. s.h.~er bh;1od agar pla,c. S, py,,gcnt! cause-.s sti·e p th.roac ;md S:tn.•:int'<. ~uch JS thi'I 4(1 nH•ter el11ul'ur h-Ofu J geyser ill
rhcum:i.tic fowr in hu ntani.. l11i.-s :igar pl:t1c is .approximatd)' Yellowstone- Natio n:1.J P3.rk
10 cm in diameter. I. f\•tats of Cyimq,l1yJ,1

Figure 3.17 Cy.111obaeter"-' ofsevt'-r.)l &pecies g:r<>wing 10 ll1e figure 3.18 A ruaguiGeJ view or 1.h e C)•.:11wba(<ttm111
<.·illuc-m from a geyser. The.· diffcrc1H spccii:s an.· tempcr:irure- Chr,.1(,.-"mu· sp. shown with~ red biologic:J s1:t.iu .
dc1~ nde-n1 rmd (orm I ht l\lod.s. of c<.'llm

Figure 3.19 T he cy.utobactl'rlum, Mc-n'snwpc•1fi11 sp.. is c h:ir.u:t('ri.ecJ. b)' thtti:ucd colo nies of l·dk. The cells :ue in a siugl<' byt•r, usuaUr
aligned into groups o( two o r four.

• A Photographic Alias 10, 100 B1010~ Laboratoiy

Figure 3.20 A colony of l\ fost¢r ::q,. CLlamtJlts Individual Figure 3.21 The fib.uln1ts of OS<ill,1u,l'id sp.T h~ 0 11~1 way this
6 lam1.'nts sc.-crctc mucibgl', which fonm a ~•d,ltinous matrL"I'. cy.mobact<.•ri um c:m reproduce is duouhrh ftagm~ ntation of :t
around :ill fibmt•nt~. 61:urn.•nt. FrJi:,m:·nts are known :a> hormoh-unfa.
J. fiLmeo~ 2. Gd:itinous inaLrix 1, l-l,w1~11)g<u>1urn

2 -------------'

f'9ure 3.22 A portion :I cylind ric;J 61.:un mt of Osdlt.11«id
Figure 3.23 An OsrilL1u,ria sp. filament showing nccridia.
$J'· T lus <'),':tnol);lrt.::rirnn i$ common in moq aq11:u11· habi,.:it.s.
I . N ("..:rid1a 2. Hormogomum
t. Filament s.cgm<:-nr 2. Scp:tration disk (nccridrnut)

430X 5UOX
figure 3.24 Sqfot11'Jna ~ ·• :1 cy:1.nobactcnmn , common on Figure 3.25 The cy:in()l,xlcr('1'1lUU, St~ru•m,l sp.Tilis ~pecics. ha.~
1raois1e1K!d soil. Notice the fal~ ly hr.mched 6Ja1He11t typical of 6fa.m~nti caus.::d Jb:m, ceUJivi)t,io n in two St'par. tft"
thi.~ genus. T spcci'--s also dcnaonnr.ucs "win~cd" she".aths.'$.-
I. Fab1.· branching 2. "Wiog-t.'l(f'" shi.•atl1 1. True branching
Bactena and Archaea 3

figure 3 .26 T<,IypNlirix sp.. :a L"')'l.'lob:.ctt'rium with a sin gi,: Figure 3.27 L<mg1uidiual secuoo of 3. f<)ssili.zed strom.uolitc
t;l1<.t> ..lwancheri fil~me.01 1wo b illion years o ld. L:iycnng indicates the communities
J. Ht:.·t.:-roc)'$ts 2. fl:il<.c hr:mclung .3. She.uh •fb.1 cteri:i ~ud cy,mobacteri:'I m}xed wtdl ~dJ01..-nts.Th i~
spcc inh:n'S fru m Ausuali:r {sc:ah, in m m).

2 +-- - - - - - -

ll~IOX ,130X

Flgure 3.28 C}':t.nob:i.cterium. Cl1,1m,u•siplmu i.p., ~'Towing as Figure 3.29 Lynxbyr1 birgd. :a t)•anob:k:tcrium. is common iu
an e1nphy1c o n gri.~c-n al~ c. CL.1d1>pl1(J1r1 sp, ('IIU\"ll"'hi.:: ,v:m~r throughout North t\meru;:i.,
I. Clad<1pb1.>r.1 sp. 2. Clwnuws.ipl1tm sp. I . Extended shc:uh 2. Fil.:iment of living cells

Flg1Xe 3.30 ,\ frm-<yilb Mn(git11~.<d, J\)bac:tt'r!um that c m

c:t11se ri'.!Xi,~ wnH:t' "bloo11l't."

• A Pliotograpt,lc Atlas for the Biology Laborato,y

Figure 3.32 C'.!tium.-yJ.ris ~ll., a _grctn .,tg,. w ith cy:moh.:11:r<:r i., Figure 3.33 .\tfi,-,ilmf1•11J -<p.• one of t1w m()st i:onul h'r n
as c udosynibionts. cyauubaCR·ri::i m and on soils dm)ughout du: world Jt ts
I. C..'ya.n obact<'fJ3 tudosyt1·1bionl cha.r.\c..'ten :tl~d by ie,..·cral h.b u:lt1lt.~ a l ~ cornmo11 ...hc;uh

t , -t~•~,:',~ ~•:"w

~,.:- . ' )

~·· .


figure 3.34 A s.:m:Uicc i mage of"a. Figure 3.35 A rrlm•spinr i•p., :1 (:omu,ou Flgure 3.36 The <..yJ.11obaccenw11
brgc bkc. Tht" i:.uutl:u panci-n i11 1hc cy:mob:ictt·num. Aplumizomatt>u ~~\. conunon i11
W:ltl'f i$; COIUpOSt-d or Jrme i;mwths nutri<•ut-ricb (ot1...·n pcllutt.'d)'rs
of C)•.:anobactcttl. :iround the workl.
J. Spor...~ {:tkinc:tc) 1. fihmcm

Figure 3.37 A spring s~e-p in Zion figure 3.38 A n'ic:i.rchcr examining Figure 3 .39 A d ose-up photo of
N at 1011:a.l Park. U t.1b, cy:)uoba~t<.'nal g:rO\\ i h.s 0 11 so,I Ill <.'T)'JHOb10Uc or.oil crus,:1 hese CtoSCS
I. Mat o( <.)'anob3Ctl"ria C;inyo.) N:111011:il l¾l'I.:. Ut.'lh, i:.n~ c.:,rnpo~-<I of C)':lll<ih~a,·rfa, rimg1,
lidu:ns. a nd od wr org:misms.

Select Single-Celled Eukaryote Supergroup Phyla (4'Protists")
AU animals are cukaryotcs--tht.~ir C('.Jls contain a membrane• Hct,:rokontophyra. which indud...-':S the diatoms a.nd golden
bound nucleus that contains their generic mate rial. Most alg;ic. The cell wall of a diatom is composed la.rgdy of silica
c ukaryotic cdls also contain mcmbmuc..bound orgaudk~$. such rach<.·r chan cdlulosc. Some diatoms n,ove in a slow, glicting \V:'.l)'
as mitochoodrfo, chloroplasts, and digestive van1ok~ ;md are. as glides through slics in the cell \\.tll.
even caP3blc of meiosis and sexual rcproc.hiction . Euk;lT)'Ott.'5 T he Phylu m Dinofhgdl:.u;1 tilso consd mtes .i large
:ire most dmdy re.lated to Arclrnt-a but ;u,:quired t heir org.mcll~ compc.mcnt nf the photmrnphk plankrnn. [n most spcdcs
from Ra<.-r-.eria by w:1y of emfo:,ymhio:-is (sc<.: Exhibit 1 on of d inQA:agellarc~. ,he cd) wJII i::; fom1cd of :irm(lr-likt: plac-~s
poge vi). of cellulose. f)inotbgell:nc,. :ire morilt:, h;aving t\vo ffagell:-t.
\·Ve C:l,i.;ily recogn ize the nu_j<)rity of multicdlnbr :1nim:als- Gen en Uy. ()nc cnc1rclc:s tlu: org:in i$m in :a r.r:msversc gmovc, and
t he 1Vie r:1zoa-:md d1stin~msh thi>st trom plant$ :md fungi. But the otht'r proje<:ts to die p<istc:rior.
t here is a cremtnrlous dJVers.ity of eukaryotes tl1at aren't meuzo:ins. Among the un k d lular mit roeukaryores, o r .. prowzoan"
ti111gi, or pl:mts. $ome cout.·un chloroplau..-.,s0n1c.- don't. Most :u-e (anuu:illike) phyJa :m:- rhe Amoebozoa, Apitomplexa,
single-celled, but son-le a~n't. Most are nucrO$CQp1t, but some, Euglt no2oa, Met:uuonad:., and C iliopliou . Locomotion of
like giant kelp, are- w·ry forge. T'h~ org1111s1ns, whu.:h do nor Lhe!l:e hett rouoph.:, IS by w:iy of Aagt-Ua, c1Ha, or pseudopodia.
consriLu te a natur.11, o r llh)llophylettc group, are delined inore nl varJous sorts. In fo-edmg upon other nrg.111ls1rt'I l1r o~n1c-
by \Vh:i.t they aren't thau by what they are-. But hec:1use they pb.y parucles, th ey use simple diffiLUOJl. pJ11ocytos1s, active t'l'a1tllport,
an imponam role io m1ders.taudjng the e-.•olunoiury rransitions nr phagocytosis. Although most nr th ese orgauis111s reprodu<.' e
that tonk place between prokaryotes and meta2oam ov<:r a asexuall)'. some species may also repl'Oduct' sexually during: a
b illion years ago, rhey a re crucia1 components of any sc-rious poruon of their life cycle. Most prom-zoa are harm1ess, although
srudy of zoology. some are pa.raiirjc and may cause human disease, including
Histo rically. the Liunean classification ranked caxa African sk-cping sicku('SS and malaria.
::iccording to morphological similarity. A~ phylogenetic ::inalysl-s
have become incrc:i.<ingly sophil<cicatcd and ,ccumc,somc ofchc
well-known l..innc:111 ~xa have turned out w be evolutionary
grodes (as <>pposcd co cl.idcs).united by primitive (plC$io111orphk) 1
ns <.lpposcd to derived (:ipomorphic), ch()r.lcn·rs. Such is the case·
for m:myindepc ndc!nt t,.."V()lmic.m:-iry linc:1ges. ofcnk,, ryotc-.s that:ln'
either unicdlul:tr or mulri<:ellt1l.i r but withcnit spcc.;:1liu.:d ti,~u~ .
Hercmfon: known :1s ''proti~L~,.. in this c.:haprer \.\'t! present them m
:i ph}1ogcneuc con text th:n m on: accurate!)' n-:-Aect..t. their

evoluuonary hi.,tory :md current tlx f) n (umt sutui.

Most of the umcdlular t :1.x;i m ·nable 4. 1 are :1buudant
b1 aqu,u sc: h:ib1t:tt$, aud n1:irty ;Lre m1port:mt COn!l:t1h1entS o f
pfa.nkcou . l'bukton an • co1mt'lunities t) f o rgan k,n s drit1
passively or swim slowl)' 111 po11ds, lakes, :-uid oce:i.n~. Pl:u1kto11 :1n-
:1 niajor SOLu·ce o f fond for ochtr aquatic org3uisut~. Phmol rophic figure 4 .1 A fbra,umm11 "111d,1i11m.
(plantlike) nucn)t>ukat)'Ott'S are nta3ot food ptoducers itl ~quark
ecmysle1U$. Key meniliers of chis group a.ti" from the Ph>'lum

Table 4.1 Representative Single-Celled Eukaryote Phyla

Phyla and RepresentaHve Kinds CharacterisHcs
Heterokontophyto - diatoms and Diatom cell walls composed ol or Impregnated with $ilica, often with
golden algae two halves: plastids o ften golden in Chrysophyceae due to chlorophyl
Amoebozoa - amoebozoa Cytoskeleton of mlcrotubules ;ind mi<:rofilament.s: amoeboid locomotion
Euglenozoa - flagellated protozoa Use flagella or pseudopodia for locomotion; mostly par.side
M elamonado - trichomonads Flagellate protozoan, Trichomonos sp.
Clllophora - ciliates and Pmamedum Use cilia to move and feed
Dlnoflagellata - dinoflagellates Two flagella In grooves of wall; brownish-gold pla.stids
Aplcomplexa - s orozoa and Plas odium Lack locomotor ca abilities and contractile vacuoles; mostl arasltic
• A Photographic Atlas for the •1010~ Laboratory

l )1p l 1)1 0 1)ll;ld -i

~ m

~ Q

0 ~
- ,\r1co,o1pl<x:on1
'tJ n
io 0

Oiatomsa ' <

"' Gr,kl<>n :ilg.\e
Bro"" aJip' '
,!. 0otl1)~C<'t c~
~ J
Ccrcozo:uu • ,.
Formis ~ 0
R, d,ob rmu-

0 R,-<l :,Jl!"r f ~
~..J C hlorophytc:-.1 •
0 ~ti: "0

cg"...:I Cl1Jr0phyt..,.s ' .. ~

IE,,. . -
,. Land pl,ni,.

G y11u1jmocblsc
o ~nr.inh">dus
:, C:
Nucle3rud" ~ ""

'f 0

fu ng i

C.'.h<>>i>oth g<ll>1<1

(d) JOOX
Figure 4. 2 l "h( rhylogtuew: rt>l:nio 11, h11is :-.od Figure 4.3 lh.~mple Pn)OSf:.\ 1nch1de: {.a) d~.:;mid,
d :tssific:ttiou oC major eukaryo11: lini:.1~1.'S. Mi'mi:t•n·,u )Jl. (b) kd p. M,1,m-yst1; ~p .,{c) :1:.lime mo1d,
f1f1y-;fltum dttt'tt.r, 11nd (d} :a f'"OIOZO:t, S.1d1t.>1sp.

Select Single-Celled Eukaryote Supergroup Phyla ("Prot,sts")

Phylum Heterokontophyta - diatoms and golden algae )

I l mual c,-u
Spun, (u)

Dinsion of

[ F!!!hallo"; j

M :irurc auxosporc
V..-,uns: ,tux-ospore (2u)

Figure 4.4 tLfc cyde c>f:) c(1n ric d iJtom.

• A Photographic Atlas 1or the B1olo©f Laboratory

• /~.

'~. -$·/
\Yg ,


. - ·- ..

Figure 4.5 lli1Mu!JJM.1 \J'·• ~ figure 4.6 l,jw s11t·cimcns of penu.1tl" Figure 4.7 H,111,idiitn s sp., .i cc1ur1c
di:i.toin fo rming colo11ies. ll1c.s1: (bibtcr:i11)' symm etnc:al) Jiatoms. {:i) (rJditll)' symmctrical) diarnm. frnm a
cdls, ~re bl."gmni11g ,:elJ dwi.s,oo, N,111i(u /d .s.1,,, :ind {1)) C)·mbtl/,1 sp, Ci·l"Shw·.u("r 'lprin~ 1t1 N et~1d1.
I. Chloropbst 2. Stri:it' I. Sitic:i l:dl w:1JI 2. Chloropl:uts

Figure 4.8 !Ipitl,rmi,1 i,.-p., ;i tliStiu<:ti\'e Rgure 4. 9 Srrph.itMf1's<t•s s1i . a Figure 4. 10 Two couur1cm
p<'nn:itc &cshw:itcr dtaront. Ct>nt!lc d.ialot'.u. fn•.d tw:,tcr di:atoms.
(. Ccmmfis 2. .4mplit>m

:.:.-.. .,f,t'. ~:~~;~

: . ·, -:-,~;i ..
:~·\~"-' #·--.# #:4
~ -
,- . ' ~'! -.
..,,,. 2

,;;.. ~:;..-,

~;- ·'f./( • ..: •..__,
... '~ ~;-
~ .'- -
•-.,-..... -.t....
. ..--:'. .
.•.... - _..,_ ~~ . \ ,
.. ~!'lill
Figure 4.11 nm,~u/,1,1 sp.. om.· ot Figure 4.12 A sc:i.nnin~ dt·ctn>u Flgure 4.1 3 A sc:uuting dt!t·uoo
,he- mos, conu noo ~ii d i:tmms. 1nicmgr:1ph of Co;uuu:iJ sp. • .t common 1.nicrogr;tph o f 1.h c d i.1to 1u Ad111,m1/xr
freshwJter di:uom. j1(x<11(,
I. Strile toutai11ing pt)rt"S. o r I. ll:iphe i . Stl'iJe
p unn.ic.·, in the frust ul<' (.s.i)icon ccU
wall) .

Select SmgJe-Cellcd EuKoryotc Supergroup Phyla ("Pro~sts ')

Z005POf\' (11)

Asexual cycle


/ M:lmrc
1uu lttltu(lt':a.te-
6.t:unt'11t (11)

Yi>ung h:iploid
phmt (u}

Sexual cycle

Figure 4.14 T ht hit' <1·d e r>I the ..W:ltCI' tC'h a.lg:,;· lfwd,&i,, sr.

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology laboratory

Figure 4.15 A fila.ment with i1mn11t1re Figure 4.16 i\ '4md1aUI sp., w ith Figure 4 .17 A V.1111'1,r-n·., sp.. wit.Ji
~uH.· tangil of th,: ''wJtcr fdt";a, ru:uu ri: ga1nct:ing:1:1. tn:tnu'<." g:unct:U1gi1.
l111uf,e,id tp, l,.:mdtfri:t 1s ;a .,;h1•yso1,hyw rh:11 is I. Fcroli2:.tion pore I Oogo11i11m
widt'Sp«."3J in ( ;md n1arini: habitats, 2. A11dler idm m 2. n'rtiliz.:ition pOn'
It is also found lll du: mud ofbr:.aiddsh '3rc:L<; J . Chlor<:lpb!ts 3, Ar11 heridn11n
that pt'rioJiQ)ly lxt:0111~ subni.;,r~·d mJ 4. Dc:n:lopiug m>~uuium
dic n <"Xpc:>s..::d ro .i:r,
I. Amheridiu m
2. Dn't'lopi11i; ooi;oniwu

( Phylum Dinoflagellata - dinoflagellates )

Figure 4.18 The dinofbr,.'l.·ll:ue:s. Prridiuium sp . (a) Some org; arc living; (b) ol)u.·rs arc dc::td :md b:iw Jost tht•ir ,yropfasm Jud
COU'll~ of 1'1,!<is.1;.r n1 ri.-11 w;\Jl-s.
I. Dc~d dmoih~Uate 2. Lwmi; dinotlag-dfati: 3 . CeUulo.s.e p1:1t1;•. S 4. Re mn3nt of (·ytoplasm

Figure 4.19 A t,:i:t.1H d:un witl1 bluish c0Jorntior1 f igure 4.20 A photom.icrog:rJpb Figure 4.21 Crmtium sp.
due ro t1ldosymbil)11t d ino llagtlfa.tes. of Pt'li,li11im,1 Sp, T he cell \\".'IJI of is 3 co11m h)1l frcshv,'3ter
man}' dinotbgdlat<."S is con1pos.:d <l.iuotbg:eD:ue.
<Wcrb ppiog pl:ire<i (')f ,~cllu1os,\
1)f l. Trnnwcl'$<: groove
I. \V31i vf i;dlulosc plates 2. Trailing dagdllUn
2 . Tr.ul$vcrse groove

( Phylum Amoebozoa - amoebas
Select Single-Celled Eukaryote Supergroup Phyla ("Prot,sts")


Figure 4.22 The A111tttl," pro1e11; 1s a fi'('shw:.ud protoroatl dlat nwvcs by formu1g cytoplasouc el\1e.os1ons t--alkd pseudopodia.
(•) Stnne.i cell, and ~,) diags,n,
I. Cdl 1llt~nlbr.i.n~ 3. Food ~cuo!c 5. N udcu.\ 7. J>~cuJopo<lia
2. 4. Endoplasm 6 . Contractile v:icuol<.'.'

(a) (bl 700X
Figure 4.23 Auwd," rmums Agure 4 .24 Protozoan l1t1tm1mcb,1 Mswlytk11 1s the causam•c 3~cnt of ;uuochic;
(stoi nod blue). dyscmcry. a disease mos.r common lu areas \\.1th poor sauir.a.aoJ\,
(:i) A tmphozoitt', and (b) ;i cyst.

figure 4.25 £x:uupltl of <o il!(" conu uotl ::unoeh:i- like org..m1sms, {.&) fol':lm uufor.lln, A«t1,M:'Cu1 sp., And (b) 1-.l dio b rb.n.

• A Photographic Atlas for the B1olom, l aboratory

(...__ _ _ _ _ _ _P_h_y_
lu_m_ A.;..
p_ lc_o_m"""p_le
_x_a_-_ Pl_a_sm
_ o_d_iu_m_ _ _ _ _ _ _....,)

Figure 4.26 Tiu.· protozo,111 Plasmodium .folrip,inmr causes malaria. whit:h l\ tr.msmiucd by the femaJ~ A,ropltrlo· uK>,HtHim.
(2) The ring st2ge iu a red hlo..1d ccU, (b) a do uble infoction, (c) ,l d eveloping schizom , ;md (d) 2 g..memq1:c.

( Phylum Metamonada and Phylum Euglenozoa - flagellated protozoans )


figure 4.27 T h<.· protozoan Figure 4.28 The prO(ozoon figure 4.29 A fl:agdbtcd pmto:m.m.
'Jii,lfl>1111>1u,.s uNiu,tli.s 1• the <:~lt-ari\~ ll!;Cllf lrish111,wir.t d,,,,.,wmli i., chc c.111~~tn-e 'Jiyp,1,>rn.•1t,nu.-i. i<. th¢ <'.lu$."'lrive ,lgcm
of rnchomoni-:1$is.Tnchom.oni:t.<:is ss :agent of, or bb--:u::i.r of uyp:i.nrx.ouu:w.s, or Afrk.1n ~kx·ping
a.,) tnfbounaoo,, of the: gernt•urin:iry di_<:case, iu ~1.ndl1>' is .s.i~kness.11H· t!tt.5\' Oy ~ the infectious
m ltt~aJ ~urf:te<.-s--tht: un.'thrn. vul\l:t.. du· inf«tious host of this di:H.~ast'. host of chis dist:JSt: in hum:ms.
\i:igiJu, and ccn•ix u, fcm:ales :11KI 1lh' l Tf}'p.mos.:,md bmtri
ure-tbrJ. prostate. :uxl * mioal V\':iid,:s in 2. Red blood c,·U

Figure 4.31 A specit.-s of Eugfrua.
l. l¾irttm}1k111 OOJ)' 2. rbotorctt•pwr

Figure 4.30 A d iaf,or.1m o( Ei,gle11,1, a g~nus of fJagdl:m:s th:tl

.:l')nt:rin5 arc- freshwat,•r o rganisms 1.h :u h:we a
Oc."!jl:)Je pdhdt rlthcr d)an 3. rigid ccll ,\f:).)L
I. l.Ot'lt lfagdlu in 6 Chlon,pb....-t
2. Pltoton.·o:ptor 7. N udt·t1s
.\. E)'C>J)OI s l'e lh,k.
4. Contra«:lik v;iruolc 9. Cl·U membraue Figure 4.32 A s1xdf.>4 <lf h •.l!·'w,, from a hra<:kish hkc.
5. R.:.·scrvoir l U. P:lr:uuylon g.r:inule I. Pl'llick 2 . rhotoreCt'ptOr
Select Single-Celled Eukaryote Superg,oup Phyla ("Prot,sts")

Phylum Ciliophora - ciliates and paramecia )

figure 4.33 '11r,1mi-(1'11111 r.u,..111111111 ,:,,: "
cilu1ccl protozo-an. The po1sono u~ rrichOC)'$ts ~1f u uicdlubr ()tl}lnisms are- used ior
.rnd capmriJl& prey:
I. Pdlid~ 7. Form ing food
2. Conrr.1i:ole V-.lrnole \'!,l('ll()IC
3. MJcro11ucku:i 8. Gullet
4. Cdia 9. Or:il g-i:oo,~·
5. TTiC'h<>-C)'Sl 10. Mkronudeus
6 1=ooc1 \':'IC U O!e

6 7 8 9 10


Figvre 4.34 is 3 ciliated prou.~o:in,
N1mmt'l'i11m t ,111..J,1111111 Figure 4.35 P,m1t1tf'l'imt1 b1,~•,ui,1 i:> a wlicelJu.lar. ! lipp('r-:-ih.nped
P:i~mel'i:l. :u'() usually commot) m poorl$ com:tim ng <le<~•ing organi.$m.\Vh en d isrnrhcd •r 1hre:i1enc-d. dl l':)' 1-clea<t" !;pc:ir like
o rg:mic maa.:r. trid1(>ty:.ts ~ a <lde11Se.
I. M-lc.'."mtlllClcus 4. Pellicl-t> 1. T rich ocysc.s 3. !vlicronudcm,
2. Cotnr.ll"tik \'at:uok· 5. C ilia 2. M!'l('m,m clc•u~ .a, Pd lidt>
3. Micronudcu s

(a) 430X (b) 430X

Fig ure 4.36 {a) A Pi,n:mrttim11 sp. in fission. and Figure 4.37 A pn:p:m~d .slide shl'>Wing:.. group of
(b) :a A11m11tri11m iu conjug:iaon.. P.m1mrrim11 ~p.
J . /vhcronudc-us .'\. Coiu r~nilc- vacuole
2 Ma.c r011udeui

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology laboratory

.430X' 150X
figure 4.38 H(J.rJ1tidi1u1t ,·(Iii, che t"AO~IIV(' :'Jgtlll ()f Figure 4.39 .'\m1m, Sp.,:) ii'CC-a$\\>UUllli11g forn1 th:u h.1t
bal:mtidi:ssis. Cy~ts in sewa~t•-c.:om:uni11:-Jtcd ,v.itc-r are the: ad,,.ptcd ;in oval shap,·.
infecuvc fonu. 1. C ilia 2. Macrouud,•us (mo11i)jfonn)

Table 4.2 Some Representatives of Protista: Pri marily Multicellular Organisms

Phylum and Representative Kinds Characteristics
Alga e
Phylum Chlorophyto-grecn algae Unicellular. colonial. Olamcntous, and multicellular platclike forms;
mostly freshwater. reproduce asexually and sexually; undergo
alternation o f generations
Phylum Phoeophyto---brown algae. giant kelp Multicellular. mostly marine often In the Intertidal zone; most with
ahemation of generations
Phylum algae Multicellular, mostly marine; sexual reproduction but with no
flagellated cells: alternation of generations common
Protlsts Resembling Fungi
Phylum Myxomycoto-plasmodial slime molds Mul tinudeated continuum o f cytoplasm without cell membranes;
amoeboid plasmodium during feeding stage: produce asexual
fruiting bodies: gametes produced by meio.sis
Phylum Dlctyostellomycoto-cellular slime molds Solitary cells during feeding stage: cells ~ggregate when food is
scarce; produce asexual fruiting bodies
Phylum Oomycota-water molds, white rusts. and DecomP.osers or parasitic forms: walls of cellulose. dispersal l))I
dO\vny mildews nonmotile spores or flagellated zoospores. game tes produced
by meiosis

_l_u_m_ C_h_lo_r_o..;..
t a_ - ...;g_re
_e_ n _a_lg
;;..a_e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-)

Figure 4.40 OJ,·1my,fo,rwn,u r.p.,a conuu on umc~Uubr gn=t'n :tlga. Figure 4.41 CM:imyrfonu•mis n/J11tl;'s,, the common $ 1l(>W alga.

Select SmgJe-Celled Eukmyote Supergroup Phyla ("ProUsts ')


Figure 4.42 A lnbit:it shot of C!1lamyttv11wudS ,um/u Figure 4.43 A C.011l11m sp. culoll)'• G,mum sp. i,; .:i 16<dk-<l
cre.mng ·',·ed snow." fl:u colony of CM.:1mydom,w1u-like cclk
I . 011!111,y,lomomu uimlis .2. Snow

Figure 4.44 /J/;;)"'(l.ori11,1sp. ~ ;I 111ultM.:elJ111Jt L'Olony (01ko figure 4.45 A cl().k- 11[> o( chc ~urface of H1h,1,\' ~,, .• i;howu,g
64--cdk·d) rd.1.ti\fe of c,,,~r,11ytl(l'1WJIM and 11,1i11.,.>:. du.· iutc,rc01mt'Ctions bt.•tw~-en ci:Us.
1. Vt.-g<.-tativt• n·lls 2. C)1opla..smix cmu 1e.:tion
hern-een (ells

Figure 4.46 A V.,/1-'t?-.,. Sp.Three .\!ep,11'.lte organi~,u~ 3rc shown Figure 4.47 1\ $u,gre V(l/~•cw <p, •rgJni~111 wid1 ~<:v1:ral li'l.,.'<'
iu this photomicmgraph. Clch cont.lining d:iu~h ter cu!oui<.-s of d:i.ui;htt·r coloni~.
\'J rt0\1$ :l¼,l\.'S. I. D.augbtcr c:olon.l<."1
I . hn m:itu1\' d:iugluer colo ny 3. Vegetative.· c c.•lls
2 I hught(T ('oJooits

• A Photographic Atlas for the B1olo~ Laboratory

Manin:- l{>huv (11) w1tl1

JJughte1· colonies (r1)

Ynuu~ M>J,,t>x {11)

Asexual cycle

........ ..... ..,-
•# ...
...• ...t't ..,.,,,.

~..,. ....•..····..·'.,..____
··i·~•W' ~

.. ~
..-. . ..
, ~ . : , : - . ~ .•
•• i . • , ,


\ tlaui;hh.·r <:olouy {11)

Sexual cycle
V~gct:u iw cdl

Zygospore (2.,1) Egi, (")

/.,}•gore (2.11)

\ Sp(.·rm pai:kct
foUowing n.·l<."A.~1."

\Vall of m:itun .· r[-./1\.ix


Figure 4.48 The hfe cyde r,f Volv,i:i:, a common fr\'!,,h\vl1cr chJorophytc. r,{>f">.\ i.$ ercd by
~me to Ix a cok1ny aud by OlherS I<) be J &ingle. i1Ut'gr•1h-:,1 plao1.

Select Single-Celled Eukaryote Supergroup Phyla ("Protists ')


Figure 4.49 V.,Jnw sp., :t single m:zitur~ specimen Figure 4.50 A singlc m:mttc sp<.-cUnt!n of H1/uw sp. This
wich rever.aJ eggs a11d Z)l,.'Ole$. photon-ucn.'lf!r«ph ,s a highly magoilied vkw of :1 sil)gle-
I. Zygot~ 2. \\>gcmtive ceUs 3. Egi;: 1)tg;ini~m shfiwrng g;amete--.
l. S~rm p:u:kcc 3. Vl."b-Ctativc cdls
2- 1:gg

figure 4.51 K•/i•(w sp., showing a prcm:Um:m egg: at the figure 4.52 I ('.lh,n- sp.• a 5ini;Ic 1natu.n: u ~u.iun ,vith
edgt ol th<.: ( l ~ll1S1l 1, This ~ w,11 be fr- 1111iud r,, devd- t)')'.;USl:,orc.:.
op :t zyi:,-ute and then J ZYb>t>spon·. J. Z ygospore
1. Egg 2 Veg1.·cati\t cdls 2. Vcgcmiw ccUs

Figure 4.53 A livt'clmens of' l.'lotluix sp.. an unbr-.1nd1cJ. Rgure 4.54 L'lod,rix .sp., an m~br:1.nchcd 6bmt'nto~ i;reen al~.
lil:lmem<'l\1~ greeo :il g:i. I 2'10$pt>tc.<. 2. IMh\tulu~I <'C-lls (known a~ sp11r:rngi<'I
w he'u th t:S p rotlun· sport.'l)

• A Photographic Atlas for the B1010~ Laboratory

4 ~--,'•

__ 200'.lr
Vegetative stained filament Stained filament with zoospores Empty filament, after zoospores
hove been released
Flgure 4.55 The production :md re h.-:ise of'S in th~ ~n't'n al~ L7oJ/mx lip.
I, FibnM"OC 2, Yvuui:; toosporc-s 3. Mature ioosports 4. Empty cells foUo,\ing, tov~1.11t: rekaSc.•

figure 4.56 s,~_.<1,·fo11ium ~.• :i do9" td:u.ivc o i Figure 4.57 l)l',1(Nfmt1tdi11 sp.• j Figure 4.58 (li't1~1/mu "I>· w ,th
l.Jl<•tl1rix.showini :a brandlcd lkdlui,. rdativc o( Ufot},rix. showing <liiferc-nt <listim:t ..a.pic."..'d , _.ap~·• th..1t act.:nil· from
cell sizer; in che th:illus :lnd .l ccll dwl'.iou in dlis ~enus.
c har.1c:1eriscic branching patt<.·rn. L Apical caps

2------, 430X
figure 4 .59 A young Flgl.l'e 4.60 (a) O.•t~0111'wt1 sp.. :i. fiJ:unc.•ntous.• unbr.mchc.'11. gJCl'Jl al~:t.
tihmcnt of ()r1l1~t11 i1u11 (J>, (h) Cf()S:e~np nf !'Ill oog._"'lllllHH.
I . H:i~I cell J. Ongoni:i 3. B:t.~:i.l hoklfasc n .'U
2. Holdfast 2. Amhr.r1dm111 4. H1.>lrlfa:o
Select S,ngJe-Celled Eukoryote Supcrgroup Phyla ("ProUsts ')


..••. \

C.crnm1:1ti11g •
zoospo1'C (u}
Asexual cycle


Spc:n n {11)
M:u111•c tilaalH'nt {11)

G~rm in:u iI ig

Sexual cycle ""'

F~rtihz.adou porl."


( Anthertdium

Figure 4.61 Tht: lift.- <..1·dt· orO·,fog<,m'um sp.. :m unb r.mth e<l, 6 bml"utOUS i;rt'Clt .t1f?.

• A Photographic Atlas for the ll1olo©< Laboratory

figure 4.62 The oogoniwu ofdu~ Ultbr:mcht-d green figure 4.63 An oogoniu m w1d1 m:uurc- c-s.,~ .lnd
alg;i,Oerh,$""ium !{', dwarl" ntah- 11hment
I. Dwarf ma.It fibment 3. Dcvdopiug ci;i; I. Egg
2, Oogc.)uimo .a Wgct1ti\1e cell 2 . Dw·. uf m;ile fibmcm

430X 600X
Figure 4.64 A iilammt of the Figure 4.65 T ho ~n-<·n alga. Figure 4.66 The zoosp<>rangr-
green .1lga, ()._.,/~,l(lt1iut1t sp. Oed1~1ml11m sp., shmving amhcricli;i um oi dH.• chcd gre<.11 alga,
1. Am1ula.r S¢ID fro.tu cdl diviSKm ben\'<:tn vegerno,-e ct·lls. Ot:d0$,1Wlium )1,1'•
2. Antheridia I. Sperm wnhin .unhc-ridi:a I . Zrh1spor:u1gium
:t Spenu 2. N uck•us ofvc.-g:<.-tativc cell 2. Zoospol\'
3. V<"g·etarive- cdl

2 .\

Figure 4.67 The gt'nus Spirog)''U ,m~ 61:u uentous ftn!eU alg;ic commonly found i n gi-ccn Figure 4.68 Tbe fil:un.:.·nn of
,n:i'I~ oo rhc 'll1l'foc<'s of poo"' :111,d !,t~3n,-..'l'hc1r c.hloroph~~ :'II'<" 3,1'1-anged :i!; :l srn~I vmh\n Spiti)!y1,1~p.• showing ioiri:.til
the cdL (:1) S< t:clts compose :a·nL (b) A magnific.-d \"ICW of 3 single- 6hn11.•n1 contact of c:onjugatiou tube'~
<:on1pri!;e.,_t o(sevuaJ ctUs, I Cr>11iug,i.1i1,·1, 111hc
I. Sis,gle all 2. Fihmeuts .:t Cc!J wall 4. C hlomp la~ 2. P~•n.·uo itl in c:b.lorvpl.ast

Select SmgJe-Celled Eukaryote Supcrg,-oup Phyla ("Prousts ')


M..:inuc- lil:unl".m s (u)

'Tiu-c<' uud;."1 :we

11¢11fi1n<"no1u l lnllalecl

Zyi;o~por~ {2n}
Emrcy cdl C'lt'
- -+-- c:0 11j ug<'ltmg. p;ur

Rgure 4.69 The life cydr: o( Spiro?{yr,1, a co1n mon frc."S hw:m.•r grcr:n a.le,"!l.
• A Photographic Atlas for the B1olo~ Laboratory

figure 4.70 T\VO 111:Hntnis <>( Spi11igrr,, t;p w ith :iph11ert1)('1r('S,

1. Apb1lQ~J>MI." 2 C ell w:ill

.... , l -- 4

~ '
(~) ,. . , IOOX l (H)X
Figure 4 .72 Z.r.g•m11<1 Figure 4.73 %r.gnt111<1 s,,., showing tm) t,,catt01\;; o( figure 4.74 Selt:-fc-rtllc ~pcc>es cl
sp. fi.l:uw:m, showing the foml i1~1non, (,) in thi' t:01~ug:uion 1uhe ~ud (ll) iu .~,iU?l!')'f.:l !ip. A g:inH'h~ h:t.~
~:i.r-shapcd dtl<iropl:ms. cdls or one c..11 the coujugati11g filame nts, lrOm the uwcr <.'d l ll) form a tyy;,.'O(e •O
I. Cell w~II I , Fu,.ing W'!llh'fl"$ J. Cc-II w31) d1c IO\,tr cd l
2. Chlorol_'l-,t 2. Zr~otc 4. Coujug::nion tube- 1. Upper crU 4. C',onjugation
3. Pyrc noid 2. l ower ccU tube:
J. Chloroph.~t S. Zygoc.;,

Figure 4.75 Z>:i:.."u111't $?, undergoing c.-01.iji1w1tiou. (a) Tl1,: Figure 4.76 Conjug:uion in
lib,ncm ,-: JttU r...n n 1ng ~oojlfg:ni<m rub("},;: and nm Spil"t!tJY"' ~1,
t·org ugated L CdJ-be:a:ring zygote
I 1>cvc-Joring g:im-:.'tN .) ZygoteS; 2. Zyg<ite
2 . D,:vdopit!g t·oi\juption tubt-s 4. Cm\jug;ation tubt• 3. Cdl dm tli.U not couJugatt'
Select S,ngJe-Celled Eukaryote Supergroup Phyla ("Pro~sts ')

f~ure 4.77 D<."lmid 0<,,·rm'um sp. Dt-smids J.rc: f igure 4. 78 G1;1muiwn .Sp.• :i dt:~mi<l. so(.m after cd!
u n.icdlul:ar, frcs.h w:1rc-r chlnmphyt.:1 that reproduce diviuon fo rming :t new '(cmiccll.
~.xua.Ur ~., <:<>njug-Jtio11. I. Ni:w k'nlicd J 2. D1vi<lin~ cell

figure 4, 79 Zygospon: of t1,._. ck'$mid f igure 4.80 DdmiJ .Hrmisrrri,u sp. figure 4.81 Drsmitlm,11 sp.• a,t1ium sp. filam.<.'ntous ( dl~~mid.
I. Empt~• cell dm h,u bt'cn invok ed
2. Z)•go,,;pore

Figure 4.82 Se~ lcm,ce. , .'l,.w SJ),, which 1iw< :i<; :a 1l;n memhr.:in<n1~ c hlomphyre figure 4.83 lvbg:,iti<"d ,•1(;\v ofrhe
in marine cnvironnicnL<,. surface of F..11kmt,1(JqJli.r imtstm,Jis.
C111r-n1m11rpf1n is closely t'elatc<l t<i UIV(I

• A Photographic Atlas for the 01ology Laboratory

, =200?4
Figure 4.84 Tl1t• 61:um:-nt.\ of Figure 4.85 A llydnxl,rzy,.,,i sp. Tht' lug::. multin udt'ated 1.: dh: form net-:JupcJ'i-.
C:l,Jdc1,l11>r<1 sp.'Tili> 111embc.·r o ( I. Individual cdl 2. N uclei of cd)
dal>S Ul\'ophyc..-:ie is (Ound 111 b(l(b
fro hw:Her :md habit:us.

Figure 4 .86 (:t) C/1,m.1 sp.

inhabits m:in.hc:s o r sk 1.Uow.
tcoi~rarc fakes , \howmg
c h:1.racttriS<1c ~ n1t·tan.gia. (b)
A 111ag11ifi·.-d vi1..•w
,,I rhc g:imeungb
I. Oogonium
2. AnthcriJitun
:t Oogonium
4. Egi:;
5. Anthcridium
6. sr~r 11,-producir'lg
c1.·Us (fihmt·nts)

2'-"'-'-'------~ ~ ·\
l 1~
Figure 4 .87 An fat.:m1rpm -sp .• M10\\ini; pl~tuulocubr spor.i.ngil. figure 4.88 An 1-irw,,.-,tt,s .,r, .• )lt(l\vtng llnitocubr sport111g1\l.
I. Plcuroloc:ub r sporang ium I. 1.rnmaturt· mt.ilocu.Lar .\pOr:ui~wu
2. Pilamcm o f ,clls 2. M, wnlocubr sporangwm

( Phylum Phaeophyta - brown algae and giant kelp
Select Single-Celled Eukaryote Supergroup Phyla ("Prot,sts")


Mature mcio~po r:wgiunt
(:Ollllllllllg n 1c1o s:po1\'S (11)


lnunature male
gamc rophytc (u)

.v1.:nure ~po rophyte (211)

Femlzofion M:alc g;imt.'iophyt1,.• (")


F1..• mak· i:t;um:top hyt<:- (,i)

Z)' b'Ot t.· {u)

figure 4 .89 T he life cycle of L m111'1writr, a common k.dp.

• A Photographic Atlas for the B1oloi:,< Laboratory

Figure 4. 90 lt.ock}• <<>:m o f southern Absb, sh(')\ving dc.n~c Figure 4. 91 ..Sc~ 1):)lm ,"' P,Hrrl$i,, 1"!i.1l1r111ef,>,mi1, ;a c()11t1ltc, n
growths of Lhc b rown ~fg:i., Fucus sp. hmwn :Jg:1 found o n the w~1t·rn coast of North Amcric:t.

.. .-
> •

- );."'.';

-t_' .
>#,· . I .

' , .·~ '(:':
i4 J- ~ ~
. -
. ~ - -- ,


,. ~

' ,/~J
.Ha-trotysris sp.

Figure 4.92 Some ex:.~111pks ,)(b1'<lWt'I algae, Phatophyt:1 These 1:wgc species ,U\· ..::0111m() k1tC'>w11 :i~ kdp<
I. Bl:tdc 2. Flo:it (:Ur-fiUl-<l bla<ld t:r) J . Stipe

Select Srngle-Cellcd Eukmyotc Supergroup Phyla ("Protists ')

Figure 4.93 T he kelp. Lm1im11kr ,;p.• one of che corn11'1<)11 Figure 4 .94 /\ rirlJI pe>ol wu.h i;.>rcco, hrowo . :ind «d alg\t,
••~'3\vecds" fo wul 3 Jong tu311)' rockr coasts.

Figure 4.95 T h1.' brown :ti:µ. i\'rttW)'stts sp. It b.u :a tong sripi: ;md photosyu tht:hc lamiuac attach~d to a lar<i:::,1.· float. Thi: holdl:.St
:inchot'll d,c :alg., I"() •h ie' o~Ll i10(l1'. T :1.lg.1 :me! o rhcn c.1u grow 1.0 lengd,,. of sevcr:il m e-re~.
I. L:uuin.:t 2. R oots (air-filfo<l bl:i.dUi:rs) 3. Stipe 4. l·loldf.-t'-ts

figure 4. 96 Sm,.l!JUSlllit sp., a brown :i.lg:i common in c-h c figure 4.97 A m ix tut'I:' ofk.elps w:ishcd onto s.ho1t to fo rm
Sa rg:i.:;s.o .:;c:1, ''\.,•indrow.~•· of />IJ(lr()p/iy111 !iJ' ·
I. Floo.ts 2. Uladc 3. Stire

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

Tr.1,~wr..-.· M.·ctiun through

receptlclc sbC>\\fi11g:

O ogo1m11n
Youn~ diplo id
,~1., 01 (2.,,) M:mm: <liploid
pl.1111 (2,,)


0 '""'"''
C<"1i11re1)u<;lc Wll h
.;mth1_:. n d1a ,md oogoui:i.

\~ ~pctnt (u)


figure 4.98 Tht' lifo cyd~· of Fums. :i. wmmon brown ali:;i.

Select s,ng)e-Celled Eukaryote Supergroup Phyla ("Pro~sts ')


Figure 4.99 (a) Fuau :ip.• a brown :Jg-.1., c:ounnonly c:lik<l mdwt'ed. (b) An cul!ll'.t,re-1111.•nt of a bla<lt· supporring lhc r«epod,.·s.
I . 01:tdc 3. C:oncc-pbdes {spc.n) :ire dumlx-n cmb,·d- 4. Ilhlde
2. Rcc:epcaclc dcd iu the rc.::eptaclts

2 2

A conc-1.-pr.1de uf Figure 4.101 A close-up of ant~ridi:il Figure 4.102 A d.-o-up of

F111us sp. o f Hims sp. .:u uhcridmm t1f P1mu ~p.
I . St~rilc·-s t. AnthcriJial brandt I . Sperm within :mthl·ridium
2. h1'.lnc:hC$ 2. Aoth<-r-idmm


!>.( b) •
ffgure 4.103 A .se-.::tiott through 3 Fur,,s .sp. receptacle.. (a) Low magui(i.caticm sttowing Figure 4.104 A dose-up of the bbexu:ll
thn.•-1.• coucepudc-s. :mJ (b) lugh er m:t~ific:u ion of :t single coucc.-ptadl.' w ith oogonilll. conc~pt:adt" of Fums sp.
I. 0..nol.: 3. Surface uf n•t:(•pt3dc I. Nucku:. of egg 4. Amfo:riilium
2. P:l.t!I.J)h),es { rile: h:urs) 4. Oogoumm 2. 01'>g(llllt11 U !'. l ':\r:iphyst>~
3. Eg;;s

• A Photographic Atlas for the 81010w Laboratory

(.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _P_
um_ R_h_o_
' -h-'y_a
t _ - _re_d_ a
_ l.;;;.
g_ ae
_______ ---J)

---Spcrnu ta.i1gium

~~ -


Tctr.i.spon-s (11) ~
l~cm:lle g.lll.X'tophytc Carpoe,'Onium (21t) plain (u)

plant (2n)
Zr~,ute (211)

figure 4.105 The lift cyde t,fthc rud ;ilg;i. f>dy$ipf11mr.1.

Select Single-Celled Eukaryote Supergroup Phyla ("Prousts ')

Figure 4.106 lut<.•rtid:tl :mm:- showini; a colony of Flgure 4.1 07 Mature plant of• r('d -alga. RlMlymmia l>'Jl.
red alg.l, Ut1t1,l!fo li-J>.

Figure 4.108 S1uaU cncrmting cokulit"S o f a $f!t.x·i~s o(re<l Figure 4.109 &tAul1o!p<'rtrmm sp.. a n>nnnon lh:·shw.uer
alg;i o n :1 stone.The colonies shown" brighr red a nd arl" red :tlK;i·
<mh• a (e\v 111.illim~tc~ in size.

Figure 4.110 Awtil11irwJ!t1 sp. i.( ~ frc.shw:ucr m~ml;,er o( Figure 4.111 /vt:mu·e l)hm of the <;omn1<1n rerl .-lg:a,
RhoJophyt'.i.. This orf?nism \\'J.~ c_.ollctt~d Crum a PolysipJ1.»1~r )p.
coldw2ter sprmg.

• A Photographic Atlas for the B1ology Laboratory

(a) IOOX

Figure 4.112 The n,d :i.Jga. [)1,.1/ysiplw,u·,, sp. Lt h,u alteruation of d1n:-i: ge-111: rJtions.. (1) Fcm.dt• gauu:tophytt' wjth atc1.d1,:d
C.;ltpm porophytc gcner:atio n. (h) A d~,H•I> o l lhc cys1oc.-.rp ph1n.
1. l~ncarl' 2. J . Carp<>S;p<m•s 4. Carpos:por0phy1t

figure 4.113 J\•l)')1ph.;11l11 5p.. .showiu i; th,: n:lc.-ase- Ftgure 4.114 l\ tl'trasporop hytc ~ n e-ra t10J1 of P<1lys-,j1hm,i,1
of c:irposporcs:. i,p••showing «.1:r:ispor,:s (rm•iosport-s).
I , Caq,o~pores (211) 2 . Ruptun:d cystocarp I. T~·craspon.-s 2. ('" of 1ctmporophytc p bnr

Figure 4.1 15 Close-up of rctt-asporophy«- pbnt of figure 4.116 A m :Jc g-.11n,:tophy1i: pbnt of P.-,Jys;ph(.lm'r, sp..
/',,>lyl'iplwni11 Sp sho,,•ing sperm:ie1ogi:,1 (g1't'c.n $t_.1m)
I. SP<,•rnut:mgia with spl.'.'rm:ma
I.. Tccra.'>pOn: {mciospore.)

( Phylum Myxomycota - plasmodial slime molds
Select Smg)e-Celled Eukaryote Supergroup Phyla ("Prot,sts")



{ Mature plamtodium (2,,)

Kary my
I ~
Zyt-,'Ote (2n)

M:uure sporaJlg:m,u

\- Ani •l "lx1 (11)

(~.-:u11ct<--s) garncto:s (u)

( c.:lts) Ccnuul!,t mcio!,,-p-o re Mi:lospon: (n)

Figure 4.117 The ltfC cycle of:, 1,li$111od1~I 4inie ml')lcL

• A Photographic Atlas for the 01ology Laboratory

figure 4.118 The ~ror;iogiil ()f ,he ~u,lc 111nld

- Figure 4.119 A l()ngiwdioal ~ecc:,00 du~ 1g:h rhc $f1or.1,~gil1111
of Stn11(•11itu sp.
J. (".ellul:ir iihm~nts (c:apilhnum) 2. Columdl..l

figure 4.120 A dosie- ~•l) through rhe ~pot':'l.nglo n1 1)i Figure 4.121 A J>i1ys,1n,m ~P. p lasmo d iwn.
Slt'lflonib's :.p.

J. Sporcs 2. C-;1pillirium

... ·~:· ,, -" .. .

, .
.. ~--
r :~ • ,.
1> ,

:~\' ,,-. : "''-~. . ,.."'\.

. •~. ->
. :,. .

..-;.,i ~ ~- .. :, . --~,
.-' . . ·" '.

'- .,,: . . . .
· "-- • ' - .i

Figure 4.122 The spor:tn!,ri3 uf d ime mold. Th,:sl." \'llr)' Figure 4.123 A .sliiih: molc.l spcci1m.·11 from a high-
con,idcr:'lhly in $.iu- ~nd sh:iJH'. Orll~ <J)C(_J\!S ()f L )W)?i1l,1 sp. mounu in loc-alir:~
b showu ht're.

Select Single-Celled Eukaryote Supergroup Phyla ("Prot,sts")

Phylum Oomycota - water molds, white rusts, and downy mildews )

Asexual cycle Sexual cycle


lmm.nurc eggs (11)

authendi:i (11)





Oc»por-.·~ (2t1}
St'C<>ndary (donn:uu zygotes)
zoospoic encysts

Figure 4 .124 Tbe life cycle ofd1t· water mold &ipfl>lt>,tnitt~p,

• A Photographic Atlas for the B1olo©f Laboratory

Figure 4.126 The oogoni.a of t he w.uer ml'>Jd 8r1pralrx11ia sp.

I Yo ung oogl"'lnium '.). Yl'>ung :uHh('rid 1111u
2. Dt\-it•lopini;: Oo~onium 4. E~~

Figure 4.125 The- zoospor;mg mm o f
1h.; w :irM mo.M &tpl'l)/~,u·,,
I. Zoospvran~ um
200X 200X
2. Zoosporcs
Figure 4.127 Th..- w·J tc r mold, figure 4.128 The l)(>gnnb of till~
..S«prolt;gufo , p., sl10wi11g a young \\~ner mo ld S,1{rr1.1/()tJti11 :.1, ,
oogonium before cg_~ h;avc I. E.iupr~• ,rnthcrid.ia
beeo fonncd. 2. ZygoR-s

ffgvre 4.129 The sku, of this brown tr01.1t has beet• i11fectcd by chc couunou wat-1:r mold, S11pro/~11i..1 ~'

Plan~ ;ire phOtosynthccic, multicellular cok.ary-
otes. Ccll uf(.)SC in their cell walls provides
protection and r igidity. T he pores o r .~tonuw1, Phyla (Dl\illon) and
and mticlt· of stems an d leaves rcb• gas hpreN11laRve Kinds
cxch::mgt.~, and the cuticle o f &tcnr;. and Jca\'<.."S
help n.'tain water. lvticosis and meiosis arc Nonvascular Plants Lack vasool~r tis$tle; rhizoids: homosporous
(formerly Bryophytes) - lwerwom, (bhcxoal g=etophytc)
characteristic of all planes. Jackc:tcd s"~x organs. hornworts, -'nd mosses
c.:aUcd gamctani,;ll. pro<l·.c t thl? gametes and
embryos from desiccation. All land planes hav<..· VASCULAR PLANTS
lycopodiophyto - clubmosses, spike Sporangia borne on ~orophyl!s;
hc.~t1.·romorphic alternation of gcncracions ,vith and quill'l'/Orts homosporous or heterosporous (un1sexual
<li~ti.nctivc haploid gamtwpl,yu· and diploid gametophy,e): many are epip~tes
JporoplryU' forms. Photosynth etic.: cdli within
planes comaiu dtloroplt.rsU. with the pigments Psllotophyto - wlllsk ferns True roots and leaves are ab.sent. bul
\lil:llC,tJlar tlS$ue present; rhizome and
chlomphyU ,1, dtloro phyll b. and a \",.U'iety of rhlzolds pt'CSCnt
carot1?noiili. Carbohyd.rares are produced b)r
phucs and stortd in th e form of starch. Equisetophyta - horsetails Epidermis embedd ed with silica; tips of
stems bear cone-hke structures
R e-prod uctiou 1u seed ~lam s is well sporangia.; most homosporous
adapted to a land existence. T he coHtfers
pl'o <luce the1r ieed., in prorectwe l OIU!$. a.nd the l'terldophyta - ferns fronds as ll?a-.•es; undei:gmund roots
angio.spem li ptoduce their seed-. Ill proteCU\'E' coming off rflizomes; most homosporous
/ ruiK tu the ltfr cycle of a conifer, such as a VASCULAR SEED PLANTS
pme, the il\>tllii? Jp<>r~11/,y1e (rree) h, i fo,111le Cycadophylo - cycads Heterosporous: pollen and seed cones
co11e!'> that pn)duce me_~aspo,es that devdop bor ne of different plants; pafmlil<£ leaves
rnto lhe ftm:tle g:unetophyte generat1on.
Glnkgophyta - ginkgo Heterosporoos: seec}producllg; deciduous,
:ind inaJe co1.1e-s lhat produte milt't'lsl'oieJ fan-shaJX!d leaves
1h:it de\•elop into the nule g:tmelo phyte
ge11eration (m:m1re pollen gr.1.ini). Plnophyta (= Conlferaphyto) Heterosporous: pollen alld seed cones
- c.onlfeN same plant; n eedlelike or scalel ke lemes
Following- fe rtiliz:u 1o n. 1n1maLu re
sporoph>•re gt"nerations an:- present m seeds
loL":ite d on the female concs:The fen1:ile cot1e Gnetophyta - gnetophytes Unique vessef elements for water transpor t:
o pens and tl1e .t thls (pine nuts) di.<;pt'"rse to the enveloping b racts around ovules and
microsporangia; alkaloid ephedrine
g round and germinate- if th~ conditions
right. l·t eproduc:tion in angi(')Spt rms ii simib r ANGIOSPERMS (Vascular
t() repro duc tion in gymnosperms except Flowering Pla nts) Heterosporous; OowCYing pla nts that
rh:u the :mgiosperm pollen :md ovule:\ are Mognoliophyta produc:e thcfr seeds- endos«I In fruit; most
produ ced in tlowt"rs n ther thnn in co nes. :mcl (= Anthophyto) - Oow• rihg plonts are free-"ivfng, .some are s~prophytic or
:1 fmit is form ed.

Table 5.2 Some Re resentattve Nonvascular Plants Bryo hytes

Phyla and
Representative Kinds Characteristics

MarchonHophyta Rat or leafy garnetophytes. slngle<eHed rht'zr:nds: sJmple s.porophytcs- and <:laters prese1l t s10Inata and
{= Hepotophylo) - lw,,rwom columella absent

Anthocerophyta - hornworts Flat, lobed gametop~tes-: more c;o mplex sporophyte-s with stom,;tta; pseudoel;iters ilnd c:o!umella present
Bryophyta - mosses le;,ify gametophyte.s, muhic:ellular rhizeids; sporophyte."i with stomata. columella. peristome teeth and/ or
operct.1lum present

• A Photographic Atlas for the BIOiogy Laboratory

LiV<tWO<U ~

•I .f3ryophyu Non..-~sn1br (>Janes

Horuwom Amhoccrophyu

Quuh,ur,s 'Y - Ly<:opodiopl)!,·f.1

Hon:cculs Pto:riJophyt:a

- Gynmospt'rnu


Figure 5.1 'I he Jlhylc,~ocnc t'("laD011.o. r.hips

.wd da~ific:uion uf'.

P_hy_t_u_m_ M_a_r_
c _h_
a _n_
_ p_
_ a_(_=_H
_ t_o_p_h_yt
_a_)_-_ li_
ve_r_w_o_r_ts_ _ _ __,,)

Lrpid~i.;1 81(11l1m<.1irom11 J.'lu rc~IM

figure 5.2 A n iUustr:uiou of thrl.'c gener:i o rletfy liVt"rwo1ts, sh owing dle pn1e1ophyte with :m :itachcd sporophyte. T he pcri;mth
contains du.· archt:go11ium and the lower portion of d11.• de\1dopi.11i sporoph)tt' (ydlowi.-.h).

J>orrll., sp. Rini,1 sp. S<apimi.1 sp.

Figure 5.3 Some cx21npk-s of liwrworu {scale m mm).

Ffgure 5.4 A sporophytc (c:tpsufo) of d 1c k".tf)' Figure 5.5 A capsult' from thl· 11.'af)· liv~l'\vort. f¼:lia sp.,
liwrw""'-- Pr'ii,, sp. in loogm,dioal v,cw.
I. C:aps:ull" 2 . Sporogenous tissue I. Sport"S 2. El.:uers
• A Photographic Atlas for the BIOiogy Laboratory


l•rtb,'1ruduuJ K'(UOn
th.rough nwlc l'l"Ct'pudr
dlQwm~ .amherid1J


l-c11.,1lt· ~111cro11hyr\· Longnud11t.1J 1tttion
w11h rti.:cpudc) through rcnuk l't"Cc-pt.1.dc
iliowin.g ;arrh('l,.""('nill


Yuuag \!mlm-u

M;acun: q,orophyw

[ ferttH1ot1oJi)

Figure 5.6 The life cycle of the thaJloid livcrwon, .'111rtl1,mti,, ~p.


Figure 5 .7 A deu1I of .HardtJJJJi,1 \f'· wuh promin ent m:ile Figure 5.8 The hvc-rwon .~ l,1uh,111ti.:i sp., sh owing
antheridial rt c.:ptaclt"$. ~m:-h.:i;ouial 1t·tcpt~1des.
I. Anrher-idial recqxackJ.: I. An:ht:i;oni:tl r<.'i."t:'ptad.:s
2 . Gmtetophyte tlu llus

figure 5.9 A dct:iiJ of.Hardwmi,, 51>· gamcmphytc pl:mts \,ith figure 5.10 A tt..111.-.wrsc .section throug h :t b't'lllUl3 cupulc
pr(muoem gem01ae- eupole& SmaJl w hite dot$ :1re p<il't':S, of Mttl'(l1m,1kt .sp.
I. G t 1u m at <"upuks \Vith t-,-enmue 2. AJr pOJ\:$ I. Genuna(' cupule 2 . Geun1iae

Figure 5.11 A $Glnning de<11'();t mu;mgr.ll)h of 1he Figure 5 .1 2 The hw rwort i\l,11ducu1i,1 (;p., (howsng. rhizoids.
dtlllus of M.irrl1m1tfo sp. I. Rhizoids
I , AJr pore

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

Figure S.13 (a) T he ardu::goohl 1't!ccpudc ,,f ;-i l ivcl'Wl''ll'r. Al,M'lwmttf sp. • in .l lo ngi1u<l111al Figure 5.14 A youugiporophyte of
St'<:tion. (b) Ardt1.•i;.10nium with~- Martlwnda sp.
I. Arc hcgoubl re<.i!pudc 4. Ila~c of .arch<.'gonium 7. N eck c,ltl:al I. Young embryo
2. E~ 5. Egg 8. Neck of :u'Chegoniwn
3. Neck n f .:arcb~g<u!ium (, Ve mtr 1)f :i1'(' h ,ego1\11111,

Figure 5. 15 A )'Otu)g ~p1.nophy1..- of .Hard,m1ti,1 ~ m figure 5.1 6 lnuu:iture :ind. m:inirc :•poroph~tcs. section. I. Foot J. Sporangium (Cap:iuk·)
1. Spomgc.nous us-uc (211) 4. Pom 2. Set~ (milk) 4. Spores (,1) ,md d:ucn, (211)
2. Enlar1:,'"<.-<l an·h..:i;oniu m {..:al)·ptra) 5. St"ta {stalk)
3. Nc.·ck of:;irdwgcm.ium (,. Caps-ule

figure 5.17 (a) A male rccept.;idc with anthendia of a liwrwurt, Mard1,mtia sp.. m l lo ngin1diual $1."Ctlon. (b) Andl<.-ndial 11.:.-ad
i ho,vi,<ig :i de,-elo1nog,
l. Anth cridi:i 2. Spcr matogcnous {i;..'(ut· 3. Amhcnduu n




figure 5 .1 8 A comp:l1'1son of the spomphytcs an d g:uncwphy1cs o f
(l) the, livnwort, MM.-l1Juha.sp., and (b) tht.• hornwon>/1111/r.:,o.w..:sp.

( Phylum Anthocerophyta - hornworts )

figure 5.19 A kmgjtudi1u l St.•1.:tion Figure 5.20 A Jonptudi1ul st·ction Figure 5.21 A ul11.S\'<"r lie s1.x1im1 through
of :i pomon ,. . . ( the !..IH'>r<:tphyu: of <i ,he ~,~l'.lngmm of :i sporo1>hyu; the cap.<.ulc o i ,l spomphytc of the hornwc,n,
d1e· hornworc, ,.fuJ/l(J<cr(); .sp. fium 1bc- h omwort, A,rtl,,m-rl,)s ~p. .--tmhtirt•ros sp.
l. Mcrlstematic rettion of I. Spore<. J, E1>ideruu~
$poinphy,e 2. Ebtt·r-hkc stmc1um; 2. Photosyntltt·cic tlssuc
2. Foot (J"~~••docbtc1'$) 3, <:olmndb
3. Camctophyt~ .3. C:apsu k: 4. TC'tr-ad of spor<.-s
5. Pore (St•m att)

• A Photographic Atlas for the BIOiogy Laboratory

(_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _P_h_y_lu_m_ Br_y_o_p_hy
_ o_sse
_ s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

f igure 5 .22 A $p1Mg,ium sp. ixlS in the high R ocky figure 5.23 A <lt·t:Ul u( Spl,ag,111111 ~p. bot; sh-0wiug
M ()1.11H3.i11!-, T lus bke h3.s uearly bec:o tilled 111 w1tb d<.>r'ISl' ~,11t..:cvphyte pla.111s
gro\\1hs of S.pl1a~q1111111 sp.

Figure 5.24 A dct:1.1 1of g,-i11t('f(1phyl'c Figure 5.25 I\ f_;'l 1li-ctophyte pbo, of l'IC'.lt m()~, Figure 5.26 A long1111djn:,I <ccu<ui
pf:uus of pe2r mos.s.. s,,1uwum1sp. .$1,lwi,11111, sp., showit,g :uuchcd Sf>omphytcs (sc:ale of Sp!wg,m11t sp. g.ametophyte.
{~('ale m u uu) . iu mm) . .d1owiu ~ antlh.·rldia.
I. Spomph)1e 3. C :uuc.-tophyte I. " Lclr· 2. Amhc ridm m
2. P~udopo-d.ium

Figure 5.27 (:.a) A g:\ll\C-t• l\hytc ,, r pca1 mos,. sr,1~1111111 (f~ (b) A tnng11Jficd v il•w r>f .l ··l,c.if· showmg the <"c.11 chnmbe,·s
aiJ in w:m•r smr4,'t'.
I . ··1.tave~·• 2. Photosyothcti<.: cells 3 l>t"ad cdls


- .if>
·.· •.
.vhnuc ,porophyt< (2u)
shedding mc1ospo1 L'S (u)

\ Meiosis

Embryo (211 Mc.·icxporcs

C~1m na1mg
Fertl lzoffon mciosporc:-

M.atllt(.' feiu:t lc
M:iawc male

figure 5.28 rll<:' life cyde 1)( :\ 111os.1 (Brropb}'t.1)

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

Figure 5.29 A ha.lntu shol of a n lOO b'TOwmg i u a wooded Figure 5.30 A moss-eowred sm&,t<H>'.:. Under dry co11dil-ioLl.i,
c-nviroumcnt. mos~s m:iy bccou~ d~')nll:lnt ::md los.c 1lw1r iutc-nf.t' green.
l . Mo~ I . Stone 2. Mm,'i
2 V.l~ular pbnts

Figure 5.31 Pour c:.o rn m<111l mosse-;: <>ft¢n us..,.d 11l C(')l11'W w<irk, {a) Pdlyrridmm i-r ,, (h) A111ii1J11 "'I'·• (r) Hn11111111 .s.p., :inri (d) {)ir.tttnt111t sp.

Figure 5.32 C~nlc!tuphytc phm s with Figure 5.33 A ~omphyrc pb nt .md c:1psuk: Figure 5.34 11)~ proroucm,u :, and
sporOpltyte plant auachc."<l. l. Opcrculum buJbils ot' a mos.'-. The buJb il,; will grow
I . C alyp<cr:1 2 C:tp~ule C'f sporophytt ro becom e :i new g::uu~mphytc pbur.
2 Capsu le o( "'J)Orophytt> (\l,·ith calypt,:ra abst·nt) I. l'rotonema 2 Bu.1b1I
{cowrcd hy c:al~•p.t( rA) J Sulk (~C"r.1)
3. St'1k {!<:ta)
4 . C:uucrophytc

li,n--;-=- 3

Figure 5.35 A Jongiludirul st>ction of the Figure 5 .36 A lo ug itudinaJ st·ttiou of th(' authtri(H:t.1 of"
,m:hegonial hc::id of the: mos.s Afoiilm sp.T h<:- the moss .Htiium !i),
P'Jr.iphy&c.s an: nvureprudm~tiVc l. Sp.:rm:it~"t"nous tissu.: 4. Male g;i.mi:toph yu: (t1)
fibmcnts t-h:u support 1..hc :trchcsnni:i.. 2. Stcr1!<- y1ekec byet 5, P:H':lJ)hys:<.'$ (ue1•1le fi1;1nw-m$)
l. Eg~ 3. P:u-.1phy-ses 5. St:alk 3. Sc,lk 6. Anthl.'ridiwn (,i)
~- Neck 4. V.:nter

Figure 5.37 A d ose-up of Mui1im sp, Figure 5.38 A sca1uii,1g elect11'n ••licrogr.iph of 1he
I A11thend 1111n (11) 3. Sr~lk sporophytc capsule o f the mos; ;\/mum sp.
2. Sp<.'t'mamge'llOUS bSl>lJC 4. P:tr.1.phys'-'S I . Capsult> 2. Operculwu


Figure 5.39 A capsule of' the moss Figure 5.40 A scanning: cl« 1ron figure 5.41 A scanning d ..:ctrou micrograph
Mniumsp. nii<."l'Oi:;rJph of the pe ri~o1ne of the of the- p l"ristom c ofthl: moss. Muium )p.
1. Opcr.::uh un 3. Spmt:) moss ,'1,,ium sp. Th e opcrc:ulum :ti I. Outer t<.'<.'t h 3. Inner teeth
2. Cnlunidla -4 S(:t:i. abscot.. u, the 5Pl?'(':imtu of p t mroine <>f 1)Cn$tOOl<""
I. [.!c-riscome 2. C:ap~ule 2. C:tpsul<.-
• A Photographic Atlas for the BIOiogy Laboratory

( Phylum Lycophyta (= Lycopodiophyta)- club mosses, quillworts, and spike mosses )


Longitudinal sc:-~liou
rhrough srrohi}us

I O lder
embryo (2u)


embryo {211)

M:nurc spo mphyce (2u)

Zrgott' (2tt)


IFerfflzatlon j
P,gg (11)

J Authcri<lia

Arc:hcgonium '
i\•tarurt.' ~1etopb)•ce ("}
(often underground)

Longicudlna1 socnon through

g atnctophytc- \•.:ith g:undangi.;1

Figure 5.42 T h " life.· cycle of the hom oi.porous dubmoss, Lytc_p.xlium sp.

Figure 5.43 A specimen o f J tywpod, Lyrop<,dium <.fomrum. (a) Pbut. Jnd Figure 5.44 An i:ufarg<.·menl of a :.pcc.:imcn of
(b) .>tn)bilus. L)'k'"pctdium occur$ m)m lhe :m'1iC to thi: tropics {llC3k iri mm). L}'<Opodirnri sp., ) howi,ig branc h tip with spor:u1~ia ou
I. S-u'<>bilus. 2, Stc1n the u ppc-r surfoce of sporophylls {sc:t1c in mm).
I. Sporangfa
2. Spor,:-irhylls. (l~w_t wnh :.urach,...d Sf>Or.tng,a)

4 7



2. Std<-·
- .J. Epide-nni.s
figure 5.45 (a) A mmswrs..· view of :m :i.cri:t1 skm of the dubmoss, Lya1pixiium .sp. (b) A·d ,•icw of tht' std e.
I. Ll·ave" {uucrophylls) 3. Cortex 5. Leaftr:at:c
6. Xylt'm
7 . Ph loem
8. f><.·rkyd c
9. Endod,:nuis

. ~ A
~ :I

. .


} 4

Figure 5.46 (-11) A lo11girud1m1I l>e<tio n of the molnlus (cone) of the chlhm<>.u figure 5.47 A 11'.lnsvcrsc sccoon <>f a rhizo,m:
Ly,·cpc,lmm ~p., :iud {b) ~, m.\i:;uifi,., J view of tin- s\trobilus sbowin~ i1por,mgia. of L)'<OJX'111'11m lip.TJu: rhlWOlt: or L)Wpt'!lium
I. S~r:111g i.1 3. "1>ot:1.ngiu,n is to nn .ac-ri.-1 ~cm, but lt lacks th,·
2. Sporoph)'ll 4. Sporuph)'ll 1nicruphy11s.
I. Xykm 3. EuJc.xknuis 5. Cont.•.x
2. Epid(·rnIL,; 4. Pbk l<'m
• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

M:m,u-c spnrophyrc
(211) pb,11

Ernbryo (2u)
growmg fron,
megag:unctophytc- (n)
(which develop,
p,1ma1ly within the
mt"!:~uport' \•.::i.U}


Loni;itu <.Lna.l S-t'c.Lion

through srrobilu~

2.rgocc (2,i)

Mcg.upor:mgium /

I Melosfs j
End m.po ric mi ~mcro phyrc
with spam (,i)
with egg- (11)
•·Gcrmiuatiug" l'O fornt
ffl i:z.oids and tr-imcr:mgi:i

M q;.tg:uuetophytc

Figure 5.48 11n• lit(: C)'<:k oC Sd,;gmella $:p.• which is hl'h.·msporo..1s.



Figure 5.49 T ht> splkl- mo~. &l1~wclla f.:r,111ss1,uw: (a} growtb habit 3Ud (b) n r-Obili (cout·s). figure 5.50 TI1e s.-pik(' nn:dli. Srl,1g,mtlla
L Strobilj (cont',) 2. Sporophyll wilb sporJngium 1mf,•l,em·,,,,1,

2 ; 6
~ 7


5 3

Figure 5.51 A u-.1usver&c.· :,;tc.tio n Lhroui;b Stt'm o ( Sddgiuell,1 ~ - Figure 5.52 A !ont:,,'ltudinal .sccnou through tJu:
im mcdi:itdy ~bow d1ehoto1noos br:inchinF:. mobilus of Sdu_i?i,wflt1 sp.
l. Epidt·nnis 5. Cort,:x I Llgtde 5. M iC11"'1i1,pOit>phyU
2. ljmmsxde (, ur mu nderl hy 6. Le.1fh:1$<,: 2. Mcg:.t.,porophrll 6. M icmspor.mgium
t>nds,<lemlti) 7. Xyk m 3. Mei;..1~p orJ.ui;ium 7. M ictusp~>re
3. Root trace 8. Phlocn1 -I. Meg.u.porc- S. Cone ::ixli
4. Air c;ivtty

Figure 5.53 A longm1cfin;i} view of tht su tf.1.ce Qf r,he fo~i l Flgure 5.54 A hmgitudin.U st.·c:tioo tlirou!-1) a fi> strubilus
lycophyte Lr11ld1,de11dmn sp., .1 commo n lycopod fmm perhaps of 1ho: lycophytc Lq,ldl)JJmbt1s .sp., li-l'>m .1pprM::inu tcl~• 300 million
300 million )'C:trs ago. )'\':lf'S ii.!,.~.

• (
A Photographic Atlas for the BIOiogy Laboratory

Phylum Pteridophyta, subphylum Psilophyta (=Psilopsida) - whisk ferns )

<1-''fr- -M"-- - - =- Synang1• (tbrcc
(ust"d spo r:m gia)

Man1t1: sporophyte (211)



Emhryo (2n) ga1ncl0phtte (n)

~~ ~ Sperm (n)

'\.I Fertlb afion I Archc!,;Onium

Z ygote ----
Figure 5.55 The lifi: cydt: l>fthi: wlUsk ft.'-rn. Ps,'/~1tm1r sp.

f igure 5.56 A T1Jtt·i1plms sp.• !,:towmg as .m e-p•phyte on a trt'e Figure 5.57 A "••hisk fe m, Psl&i.•,tm mtd11m, 1s-' $impte V:ISCufar
fern in Ausu·;aha. pl:mt bcking uuc lc:ives :md roots.

- :-

-- 2

--- 2

-Figure 5.58 The- br:uu:hc:s (a.xt-s) of
t~dl,mwr 11111lu111 (sc.1l,• in mm).
l . Ac-rial .-i xi $ 2. R hizom...·
Figure 5.59 A sporophytc- of the whisk fon t, J>sil<1111m mulum.Th,._• :t."t"S of cl1l'
'i)Oorophyt,· <.1 1p~,nrr sp<W~ngfa (syn:iogia). which J'-'(><lua s11n1'CS (S<::cllc 111 mm)
I. Br.u:1eb {a.xi:.) 2. Spor.mJ;!;i:l. (syn:mf_'la)

l , \
figure 5. 61 A lon~'l.mdulll section throu!{h :a stem and
$pora1, giuni (iy11angiun1) of P:sifN1111, Sp,
1. Axis 2. Spo rJni;ia (iymogium)
2. •~xis 3. Spores

• A Photographic Atlas for the BIOiogy Laboratory

Figure 5.62 Au :ie1•i~I :ixis oi rhc wh1~k fet•·n. J),ifowm ,uulum. (:1) A fl':rnwc:rs.e ~ecnon :rnii (h) :i m:igoific:ct vic:w of rlh~
\!:JSt·ufar cyhnder (stck).
l . Stele 2. C<.,r1e~ 3. Epidermis 4. l'hlo<'m 5. Xyl<:-ru

2 liE----7


Figure 5.63 A pllotOlllt<'.r<lgfJJ)h of a scak-lik(' omgro,vth Figure 5.64 A young :ac-rial .1.-os of th,· whisk forn,
Crom the :t.xis of th1..· whisk ft·m Ps,1olfmr m11fum. ' f11N'si/il1't'i$ Sj',
t. Stoma 2. Epidc-nrus J . Gr(nu1d ciii:suc l. Conex -t Xylem 7~ "Epidermis
2. Eudoc.knuis 5. Pbloc-m 8. Prmostd\.'
3. l'cru;:yd<! 6. Curide

Figure 5.65 An old1..·r Jt:r ial 3_xis of dh· w hisk fern. TmesiplmJ ;1p. T he ~.:nus Tmc-sip11.1is is «.")'tric:tcd to distribution in Austr~li:t. New
Zc:il.m<l , New c~l<.:dc11u:i.. oth er Soluh Panfi<: i~l:m,k {a) AJU$ ~•·tsing from the axrs. :u1d 0•) a lll:lg.1u 6ccl view of the stdc-.
I. Epidt·rmis 2. Cortex 3. Stele 4. E.udodcnms 3. X~,l~m 6. Phlt'lt.'m

( Phylum Pteridophyta, subphylum Equisetophyta - horsetails



Mam re
R.ibbcd stem IMeiosis I
Eb ti.-r
Lt':tf sbt':tth u>cnsporc)

IFerlilizaHon I
Spore- {u)


Zygote (2n)

,,. .,., \
Egg (n)

G~uut'lup hyle {u)

A r<:h cgonnnn
with ~gg (n)

Figure 5.66 T he. life c~•dc ,,,r rhc horscr:iil . Eq111$rt11m !f),
• A Photo@'aphlc Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

Figure 5.67 CiquiJetum trl,mJ.1ri1,. sbo,vll1g b t~ral branching. aud a. Figure 5.68 Stt'ms ol" Etj11i !l.'1 mri sp. witbo ut IJ« brauchini:; :lf1d
f>howing fotcr.ll br;mchc-s grmvrng thmu~h k·:if sh,·adt. showing .a pronuncnt li:.-ai -sh<.-:ath lit the node.
I. Stem 2 Lc.lf shc-.u-b

figure 5.69 l-l01set:11l. l:i<p•iSttmu sp. Nuine.rous -,)er,ies of EquisetQp hyM ,ve-r<' :ib\ulcklnt 1h1"0ugho~1t tn,piC':il r<g100~ <lur1ng the l':"tko,:ok Era.
smw: 300 million rc::m :ai,;o. Curn:ud}'· Ettltin·tophyt'.1 is repn:scm,.,d by t1us sin¢,,· gcnu.-..The mi::i.dow horsetail. Eqwsttum sp.•slw wing (.i) :an
imm~tu1'(." ,;1 ,nbilm, (h) marurc sr.roh1lut, -:hccidmg -:pc,rc-<,, {<) :rn opc11 qmhilus, ;lnd (d) ..i .sp~,t.rng inpl-.ntc ,vuh it.<: spQt("_', rtlc:i',,('<l.
I. Spor:mgiophorcs 3. Spor.u,~iophorl".S .:after spo1'C'i :1.rc shed
2. S.:-pJrared sporau~ <>phOl'('S rew.1hn~ spor:iu~1a 4. Opt u spotao!'.{i.l \\'1th &-p<tr't:'$ shed

·~ (a)

(b) 20X

figure 5.70 l:'qrntctt,m ~p.. young 111:i.l( (3) and fomale (b)
l. R hizoid, 2. Anth\·ridium .3. Arch<.;gonrnm


figure 5.72 A long1tudinaJ set:non of Equisrrrw, sp. nrolnlu~. Figure 5 .73 A lougm1din.ll secuon through Eqr.1/smm, sp. stmb1Jus.
I, Sp0ra.ngio111 2 S_JX.)ra1ig1ophort 3. Strobilus a..•d,.c 1, AXlS of the ~trob1Jos 2. Spvr.1..11g:iophon: J, Sporar1g1m'n

· ;- .( .'J . - I'
·' i',
I ·1
; _,•
.. . <
• \ l/1,
f (' , . . ,.! _AJ•'
, .~ 1'fl I

~-- · f ,._
_,.,... --.r ;I

/f\\'I., .,,)l/{J~
. >,

. __,..--9uOX,
flgure 5.74 A rr.msvt•rsc Si'..'l"tio u o ftht· Flgure 5.75 A trlnSvtne st·.::tion ofd1t> .Ul'm of Figure 5.76 Tho
.sunhilu,; <if F:,1ufs,,um1 sp. F:"q11isnw11 sp.J US.t ,lhO\-e a node. mc1mporc:1 of P.q•1i~·w111 i•p
I. Spor:n1l0urn 3. S-trobilus. lxis. 1. I .!.":if $;hi-:ith 2. M :un m~m 3 Br:rnch I Pe r1<;potc (}
2. Spo~ogiophore 4 \,:}~·11l;.u· hu11dle 2. Mt•iu,porc

2UX _ .Jo.,

figure 5.77 A tramwrSt' i("(."tio n or Eq11frt•111111 .sp. young ~e-1u. Figure s.78 A tr,UISvt'TS(' St:cuon or E1]11iJrtmn Sp. okk r St<'Ul.
I. V:tScufar cissul.' 3. Futurl.' c1n:t1 5. Pith I A il' cal)~ls J . V~~cubr tissue 5. P.titlelc
2. Air c:ui:i.J 4. Cmu•x 2. Endodanlls -4. Stonutc
• (
A Photographic Atlas for the BIOiogy Laboratory

Phylum pteridophyta, subphylum Polypodiophyta - ferns )


Mamre sporophy« (211) Meaospnrcs (n)

Young spo roph)'tt"


g,u ncmphytc (n)
r.:,mcrnphytc {pmthal11is)

Young sporophytc (2,1}

growing from

Zygott gnmetophyk
£ ,ubryo (211)

Sperm (1J)
! Fertilization I
~ Anthi:ridium

figure 5. 79 The life cyde ofa t<.'rr~. S


Figure 5.80 r he \\>att-r t(l'o, l l~.-JI,, s,,., is :1 ilrx.t111,g f~h w:·ucr Figure 5.81 A vic,v oi ;a i)Ct\.' {a) co1upo111)d :11\d (h) simple
pbn t found duoughuut Europe :md di-c Unih:d Stat~·s. forn t~af showmg circin:ue v-c:n:uio n a fid<lk•ht·:td.

Figure 5.82 The frond'i of lhe :,.ngho rn f...·m. Pfat}'{<'n·w n alrrro111t•. Flgure 5.83 A pimute kif showing piim;il!..• wn:itiou tit tht•
le10tts ofa ft'nt .
1, Leaf 2 Pinnae 3. Ven~tio,,

Figure 5.84 A leaf of ,he fern Figure 5.85 Ak•afofthc forn Figure 5.86 A ch~t"-up of the
Plumc-n7,hld,;a sp., or h o Uy ft.-r11. f'tr,U1fMJ>l1M,i,1 .s,p., ihowing l><>l'i fern !e.:i( of /JIJ,mrmpl,ld,i,, $1).
(groups u( spor;u1~ 1). ($ca!c- in mm).
I 1•1M~ 1. Soru~ wilh 111d 1.1Sllllll
2. Sori 2. Sorns witb inJ u.,.ium shL"d

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biolog\' Laboratory

Figure 5.87 T lk:' le:1.f<l( the f~o Figure 5.88 The klf o f 1he f<:"rn Figure 5.89 A dose..,11' ofrh(' i(:rn
P,;,Jyp~liu,1, virJl11lmmm. f>..>lyp1>diJ1m ,,i,;~inirwum, showing son pirnu or P~>l)'p•ulium 11i,xit1iim1111t
{groups ofspM-J.ngfa) (scale in nu)1),
I Pinoa 2. Sori J. SonH


figure 5.90 The fo.rn f'i>IY1">.lium s.p. (~) SMi on th e undc1-s111·fal:c o flhc ptnn:tc,~nd figure 5.91 A m:ig ni6 ..'tl \'lew of lh.:
(b) 3 ,c.m ning d e..:cr\m micrui;rJph of a sorm. fern pmna of P,ui'./imu SJ>., shovnng
1. Pin n;. ;?, Snrl ~- A n1u1fu.-. 4. Spor.'t1~g il1m nutlh.-1'0\ll spol'a11g1a.
I. Spor.m~i:t

(b) (C) 150X

Figure 5.92 The 1naide-11h:Hr t'"t-rn A,lfo11t11m sp. (3) Pu m..1e 3nd son.{b) l\·b~ni£ied n<-w-o( thl" tip of a. pmo~ l'old~d unde,· co form a
faJ:;c- indusium th~t endoscs the- sorus. (,) Sorn,; w1d1 spor-.mgi~ con1:1i11ing $porc.-s {sc;alc m mm).
l. False iudul-ium 3. Piim:i 5. fahc indu:,,i um ~m:Josit1~ :i sorus 7. Spor:mgium 9. Au uulus
2. Sod -L Spc,1':lng:1:1: w irh 6. V:iscul:i;r ti,;sue (vc1m} of the p111u~ S. Spores

Figure 5. 93 A )"Oung tt'n , figure 5.94 A Ct•rn 1;3n11.•tophyte witb :i.n:fo:i;onia.. Figure 5. 95 I\ fe-ro l}'tnt1ophyn-.
g:unC'tophytc (p1ndull11s) I, Arcbego11i.1 showing :ircht·golUuin.
I. G:uncmphyu.~ 3. R hi:.mid I. E~g
2. SJ)(llt cell wAII 2. A.rdll·gomlUH

Figure 5. 96 A ~·.ru ~.1u1~toph)'tt sliowU·1g autherxha. Figure 5.97 A fern gamcmphyrc with 11 young
1. ( ;.-u nC'fl)f'~')'le (J)ro1hall us) 3. It h1,:oid,; sporop hytt· :itta..:b<.-<l.
2. Antht·riJium with .sp..-rm I E"l'!\nd~cl :l1~ h t'b-0111u11l :z. Yo1111g 'f)•i:ot) hyre

Figure 5.98 Tr.i:uswrsescctirnt through the scent of:i t."rn, figure 5.9'9 A tnnswrsc sci:rion of 2 5poroc:up o f t he water
J1dt.~,11!1111sp.. sJ\o,'-'iJlg :i. sii,houostelc. fern, M,m.Heo s:p••which ~ «)11e of the two Livmg -orders o(
I. Phlo<-'nt 3. t (.-af gap 5. Scleri6cd pith hcccrosporous ferns.
2, Xylem 4, C<,1·te1' 6 , R.001 t r :\(¢ I . Mtcrospor.mgium with m icrosporcs
2 . Mc~sporai1~ia with 1net:PspOr~
• (
A Photographic Atlas for the B10logy Laboratory

Phylum Cycadophyta - cycads )


Mallm: k·m.dc
\poro phytc



Yoong $porophycc {211)

M.uun: m:tfc
s.poropll)·te Microsporophy11
IMeiosis j
\Vlth 11Uc:ro:ipOr.t11gla

IMeiosis ! fmm :nurc

polh.·u graio

Cc-nnin:aed pollen
Embryo (2n)
graiu w ilh r,1,0 sp~rm

fem.i ii:

" tis u< (,,)__

gatu<.1ophyu: Egg~ in

within ovule

j Ferllllzoflon I
Figure 5. 100 T he life cyde- o( ~ cycad


Figure 5.101 A C)'<1U m ,-.:1/ut,1. Cycads ,,,..en' abundan t tlurm~ Figure 5.102 A CY(aS rrmlu/11. iJ.1.owin~ ., fomalt'
, he M esozoic Er.i.. C urrendy, 1hcrc are Ill Irving ~ ncr.-., wnh (mo:.-g:i:.por:rngi:itc) cone.
about I0< • 11p<.·1.i.cs, due :u-e fou nd 1naioly in aud I . Cont.·
s:ubtropica) :irl":t~. Tiu: trunk o f m:my cycads: is dcusdy
wilh p1.'ll<.1k:,. of shed ll'X\'l" (

figure 5.103 A Cyr,u h.i•clHl<l. shcm1ing a dose-up vi._•\\' of a Figure 5.104 A C)lf,J.< rtr\!/111,i. showing a dos.:-up vil'\V
fr·malc couo.:: wnh dcvdoping seeds. of a font:tlc- cone du ring J.ced dt)pe1'S.'II.
l. St.·::ds 2. Mt.-g;nporophyll I. S,'<.'<!s

Figure 5.1OS A mak {1lu<:Mpor.n>gj:ne) e011l· of CJ'las mx,lut,,. flgure 5.106 A m:ik CO Ii (' or C)'(,U Ttt\!lttl,I after rd t":tS('
I (;on(" oi polk·u.
• A Photo@'Bphlc Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

figure 5.1 07 A youn1-:: plant of' th<· t.)'<."3.d Z(1Jm11 ~,mild. Flgure 5.108 Micrl~por.u1i:;a1,· COtK.'$ of the- C)'l\::ad Z11m1,1sp.
found in FJ.orid.:i, th!$ cyc3d i.s the only spcck"S 11:mw to d1e
U uitt-d St:'Jt1: s. Tht> roocstocb ~n d :-1(-tnS of dLis pbnt wctx- :ut
io,porc;:a11t SOlirot <tf fo,:,<l W tcunc N:iriw· A1>)etic:inL

Figure 5.109 Th t £ 1NXpl1,J,v-1os 11iif<i.i11.< is :k 1101tthre:ncMd

sp<:cics of cyc:ad native to soud1eJstc-r-n Afric:l.

Figure 5-.111 A trans\\.•m· st'ctiun o( the- k:af of d1-.· cycad Figure 5.112 A trJm\•crs-.· sc.-ction of the n,:m of dtL'
h1mh,sp. ~. 1111i.r ~l>·
I. Upper c1>MerrniN I. Cortex 3. Pith
2. PafoaJc- m<-sophyU 2 . Vi«:lllar tk~Ue
3. buocllc (vein)


Agure 5 .113 (a} r\ 11ucruspor.111g,at('I COJ)t> <ti figure 5.114 A nU<.Wsporan~i:.m: cone of l cyc:id showiu~ microspor.u1~:a_
the- cyc:.1d. Zmma sp. The con,: o n tho: r ight (b) ii l)ll n11crof.pomphylk
lo11gin1tliualiy sc<cciom.-d. I . M icrosporaugaun 2. Mic:rosporophyU
I. tvhc.-rosponu~iJ 2. Mi('rosporophyll

Figure 5.116 A Jo ng:iludma.l section vf

l m icrosporophylJ of tlu.· cyc:id Cywu sp.
Note th:u the mkrospor,mgia ...tevelop ou
the undi·rsmficc of1he nuc:mspomphylL
I. Mkruspol\')phfll
Figure 5.115 A 11·ansver:<,e seo1on of a mirro,s;p()t;,ngi:itc ('0 11<: <>f the> c-r<:~d /.,m1i,1 $p. 2. 1'.•ticro,\ porarlgia
(a) A low maptifica6on. :utU (b) a mag:nifi<:.·d vit•w.
I. Coo.e a:<1.~ 2. Microsp orat,~a 3 MicK,.st)<)tUph)·ll

Figure 5.117 A
rr 1~)luM, .., howm g
-c:wult•s o n k.allik<.-
ucar U11.· time: ol
polli1tatiou. 2

Figure 5.118 The ul<'g:J..'1H)1VphyJI a.n d ovuJ~s of Cr<,~ rrwl11r,,~

1. Mc;g:i~p,....rophyll 2. ()vu1e,<.

• A Photo~phlc Atlas for the B10logy Laboratory


(b) (( -
figure 5.119 Tr.m<:vcrsc scaiom of 1 mcg:t,.por:mg.i:itc cl"1nc of the cye;ld Zamia "P. (.:a) A low m:ig1~itic::1tion, :md (.h) ;i

01.agn:jflcd view.
I. Cont" :a..xi.s 2. Ovufe 3. Mt:g25porophyll 4. Mcg.tsporocytc.-

I ,-----•
2 +-- ---;'j,---7"'- --,--,\rr,;--

Figure 5.120 Au or.•tJc ofthc q·1.ti,J Zinm1 ~ .Thl· ovuk Figure 5.121 A magu.rl'ied vi~,v of th e w uk~ of du: cycJd
ha.<; two :m·h<-l,"Oni:t and is re.:ady to be.· forriJizt.-d. Z.1mi11 sp., slmwmg eggs i:n :uchegon.ia.
l. A1'hcgoniuin J. lnreguml.'.'nt 4. Micropylc 3re1
2. Mt'i;J.Spvrangium (11ucdJus) 2. Egg 5. Mcg.:ispor.mgium
3. hm·gumenr (wW bc.-c:ome -.ecd coot) 3. Archcgonium

Figure 5.1 22 An o.•ufo- of the cy~J Zuma sp.Thc ovuJc f igure 5.123 A magnifi,·d view o fd1c ovule ofd1t:- cy..:ad
ha!: been J(r1Jliied :i.1lcl ..-:omaio~ an e111bry<~ 11le ~tt"d <:<>:n i.:11miit .:.p., ~h~v111~ rhc embryo,
has bt'L'n fL'utuwd from thi.-. s.pecintL'U. J. Le;1(pri1Uordium -1. Cot yledon
l. g3m.;:ioph}ie 2. Embryo 2. Root :i.pex 5. f'l.•111ale ~1ln dophytc
3. SIH)Cl1 lptx

( Phylum Ginkgophyta - Ginkgo )

Figure S.125 A lc:&f from the Cl11l..:c•• bilob.1m-c. The

fan -sh;iped lt.J.f is d 1:ir:l('l <.'r 1c.t i c oi thi$ spe,,-iec..

Figure 5.124 The Gfokg_P bilob,1. or tm11<.k uhair lll'c.

Cons4ung of a .::e mmk w irh btcr.:il branches, a
mature Gi11~1 g:ro,vs to I00 feer taU. N:i.riw tO C hiua.
GwJ:.~o Jn!dba has bcc-n introduc,._xl mco countncs wid1
t,:mpe-nte dtlu:u-.-s through out the world .1s :m inren.'Stiug
,rnd l\a1tiy or11;ln'K'm:il n'fe.

Figure 5.127 A;;. the sole mt·mbe-r of d1c phylum Giukgophyt-l,

Gluk.go bi/i,ba is :1.ble to withst.1ud air pollulio11. Ginkg,,s art' oiie11
used :as o r n:im~nt:al at-cs ,vithin cit)' p:u:ks.. Ciul.:1,.'{! bil1>l.11.1 m 1y
have the loo~& gene.tic hM:ag..: :l..lnongseeJ planes.

flgure 5.126 A t~ il Glllkg<, blJ~,ba kaf nnpre~ io n tr<m,

Paleocene St.-dimcriL Thie. S))<--cimcn wa."- found m Monon Cmuny.
N onh Dakooa.

: .. ·~
Figure 5.128 A braJ'lch ,... f':i Gb1J.-g,, hih1l1.1 C1t't,c.11pi,orrnlg Figure 5.129 A u·. 11,wt~..- $('tn011 of.- sbort hr:ir1<11
a uuntrt· st:\.'d. fro m C i11~1,.10 J,i!(,l,a.
I. Shon shool (spur) .3. Manire s,cods I. Com.•x 3. P1d1
2. Long shoot 2.. ¼scubr ti~ l1e 4 .vtudl:igt rluct
• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory


Figure 5.130 T he lt-.1~1; and iium:uu1e ovules on ::i "1)MI

sh oot of d11.· ginkgo tr,:,:,, Gfokgt> b:foha.
I. Lc:ti 3. Shon shoot
2 . lfOJl t:Uul\': O\' ulcs 4 loog s hoot Figure 5.131 Thi.' pollen n robili of d1..~ ginkgn u-cc. C1't1k__1,,'<• bifol'l1.
I. Lt•af J. long: .shoot
2 l"<llleu mohilu.:;

Figure 5.132 A 1mc10 "1)('1r:iog1:uc ,;11•1~h1!11<of G.itit').,> I.Ji/nJ.1,1. {~) A ln ngmuiin~I S:<'Ccion :u1d (b) 2 nl.lg,uhcd Vlt'\Y <;how111g .a 1nU'1ns,pc,r:mgi11n1.
L S1'l()mphyll 2 l\.4kn"1~1""~1ogi1111\ :t, PollcJ1


'¾'rn'-3 3
'"z."1J''-._4 2

Figure 5. 133 A lon~itu<lin,I Figure 5. 134 Tr.m:.,-cr~ aud Figure 5.135 A Figure 5.136 A
section of :an ovule of C:.i11J..~> longitucl.iuaJ .sections throu gh a living lo ngirudi.n:il section of nta.!'1ified vi(.-w <>f<hc
b1foM ptil)r {0 (('rtiliz~HtOO. lllilll:UUn' seed o( Gi.i,(~o bil,,ru. ~howmg 3 .s..·ed of Giukg.> blfob<1 ovule of G111k.f/.t'> Wcb,1,
I. M,:~;•~m,:wph)'h.· the grce1, me~g:imecophycc. ,v ith I h~ seed <:Ml <;ho·w,ng the cmhryo.
2. Integument I. FJ~hy b)'Cr ofint<--gomc-m reniovcd. I. Lc2f pruu ordmm
3. PoUeu cha.m bt·,r 2 , Mtt;1win1etoph)'lC 1. Me~aganu.'t cphyte 2. Shoot apex
-t >Ju.:dlus 3. Stony l:iycr of iutt"gumt':nt 2. Developing cmb1)'0 3. Roo1tipex
3. Mi<:ropyle .... !vk·g.1.g;tlllt'tOpbytt'

( Phylum Pinophyta (= Coniferophyta) - conifers )

Young ~porophyt~ (.2.u)

(scc,i ling) Longitudin:11 section
through mkro.~porangiarc

4 -- Embryo (2 ,r)

Mt'gag:unclophytc (tt)



Ovu)c wnh
n>cga;pon: (tt) liM
elosls l

Ccrmiuatiug poUt"u
grain (m:mirc m;;1lc ~ r-)f:). - /
@) M icrospore
'-W-' tccr.ld (n)
i\•\,11:ure pollen grom {n)
(inuualut-.: m:Jt'

Figure 5.137 Tht: life tydl' of dtt· pine. P11tus ~

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

Figure 5.138 A dfai;ram o(

thC' cis-suc.-s in the: stem (mmk)
of .i conifor.The ptrid<'rm
lnd Ji::id scc:ondM)' phh.· m
(ou,er ~rk) prn(ecl:3 the fl'Ct
a~1n._q w~ti!t In-, .rnd 1he
i.ufi.•,n:mon ofi1ist'ctS ai:d fw1~d.
T he cdJ;. o f rhc phll)t•m (inner
b..1rk} ('ompn·s.s 1u d bt·cc:u ue
uonfonction:tJ after a rcbcivdy
~hort period.111e: \'dSCul:tr
c:1111biun1 :-.11,11,1,1lly t)mdll(l't 11e"'
F(ll0t.•m ,md xylc-m and acc.·ounu.
(1.,'II' thl~ gn-,.vdt l' tnf,o(; in ,he \\oocl.
Titc- il"Coodary :-..yli:m is a \Vatt·r-
t!',lWi)o11ing by,::r of rhe stem
:md pro,.•ldcs suucntcl suppon to
the tree.
1. Ourer b:irk
2. Phkkm
'.\. V.ts cul:ir c;1.mbiu1u
4. $('COudary x')·km

Figure 5 .139 T he stem (trunk) o f :1 pine

tn:c.· tl1at , h:tt\•cst...·d in d11: rt·ar 2000 when
rbe tree W<l!: <i1. ) ~Jrs old;T hc growd1 r in~ o (
:1 U\.'t' i1tdic::ite t.'tl\li."Omu.:nt:tl ..:ontlitious dm
(tt' mrrerl <h1r1og the- tr~(::~ life-,
I. 1939- A pine scl:'dling.
~. 19 44--Hi.::Jthy. uudisturlx.-d
gn)Wth U)d1r.a[('d hr bro~d
and ewn)y sp:tccd rin~.
:\. 1949-c;r(lwth d1~panry JW<Jhahly
Jue.· co rh\.' &iliJJg of J <lt".1d trw
onto dle roung hca1rh)' SJ:<-ycar-
old u·et". The wider " r<c·:acoon
rings'' on 1hc lower side help
suppon the trc.-c.
4. 1959- J'he tl\"C l~ grl)wing $tr.ughr ::,g.:un.
but dn· n::u:row riu~s
rndic;..'lt¢ aunperitio n frw
suulight :111d moisture fmm
2 m~ighboring tred.
5. 1962- The surrounding trec.-s :m~
barve ntd. thu~ pcrnumng
rJpid growth once .1.l§lln.
6. 1965-A SC'.lr l1'(u l 1 3 lire th:u
qu1ddy ~rnrched the foreq ,
7. t 9n-N3rro,v i;ruwtb riub'S n:sulriug
from :1 pmk111gc-d dto ught.
8. 1992--;;'\13m)w growth r-ingl l'C'Sult111g
:t s:i,vfl)' inSC'n infost:ition, whose
Uf\,ae ea.t the 11cedJu and buds of
m:1ny kmds of co11ifc1•$.


Figure S.140 The J,:a,1<..-s of most Spl·cit·s of couif(·rs :ue nct.•<llt"'-sh.1pcd• .sud• as tho:.:e o f till· blut· sprun-. Pi«a p1111g,tru {a). Ar,ma,ri,1
l1l'tt"1))JJ1yll11 , NMfolk lsbnd pin¢. ho,v.."'\'el, (b) ha.<t awl ...shapcd le:1v~. ;uxl f.\l,h1r,upus ~ {('.) h.u ~tn~p.~hape<l lc:wcl.

,;r,;:--;,-------3 ----1
" ~~~~.:.'.;i::1 - -4 ~ C-,~ 4 - - - - - ·1
1...~1-,-.,----5 'f't'r.::;,,:.~~- ;,;:;;'li,------5
',---.-+-~+-- - - 6
' r----~-- ---7

20X Figure 5.142 A tr:m.werSl~.St·cuon lhruugh cht· St'-''" or Pfmd Sp ••
showmg se~ondary Sf('ill growth.
F,gure 5.141 A tt:'lll-Wt-K<" (eaic>n rhrough 1he $t"cil1 <u~a
>~un gconife1,sh(1wing 1lw ::ir ~1,gc1ne1u ofrhc tiM,uc l.l)~D.
I. lk.lrk {<'(>rt:<:x :u,d 4, Seoond:uy xyf<tYI
perid<'rm) S. l'lrh
I. Epidermis 5. C:unbimu 2. S.:coudary phlOC'm 6 . R<.-siu duel
2. C<trfl'X f:>. ltrimary ).')'ll~u,
3. Vlscubr cambium 7 . Epidermis
3. Rt<Sin dun 7. Spring \Vo od of ~"t'ondary :-..·ylc."m
4 . Pith ~. Pr imary phloem

figure 5. 144 A r:idia1 longnuduu l section duough 1hc

phl(J('-m. (>f Pimis sp.
1, Sieve areas (11) :-. SJ~ •c cell 3. S1<N<: <'ell
2. Stor:i~t·<."nchyttu

Figure 5.143 A u enLlrgtd "'1cw of rhe s,1;'1n ¢( Pi,m.< sp., 2

showing cissucs followmg scc.:on d:lr)' gmwth. 3
I . Late St'Co udlry X)1km (wood) 4. Va...:c.:ular camhmm 4
2. E11rly sccond:t1')' xylem (v.t)1">Cl) .:;. Rc.<:in duct
3. Secondary phloem 6. l"eriderm

figure 5.145 /\ r:adiaJ l<'l ngimdlnal se<'tion thrt)ugh J
stt·m of pj,111s sp., cw 1lm)u~h th1..• xr lt:-m cissut•.
I. Ray parenCh)'llll. 3. VJscular ca.1ubmu1
2. Tr:acbcid<: if. Sieve· cells
• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

Figure 5 .146 T hr: growth n ng<. in Pi,ms sp. (.1) Tr2nsw·ne <1c.·crio n d u·ot1gh ., s~m. ,md (b) Jongin, section through :i stein.
1. E~rly ,vood 2. la~ wnod

2 5


Figure 5.147 The tranS\'l'r~ s« n of .1 leaf( m:t·dk) Flgure 5.148 Thi: tr.:111.~ve~t> secciou tlm>ugh tbt leaf
of Piruu sp. (n~<.-dlc:) of Piruu sp.
I. Stom,1 5. Epidcrnm.. L Xylem 5. Su~tom.u:iJ i::h:unhe,·
2. Eu<lodennis: <-,. Phlo em 2. Phloem 6. Rcstll J uct
3. Rc:-iu duce 7. Xylem 3. Endodt'rmi.s 7. Tr:msfosio n n~uc (surrounding
4. Phowsynrht'tlc: ml.".sophyil K Tr.msfrn~1ou ossue 4. Sunken ~tOnM vascular ussur)

AMts sp. 'fitsoclrmu .i,p.



figure 5.150 A f'ir~l-)'t~ar ovul:m: cone m Pi,mHp. Figure 5.151 A tr.1.m\'l't~e section thruui;h 3 first-year
l. PoJJeu <.'om.'S 2. Fi rSl-}'l"ar ovulate cone ,.rvuLw: co11l' ut A-eu,fou1~ :,,p. (seal-.· m mm).
1, l1h,l1:it1 11'¢" ovules 2. Cooe sc:ik br.icc:s

20X 3
Figure 5. 152 Au nv,.11:itc rnue <i( ,l 1-fouj ,;p, (:i.) n:1uwcr<-e <('CIH) II , :ind {h) Figure 5.153 A 111:ignifi«I ,•1<",,· C'l( :'I
lo,1gitudinal $~ction. Pim1i ~ ovulate c<>m: (1001:,"lwd.iu;J vlc,i,·).
1. O vuliferous u:a1e 2. Ovule- 3. 0:>n<' a.xis t. Ovuli.lhou~ S<'ale 3. Cone axJS
2. Ovule-

Figure 5.154 A magn.ifit-<l vit.•w of a Pbms sp.ovuh.• (itmn:tmn:). Figure 5.155 A m:agui6ed view of :u1 O\'ule of Pfmu $().
I Meg.MfU'.>1'C 111 other 3. Ovule with polk n ip-a.i,u 1n the pollen chamber.
cdl -1. lnu.·g:u1m.•nt I . Nll('4!11ui 3. Po11co l'hamher
Z. Nl1cellus :i. (An( seal<' 2. Poll.:n h'T'J.lll 4 . lnt<.•,b'lllm:ut

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

figure 5.156 T he 1.n icmspor:u1g1ate cones of (a) Vim1.5 i-p. ptio1 ro the rdcase of pollctt, :md (b) Pitt'1t p,un_r:ms after pollen tu~ been
rdeased. TI1c pollen cont.-s :ire :1t the end of :a bran ch.
I. Nt-t·<lldikt- lea,•1.•.s 2. M1nosporopl1ylls 3. PoD~n cone


(bl 20X
.'\ longtnuh n:il s.ccrion du'Ou_gh ,he. ri~l of .1 t'lu crospo 1"Angutc cone ilf Jfous sp., ~nd Q:>) :l 11':lllSVCJ1.C 1.ccuon.
2. Cone .1xii .3. 1'.fo:rospor:1ngium

Flgure 5. 158 A dost·-up of a 1mcrosporaug1::ue- Figure 5.159 M1<-m~rapb figure 5.160 A 5c:u1mng<m
conc.· :ind micrrupornngtum o( Pfum sp. of sr:un cd polk•n,~ o ( microgr.iph o( a Pimu sp. pollen gnin w1d1
1. 1'.•licrospm-:tngiu1n wid1 2. Mic:ro!-porophyU />imtS ~p.. ! howin,g (a) \\!'in~. u1t1aled bladderlike ,.._•ini;;s.
polk 11 µr.1 ins :111d (b) :t g:crmi,uting po01.'.'n 1. 1-\-illcn )')()ti)' 2. Wings

figure 5.161 A di:l.gram ()f pi1iy(')11 pine se('(i gcr,u in:'lrio n prod11<:i;lg J y~1ng !,}'<wr)phyt<', (:i) i l't Figure 5.162 A >"""~
s-.•c<ls :m: pn>tt:-1.'tt-d insi.k.• d~ cone-. t\\10 k't."W form<.-d Ou c-.rh sc3lc:. (b) A st'roOnt'd S(.·,:d shows an embryo SJ)Qt'Ophyte (sccdljnf;I of.l
crnbt'ddcrl Ill th(' ii..'1n ak· ~·m, cr()J,hyn1 d~ue. {,} 11w gm.vii,g cmbr)n spliis the ~hell of th<: $c..---d, c11.1bling th<: pin-.·. P11111s i,p. (sc.lle m nuu).
rooc to f,'TOW toward dii· soil. (d) As ~rnn as ti~ tiny root tip p..-n-.•trJtc:S :tr1d mdmrs into tltt' soil. water and I Sced.11llg 1e.l\'('S
m1tr1cno. :u~ :al)Sorbc:d. (c) T he i:oryledous enu·,-gc 6--om Lhc: seed coot ::md cre:uc :i su1>ply of chJorophyD. (ne<dks)
NO'-.v tlu: ~roph)·tc c-.ui ma.nuF.t(tun: l(S owu fi:>od from WJtl".I' :md 11utrit·11t.~ in tl1e soil aud carbon <lioxidc .2. Yow1g stt>m
i.n the :ur. {f) Growth occur!: at the ten niual buds ~n the base oi"the lea-.\~. 3 . Young 1nol'i

FJgure 5.163 A d<>sl•-up or an on1Jatc: (.'OU<." st~'lk iu Pwus -1'• Figure 5.164 A )<oUn~ <MJ.k• of Piuus sp.•showing the
J. lvlaturl· seed,; (win~) 3. Seed (co ntaunu g rn1bryu mc~.J!;llllt'tOph)•tt.
2. O vubte cone ,;..::111." witbrn il'.'c d C1)Qt) I . Ovule ..t
2 . Micropyk· 4. Mcgag:un<.-tophyn·

figure 5.165 A rourig rwule <.'i Pim,.i ~p.. ~how1ng 1he l.'ffi Figure 5.166 A 111,,1gnitkd view o( ,he ovul(' nf Pi,m.t s;,.,
in :arthC'&'O nium. shm\ing dtt· c:mbryo.
l. E~,; 2. NudC'us 1. lntt'gmucnt 3. Li::if primordjtm1
2. Micmr,yk· 4. R.ON pnmo1'<1h1l~,

• A Photographic Atlas for the B10logy Laboratory

( Phylum Magnoliophyta (= Anthophyta} - angiosperms: monocots and dicots)

Mon ocors Oicots

Rower parts in Flo,ver p,m :s

threc.c. or mulri1llcs in fours cir fives
of fh rce,,; or mn1tiptes o f
fou r or 6w

l.c;afv<"m'\ p:ir,1lld form .l net pattc'.rn

½sl:ular l>utldks
arr:uli:;t>d iu ;1 riui;

Some exomples of monoeots Some examples of dleofs

Wht'al Coluu1biuc

C:m.iil Ins ll.ose SunAm1..-cr

Figure 5.167 A t:nmp.wi!>On :md ex..11nples of monocms. .m d dicors.,


Fibrous root systl."m Thproot Modified taproot Prop roots Aerial roots
(g,..,es) {shrubs) (carrot) (corn) (ordud)
Figure 5.168 Th<.· root sv~cnu Manj:..'losperms.

) ,, .. ~

Figure 5.169 Tht' root srste-m of an orchid (mouocot) (.a; sh owing acn;al roots. :wd corn (monocot) (b) sh o,,.,ng prop roots.
Monocol root~ 3fl:. fibrous. wit la many rOQtj <•f m<m: oc Jess 1.'.(Jua.l ~+tl'. Dic•ts usuall>' h:ivt '1/Jri.:ibk rovt systems. <.,li:l'u consisti ug o f
a loug cenrral 1no1 wnh -.inalle r, scconri.u)' mor,;; hr.rnc hing fm n\ it, knowo :'IS a t':llH'OOI.

Figure 5.170 A tt:tns.wrsc secuo n l'>fth c l'oor or Figure 5.171 A dose•u1> of .:i roo, of 1he mQnoco1 Smil.r.,· ~,
the mo1h )C<K Smilax sp. I. C-ortcx J. Xylem
I, E111d(;rini'- 4. Xylem -4 Phlor01
2. Cortex 5. Phloc-nl
3. E.ndodern11.s
• A Photographic Atlas for the B10logy Laboratory


Figure 5.172 A 1Tan5>wrse se<.tiou of:, swc,•f pot:un figure 5.173 A p hotomic:rogr.i.p bofa youn;o; mot of
root. f11om1'1<',1 Sp. \Vht'al. Tri1irm11 sp., showing root hairs.
l , Remn;uu$ <lf epidermis -I l'h lo<'m I. Root hair 5. Endodermjs
1. Cortt'X 5. Xrlt·m 2. Epidrnnis b.Primary xykm
3, Et>do<lenttis 3. Side 7 Prim:.ry phlr.,cm
4. Com.·:<

Figure 5.174 A Jongiruditul :.i~ction of a f igure 5.175 A tr:msv(.•rs(' s,•ction, sh\.)wing Figure 5 .176 A tnn s:\f\.'t'Se section
w t Jl()W ~p,tl"i~, ~hl)wing b rctal n '.>O f f'01·in~tt<'lr). hr.1n<;h mo1 fornurio:111 nf J)(1,Ff<1!11< i' ()f :t )'t"IIIOg tl')<lt j)j ....•,,Ji.'( Sf >,
l. LatcrJ.I root 4. Cort<·.x I. Epid cnms 3. lkmch mot 1. E!pid l'rmis 3. Stdc
2. E1nd\!nms 5 . VJstul:lr tiS:Sut" 2. Cortex 4. V..1scu lar us.sue (m·le) 2. C..ortcx
3. R·ric)•d ,:

M aturation region
Roo t luir poroon where cell~
:ll'e <liffcrenti::mng imo
cpidcnu:t1 :md cortex
Hpidermt<. - - - byers a nd xyk-n1 :and
phkx.·m ci~s:ucs
Elo ngation region
porciuo w hen: n ::wly
addt•d cdb incn:,t:-t•
in size

M eristem atic reg io n

} } J'MOon 11orkrgo111g tnitr,;i~
Figure 5.177 A tr:1.1uvcn.~ ~ecttou ol :m older root of't sp., Root cap
sho,,'U1g early St'<'Om.lary 1,:n.) wth. portio n prmcctmg the
f()OI during grnwd1
I EpiderinL~ 3 ½,r,c~1l:w c:iss11<:
l.. Con-:x Figure S.178 A of l roor np.


Figure 5.179 ..\ phoro nucrog~ph of the root op
of ;i pl.'.':ir. Pynu sp.. s.::cn in kme,'lt11din:tl section.
Figure S.180 A longitudinl.l s.i:ctio11 ofa root of corn. Zl!,l ,rmys, showin g: -------- ISOX

prun:i.ry m<'!ti~rem<.: pl'<l((l(il."1'1U give,,;, r1.<e t() rhe- t'l)iri<"rm1s, tmun.1 meti'1it(lll h'I
I. f:IMg.uirui reg:il)Jl 3. AJ,i(!ll 1n ~ristt·in cortt'X, and pro,.1mbium to primary vl.-.c:ub r tisl>l.1t'. TIJ1.• roo< <:ap has .i scp:ir.ue
2 . R t)Ot <.: :ip lll C1' 1$1C11l.

I. Proc:unbium 3. Pro mdenn 5. R-oot c~p

l)rim:iry phloem 2. Gruwtd incristcm 4. R oot cap merisu:-m



Figure S.181 (a) A tliagr.un of a tr.111tvt.•rse ~t"Cl:io n of a die()( nn)t. (b) A pbbtomicrugrap b showing: 3 trlll.N<.'Ne st·ction uf tht· ~tde.
J . Starch gt.'liO'- w,111111 pa1t 11chy1t\3 celJs 3. 1~nt"l'l...1f)' xylem 5 i•t rjcyde-
2 . P rim :tt')' phJcx-m 4. Emlodc.'-rmis

Figure 5.182 T he root of 3 buttcrcu1>. R111u1r1(1./11.u p. Figure S.183 ,, tranwelie .sccl"ior1of the root of btiSS\','OOd,
I. Epidermis 3. Std.: Tilia sp., i.howing secondary growth.
2. l'arenchpua <:ells of c:ollcx 4. Cort~x I. Scwodary x yli:m 3. Vcssd 1;.• kmcnt
2. $<'Coucb.ry p hloem -t Pedde-rm
• A Photographic Atlas for the BIOiogy Laboratory

Figure 5 .1 85 Spcci:dizl'<l un dt:rgr-0m1d stems. {a) A potJto (tuber).

:rnd Q)) :m, onion (bt~b).
I, Node (£1--e) bcarn1g
a minute scale: 11:af :md stem bud
(c) 2. IJ.u lb f.C~lcs (m001600 le~·es)
3. Shon s,em

Axilbr...- figure 5.186 The ,,'Oody stem

bud .
()f 3 di cot sce11 in ~ rly sprin~
j ust :ti the buds :m~ beginning
co .swell. Br.:u'lt'hes and C\YlgS ~
J,1, - - - - - - - - -5 sin:ill C}."tC1~~io ns ofrhc StCIU$ of
:ut~ospcn n:. and offc:11 i.upporl
2 lca\PC!. :iod tlowl:"r~.
-[ 1. Tcr11ut11I (,pie,J) bud
1 - - - - - - - --(, 2. lott rilode
3. Tenninli bud sc:tlt· scm
-I, l.emkcl
5. Lm.-ral (a.xilbry) bud
r,. Node:
3----,---i 7. Leaf (vascular btm(Ut') scar
4-----", ~

figure 5.187 Tb,

f('l'lllin:ll bud or

wood>• sr<.·111 that has

l'l<?'C11 lougiwdm:illy
scccio nt·d to show
Figure 5.1 84 E:ump lt:~ of lltt' va riety a nd sp«illization dt\'tlopinr; le.-i~.
n f l-'l ngi()tl)~tm ttem<:. (-') 1't111ners. (b) 1'h11.<>mcs.. (() mbNS, (d) l. {21ollary) 3
corms. (i:) bulb~ (f) u:ndrils. 1ml ~) d.adophyU. The: SH'IU or bud
,111""rm 1s oftc-u the :)sc:c·o,Hog p,ottio n of the pl:mr 2. Stem
sp~cialit<.'<l to product• anJ ~u ppon h.•Jvt'S an d Oo\\\'fi. tr.msport 3 . LA-~1f pr@ordfa
and store w.11cr aud uutrit"1tt$. ,m d 1,rovide growth chmugh cell ..J. Dud sc:J c 4
di\·islon. Stems of plants :in.· utilized c:xtensivd)• by hmmms in
prrxfocts i11d1d1llg p::iper.bulldj,,g m.;itetials, furn ilUn!', ::i.nd
fu el. In additio n. the s.t <.'n lS of potah)Ci, onions, ~:abOO,g,·, ant.I
oth er p lt11l N :ire I m11C1t 1:mr food crop.<.


Rgure 5.188 A kmg:itudiJ11l :.:e<.'UOJJ t,f tht" ~t'tl1 dp or the <:OUUltOU l10USl'pl:u1t ColntS ~. figure 5.189 A trJnsv.1:nc scmon through.
I . l'r<'.ltarnl>1u,n 4 frichoiuc 7, Leaf JltllU•t '{Hurn tlle stein ofJi mo nocot, 1Ntit.Jtm sp., whc-at.
2. Cmund meristem .5. :\pic.'.al mi:ristem S. A.xiU.:U")' bud I. Vascubr bun<lll.$ .l G1Uund OSS\w cavity
J . l..c.'3( ~p 6. I >evd opiog l<:af rr1mC)l(lfa 1>
, Dt'V<'lo1,mg \'~~cular US'5u<: 2. Epid("rmJS -1. I_J:i1tn<'hym:"1 cell!-

figure 5.190 (1) A tr.11c,:wrs,: s,:ctiun frmu th<.· stem of a mouocot. Z<'a mays (torn) . Th<.· Figure 5.191 A \•~cubr bundlt'
p.ltct".rn of \t:1SC"11i:t1· in a mo11oco1 is. knQ\vn :u.. !In ;'lt:tc1os«:1c-. (b) A drise-1.1r>VlC'\\',
ht.111d!C':$ of :a fo~il palm pl:uu_
I. V:a.scuhr buntllt.-s w ith 3. d e n1c11ts of 5. Vascub.r bundJ..- J. Burn.lie cap (fibers)
pi:.1uat)' xr lem and ph.lm.•m prim :uy X)1em 6. Prim ary phl<>l·m 2, l'hloem
2. Spid crnus 4. P:trcn chynu cells 3. Vessel demcnt1
__ ,
4, Gr<1u11d ri~:;.ue (patcochym.:i)


, 6

Figure 5.192 A u,t1m'eJ';e S('c;11<m 1hm11gh 3 seem Rgure 5.193 A d,~g~in ()( \':'ISCula1•bond.IC$ fion1 dH• -.tein
of clover, Trifiilium sp., she.ming .m cu,;tdc. oia tli.:ot showin~ tfo: t'ustd,:.
I. 4. hucrfa.~.:k.uhr region I. Eady pci:iden.u 4. Bundle c.·3p fibttS 7. X yleu1
2 . Con t·X 5. Vastubr- bu udks witl1 c:ap:s 2... Cortc-x 5. Phloem s.
3 ,~llh <>f phloem 6l:ie1-,. 3. Phloem lil'le1"- 6. \~\S(Ubr c3mbium
• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

··woooy·· mooocot Woody d1<:ot.

Figure 5.194 A c,l1np:lri.so11 or die transvcrsc sccnom ofst<.·1ns o f :1 ''wood)•'' monocQt (p:ilm tn.'<.') :utd a woody dirot (hickory tn.~).The
Slem <,f the "\\'OOdy°' ,uonocor i.< beca.use o( the (ibro~ natun-: of the n uml.'ttlu~ v:\.icular bu11d.Jes. 11w ,tt!nl of th t \1/(H)d)' dkcn is ngid
because uf the comp:ict xyk111 cdls impregn;Ut"d w ith Jignin forming the dens<.', ll.lrd<.•111:d wood, S<.'C'U ;as :m nual rin~.
I. Annu:tl ri•~.._. 2. lk,rk

4 5


Figure 5.195 A trJ.L\swm.· s~•cti<m of J t,!rlpe, f/frfr ~p., flgure 5.196 A tt'lnsw rs..· section o f a f..'l':tpi.·. Vi1is sp., s1em .
s1e in, Aumring St.'con O$S,UCS- I. Sieve tube ekmcm 4. Vascular etl1r1hnnu
I. Outer bark 4. Sieve tube dl."'n11.•1us 2. PhJocm fibc.•1'S 5. Sct·oncbry p hloem
2. :jeco11d ll'y phlcxm 5 Ve~d me.n1btr 3. ParCllChy111:i C<"II,;; 6. Sec• oclny ·\')•lem
3. s~co111.l:uy xylem

4 3

Figure 5.197 r\ ,r:inwer~ sec:-1ion thrnug)1 ()J)e-yt~:)J·-old ash. Figure 5.198 1\ pipt\'n\e, 1lri3u,/1v/u·,, sp., .scein w ith
Fraxiuus sp.• stem. sh ow in~ st·.::o ttdl.Ty growth. hc:tlin g wmm<l.
I. 1\-ridt•-rnt 4. St"Coudary phloe1:u I. ('.allus tissut: 3. buudk
2. Com:.x 5. Sl·cond.u1· xylem 2. \'t'ou ud
3. Ph luc.•m fibers 6 . Pith


figure 5 .199 S:imples ofb:i.rk )>llttcms o{ rcpn.- scnutiw conifers :and .;mg10spcrms:
(:i) R e,hrood-Thc tou gh. fibiuus \>Mk of.l re<l\\"O<ld f1t:·c m:1~• be )U cm 1.hirk. It l'i highly rc-:sisL·uu to iitt: :ind msoct info!-1.:itiou .
(b) P onderosa pine-Tht< mos..1illikc )J'J tt-..·rn o(tht lxuk o i"nt tturt pine. is resi,tant to 6 re.
(c) ~itc birch- The surface textu re ofb::ulc on the while birch is like whltc- paper.The b:ark ofdte whit,· birch was
us..:d b~• Indians 111 Ea~cru United Srates for makiug <".anoes,
(d) Sycam oro-T IH.· motdc.-<l colo r of the ll)'C.Jlllbrc bark is d ue co :i tendency fo r brgc. thin, b ritdt.• pbtes to pcd off,
revealiug tiglm.:r l!'-..·as bcm.•.1th .T h...·st• ~ .as ¼,.'TOW tbrke r with l'.xposm\', u ntil they. coo, ped off.
(t') Mangrove-T he lcarhcry b~rt of :a maogrcwc ,ree i<. :i.:faprivc t(l hradnsh \\':UC.I' ln n·i:>p1c:al or Sl"m1ttopiql region-\.
{f) Shat:,-bark hickory- Tht.' strips u(bark in a matun.· sha~bark h it'kory tr« gi\~ this trt'C its common mme.

Figure 5.200 t\n :11ng_10sperm , N.11$tuS 11rult•1uus, 1s by s1cms (a) th:11 re.s.emblc leav,~ m form And ti.mcuon. N ote the truc-
le:.f {b) ari~iug from dw lo:atlikc lA:em.
L Ste.10 2 . l.-.~:ii J . F-1ower hud

Figure 5.201 The hark of .a birch tree. Figure 5.202 A t r:11tswrsi:- sc-c non Figure 5.203 A gall o n Jn ClQk, Quruus sp., stem.
Bt1ul" <'Uid. J1l(1/is, sl10\Ving k 11t1ceh.
1 of 1 dicot stcu'I showing a Jcuriccl Tht• l~eding of a ~U wa.~ b rva caust.s abnoro,al
Lc1H1cds .-.,~ .~porlW,l l 1X::M i,l d,c l~cwk ~lld s.rcm tis<ue( gmwth a.od t ht fo rrn:iti()ll ()( .;a g,1II ' l'he W:'l"'),
:-utf:11:d lhat pt·rmi1 g;JS exch:i.ui;t: I. Lcnticcl 3. l\:ridl•rm b n ':I ll•,:ds upon thl· gall tissm·. pupah:s within
hcrwcco the 1mr:tn:il ti$.SUC<\ :rnd rh<; 2 Cortex 4. ½~'uJar ti.hue cndosun:,,:md rhe n chews :iu CXlt to cmc,ie.
atmosph1:re. I. Gall 2. Stem
I Lcrnicds
• A Photographic Atlas for the BIOiogy Laboratory

Venation Ma.gin Complexity

ou Stem

. . ,v,'.'
('11 ·. ' .,_ .,,.
.,,, ,
·/ I
, .!,.~

~ - l. .,·

\ .
~ f .J•
. r • l
1.S : ,.:r . ry
Piu n:nc E.1mrc Opposite

Pinuatd)' lobed Simpl<.'

Palmate S<.'rr:atc J>innatdy compuuu<l W h orled

Figure 5.204 Several rl.'pri:sc-n t:uh•<.' :mgiosperm lc,lf rypcs. Leav(.-s constitute th e fo li:tgl" o( pb m s. ,vhich prov1d l!'$ h.:.b1t:u and :i
food sourn, fo r many auim:i.k including hu m:ms. Lc-av<."S providl.' protcctiw ~tJOund cowr :m d are tht· portion ofth<.' plam
mo.ti r~1,nmil)Jc- frw oxygen rc1,le1lislu nq,1u rnrn rhc :'1{11,os.phcrc

Figure 5.205 T ho: sh:ipt·

o ( th<: leaf(a) is of :idar<ivt
v.tJue to w wind.
fu the spc.:J of th1: w ind
mcrcases (b) ,md {cj, d ie leaf
rolfa uuo a ui;ht cone: )>hap.:.
:woidrng d:unagc.


Pmxim•s Sp. Populus sp.

i lllnpbyltt.c s.p, Cnridit,lt)•l/1,m tf),

figure 5..206 Compn-ssion fi>ssils of fo ur lnltiosperm lt.'3,<i:.·s frum du: Eoccm.· Epoch. :approximatdy 50 million )'t",US ~>hi.

Figure 5.207 The briU1:t11t aucumn color$ of lea,"C$ coo1<· about wh<·u rcllo"·' carotcno1d pigm('nt~ an" eXJlOScd a.s rhe ~hforopl'1)•l1
bn•.1k s dow!l, ltld colork-ss fla,•onoids arc <.:OO\"<.'rtt•d into 2nthO<..)':.lHins.

• A Photographic Atlas tor the B1olog\' Laboratory

figure 5.208 Au :mgimp1m 11 le-Jf .ihowmg Figure S.209 T hc.· un.den.urfa t l.' Figure 5.210 T he o f'!~
_ mcdt"Compositiou
ch:1:rnncnstic surfau l..el,res :u·c (If an :11ig1os.perm lcar, s;h owing the of a gr:adu~l p mc~ hcgmniug with
orgJLlS modi6ecl to carry om photo~yutb...·s.s~. vJSCuh r tis:s-uc bciui; th.rou~h thl.' th<" sofit"r tis~u..·s ot tJ1c b miua. l~aviu~ only
l 1hoto.syothcs.1s 1s the manufa('t un.: of food biniu3, or blade. ofth\: kaf 1ht vascubr 11ssuc.1: I)( 1he 1nldr1b :i1,d d•l'
(sug:1r) [m m c:ubou J.iox1dc.· :md w.m:r, with I ~ M idnh w ins, :t.\ :.tx•n in this pho togrJph . \Vith cim,·,
su1,l1gh1 rroviding eoergy, 2. Set.'ondary wirn th¢.5(' will .llso dccompo~<".
I. L:unin :i (blade) 3. M idr ib 5. f>euo lc
2 St"r r.i.«: m:i.rg-iu 4, Vt in!

Figure 5.211 Som(' ('X:t.1u pl1.·s ofspc:ci:ili.zcd Jcan.-s for Oot:icio11. (a) l e:iv..--s figure 5.212 As sc:c.•n lm the- k'.lfic.•u in thC.' upper rifdu
li'<'11n 11 g;i.~ot WMX:I' hly, {b) W,l tCt hyJcmths. l-ilt/t/t{lniitt c.1'>. • ha\\: m o..-11liefl le:ives of this pho rogtaph. the leaves of rhe !ie'1l$1ti\~ pl~ut, ., limi>J.J
th:it buoy th<t plants on d1c \\",m: r surfa<.-e. \'t'3tt:r hy:icinths :in· <:om mou in N t•w pmfim, dl\)op upon bc..· touch<.-J..T h<.· droopiu i n.•st.1lt)
\Vorld 1n1pical frc-~h\\.~tt':r h:ib1t.t1i, w here they Ill:\)' h..--<"<unc so rhir k th;'tt ,hey (mm , htT¢1'(>1H1:d ch:ing~ ul 11u·gor of rh~~ 1,e,;l f cdk in 1l h ~
<:hoke out bouom-dwdling p b.nts and d~ \V. lt:rW.l)''S. puJ,..inus, a chickcuc..-d :1.rc.11 :it th(' b.1se of the k·.11AeL




Figure 5.214 /\ u-:tnwcr:se ~ecoo11 th1ough the le.::if o f 1lw commoo
hl'db~ priwt Ugu:mum sp. T ht• typical<.• :irr.u1icmc m of a lc:tf
includ ,>-s !'I ll up~,er cp1d('-1'm u., ;i Jow~•· ,•pidcrnm.:inrl fhc ccnrrall)'
locatl'd mt·sophyll. Co n t.tining chloroplasts, the.' cd ls of d tt.· tnt.'SophylJ
3n> o li<-'n divided mro<k tnt.'$OpbyU and spo111,.•y mcsop hyU.Vt>U1s
figure 5.213 A tratlsv~e s<·c:tiou of tor)1,no leaf, L~<'1,rrti@1 sp within the lll<$Ophyll i:-ondun mouer bl d1rnug.b dle lc-:tf.
I. Up1)<'t" epi.:tl~r mis 4. l.c-:if vcin (\";l.-.Cubr l-..indlt) I. U pp1:r c-pitknnU .t. Buu<lfo ~hi: ath 7. Spm•o')' m..·sophyll
2.• mi:sophytl 5. X~•km 2. P,alis:td<' mc~"'l p-h)~l .5. Xylem g. Lower l"picl<:rmi$
3. Spl)llg'y m~phyll 6. PWoem 3. Gland b. Ph hx.•m

Figure 5.215 A tr.mswrst• st•ction dtrou~h the J,: :tf of Figure 5.216 A lrJJlS\<i.' r.s-:: section tliruu$ tin· 11:.'af of
17,nswoocl,'fi!.'a "P· c11rumhe1', C ut fuoikt S.I). ..
1. Upper cpLdermi.s 3. Lmwr cpidcrnus 5. Phloc::·m 1. Palis:idc mc.s.opbyll 3. le2f wm (uudrib)
2. McsophyU 4. Lt-af win (nUdrib) 6. Xyk-m 2. Spong)' mcsophylJ 4. Trichome

Figure 5.217 TransvtTSC' section chmugh the k.lf' of

b~ubcrry. &rl,rris sp.
1. Upper cp1dc-rm is -L Lower cp1dernm
2. Pah.,ade fut':1o_phyll 5~ Lt'.1f vein (mid.riL)
3. Spml~' mcsophylJ

Figure 5.219 A <..1 111~c'-'" Figure 5.220 A .<urfac<" v1cw <>(

view of d1<: lt::if t-pidc-nuis dw 1:pid~'tuW of o uiou. ,4lfi11m ~p.
o( 'Jbtdfgdmi.r $1), Nmc the 1wiu gu :mi c<'lls w 11h
I, Ep1d<>rm"I cdk thr stoma optm.•tl.
4uX 2. Guard ceUs I. Lo,\•er eridenufa 3. Stoma
Figure 5.218 Tut1)V..,.rsl.' ~cclioo of lelf l)f com, ZA-,1 llll1)'5 , surro,und1ng $t<unac,. 2. Guard ccU
.i plant th,u h:i., C.i photo~ynthesis (Calvin cycle plu.-. c4 3. Subsidiary (.'dfa
pathway). Thi-; is a11 adapt~ltiou rn photo1\~spir:.nion.
1. Bnlliform <-ells 3. F..pidenn i.-S 5. Mesophyll
2. Cut1..:-lt' 4. V:.b(.·ular lnm<llc:

Figure 5.221 T he b'l1:irJ. <.·d b m m.:my plants n:~ubtc the 0p1:rur11t 1.)f thL' stomau accordmg t0 ,he l"U\'ir-0u1uemaJ f.KtO~. as uhi icattd in
d1i1- diagram. (a) Paa v iew of a d ~'lSed stoma of a gc.r:rnium., :md (b) :u1 o p<"n s torn:i.
• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

Figure 5.222 The k·:wes o( the purpk figure 5.223 Tht· k.wi:s o(the wnus Figure 5.224 A stanJ1ing dcttmu
p1rchc:r p l:mr, Stumrt'ufr, 1u1r1111rr,1, lJ'C O)'trap, Dii)J1,Jl'i·J m11sri;>11&t, are :id.lpted to n ucmgrAph of 2 gc-r:um un leaf
ad:lptc-<l to t'utra.p inl«'ti. The entrap i~ ,:; (b. An i1L~'<-'t is 3ttr..'l<:t<.-d by showiug the .1od .ahuu d3n1
are fu on-tl-sh;ip«I :\11d h:we l"p1dttinal oec-rn.r .secre,ed 0,1 the .su,face- of chc lc::il. cpid e-rnvd ha i~ .
hair.. poin h.·d lOWJ l-d tltt· b;is,· of tht· T bt· m owmc-nr of tin· insect upon the le:tws I. Ep1dc-n nal h:urs
lc:11~ irl{t'r't<' anrncr<"d to th~ li!o nd 'ltnml:ues 1hc .~cn~iriv,.,. ufrh<itlH'S 011 1he 2. Epjd('rtnis
wlR--rc they ari:- cutr.tpp~·d, <.fo:, :i.ud l t t' uppa mrfo.c e of the foavc.-s, tria;1:riug the
, hg~rc<l by 1hc pbm. le:ivc-: t<, <ln<e, e111.t:1.1)1)ing ,he imcxr.
I. le-.lf 2. Epidermal,

Figure 5.225 A JoshuJ rrce, Yi1m.t Figure 5.226 The l<".:af <>f \for..t .s1>. figure 5.227 J--:111Jmrl,i.J "-P·, :l memhct ol
bm,{folfo. ti n:uivc to t h e M ojaw D:.•se11. :iihow s a thjck cuticle- C0\<
1:r-ing the
L·pi- the Spurg<.• fanul1: is ~pe-(.i:1.lilt:<l t<> l>tu·'Ylw
It:$ common n:ime \\'3$ derived from dc:rmlS o( t he 1c-:i{ Thc cu nck· pmtccr~ :irid -envimnmcnt'I in Afrn:::a. £u~~hOl'b~ have
itS t\.'J .:mbl3iu:e to a b~a.n:k d km:dini; J~in si. tv.Xt.:-!SiVt" WJ l•:r lb)s, undt·t1,.'0n(.• couvergcnt L"VOlullon to the
1mtl'ilrch. I. C'..utidc 2 . Epidermis cacti o( the \l.t-stl-ru Het1li"!ph('1-C.

figure 5.228 The >aguaro <.-1ctu:t f igure 5.229 The p rick!)· pt..'ll'. Oprmrit1 >p .. Figure 5.230 Tb~ fruit ot the
G1rJ1l)?fr.t .~•:l!.•Jllh',J, 1<; 1he larg<-9 of nil c~Li h:w1.~ $CVcr:i.1 moditica1io n< to wnhsr.rncl pn,;kJy J)t':ir, 0 11,11ufo sp.
North Aml'rlc,m ca..:c-i. Arm,; bt•i;iu to drou gh t. Th1..·y h.,v-:.• spiudik..· leaves to pn:wnl
develop on ,h e .s.:egu::i1\'l whi:n the pbm \v:ltt't' loss through rr-.:msp1r:ujon. rhey h.:.1ve
1s abour 75 p:.arS old. A .s3i;uaro cactlL-: dl'vdotx--<l til!$ue that st<>reS; w.iet.''I' alto.:r rain: and
1r•l)' live over 250 ye.'lct .1nd rtach :i d1dr Slt"fll': ~•"' C•(l(f d w~1I, ;) \¼\.'\!Y S;l1bS;~1JC(' CO
hc.·.ight -.)f murl' than 50 fc.ct. aid in watt•r ro.•tt•nrion.
Flowers of Angiosperms
Structur e of a flower Position o f ovaries

Pistil Style
{ O\';iry

(ccmraUy posirion<.~d uvary)

figure 5.231 I >1~gl':,ms <,( M1g1osp1•rrn fJ(l.,.,'(>r(,.(how,ng 1h~

$tl1.1crore and relative of the OvJrit:;, 11H~;i().l;ptTm
Bow-er L\: typically composed o( s:.·pals.. pcbli,. stllJ h:ns. :rnJ oi1i: or
more pistils. T he s!!,; t he.· outermost circle o f proh:cm-i.• lcaf-
1.Jke ~ructure.~.They art u:;ul\Jy gi:cen and are <;olk-ctivcty called
th(• calyx.T he :-c.unt'ns :in<l the pii<tils :Lrt' the rqnoducci\'C parts ol' Epigynom;
d 1t' Hower. A st.nm: n <:onsist-l of the hJ:uw:nt (stalk) anU th t' llllhcr, (inferior ffl:\f)')
where poUt•n is product'ti. The pi! consists of J stick~• s.tig1n2 at
rhe rip that receives polk o :ind a. style that lca.d.t co the ov:n·y.

Sun t1owt<r Dahlia P·.1s5iou llowt'r

Figure 5.232 Flowt>rs of:111giospl'rms.
• A Photographic Alias for the BIOiogy Laboratory

figure 5.233 The fl<'lf'."11 bod (I( Colc;u.$, C.:()Ji-,u$ ~p. Figure 5.234 The O\'ary o f tomato. LYf.-'lll'l)'i((! u sp., with
1. Ap ical mcmrcm .3. Aor.U hud dwdopiug ondcs.
2. Bra<.'t I, Ovary ,,ra.U 3. l'llc.euta
2.. O vules

Figure 5.235 A nightshJdc.-, $-,/am,r11 sp., flor:J bud, figure 5.236 The flora] bud of tol~cco.
sh()\ving O\~ry• wnh d('"\-clo1)ing cwul¢$ l\<iroli,11111 sp.. !;howing tht' •\'J I)' and ovulci
I. Ov.i.ry wall 3. Pbc~ma l. Ov:iry w;aO 3. Pl:lcenb
2. Ovuks 2. o,·uk~ 4,V:tl<:ular ti~~ue

figure 5.237 l11c- lloral bud of a currJ1u . figure S.238 The tlo r,ll bud oi suutlowtr. Hrlr,mtlm.s Sp.,
R ibc.s sp., showing an infonor ovary with with S(.'\ft.• Unm.lmrc ilowl."r...
dcvdoi>nlg ovule.~ I. Indt,'ld113I tlower 3, ()v;iry of nHlividual l)owtr
I. S1y lc .). Ovary 2 . R1:n•ptade
2. Petal 4. Ovules

2 3


Figure 5.239 The fl oral stnot tw~ of a Figure 5.240 Tht< structmt.• uf:i di.'iSt.'Ctt:d
rulip, '/i,fJi){f ~r~
- chc>rry, l"rw m t Sil .• <;hMving ,l per1gyo ou<; llmv~r.
1 1•e(~I 4. Fi bnH•nt 1, 1-\' 4. An ther 7. rube
2. Anthe-1· S. Style 2. P-ifamcnts 5. St ig nu
3 . Stigma 3. Sepal 6. Style


Figure 5.241 T h~ .structur~· of a di<;Sl'Ct<.-d pc:ir. Pyms ~p.• Figure 5.242 A d1s,.« 1ed q uince. Cl:-:r1·,11.111~lc$ j ,11x>m'r.1.
showin g .m ~pigynous !lower. s.howing :m epii;~11ous .ffowt·r.
I. l'eu J 3 . Filament s. .St'p :iJ 1. P~ml 3. Stigm:l 5. Srylc
2. Anthl'r 4, Style 6 . Ov:U) ' 2 . Anther 4. FiJam cn, 6. O \~lllcs

6 8
2 II
9 Figure 5..243 (a) The J1or:tl strucrure
of GJ,1diolus sp. (b) The andn·rs aud ~ti~ma,
13 ~ H, :1.nJ (c) the ovary.
I. Anther JO. St.ii;uu
2. P1l.uncm 11. Srylc
12 3. Ovule,; 12. Filamc-J1t
4. Receptacle 13. O \f\1le$
14 5. Stigma (inmunirc scc-cb)
6. ~t)'k 1-1. Rt>ceprnclc
3 7. O\':i.ry 15. Style
4 7 ~ An, he r l(l, 0\'l'lr')'
'I. Po llen
• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

Figure 5.244 A sc:imllng dccmm minugr.1ph ofch~ .sti~tu:t Figure 5.245 A sc:mning: c:l..•ctron micmgr.1ph
<>f :i.u :rng:ii)~1crn1 ~liS.lil. The ~ogm a ss ,h~ l<'l'..',mon whert of rhc ;)ll(h(;1' of ('3,tldy ntfr, / ,c)/Ntf&ri,J $r,'r he
pollen g:rJitt'i :adl1i:re :and g:~rmmat<.' to produce :a polle n tube. :1nthcr has rnptt1retl. n-suking: in th..· rd ..·:t~ o f
1~llen gr.lins,
1. Fil:)me ot 3. P<1Uc-n g1.-in~
2 . Auther

f ilamc,u


!!- ~- o ..•.ur
Fim glu n).:
$1!.:l, ud glum~ 1.o<lic.ule
I-~- J>edunde

Figure 5.247 T h, floral
p:1r tS of .l gr.ts~, Elymus
Figure 5.246 The.· flo ~trutturc of"S, /l'1i.'ff«us. :.h1.nviu ~ s:pikdeu
, ..i tlt stx 11,,rcts..

Figure 5.248 l'liree tcono111.ic.11Jy i11,port-1 nr g,~,S'(e5 ;)rt: (a) Wht?at. Tritfrm11 SJ•, i~ •ll(' <)f che nl<.lH ia-,11,01·(:).1lt hmn:m )!~pie foods.
(b) C om, Zc·.1 ,m,y.> is :a New \,:lc,rlt.i n:itiv~ import mt as hum :UJ and Jivt'Stock food. (1:) B:unboo is i.mportam in commt'r.::e and
iu many t'COS)'Stt'tns.
Sti~ua _ _,,, . ,
Anther- ----'i,,11


R ccepudc:

Figure 5 .250 A du,.,cctc<l

int1on:sc..-m:<' of :t ntt·mber o f lhc
Figure 5.249 Tbe llo,,'C'N of the ly .1r-e usually ~woduccd m Ast<"•'3Ce.le, H,-,l;a11~11'1,i:-., .~1,eiitn1,1.
tiftit hL·3Js resembliu;; .sini;Jc largt' Bl)wcrs. One oftht·S<.· inAon:SCcJU.:t'~ c.\l n c.uurom 1. Ra)' tfowt·r 3. Ren·pude-
hu11drc-d<; o f flowers. Examples of b mily mdudc d:mdclions., suntlowc-rs , 2. l ) i<.k tfowcr
a-m:rs, and man!-,'t)lds.

1Clld n l

~ l'ltl {

Ked o,,.ry)
1 - - - - 1110-wenng { Ut'ltUN'

hra u,;h ovule)


Figure 5.251 T he ~t'cds on the Figure 5.252 The tl owcr aud lhnt of the pea. P;tum sp.
rcccpc:u:lc of the ~1;1.m sunflower.

Figure 5.253 A strawberry. fl'llgmid .ip., .dio"' (a} th.: 00\\'tr. {b) iuunJ.n.lrt 3ggrti,.ratc Jruiu. and (c) a ripl'mng fruit.

• A Photo@'aphlc Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

Figure 5.25-4 .Ex~unpk 6ot•.'("·1· <ypt>S: (a) a coinple<t· !lower. hly, auct (b) ~•1. incomplete ll•\V tr, grass. {c) A perfocr 0c)•.\•er. hibiscu.s.,
:rnd (d) :m imperlc:« llowcr, wax bcg1'.>ni:1. (i:) Ac,rnnmo rpluc ~·mmcwy. , htfod1J. :.m d (tJ ryg1)mOl'ph1<,. symmerry, 1'>. 1 nsy. (.g) A sc,ln.:iry
Oowt.•r. passion flower. a.n<l i.uilon:Sc:t·n t OoweN. (h) sun.flower. and {i} w:tln ut cark.inl<.

Figure 5.255 Flowers of nuny an1:,"!0Spt·nn~ :m.- uuiqudy adapti:d for :md rdy on :..-pt>tific: aninul, fo r polliuation. w hik· ()dwr; :illO\v for
m ultipll~ pollin:nt)t<.. E).",unplc :rnjuu.l J><>llin:uor< induck : (a) :l hcc, Amh1>pltr,m 1111,,,mJ, (h) ;a hro:ul-hillcd lnmlmtngl'Hni , Cyu,mtfo,s fotiu~ ,ri~,
and (c} a k s.St'r loni;-nost·J bat, L11rtm}'l-'ll'r1J )'frbabm:m,c.


J\,bmn- '-pOrophyte {2n)

wuh !lower

Sei;rl <'M( (211)

Micro$porJugmm witb
dc\t\:'lopiu~ polk·u ~rains

Youn,; emht)'O (211)

M 1crospor.111gb
d h.•dJin~ polfon gr.i:iu-.
Pollt"n tubt·

Youug 1.wule 1n

q:igc- o( dcvel1,1)m<;ur Meiosis

lvhtutc- ctghr n ude.itc

..•------- Youu~ ovuk
,•nth nu.>:g:i~porocy,e

me-g.tgam<'t<'l5'hyt<' w11hn1o-.•ult

figure 5.256 T h,· life cycle o( :u, Jngiosperm.

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

•< •

Figure 5.257 T h< poll«> gr,ins of

4l OX
Figure 5.258 111.., polll'u b'Tams

the diem pig"-vcc-d, rh11,ir,1mltus $.p. of 2 ljbc, Sy,b,la ~p.

oox 1000X
figure 5.259 The poUcn ~rains of Figure 5.260 The pollen gniu figure 5.261 Th-:" pollen grAin.5 (l( :1 lily,
d,e dif•t :ir-rowroot, li.1 INu11,.,l,i:;;1 s:p, of hih1scu.s. Hibiu us Sil, or
Th~ poUcu ~r.un at the (Op the< photo
has. gtrmiiu tcd t<.1 p-rod ucc :a polkn tube.
I. Pollen gr:Uu 2. Pol.Jen tube.-

Anthet· split\
Opell fo:l'mJ;
poJl~ i gr:iim,

R>l!e n tubl'

Fila,uc:nt Serno1,od
1\1IX" nudcos 11ol!co
Gt.'nt·rJtwe cdl S,ylc
PoUcn gr.ains

Figure 5.262 A <ltJg-rnm sbmvrng rhc. p1'0ce-.s <1f 1)0ll1n.ukm. In d ouble:

foniliz.::trion :t pollen :tttache. co Llw stigm:a :and gc.•rmin:ucs. forming
:. poUeu fi1be t1tl.t extends: thM1gh the style a nd into the ovary when,> i1
pcnetr.ues the ovuh•, rdc:lsing two sperm, O ne SP'-'l'nt &-nil.i.zcs tbe egg Pohr nudi:i
:md die other <:<tmb)ne<i wah Ibe L)C)br nude,. T he egg aod -rern1 fonu a
diptoid zygoc,:. whil~ du.• odwr sperm :ind 1·, vo polar nuclei form :i. triploid
011de11~, whkh d cvclop mro ctl<losp~rm, 1l()\tr1shing , he devt>lo 1~ing t inht)'Q,


Figure 5.263 A cr.insWL'SC n of~ iiowc:r bud from a figure 5.264 A tou:wcrs,· s,;.-cciou of :in :mthcr from. :i llly,
lily, Uli111t1 !>p. L11i11111 sp.
I Sq,al 3. Am hct I . $pomgeno~1s n~u~ 2.. l~il:un,·m
2. 4. Pt·tal

Figure 5.266 A rraosve1-sc scc.rio11 <i :rn :uu hcr fmm :i lily,
/.Jlium !>p., maptifo.'U view.
2. T.1p(.'>tuUl .l A.11thC'rw2.II l. T~pet1u11 2. TL·tru:I of nucros-por..-.s

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

l •
•. .. .,.: ~ . -. ~
~; +=,:-%.... ·-.. - •·· •~,
,, •
'J? -
• "".i
• • ....
... .

- .•.,.~,.;4: • ··
? •
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•J•:. .. . . .. . . ....1,
, ,.~ \ •• ~--.
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-~-r. • lt
•• •~•
I.!, . •
3 flf' • J
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• •

•lilt •"
,•:•, •.
. ,• , . , .- ..

: r. \
•• I •
I . . . . . .,


• • 1,-;•~~· ~ •• : • 1.' I.~·

. • • ·~·-···..

.. • • •
?J • ~ · ·· ,~ ,I! • • ' 1


... . . - -..,. -. . ?.',,. .

• • ... ...... •

- .~ - .,•.


. Y
-~ ._,r... _.,. • • •
/.' • '-H'RJ.:-1..)\ ...'
.-~ ,
-~ ..
• •
figure 5.269 l\ 1r!ill<.\.'Cf'jC ~ectio,~ of a lily, Figure 5.270 A rr:'U 1m •rsc ,~co 1())1of :i
L ilfom ~-- ovar ~•. sh owing nu.·g-.isptm:. Ulium sp.. ov·.i.ry, sh owint; ovule w ilh
I. O vule drvcfo1)ing cmhryn sac.
2. Llnc:i.r tctr:td of n1Cga.,;poR' I, liHCS\llllC!lrS ~>. F,nhryf) $.'IC
J I lltc-gt1U\(·11l 2. Mjl•ropyk· 4. Ovule



<, -
II 5 7 - --

12 (,

Figure 5.271 Lougirndinll s«·1ion uf an c-ight- figure 5.272 l ongitudi1u J ~1..·ccion Figure 5.273 Pho tonucro~rJph
uude;ltC cmhr~'O s:1< lu :.11 ('!Vulc from .:i Id)•, lill,wr sp. <lf l"ml:11')'1) 'I:'!( fro m a lil~t J.ilit1m ~p., of :i nt:'lflll'C' gl':'lm, ,, r kcl'n<'I, o(
I. Ov:irv Inc ult· 7. Po1:ir uu dei (IJ1 :md 311) shu,,i ni; double fi:rtilizacion. w ht·at. Tritkwi, 111:sJimm.
2, Mcg,l piue,ophytc 8. Outer int::¼!Wn-.·nt (2u}· I. AutipO<bls 4 . Egs nucleus I. 1•enca1·p -1. Colc¢prifo
(embryo 9. lnocr 1111cgument (211) 2. Sperm 5. Sp<:rm 2. Starchy 5. Shoot :1pcx
3. Funiculu$ I0. SyuergiJ n·lb (11) nudeu~ ondeu.s <-•ldosrerin (1. Radick
4. W.ul of O".ll)' I I. Ggg (,o) 3. Pol:tr nuclei 6. lnt<'gunk'nt 3. Scutdlum 7. CoJ..: orhin
5. ( ;hal;o;a 12. Mi<.wp)'k (pollen rubi: (cmylcdol)) ~. l~mbryo
<,. Ancipod:tl ceUs (:\11) c:nrr:mct-)


figure 5.274 A pho tomicrogr.1ph of .1 <levd oping dicot flgure 5.275 A p ho tornicrograph of :i de,-eloping d.icot
cm bryn from :i shepherd's puNl~, CJpsd/,1 b 111Stt•/"h1S1,'J1is. cmhr-yo finm ~ ,hr.-phcrd'f. p urse. Catllf'll,1 lmu,1-1i.uu»i<,
I. Endothd.ium 4. 01.."Vdopini{ .:mbryo .J:1vwi11i; ~•ouui; em bryo.
2:. Cd lubu c11dosprrm 5. Da~I cdl I, Seed CO..ll -L Su,<1,e-11sor
3. End ospt>nu 2. Cot)•lffion 3 . 8.tSal cd l
3. f'°1)'POCOtyl




Figure 5.276 A pho tmnicrugr:aph of;a d.:vdopiug djc:c,r figure 5.2n A p horomic:mgr:1ph of :a <icvdoping dic.<X
e111bryo fro1ll :l sbt.plil:rd~ pune. G,psdla bursa-pd!ton·s. embryo frOJ n a :-hephcrd's punc. Ct1pStllf1 b1111a-pa,;t<,rk
sho\\ing l nc.•3rly m :trure- e mbryo. sh owiu g :l m:m.irc cmbr)'O.
I. End <>spenu 4, Rar.l.ick I. Seed coat 4. R. ad ide-
2. l!p1c°'yl 5. St-<t.-d con 2. EpirnryJ
3. Cotrk.<lou 6. HfpO<."C>tyl 3. Cotyl~don~

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

O\';il'I CS ltl.'llU l'C

:as .Jcht.· ncs


Figure 5.278 flower and frui t of the su:iwhcrry. Fr,J)!:ukr sp. The str.lwbcrry 1s hot.h an :iggrc:g:u-e .md :tCl.'.l"ssory fru iL

(m:it111·e ovule)

Fruit - - - - - - -
{ni.itur~ <>,~·•)')

Figure 5.279 lllu5tJ':uio1i of a t1owt-r aod fruit o( a to11,:uo. Ly(l1pmfro,1 e.uukuwm, A comato fi,,it ~s a berry.

Fn ut - - - - - '~ -

PJor:tl cuhc


Figure 5.280 T he fl owi..•r and fruit of the pt-ar Pyml· )J>. T he p::ll fruit dcvdops fium the flora.I tube (fust.•d pcri:mth) as wdl :i:; the ov:tr)'·

figure 5.281 T h,: fi•.mtir (a) and lhe fmit:. (b and c) of thl' d:mdd iou. 1afaxatum i,p. Th,: dandd joo ha.-. a compo.sitc Oowt·r.
T he w m d- bornc: four (co,.uaming o ne seed) of ci:ln dclk, n:r. a.nd m :my orh cr members of 1hc fami ly A.ste rAccac dc\'(!lo•~ :a
plumelike pappus thl1 cnabks d1i: Ligh1 fr uit co floot in th e ;air.
I. Pappui: 2. Ovary \\'':.Ill, with om: .it•1.·d<lt·


Figure 5.282 A ilisscct<."d lcgu m~, g.ardcn bc.•:m, f>/um'<llus sp. Fig ure 5.283 A lim, h~n (:a) T he .::mire l'l¢all
I. Pe.died 3. Fruit Sl't~d. .-and {b) :a loui;itu<liually Sl't·tio nt'<l ),:,:d.
2. Seed~ 4 . Styi,· 1,!tH (~ced .:oat) 4, l-l}tpoCotyl
2. f-hlu m 5. P.pi.coryl (J,hunc)
3. R adich: 6. Cotyled\m

2 2

FJgure 5.284 ,'ll·w of ttu.- co1w1u.) n bean Figure 5.2-85 PhotomicroS""JPh of the si:td coat of' th<·
sc:1.-d, Pf,,·uci>lus !>-p. g:udcu bean. f>luut!l1!us sp., showing d1c sd\~rifit--d c-pjdaml!
I. Md mn 2. Mic:rupyk 3. R:aphc I. M.1crosclt<rt<ids 2. Subt<piJt•rm.Jl sck n,i.:h

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory


figure 5.286 A cob ..,f corn. 2<''1 UIJ)'S. Corn figure 5.287 Th<.· fru it :m<l seed ,.,fa pt· auut p lan t.
, ~l-5 do111(:stic..1ted .1pp1'oxim:itely 7.01)(1years ago I. C..or)•lcdoo 6 M esoc:.trp
from a Mexfr:.m g r.1s~. family Pu..u:·eal". 2. lntegtuneaut (s,·cd <.' Wt) 7. R.3ilide
3. J>hunulc k. Cotyl..-clon
4. Embrvo a.Xb 9. Fruit ,...-.JI
S lilf("r t~ r o ( &011 (1.x•rit'A1·p)

Figure 5.288 A longjtudi11al ,H·ction or aa oppk~lruu.

I. P.:dicd 5. \V.l11
2. Matw-e t1<>r'.tl lUb,..• 6. M :mm: ovary (2 & 6 Figure 5.289 A tr,msve1•sc f.C(liou 1hm ugh
.\. Seed (m.;.rure ovule) m.ik~ up th<: fu.1it) a grapeiruu fr uit
4, Rcm111311CS o( floral parts I • J-;xo.c.\rp 4 , Pc-rk,1rp
2. tvk-soc.arp 5 . St•cd
3. hndoc:wr


3 Figure 5.291 A lon~itudin:J :,lt,'(,,'t iun of a

h 'Ult.ltO fr uit (bel'r~•).
J. Pc-died 5. $.:ed
Figure 5.290 A loo gitudin:al s...·aton ofa pine.1p plc fruu. 2. l'<.·n c-.1rp 6. St>p;als
I. Shoot ap,:x 2 . Ceuu-.1) ,1..xis 3. Flor.tJ P3rts 3. Locule ?. M:tt11re ov;1ry
4. Pb("tm:i {t'fuit)

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (!)

(g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (I)

Figure 5.292 Some c.-.::uuplcs o f seed dispcn:al.

(a) l\laplc- Th~ wm~t.•d lruits of :a. m.aplc fall with a spimllug (g) Pecan- Thi: frm t husk of a pec:m prnvii.k-s bL•my:mcy a ud
Ul(ltic,11 chat may C"Jrry d1cm l11111dn:d11 of yarck from ,h.:: pa.rem tree-, r •'<lt'C..:li•n as ir i~ di~pi• hy '""Jtcr
(b) White pine- T he scrnntl-)'t".tr rnu'---s o f l w hite p ith .' open (h ) Black \1,•alnut- T hc cncap1>1.1hh:d lit."t.- d of d1e black w·J.Jmn is
ro expose the winged ~Cd( to the \Vl ll <i. di.~pt:m"tl d1rot1t,..f1 burial by a M)uind or iloatiug in a $m:am.
(c) Willow-The :iirbornc ., c,:,ds af 2 willow m ay be dfapcrs,.~d (i) A pple- The s~eds of :u1 apple t1\.-e may be d l.§l)c1-sed b~• .mimal$
O\- itr loug distam..•c-s, that in~'<·St th..: &uit and r-1s$ the u 11J it?esh.·J set•ds hour$ bt·t":r in
(d ) Wit~h h azcl- M:mm! Sl.'f'd:. of tht' witch hazel m~c l tc thdr fon"i.
di...'f)c-rs.e<.I ur 10 I•) fec-t by tbrccfo.l dJSeharge. (j) Cberry-!'\ fodct3te-sitcd bmK such as rob,ns. may <:any a ripe
(c) Mang ro \' The fruits of d1is tropical tree lx•gin m chl."l'T)' to m catmi,; sit1..• w lic-re d ie ju icy pulp is e:atc:11 and the h·.ar<l
g<-nHtll:\tt whik s o lJ <tll fht br,111ch. fornung p<uMcd t('I O(~ . scc-J i.s cJ.tsc.a.r-<k <l.
\Vhi!tl rh c scc..-k drop frnm 1hc m ·~ they 1113>• fl o.n 10 :a mudrly (k) Oeech-Sccck from ;i bc<"Ch nee are d1~pcr,;cd hy 1u.1m111;;lb, .:a~
:m::J ,vhere d11.• roots t3kc: hold. tht sp in;~ hmks a ,U11:n: to thl·ir hair. ln addition. many
(f ) Coconut-TI1e buoy.:un , fibrous hus\: of .l l:oconut m:umnal1. tngc.-s.i I h~ ~ccd ~ .:and disperse them in d1eir focc s. diSpl•rsa.l from one isl:u-1d o r lJnd miss tO ano d1er (1) Oak- An oak $Ctd m a)' be Ji.spt"rSCd duough buri:tl of" the
b)• OC~AO C ll f fe1l ts. acorn fruit by a squirre-1 or jay.

• A Photographic Atlas for Ille Biology Laboratory

Forcible discharge dispersal Water dispersal

Touc:h-mc-not Coconut

Animal dispersal Wind dispersal

(~cklcb11r Burdl)ck Poppy

Blackbt'rrlt'.s .M:tplc

Figure 5.294 Scvcr.ll fru i~ ;md seed.~ ln order ro illmrr.ue seed di_,;:pcrs.11.


About 250.000 speck-:; (l f fimgi arc currently extant on E~1rth, ca.ll~d a myaliunr, Even the body of a nmshroom consists of
All fung i arc hctcrotrophs: they absorb nutrients through their a rn:,ss of cijp1tl)' packed hyph;,c .itt,,chcd to an underground
cell walls and cell m\·mbrancs. T he kingdom Fungi indudcs mycclium. Ftmgi arc nonmorilc and reproduce by means o t'
the conjugation tllngi. rc~ts. mushrooms. toadstools. mslli, and sports produced sc:mally or asexually.
lichens. Most arc saprobc:s. absorbing nutrients from dead Many specks of fongi aoc commercially im po rc.anc. Some
organic material. Somt· arc p-arasitic. absorbing nutrients from arc used as food. such as mushrooms: or in the produ(.,"rion o f
living hosts. Fungi dt'Composc OrJ:;lnic material. hdping to recycle foods. such as bocad. chcc.\e. b<.'ll:r. and wine. Oth<.·r species arc
nmrfont'S cs.s.ential for plant growtl1. imponant in n11.~dicinc. for example. iu th1.· product ion of the
E.xcepr for the unicellular yeas.ts, ftmgi consist of e.lon~ued amjbioric peniciHiJL Many other spec:h.-s of fungi are of
filaments called hyp!UJt'. Hyphae begin as ccl]ular extensions of roe-die-al and economic concern because th1.,-y caus~ plant and
spor'--s lhac branch as they grow to form a net\vork of hyphae animal dise:ises and dcscw,• crops and stored goods.

Table 6. 1 Some Representatives of Fungi

Phyla and RepresentaHve Kinds Characteristics
Chy1ridiomycola - chytrids Unicellular: cell wall composed o f chitin: flagellated spores and gametes
Zygomycota - bread molds, fly fungi Hyphae lack cross walls along filaments: sexual reproduction by conjugation
Glomeromycola - arbuscular Unique ar-buscules and vesicle structures; as symbionts: help plants acquire
m)'Corrhizal fungi nut rients from soil

Deuteromycota - conidial molds Reproduce only by asexual spores (conidia); s exual stages are lacking or unknown
Ascomycota - yeas,s, molds. morels, Septate hyphae; reproductive structure contains asoospores within ascl on a fruiting
and truffles body known as ascoma (ascocarp); asqxual reproduction by buddl11g or co nldla

Basidiomycota - mushrooms, toad- Septate hyphae: 4 meiospores produced exte rnally on cells called basidia form ed
stoo ls. rusts, a nd s muts o n basidioma (basidiocarp)

lichens - not a phylum. but a symbiotic Algal component (usually a green alga) provides food from photosynthe sis; fungal
assodation o r an alga an d a fungus compone nt (usually an ascomycete) may provide anchorage, water retent ion.
and/ or nut rient absorbance

Chytridium, & tmd1,"/,y1riu111





Figure 6.1
The phylo~11Ccic
rd:ttionships an d
ck,ssiftc;:uir,o of figure 6.2 A r'l.n:un:mi:m golden frog, A1d1>p1u Figure 6.3 Tht.• d))•trid, 8,l!1i1dwtl1ytn"11m
m.ljOr fungi ~rit ki, oea,- dt.lth wi1h ch)'l1'1d1<'\111}'<'061~.The snull dt'111fo!Su11LU;
liucag~. DasidiotU)'COCa whttt.• sp.::cks m: tlX" fun~ infection.

• (
A Pho1ograph1c Alias for the Biology Laboratory

Phylum Zygomycota - conjugation fungi )

Spor.mgiophor t - - --1
~ - - - Ruplt.1rt'd
spomngnun (11)


Asexual cycle

~ Stolon

Mdo ;>pores (r,}

~ .... Strain I ~ •
~ .,»
Sc~iu ~ ~

r.· ------
• Spora.ns ioph<>n.' I

Str:iin 2
Sexual cycle

Zygospor:mgn1m (2u)
\ ! Me iosis I

with multiple
d iplo id nuclei

Fig ure 6.4 T he life cyde

of Rl1i:!'1>(>11.J sp., the conunon
b«.':ld nwJd.
.--1 Karyogamy I You ng zygosporan glum
with paiJ't".d J)uclei {n+ 11)




I~ •

~ 4

15X 430X
figure 6 .5 A Rl1izopm spc..-cies gmY.-in g figure 6.6 A whole m ount of the Figure 6.7 A ma rnr,: spor:mgium in
(m a sli<.:e ofbr.::id. bn.•:iJ mold. Rlu;:opus sp. lite- rt.'"Ptuductiw cyde o ftJu.·
I. Sporan~a I . Sporangimll l>~:id motri, Rlli~c11u1s ,<.1>.
2. Hyph,c («olon) 2. Spores I. Sporangium
3, C<>lumeUa 2. Spora,,gioph(ln.·
4. Spor:1.11giophorc 3. Spon.-s
5. I lyphai: 4. Columdla

264X 264X 264X

Figure 6 .8 l\ }rotmg g.,.mcuingfa of figure 6.9 /\11 imut.UuT\' U/:i~(lflllJ sp. Figure 6.10 1\ 1l1:1.turc l{l1i~o1711.s sp.
Rhi.w1ms "P· n mt:icting prior to :tyc-'Ospore foUo\,ing pla.mtog,.m1~•- 'lygos-pon.-.
pl:}SLOog:lfl lY, I. lnun atun· 2Yh"Ospor,.mpum I. Zn;o:.poran~'lmu
l. lnun:i.ture g'J Jtl<.'t:m~ia 2. Suspcmor cdl 2. SuspcnSlC,)1' cclJ
2. ~usp<·n~or ccll
• A Pho1ographIc Alias for the Biology Laboratory

Phylum Ascomycota - yeasts, molds, morels, and truffles



M :tturc hyph:t (t1)


~ ,-
/ ~ , ~ Ascn<pore, (11)

8 cc:lted $mge
"""'' -- fom1atioH of

8 nucleate srage

Ascoma will,
4 nudt':tCt' sb_gt' mawre asci

Sexual cycle

jKoryogamvl •
formauo11 of
hook ((.·rozit-r)
Fig ure 6. 11 The life cyde 1)f 1 11 :t$C'ninycl'rl!.



Figure 6.12 0:1:ke-rS ye:l$l, 8aalr,·11um)'{CJ fl'tf't.1Jsi'Je. The Figure 6.13 A close-up o( dle 1~ r..liioc as.('otnyce,c,
.;i.scos_pc)i,:S olthis u nicellular ascomycecc arc cb:1r3ctcri:; Hyp,wyfo,1 l,,-p., showUlg cmbeddcJ pcritht."Ci:t.
sphero idal or c!Jipsoicbl in shape. L PeritlH.'-t ium 2. H)•n1cniu1u

Figure 6.14 The p~r:a~1oc as-comycccc, Dibvtr)''4'm m,nb.,s1m1, on Figure 6.15 T he dei.stothccium (:tScoc,u p or a.<.conu) of fh c
,1branch o f " chok.:chcorry. Prr11111s ••i,gim,uw. ~Olll)IC(te PmK1Ulm11 Sp ,
I. fLmgus- 2. Cbokcd1crr)' stem I . Oti<roth ccm,11
2 . ll)]>hae

SmuUittfo sm1rffot,1 ,Ht1rr!1dfo sp.

Figure 6.16 Fruiong bodie, (a.scoc-:irps or a.,couu) of common ascomycctes. Pt•ziza rq,amla is a common woodbll<l c up fungus.
Sm!dlima smrrlfota is co1m11un!y c.UJ1:d d1i: cup fonr:m . .i\,f,.,,rhdl,1 ('Satf('llfa U l common .:dibli: mord. H1·M.·fl,, is i,ometi1m"s kno\',:n
.ls a ~a<ldle fi1ugus ~rncc the li 'lmmg h<Hty 1~ 1ho 11gh1 b)' some to 1'<"'lemhle a ~rldle.

• A Photog)'aph1c Alias for the Biology Laboratory

Figure 6.17 T ht.' ;iscomyc:ete, Cl1wi,·t7n JX.11']111rea. (11)

Longinidiual .sccuon through stoma showi11g a~ocarp;i (3.SC01ua) .
(h) Enh rgcm\.'nt of th ree pcrid1cci:i. T im fongus C!lU'iC.'S serious
plant dise:is<:~ and i, tc>XJC to luuuam.
I Pcmhed.j
2. Strom:11 widlin mulriple :.IISCI
ptnthocia 4. ~uok

- ·. I' I, . C t . '
:' , ,,,.,. l )' ~!1 ,: I . •, •\ 1\ ,, t I '1,
r1 (- ~;'. ; f . . I . -: i • \ I .I .,
i:1 i ,\ ,u j : ,',· : ·, ~ I I
\ '·

i'\'.il,\•,:::, :,{'' \i1\:f,\:,: I 1

. ... ...
,.. ' .. .:... ~ . ·~" ·-· , . · ~ ~-'--'-' 3

Figure 6.18 A scm<m du-ough the h}•mem~l bycr of the: figure 6.1 9 ;\ 5,(':(_'ftOf'I tbn:-ugh an JSC«:31-p (ascotn~) of the 1,1(l(el,
a.pod1t'clmn of Pt·.::i~11 sp.• showiui; lSl:i with 3.iC:Ospolt:;,.. Mt>«hdJ,, .sp.Truc.- morels priz.:d for d1cir excdJ~m tl.n'Or.
I. H ym t•m~I b~rc·t 3. A1.cnc~r1, {:i~c<>mJ) L. Convolutetl 6-uiting b(,-._iy 3. Hymmimn
2. A.Sl.'.ll( with :.11$CO!i.pon.~ 1nycd1um 2 t-lol1ow''

Figure 6.20 St-a1uungckccwu mit-rographs ol"tbt• powdt·ry 1uiJde-\v: Figure 6.21 A scao11lng dc:crrou micrograph
Hrysi,,/,,. gm11,iuis, oo the $uri.1<"e d w hcat. i\~ tbe inycdiuu\ de-velor~. i1 o f a ~cr ipore (con idmm) o f the
produces spores (coni<lia) d1:tt b'lw 3 powd ery :tpp~lr:mc:c to the powdery 1nild(';W, Erys1Jil1t· gmmiui;. 'fhc spore
1. Couidu J . H~'Phae of the fllngus dcvdops into a m ycd ium that pc-nt'tr.ltcs the
2. \Vhc:i.t host cp1dcrmis :tnd then :iprcad1 over the host plam,
prod ucing a powdef)' appear:mce.



Figure 6.22 T hl' fungus Pt•11id11ium .sp. ~uses ecw1omi..: d ,unagl' as a mold btu is aho the: source olimportam 3utibiotics. (a) A
colony of f\•nilillium sp., 2nd {b) a druc--up o f ;i conid1ophtvc v.,th ch:um of :i.~e.xu::il S])Ott"S (conidt:1) :ir the e nd.
l Co111d1a 2. Conidiophore '.'t C:onidi.i

• •

Figure 6.23 A conunoo 1110Jd,As:pr,xill1l.< sp

Figure 6.24 A c<>s.1111u)n mold, .'15pt~illuJ sp.
1. Couldil ($pores) 3. Cle1stothecmn1 1. Cooid.13 2 Con1diophor~s
2. Conid.iophore -L Hyph:.~·


Figure 6.25 A dose-up of spo1·:mg1a of the molii, figure 6.26 All dectron m ic.:rogr.lph ()f au i hpngilliu sp.
Atpag1lfos .sp.The cou.i<l1a, o r ~port"S, of this 1,; an.· spore. Note: t-hc:: rodlct p,mc;rn on rhc spore ,vall.
produced in ;a i:h:tranerisric r..ldiatc p:nten1.
1. Conid.1.1 (Spores) 3 Developing conKhophor<..'
2. C<>oid,ophon,'
• A Pho1ographlc Alias for the Biology Laboratory

Phylum Basidiomycota - mushrooms, toadstools, rusts, and smuts

Pit'U((WIS ~I' /-Jmdumsp. Conolm sp.

Coprmussp. Am,1mrasp. C!u,,n.1rdfo sp.

·"',.~ 1-··. · •c -· . •
-~ ! \ "~

,....,,, .,, '.-;:

I , •

'' -~
• "
(, ,
-- ~~.,•
•, $. -,

\! ( .~· ..,

'/ . '..,_ ._ . ,, •-· ; l·•... \ ~

;i- .·

r' • ,# , •
f... - ..
, '-
.~ '. ,•·· ~

. •"" ,. ' -~,
. ... '' '
' 'l:..~:
& • '
~ . -~
--~·.,. . ~ ; . .i.
V, v u· .,,.

Am,miM :.-p.

figure 6.27 Sou)e n.'Vrt'.s~•nurivc b:isidioc:i.rps ( o r fruitil'l!{ bodies} of b:uidimn ycctt.•i..


l'ih.·u~ (< (n t,rr)

C ills

Stipe {sralk)

I Plasmogamy I ScconMry hyphae

(11+11) {dikaryonc)

Prui1at'y brpl1a~ (u) Dip loid h.1.~id ium


IMeiosis I

Gennioanng basiJ1ospon:.s

$tcrlg n L1

Figure 6.28 T he life cycle of a "t)qiic.:al" h:uidit) mycetc (mu!.hmm11).

• A Photo@aphlc Alias for the Biology Laboratory

Fig ure 6.29 Stnicrurc of ,a mushroc1111., {:a) A.1 1 infon or view with the :umulus inun, (b} :an mforior view ,.,,· ah the :mnuJus rcmov<-d to
fil<w: du.• gills. (c) a btcral \•iew, :md {J) a lo11gitudiJ1.aJ s«1.io1t
I. Pilcus (c,p) 4. Stipe (~:dk) 7. Pilcu.s (cap)
2. Vt il S. A1rnuh,~ ti.Gill,;
3. cm, (,. S1lp•

Figure 6.30 HJ$idio,nycece;> put1001k growiog <u, a figure 6.31 Wood fungus, Stroplwrw sp. Growin!,"! o n
det"l)'in~ log. dC(;aying wood and other or~nic mat.ter, basidiomyccre§
., re impomnt derom1>0S<'r.i in foro.f communinc~,

Figure 6.32 Cills of the mushroom Ct1prm1u A dos,:-up of ~l..,.,enl gills. :and {b) :a. dusc--up of a sin~k ~'llL
i;p. (:t)
l H )p hat t(uup(~u i; tht· i:.,'llls 4. hurnamre bas-idia 7 . .Ba~diosp<>1't'
2 Gill 5. Gill (co111po~<l ofllyphat)
3. B2Sidiosport.-s 6. St<.•rigm:a.


Py..-:nidium (spe:rmagun.ium)
03.Sidiosporc~ u,i rh 1'¢ceptivc hyph;1¢ ;lnd
g<-'n n.inate o n spenuatla
b:ubcrry lc.lf

lh rbcrry pbm

Carried t<, barbcrrv

13:mdmin w ht>1~ they ~rmim.l<:


Ttbo.$pores (2,1J io
teLiurn on w hc:-at
.. J
Ac.-c ium w ith
accio,porcs (11+,r)


Lale season

\Vhc:n $te m wltJ1


Whc:.n srcm with

td iosporaug ia

Close-up of wh..-:.u pl:uu co111aioiug

u rcdi nio!>porc,; (uredospores)

flgure 6.33 The life cycll;'.. of \Vheat nisr. P11«mi,1 gmminu.

• A Pho1ograph1c Alias for the Biology Laboratory

Figure 6.34 T h(' \vhc:it ruse:. P11tt111i,i gr,w1illit ~•{"nidimu

on ha rbcrry lc-:tf. Figure 6.35 H1tdr,i,1 gm111f11i!. accium o n barbt rf)' h:aJ ,
I. 13~uberry le3f 2. Pycu1dnun I. A('('iu m 2. Acc1o(p<>ret

figure 6.36 U rc di uium (urc dmiospor,mg ium} of f>t,a ini.J sp. Figure 6.37 Dlack stem wheat mst, Pu:duid ,tt,m,1,ftlfr; o n the
0 11 \vh~l le:if. lower :-urfuci: ofb arln:rr y lc:m:-s.
1. Urcdiuio!'.por:ing iu m :1 C o nllfl,o phore I. Clu.-,tcni ol" att1a
2. Who:a1 lt·af

Figure 6.38 An car •f corn . Zr1, mc1 yt. Figure 6.39 Smur-mfecrcd hrom e Figure 6.40 A ocann ing d cctron
info<: ted by th,· smut,tl!•, maydis, 1p ':lss.Tht" ~r.uns Ji.ave bc..:n destro>'e<l mk rogr2ph o f tdioi:pon-s a[ a wheat
wl,ich is d<"Sfr'Oymg tht frui1 (tar), by t.h~ smut fimgus. !>l n u 1 fhngu.s
I. Corn car 2. Fu11gu~
( Lichens (symbiotic associations of fungi and algae)


figure 6 .41 l,klh~o<; :u'<" M<•n il"p:u'.'lred inf~tnull)• <ul th<' h:'l!tis of rheir fr,rm. {~) C ruq<,,.c; lid,cu , (b) folm~c: li!'hen, :m<l
(c) frut1co-.c lichen.


Figure 6.42 M:mr lidtt·1u reproduc-.· by producing son:tllJ, which arc small bodi..-s com:Unini:; both algal .md fu ng:J cells.
(3) Lldi..:n th:i.Uus. and (b) sort-<liurn.

figure 6.43 Tr.1nsw rst· S(.--Ction through a lidico th:iUu.<;. Figure 6.44 Asc.omycctc lidwn d uUus dcnt()1utr:tcin g
I, .'\lt:il celh 2, FungJf hyph.aC' 3 .surface la}'cr (I( asci.
J. Asci 2. l OOl.C fung;il filaments

• A Pho1ographIc Alias for the Biology Laboratory

Figure 6.45 /\ 1rs11t$\·- tne 5'.:Ctl•11 rhn')ugh :l lichc 11 tluJhis. Figure 6.46 Thoe {ohosc hcbt;'t) Xa111i1(1rL1 sp,
I. Alg:tl cdls 3. Low-.•r corn.•x growing on th(' hark of .a tre'(.' .
2. Mctlulb 4. nm~:J l:ty1.•r (upp,:r cortex) J . LicbtJJ 2. Bark

figure 6.47 £he f 1•us1ose lichC'n l.,r,·m,vtt ~,). gmwutg <>n Figure 6.48 Th.: foli~c:. licht o l-lyp~ym11i11 ~p. gn)\•;in~ on
lit :i.riJ ~oudt~ u Utah c uviroumcut.
s.m<lstouc iu ;1 pine br:iuch iu the Nordn vcst.

Figure 6.49 fruticose li1.·ht11 . British roMi.;-r. Qad('rml tnSMtrll,1. Figure 6.50 11tc foliosc and fr um:osc h<:hcus in tht' Padfic
f;rM\'mg u'I Al~~ka. NMfhWtil,
I. Foliose lichen Il)pogymni,1 sp.
2. Poltosc- lu;hco 1:;w111i..1 sp.
) . Fruttcosc lichen UsrrcJ sp.


Auimah are moJricellular, hecerorcoph..ic eukaryotes that (Pmtoscom es au<l Deuterosiomes). Ectoderm. becomes the
ingest food materials and store. <.".arboht drate reserves as .skiu and nervous systeu1, e ndode rm becomes the Jiuing of
glycogen or fac. The cells o f animals Jack cell wall; but do che Jigestiw tract., and m<.•sodt'n n dcvdop$ into muscle. bone,
contain intc-rccllula.r connections including dcsmosomcs, gap organs. a.nd th e circuJacory systtm.
j unctions. and t ight juncli om.. :\ uima) cdls arc also highly The evolution of body symmctf)r is aJso an import.anr
specialized into the sp<..·cifit: kinds of tis.sues described in aspect of animal evolut ion. C nidarfo, C tcnophor.,, and some
Chapter I, Mose animals. a rc motik through the contraction Porifcr.i b3ve radial symmetry. whi le the n:st of the Animalia
of mmd c 6bc~ c(mtaining actin and myosin proteins. The h:wc bilateral symmetry, :ind form the dadc Uik1terfa. R.adi~
comph:.x body sy&tc m'i of .;mim;,ls includt• d:1borJtC ~ mo ry ~ymmctry evol-vcd indcpcnd(·ntlr in Echin,.Hform~~.
:mci neummnto r sped:ili7:itinn~ r.h;Jt .iccommod:uc rlym,m ic The dcvt:lopnw nr..11 cyde o f many i nim!)h; ind u cte:s. l.1n,al
beh:ivioml m cc:h:inisms. .f(lmL<, which :ire $ti II developing, &cc-living, :md !'ex:11:11ly
R c:pmdut tio n -in .mimal~ is prim:uily sc:x ual, with the im m:lture. brv:1e m.unlly h:we foocl :md h:1bit:1t rel-Jt1iremen bi
diploid su~ gencr:dly domlmning the life cydc. l!rimmy diff~rem from tho~ of tht: .1duJt,.. L1rv:1c evt:nht:dly underg<,
sex o~.ins, or ,t:on(H/s, produ ce." th e:: haploid ~mete~ C:llled met:un orphoses th.u tr;111sforn1 them imo se :xu 1Uy 111:m 1re
S/Jcrm an d ~~1!· Prop:ig:ition begins a1 :t sm all lhgdJated sperm adult.~.
fe rtll1zes :i brgtr, nonmot1le egg , fo m ,ing a diploid zygote that Anmuts mh:ib1t n early all aq u:uu: a11d terrtitrta1 h:ibir:iis
has gtonettc tr:i.1ti o f both p:trents. r he zygote< th en undergoes of the biosphere. "f h e g reatest niu11her o ( :tnun als are n t.1rm e,
a succe-ss1o u of 1iutot1c dt"'1S10 11s called dem,,tge. Ju anuuah , where the first anuu als probably evo]ved. Uepending on Lhe
d ea,~gi:- 1.~ follo,\•ed by the fo r-mat100 o i a im JtJcellular clasufic:moo scheme. :uiuna1s may be grouped uu·o as u1.1n>'
st~lge called a bl,JSrufo. \'Vnh further de-velopmeut, the- germ as 35 phyJa. T he most conuuouly kuowu phylum is Clu>f(fdfa
ltryns form. Po rife-1-a c-xhibit celJwce-U adhesion, but the rest ( 7. l). which includes the subphy]um Venelmua, or the-
of Anuna1ia hav·e- t.wolwd complex msues, Animals wuh backboned animals. C hordatt-s. ho\WWr. consdtutt' ouly about
lWO embryonic germ layers (~ndoderm and ectodcrm} 5% of all the- anim,1.l species. All other animaJs are frcqrnmtly
are diploblasts (Ctcnophom, Cn.idaria). Those with three referred to as 11mrru·bratt.')'. and chl.'y accom1t for approx.imatdy
layers (<:ctodt::rm . endod~nn, and m csodcrm} arc crip1obasts 95% ofchc anima l 5pcdes.

Table 7.1 Some Representatives of the Kingdom Animalia

Porifera - spong Multicellular. asymmetrical. aquatic animals. with stiff skeletons and
bodies perforated by pores
Cnidaria - corals. hydra. and jellyfish Aquatic animals. radially symmetrical. mouth surrounded by
tentacle, bearing cnldocytes (stinging cello}: bod}' composed of
epidermis and gastrodennis. separated by mesoglea
Platyhelminthes - flatworms Elongated. flattened. and bilaterally symmetrical: distinct head
containing ganglia; nerve cords; protonephridia or flame cells
Mollusca - clams, snails. and squid s Bilaterally symmetriGil with a true coelom. containing a mantle:
many have a muscular foot and protective shell
Annelida - segmented worms Body oegmented (except leeches); a series of hearts; hydrostatjc
sl<clcton and circular and longitudinal muscles
Nematoda - roundworms Mostly microscopic; unsegmented wormllke; body enclosed In
cuticle; whip-like body movement
Arthropoda - crustaceans. insect<., and spiders Body segmented: paired and jointed appendages: chitinous
exoskeleton; hemocoel tor blood flow
Echinodermata - sea stars a nd sea urchins Larvae have bilateral symmetry; adults have pentaradial
symmetry: coelom; mos, contain a complete dlgcsUve tract,
regeneration of body parts
Chordata - lancelets. tunicates. and vertebrates Fibrous notochord, pharyngeal gill slits. dorsal hollow nerve
cord, an<l po,tanal tall present at some stage In their develo ment

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

,~ ,_.
( ;ho~mozoa "

Plal~o2::oa ~
= t=i
"0 "::,-

~ ~ Ccph~od1ord.l~

~OJ~ ~,{:~
s. ~-=,]
Urud10rd3ta. ______,,


-... :,,$......: '::

al..::. 8~
=-0 c:r
Cramato (md V,•ttcbu":'/

Ech,,,odcrmac, ~


,. e
J-lcuucbordat:t )

..z Cluc-tognatha

..-g.z • I::

... ..
0 - 0

0 m T:trdi!,.Tfad.-.
Q n

-- ~ 0

Arth ropoda -,,

... Q

- "'
[ n Pr1apnlid.1
L a: I
'O :;;;;.-=========-- Loric:if..-r,1
0 [ Kinorhynch:i ~

• Aundid:t

0 Nemerrl."a ~
0 Br,1d1iopod:i
0 Phoronid:t

0 Cl C:n:i.thouomulid t
0 :,

Figure 7.1 Phyk>b, ·uy and das,;ilicatic.m .."'a

3' M i.crogu:irhoma

R.otifc:1'2 '-:J,J
of Me,azoa (m~1lncdl11b r :in,1111.; ih),

( Phylum Porifera - sponges



Colcor&a Homoscleromorpho Oemospongia& He-xactlne-llldo


Si!Cea (siliceous spC:ules) {U,1.-t>Soinun sp..)

lnternaJ system ot pores Sp1cuJe
and canals for water Row
U.3<11,l l \":l,ll:ll
<>~11l11m Pm.acocyte

Sycon Mt.-sOh)I
( G,,wJur sp.)

figure 7.3 Ex:unpk·$ of lf'0ngt· body typt'S. A diai;r.1mn 1atic

rt'pn:sientam·t• of of t hc- t hn.-c types is tkpi-.:tc-d with a rrows
(b tJ]Mllji,1 '-P·) ~bowmg the ilow ()r \\':'l(CT through 1he body ol' th<: spoog(-.

Figure 7.4 The ·li1cmi;c Lc.·ut<•s.,lrni,1 :,:p. bat ,m Figure 7.5 /\ highl·r magni6c.it1011 oi the spicuk~ :md
:t-:conhody ry pc. osti.a.
1. 0-S.:ulmn 2. Spirul~ I. O.scuJum 2. Spicule-s 3. Ostfa
15 1
• A Photographic Atlas for the 1310!0~ Laboratory

f'igure 7.6 Tr.;mS\'t•rsc s.:.:cious o f the.- sponge. C,muiil sp. (:t) Low nugnific:u:ion ;ind (b) h igh m :il-,'llifi c:i.tion.
I . S p,ongocod 5, lncur1·e.rn c;an:il •>. R..~<h:tl c:rn1I
2. lncurre-nt caml <,."'>p)4t- 10. Mt"Sohy)
J. R:i.d1al <.'anal
4. C h o:utoqtt.-s {coU2r ct:lls}
7. OS-tunn
8 . PU1acocytc..-s

. ,

Figure 7, 7 A bath spoo~.:. Dtrnoipou~iac, has a leuconoid bod}' stru ccul"(' (scak m uun).
1. C)su~ 2. <.>srnlum

Figure 7.8 The u:•d siJica spicult"S ofa Figure 7. 9 An e n.:;rusong spo ngi-. l.cuconoi<l 1, oogcs
freshw:ttcr sponge:. display a \ r:u,ge of colo r a rid i hap l·.

Table 7.2 Re resentatives of the Phylum Cteno hora

Classes and Representative Kinds
Tentaculata - comb Jell!~ Marine coa.11al waters; utlli'ze cilia for transportation: most.species
hermaphroditic: lack stln_glng cells

Classes and Representative Kinds Characteristics

Hydrozoa - hydra. Ol>e_lio. and Mainly marine; both polyp and medusa stage (polyp form only ,n hydra): polyp
Portuguese man-of-war colonles: in most
Scyphozoa - jellyfish Marine coastal Waters: polyp stage restricted to small larval forms

Cubozoa - box jellyffsh Marine coa.11al waters; polyp and medusa s1age; square-shaped when viewed
from above
Anthozoa - sea anemones. corals, Marine coastal waters: solitary or colonial polyps; no m~-dusa stage; pa,tiUoned
and sea fans gastrovascular cavity

a enophora Antho100 Staurozoa

I(: '\ .W..M
Scyphozoa Cubozoa and others Hydroids Siphonophoroe

Figure 7. 10 Phylo!$,·ncuc rd:.nionships

:.n,d cl~sific:iti,)n of Cte1H>ph<)l'J aud Coif.Una.

(_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Ph
um_ C_t_e_no
a _-_c_o_m
_b_ je_H_ie_s_ _ _ _ _ _ __,,,)

Figure 7 .11 The ,,.•,my comh Jclly~ .W11t•mi,,p.<is l,idyi, is Figure 7 .12 T he Arcm: comb jd Jy or s..-:i nut. Mt'ftmsia
com,nonlr found in th'-· ,vestc.rn Ad:mtic. omm. is found in pob.r .SL'.b'.
l. Rows of cilia 1. Row, <,( cilia 2. T~ma<:fos (tor tl"ntJdc is n-(r.lCttd)
• (
A Photographic Atlas for the Biology laboratory

Phylum Cnidaria - hydra, jellyfish, and corals )

Class Hydrozoa

Epid,;.•rmts -
Gastrodcnms _ __,,_

Hypostom c
(l' Oclt-rttt·ron) C niducytt•

Medusa G aslr OV,lSl'Ubr C3VJt),' -~~~

(a) Epidermis - ---fj


Ep:denu~ - ---,r,
G,m l'r,dcrn,is

Figure 7.13 A n:d-cp,:d uu.·drn,:i.
P,~{Y('l'(/id pruirillaruJ, 1s com,11011 (cod c-nt~ron)
:dong: th,· shon·lines of the Nord1

f igure 7 .14 (a) GcJH':r.llfacd body plans of

cnidarians; (b) du: basic .:m:itom}' of llyllm sp.

'---=-,- 4
Figure 7.15 /\ budding H)<drr, sp Figure 7.16 The ~flfl' n•1 ' c,,d o( a l-ly1fr,r SJ),
l . Tcrn1d1.'i 3. liypo!h)nu.· l. CniOOq•tl.':S: 3. Tentacles
2. Uud 4. 13:u.-il djsc (foot) 2. I-J)'pOsronlt." 4. lvhnirh


F1gure 7.17 A r1-.ansvt·rsei.ectiou of:a

foualc l-/y1im sp,
1. Epidermis {C('1CXknn) 3. Mci>Of:,-i:e'J
2. G:astmVJ.5t·ub r c:a,rity 4. Eggs
(cC>dt ntl·r(·m) :;, G:i!ltmdcrm i~ (tnd(ldCT1U)

Figure 7 .19 A longitu

Sl'Ctiun of a Hydm sp.
I. l l)'pOStolllC 4. Basa.I disk
2. J!.ptcfotnus 5. Mc,;ogl~
2 3. GutrOvl.~tular <.'lvity 6. Gastiude ruli~

Figure 7,18 A trJ1>SvtTir><ctio11 of• mak R:.·m a.le

l·Jy:t,,1 s1,,
l. C.mrovucul:1r c;wily 4. Giu no dc rnus
2. Te-si:cs (e-udodcrm)
3 Epirl,~rmic (ccmMrm)

$\\inuu ing-
planula b rv3
~ -'
Figure 7.20 A mile 1-lydm sp. Figure 7.21 A femall.'. 1Jrdr,, sp.. Devdopmg
J. Tt"11tu: IC1o I. T<:"ntadcs 3. Uas.a!
2.,t 2. Ov:u')' (foot) Figure 7.22 T he life cydc of O#,r.lia sp.

• A Photographic Atlas for the l31oloizy Laboratory

Figure 7.24 A <l«,;J or

.in Obd,,1 sp. t:o1onr
I .Tcnuclo
2 - - - - ----;
2. Pcris:irc {horny CO\'ermg endo~cs the polyp)
3. Cot·noi,;iTI:
4 , i'vkdll~a buds
3. Mydr;Jud, (f'eeding pvlyp)
15X (, . C l)llanguuu
Figure 7.23 An Obdfr, sp. ,oJony. (reprod ucu,·c polyp)
I. Coc.-uosarc (tuft cisslh..' rnut11:cti11g: polyp!)
z . 1-tycitallfh (f.;-("d1og J'l()Jyr) .~
•~ 9
i . Conothec:i
8 . Bh.,.mstyfo
3. iun, (reproductive potyp) ,,, \ ox 9.1 lypu:<tonw-

Figure 7.25 Au Obdi.1 sp. medll.Sa..

I . Tcn1:1cks .1. !vbnub1•i11m (seen through
2. R:u.h:tl d1e bod y from :ibmt.-)

figure 7.27 The Porn.1!,.'llC' SC m.m-of-war. Plt}'mlra sp. It is

a colony oi' mt'duSlc ~n<l polypS acong :is :i. singlt." org,ani:sm.
T he <cnt:tck-s an: compostd oCLhl'\'e types ofpolr~: the
g:1m01..Qo1.k (fot'di ng poly~). 1he ti:tctylozooids (sting111g
Figure 7.26 Ao ( i ,eli,, ~ . mNiuSol m te<Xhng l'l<lS1tton polyp~). :iod t h!" gonm:o<t1d ~ (rcp md uc.uw potw~ (~c:ile
I. T..-macb, 3. tvl:umbrium m mm).
2, G()ll:\<l 4 , M<mrh I . Puc tun:ttopbOn.' (tloat) 2. Tcntack.i

Class Scyphozoa

. (.

,,, '~-

"!\ · -

: ·•. ·-,,"
-- ~ -

Figure 7 .28 The Aurl'lla Figure 7.29 t\i\ ;1,.,...,,... ~p. Figure 7.30 An A un-lM sp. Figure 7.31 An Awdia ~p. c-phyr:1
sp. pb nub b rv:i dc-\ld('ll>S scyph i$tOn\a T he polyp i1 a scrobib. Uuder favo rJbk· 1:trn. It gr:iJu:i.lly dcwlops inw an
from ,1 ltrcilib.'d c~ that dc\'l'1opmcm:i1 st.:ige i,l th !.'.' condioons. d~ scyphjsto nu adult Jd lyfish.
m:ay be rct:li.111'..-d on th.: hfe cy<le of the Jd lytish. dcwlops rnto the strobifa I. rt.hopalit (s.:.ose <.•rg;\11S)
o ra.l :irm <>( tit.: n H.'UU.S3. I. Oe\ t.lop-ini;: t<phyrac

G anric
5 J\fouth
6 l~'l lt,l l

R h opalium
(s.:US(' Ol'~ n)

Figure 7.32 An u,'31 view ol Amdi1t sp. mt<lus.,.

I. Rin~ <::an:U 3. Margm:Ll tc-ntadl.'\S 5 . Su~ cnitaJ pit Figure 7.33 An ('li~tl view oi /1111\'li,1 SI'· mc.-h1t;a,T he l'lf;ht arms h:i\'e
2. Gouad 4. Radial canal 6. Oral arm h<:en 1'("1nowd, ~n<l fht> :wrows d epict c11·<11h 1io o through the C.Hl."ll '-)'$tern.

Figure 7..34 T h.: sc:i. m_.ttk Clt,ys,wr,J Figure 7.35 Tbt• n.•d-:,,rripe<l jclh1ish. Figure 7.36 T he- purple-st ript•d jdl)i,
./it.wstrus. They ~nh~ in la1ge ~\'r'Jrrns otT O,ry·sa<11,1 mt•lim,1.Qa. 1~ com,uon n("a.r Clll)•SMr.i l\JcM .n, 1~ (owid off tht' coa!lt of
the 1--.-ci6c coasc. wh.1.-i't' tht:)' th.:d dle s\Url:l.(',: ol lhe lkring 5<..'3 C.1litbr1lia and in Moutt<rty Ua)\
•U ,zoopbnk-ron.
1 57
• A Pholograph1c Alias for the B1ology Laboratory

Class Cubozoa•ll3


.,. ,,•'l '~ ..•'
I' · ' '
l•I' I • •'

... .. ·..
l ~ • t I •




• - .'

Figure 7.37 The box jcUy1ish, CJtybd1•,1sividdsi, Figure 7.38 An J lusrrmon of boxJclly6sh.
is named (or it.s ..:uh(-sh:i.ped bl~ll. All cobozoan!l; Ol,;·M1"t1 511:frJmi'. $h.Ov:mg h-:i.~ic t:O:tn-nal
h:m .· four tent:idcs. suuctun·s.

Class Anthozoa

Figure 7 .39 T he su11bt1Kt Figure 7.40 The: firecracker Figure 7 .41 T he wlx- ~ n ~1t1f)1l (', Figure 7 .42 Th< S<a pen,
.1nt.•n1o nt•. Audwpkrm1 ,;o/a. b-'t"ts its coral.. Drr1,!n,pl1yllf<1 i,.-p •• a filter Rn11ytrrim1ti1iu fimbrl,1tus, m:ikt.-s f>rilt1S1,rou g umeyi, 1s :t colony of
gr-c:,:n color:mon &om symh1ouc ftt<l ct, :ictivcl>• feeds rl:iy a lc:uhery mbc :mrl smks i1 up poh•rs dMt 11) :1)' ~ch fWV f~·et
:tip<.· \\i th in iL and night. to two feet into ch c und. in ht'ight.





Agure 7.43 Thc <lisk an clH011c , Aai,w-flisf 1» sp. h
for ms b rge colonit'5. Figure 7 .44 A <llat,'l'a..111 of a 1xtl'ti:tl!)' diss:t"cted sca :-iucmOUt', Mt•tthlium sp.

Figure 7.45 Urai n co ral, Figure 7.46 T he skeletal Figure 7.47 .M ushroom coral, Figure 7.48 T he ,kdetil
C,millittr4 sp. smu:mrc of br.lio cor:tl, f{ho,Jr,rtis sp. strucrurc- of mu~hroom cor.,l.
G,..11i;1..rrr,1 sp. RlwdtJ<tis sp.

Figure 7.49 Srnghom cc;,r:ll , Figure 7.50 The ,keletal figure 7.51 A deuik d view of figure 7.52 A Jctailed
A trOJ)(J1a sp. structun- o f st:igho m coral.. tht" polyps of candy can;: coraJ, \~C'W of the- polrps of glo\'e
.,,1m,p(lra sp. Cau~rstre,1furmtd. xc11i.-i , Xr,1iir umbell,rld.

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology laboratory

Table 7.3 Some Re resentat1ves of the Ph lum Plat helminthes

Classes and Representative Kinds Characteristics
Turbellaria - planarians Mostly free~iving, carnivorous. aquatic forms; body covered by ciliate d
Tremaloda - fl ukes Including schistosomes Parasitic with wide range of invertebrate and venebrate hosts: suckers for
attachment to host
Ce sloda - tapeworms Parasitic in many vertebrate hostst complex life cycle with inte rmediate hosts:
sucke.-s or hooks on scolex for attachment to host; eggs are p<oduced and
shed within prog1ottids

RotWero Goslrotrk:ho
Ii' /
Cestodo Trernotodo

Figure 7.53 Phylogtnn i~ tdarir>ntlup~

auJ dassific:1.tiou of n:presem:ttive Oatwonm:
{chm 1\1onogenca is not d<-'piacd but fo rm~ 2
n,o m)rbyli:tic group with C~toda aud Tremato1.b;
Turbcll:iri:t is likdy :t p:tr:iphflt' tic l-"!roup).

( Phy lum Platy helmi nthes - flatworms )

Class Turbellaria

Lumt.'n ol
ph:arynx Di,-crnc.111:l of
mrl¼lin.11 cavily


Circular NU\'C' Pharynx Lo11gitudiiul

musdes con.1 cavity epi:.l.:nm:. mu~des

Opening of

Figure 7 .54 Th,· intern:» :i.n:t.lon tyofplan.arian.

(aj /\ lo11gltudi.naJ scctfoo, and (b) a ,rans\TcrS('
,eniou through d1.: ph:iryui;c:d reg-ton.





5 -----

6 ------,

Figure 7.55 A p b:n:irl:in (a) D1~1,~·sia c.p. lt. l'}Wt1c, while the Figure 7 .56 o,wcri,J~.,.
(b) Bipalium sv. is :1 com mou iu babitJOI o(' i:;ardnts, I. Eyespoi 5. Opening o r ph:.wyn x
2. A uricle (m outh)
3. C:u.uova.,;cub.r cavuy 6. Divemndu m o r
4. 1•haryox 11u-e-rio:\I (':1vi1y

Figure 7 .51 A l r,ms,"rn~ $tCtion d 1rough thi: Flgure 7.58 A tran~w:1w St"cciou through tht<
pb.u yngc..:al region of OJl..!,lt:SUI sp. postcn o r regton o f Du,i1:S1,, sp.
I. Epidcrmi1 5. J>h:uynge:J c.wny I. Ep.idcrm4 4. Do musdcs
2. Intcsu11aJ cavity 6. DorSotien1rJ.l mu.sdes 2 . l.uresti.11:t.l ~,wity 5 . G:.r;trodenn is
3. Tt'l:itis 7. C:L,;trodcrmi.s 3. M1.'5cnchy1nl.'
4 t:,11:i H. Ph:ityn,c

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology laboratory

Class Trematode UU-1_1 I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I 111111111111 I I I I I I 111111 II I 1111111 l

Figure 7.59 Thi" <"•W liver f111ke,'>/,1 m,J.~rJJ, i~ one Mrhe 1:'1 1·f;\'•q tluk<$, niea.(;Hl'1ng ur 11) 7.75 <"II\ lnug (~l~ak in mm),
L Yolk ~bud 2. Ve-n tral sucki:r 3. O suc.:kl·r

Ut<>m < Antl'rior

C)v:ny O\•iJucc
Wl(h yolk duc:r
P n~tl.'1i0f
yolk dutt


Opeuu,~of Ej:i<:ubtor)'
Utl"ru~ Figure 7.60 A diat,_'TJUl
dun Scmitl~I Attt(•r ior Vulk
Duct~ of the :-hl'ep liw.r tlukc,
, "CSldc ll'Sti.S d-t.ferc>rt, duct /.'1u1Mi,1 lupmir--1t

Adldl li\f't'r 1lu~e 1't'Side-.

u, sheep liver ~
............._ egg cont:.u mng a nur:icidunn
""- l('aws s h~i.-p gut 111 fo1:e'$

M<.'t:tc«."n.:.1rU i.,; c:a1cn :I'

hy a (;;htel' Ao<l c.xty'(i:--
in C l m,n

batdtes 111 fresh w.i.ttT

figure 7.61 The tifo cyde of
s.h..:..-p U\·t"r Oukc. fosd<•I,, lup,11K,1. ( __ . . ________ Oo: 11.:snc s~p .. __________ . . _,.

f rc-c-swlnuuing ccrcan:t
cnc~ts 1>n ti \•: atl'r plJnt
as a nu:u..:c:rcar i:a
~ :.......,j
Aqua>k sn.ill
V M,r,d,lium
, n,il
\ z.,,,,...,/
Re<lu~ with . . . , _ _ ~..~ SJ)orocyst w,ch
~ Uc.·vdopil1gn.xli:1c
figure 7.63 Th..- lj\ t·r 1

Ph.u-yn.x 9
nukf', <.1,>JIN'flilj $ 1) ,
2 I . !vlomh

lnrMtul:'11 2. PhlT}1 HX
caet'l 3. E~1lh,l gos
II 4 . Ce-nit:tl pore
5 . VcntrJ.l suckl'r
\ 4:;ntnl s11d,--c1'
(), Ui:cr ui.
GcuitJ.I por1.• - -ILL.J:::., 7 .Owu·y
S. Semiua l rccepbdc-
9. OrJ.l sud..-r
10. c . .•r.:br.J g:tngliuu
Duc.· tu~ 11. lnt(''-tina.l C'JC'C:l
dcii-rcns Yolk 12.Yolk gland~
g!,1.nds 13. Yolk duct
15. Ductus (v,as) dcfon.•1ts
Yolk 16. Excretory pore

Du1,-'0.1;:, (va.~)
Ut.'fol\' US

Excn-tot y

tOOX 16

figure 7 .62 A ...t iai;r:un of the human bvn Oukl'. Figure 7.64 ·n,.
Cl,m,irrliis >-inrr,si>. .:crcaria sta~c ofa
trematode ~pl','lc~.

20~ 2Q0~
Figure 7.65 A cranswnt· section tl1rough tht· mi lbody figure 7.66 A u:u1s,•t:rse s,:ction dtroui;}t the
regi<m of C/,:,,wrt{,1( ~, lower body r1.·~ion of Oo,wrdu.i sp.
I. U te rus I Teu~
2 . lnt1.:li(mC' 2. Intt.·stiuc

• A Photographic Alias for the Biology Labora tory

Egg with
n ~ir~idiu1n
p:isscs in focc.-s

Human liver

h(')Sl lnvenc-hr:itc

Sp-ol'OC\')1 w ith

/ dt".:eloJ)ing
l'(.'(li;i(' ..

Rc:di~ with
dc.•wlo pini

Figure 7.67 The lifo 9-dc o f the hum:iu lh-t'"r Ou!«·. Cfo,wrd1is S1Jl('1ui.s.

Closs Cestodo

Yolk gb nd
O v:trics.
S.-• lex ---1 Gt:mtJI
Cirrus -----r-
L:w-rus with --+'-::
ll'-rriliv:d t : ~

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7.68 T h(' di ns 0 L1 parasitic: t:1pc.·worn1, 1im1ia pi1,ff.v111is. (:t) T h i:' :i.uterio r e nd. (b) mature proglmtids, aud (c) a g r:wid pmglou id.



figure 7.70 The inm,mtre proglom,~

of '/im,id ,,iYij,mnfr.
figure 7.69 The scole.x of 1i1mi.r ,,isf!~m,b. 1. £.'lrly ovary
I . Hooks 2, £..1 rJ y fC'$tCS
2. R ostdlum 3. Exc,x:cory canal
,\. Snrkc:-r., 4. I mm:nure v;igl n .1 :md d u.::ms def<'rens

Figure 7.71 A mature p roglottid of 1hr11it1 pis[!,muis. Figure 7.72 The r ip1: progk ,ttid of 1"iimia pisiformfs.
I. U terus •I. Excretory ~au:11 7. Cjrnt~ I. Zygotes in l,ra nr h cd rn:crus 2. Genital pore
2. Ovary 5. Tcstt'!; 8. Gc1m:,1l pore
3. Yolk gl•nd 6. Duetus ~lt'(t't'~m 9. V:i~ina

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology laboratory

Table 7.4 Re resentatives of the Ph lum Mollusca

Classes and Representative Kinds Characteristtcs
Polyplacophora - chitons Marine; shell of eight dorsal plates; broad foot
Gastropoda - snails and slugs Marine. freshwater. -and terrestrial: coiled shell: prominent head with tentades
and eyes
Bivalvia - clams. oysters. and mussels Marine, freshwater: body comp<essed between two hinged shells in a left and
right arrangement; hatchet-shaped foot
Cephalopoda - squids and octopi Marine: excellent s>Mmmers. predatory; foot separated into ;inns and cent;ides
that may contain suckers; well-<leveloped eyes
Representatives of the Phylum Brachiopoda
Closses and Representative Kinds Characteristtcs
Ungulata - lamp shells Marine; body compressed between two hinged shells in a top and bottom
arrangement; stalk-ti~ pj'dicle

Polyplacopho,.. Monoplacophora Ga1tropoda


Figure 7.73 Pbylogt•nt·dc n-larionships :md d.1ss1fi canon o f

M<1U1r,ca Br.ldtmp<1,:h, ind udi:-<I m rlw -.c.tio.n, ,lre mcm be tot.
oi a poorly n-solvtd d:utc containin~ MoUusca. Anne-Iida.
Ncn•ertea, aud Pl1<1ronida. but sh~rc gros:-i n,orpholog1c:.1I
J.ffiuici<.•i. ,vid1 tht• Mollusca. Dr:a.chiopod~ 3ft" t.t.•.:otl to
t h.- l'horomd;e, and f<w ru :i da<lc. w ith t't".<pcc1 to th<' Annelid.-, a11d N~-mt-rtea ealled d il' Trocho..:0.1 (all Luw :1
trochoph,:ire smge in b r v:J devdopn1eiu).

Phylum Mollusca - mollusks, chitons, snails, clams, and squids

Class Polyplacophora


Figure 7. 74 Chuoos ~rt e:.lsily rccogruud by thcir cight dor-..1J rJatc:s. (a) A dMsal vi1.,•w. aod (b) ','('-ll t l'.'Jl 1hC\ -..' {c) A vc111rtll ..'lcw of
a chicou skd..-to n, d1owint! the c1gh1 d ors:tl plates.
I. Dorsal p lates 2. Girdle 3. Mouth 4. GiU m~une.ut.s 5, Vt•ntral (oor

Class Gastropoda


figure 7. 75 M,my ~.isnopod~ h.lw ornate- shdl), su~h as Figure 7 .76 A keyhole limp1:r, :Wegath111:1 m m1l,1r.i.
th t v.._•nuJ ..:omb mw1.".."<, Mu n-~\· pt'lrm {scale iu mm). I. ShcU 2. M..lntle .3. l\:>01

Figure 7.77 1\ snail. Corm, ,1J1xr1um figure 7 .78 T h e l•c o inotioo o( d~t· slug. cla~ Gastf'Ol'oda. rc...1u1rcs the
I. Sholl 4. I k,d production o f mums.. Slu.tP differ from snails i.u chat :t shc-11 1s abs,:nt.
2. Poot 5. Sc:nsory tcm;-ide I. Fooc J. Mautle 5 Ocultr tentacle: 7. Pucmuostom~
3 . OcuJar tcnacle 2. M ocu) 4. He-ad 6. Sensor}' tc-utade

Shdl gbnd.

tt·ncid e




foot R adub

Ovui ucr .!\.1ucous

~and S:iliwiry
½.gma d ue,
D ucru~ (v:is) dctCret~

Figure 7.79 O h! \'¢1ltt.1 I Vl("\V C)r :m a:q11:U;1(' $1l:l1I figure 7.80 A chagt:im of pu lm()r>:m: snail a1utomy.
(a) showiu~ th._.. rJdub. :md (b) 3 mfr:ro,;raph of a
~3J radul,' t Th(' radul:, is made up cf small hl)rny
h:cth mad...· of chitin.. caD\:d de-nrick-s.
I. Mouth J . Shd l
2. Radula ..f.. foot

• A Pholograph1c Alias for the Biology Labora tory

Class Bivalvia (= Pelycypoda)

Figure 7.81 An f'Xtc-ru:tl 1,.• iew of :.l c b m <hcll: {a) ckli!it;tJ view, .md (h) the left v.'l k'C. Figure 7.82 (mt"rua1 view o ( :.1 dam shd l
I. Umbo 2. Hinge lig;1men1 .l Gn,wth linc;,1 showing du: musck S,Ca,T';\ where the .iddw.:tor
nmsdcs :ut:tehed m thl.' shell.
I. !vh1sclc sc:ir

Gmwth hnes



Figure 7.85 TI1e llUtomy of .1 frcshw.m·r d:un. lcfi v:alw .

Figure 7.83 A g1~11t cb,n. 'riiduow ,te,t1.M.

¼-ntridl!' Au.rick·
Codmu c h:uubl!'r
¢:mJs mn--:1<-
Gl.ldul:u --ff-~ s'ii,ii•
v-..·.ss...·l Direction
of wa ter

Figure 7.86 A <liagr:uu uftlw cirtulatoq, an d respiratory s:ysR•1us

Figure 7.84 C'...ilifomia mussels, Mytilrr:, or ti frc.,;h\\'.'.lh::r cb.11L
t,ilffamiiJJml (a). form extCniiW mu~d b~Js \b).

A 11rc1inr
R ight
v:1h •e
add uctot
aorta Gom..daJ
Codom Hea,r


h 1cmri:11t

H.lg:hr nn mk
Fool lntt-stiuc Couad
Dissected superficial anatomy Dissected deep anatomy
Figure 7.87 ThC' anatomy of.J fo:sh\','·,uc.-r chm. 81\t:il\"t'S have two shdls (,•.l!vt.-s) that :tr<' btC'r.1Uy comprcss.:-d :.and dors:t!Jy hin!(ed.

. IO
K 11
9 12
10 13
2 II 14
3 12 15
4 (,
5 13

14 8

Figure 7.88 A l.:lte~J view of a cfa.m. Figure 7.89 A latlTa.l vil·w ofa dam. fo« cut.
1. Atrium ofhc-1rt 8. P,:ricardium L. U mbo 7. Antt>rior 14. Postl.'rlor r~tr.1ctor
2. c;;[~ 9, Ven1r,de of htarr 2, lme~111e ~dduccor muscle niusde
J . Anten o r rctr:1<:1or muscle 10. Ami$ 3. Opening bc-r.vcen X. Digc-srh-e gland 15. N ~phridiu m {kidney)
~- L:Wl:11 p.alp!> I l. Postl•rlor n:trJ clor musd..- atrium and w mr idt· 9 . l utt•sUm· 16. Posterior adtlu.:tor
5. Anter ior a<ld ut-ior mmdt> 12. Posu:-rior adductor muscle .J, E~ophagus l-lin~e ljg,110<.'.n t
I I) , muscle
6. Fooc. 13. Excum,•m s1ph<.111 5. A nterior 1-ctr::u:ror 11. H inge 17. Cooad
7. Mand c 14. .'\Jeph rid1um (k.i,-fncy) musdt> 12. Vcntr id c of hi::i.rt IS. Foot
6, ."-1outh 13. Pouel'ior aorra

Class Cephalopoda

Figure 7.90 £nm1>1t" cc-phalopods: {:I) 1he gbm oi:ropuo;, 811i"1w t,>1ms "P·• (h) curddish, .<w•p;M111• sp.• :i11d (i:) nauolus, 'J\'"uril,u 1){!r11pilfru.
• A Photographic Atlas for the u,010~ Laboratory

Flgure 7.91 {a} Tbe ;V rmtil1,.<. 3 c:cphaJopod 1 has g;is-filkd i.' hamlx:rs ,vahin Jts sl11.·. U. aHl"el'I as light brown in tlus cros~Sl!'l'ltOn of
the shdL (b) These.· c h:un bc.·:r'S regubtc bu\1y:ancy. The livi ng c h:un lxr th.u houses the body of 1hc o rg:rnism is tht' white iu -:olor.


Ftgure 7. 92 A dorsal view of an octoplL'- col!ec1ed in the $1.':a figure 7.93 A V(; m ral VICW of :'I ll <'Crcl!'l l),
ol Cont·Z, S:m Carlos. Mexico. l. Sm.'tio n cups 3. Mo uth
I. M:andc 2. H.·ad 3. Ar ms: 2. Arm

Mouth Bram

Figure 7.94 The mtcrnal :m:ttolll)' of a squid.

2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 7. 95 T he cxr;; artJminy of the !quid, u,11gt., sp.

I. Tcut:acles: 2. Arms 3. Eye 4. Punncl (siphon) 5. C:oll:l.r r•. M:.tndc (hcxly rube) 7. f-in






2.1 I,

24 15
25 16

26 7

Figure 7.96 The intcrn:il :m.:uomy of th e- S<juid, Lil,:;:,) sp. Figure 7. 97 The imcr-n:tl :11u1omy of the
1. Pc-n (gooat.l panC!D)' re-scctt.-d} 11. Esophat-'1." 20. E.ffcn:ut ));quid. L,/~~> sp.. mcludiu i; he-ad region.
2. Gorrl;;ul 12. A,.ucul:icing rnlgc hr:inrh,:.-1 \<em 1. SpC1'1n:110 1>horl!"! dll(;r In. Stom:ic::.h
3. Lato:r.i.J iuaude- a ncr-)1 13• .Articulaciug 21 . In k iiat 2. Pt·nis 11 . Panm:as
4. Posterior wn:1 ca\f.l i:::mibgi.· 22. Rc:ctrnn 3. Ktdnc.-y 12. Digc!.tivi: gland (cm)
5. M<'d~11 nK11ttlc arrery 14, Fuuol.'I (siph(ln) 23. Cq,h:i1ic ..ort:i 4 , Gill IJ . l1er1
6. tvkdian uuut1i: \fCin 15. Mouth 24. Stell:i.le- ~:m~on 5. 14. Cephalic .iona
7. Aff<'n:nt br.md1ial :lrtt'l')' 16. Tn11acli: 25. Ceph;tli( n;na c:iv.i. 6, Pleural m.-rV(• 15 . Visco:ral gaugliou
S. Gill 17. fi n 26. Eye 7 . Eye- 16. gan glion
'J, (.;i,1111~1 Oj)Cr'l illg Ht U•~nchi:il h~~:.r, 27. Al'n ~ l-$, R:.ad11l:i 17 Huc-ca1 bulb
10. l\'1:mtle- 19. Sptt.·nu..: 28. Suck1.•rs 9 . Beak

• (
A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

Phylum Brach iopoda - lamp shells )

f igure 7.98 A fouil braduopod, 'A'f·<1sp1rifi•1 sp.. from the Figure 7.99 A fossil br:u:hiopod, Kf,t!,'t'rua sp.. fro m the
1•c rnu ao l)('r-i()d, C1'<-taC¢('1U'- pc:rt<'l<l.

Figure 7.100 A livmg ernuplc oi J l1mp ,t,& Lin)!ulasp.

I, Chact(' 2. 1\.-didc v:i.lvl~ 3. Apex 4, Growth l.Jm:$ 5. Pcdkh.• ~- Sub~trat-: (!,:ind (111 j_X"d1c1t>) 7, Mu~lc 8. Cuti cl~

Table 7.5 Some Representatives of the Phylum Nemertea

Classes and Representative Kinds Characteristics
Anopla - proboscis worms Mos tty marine, but some freshvtater and terrestrial: use eversible
proboscino catch prey and feed
Some Representatives of the Phylum Annelida
Classes and Representative Kinds Characteristics
Polychaeta - tubeworms ana sandworms Mostly marine; segments with parapodla
Clllellata (subclass Ollgochaeta) -earthworms Freshwater and burrowing terrestrial forms: small setae; poorly
de-..ilopcd head
Clltellata (subclass Hirudlnea) -leeches Freshwater, some are blood-sucking parasites and others are predators;
lack sctae; promlneni muscular ,uckers

Platyhelminthes Mollusca
- ,IJP
Polychaeta Hlrudlnea Ollgochaeta

figure 7.101 Phflogenetic rd:uionslups and

cbss1rk.u,on of Anudid~. N(,))~rce~. iud ude-d iu
th:: s«ciou• •m: 1m:-r11b:..•r.. of :i pU(>rly n:-S0)\11:J d :id:..•
c,:w t:t11un_g Mollu_(l::l, An nc:lid:a, Ncmc1'tC;t, Or:ichiop('lda_.
and Ph<>rouida, but sban• ~N.1SS m<.lt'pholoi;ic:iJ all'inittt'S
wnh 1hc. .'\nnd,cfa (",('t> Hgurc 7.1 oo pagi;- 150).

_ N_e_m
_ e_rt_e_a_-_ p_r_
_ s________)

Class Anopla

Figure 7. 102 P.t,J1(J""r.t~1 Mm1,1?,1111~.~ b rgc f11•nwrtc.:a11 fr1)m th¢ RM( Ftgure 7. 103 The milky ribbon worm, Ct~lmw,l1u ldrW,J.
$ca, Ai1t:.lrcoc2. T}lllctl n ~mc-rre m cuuck· u, CO\,'l'red wuh m ucus
gland~. esp...cilU)• at d1t: :i.1.m:.:ri0r <·nd, at>d tht)• ~,sc their t>:(tmal ciJia
and muscuh.r perismltic u udulatiou m glitk o u du· ir cr.1;ils of slime.

( Phylum Annelida - segmented worm s )

Class Polychaeta


f igure 7.104 The sandworm, .Vrrd.; virm;.. Figure 7.105 The ::ante1io1· e nd of rlw ~andwor1n,
I. P:inpodt2 .VrrtU vitt·m. {a) A dors;il vie.'\\'. lnd {b) ;a wntr:t.1 view .
I. Pa.lpi 5. P3rapo,ba
2. P1ustouUum 6. St:tu:·
3. P,"Tistomi~I c1m {t('nt::lcks) 7. Mouth
4 . l'CJ'i,stl) ll)(" S. Ewrrt·d phM)-'11.X


~t-"'-::=,;i!='_.:::.,:___ = _ IJ
Figure 7.106 A ttJ 1L~Wlit"~ -ction oft.he uod1,1,,-orn\, NnuJ sp.
I. r>ors,l blood \'l.'.si<'i 5. Obb(111e ,nusdc 9. Circubr 111usck -4
2. Oor~ l 6. Vcmr.1I blood vt-sit•l 1-0. NotopoJiwu SOX
inu~d~ 7. Vemr:tl loni;itudinal. 11. Para.podium Figure 7.107 T he p.a•'3p<')dilun of,he s.indworm. Nrn:is SJ>,
3. Lmncn o f 1UIC$1:in c nm1;dc 12. N(.' t1ropodium I . Donal (:irrus 3. Scue
-4 hH<Stiui;: 8, lntegl!J11tn1 U , \.b1wl 111.'l'\'t" o)rd 2. Noropodimn 4. N-.·uropodiuru
• A Pholograph,c Atlas for the Biology Labora tory

Class Clltellata - Subclass Ollgochaeta

Opcuini;sof Op..·nin~ of duce-lb

scm1n,1l ,·e.:cpr:Kl<:i {\•;t~) dl!(~("'tlS
Mourh opc,ung


Calcifrruus Crop
Esoph:ti;lli Ci:aJ.1\3 Mt•cu11:phri<lii

I - ,~
Mouth ~
cavitv St.'min2I

2 3 4 2 3 4 5

figure 7.110 An :tntcr ior end of an earthwonu,

l..t,ml,dru~ sp. («:ilk~ in mm}.
l. Proswuumn 3. Scta~ 5. O pt'umg of <lu<.·tt1:;
2. Mouth 4. Segment 10 (vas) d efcrcns

Figure 7. 109 A dori.-.1 view of .-in eMthwo rm , L11111l1tir11t sp.

(scale in mm).
I, Pygidmm 3. Segments, or met.'lmcrcs
2. l'rostomium ()ocal~d Jors:tl 4. Clildhu11
to 1nomh) f igure 7.111 Earlhworm cocouus (¾'ale in nun).



3 2
3 I I)

4 4 II


Figure 7 .114 /\ 1ranWi."1"$e s«t1on fi!' an earthwor111

posterior to 1he chtellmlL
l. Do rsal blood \l<.-ssd 8. Epidennis
2. Peritoneum 9. O rcub r muscles
3. T)•phlosolc IH. Long1tuduul nms.des
4. l.umeu <if imes11nc 11. l11u~in:ll epnhelmm
5. lutes-tin<.· J 2. Nt.-phridium
6. Codom 13.'kntrll blood \fl.")'Sd
Figure 7.112 The- internal
7. Vl•ntr:tl ncrw: cord 14. Subnc.•ura1 blood ''t'S.Sd
:1.U~romy of Lhc -:1.11terior cud of
!'I ll af.;'lrl h \V(lrlll. L.11111btit11s $p ,
I Bralt'I
2 . Phll}'ll.X Figure 7 .113 Tht.· internal
3. Hc:lttS i , tH(')Ul}' " ' ,h<- pos1e r1<11'
4. St·mim,1 \lcsidcs e nd of :ln c-anhworm with
5. 1)rws::il bli>od vt.;.s.<:I part of 1he inttsrinc rl~mowd.
b. S<.·minal r«t.•pudt.-s I 1ntCH11)t
?. Crop 2. Sept:tc
8 . Gizzard 3. N.::phriJia
9. lntt:sci1tt.• 4. Vmtr:tl blood n-sr.c-1

Closs Clitelloto - Subclass Hirudineo

Posterior Anterior
\U\;kc.-r Pharytl.'<

Mouth M;Jic
,,. genit:il
,, pore
Posterior Codon1


• ...t I a I a I LLl,.,I .....__.__._.____._. &...I .___..,.LL.LL• I I I I I I • ....._.___. I LL..........Ll-4J

Figure 7.115 (a) /\ dorSal view o( :i leech. and (b);:, veutrJI view of a le~ch. Leeches
:u-e more spei:.1:i.bzcd than Mhcr ;mnd ids. T hey have lost thdr ;md dcvdopcd
i:111:kers for :nrnchm~nr \Vlule ~ucklng blood (scale in mm)
I. M31e gtnita1 pori: 3. 1\utem., r sucker
2 . _geuit:tl por~ 4 . Pm 1c.•rior suckt•I' Figure 7.116 A di:ii;r:uuola le<."<.'h.
• (
A Pholograph,c Atlas for the Biology laboratory

Phylum Nematoda - roundworms and nematodes )

D uctus
defercn s 2

Figure 7.118 ·r he ht-_.1dentiof :1 m:ile

•.ti m1l'is 'I>, ((;(;de 1n mm)
1. Lip
2. line



~ 0,••'1· (

EJ>culamryJ~ : 1
<lun _ /
Ro.·cu.u11 l JIIIIII' . CoplJatvry
i\ \ ( ,p,rnk,

(a) \·r---- Anus _;....<::::

Fig ure 7.117 A rl1:igr:..m of1hc m1e1u:tl an:.r<uny
o f(~) .:i icm :ile ~ud (b} :i ,u A6i·ari$ sp

figure 7.11? Tit<.' po-Jtcrivr t'lt<l of (a) a iemale and (b) a

ll1;.1le AJ((1tiq 1, (Sel'.lle i.n 1~111\)
I. C.:opub t(ll)' s-1~imlc,
2. P:1arubmry <luC't


Figure 7.122 A tr.tusvcrsc sec1im1 of :i m :ile Asmris sp.

1. Dors:\.I nerve <:Ord f), Tt~il-
2. Ductus .:kfi.·r..· 1L.,; 7. lateral line
3 lmcsrin,e g, C utl('le
4. Lonf,"ltLlllinal um~ck 9. C',0utra<.--iilc 1..hcath
c:cll body of mlssicle «II
5 . Psc.•udoc:od I0. V1:utr.J nt'n.'.: corJ

IlFigure IJ llll ll II
l U11117.120 The
UUlU111 UIJ lllJn
figure 7.121 T he mtcrn.:'ll
ult~rnal ;mat<Hll}' of a mali: :mato my ot j fcmale-
Asr,1ru )p. (S<.'lle m nun). As({1ris 31'· {scak· in nun).
1. lntc.-slin~ 1. lnh."Stinc
2, 1-:ittr.:il l 111e 2, (;cnir::11 pore
3. D uctw dt<fc n·ns J.. V:i~n:i.
4. Tcsrcs 4. O viducts
5. Se minal vesid c 5. U tcri (Y-sh:ipi:d)
6. L.1ti;,ral line
7. • V'.ll)' figure 7 .123 .~ tr:-.nsvcrsc sccrion of a fonu k .,Js,a,ls sp.
I. Oors.;al nerv~ cord 5. Curidc 9 lmcson c-
2. Ps.:udo<:od 6. Er®i 10. Ov.lry
.1.. O v1duct 7. Lumen <>f inte$tUh': 11 Longitudm.111 111U$C:IC$
4. Ute rw 8. latt'.ral lino: 12. Ven tral nn w cor\.l

• A Pholograph1c Alias for the Biology Laboratory

Figure 7 .124 A do~ hl"3t1 jufi.-:.tcd with Figure 7.125 A photo11n('rog:r.1ph of 'lf1tlii,ir:IJ111pi,,1lis <:llC)'Slt.d nl o\u...<.:k.
h.:,a rtworm . Dfr..{ifori,l immitu {S<:a),: m nun). 1. CySt 2. Musd1..• .l Larva

( Phylum Rotifera - rotifers )

Coron:. Braiu

Ston u ch


4 -----
Figure 7.127 /\ roufor.
I. Coro11a 5. fv\aj.13:,;
2 . Ant..-1ma 6 . Vih:11:uium
J . Su,m.ach 7. l.JHt:-tiue·
Figure 7. 126 A<liagr:uu of 4. Spur S. Toe
the rorifor. P!,il,>diu.r $!), Figure 7.128 Mo rpholog,c3I
din.·nity of R otifor..1 .

Table 7.6 Re resentat1ves of the Ph lum Arthro oda

Classes and Representative Kinds
Merostomata (Subphytum Chellcerata) - Cephalothorax and alxlomen; specialized front appendages Into chelicerae;
horseshoe crab lack ante nnae and mandibles
Arachnida (Subphylum Chelicerata) - Cephalothorax and abdomen; chelicerae; four pairs of legs; book lungs or
spiders. m ites. ticks. and scorpions trachea: lack antennae and mandibles
Malacostraca (Subphylum Crustacea)- Cephalothorax and abdomen: two pairs of antennae: pair of mandibles
lobstcrs. crabs, shrimp. and lsopods and two pairs of maxillae; biramous appendages: gills
Maxlllopoda (Subphylum Crustacea) - Ccphalothorax and abdomen; freshwater-and marine; up to six pairs of
copepods and barnacles appendages
lnsecla - beetles, butterflies, and ants Head. thorax. and abdomen; three pairs of legs; well-<le\'eloped mouth
parts:: usually two pair of wings; trachea
Chilopoda - centipedes Head with segmented trunk; one pair of legs per segment: trachea; one
pair o( antennae
Oiplopoda - millipedes Head with segmented trunk; usually two pair of legs per segment; trachea

Representatives of the Phylum Tardigrada

Phylum Characteristics
Tardigrada - water bears Bilaterally symmetrical; four pairs of lobopod legs terminating in daws or
sucking disks

w l'uachuida X trh~llt:)
c_,, ~
D1plopod, Chil0poda Mabt·o.s.tra<a
/' Maxillopoda l11St..X'ta

Figure 7. 129 Pl1ylugt·nctic: relatiou~hips .me.I d a:,~ifica tion of Sdt'(:t arthropods (doc$ not iudud~ d 3.ili.';'I
Or.tehi.opoda, Ri:mipt-di:a, Ccpha..loca.rid:.a, .m d Ostr.u,:oda; Maxillopod:.i m- likely paraphylctic). Tardigr.-id.a
probably bra1~d1 b.ts.1lly to Arthropoda a11d tn'lychoph1)~ {sec FJgure 7.1 011, p~f!e: 1.50),

• (
A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

Phylum Arthropoda - arachnids, crustaceans, and insec ts )

figure 7.130 Ex.-mp1c :inhropods

ulclud e: (.1) a blJcl,: wid<)\\: LaJrrx(ettuJ
lrn11('n1s, (b) a lfat mdc t1,~oqi ion .
l l11cfogmrs tu•~\'<irlyt,·l·. (c) a solp ug.d.
Emwbmcs p,1/liprs, (d) an Ame.nan
giauc 1nill1ptlk. l\'d~'tus amerlt1m11s,
M a slrlp pc.-d shore er.ab. Ruh)-grJpsus
t.J.11Jif Jfi,, (I) :l hr-inc ~ll'Ul lfl,.AH,~mi,J
Jt.1/Uw, (g) a gi:mt i£npod, &thr1wmt1s
.<p. (h) a hov.:~•. S)•rphida,: sp.,
(i) .- tiger ~ d..:, Ciri11d~>1,1ft1Jgitf11,
{j) J ,\':\ttr be..:dc, Utlw,en1-t mediJ1J..
(k) :i $hid <lb.lck k::11y<lid, M •ilubtr
rariu.Ua, (I) :a spicel1\.1:;h ~-w,lliowbil
buttcrll)~ P"ln'/j., 1roil1u, :md (m) ;i Cos.ii
ud-obil-c, ;\'J,1d1lt'l<f 1r,»r,d,s (tri.lob1tes .are
~- ..
t>Xcirtn :irtbropo& fro m du~ C:imbri:m Flgure 7.131 f--fan-e~tiu.:n. Pl,!flrmgi:111, cpilio. oornmo atly c-alled Jad<lr
and Ordo-.;<:i:m period,;). long le~.:.•~ t)()t rc:ill)' sindcrs.


Subphylum Chelicerata - Class Merostomata




Figure 7.132 (a) A dorsll view :and tb) :l wntul vit>w o(th...· honohoe crab, Umulus Sp. Thi\ arlliuaJ is c::mnmonJy tb uud in 1tha1Jow watt'n
alon~ tlu: Atbn ti('. <:oa:.t from {"',: urnda to Mexic.:o.
I. Sunplc cy...· (I. Abdomc-u (opisrhi'lS.Otn.l) 1 I . Uo\'lk gilk l (.t, Amt.,
2. C<>rn pouml ere 7. Tdjort 12. l'« lipalp 17. Tdsou
3. Abdomm~I ipioc.>~ ~. Chd icrr-a<: 1;;. Mou1h
-4. Autt>rlor spin...· 9. Guathoba.~e 1-4. Chifarium
5. Ccplulo1ho1~x (pror.o1n.a) IU. C:hd-u
. e legs. 1.5. C.cnit::il opcr.:ulu m

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology laboratory

Subphylum Chelicerata - Class Arachnida

figure 7.133 A garden spider iu du.· Figure 7.134 A tick. within th" f.1mily figure 7 .135 A r.:d mit<:, J.'d!liu,1~.
1>r(H'C"SS e>f !-t,io1Hng ., web. 1~od1d,ie. 1s :l ~>ec1al,1ed p:ir.1mu• .-r,hropod foeding (In :i li~ rd
I, Spimu.:rel'( (s<:alt• in mm).

T ro cb:um."r

,OL--,",!J-- F:mg

Cephalothorax, anterior view Female pedipoip

Walking leg

figure 7.137 A cob:tlt bl~ t2r-;inn.1la,

Naplopcfo,+1 Jil'idum,
I . Oj1tsrh 0Mm:t 2. Pmsoou 3. PedipQ;Jp:i:
{abdv01tn) (c.:phalod ,orJx)

G<.'nopoie Ovuy
hmg ( C}.'lt for egg.)

figure 7.136 A di:ii;r.uu ofd1e :m:i.tomy ofJ .sp idt·r.



Figure 7.138 .'\Jl :'\111.on:t h:ury ~coq>inn, l-/:.1,ltu,JJ$ ;Jl'i~1>t11'J1,ck Figure 7 .139 Some ticks :uuch<.-d and foc-din t,t on a s:iv:umah
Scorpions are most cotmnouly iowtd in tropu:al :m<l subtropic.Ji monitor, a larg'-' .Afn,:in Jiz:mi
regions, hul there :trc :ilso S(•vcral sp,·c1es fou nd in arid 2nd I. Tids 2. Sc:-al<.'s of momto r
to;'1.Uptr.ttc torl t.'S,
1. Ccphalothorax :t Stiugmg 2pp:1.r.uw; 5. Pre2bdonu·n
2. Peilil"'IP 4. Posc:ibdouwn {tail) 6. \l/:tlking k·gs

Subphylum Crustacea - Class Malacostraca

Figure 7. 141 A :,;e,. skttl'r, L;git1 i't,Ji.-,1.

Figure 7. 140 A pill bug, Arm,1ciil11dfum i>p.

Figure 7.143 A Sa.Uy LiW-nfo0t <:-r:tb. Gr,,pJus ,<:t,1;mr; .

Figure 7.142 A fire shrimp. Ly;nutta ,lebr.lius.

figure 7 .145 T he w31cr flc:1., I >apJmi,1, i~ :i ro1nmflo

m i Cl'()~• IHC. crmt.ic<::rn
I. Hc.1n 6 . Sc>t:ie I I Ahdl)111in:il ~tt.H•
2. Mid~ut 7. Brootl chamber 12. Anus
3. Compound C)'C !<. Egg< l .l- Abdmrnnal c:b..v
Figure 7.144 A hc.·rmit crab, C«rwbit1, d ype,itus. 4. 2nd a.nre1u1.a 9 . Ap1c-JI .\-pine 14 CarJ.p:t<'l·
5. Rootnuu 10. Hind~ut
• A Photographic Atlas for the l31olo~ Laboratory

Abdo men ( :.:::phalothor:1.x

, .:.::,- - Antcnnule

Fc1.•ding .tllpead:igc:.~

W-.ilkmg k i:;,.

figure 7 .146 A <lia~r.UJt of d11.• cr:iy6sh . Camhants.

Alxlomcn C.:phalotlmrJ..\:

I >11.:tu~(\':t<)
Dors:iJ t.le-fi:rem
a1,d1)111u,ll Rr1>tnuu

Aure nnulc

Swimme-rcts Copulaciott Di~(·stivc

(pkOP<>c:b) $,vinuneret ,::land
Figure 7 .147 Thi: anatomy o( :a crayfish. A sag1ttal s.._.cciun of ;m .ltlult mak.

Digc:,,uvc ---!fa,,!F,JrHM-¼\--
gbnd - --+- Car.tpal':l" (C:ul)
Stt.•rn.J sjmu
N~1'\.'C C:Md- --'-t~~ ~ "";~

figure 7.148 The.· ."1112tomy o[ :i (r:t~•fish ..~ tr:IUS\'Cl'Sl' St't:cion o f an .1dult nu.le.




figure 7.150 A>ral view of the n:t)•fish.

I. Carapac<-· S. R o$trum
2. Alxh)111cn 6 Compl)UOd eyt
3. Uropod 7. M•xilliped
°'· Swmu ncrct 8, Chdi1)("d
(plcopod) 9. W:Jkuig legs

Figure 7.149 .A dorsal vi(.~W ,,r the ('f'J.yJish Figure 7 .151 A vt•ntrJ.I vi1:w of1hi: or:J region o f the crJyfish.
I. Chd ipi:d 5. Tdson 9. Rostrum I. Third uu.xillipi:d -l. Green ~l:1.111.l duel
2. W;l lkmg 1.-g~ 6 , ut'(l,)Od 10. Compound eye 2. Mandible 5. Pim m,xilliped
3. c,,_np:icc 7. A11t<.·1ma 1l ~ Ccpli:tlothorJx 3. Sec.:oud uu.xiJfa
.J, Abd•)meu 8. Anrem)uk 12. Tcr{:,'

• A Photographic Atlas for the lJ1oloro, Laboratory

3 9

I ;l
9 14



Figure 7.152 A d<>nlll vi<'w of ihc or:ll r-cgi1)0 of t-lle cr:iyfuh. Figure 7 .153 A dorsal view of the .l11.1tomy of .'I <r-~•fo,h.
I , Compound t~)'~ 6. Cirn um.-sophago::a.l 1. Antenna 6. D1g~nw ~and 13. k·~is
2 W,1lkrng leg r.,:,n 1)Cai ()1l (()( w,m,.:il om,e C(l1\'I) 2, C<>UlJ'IOll1ld (j,'C 7 . Gtlk 14, l>uccu<
3. C rec:n i;Jaud 7. Esuphai;us 3. Bnin 8. Amennu k·~ tlt-fen•ns
4. Cardiac ch:imhcr 8. Regton o f g:iurk mill 4. C ircumt.•:mp lugc:il 9. ,v.1Ikiug legs 15. Aort2
of !lt<111uch 9 Dig~.Stlw gWm1 COIHIL"Ch•U (of 10. C n.·l·n gland 16. lntcscin,:
5. Dr.tin 10. Gill V<:nrt:11 lier,~ cord) 11. l~lOllh,, gus
5. Man dibular mll'i<.:k· 12. l\ ·Joric stOtnJch


Figure 7.154 A vcml'.ll view 0 ( (2) :i fem.Mc

Jnd (b) a male crayfoh. The first p:iir of
switruncn.·c." an: gn:.ady cnlMJ:.'i:'d in d tt- m:i.lC' for
tht· ...tepositwg .sperm iu the female's .s.::1u maJ
7 re<'cycad'-'.
I . T hird m;iiolhpcd
8 2 . WJ lkini; le~
.t Disk con•rillg oviduc,
4. Seminal ren-pc:ack
5. Abdom en
6 B.lse of chcUred
7. 13,as.,., o fJ;ut w.tllcini; lt'g
fi. Copul:i.to1·y swm1111ere15 (J>lc<il-><Hh}
9. Sp('TUJ duc:b (h'l.·u..ita.l po rt~}
1(1. Swim111erc~ (pleopods)

Subphylum Hexapoda - Class lnsecta

Figure 7 .155 Ex;impk iust:cci; 111d u de: {a) a gn-:un ar id-land k.1rydi<l. 1\ 't<1b1mt111,1 jputo.M, (b) a i;nxn botdt fly. Lu<1l1<1 St-ntJM, (c) a ll:uu c
Sll/Ul'iU..J, (d) :l cic:Kb, Dkm>J.1r~vt,1 dp.1du·, (I.') a miU::w(•l.'d lx_-cdt.·, Tl'ttMfll'S r~
skimmer dr:lgou.11>•• L'bc/111/,, •m>pl1tlwlmu4 {f) :i c:yntlu:1 moth, S,1mil.l
,ym!iia. ({;) ~ g;i,uu corkro3d , . U,"1,tru.< gff111Jf11$. an d (h) 3 Caroluia umtfis, Stll$!•nt>m1tt1rfj (,1n,li111'1

~ ,:g
Yo,u1g uyOll1'h ~
G<oduol Complete
( meta morphosls metamorphosis
Figure 7.156 A
diag:r.un showiu,;
snsl.'cc development. Ju
gr.,d113l (incnntple ,e)
mct:1morph0Ms, the ynt,ng
rcstmbfo lhe ad uJu. but
rh t."\• :ire sin:tllcr :in d have
\itiie-1'('nt body p ,oportinns,
lu cvmplete n1ecuu o rphosis,
dH~ l.u v.w loru- d ifferent
from d1e :idult· :lHd gi:ncr:Jly
h:iw diff<'1t>m foOO Adult

• A Photographic Atlas for the 01olo~ Laboratory

Figure 7 .157 1'he dcwlopmcnt:il q3gc-.5. of 1bc- m<Hl:i.rch butr..:rt1y, 11.m,m( plt'.vipJ1'1t5, indu<le (:i) egg, (b) b r'V:'l l ~,~gc-.
(c), :md (d) ::iduh.

figure 7 .158 The pupl the Aila11dlllS figure 7 .159 A gt.::i'-~,h()ppcr.
silk.moth. Srmi'11 ()'! ll liia. T he silkc11 cocoon nym1,h. M1>l,1,,-,,J/u.J,
hu lx-cu r.:.·mowd (sc:tlt' in nun).

Figure 7.160 A rnmmon l10us1.." cricket. A d1:•M d-1l'111csdra. moltiu~. All Figure 7.161 The- d,;.•vdopmc.•nt;i.l :.1agcs o f
:uthmpods must periodic.tit)• slwd du.•ir <.•.xoskc-k-tou in order co ~'JO\\~ the common honcyb,;.•c. J'4f'iS mrllifi-1d, indudi:
T lus pTOC('$S 1$ c.·alled, or ccdyj i:t (a) bn'.11 stab~, {b) pupa. aud Cc) :idul1 (s<.·alc


f igure 7. 162 The hc.•~d of a h ousdly, Figure 7. 163 A h<111eybt>e.J11,l.t mtllf/f-m, q,l!lgcr.The rwo dar1 $ <:<mtJUl ti:irbs on
~howing au c.·.xantplc: of :t :-pon~iug type d1i: tips th:tt poim up\va.rd. makiui; il uiffit:ult to reruow :1 ~tmgi:r from :a wound ,
mouthp,m iu insect$. Notic-c the Lwge I. ~heath 2 I >:im
lobd at tlh· :ipl"X ot" the Jabmiu . wbicli
fu nction in lapping up liquids.
t. Cu1upC>uJ1d t')'t' 2. LJbiu m

Figure 7. 164 Th< hind k!;)' of,

wol'ktr horw>'i>ee, .'1pi' ,,,,,llift•,,f, (a)
Ol•~• surr".lce and (h) u\JlCr .surface.
i ---------- 1. (:.oxa r..rt.•mur
2. Troch:imcr 7. T ibi.i
3, Poll<·J) ~ k~r 8 MctaC3n:u~
4, l'ollcn 1>acker 9. P~)Uen conlh
5. Pencn W . Tarsus
'F-- - - - - i j
~ -------,;

(a) (b) 20X

• - -........
. . -.:.
-,- . -:.. .
2 -"; ' '\..-J '

-~ -
.- ~

~ "(.
,: ,, ., Y. • . , - . \ - '--
'" '
"\\.. .

(a) l5X
b ~7
\ . :::;~-·.,,;•y"-/4
(~ I \
. - .
.. .
'/ '
figure 7. 165 Tb:: wings of dte honeybee.·. Ap,s mr.{J!ft-m. (a) A wlm!c mount. :t.nd (b) a dose--up.
1 Cror.s Vl':m~ j _ H ind wlng 5. Tr:msp:an:1ll \Ving tilm
2. Forc\\•ing 4. Cross \·\.'ilu 6. HaiN
• A Photographic Atlas for the 131010~ Laboratory

~\ l
(d) (e} (f)

figure 7.166 Some common in ,cct :int<.•mu~ {:t} C'.l.w·.tt<." '- Figure 7.167 Thi: plunmS<.· :ioto:una,: ofth.c Ail.mthus
hum:1t1il"..S, (b} ~1•1·: ue-dir..k be-cries, (c.:J l;uucll:tl<~Jll'.lh <,ilkmoth , .5.,,,,;J ry,11/ti.1..
b~•<..'tks. {d) arisatt·~1ou:.etlid, (c) g("nK'ttlat<.,__\\1-."..:vih
{f) mooibfot'ln-{ermites. ~od t~ 1,h11nosl!~ll()th~.

4 -;-- ------,

Figure 7. 168 11H: mouthparts ot"' th.: flea. Crt·1wrepf1111Jdr sp.. which an: ':!po:<:i.:11.iwd for par.i;;it~m. N ooce th,: or.LI brLStk~ bt>u,1:atb th~
uw udl dut thl.' tfoa in pcn,·tr,u ing bcn•/C<."ll luirs to focd on the blood of ua.Js. (l ) fom.ilc Oca ;and (b) nu k· flc-a.
I. Ep: 2. Or.iJ br-isdd 3. M:ixilb -4. Ma.xill~tr)' palp


• 12





21J 23

Figure 7.170 A natoiu~· of the ~rasi:hoppcr. (,1) i\fak•.

and (b) fomal...-.
I A ntenna '). MandiMe 17. Tar~us
2. Ocd li 11). 1..;.hrum l~ 'f c;gnh~!l
FiQure 7 .169 (:i.) A b ter::i.l view of the- hi::id of a buttertJr T he
3. Compound t'YI! l 1. Labi,I p:tlp 19. Wiu g
most obviou \ 1tructurcs ou the hc..1d of a buttt"rdy Jrc Cl)mJxu.::ud •L Prmhor;ix 12 . M c.-t:ithorax 20. Abdomen
cy..-$ am.I the n irkd tongu..- (or !<5pbomn g, 111:ctar from 0owl'n.:. (b) S Ml~Sochorax 13. Tibia 2 1 1Jc,r531va lve
A m~gnitit.-d view <>f the." e<unpom)d <.")'e, {<') A ,"'.l().(,~...111-t V1(· W of Q. Ty mp.mum 1-t C t'rcus 22. Vi:mr:i.l v:i.lve
1he wiog SC'J k s. (rl} A magoitieci vit".v o( ,he ,;.vii1g '-C:lles, 7, F<;.mu r 15. Suhgen,ul J'l:ire
I. C:0111pounJ eye 2 . Tongu e 8. Pronvtum 16. Spiracle


3 12



Figure 7.171 A prest.•rnxl spcdm eu of:i grasshoppl'r. order O n hopter3.

1. M<'sothor.tx 4. Ver1ex 7. Ma.'0113 10. W ing t3. Mt-sochor:i.x I 0. TrO(' harH<.' r
2. Pn>1lotum 5 Gen~ K Anr<:nn:i 11. Femur l4. $1nracle 17. l'aNUS
3. Compo und <-·ye 6. Frous 9. Cbw 12. T ibia l5. Abdomen
• A Photographic Atlas for the 01oloizy Laboratory

Abdomen T horJx I lt'ad


Righi left
mandible mandible

Labrum palp,

(b) Malpi~htHl tub-.~ SII b<.-sophage-,I ~ labial palp

ht.bub ~ngficm
Figure 7.172 Exn:ni:iJ (a) Jn<l uu rrn :d Figure 7.173 A dJaf;r:uu of"tbe head
(h) :in.uomy <1f .:i g1';l<;sho pper. and mourh1)a1u of 3 gr:.'i~hoppcr.



Figure 7.174 A n·ucral view showing chc internal an.muny of .1 ~r.t~shopper.

I. G:mric c..-accurn 3 Rrtlwn 5. Ov.irit's 7. Esophaf.'U.'- CJ.·
2. H 111<lgu1 4 M11lp1ghLlJl 111h11k-s r,.
Ml(tgur $ CmJl
Subphylum Myriapoda - Class Chilopoda

Figure 7 .175 Examples of CCJHipl·dcs: (a) a gfant Souor.m, Srofo1,rm!ra lm;>-1, (h) 11 Flo rida Wue, Hcmitr~ope,ulra mt1,x;,wr,,. a nd {c) a V~o1.lmese
cencipt~dt. S.\114'/'lt'ndm $J1l•spimj,tJ,

Subphylum Myriapoda - Class Diplopoda

figure 7.176 Examples o( milllp<:d~.s: (:t) ;:in J\nteric:111 giam null1pede.1 ,, ·.ur~•111 ,1mr.rit,11111s1 (b) :i Sonot:lo de.~11, ()t't/"1111>nt.< 1¥,r.1111.<1:in1i (<') an
African ~ i:uu millipl·dc. .Ar,·l,upfnniwplm gig(u.

_h_y_l_u_m_ Ta
_ r_d_l_
g_r a_d_a_ - _w
t e_r_b_e_a_r_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

Figure 7 .177 A scanmng dcctmu microgr.1ph of :i Figure 7 .178 A sonmng dc,cron mic.1ngtaph of.1
t'Ut'.ltdigrarlc:, L:uc view, :ultt•nor t"nd is to the lcl'r. cur-.:ardi gr:i<le Vcntr:,al View, amer,or L\ to the , ig)u .

Figure 7. 179 A light microgr:tph of .Ha,1obfo1m 1xil.uis, a Figure 7.180 A son ning electron mkn>h'l'lph of ;i
cut.miigr:idc. A b tcr:tl view with t he :lJHcnor end to tht" left. hetc rO(:udigradc. vit.'w, :mtcr-ior 1s m the top.
• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

Table 7.7 Re resentatives of the Ph lum Echinodermata

Classes and Representative Kinds Characteristics
Crlnoldea - sea Illies ahd re alhcr stars Sessile during much of ii(e c)1:le: , alyx support ed by elongated stalk In SQme
Asteroidea - sea stars (starfish) Appendages arranged around a central disk containing the mouth; tube feet
with suckers
Echinoidea - sea urchins and sand dollars Dfsk.·shaped with no arms: skeleton consists of rOW'S of calcium carbonate
plates; m0table spines; tube feet with suckers
Ophluroldea - brittle stars Appendages sharply marked o ff fro(l'I central disk; tube feet wilho.u t suckers
Holothuroldea - sea cucumbers Cucumber-shaped wittl no arms: spines -absent tube feet with tentacles
and suckers

Classes and Representative Characteristics

Enteropneusta - acorn worm Vermiform with acorn~haped proboscis; skin covered with cilia and m ucus
gtonds; feed on detritus ~ swallowing sediment
Pterobranchia - gil~wing worms Colonial: tentacles with , ma Olter food from water

Hemichordofa Crinoidea Asleroideo Ophiuroideo Echinoideo Holothuroideo

Figure 7.181 1>hylogen coc rdatioMhi ps and

d.:usific:ation ofHt:nUchortbt'J :mJ E.::hinoJc-rnl:ita.

Phylum Echinodermata - sea stars, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers

Figure 7.182 Exampk t·chinoderms iud udt~: (a) .1 ~'\":Uvw pyra1:ni.ll st·a star. l'f11m<1 P}'r.u11ir/,1ra. (b) a g 1oup o f con\mon saud tlolbrs,
l.~Jri,,,.1,.,1d111i,u Jt,Hllut, :ind (1') a ~ca cm~u mber, 8!id1c1n" .fiurttf.
Class Asteroidea

Pcd 1c1!'lbr1c-:ic-
Llcrnu l
(skin g,11,)

Loc:atiou - --'>~.'._':cc

(b) tube tt.:-c


Figure 7.183 A <lia1,r.1m of the t·xtern:J an2tom)' of thi: st".1 s0r (starfish).
Astrn'i-u. (J) An :tbor.U (dorsal) vie,.,~ :unl {b) :m oral {w view.

"-----A111bubcrll rtl1gc
P ylor ic stonuch



lbd1:il c:mal
L:ttcr~I c:maJ


Figure 7.184 A d.i:ai;r:un cfthet mtem.1I a natomy of the sea Anipulb
& l11U :'1.hcit:tl side (a) 'fhe d1gc<rnre -'nd 1-e-pro<lurtl\'\' <11•g:111~, (b) rhe
,v-~t~•· v!l,;euhr sy(mn,, :llld (c) a rr:uttver~<" .<ccoon th1•ot1gh an ~1•m

• A Photographic Atlas for the 01olo~ Laboratory

2 ~

3 7


Figure 7.186 A 1rK,giu6<:d .aboraJ vie,v of d ie Uitt n'3:I

aoatomy ol'a sea !ta.r
I. Ambubcr:i.1 ridge 6. Pyk,ric duct JO. l.>y1onc
2. Madrcporju: 7. Pyloric C-.'.lccum i:tom:«;b
figure 7 .185 Au .ibor:il ,,ew ()( d l e in~-ro~1 : ul~h)ll1y ri ,, SC..1.$Ut. 3. Stow: (di~<.-scivc h'Und) 11. Spint-s
t. A1nbu1:tcr.J ndie 3. Spines 5. Pyloric Cal'Cum 4. Ampoll:t,r H. Gonad
2. Co111d 4. Ring c.tnal (digestiw gland) 5. Polia.n w~ide 9. Anu~


4 2- --'±;~::,ii--*
4 - - - - -----11
figure 7. 187 Au or.&J vi~w of a sea ~t:tr. Figure 7.188 A traris,•t'rse- Sl:'c:tion throu~h 1ht• arm of a sea )r.1.r.
I, 'l\,bc t'ett 4, Aml'lufaeraJ gmovt I , CoelC)ll 1 4 Soek<:r 7, Ainpu.11:it
2. Peristomt• 5. Or.ti<."S 2. Tulx· fo<>t 5. Pyloric c:lt'c.:um B. Ambul.a1:rJJ groove
.3. Mo111h .) f..p idcrmi~ (). An1bubcol ,•ittge

figure 7.189 Au or:tl vi'-'\'' ol a )(.'a star (a) s.h owini; tbe- car<liac smJn:ich cxte-n1.kd through moud1 and (b) aftt'r rcu-.1cting stomaclL
l . Cardiac stomach

Class Echinoidea


Figure 7. 190 A p encil )C:-:1 u n:bi11. I·ldmwutM"s sp. Figure 7.191 An ~; view of a bw sc-.t urchin, H1•raorr utrt>i1u s.p.
1. Tips o f tc.-eth (of AristodC''s bntern) 3. Pe rlstome
z. MOlld )

·-~~I/.•. __._
,.,··,,_. . ;v,
· · , '.\,
\:;:-·•..:.. ·.. /· .~ /· ;• :. ,,

\> . ':,_,, ··: :~-:--,.;,

1. ,f,,. •. / , ..., ~1- •• ''!.C
\\ 1· •,1 -, .-_,- ~
• • / I
-,-. 3
' - ---: .• l.

---. -
.• •. • . ,. :. ! _.,, r
- .,,,.. .?'J/ ....
i: .', ... ;.
··- :/M.""' · /·•,>, ~ ..
'~~--. .. - - - ~
,,,. ., / . ~".~:- ~.. ~ - ·.- .:... ~ \. 4
• .·,. ., I•,..f4 -·~-
.~~..::.-,/, . ·, '..·>:
•1· I·•·
,· ..''·•·'-'-
•-': . ,-, - - • . •
... - '_.,,-. ·.• . ·, t /:.-:-..,.-1-:-
·-·· . ·. --.. '. .•·... <. ·..-\,/ ' ..r
2 I·. - .:. "\. :_ .... ' \. -·j;)
y~~~--i. '
r•,. •
J( I

Figure 7.192 An o r:i1 vit<w o f the sea urchin . .rlrb,1dt1 sp. Figure 7.193 An :aboral vi<.·\\" ofd 1l' sc.".a un:hiu.Ar~1dt1 sp.
I. T ip ofte-::-dt (ofAristotfo's l:um.· rn) 3 . P1:Jicdbri.J I. (k-qd ~ 2. M.adr~p oruc
2. Sprne, ~ . Peri;;, ome

figure 7.194 TtN: iutcruaJ

:in;m:,my of :i ~e:i u rdun,
I. Madrcporitc
J 2. hHtSI ir'I('
3. Ar~t(ltle"'s liutc ro
-1. T ip l)fh:eth
(of Ari~totle's b utern)
~. ,'\r'l ll.)-
4 6. Gon.atl
7. Sroinach
S. Cak3r<.-ous tood1


··· =-

~ ~~. ·

~- ·
, II\.
~ ~ 'I


Pl111rp1;( l ~-_,. s
.Aiq uaph;lty1lgeil
b,~b. ••••'- ~ ~~

'•. -- &
RJu~ canal 9

'- w . ~,rnun,n.u
lrcpodtc l r~: ,
. . ., ~:~
n .. 1: , _ . •... : ..1.. • , - 10

,~• '1',
g,..,a \ h Pi..».J lmesunc

~$.' XI lte$pinuor y rrtt

Figure 7.195 A s":i. <.·ununbi:r. Flgure 7.197 Th,;; mten u l :matc.,11~·
~ :;.> Tube iet.•t
G,mmnria. of ;i s~;1 cucumbeL
1. Ti.•m:u.· k-s I. Tc:m:ack-s 7. ui;,:c:d
2, Tube 11:ec 2. M<Hldl bulb
3. Polian vt-side S. £mphat,."
.a.. R cspir.lh">')' 9. Rt-t~c,or m u~le
lWC 10. lutO:StUle
Figure 7 .1 96 A d6gr;un of the- imcrn:1.I 5. CIO:lt'..l 11 Ampulb
anatomy nf a sc:. cucumber. (i.Auu.'J 12. Gonad
( Phylum Hemichordata - acorn worms


Class Enteropneusta

Colllr I
gill s.li1s


figure 7 .198 An illo.str:anl)u <i( ,rn .lC01'n w<>nn .

Figure 7.199 An :icorn worm, S,1r.-a.~lrus1u k\n1~1lrvikii.

.., l. l\fouth
2. l'1'<lOOs.c;u.
3. Colt,,·
4. Location of gills
5. Trunk
6. AnU)

Figure 7.200 An ai.~on, worn,. S,~{t~loum lwmdri-slmt Figure 7 .201 A d'".:.-p-se:i acorn worm s1>cc1cs m•wl)' diicovered by
$howi11g ph:irynge:iJ g1JI sins. NOAA (N:uion:al Occ.-mjc :md Auuosphc.·ric At.lministl'ltio n).
l. Probo~U 3. Coll:ir
2. Trunk 4. Pharyuf_'t"al ~ill slits
• A Pholograph,c Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

Table 7.8 Re resentatives of the Ph lum Chordata

Subphyla and Representaflve Kinds CharacterisHcs
Urochordata - tunfcates Marine, larvae are free-swimming and have notochord. gill slits, and dorsal hollow
nerve cord: most adults are sessile (attached). filter-feeder.;, sadike animals
Cephalochordata - lancelets, amphioxus Marine. segmented, elongated body with notochord extending the length of
the body; cirri surrounding the mouth for o btaining food
Vertebrata - a'gna,hans (lampreys and Aquatic ~nd terrestrial forms: distinct head .md trunk supported by a series of
hagfishes), fishes (cartilaginous and bony), cartilaginous or bony vertebrae in the 13dult: closed circulatory system and
amphibians, reptiles. birds. mammals ventral heart; well-devel'?J"'d brain and sensory organs

Table 7.9 Representatives of the Subphylum Vertebrata

Taxa and Representative Kinds Characterlsflcs
Class Myxlnl - hagflshes Terminal mou[h with buce:al funnel absem: Msal sac connected to pharynx; foul"
pairs of tentacles: five to ten pairs pharyngeal pouches
Class Pelromyzonlida - lampreys Suctorial mouth with rasping teeth; nasal sac not connected to buccal cavity;
seven pair.; or pharyngeal pouches
lnfraphylum Gnathostomata Jawed vertebrates: most with paired appendages
Class Chondrichthyes- sharl<s. rays. Cartllaglnous skeleton: placold scales; most have spiracle: spiral valve in
and skates dlgestJve tract
Class Osteichthyes Bony fishes: gills CQVe<ed by bony opcrculum; most have swim bladder
Subclass Aclinopterygii Bony skeleton; most have dermal scales; ray~finned
Subclass Ac:Hnlstla Bony sl<;::leton; lobe-finned; !l<'ired p~toral and pelvic fins
Class Amphibia - salamanders, frogs. Larvae have gills and adults have lungs; scaleless skin (except apoda);
;ind toads an Incomplete double circulation; three. chambered hear-r
Class Reptilia (• Sauropsida) - reptiles Amniotic egg: epidermal .scales: thr,,e, or four-<llambered heart: lungs
and birds•
Clade Aves - birds• Homeothermous (warm-blooded): feathers: toothless: air sacs: four,,chambered
heart with tight aortic arch
Class Mammalia - mammals Homeothermous: hair: mammary glands; most have seven cervical vertebrae:
muscular diaphragm: three auditory ossicles: four~chambered with
left aortic arch
-~ U1rds ,m d crocodiluns .uc mcmben of th~· Archouuria. wbkh mdude- the dmouurs. N r conwnicn«- ,vi.• m-.u th lTtl traduiouall)· .Ji a .scpantc class.

£chin odt•1uu1:i.
(sister i;roup
to cho r<lato)
* Arnmal,a

Ccphalochoni:it> ~
(bn<.d cu.) ~

Uroch o,d au

I bg:f'is.h lost 1t,,; Vl'rl:rbrae Qu gfish«)

1•ttrOm)'Z011t1da '<?;

I lt"-1J and
Ch<>odt ichrhyts '
{sharks, uys, )
\'Cth;brJ I colmun dum.acl".t.") J >-
(r.:ay- li1t1h~d tidle'..)

A n i1uqi:1
M iu--cr:t.liztd skdeton. (e<tcl:\f,l 1\dH)
longs or lung dcmv,:ui\1l' <.
(\VLl'l1 bladd<--r


R t'ptilia
(mrtlo. .suttkcs.
c.,nmchlM, h\1\i'>)
Figure 7.202 Phylo1:-,'l.·11e1ic
rel:ulonshit" and d.1ssific:uio n of the
,n~,jor. ~xraiu. diordarc lit>C:l~ i:s. Ma.innuba
Milk (111au11nab)

Figure 7,203 E.,h.impll' cbordat<.-s include (soning on po:viou.s p:tgc) : {:a) J bm:d~t. 8,w,dti.:,S1-0m.r sp.. {b) , gfa.o t t(toUpl'I,·plirbu L11a 11l,1tu1, (c) a
r<•d -cyed ttt<' frog,ll,(!.d}'l'lmis t,Jfidr-~u.(d) a 311.ikt--ncck~d Olffl1,1J'11,·1fldrl..t7, , (<·) :i ln uli bunung. Hu!Mi,/(_f .,m~ic·,w, and (f) a d un\<X'. Hw lrtt;el-"1yte.<.

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Labora tory

Subphylum Urochordata

lncum:m siphon

E.xcurn"IH siplto.n


At11l'- Stonm:h
DoruJ u~rvc: ----t-:,rJ
cord {hollow}

4-- - - E~1phagt•"' l n t~ tlll<"


Phar }' ll.'i:

Figure 7.204 An :id ulr ruoicacc, Figure 7.205 A;im of :i rnm(;::\{t", (.:i) a se.. <,;, <.Jle ~duh and (b) a 1ix:<:,4wim1mng: l:H'V;)
Ci,•w1 111u:stinaJ,s.

Subphylum Cephalochordata

Figure 7.206 A diag:rlm or" a bn<"t k-f, Bta111/:it>s1om.J ~P.

I Atrlf)po..-e .'\. c.:.,n!id:ll fin 5. 0 ()1'5;\I nc,vc <.01-<l 7 Myomeri':$. 9. Aulu,n 11. IJigesuvc c aei:um 13. Wheel o rgan
2. Anm 4. FU, r.1)'1 6 . Notoc:hord 8. Gonad JI), 1nt,:stinc 12. Phar)'nx witb gilJ .-.lits

Arnmal ,a

= - -11
!=.- -1 2

Figure 7.207 A wholt' m ount of a lam:dt'l. Br.mdm?Yl<.mJJ !i'·

1. Eso1)h;:egll$ 5. A,ms 9 "-!otl"l("h,71·rd 1:1. R os,ru m
2. Atrium 6. Fm r.iys JO. Gill slits 14. Oral cn·ri
3. An·1opon.• 7. Myomcres 11. C.i.U bars
4. Cam:l:.I fin 8, Dorsal m.-rw cord 12 W hed organ

.l ~-=----8
":"~:::::;;r·p- --:=-=9
<I 10
5 Il

Figure 7.208 1\ n a1tterior view o f the anatomy ot'a lance.let. 8mud1fos.r<im1, .sp.
I. Pm l'l }'S 5. C.,U lxtrs 1) . R.osmuu

2. MyQoiCL'\':;\ 6. Dor1al 11l·1:,-e cord 10 Wheel Ot§lu

3. Velum 7. Nornchord 11. O ral cirri
4. Gilt i.lits 8. Orll hooJ J 2 . Phary1Lx

Figure 7.209 A po~e.rtor Vt('W o f rhe anatomy of ,l l.:mc.,.lc-1, Um,1tl1iM1t111r.1 !-§>

I. Caud:d fin .t Notochmd 5. Intestine." 7. Midb•u t 9. Atriopore
2. Pin ray<: 4. A u~ 6 M ynmt1'e.'! 8. Atr111111

• A Pholograph1c Atlas for the Biology Labora tory

- - to 10 Figure 7.210 1\ lr:iniwet:Se

scc.1io1l through ,he pharyn~:d
rcgi.:-111 of (a) a male, :wd (ll) :i
11 fotu.tfo- b ncdet, Brm1rl1fust,m1a sp.
I. Fin r.1y
2 2. Don.d m'P/e cord
3. Myom~n.·
12 4 . l)o,rs.:il :lMl:l
5. N..-pbridium
1., 13 6. CiU~,::-
7. Arriu 1H
14 S. Testti (malt:)
•'l.. ;::::-:7 15 15
0'-1:'lry (femak)
9. Mt.-t'Jplcur:J fold
I•). l)(>f'SAI ti,l
~ 11. Epidennis
-.I'. I6
16 12 . Mros(-ptum
6 13. Notochoni
17 14, E1~1hr:mchial groovt-
7 15. Gill slits
1~ 16. Pharynx
17 17, Eu<lostyl<: (hypobrJ nthiaJ
I~ Me-il:iric caecum (liver)

(a) ..-' 6UX
-- '

Subphylum Vertebrata - Subclass Petromyzontida

Figure 7.211 A P..K"ific lampr.:)~ Lampt'lld rrid<·ntald.



Figure 7.212 T he oral rc-gu:i-•l ot"a Figure 7.213 .'\ do,-.;;:tl view of the c,aern:al :anatomy ofa m:ir-ine bmprcy, l'i~ll'l'NtlJ'Zl}rl ma,imu.
Pacific h.tgfish, Eptt1trdrrf sfomi1. 1. H ead 3. P'inc:i.l l:iorly .5. l'ar;c..-rior dor1=.:al fin 7 Amcnor dor1::1J fin
I. Momb {cown:J) 3. Nostril 2. Nouri) _., Caudal 6u 6. Trun k
2 . Darbch


6 I

Figure 7.215 :\ l:uer,11 view of the amenot· ,m2to111y of 2 inannc lamprey.

I Ey..· 3. fixtern:11 g~I slits
2. Buccal fu nnd


9 4

Figure 7.216 A d ors:.1l \'icw of the :uncrior an:it1.:imy- o f.l nunuc- lamprcy.
I. M<>J 3. boJ)'
2. N oMn l 4. 6yc

Figure 7.214 Tix c:-~rcifagiuvus skeleton Figure 7.2 17 The oral n·gfrm of2 nl3.rine- 1:unpR-,Y.
of a m:irmc lampn-y. I. Hom)' u.-cth 3. Mo uth
I . Cr.uuum (,. Annular <::uolage 2. Bucc.J pa.pilJae
2. Cmd:tl tlo 7, I..Jni;u:il carLifage
3. Posterior d orsal fin 8. Br.mchial b:iskcc
4. Amcr1or ctnl':.\:il fi n
5. Bm.·cal C'Jvity

• A Photographic Atlas for the 131010~ Laboratory

I lydrosmm: Olfactory s.1c


Cr.ania.l Nosttil Esoph.1f_'US


fooi1c:i I
I lntcru:tl
g1ll -di1 cartilagc.-s
Tonguo: Auou),u: Llui;u..,I Vdum Vcntr:ll Sinut
e111ibgc c:a.rcib~c- JOrta wnosm
Figure 7. 218 A diagr2m or :i sagmal sccuotl of :a tn:annl." lamp rt."')'.

I ()

f igure 7.219 A s.1giu:i.l st.-ction through the anterio r r,:.-gion oh b.ntprq·.
1. Pme.11 O%'r:l11 $. Mouth 9 . H11cc:1l m u<cfc: 1:;. Dcu'<.11 ~ott.'I
2 . Nt"'l<ml 6, :\onul:w .; I1), Myomer~s 14. Atnum
3. 7. Linst1:tl cMtib.gc 11. Do~-aJ m·rw cord 15. Vcntridc
4. Pha1yux S. lntcma.l gill ..Ji1 12. Notochord 16 1--tWJ'

Figure 7.220
Figure 7.221
f, A tr.l11SVt'tW secti on
t\ transvn st St·Ct1on
thmogh ,he h("~d :u
rhrough rhe body :u the
3 thl' lcvd •f t1u: t.·yc-.=. 7
7 k vd of th<.· fourd1 ¢ U
o f .- bmprc}~ slit of .l bmprC)~
4 s $
I. Piuc:al organ J . Dors:il w:r\fc- cord
2. .Bra.iJ• 2. Nmochord
3. Rt.'tinl of eye 9
; J. Esoph:agus
4. Lcni: o f eye
4. Br-Jrn:-hi::iJ rube
10 5. Lingual cartiJag~· 5. Y..:mr:a1 j ugubr vein
b. Myomtre 10 (,. Antc-ri or
7. C r.uU:aJ c:1.rtibgc \'\'i ll
K. N:i.<:oph.ltyogc:il
7. Dorsal .--orr.r.
pouch S. Gill 61:mu:nb
9. Pharyn....- 9. '¼nrr.:il aoru
I\). Ph.:i.ryllg¢:1l gl:11,d 10. Brandual poud1

Subphylum Vertebrata - Class Chondrichthyes

Figure 7.222 Ex:11npfos fro m cl:c,s C hondrichthyes iu d ud<.': (:.1) l bl:td tip rt.'Cf shad:, Card,arl1i111rs mi'latt\Jplt'IIIS, (b) a snr n.-ef slu rk, Carduuili,ws
,1mbiy,lry11dws. (c) a ~'l.1it:uf:r;h. Rilirur at1ryfostom11, {d) ~ ro und stinb,'rly. Urob..tlis hallm', (<-') a b}u-.·-:•pott~d stingr.ty, Tiit•nittM lymnta1 :md {{) ,. chim:11..·r.1,
H)•dr11J•1~m 1·1>llki.

Subphylum Vertebrata - Class Osteichthyes - Subclass Actinopterygii

Figure 7.223 l~x.:imple A<ti,1opferygii 11l<IL1d('· (a) a m m:ito downfish , Ampl11'Jm'1m mrhm,,1m$., (h) chum salmon. Omw/1)'11.-/111.J krm, and
(~) a l1onfith , Prat1i ~~I),

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology laboratory

L.m·ul hnc DorsaJ fin C:iuch l ful



<>rerculu m P-:cror.11 fi n Pdvic fin Anal fin

figure 7.224 T l1e cxu·rnal structur,._-s of a groupl'r, ,V/}•11tY"J><'rr11 b1>1t(l(i.

Subphylum Vertebrata - Closs Osteichthyes - Subclass Sorcopterygii

Figure 7.225 T he rnd:tc:mth, L1ti111,:ri:1 rfr.Jum,wr. a lobe-Jin fish, w:t~ Figure 7.226 Die African llmg6..,;h, Nt.t•t('td lt.Xis,Jjo,yrm'.
o nce thought to be l.'xti11cL

Class Amphibia

Caecili,1tt~ S;;i l:un.111 d<' r~

Figure 7 .227 Phylog,::1lil"tic rd:u:iou-:luµ.~ :and

d :wilica1io11 of' (.'.bi>$Amphibia,

Figure 7.228 Exam_pJes of Amphibia mdudt.·: {a) a Cameroon c.tocLlian, Cr<ttopl1mrrmo b-:inm1111·Um, (b) an lmphimna. Ampl111/mc1 11,r,ms, (<-') a
k-sseT iiren, SJ're11 imenntditJ, (d) :m :u:oll'> cl,Amby.u~w,a mt•:-dm111tm, {c) :t 1igcr s;abnunder,rlmbJ'1'"",a I~·~rlmuu, (f) J r..-d mud s:tl:un mdc-r, Psru(fot,ilou
rub,·,, (~ 311 ca.,;t(•ro m:v..-t, NMoplitl1 ,1lm11s 111'n'drst't'11s, (h) a WoodhOlbC·s toad , Ariaxyri.u· 1t'IJotiliosuiJ', (i) .i C())OrJdo Riwr tuad. /urillm r,1.,..,,.,,.s, (j) a
blut·- wcbbed Oring tn.-e fiui::. Rl1mxipf1oms Higropitlm,1111.\ (k) a canyon u.:c frog. Jly!a r1m1fr(,for. a nd (I) a red--.-rcd Ul't' frog. A.~•d)'«rnis ci·Jlid,;·as.

• A Photographic Atlas for the B1olog,, Laboratory

Figure 7.229 C:1ine1,:,01\ , ~ecili.i,1, C1t1wpl1,anw111 ll(Jmmuf llt>ri 1'hf" f igure 7.230 Au :unphiunu. AmphiurJM mnuf). Note thl.' Smull wstigial
ri11gs 1)r :uw uli c:tn d ~rly h<" Sie-1.'ll,T h(f<' g iw c-.u.•cili,J11t<1 :tn ,·ar1hwl)t lH• leg. TI1e bgh t-colo,crl <lOfs :u-.! .- l:ucral li11,e system th.:et :ud.s u-. huming.
hh· Jppc.u:mce. l. Lat-.·r:al line :.-yskm 2. Vesrigi:J limb

Figure 7.231 Au :1.xolod. A11rb)•st1mw 111t.,·i(11mm1.This indiv idu:iJ Figure 7.232 The: m:u:int' o r c:anc ro:id . .-·foc1xyr11s mariu11s, ii .a
is lt-ucistic~ specic.-s iu l·b w:Ui :Uld )us causc.-d mmy probk·ms fo r nJciw species.


Figure 7.233 T he mrfm: :matolll}' aud body n:~ioru of

dll'· leopard froi;. litl11'1JJ,1trs pi'pfrnt.
I. Ankle 4. Eyes 7. Or1d uum Fig ure 7.234 A whit(.._Jipped t rt-'I." Crt.,s. Utc,rUJ ir!fr<}l'tt'11at.1. (a) T it.: (ru:; is

2. Knee 5. N():):triJ S. Amcbrachinm Cl'0111•h e<l o n:i rer (,(Hl:\ 6 ng<-r\, (h) 'I he :idhesive U)(' d1<k< l":IO he
~cc·u 111 a v,·,u r~I vi~w.

Arnmai ,a

Figure 7.235 T he- Vi"m..111x-sc- mo$}' fiug. Tlirlodcrn:a <<>rtf rak h3> Figure 7.236 An Africa n dawi:d frog. Xo1t1p1u hrvu. hu da\vs on
1•ough. ,uo1r.l<:d g1P,(' n .s,.km th:u resculbl<:S tnOS"- g 1'0\\i n g Oil r«k ,llld each (If its hind f(.)I'.$ .
form:; au cffct·t·ivc c:un ouO:t_ge.

figure 7.237 During th,· day .aud :tt r,:st (a) the rcd-eyc-d m·l' frog. Ago1lyd1m's <<11/i'dr)''u.
hold ~ if\ le,~ 11ghdy '" its bndy. 'l'his 001 nr1ly hkl<'$ ns bng1H cnf()r~. k<'eping rh1~ (mg
mconsp1c uous, but h·eps the- frog fro m drying out. \'(l'hite it is .icuw, 0>) u d ispll)'s bngh1
eole)N., hel1nng 1,) di5co\1r..,gt pn;::daton.

figure 7.238 C:o)or in llmphjbi;ins, a.,; with oth er anim:1k pb)'S .a h·y role.The bumbk-bet• poi.sou-cbrt frog, D,•11drob.iucs l<·11romd,u, {a) di.,.pbys
bt1¢u c<>lors advtt11$.log rhe focr rh:H at is p()IS<u1ous T he ug:<"r..1(-ggcd 1.v.n,y m('lnkt1• ln'!C fing, l>hyfl,mwdus,1 lt)'/'l(''l11,mfrfoli,, .~u,r~t, (h) :rnd d lc fite
s\lbm:au,..ler, S,·1"1m,11ulm salt1m,Jwfr,1>(c) bd the poisom oi the poison-W11 frog but rely 0 11 1hc bright colors to discour:age would -be prc-d.ltl'>ts.

2 11
• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Labora tory

.,., \
y ~
7 Ornilhi);/.'.hia.ns S:mrischims

r<':$,ni<lu'IC'J,: lo~ ()f

di:)J~1d 0 1:ieniog~
skull. p b!oerou. :llld
car-Jp:tc'-' dtrivcd Eura_psjJs: bvlc on th~
fro m dermal bone upper sidt• of th1.• skull:
sing.le tc, fonc_,1,.r-.i, A ~ - Archos.:iuri:1:pri:scm:c of
Later.ti !lnd ii1s<:d u, 1>;H 1
tt·mpor.11 opening .-.ntcrior to 1.-yc;
o l :)x13I $.kckron OJ'ICning heh ind fl )(" orbit,
o rbit slu pcd hi«- mw..rtc-d
opening Orlm u1tder which t.he
rrinng.le: musc:ubr g1zz.w<l
postorbital and $tiua0531
Lepidos.auri:i: u .1ns,•c1-i;c bones 2n:icubtc
do:a~:il $11c; d:m
~hc<l l fl O Of' piCCt";
t~h:tr:ict<:nstJ<'S Orbit
of skdctou
U o 1-.;2I fCllll)()r,ll--,,~ r"::l:
Synapsid skull <ipen1,,g
l:itcr:i.l tcmporJI
Orbit Sy1l.lpsida: skull w ith si,1{tlc
pair o(latt r.i1 tcmtX.H'Jl Dlapsld skull
opeum g,;
..ollP'' - -R <.·prilia: b.:t:t k-r.1tiu in
cp idcrmi5; d12rach•ristics
Amniota: rxrrarmbryonic mnnbnm."S of
Anapsid skull aiU1)iOn. cborkm. tiod al1a11fois: luni;,,o:s
\."<.'utd:ncd by m~i;:.uwe rn:ssurt:. via the rilli

figure 7 .239 T he 1)h)'IO{.,'\:Oetu:: relatfons.lups :md cla&.16c,nao11 o( RcplHi,,. (= Saur0p5icb),

Subphylum Vertebrata - Class Reptilia - lepldosaurla


Figure 7 .240 u_,-,.pn::s<'tH.ltfw• l,J.'1)i1fo~u11•1a md11dt' ("t:t1·crng o,l prc:vio11s p,)gc): {A) a p:lnthtr <11:imc!coo, Fmr.ij'i>t 1>.1r11dfjt, (l>) :t p:i,r of dc-.<"rt <piny
lizard'>, Srdi>pvnu 111111-i.m_ -r, (c) a Clhp%"0S m:.uinc if;u:uu.. ..-fml,lyrl,y,ul111s oi.stdtus. {d) .l green basilisk o r p lum cJ br.l!!i.lisk, 8t1silistJu plimiifnms, (<.'} a
Komodo dragon. l{1mnus J..'I.Jmtx.ft•<·11:is. {f) a w.itcr mo mtor. Vmmms s,11F,1UJr. (i;) a J:m1l·.scm's 111:uuba. Do1drtl4$/JIJ jm11eJMi. (h) a wt•.steru cuad1\vhip
snak.:. :\!f,t1rk,11J/1b·JlaJ."-"l111n. au d (i) a rmg-nt'<.'k suak<.'.

Figure 7.241 /\ nt:'lt:'lt:t , .Sp/it'u,u/,,,u p1111n.-mr$, End t11l1<" t-{) N<-\V Figure 7.242 An c.i,ccro &t:is1: li?:trd, ();•Jti'<tufu.S w.·mm!J'i.. is ii
/.c:ibnd, n,:it,u,H ;are 1lw ('Inly -.u,,·ivnlg mcmbc~ 1)f order k i;h.':SS tiza.rd.
Rhym:ho,i;-phalll, which 11ourished around 200 null.ion )'C:ll'S :ago.

figure 7.243 Thi;- gila mom•ter, 1-Je-J.;,d<'tnMsuspt'tflrm, i.'> a \'t'nomous Figure 7.244 T ht· C:ibp;tgos l:md iguana, C.1Jwfoph1u :mbm.mmu, ;s
finrd hvirig 10 1he Sn111hwet1ero Uoite<l St.u~ :iud MCX)t;O. th1>¢;1tcncd due te> 11mr><lu<'ed :inmuls 10 ,he (;~b pll{,'('IS Ari!hipd:igo.

Figure 7.245 A _g;irtcr stuke. 1J,am1wpl1is scp.. ~·xtending in tongu~·. Figure 7.246 A Clliforui.1 kin~ su:ike. L mtpr<•P<·ltis ,_t.'t'J11l.,. in
R cptiks ll.'.'!e thl'lr toi1~u.:- in t·onjunction \\'llh tht:Ja<:obs<>u's o rgan o r process of ecdrgs, o r sheddin g it-s skuL
vom<.·mn:1s2I o ,p n, m ,HL'= ili:ary ol&ctory o rg211, to .tid v.id1 smell.
• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Labora tory

I' ' ~

Figure 7.247 Color is LM.-d b~ (,1) Lh.: Arizona coral m:akc-, .\ ·fimuvi1b 1·uryx,111t1"1i, to warn w01.1ld-bc prcd:uon th:u il· is v..-non>uus.Th,· scark-t
kin~n~e, Limp,opc.'!riJ Lri,mJ!11!11111 rL,;•roido. (b) 3 ru:>Jl\1CJ1omous snake. mimk'.s. the <;<tiOr$ o f' veo<1111011~ $.:lJ k-e-s (<t ll'1d W<"•ltld- be rrtd:noo imo
lt>:wiui; i.r: :don~·. Kuo ,.,.m g tiw t,xnwrn,. rc<l- r('llow-bUck-y~Uo w vt·n us rt>d-bl:td-rd1ow~bck, c:111 ~ uwful iu de t(•rmju ing whC"the-r 1t 1S a
\'Cnom ou!,: i:o,·al S;nakc o r 11\1 1.

Subphylum Vertebrata - Class Reptilia - Testudinae

figure 7.2.48 R cprc$enram'C rcs111di1uc 1ududc! (::i) n ~ iuy S(lft-r.hcll u ude• .-1/t,dmu sp1'11ifi-•1d, (b) ;l Gabp,1gos g ,-ecn sea trn, lc. <:l,1'11>J1fo ,11y,fos,
:ancl (c) a gor l1cr tol'101sc. G()11IN>ntJ 1~ssi~ii.

Figure 7.249 A rcd ..cared <bctcr. 'lit1tl1M1yi ;.rdpr,, l'i,•,t:,mtJ, ts coiumon Figure 7.250 A (;:U,lp,1s;os ro1i-01se. C:hd11111idis ,,~rJ, 1~ ju$t (IUC of the
throughoul much ot th..· U nited Stltl·.S. IU:Ut)' members o f ord c.•r tcstudfrK--s d11l llc thrc~tt'ncd or l'1tdange n:d.

Subphylum Vertebrata - Class Reptilia - Archosauria - Clede Crocodilia

figure 7.251 Ex:implc~of die four cr<>cod1Ji:lo ryp<.'S mcluc:k·. (:i) Amt'ric."ln :llhg:uor• .i l/{11,1:or wiutisipptt'wis, (h) Johnston'.!. freshw:uc-r
croc<.'ldile. 0t1('Cc{f)"/us .f"lr,,sroui, (c) C u vier's d\\~arf <-'3 iman. Pi1leosud111s pr,l11e.b,vsi1s. ,Htd (ll) a gharial, Gtwi11!is;:,11f$c•lJ·,·1.-'i,

figure 7.2S2 An America n :illig;tror. AII(-t!d'"' m/ssissippioisi,:, (2) -.>pi:-w, it-. mouth in :t thre.1t displly lnd (b) l Nlli: crocodile , ~ trlus 11U,1/tm$,
com1d crttl to lw the ",("<C()Jl ct largeu ll\•ing r<:ptilc m \VorM, s,un<. 1uclf <>ll the bank of rhc M~r:t nver m Kcoy.l, Aftic:i.
• A Pholog,aph1c Atlas for the Biology labora tory

Subphylum Vertebrata - Class Reptilia - Archosauria - Clede Aves

Pho,,,;cvpter,fo-,,,,s (Aan,;n!,'O)~

ColumhitOrn1cs {Dovt')

Pilv:rifor,n~ (Blt1l>b1td)

F:llcou;for,nc.< (Fafoon)A

Strigiformcs (Owl)

Vicuonnes (ToU<.'1U) ~
(:or,(;;ro,.,,,. (K;,,gfishcr) K
Figure 7.253 Phylo~·netic n::Jationships .md
d :1.-.$16,:mon of some of t he o rde rs of Aves.


Figure 7.254 E.xa1uplcs ofAw..-. ;m<l d1cir .1.ssoclared order mdu<le (starting on po:viou~ (> (a) au 1;•mu. D,,,mams 11on1t·lwl/amlh1t\ o rder
S11·u1h1on11<>r-mf."s, {b} ~ C;ilifM111:1 q u.1111, Ct1l!ip111l,1 ft1lifi>t11iu1. otdi"t· G:illit()tmc!-. {c) a re.ilwa<l rlndc:• .-ly1i1)1J ,m11•ri,·,w,1, Mdcr Auserifrtrm~, {d) :iu
l':l!cd grebe, PMK'l'ps m~~rilt1Uis. ordi:r Podicipcdifonn cs. (c) l Chik m fl:t.nungo, Plwwit.,pums d1iL'lrsis., o rder Pho\.·nicopti:ritO nnes, (f) l mourning
dove, Zw,1M,1 mt1<t'Wlfil, orde,r Columbifonm.-s, (g) a bluc-thro:m.-d h unun,;bird. Lm111'Xrrnis dc•1t1t,•trd<1,·, o rder Apodiform,cs, {h) :a l:w;a heron, Butllrilt~'S
s1mdm1llt. ord l'r C11.:oruifon11<'s. (i) ::i b mwu pdic:a.11. Ptlermmt ocndw&'llis, o r<lt·r Pdi:c:mifornu."'S, (j) a Galapaf_-vS pe-ni;uiu. Spl,cmsms 111rud,rul1u. ()rtkr
Sph~1uS(.; fonm:s. (k) a P..u:ific loon. Cn1na P"'-1/ilo. or<le-r Ga\'iifon m.~. {f) a Fr:mklin·s i;ull. Lcuaiplrams p1'plx1·,111. onkr C h:ir.idriiformt"S, (m) a blue .and
goM m:ic:i,-..~ .-ti'!, mt1r,m11,1, <'rder Psitt::1e.ifr»·rllts, (n) " Hrt\vc:r·~ hbd:lmxi. /~111~/M.(!M ty,u11·•t<"plt,Jl11.<,. 1>rder P.\s.se1•,te)tm,e~. (o) 3 J'l(;rt.gnne fakor'I, /+',1/f(I
p,•1,x9riwu,mdc-r P;ikonifonn~. (p):. ham owl, 'fyw dlhd, order Srrig1formcSc {q) a red-sh.attcd fli ck<.·r or northern llick~r. ('..ol,tptt'S ,.,,;~,. mdt.·r
l'ic.itbm~l>. arid (r) ;i bdted ki11ltfii.her, Mrg,1teryle ,1/i'yrw. order Cor:l<..'lfi)nne.s.
2 17
• A Photographic Atlas for the !31010~ Laboratory

Figure 7.255 Ex:-implc hc·aks. :i.nd the tr a~oa:1r<:d u~.s uld ude. (a) n<'t:t:tr fc<·ding, a broad-u,lcd llumnu ngb1r<l, Sd.11s1,h.inu l''"')".-,rus, (h) gr:u n
c m ng. ;i 1:az.uli b un ting. P.JSu1iua a1Jto,.1111, (c:) dip m•tting. :m America n whit~ pd ic:m, Pdadm1s cryd11orl1r11d1os, (d) flt.-sh ,·:icini;, .in Atm:r ic:m b :Jcl
cJHI,,•. J.lali0t•rr11s lm<«cpliafos. (c) inst•ct <.~lring. :a wotcrn tlJU!,.'l.' t, Pit,Jll.1!•1 llldwidmm. (f) sc.avt·ngtu~. ,1 lcin~ vultu re. Smrouwrpl111s p,1JM, (g) fi]ll..•r
rl"ediug •.a Cbilcan l1a1ui11t-,-O, Plwr11iroJJfcws 11,ilrmi.t, {h) ~'\•m,,.ralisc, a rmg-bi.Ut•d !:,'l.tlJ. Land ,lrfom.1rr11tfr, (2) eh~diog. r1:d-shatt ed dickl"r or uorthL·rn
Llicker. Q,l,1;11c•s mm1t11S t,ifa . {j) probiu~. an Aiucrican jvo-.· t~t. RC'tr1n i1< <1t1tt'ri(o11w . (k) ip(.-ariug. :tu Amrric~u dlnL·r o r anhin~. Arrf1i11g,1<f11l1fr1ga.
;1n<I (I) nut,:. grcc1l w rng m:lc:iw. Ar,t rf,l,m>JJtffltt,


Figure 7 .256 \Vithm the a.n kin gdom birds arc- some- of the best c.~mpks a ( scxu:i..l dimo rp hism. the mor phologic:t..l d illCrencc l:K-"f\\'Ccn
malct l!ld fom:tk-s of the same ~pec:it·s.. (a) A pair of wooJ duc:ks. Af.-: )p1>11S-11. p.rnt~s l crabapple d urin~ cour(shjp. (b) A m :Jc ln<li..m pt•afuwl, Pitv<,
«ist.1t1,s, know n commonly as a pe:tc:ock, Jud (c) l fom.alc- known .u 3 pe-•hc-n.

Figure 7.257 (:i) .-\ rcd-t:uled h;i,vk, Jju,,'O jitmaitcnsis.. b~ lo ng hm.ld w111gs used tor
soaring ou thermals. It; wi ng lx.~at is souu.•what slow w iLh periods of ~ding iu bt·rwt•en
st·wra.l wing beats, whilt· (b) dte Anwric:au kestrd . Fala, ~ariw1'us, a fuku n , hl ~ narrow,
loug and poinrtd win~ be~t &u.itt-d for dil\'Ct flt3t 01~h1. It$ \ViI)g bc:ics :in- '3sl w it·h
rclnivdy no brt·aks tOr W.iding.

Figure 7.258 -Plunugc plays m:my rok-s. For (:a) :i great horned ow~ Br.Ix, J1irg,'m·am,s, it aids in c.1mouJhgc, while (b) the- lluDock's oriok-.
lm:ms lmfh,rl.,;ii, uSl":'i it for l.:nitorial Jispby and :tttnactiug attt-ntiOTL

• A Photographic Alias for the Biology Labora tory

Subphylum Vertebrata - Class Mammalia

M:u-,upi:ilu (Kmg:uoo) ~
~1\,hulirlcuur:i {:\:udv:l1'k) ~

Proboscidel (Ek--plunc)

H rr:u:mde:i. (Hyu.x)

Sircm:a (Ma1"'-ltc~)

1>,.im>te< (Cluot>J'107«) 'ft

Ocrmoptcr:i {Flymp; lc-nu.11•)

R odcnci.l (Chipmunk) ~ ,

L.gomorph• 0•d:nbh,r) . , ,

£ulipotyphb (.::lmct·tivor.1) (Shrc;)...Jl!I!"'

Chi,..,prm (Ibo) \ /

Pholidot:a (P.rngohn) Qt

f"inmpcdi:t (W.:ilrus.)

C:mU\'i>rJ (Bc:ir ) 4'fl)

l~ ri~odactyb {R b.inoct.'r0$)

Ci:r:tcea (Dolphin)

Amod:-trtyla (She-cp)

Figure 7.259 Phyl~cnc-ti<' rd~1ion.thi1)"- a,~d clasc.1rk~t1<ul

o i som c of the urdc.•r., o(M.muuali:t (n·pres\.'nt:lti\•e me n tbcrs
m p:lrcnrhc-$~).


Fig ure 7 .260 Exampl~ of M ,un malia :md their ,moci;)ted order 111dude (s~rtmg on p 1·evio\1J IJ:'Jge): (a) an echid113.. ·1;1,•liy)li,, M11t. a1'1t!t,-u11$, Mdtr
Monotl't'mt·. (b) :u, t:'ast,;orn ~re)' kan~mo. !t,fa,rop,•,s )!Jganrou, orJer M:in upi:Ji:i. (c) au Afric:i.n d i:ph:mt. Lw;;,tl,.mt1r ,ifr,rnn,,, cmk r Prubosc1th::i,
(d) :1 ux:e hyra~. [>mdn,:lryMx w litfu.), or<kr H yracoid~. (t!') :.1 \'(/est Indian manatee, T,'id1ed1111 111aMtir.,. onkr Sn,·oia. (f) a m,1ndu ll, M,1111(,ilfm
splunx, \)Jt h.·r Priuiatci., (gl :t Utah pr:Uri.: dug. Cyuomys part•iilms., or<.k-r Rodt>ntia. (h) :a conontail rabbit. Syltil,1gm amfoboufi, or~h.·r lab-omorpha,
(i) M.da~ Un fruit bats. Pim>psts '1J'P"mrl,1J111s. order Chiruptera, ( j) a conu uon ~aJ or h:ubor sc:aJ, Pfmai viw li,w. suborch:r Pinn.ipcdil. (k) :a polar b1::tr.
Un'u5 m,uitimu.\ Mdcr CunivorJ. (I) a black rhinoceros o r hoc)k-J1ppcd r h1noctros. Di« r.,.~ bitim,is. order 11eri~od:ictyl3. (m) 3 bonlc11ose dolphin .
71,~k•ps 1n 1r1MW.t. order Uf..\CC-.'I. :ind (n) .m mtpafa .antdo pe. t lt'pyt'("l('J mt'lamp,u, o rder Art1<.'ldactyla.

• A Photographic Atlas <or the U1ology Laboratory

figure 7 .261 Tlw capyblr:i, fly;fr~vlrti,•nis liyJrodwrn's, ii Lhc b rgit-st Figure 7 .262 Tiu~ nmt"-baudcd ;inn:id illo. Dunms 1M 1,•mri1l(Jus, is
hviug l'f>de-nc. It can g,-ow 10 o,,·r 4 fce1 111 ltogrh :i nd weigh ('IVtr th<" n10>1 widt:Sr•~<'l,i of dlt' .'lrinad1llr.,~. Ir h3~ <ok>ru1crl mu('h ol I h<'
175 pounds. southe;bt:.•rn U uit.:d Sctk'j,

'l •' .'
,..'.\ ' ', ·1

Figure 7.264 Th:.· rinh'tliled lcmw., Lemur mtkl, is ;a pnm:it..·. Thl.'1t·

·l-,1 ,m: apprmnmat<"-1)• IOI) :i.pcc-1es of lemurs. :-.U of whicb ::an: 1,es1ricccd
J • .."•' I·;
,. .l to tlic island o( Madaga.:k'3r.
'\· ·~·
f'lgure 7.263 The pronghorn :um·loix-, A11ti!t'lt·t1pra ,1m,•rkam1, 1s
cm;-d !IS th<' SC<'<ul<I fo$tl'.$t Lrnd .ioinl.ll belu nri c.ll¢ ch<X"r:th. Ir t<.
n:ponc:d tha t it c:m rt·ach ~pt:1.'dS up to 70 mile s per ho ur.

Figure 7 .265 ' I he :\mcr1can b ison. mw11 l,isN,, i$ 1lw brgcst liv1llg Figure 7.266 'T he wc-.nMn lo,,~:'lnd gonlb, c_;,)fil/,1 .1,,wi!l.1 [lMill11, •~
l:i.nJ animal in North Aml."ric.;i. the- sm:tD,"!,f sub~pedcs of f(Ot ill:t. An ad.ult ma),.- cm n_-:ach () focl tall
;l1l d wt>i~h as ntuch :111 60Ct poun.ds. T h..:y art critically cnd:m~ered

Vertebrate Dissections

An uuderstanding of the structure of a vertebtate 0J1=;an1~1n ts'd. (( dusecnon s-1,>ecm1e1t<; are not availab]e, the excellent
1~qulsire to Jt·atuiug about physiological rned1auiuns and :i.bour photographs of carefully dissected pt-epated speciml!'llS prest'nted
how rhe luucrio11, in Its e nvironment. T he selective in thi, chaptt' r will be an adt.~quate substitute. Care has gone
preuures rh:ar determine "-'volurionary change frequemly ha\'e inro the preparation of these s.pecimcn.~ to d~pict and ide,utif),
an intlueucc on anarnmic.a.l scni,cures. Sntd)•ing disscncd th e principal body strucmres from representative specimens
specimens, thcrc.-fore. provides phylogcucric iu.fOn narion about of each of ch~ classes of vcrtcbratt.~s. Sckctcd htu11~m cadawr
how groups of organ.isms arr related. dissl·crions arc shown in ph.omgraphs. contained in C hapter 9. As
Some biology laborato ril's have the resources to provide tht: anatomy of vt~n:cbrntc specimens is studied in this chapter,
sruderits with opportunidt'$ for doing selcctt·d vcncbr,uc obst.!rvc the photographs of bum<1n dissections in the JH.'Xt
dissections. For thl.'ie swdem.s. chc photogmphs cont.~ined chapter. and note the s imil:iritit;'$ of body stn1cmn.:, pa.rcicularly
in this chapter will be ~ v;iluablc source for idcnti-fic.iti<>n to tho~c o ( another m:mm,al.
of -strucr:u rc:s on your ~pecimcns .is thr.:y .ire dis:wcrcd ::md

Class Chondrichthyes

Figure 8 .1 A lateral \-icw

of tlh: lc.x,pa;J ~h.1,k, ·1n,tkfr
I. Spir.:lcle
2. hoe
3. Anterior dors:tl fin
4. Pos1-e:rior dorul fin
3. Caud:il fin
(h ...·tcro<ti.1::al tail)
6, Eye
7. C:ill d1t~
l'l Pc,c.tor.ll fin
9. 1>cJv1c fin
10. Anll fi n

Figure 8 .2 A phcxonucrogr.:iph ofpbcoid sc:tlt."S. Figure 8.3 Shark jaw5 (a) :md (b) a d'-'uilcd view
showmg f(J\~ of r('plat·etntut teeth (scale m 111111).
J. l'-.:.l:uop1-:rygoquadr3.te '.}. Meckel'.!. ornlagc
cartifa~c (u.ppt,· jJw) (lo,·1.tcr ja,\I)
2. Plac:oid f<"<'t h
• A Photographic Atlas tor the B1olog,, Labora tory

Figure 8 .5 Tl~ jaw.gills,:md pectoral fin

('Ii .;i d~fi~h .s-l~ rk.
1. Lev.nor hyomandibul:u.· 5. Facial ncrw
2, I CV'.'ltC'lr of pt<'tOl";'ll fin (hyo111:1ndihol:1r hr.-1,ch)
3. Vc." (br:mdllal) constrictor 6 . Maml.ibuhr adduc:tor
ii, Spira1:ular muscle 7. Vc11trnl hyoid C• tt)l(riCtOr

4 - -------1
----· - - - -- '.....'---'_;;_-7

figure 8 .6 A vcmr;il vi,.,.,. of tlw hwohr.i.nchi:al muscul:u·urc d d1c dogfi.,h
J. Dc-prc.~~or of pcctor:tl fi n 5. Vc-na-.-il br;mdnal con.s.trktot$
2, Con11n<.111 ('(1racoar('ual 6. lutnm;mdibuJJris
3. Linc:-.3 alba 7. Vt•ntral h)<oid con:-a-ic:ror
Figure 8.4 A \'t'uttal view of thi:
~- M)•p.1.xi..U musc.·IC' 8. M:uu.libubr a<lduc:tor
c.inihgmous skdc-1on of :1. mak
dogfi.ID ~hark,
I. ~fataplt.'J)'g:Oquadr.itc camllgc
(uppfr j.1w)
1. Hypobr;;inchtll canil.:i~
3. H;.~:11 ~r1ilagc.
4. P<X."tor.11 liu
5. Trunk vnh•brae
6. fin
7. Cawhl Wl'lebr:ie
8. Pdvic 6 11
<). (..U$JH."f"
lO. R ostrum
11. Clu,nd1\1<.ran111m
12.•\foda.·J"s c:artila1:,1t• tlow1:r jaw)
13. Viscer:1! l.t'Chc.-s
14. l•t>.(10f:ll girdle
15. carcilagt> (of penoral fin) Figure 8.7 A h1\~r:1.I vi<'W of the ; mu~cul:uure o l1hc dogft\h $hark
16. Cl'racotrid1i:1 (<>( p«' fin)
17. Ant('rior don;2J fiu I. Hornmntal st·ptum 4. lateral bw1<lk o f' m yonwrc
t8 1•dvic girdle 2. J lypaxiaJ m}'•ml·n- portion S. Vl"ntrJ...I bund.le oi myo11h>rl"
19. Postl"rior <lorsal fin :\. P:~):lxi11I mycull('!\~ portioo
Vertebrate D1ssec11ons



9 ((,

2 4 17

3 19



___.__#,, II
figure 8.8 T hl' u1h.'n1:iJ anatomy of a uo lc dof1ish shark.
1. Rtght lol,c oflivtr (r('tlc-.:ted) 7. 1~~ 1,hagu~ . .
2. Pyloric sphin cta v:tlw 8. Stomad1 (cardiae n:g 1ou)
3. Srom.1ch (pylonc n:gion) 9. Kidney 23
"· Spleen Io. g.laud
5. v:tlw iut<.."3tiue (iJcum) 11. Clwic:.a
6. T..~~tis


Figure 8.1 0 TI,e supc:1f1cu.l :md internal :i.n:icomy o[ :1
dot,rfish shark (liv<.·r re-nw-.•1:d).
I. R ostrum 13. Clo:ica
2. Nos11•1I 14. Cl:1.<;1,cr
3. Moudi 15. AB'l"rCnt b r.u whial ant-r)•
4. ch::unbcrs 16. Ventral ':l.oru
f igure 8.9 111c hc:tn ,giUs, :md Juoci:ucd \'t..'Ssck of (gill clcti) 17. Atrium
:t (iof:_,tish .shark. 5. H(:tn •~. ( ;tll '\IH
1. Ventral ao11J 7. l'·.trJbranchial chambc:n 6. cm 19. V.:ntridt•
7. Pccto r;il girdle (c ut) 20. J>cctOT.u fin
2, Conu.s atten<ttus (g;il deft)
~- Gastrospknic ::.rtt ry 2 1. l)c)f$II aort.,
3. Gilk 8. Atrium
9. Stonur:h (rd:k'Ct..-d} 22. Kidney
4. Vcmr-id.e 9 . Pencar<l1:i.l cavuy
10. l'1n,rc1S 23. l)()fc;al tin
5. Pcctor:il ~itdle (cul) IO. Tr.inwcr..:t· ~plluu
I J. Sp!L"t'n (refl t"ct<.'tl) 2-t R<.·cul ~aud
6. Afi'ercltl br;mchl:tl lttc-ric.·s 11. .Liwr
12. h,cc....Q'.me (reflected) 25. l•tl\llc till

4 4

7 2

R ) ;.~-· . __ -..-, __;'


Figure 8 .11 A vmo-.i) view of the imcrn:d respit'.ltmy ,m:uomy of the Figure 8.12 A vcn tr.d view of d1~ br;anchi..:11 drcubno11 \",( the dogfid1
shark Oowc.•r j:i.w cue an d rd1..:cted). )hark Oo\wr Ja"' cut .:r nd rdiet:t~<l).
I. 0 1•3.I c:w,ry 5, Tongl1¢ I S<:1ped1:1J Jrtcry 7. f-lypobr--nch1aJ Jntry
2. Pharynx 6. Spir.1de 2. Ef1i•tt.·nt br:1uc.·hi:iJ Jrtl•rt'.::,. 8. 1-le-.ut
.'\. r1.m1hr:mchL'.l) c.h:unbers 7. C,U :.1rchcs :). Sulx h v,an :lrrcry 9 . .-\nter1<u· cpi~Mric :im~ry
(gill c,k A) 8. Gill rake,; 4 E.xte,rual caroti d artery 10. Dor~al aorta
4 . Teeth 9. lmc-rnaJ gill slil'i (5) 5. Aifercm bran chfal :am·ri1.~ I 1. Cdi3c :irtcl)'
6. \.t•utr.t1 aorta
Olfactory p il ,,:;/
., V<"ntr:J carotid :lrtery
O lfactor y artcri.· , \
I ~l. OphcOO.bnic am.'T)'

Staped.1al 3rt..:r>' ~
E..ff1:re1tt \ ! ·: lnfr·r1ot JUgu b r V('i11
h vx,iJe-an J r R r y AJft.-rerit b r.mchi:J artl'ry J f f/.
L ''• \ • ~ 'I V,uo-al ,o,·r,
~ 7 Fllertnc hr:ti'K'h,.,I Couus 31n·noi.:us
:ll'k'l'l(:( J\triw11

Suhd:wi.:111 ;Ulf1'Y
l-ltp3.l1C \f(:l') J ~L L a; -I
;, ._- •>~
Sums vt.-nosu.s
i\J1t<.'"t1or c 3rdui3I VC11)
C,:()mmau c~rdu1.11 win
Subcbvim vein
Bradual vdu • Po5tl'rmr
.___ c:trdinal l>in~


Mep..,til: V<:111 /l (U1UJ,

Cel"c •nery
H cp:mc ;i11 ery
..•, .,. r. 1
P().stcriur can:hnal \Yin

G~trnht>P3tic artt•ry
P .11l (t'(..'ll'H' <'l- G.l~tr1i: :irr~ry
mC$1':tltc-r1<: ,u-tcry Elftr('ut rtnal w ms
lntramt(-st:in:l1 J.=,;ll f~


Ren:il l:>1)rtJI w 111 11n t'

Ammln :at1:ry
L:uc,-.'11 :lhdomuul vein
fl; lfi:i(' :lr f< ty
Atl:ere-nt re,ul veins -C I, \ :-1

Jliac vt·in 1 "'-

f l·moral Jrtcry / / C.Jo:1.t:al w iu

Ft-cnorJ I vein A
'...~ .. "\: Caudal \'Cm

Figure 8.13 T he am:ries of:1 dt>gfish sh3!k. figure 8.14 Tht> vd.ns o f :1 dogfis h sb:lrk.

Supcriid:J uphdu lmic


Olfu:tory bulb
/ - --.---- Te-rmina1 nerw
O pti 1• llltl'\'C II
~ \ - Oifocc,wy ncrw I 2

Olf.lcrmy tr.1<:-t 3
fcle11i::t1•h:ilon 4 ll
• [ ...,.. .,.... jl
rrc • - 6 ,• · ~ D1e11ctphllvn
__ . Epiphysis 5
O<:ulo11}0tor f'J<:T vt fl I
Mt.'scnct.-pha.lon {optic lobe)
1JIJ "l_ Ot"t"P ophthalmic 13

~. =±
~- r nerveV <,
- · .-~ \ Abduccus n~rvc Vl

L:ncr:al n.-ctus m u-sdc- 7
fr ige-nmu t .\r1d far1~I
M er.:.·ncc1,h~k,n - - - , _. , ,~ ~ ncn.:t1V .md VII
H ymn 1.ndibubr ------f--- - - Aundt.'
Me<lull:. 1)bkmg;tu 8
n cr,-eVII
Audm>r)' u.erve VII I

Spm.-J conl I • "" ~· :: ,..- -

• ·

· ..
11erw lX
Ptum.31 ganglion
V:i.gus ner ve X

S.pinaJ nervi.~.\ Lucr;al uci'\.'c (ofX) II Cl'\lt' - - -+-----

\ : : -_ .1 H )•

\ \i ~ -.. .· 1 Viin:r..l! 11-e.nx: (o(X) figure 8.16 A dnr$.'ll v1ew of the d ~ h h br:uo ;lnd >cosnry
uri;ans. Portio1L'- of 1hc: chon<lrotr.uu um haw b..-c:n :.Jt.3\'t'<l away.
I. Rostrum 9. GiU
2. <)lfactory buJb II). T ngcminal n~rvc \ ~ VII
3 . O l(J~tol'}· ucrv..: I 11. Tcknccphaloo
4. O ptic nt.'rw ll 12. Mt•scnCl•plu lon (optic lobe)
5 Eye 11. Mctcnccrh:iloo
6. C h ond.rocrauium Iii. l\·k dull.a oblo n1;,1ta
7. Sc1nic1rcufar c3.11.aJ 15, SpiruJ cord
figure 8.1S A do r~ I view of d1e dog:6.~h brain. t"rJ nu J ue-s,'\.'S. :md -:ye nmsck:s. 8. V:ag:us n<.'-r\'l' X
Superclass Osteichthyes - Class Actinopterygii
Vertebrate D1ssect1ons



figure 8.17 T he C'XtN'u:il .m:notn}' of 2 1>ct.:h.

I. Anter ior d orsal 6n -t M:mJ iblc 7. Pt..·ctoDI fin 10. Po:.1crio r dorsal fin 13. Anu.,;
2. Ep: 3. Ot•utary 8. 1\-lvu.: fiu 11. Caudal fin
;t Nc,q.crih 6, Opctculuin '>. l~tc-ral line 12, An:\I 6 n

--- - - - - -- - ·• ••
Figure 8.18 G:moid scak-s. pn.-~::ut m prinutwc fisfo:s l ike dtl." !:CJr, :m.- ,:ompos,:d of sih•1:ry iµnoi u on t h~ wp !it1rfac1:" :mtl bunt• on th:: bottom.
Tivo dtfll'rcm sizes sh own (:i) and (h) (sc..Ue in n uu).

Posterior Anterior Posterior Ant erior

• • • • • • ••• •• •• • ••
Agure 8.1 9 Cydoid s~:aJcs. 3long with ctc:n oid scak-s (Fig. 8.20),
Figure 8.20 Ctcuoitl S(.·JJes Jiffcr fro m ..:ydoiJ sta.k"S iu tbal they
an.· fouud on adv:mced bony fish l.".S.They ;ire- much th.inner :rnd mort" h:wc combli~ ndgcs on the exposed cdgt.•, tho ught w improve
Oexibk cJun ga.11oid f.t;'ales :.u.d o,·ertar each other (5<'.-lle iu 111.n), ~·w 111u11ir1g: cfficit-n~· (:icale 111 n)m).
• A Photographic Atlas tor the B1olog,, Labora tory

f igure 8.21 T he
skdc-ton of a perch.
1. Anterior dol'$al fiu
2. 1~i11 spine,.
3. Ncurocrau ium
4. J>rcm:ixilla
5. .\1:u::i1b.
6. DcnC'.11) '
7. <.)peteultlr bo,~e<-
lt -i> i:in
9. l\~lv,c fiu
I (J. 'km.·bra l colu mn
1I l>o~rci-inr iiM~'II fiu
J2 . Soft r.t)'S
J 3. C..tud.ll fin
1-1. Ncur:J :,;pine
15. H!'l(:llUI $JHll C
16. Ana.I liu
17. Rms

dors;-tl fm



Un)b>c111tJJ Opmiug
Lwc r (oudt'i from kiJr1t'Yi :md

figure 8.22 T he an atom)' of a pcrdt.

Figure 8.23 The

vis:ccr:l of .1 perch.
l. Epa.X1a1 nlUSdes
2. Swn1a,h
4. l-1¢3tt
5. Pyloric cat-c-um
(,. Livt't (cm)
7, Paocrt.u
8. Vt•rtebr.Jc
'J. Ur-inary hhddc-r
10. Gonad
11 , t\1hl$
12. hnt-stiut•

Class Amphibia
Vertebrate D1ssec11ons

15 • 18
3 • 21)
16 2
4 3 21
s 23
6 24

s 9

? IO· '26

23 27
1(1 12
24 I~

,._, 29
12 U, 14 30
·3 1


figure 8 .24 A dorsal view of the frog skdeton. Figure 8.25 A vl'"mt:ll vww of ,he fo>g $.kdtt(ln
I. Nas:il bont• 1-1-. Phabngt.-s of dig:iL,; 1. M.:ax,11:i 17. Prco,:ncill:i
2. Frontop:trier.i.l bone 15. Squamos:il hon~ 2. P.lbtin.: lS. Voml.'.'r
J 1•1~1:wges of digits 16 Q uadra(~l•f?;;\I boo ~ 3. Pter,•i;oiJ bone 19. OcntM)'
4. Mct.:ic:i.r~I bones 17. Tr:ansvcnc proc'"-ss 4. Exoctlpit.d bone 20. Par..sph('noid bum.·
5. C:up:i.l bones 18. Radioubia. 5, Cl:.vlclc 21, Phafaoge of digtts
h S..."~
. J'>UIJ 19. Svpr:'lS<.'irt•ki 6. Corarnid 22. rvlcuc:;iirp;t.J bonC'
7. Vcrtchr:l 20. Humerus 7. Gknoicl fo~.i 23. Carpal bont·s
8. T ra11s,• prot("if of 21. Tr.:uiswne proct'SS 8. Slttl) lllll 2.4, R a.i101.1J. i1:i
sacr3l (91h) \strteb~ 22 Urosrylc 9. Tr-:iu:)vcrsc procc-ss of 25. Hmm~rus
1) . lhum 23 Fcn)ur sacrll {9th) ,~rtcbra 26. Climn
10. Ace1abulum 2-1 T ibiofihula 10. Urwtyle 27. FeuHu
11. bchium 15. Fibul.Jrt• (c:ak:mf.'mn} 11. Puhii 28. Tibiofihul:1
12. T3r~a.L boru."$ 26 TibiaJc (iur.1g.tlui) 12 . .'\c:crJbulu m 29. Fibulare (cak-auetun)
1.3. Mcut:il".'21 bones 27. Distal r:u•s:iJ bones 13. lschimn Jf). Tibi:.'lle (.astrag.:ilus)
I .C. 'Thr$.'ll OOnes 3 1, Dis~I car.sal hon.:-..~
15. Mcmaru J bones
16. Ph.ilin~-c-s o f dibrits

Tcm1xu~hs Ptcrygmd

Ext(.•mor. c;trpi

- - - ~ Extcmoi ;::1rpi

~ 1Jlf~' 11


4- ·•.~\1. f

..... 12


;.~· ~~

· . · ,


. , ,,

- ~ - ; ~\, """'" "'



,,, ,.
Tcndo t.1k:.weus "f1hub~ :·uncrfor
Abdm.:t<.1r brev1:-

Figure 8.26 A dutsJJ vi,w o f the: frog muscuJJmrc (m. =- musd:).

I. Dclto1d n1. b. Bic(•ps ft-moris m. 12. Tric,·ps ietJ1oris m.
2. A nc:<incm m. 7. m inor m 13. 5e,mmcmbr:ulo~1s m.
:\. ~~xrcrn:il .-.bdo muu l ~ 1,c1'<ln(':11,;. m, 1-1, G.asttQ,c;ncmitl.$ m. Fl.::xor- J1gitonnn
oblique m. 9. Utissimus Jorsi m.
4. C lure-us UL 10. Lon~issim us dorsi m .
5. Pirifonuis m. l 1. CotCYf.."'•oitiacus u 1. Figure 8.27 A diagraLil ottlH· dors:il frog niusculal ul\:,
St<:n1or3diafu. Mvlolwoid


(~rnM i(

Adductor Jon.!,."ll:i;

( ;~,c1li<-
11u j o1 Addu..:tor maguus

~C _ Exu.•,uor cruris
1\111l0 1' ~V"......,... Tib,, a11te-f'ior

7 14 Ca~tnx:ne1nius.
T ibi"l~ JJOStlTl<.lr l>rc:vi.~

T:u~:ih~ :interior

flgure 8.28 A ,x·u1tal ,·1ew of th,: (ro~ m usculature (nL -= mus,dc-).

I . Mylohyokl n 1. 7 . ( ;:ttn ornemi11, m. 12 . Cr.ic.ilis m,lJO I' 111
2. Dch o id m. S. Palin:u-is lougus m. 13. CrJcifu minor m .
.3. Pt.-ctor.Uis ru. 9 Sartorius m. 1-1. Tibi.llis poacrior m.
4. Rc,:tus abJ.oo.imii: 1f1. (cu t and n:tk~tc-d} 15. T ibi31is a rHcrior m.
5. Tricc:ps frmons m.. LO. Addlllt.·tor lo ub'US m. 16. Tendo ~akancus Figure 8.29 A rlugram or th¢ vemr:tl frog 1n uso1l:u11tc:.
(1. Satt(lc<ius m 11, Af'ld1,:;c;tM nugou..- 1H

• A Photographic Atlas for the B1olog,, Laboratory

Figure 8.30 A dor~I ,•iew

o f the lc-g musdci of :a frog
{in =musdt.•).
I. C lute-us m .
2. C l1r:1nco~ 3b<lo1111nit u\
3. Piriformis m .
4. Se.iirnu c-mhr.mosus m .
(<'-ut au d r<·Occtc:J)
5. (._~r.u;-1l is m111or m . "
b. Pt.·roncul. m.
7. Coccygcoih.acus m .
!:{,Tn<:e-~ 1eiu oris m, 10
(cm :Uld rd k-cr,;:d)
9 . lli:let1<. lot("rJUI(, 1n. 11
10. 01,~p:; fc mo rn: m.
I I, i\dductor m.agpu3 111.
12. Scmitt.•ndinosus m .
(t'Uf :w d rdlecrcd) 12
13. G~troc:ncmius m.

Figure 8.31 A wntr..d vil'W o f the

lc-s musdc:s of :l frog: (m. = muscle) .
I P.xter-n:il 3bt1001111:i1 <lblu1uc 01.
2. Triceps ll'mut;s UL
3. Adductor lo ngui. m .
2 .f:. A ddoc1ur m:ignus m.
$, Scmircndrn~u~ m (cu-r}
3 6. Semim<.· mbr.oo:sm: m.
?. Gaswocnc-11u us m.
B. T ibiaJis p<•sten or- iu
4 9 . Rt·cms ;abdmuinis m.
I I) 10. Sartoriui m .
11. Gracihs m:ijor nt.
II J2. Gracihs minor in.
5 13. Exti:nsor ,c,· rnris m .
14. T ibi:iJi~ !11H<"1'1M )()llg11(, in.
15. antnior brevis nt.

Vertebrate D1ssect1ons








Figure 8.32 The mrcruaJ 11natomy of rhe frog.

I. Exttmal c-arotid arn:ry 6. ab<lomiuaJ \·cm I.J. Rlglu atrium of htart 16. Spleen
2. Truncus ;artcri~LIS 7. K1dn(.; 12. Comas :1.ncriO!>us 17. Do rsal :ioru
3 Lung (reO..:cr~·d) )), lli3<.' arteth.-s 13. Stomach {rt8cctcd} 18, Large i.tncstlne {reflected)
4. Vi:ntride of hcan 9. Bfaddcr (rdlect<.'tl) 14. C3Stric v1.'in
5 Live, (cur) I U. fo ngoe 15. " 01:ill un c<une
• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

.. "'

2 I
' I - . ,,; - 7

I ' ~
.. . .. & ~az ... ·:S \\ · "-'I

- ~ . . : , w; r'I( t 1 11
= IO
1. I .. ~ - .11 ;rac..:!-f '."-:.- -

3 - · 8

4 " .. I 4

6_,. . -· - - tit $1.1

s .~
~4 I

:wcm:.~ tr . . . . . I
I 7 10

5 -----

--- -,

... .
- I 11


Figure 8.35 A dL·<.·-p view oilbc 6-oi; visct>ra. Figure 8.36 T he :mt·riC:S and \'t•i m; of the frog trunk..
I G:1llblactdc1 7, l~ rgc ultcmoe 1, 'f ru nem :wrei·,o~i•~ H. l..fft S)'Stem ic :u'<h
2. Stomach 8 . Ventr.JI abdo mi'ltll vein (cut) 2. Conus arterlosLL;, 9. Wt ki<lne)'
.3. l>;ancr~s tJ. Lcfr Ju ng 3. Vc na-ide 1(1, Cctli:icoantst-nlcnc lrunk
4. Celiaco11te!("1Hen c truuk ((1, Oviduct 4. Caud31 \"<:-n:i. 1.::iv:i t I. Uro!,.tcnic:t1 arteries
S. Spleen 11. Ovary 5. u ,oge1ur..l vcrns 12. Do11al ;,l \l r t:1.
6. Caudal V\'na ca\·a 12, Ldl kidm.·y b. Right ki<l1K'Y 13. lli:u: artt'r-ii:s
?. Left lung

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory





d: (.; u

Class Sauropsida (= Reptilia)
Vertebrate D1ssec11ons

Figure 8.39 A dorsal Vl i.'W fl(:, ru,·dt figure 8.40 A v1c.·w cf :i turde.
1. Eyt 5. Nostril 1, G11lat ~c:tlcs 5. Fe,nor.ll .;cJles
2. Pc-nucbctyl foor (,. Hl·ad 2. Hu1111.·r:i..l sc::aki. 6. AnaJ sc:i.ks
3. \'('rte-bra! sc::t1t.'1 7. Nudul> 3. Pl"Ctoral SCa1t'$ 7. Tail
4. M:1rg llu l scale.~ H. <X>ti.ll SC'2 l.:s 4-. Alx:10111i1ul scak-s
{e.ucirck thL"- C.trJpac(')

Figure 8.41 fl )C skull

of .a turdt:~ II
l . J>ar)t'tll bone.- 12
2. Supr:iOn' b()nc 2
3 . PoscorbiuJ bone
4, Ju~ I bo,,~ 3
S. Quadr.Hojug:d bone
<,. l~xocd1~ital bnoe 13
7. Q uadr:il...- bone
R. Sur1~-a11gufar l~•t<· 4
9 . Articuhr bone 5
I I). Angu l:H' hnnl! l :i
11. Frontal botlt (,
12. Prefrom2I lx,nc
13. l':.\latine1' b one 16
14. l'w1n.lxi11:i 7
15. Maxilla 17
16. B~ak 8
17. lkm.try ')



' 14

5 ~
- i\-- ,; .~ /{,.I,·-
----r . ~-:;,.. ,_ ·-If. ~ L - '(,I 'l ., . '11111111 15 . ,.._._;:_:_;__l o.

"•'' -" ...."-'""~
.,....~ <-- - '

' "
., '
~ ---
. t'
l . "
'I ,. , ·-~- ,.

8 ~ •, 16

~ --~
I. ,,
,,--· .
- ~· (


9-~:::::_ , ' ~ ., _.·•.-, . 17 p.;_~ , -
~ u. 7
11 ~

•r • - - -·
. - .. r ,
, . -' - '
lli'J.,, C, , ,, - • • • . ,, •

.... ~~"' i
..-.t· .,
i .
;t;I " "
20 ?

Figure 8 .42 Tbt< skck--tm:1 o f a rurdi:. (The- plas-tron is remowd.) Figure 8 .43 A ,'<'1nr:1l vi~-......., (')f rhc- inret11:1) ;m;1romy oi ,he turtle.
I. fvbuu,; (c~rpa1 $. R ih 15. A cto."l nti<Hl pr()(:<"!-" L Trachea 7. Small imi:.sdm.• 13. l ung
bo11t,'S, tn(•t.acarp:tl 9. Tibia 16. D<.'rmal plact- of 2. Eooplugus S. U rm.;try bladder 14. Au r ide <)I° hear,
lx:111c..~. p l,:i L'H~) 10 Filn1h ~r:ipace J. Br.ichioc:q>h.Jjc trunk 9. Amii, 15. Stomach
2. R.:i.diu.s l l. Pt.'li (tarsal 17 . P ubis I. Vcmridc ()fhc~n lO. Comm o n cam,icl ancry U,. P.H>cre:is
3. U1n:1 bones, mc:11c=-rs:1I I X. 1:en tlll' 5. Lt,:(.· r t I. Subda\'fan J rtery 17. Colo n
4. Humt·rus bom.'S. pbalan i;d) 19. Jsduu1n (•• GaUbh.dd,·t 12. Aortic :m:h
5. Proconacoid 12. Di:nt:1.r}' 20. C;iudaJ w 11cl)
6. Scapula 13. Arttcoll r
7. Vc:m:br:i l•t Cc-rvic:il ,-endw:u.·
--· - -.,·.A,- ··- , -
- ----· ·- .

--;: I
-.I__,.• •-~
t'- !f - • ...,....
·• · ~.
' ~- -
..-.... -~--
...... _ :..
,rlii, ·,i,-, ~ • -·· --
ff ''\ ·, .

__ ,.....~-,.. ... .,...... '.J'. '11 , ,. .

~- I ~ - ,,f ~ ti/141' ,,
. . . . _ 41.!.~.,..., ~ .
'··~ - -· .- ...
~ ......-:- ~:•~



Figure 8.44 T he v ~cc-r.i o ( :i rurrl(", f igure 8.45 T ltt· intt·ntal ori;,uts of3 fom.ll(' mrdc.
I.Tradh.'3 7. Comm on c:i.rotid .ute r}' I. Esoph..1t,,•us t>.;ht horn of utt'ru) 11. Stomach
2, l.wer S. Lcfi aorta 2. Liver 7. C10:1<::1 12. SpJee.u
3. Pulmonary lTl('I')' 9.Amurn or heart 3. G:ollbladder S. Tr.1c h~a 13. Uri.n .uy bl:i.ddi•r (cmptf)
-I St(H)l :;lCh 10, Venn ick n( 11~:\n •I. l'ancrc,;;15 9 . L,vcr 14 . A nu!,
5. P:tUcn.•a.,; IJ . Livt•r 5. Sula.I.I imt'stine 10 . Ldl llrjum of 15. Jlli]
r,. Esoph:tgus 12. U l'llury hb ddcr (foll)
• A Photographic Atlas tor the B1olog,, Laboratory

Figure 8.46 M ak li1:>td\ :and s,l~kc"i h:a,"<: h cmipc otJ, ~s copub tory ~"ltg.lns, ~, h,e IH"mip<-11is ~een m :a r;'ld iogt-,1ph o ( .l male
{:a) crocodile ntomtor, 11.'-umms Jt1lt1t11fo1ii. As seen in.- radiogr.:iph, 2 female {b) lacks a The fom:i.11.' cloaca is the of du~cwrtcd male hc.-ni.ipcn is dur ing rnpul:ation.
1. Shcadu ofh cmipcn c-s

Figure 8.47 A r:1diogr1ph o ( die pelvic r~ton of :1 s2\1:t1rn-aJ1 mo rntor, (2) showing a lugltly ifcvdopcll limb. Comp:irc tlrn to th e
radtograph o f the pelvic n:g1011 or a boa. (b) showiug tht ~~~1gfal pek,t gJrdk .
I. VC$.ugi:tl pd\'lc. guJlc.-

Figure 8.48 !'he

ske-k w u of :i. i,:u:i.kc
I. T vertcbr:ic
2 Duda.I \"ertcbr.w
3. V1.•stigi:d pdvK
..t-. D<:-mary
.5. Supr:1tt111pot.:il
(,. PlncuJ
7 Qu.1drJtC bout
8 ll 1b,


3 5

6 17
s fi

10 7


.\ 9
12 J(I

Figure 8.49 A w 1ur:1J view of the intc.'nt:ll :uutomy of a fcnulc Figure 8.50 .~ wntr!11 view of the intern.ii an:uomy o f :i uule snake. Note that
w.ltt'r moc•1::isfo. A,,_~kistro.1011 pb'd 1•"wm. tl1t' tt•:,;fl."'.> :mJ kidney-'> an: :.t•Jf,'1,'l:' l\'d .
l , j1Jg11l:irw-in 8 . l ,ung 15. KiWu:y I. J..kmipc.'iK'S 5. lntc.·s.1 ine 9. Ut\.'ll'r
2. Tr.1chc-:t 9. Hcp:uu: pott:il vem 1(). O\•iduct 2. A•HJ!: <,. Lt H 1cs1is HI, L.c(c kidn ey
3. COIHnlOU car0tid ;.\Tll'J')' 1(1, Li ver 17 Egg, 3. Ducn1.s dcforcu.s i. Dunu.~ ckfe1t:11s
.:t & o plug:u s 11. Do rsaJ aorta 18. Snuli imc:stirn: 4, R i~tt tt>mi: 8. Ri~ht ktdul'y
5. AMric :ir.:h 12. $t01U;'l(;h 19 PAU<"l'e:l$
6. Aurich: o( h(•:ln U . An us 20. Duodt"rtmu
1. Vcnmdc ofhc-Jirt H . Colon 2 1 AbdOfllu>al V(:U)


t 3 4
Figure 8.52 (>)
T he <truccures of fT '
a comour (pluma)
ic11hcr. (b) Barbule;
:md hoo kl i:-ts .irt.•
shown in :t
1r, pIto tomicr.ograp tL
I. C:abnuu,
2. R.1chis
3 , Sh3fl
18 4. V.111c
5 . Hoolclets
2 6 . l:brb 0
3 7. 13.arblLlc Q

5 22
23 I

At·.xvr -C-drpi uhmh m .
Exti.'nSOr m~t.1carpi )>
rnd1ahs 111.
8 0
fk·xor digitomm Prou:nor ::T
~ supt"rfic1:1hs in. ~upt1·1ic1alt'1 m 0
25 fh ccp!> 1-.rachi, m - - . _
l:uiss:llnus d emi m. :........
~ ( ;rr,1,
E,1ero:il :thdl"lmu,1l- - - 0
ob1j t.iui: m . a
11 S-'nor iu'- , 11. .,11111
P~ccorali.-. en .
Jhotroc}unti:-ricus m . )>
llioribi:Jii m . <

13 "'
( ~ udofo·m ornh s m.
' J>cr<Mleu.t longus m.
figure 8.51 The l-kdeton of :i. pigeon. Cqlumb:1.
Semite udiuosus m.
I. Sclpuh IH. lsc.hium 19. Carpomet:tc:up,ll
2. Uln.l 11. 1:'lrSOt'l'lttJtar~ bone bom•s Exr.-rnal Jbrlonunal
3. Radius (behind ulna} 12. Olgit I 20. Cor~coid bone oblique ni ,
l ' - - - - - - - Tibi;ills :inticus m.
4. Hu 111cn1!'- IJ, l'hal,l1lg('S 21. Pl1rcul.l Sc-mfrnem br:.mos,u.s nL
5. R ib~ 1-1. C r:uuum 22. Phabuge!. '-.
~ I .
1:,X{e 1t«ll' ,,cVlS Jl)
6. Ilium 15. Scltrotic bone 23. Phalaux o f 3rd digic C:astroct-:cnuu.s m.
7. Femur 16. Pn.•m:t..xilfa 24. Kc d o f ~h.•rnum
li. l>ygoqy lr 17. lkiu.:u'y 25. 'I ibil)~rsal l'l<11w-
?. Pubi! l8. Ct'Tvica.l vt.•rt<.'br:ic
f igure 8.53 Tht• supcr ficul musck-s of :i. pigt•on . (m. = musdc)
Vertebrate D1ssect1ons




6 15 7




figure 8.54 A vcntr.aJ view o f the- intcrn:il an:tt<Jm>' of :t p igt"on. Figure 8.55 A view of;i p1g.;:o n heart :1nd
1. Eroph~~s 7. 0 11 gbud 13. 11-.,.:in surroun iling org:ms.
2. Camti.-'1 ,mc-,·y l{, C:loar::t 14. Liwr (,:m) I. Crop 5. l k an (within 9. Ldt St1bcfavi:lu
3. V~1u<'::iv:i 9. ·1,~chca 15. R f"crom 2. Common t.".ltUtid pt'r-icardiui11) .1rtt 1y
4. Lung IO. Crup lb. P.3nc 1-e:as :irtt1·y h. Rtgh1 lvog IO. Left lung
5. Kidney I I. A1)1lic:m~h 17. Octun 3. Esophagus ?. Liwr 11. C 1\"atl."r omc ntum
6. Oviduct 12. Pcctoralis musd;: {~;m all intt:llotiue) 4. R,ig hr 1uhdiwbn S. Tr~chc.1




Figure 8.56 A \'C'ntr.-11 v1C\v of d,c v1$un o f :i pigeon, Figure 8.57 The: v i$c~.-.- of a pigpon with rhc- be2n <;<·c,joned.
C()/111111•,J, wi1h 1hr: ltw:1 rcmove<l I. R ight :ttrium 5. Sm all intestine 9. left vcntricfo
L Crop 5. Right lung 9. SmaU i1m:st111e.• 2. Righr lung h.'h~ It>. (;,zzar<l
2. f:.,so1,h:igus f, . Hr::trr 1<1. ·r r:lfhc-:i 3. R...i~H \lcntric~ 7. Aortic arch
3. Right subdavian artery 7. Peri<."'.1rdium JI. Lt-fi lung -t-. L1v~r (cu1) S. Left !ltrium
4. Ax illary artery S. Apex of hc:in J2. Cmmd
• ph,c Atlas for the B1olog,, Laboratory

59 The planes_ o ( rcic rc ncc 11l ;i cat.

11 f:g~~~o
~;I pbnc f'~:~::~~•Lilpl,,,,)
. Ipbn
pl:uic ( n...
"·di:m phnc)
3.. M ids:agitta

( Rat Dissection


Rgure 8.60 The skd cton of :i r:i t.

S11hlrngi1;al ghncl } An«-r•or fa( nl \'
M.md1buhr gb.nd S:1liv·.uy gb nd.,;; I.cit co,nmon c:11nt1ti 1 .
R ighi conu non camtid 2 .
P:imtiJ gbud
" u•mohyo1ci m.
:\cT01moddtov:I 01 rtUt"rn:tl j ugubr v. '\_ \\ y . 11J A,olla.1y ;1
Srcrno m:'l~to1d m
AX1ll:wy v. B1-.:11:lu.,I a.
°i,} Tt·Jccps br.achit m. Aomc ;in:h
Cr:Ull:tl (:-uHCl'rot} · L.:fi subd:wian .1.
f\-ctoolis uujor m.
\ 't'Ul C:l.\"l
~~ f-f• - - -
- Coron.try a.
l .:iN.... II IIU<. ,ior~i ,u . ------!
, l'\!ct(l1•.1lti, nuul)J m .
hrn•t<'<Kt=-1 :i:t
H c-.:111
:ind vv.
::-- / Do rs.\l ~Mt:I

~ ~ - 1>J11c mc .-i.
::- I\. Cdi,c trunk
c~ud,11 (postenor) /r ~
« . 111
lt.:cm, :ib{lom1n1~ WU:lC:,l\~.l C.:1-~uic :1.
CnmiaJ mcS<.•ntcric a.
I • ~z
1- Rl•uaJ a
F.xrc-1·1u l ;tbdcuuu u l - - - -~ i 1:,1.;z.£~ Ltnd alba
obliqu~ m.
11..aght gonadal v.
~' ' Gon,lciJI .ti
Lumbar a.
fl!olumh:ir :u.
lholumbJr v. ~ { Leh ("<>iu moo
ilbac a.
C;md:tl mtst'utl·ric a.·
~ \ a.


Figure 8.61 A v<:·,ut:11 vkw r-.( 1h 1~ 1up¢rli c1:d ll1l1~11lt1111ri: Figure 8.62 T he cux:ul:nory ot.yHem o ( :i r-,u Tht arter,e.~ :ire ('.-.lortd
of the- r.u (m. = n1ltsch:). rt'd (l. = artt'T)'. aa. :: :i.r~ri1.-s: v. = vt·iu. vv. = wins).


• A Photographic Atlas tor the B1olog,, Laboratory

7 8
2 9

' JO

· 12

11 6


Figure 8.64 T11t· abdominal :irtcrics o f du: rJt.

I . H cp:1t1c :1.ncry 8. G:isrnc :.u tcry
J2 2 R..ii:d•t rl'nal artery 9. Cd.iac tru nk
:\. C r:ini:il nH•sem~r1c :u•tcry 10. SJ>l<'nic ar1e1y
4 . R i~h r t..-sticular a rt<.•ry 11. Ldt n: nal :utl'r y
5. R,iillu 1liolumb;ir :artery 12. Alxlomin:il 2on3
6 Caudal m es.enccn c :irtcry (cur) 13, Lett lt&i~Jar artery
7. Right common ili:.c :trtc:11• 14. l\·1idcDc m ;r:i.l artery

figure 8.63 A ventral vic.-w <>f the ut viscera.

I, Lary1r'lt 7, a.~nph:1~-t1$
2 . T racht~ 8. f--.1,::m 2 II
3 . U.1ghl luug l), Uu phl'.'lgm ,,
4. J9unmu IO. l iwr
-~· R..i~ht o"~ry 11. Splec-n
6. Caecum 12. 111..·ln)l

7 l'I

9 Figure 8.66 ~r hc .m cr,es <'If rite dlor::i<ic .m d llCX'k reg11)ns ,if ,he 1'lt ,
l. Facial ancry 11. lntl·ma1 carotid artl't Y
2. Lingu:J .mcry 12. O cc1pit:l.l .:irt~ry
3. EXCC'roal ca.rotl<i auery 13. Lett common carood artery
4. Crnn.i.a.l d1;•ro:d :irtcl)' 14. Vcndnai :trh.'1')'
Figure 8.65 The lil'ad 3n d n eck region of th.: r:u . 5, R ig lu common <~rmul :11·t ery 15. Ccn•?Cal trunk
l Tt".lnporalis m. 6. Parond dm.'t 6. Righl axtll:try arttr)1 I(,. Lm .-.u l 1hor:1.d c .:irtcry
2 . Extraorbiul lanuu:ll gbud 7. C:crvtc:ll tr.1pC'zius m. 7. R ight b,~ch~ I artery 17. Left axillary ~rt<'fY
.t Extr.aorbital lacriuul duct 8. P..i.rotid glwd S. Br.adUot:t'plulic JJ't~•q ' 18. l d t subd.ivi:u1 ;u:tcry
•L 1:.-c1:il nc n;'t' 9. Ma ndibul.u '>. l, o ,11c :u't'..h PJ. lme r1ul d, o rnc1< .uwry
5. M ::iss..-t.:r m, I0. M.1udibubr l;•mpb node I 0. E.xtt'rnaJ 1w xilbJ)' .irtery

Vertebrate D1ssect1ons





Figure 8 .67 The r.u hi:att (rdlt'cted) .>howing' major wins an<l :t.rtcr-ic:-~.
1, lligbt roouuon <, Lttl aur1Cle 13. C'.orouary sinus {cu t)
Cl'll'oud :1rre1-y 7 1..cit \'(;.llrn : lt 14. lmcl'("(t-(f.l l a,·tc:ty
2. Rl¢it t·ramal 8. Corouaq• w in an d vt"iu
ve-n:1 e;1\'J (cut) 9 . Dia.phngnt 15. Aoru Figure 8.68 T he \'<.'ms of th:: thoranc
3, Hrac.hi01.·c1,halk I (), 1..cif COO'IIIIOII 16. Caudal v1,m3 ca,'J and neock n*ious o( d 1t rat
tnmk c:uotid l t1«)' l7. Esop ~.Jgt.t.'> 1. Cephalic. w· i11 6. F..xtcr,n:il Jugub.r win
4. AQmc a.rdi 11. Ledl :-t1bdavtau a.Tter)' 2. Right CT.tnial w ua <.'.3Vl 7. lntcrnal j u1:,' \'tin
5. Pulmo n:u) ' irLmk 12. Azygos w in 3. Q ud.'11 ,·c1u C:t\':I S. L:itcr-;il thoracic vl"in
4, Lillb'l••focfal vci1) 9, Let( cr.inial vt11:i c:J,ia
5. M:uoll:uy ,•e-in
"C"-- - ....
J C:,'-== 5
4 _,....'"'.,.. 6

1 8
6 9
l (t

figure 8. 70 The br:,mchcs. of du:- hcp3tic po real ~•$teo1.

'7 J. C r:uu:el p~n(:rc:uim duodcnal vein 6. G,mmsplentc \>cin
Figure 8.69 T he :lbdominal Vt(Cer.l :rnd ,-e-~se1' <i,he r:i.t. 2. I lcp:·1tK'. port.ll vein 7. Splt-ni..: brJ nd 1l-.S
I. Dih;iry a nd duod~nal 3. Right kfrlncy <,. 3. Cr:uual mescm cric w in 8 . Splttu
p:iru of pant·1-tas 4, Li,-er (cut) parl of p.ln<.'l't~S 4. l ntenin:\I hr:tnchN 9, Ahd<unin:il :iotta
2. Right renal win 5. Stonn cb i. Spk·en 5. Gastric vciu I0. Caud:i.1 wua ov.t

- -,11 11

3l " - - -'=! 3
5f-- -¥:I;' 4
7!----.~ 13
• - - - - - - -• 13
8 .--E= - - - -.. 14

Figure 8 .71 T he u rogcmt;al S)'.Sl.l' m of the m:iJc r.u.

l. Vcsii:ul:u- gbnd 9. T(.-stil 16
2 Pm<i.m: {vl~1ur:1.I 1x1n) Ht. 'l:lil <lf epirl1dymi.!. figure 8.72 'l'hc umgtnHal s,~tcm o f rhe fom:ile 1~ 1.
3. Prostate {dorSOblnal pan) 11. Uri11:tr>• bbd<.k·r I. Ovary 6. Vt."Stibubr gbnd l L Uccr-inC' horn
4. Ureorhr.1 m the pd vtc c:mal 12. Symphysis pubis {cut 2. U tl·rinc ;111<.•r y 7. C litoris 12. Uterine bod y
5 V;it (dm.~ws) dtforer>s e:<posmg 1''--t-•·ic>al) and vein fi. V;1ginal opening 13. Urinar)' bbd dcr
I'> Cms <>( ri,cms 1.3. Llull)()ca,•cmo<-1.1$ :t U t,mne- horn V, Ut(·riu~ art,:ry 14, Un:dH"J
7 . Bulbourcthral g!au d mmd,: -L Colon .and vt•in 15. Urcth opening
8 . Ht"ad of c-pidid)•nus 14. Pt>nis 5. V:igrna 10. 0 V,l f1' 1(-.. .'\ 1111~
• (
A Photographic Atlas for the B1olog,, Laboratory

Fetal Pig Dissection )

7 Figure 8.74
A vcntr:il vic;w

,, 8
o f the !>1.ufact'
anatomy of ti~
2 fetal p i~.
I, N<Ht>
3 II 2. Wrl:.1
3, Elbow
4 12 -t Tc:tts
9 5. Scrclrunt
6. TaiJ
14 7, N(ls1nl
15 8. Tongue
IJ. Dig.ii
I0. Umbilit--al
11. Ko¢('
figure 8. 73 1'h<" d1tc-cfu>o:tl r,:rmulol-c\g)' .:and supc-rti<'i.:il -.U"ucpu~ IO 12. Ankle
in .1 fotal pig (quadrupedal v1.•rtebr:tte}.
I. .'\ nm 9. Au1·1ek ~liun:i)
2. Tail 10. Ext<.•rnal a uditorv l:/mal
'.l. Scn'.lfum 11. Superior paJpebrn (superior cydid) 11
4. Kn~:c 12. Elbow
5. Teat I~, Wr isc
6. Aukl<.· l4. Naris (nosrril) 12
7. UmhilicaJ cotcl 15. Tongue
8. Hoof
'J ID 1112 1314 1516 17 18

6 19




Agure 8. 75 A latcr:tl view of superficial muscub tt11"C' of the ft··raJ pig.

I, Tibfalis amc-nor m 8. GJur~\1'> mcdms m. 15. 'friccp~ hiuchii m 21. f:lr.l(:hi,lhs m.
2. Pcmneus r.u ius m . 9. E..xcem aJ abdomin:t.l oblique m. ~;ucrnl head) 22. E.xtcnsor carpi rndi2Ji$ m .
.3. Pero11eus loJ1gt1s m. I0. Semrus vcmra)i3 in. 16. Ddtotd Ill. 23. E.xccJ1sor dig:iu m .
4. Ga.,.trocue-mius m . l I. pmfon du.s m. 17 . Supr:i.spin:itus tu.. 24. E.xten,.or djgitorum con1munis m .
5. Tensor fasciac 1:nac m. 12. latis•timus dors1 m 18. Omotr<u15vcr.;<1riu.s. m. 25. U lnaris lat¢ra3i~ m .
6. Bin·ps fouori). m. 13. Tr:tpe:tiu> m. 19. Cleiduo<.·1.,piralis !IL 26. f Jt'xor <ligitoru111 pn'Jti mdus m .
7. G lutt"tl.'\ snpcrfic iali.-. m.. 14. Tri<.:c-p$ brachii m. Qong head) 20. Pb tysm:i m.
Vertebrate D1ssect1ons

9 4
10 2

3 5


Figure 8.7 6 A \l"ntral nc-\',: of supcrlic1al musdl-s Figure 8.77 Supt•tficial utcd i.ll musdt."S of tltc fo relim b.
of the- neck :.and uppl"r to l'$ O. I Extl'T);Or caq,1 t:\diati.s m '1 fk·xo•· dig1ton1111
I. PLuysm:. m. (rdkcred) 7. M:mdlbubr gbnd 2. Biceps bm:hii m. .supt•tfici:ilis m.
2. Dt~trlC lll , 8. Lar)•nx 3, A.xi.lfar)' :mc.>ry and 7 FJcxor <<'lrp; ul.uaris 10 .
J. M ylo hyoid 1n. 9. Stemotb)'TOi~l m. \f\.'ln, brJchi:tl pk•:ois 8. Triceps br:1chii m.
.-. $tcr1lo hyoid m I H. Hr:ich1oceph~li<" m . 4. 1::lC"'(M c;ir111 t:uli:.b,;, nl. ~31<'r-AI he:ui)
5. Omohyoid m. I J. r..-ctur-.ilis superfil;a.lis rn. 5. Acxor tlii:,.-imrwu 9. T.rit t·ps bm:hii m.
(•. $1c1 nomasrnid m. (cut and itO<ct~J) pmiuudw m. Qong hC',d)

3 s
2 4 9
I ()


II s

Figure 8, 78 A l:u-er.J \/'k"\v of the su1,erlic1al figure 8. 79 Mi:< musd~ of the.· thigh :md leg.
d1i~h :md k·g. I. llian•~ m. 7. .Pson major m.
I. Clurcus supcrfic:i:i.lis m. 7. T<.'1LSOr f:tsc i:i,: la12c m . 2. l'¢n<tH' fa~d .l<"' btJC 111. ti. Sarror-iu~ rn
2 . St>miu.· ndiu~ui: m . 8• .Bic('p'.> femoriil Ill. 3. Recrns ll'11>0rU m . 9. Pc.•ctinem m .
.J. Scmimcml-w:i.nosu.s m. 9. r ibul2ris (pcrc,neus) 4. Scmi.uwmbr.mosus m. 1CJ. Adductor m .
4 . Gastroc11C1li.ius ni. k)ugw i:n. 5. T1bia.fu antcrfor 111. J I. SeiniteodiJ)OSltl m
5. Ext<nsor d igimnuu quam 10. Fibub ris {pl•roncus) 6. E.xtcrua1 abdominal oblique m.
;ind q uiou mn l. «:r1 ius m
'>. Gluttus ntl·dius m . t I. T ibialis antt'rior m.

R homboid t:1.'r\'ici.s m.
Myloh)-Oid "'-~ ~ ( ~ R .hrunh('IJ(i r.1pius 111
D1g:1.,;tnc m. _ i.

~ ~tl!roohyn,d mm.
M:is~te.t Ill. //Int Splcmus m .
St1:rn OU1$lOid ,11 S11p1~sp11,:ttu ~ m.• E'<lfw><u· carp, r.ld l3hs in ,
Bracluoccph:1fo.'. m.•

'frl<'e:1,.:; hnlrh1i m
l>r'>stctior de~p
1,ecror:11i.< profuuduo: 1u
Tc1t~5. t'll:IJ'°' m
St:rr1tu,- vc.•utr.t.fu 111. l3ti=;~inw s d nrSI m ,
Lu.u.<,1mut d,ors1 m .~ i
Exte-rn.l! int,;.•rco.'>bl m.

.Ext<.'rn11. abdomiu:il tf~1 Tc:itts\'<.'TSt: ah,fominu.s m. Exccnul .:ilx:lonmu l \(!f,' .·

oblique In~ l11t<:nt1l ahJomiu:i.l
l')btiquc m. / oblique m.
Rl'cCU'ii abdo1umus m. - - \ .~~ ln,enrnl ,hd<11nm:ll Tr.answrsc :ab,..tom inus m.
obhque m. G lut(.'lli mc::iliu~ m.

Tensor fasc i-;ic b t:ac m . ~~ IJiacus m.

PSf>:'lS 1n:t_jOT n i. Tensor Usci:i:c b ut m.·

v.-~ws mcdi:ili.\ m . Pt.'ronc~ tertius m.

S:an orius m ..' c;,.,.i-roc:nenuus ,n.

Senbmc::mhra;11>5us m
Scuuml!mbr.1nosus 1u. Sl•tni tcndinO~lts
Si:mitendi.nosus m.

Figure 8.80 A wntnl ,'lcw ofth e ,uusdes o ( thc fou l pig. figure 8.81 A dorsal view of the. mlL,;dcs of th<.' f~t:al pig.
2 I

.f ~ · -_i·,::AQ ' '!!11 12
.... -~-=--.... ~ t ;;JK "- !' ~ II:'
b4 1 !s:'-~ ·, I•
-- ---t ••.iiia _ _ ,,

· _s 10
, '
·,1 ' J

l- 7

1(1 -

- \w..
-/ r~,• --a .. . 15



"- II' • ....

8 4

. . . ...~..
.:~ - 11

s , ~_ - ~ ., l " ~ \~~:.. 13
, .,_ ,I:_: ~ '
II } :~ -,/ - _

JS . ' ~ - - • '1' .. , .... ~

_, :~- 1. V) .\'\Ill '' .. •·,... _· I,1<>
,· - l l.'! I :, /
I I , r,

I'! 6 : ii I f..l ·1,:·1£ I . . . '1, •• . . . , - - - . ~ •l,;f•
• 18

Figure 8.82 T h,: arccru,:s, veins. and Figure 8 .83 1l ,c .abdo,moal organs ofrhe fe.t.\l pig. Figure 8.84 Srrnctu1"1:.s of dlC· :ihck,men :md
visct'ra o i" t.h <.' ntx·k a nd thor:«.;c rei.tiou I. Lu11g 7. Dfaphr,1g1n lower cx:tt\.·11llri1.-s.
of the fo"u pig, • 2. Llve r (<m) ~t Spleen I . Lcfi vcm t 1dc 10. lntcrna.l mttrtOS't,11 vc~el.s
I. Larynx I 0. !'t ight h, ng. 3. Gallbbddcr 9. Ston1ach uf h1:art l I ~Splcc.-n
2. lnt('rnal ;ug,.1lar v, I I. Li\,er 4 . U mbilical ,.,ci11 JO. P,mc.r(.•.35 2 . Lun g 12. $t(H»:Jch
3. Extern.11j ugu lar v. 12. Trad1t':t S. SJlirJ I l'Olon 11. Kidn ey 3 . Dilphr:l;'.,,'lll t3. P..u1cn·as
4. 1l1yro1d gfand 13. Axillary.,, 6. Umb ilical am:-nc.•s -L llw.- 14, K_jdu,·y
5. Antt<rio r (supt'rior) 14. Aoricle of kfr 5. UmhiJi<.'3 1 vciu (5. R e nal w in
\"¢ 11.l C,IV;l atrium 6 . Spul) colon I(, Posrel'ior (ini(."1'1(11')
6. Aurid,: uf nght 15, I.di lung 7. ll~('f'nd111g coloo v1.•na<.".wa
.u rium I 6. S. Umhilic.:al arter y 17. Re ml .l1'tcry
7. Right vcmrick- 17 Spleeu 9. Thoracic .H>rtJ 18. Ab-cl<mtioal aorta
g C',0ron:u-y ve-.s..<;ek 18. Kidney
"'"' 9. Lt:fl w:-ntride- 19. Small inr("itioe
• A Photographic Atlas tor the Biology Labora tory


,~ 13

15 14


I~ 17



Figure 8 .85 Thc umb-enital Sfstt·m of the nu k· fottl pig. Figure 8 .86 Thc ut\>b~•lit:11 syste-m of the: fom.ilc fob.I pig.
l. Adn ·n.:J: gbud 11. Rt•t;:i.l win I. C:iu<l:tl (iuforior) \'t 'Jl.l cavJ lO. l eft kid1wy
2. R ighi ktdn<.·y t2.. R en:il .llrTery 2. H. iglu ktducy 11 R t:Clltlll
3. C :md:J (iufo rior) vcnJ t'3 Vl 13. 3(.ma 3. U reter 12. Umbllic:il a1·te1y
4. U reter 14-. lltolumh:tr :1n ery 4. U 11tbihcal a1•tery 13. Urma:'>' bladdt:r
5. Gcmta.1 Vt"&sds 15. R c-cttun (cut) 5. O vJT>' 1-L 0\'·.ary
f,. <A'>ouH<>ll tlb c :a,tcry 16. lnrern:.I 1li:ic :1ncry 6. Ho rn of utl'nl$ 15. f t nx,ral :irt.:ry
7. Dul,uS { dcfCl'.\.'llS 17. External i.liac lrtl'.ry 7. tlody o i'uc(•rns 16. F~mo r:il wiu
S. Spenn:mc cord IS. Fc,nor:il :u·tcry 8. Vagitu 17 U1't'lht.l
'J, Ep1d1d~•11)is 19, Unlllf)' bladd.::t 9. U mbilical c:ord 18. Umb'l.'nic:iJ sinus
10. R ¼:,rf1t t<.-sU!i 20. Left t<."Stis

figure 8.87 T he: gencnJ

s structures or the tCtaJ pig braiu .
du.• cerebrum is k-ss
9 d('fincd io pigs. the n:gio ,ls, :are
3h.....j~ uot known 35 lobes as tht·y -an·
4 --...:!...-1.:.; iu lmnun$.
5 +---'-..!.la-'! 10 I. Occipit:il region o f cerdmun
2. Cerebellum
.t Mt·JuUa oblongat3
-1-. Spin:1:J cord
5. External acous.tic me.nus
<, Lc,ug11ud10:1:I tissu~
7. Parii:tal rqdon o f ce rd Hum
8. Front:al rc-~ion of cerebrum
'J. Tt ntpOrll ~gioo of (~Tcbrum
10. Eye
( Cat Dissection
Vertebrate D1ssect1ons


9 10 11 12 1-1 I S 16 17






Rgure 8 .88 The <:at ! kdi:ton.
1. M:indlblc 7. Meucatp:\I l)01!CS 13. Sca1)11b. 19, lhum 2Fi. flibub
2. Hyoid b-on.._• S. Phalan~ 14. Ste,rnum 20. h chium '.:!b. Tarsal bom.-s
3. Humerus 9. Skull 15. R j b 2 1. T>ubis 27' MCl3tarsal bc:»1cs
4. Ulm 10. Atla, (C l) 16 . Thom:lc n.-rccbr.1 22. vclicb-r:i 28. Plu
$. lt:idui~ 11, Axi<. (C:?) 17. Lumh;1r \'C1'tchr., 2'\. Pcmur
6. C',.;irpal bo11d 12. Ct.rvical wrtebr.t (C3-C7) 18. Patdb 24. Tibia

7 2
3 9

Figure 8 .89 A dors:11 4·
view of a cat l kull. 5·
1, l'rem,l-xina
2. Nas.l! born:
., ')

3. fro nt:11 hone 4
-4. SagittJ.l ~uh m.:
5. Coronal sutun: 5
6. Nudial crest 11
?. M»:ilu Figure 8.90 A b tcr:d vfo·w of :i. c:u skull.
8. Zygo01atic I . Froutal boue· 7. J\•1aswid process 13 . Coro1101d pl"OC('SS
(uufar) bone- 2 . P:arica l bone it 1}'mp1nic bnU:i o[nund1hle
•>. Orhi, 3 . S4.uamc.>$:l) suture 9. N:1.sal bone 14. Zntomatic an:h
I 0. Zy~omacic .m:h -t. Tcmpot.ll hone 10. Pr<:m:ixdl:t bone 1S. M:audible
11. «!111p1.wal bone 5. N uch.J crL"~ 11. M>.xilla ·1b, Condylar pr«tS8
12. Pa.rict:..I bone 6 . Ext~rn.1I :icoustic 12. Zygom.1ric of mandible
I :t lnrc-r1>:ar1cul hone 6 l)lc.:1(11$ (n,3far) bone

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laborato~/

Vertebrate D1ssect1ons


Flgure 8.93 An lllll~rior view of chi: l"Jt

brachiun• a.1~d autebr:ichiun1.
I. 1?.:im~w,lW c.:1r-1)i rn<l1:1lir. 7 M:1<,~<,;tCt nl, Figure 8 .94 t\ \,enu'.i.1 view (>(the neck aud thor.lx
Jc.m~u.,; m. 8. Stcrnoma.stoid nL I . D1~~rnc m 6. CJ.wolw:ich1:1lt,;; m.
2. Or:ic:luor:idulis m. 9. Cbvobr:ichi:iJis n1. 2. Mylohyoid m. 7. Pc-ct(uutebrachi.ili.s m.
J . Palmad, lou~us i:n. (Cl1{) 1(1. l'cctoa11tebrach1ah.~m . 3. Stc:tnOIH:L'itOld Ill. S. Pl."croralis major m.
4. FlcxM c.:1rp1 uhuri:; in. 11. l->ec1ornli.!. m;:ajor m. 4. Cla\·(icr:1pet1lli n, '). PectorlllL" rn111or 111
5. Pronator 1en:i m. 12. PoctorJ.lis miuor n1. 5. M:isscter m .
6. Epirrochlc-uls



Figure 8.9S An :tnrcnor ,·,cw of the c;it trunk. Figure 8.96 A fat..-ral vi<.'w ofcb:: cat shoulda :m<l b rachium.
I. Pl·ctor:tlis minor (cut) S. Stl·n1om:uto iJ m. I. Acronuotr:.lpczius m. 7. Urer.1J head ofn,ccps
2. l:.p1tr<1< 1n 9 . ~c:tlc-nu~ :uu e..rwr 11L 2. Lcv,1tor scapulae WJ~tr~dj~ m brjdUi m.
3. SubscapuJari.s m. 10. Scalen u~ posti:rior Ul. 3 . Spinoddtoid m. 8. Cl:tvutr:tpczius m.
4. Sc:tlcnui mcdius m. 11. Epitrocblcari.s m. ,t Laussinms do r.s.i m. 9. Paroc:id gland
5. '\en~WS :lJltC'ri()r II) ' 2. TraOS\~_
l''\C C0:0:C\ntlll 111, 5. Long h,c-ad of tnccps brxbii m. It>. Acromioddtoid m.
6. laci:.simus dor..:i in. (cut) 13. P..·ccorJlis minor m. {cut) 6. Cl:i,"1) m. 1 1. Braclti<irJdiW ••L
7. E."((t•nial abdotniu.31 14. R echb abdomii:us m.
ol:diquc m. 15. Xiphilauneralis m. (cut)
figure 8. 97 A btcral vtcw of the
1 ~ -'' ~

" I6 c:u trunk.

I. lntenial ,,bdonutlll oblique t)l,
2. T,·nsor bsti:t lauc
- ,., . ._ .1·~:rF~. ~
., . "'•t ~ ·I
:tu /
3. C.:;m(k1(cm, u·1~ m.
-~•r 7
,t Va.~n1s lat'"-r.1.lis 111.
;11\ '.l

- I
.J .

. ·. -
.- ~ ..
- ~
8 5. S~rtorius Ill.
6. Exttrual .1bd(l111ioal obliqu(' Ill,
9 7. Lm>tl-uum do,·si m .

5: --( vi'-; II[.. 1ftzi! ·•• ,.!1:~ ,.;.7 ~.....-.. ~

I- 10
8. Spmoddtoid 111.
9. T1-a11.~wr:s.c .:ibdominis m.
I f), St rr.~(HS autl"rior tU,
I l. Loni; head of triceps br.1.d m m.

7 2

8 ..

, ...._. 10
- I

-l I' • <__.;. I

(1 ~ . . "~......,.....,. "-~ ....... . . . " ~·1t ,,,- 2 I.I .Jlllllll - ' a ll


' 7 5


14 12
8 figure 8.100 A mt.-dial ,•iew of the cat th igh :rnd fog.
Figure 8.98 l\ \'ie,v oftl-1t.· cat St1pt'rfici!ll thiJ.,•h. Figure 8.99 A htcr:i.l \'l tw oftlu· i:.l'l t rh ig h :md leg. I. S-artorius 111. S. Adduch-,r longus m.
I, S:\rf<H·1us ,n. H. f.xrern:i.l abd('lmm:il I. Glutt."us 1w:dim: tn S. Tt·nd o c~k ant•ui; 2. V~nus b ,...-~1,~ m , 9. Addunor t<'.ilH)i-iJ Ill,
2. GJut('l~ rtk•dius m. oblique.• m. 2. Clute-us m:iximus m. ~- v~cus l.:atculis m . 3. rtcc n1s fe mons m. I U. ScJu imcmbr:inoms m.
:l. (.1uteu$ nuximl\S m . ~J. Tl':1l$or (;1.~i:1 J. Caudofe-nu)r.llis m. 111. Addm.'tOr fc-mor is 1u . 4. V:mus 1nl'dia,lis 111. 11. Gracilis 111. (cut)
4. Q udo(ttmons 111. latax (cut) 4. Sci:uic nerve I J • Tcnui.ssimus m. 5. Acxor digito rum 12. Tc-1ldo c alc,rncus
5. C:uxlal UL HI. VA< t1ts l.-1er:ili, 1H . 5. Se111imembr.u1osus m. 12. Biet."PS fi:u1oris m. {cut) loogt1s m. (Achilles 1<;-ncloo)
6. Semiccm.li11osus m . ll. Bict•ps ft-m oris m. 6 . Scmite"ndinoms ll L l l. Solcus m.. 6. Tibia.Lis autcTi\>T m.
7. lmern.n) abdl"'>mi.nal 7. Ga.~rroci1e1111u~ ,n 14. l\::roncaJ 1n 7. Rc.-c:nis :ahdonunis m.
obltque m.


• ;' '\'"7,/ . ,..

3· E'7 .i &. ~.......,·~

· i llllLJ ~
J: '2
13 2 bl': 1 ~ 'I ·ftff,y&
I , ,,. ·, · --·
w ---.----.
' ' --
; < ,;

K .' ):• t
' . 14
tl·T ~~ Is
. •,.,if.

1 ·1 "' - ~~-

I t)

- . --...._~ ·- : Il l . ,. .



~ :a&-~ ~ ~J;.-~~J.Bi

f ig ure 8.102 The hl.'.':irt and surroumhng stnicttl!e$ of the.- c:it.

Figure 8 .101 Th<- cat heart ,,..i,lun Lho.: pl.'ntardium of tht' eat I. T rJChC";i 7. E.xh.'n u l j ugular vt'iu
I. ~xteriul Ju_gub.r vein HI. Lcf, carond :mery 2. Conmu, n c:1.ro1id :arteries S. Left bt;1chioceplu lic vein
2. Vai;.,.,s nerve 11. E,m:maJ ju{,.rular vein 3. J\xill:wy \'tin 9 CrJ!)ial (superior)
3. R tght br;1.chioc<.·phalic w ill 12. Commo n c:uorid ,m cry 4. Rii;ln ,rt·ntnd: \ 1l'll3 CllV.t

4. Cr-Jnt:\I (w 11c-ru)r) ve11a <::w:i IJ. Phtetllc n<:rvt 5 Ldi ventricle 10. Br.1di.ioctph:i..lic trunk
5. l un~ 14. Br:tc:hioc:ephalic truu k 6. ncn.•c 1 1. Dm-s.-;J {d escm dingl :aorta
6. (",aUbJaddcr 15. Hean wtdlin pericardium

7. Uvcr 16. Di.1phragm
I'S. Small,,e 17. Swm:id1
"'"' 9. Trach1..u" 18. Gre'J tt r o mi:ntum


A:xdlary ,l .

b, I ~' Brachia! a. Ura,~hi~I v.

Long: thoracic a. / /'

ltti b1·ach1oc~ph:ibc: ,1.
R subd:'lv~n :l. / .,,, Pulmo11~1•y etook
Br.iduoce-phalic trunk C<.·li:u: m.utk (br.mch<.-s 1:Uglu sobcla,•,a11 v, .\ ( llcart
vem r :1.Uy from :10112)
Right buduon-pha.lic v.
Left ga.~tric :l. Dilpltr:igm
S uperior w:ua Ca\~J_
Phrern~ v.
Splcnic a.
Adrenoliuu bar :11. ~-\+-- R.C' 1U I ,,.
Super-i(w lt'l<:Senceru• :i )-- _ ; ~-{ J:§H"l'1ll;'lllC
Spcrnu nc or ovari.ui .1. or o,~ri:111 v,
_ ----. lnfenor mts<.·11tt'ri<: .t..
lhulo111h:ir :1..
r i \ Abdomfrla.l portiou Ii.. I{ \,;: lofe-ri<u· Wrl:\ ~~m
of .aona Conum,n 1lta< v. ;l ' ~
Inferior cpip;iwric :'I. ~ Caudal iliac :a.
Exh.·rnal iliac a. ~~ Ime rnal di2c v. c::aud:al v.
I let"p t<"1n()r:1I :~ f.t.·mor.d v.
F,:mor:i1 .t,4-AI

Figure 8.103 The princxpal artencs o(thl' cat, ve-mral vu:w (a= :ineq •). FtQure 8.104 Th e- prlm:iixil wi.n.s of chi• Clt, wmnl \; ,,w (v = vdn).
Vertebrate D1ssect1ons

Rcn:ll anl!'ry Ab<louuuaJ
n.n d w in portio11 of
the aon.l
Right kidn...1• hll~l' J('II' V~l ):'l C,IV!I

Un.· tc1'!i.
Sperm,Htc ath.'f)'
I S1x-rm.'.lllC vcm
2 Duc..-tus {v.a.s) d cf.:r..•ns
tO Urinary
bbdM'r Prott:)l¢
Cr 11~ rem~
Sperm.Ilic cor<l
II BuJboutx.-tht'al
12 gfo nd An.1I gLind

Gbos pcnl<.

5 13


f igure 8.106 A diagr:un of d1c urogenital system of-' uulc cat.


8 lh

jX)rtfon of
lite aort:i
'-ilL.-..J-lf---1 n fenor veo:\ <":I\~
9 , i 2 ..e!..j.{ --- -O\':u1:u1 3irre,y
' i---++ - -Qyanan n ·in
·-- -1--1..-- - Fimbri:tc
-:;t:-:_~'?,,- ur~rine 1ube
17 Un.·thrJ -..Z.-~--~

Figure 8 .105 An :interior view of the dt'l."P sa-U<:tun:s
of the trunk flf the.- c:u.
I. Right <:ommou 9. Colo n
<..-arobd .1rtl.T)' 10. Le-fl brachioceph:ili<' v,'1.U
2. V.1gus ncn'c 11 . Cr:mb.l (supc.rior) wna Cl\'2
3. Ht':trt (cut) 12 /\<11 t ic .lteh
•t Th<.H-.:idc aon.-i U . tmercosul am:ry
5. Liwr 14. Cdi;ic cr-unk
6. Ston,ach 15. Sup ....rior nh.-SC-ntl."ric :am.•ry
figure 8.107 A diagr:un of dtt' um~ niul i;ysti•m of a fomale c:at.
7. Spk•,:n 1'1. K tdot1•
8. Small im~rioc 17. Urin:u-r bbdd1:r


2 , ,. ~ 12
13 9

,, -"
j 14

4 10
I ~ 4 (6

6 17
7 ·==-=·1 12

18 -4 13
8 ,. ; I4

,, (,I , - =
. --., ~ I •?O

8 --., -=::
- 15


Figure 8.108 Tlw urogr:nit:il sysrcm of :1 m:Jc.- ot. Figure 8 .109 The urog,·uital system of :t fom:i.h.· C.l l .
I. Superior u ~scnt<.•n c ancry 12. Rt· 2 1le?)' ;111d v('in I. K1einey 9. Sin:all int<:<(lllC
2 . Kidrn:y 13. R C"nal cortex 2. Un:ter 10. Cauc.l.aJ {iuf..-rior) vcna C'.av:i.
3. Caudal {lnfcr mr) vcna <.:11.1 :i 14. R c1ul pdv1s 3. o,~,y 11. Horn o f utcru!.
4. Al'id1'1oJ11inal aorta 15. Reul! medulla -1. Urci'cr 12. Colon
S. R ight uret<.'J' 16. Lcfr testicub r win 5. U rio~1•y hl~ctder I~). Uody cf wen1t
6. ll.ig:hr f(':$tu;ubr :utcty 17, Lt>{i- t¢.'.(.tJ<;11l~ 1• :lrtCI)' 6. Un-t1m1 14. V.1gint1
7. CuJon 18. L,:ft ureter 7. C litoris 15. Labi:1
8 Urt 1hra I 1), Dt1cu.1s (v,,s) dcft>ren~ 8. Vcsubule
9. Prustah.• 1 0 . U rinary bl:tddc.·r
IU. l>c-.u<; 2 1. Spe:,111:u:ic. C<>l'd
11. R igh t t<.•&is 22. L._ft t-.•sris
( Mammalian Heart and Brain Dissection
Vertebrate D1ssect1ons


7 9

; 10

Figure 8.110 A \'t'nlral vil'W o( iuaumu1ian (shc,:p) h eart. Figure 8.111 A dun;il view of' mammili:m (sh t .:p) lu.-an.
I.·phalic lrt'l"ry 6, Aortic ard1 I. Aorr.i. 8. llr,u:hion•phalic am.'l"-'
2. Cr.10.i.ll vcm-1 c:wa 7. L1g:un cnn11u anerkll&ulll 2. Pulmonary ;;irkry 9 . Cr:ini:il \'C'll :l c:w:i
3. R ight Juridc of righ t S. Puhuouary trunk 3. Puhnouary \'t'in lO. R ight aurid,
:nr ium '), Left :aundc of left ,lttium •I. tefr am1cfo 11 ll ight :tt1'1um
4. Jl.jght \'l'titr-icle I0. Ldi v...-ntnck· 5. Left :itnum 12 PuJmonary wiu
S. httcrven o icubr groove I L Apl"X o f h<;.arr 6. Atriovcmr-icul:ar gm°'"' 13. R ight vcntride
7, Left vemricle 14 l1it<'1-..it11-triCl1b.r g 1-oovt•

4 ') 6
5 R 4

Figure 8 .112 A cor1)0:d -:e~o(ln ('If Figure 8.113 A ..:oron.ll section of the Figure 8.114 A coronal section
the mlnun::tlian (sht'('p) bean. manun:i.lian (shl'cp) heart sho,;,,•ing the- "3lws. (l(th<' 1u.:u11malian (sbeepj hearc
I . Aon.l I. O pcnini o f lhe showing: opcniup of rnromry
2. Crauia.1 w,ua. C:'l\'3 h1';lchincc1)hahc :'ll't('ry anctics.,
3. R igh r atrium 2. Puhn on.;try ,U'tl't) ' l. Op1:ning oi brad1iocephaJ•c
4. R i~tt alrion-ucrii:uhr J, Lett atriow1urn:11lar (bicuspid) val"e artc-r)'
(tr ~usp,d) \';live 4. l c-fi v~ntriclc 2 . Opening offofi rnrun:tr}' artccy
5. R_ji:;Lat ,itmridc 5. Op<;oiug <i( ('r:i1l1.ll \'¢1U i;:iva 3. Opening oi r ight comn:u-y :.irrcry
6 . lnte-r,·....mncuJ:ir scptiun 6. O pt·niug o( i·orunary sin us 4. Aoruc vJ.lvt•
7. l•u linorury :irtcry 7. R ight :u·num S. Coronary \'t-ssd
8. Ldt atriovi:ntricidar 8. Ri~ht atriOvt·utricul:i.r
(bicuspid) ,....,,lw (cri';:usp!d) v.:ilvc
9. Ch<>!' l"ndinca,: 9. ltight ,X'ntndc
to P.\p1ll:wy n\u(;des 10. [nte.rwnmculir scpnun
• A Photographic Atlas tor the Biology Labora tory

11'--',-,:J'~- l...ungitullm:i.J
ccn.-lH"ll fu:.un.·

-l-',;,--!- P:11,~~tal

Vcrmis oi"

)._~,/-' c)';;':,-- - - M,:duil..i obloupt:i
flgure 8.115 A dorSal \'-iew of th e £http brJiu: {a) photograph: (b) d:agram
1, v~1·mi$ 5. C1!1'!'br:1I h<-mi!lphetcs
2. lvtedu]l:t oblon gat, 6. Cyrus
3, Spil''l~I cnrd 7 Sokus
·t Lun~'ltudinal ci:rtbral 11.2,W'l' 8. Ci:rcbdlar hl·misphc-ft'

O lfoC'f<wy buJh

~ '-',.'µ.... _ _ O lfactory
<) tr.let
Optic dU:tstn.a
fl Opoc tr.act
12 Pi1uirnry gbnd :i.ncn~ c.1rdc
13 Qlypnphy~i'-j .v1:1,,,1nilbn·
body .
Tn~ouiual Ahduccns
14 nerve- llt:"T\'\.'

r-~d.1J 1K.•JV(' Vc~ubulocochli:ar

oblou~tJ Clossoph:uyngcal

Acccswry nCC\'t'
Spin.i.l cord - - - - ---~ S1)1n:il 1\ ('fVt'

Figure 8.116 A vc.•11tr:1.I \ icw of shci:p brain: (:a) {b) d.i.:igr:un.

1. Latel'31 olfactory b:u'ld 7. OJfaccorv bulh 13. RJ1in3J _.,ulcus:

2. O lfoc:t<"lr')' uigonc K Me< 01&,,o,•y h ;and 14. Pons
3. O ptic tr.ict 9. Opnc m:rve 15. Medulla. obkm!;,lr.i
4. Trig,:min:tl nt·TVI.' lO. Opcic ..:hia.<.m:1 16. Spin:iJ cord
5. Alxluc:eils. ucnre 11. Pyr,(()fm lobe
6. A,:cessory w,::rn.· l2. Pimituy gb.nd (hy-pophy-si~)
Vertebrate D1ssect1ons


7 14

8 16

Ccrebrrn), Ccrtbt!Juo,

Pim:al bod>'
Corpus {gl:\nd)
(",llf()~1J lll
TrlJlS\'t'r sc
Luet:11 fiS!-tl l'C

w ntridc.-


O lt"actory Optic M...sct>ccph.Jic• Me<lull;t

b~1lb <:hi:t~n,a :i:qut ,foct oblongau

Figure 8.117 A nght ~g-iruJ view <>t- the- shc::cJ) brnin: (a) p hot<>graph; (b) d
I Surenor c<'Whculus 7 T hi.rd vc.11ttidc i-1. M t:dulb obl<mg:u.l
2. Pini:al body (Wand} 8. Optic d 1i :is111:i 1:>. Po~tt·rior co,mnisS-ul\.·
3. 1ntcrm<..-di:Ut' ma~ of th:ifanms 9. O lfactory blllb I() . Pons
-4. Septum pcUuc:idmn 10. .\1l•scnt:t."J}luli<.· (ct.·n.-bral) aqut'duct t 7. Ccrebr.d pl."duudc
S. I ntc..rwmri...:111:u· fo r\W-lt'll 11. Inform I' collicului:
((orJ men of M\)Juo) 12, 4th wmridc
(, . A ntt:r ior commissurc- 13. Spin-al cord

• A Photographic Atlas tor the B1olog,, Labo ra tory

2 8





Figure 8 .118 A ldi: i.:igiITTl vi<.•w of the shl.'1..'P br:i:i1L

I. Ctf('b,,:!lrnu 7, Po nt 13. (.;cuu of corpl•~ caUo~•m
2. Superior colhculus S. Spl-.·n iwn of corpus 14. M:umni!hry body
J . A 1~)\"I I' VIU~ 9. H :ihcnub r ll igon<" 15 . Tuher cincreum o lhypoth:1b1mu,
4. lJ'1J~rior t'.f.}UiculUs 10. F6rnix ·16. Pitui~ty ~talk
5. -I-ch vemridc J L Bod)' of w rpus c.:.Uosum 17. Pituit-ary gbnd (hypophystj)
<-., Mcdulb oblo1,g:n:1 12. I..itc-ral v~nrrid e

Figure 8 .119 A btl.'ntl Figure 8.120 A don:d

\·1<::w of1h~ hr:'11t~r;:m. V1(;Wof 1he br,l11)Sl¢ m
I. Pons I. Me.dial gi:nkul.ate body
2. Abduccns Jlt'n'<" 2. Corpora i.)uadngcmin;i
3. Me<luUa oblong:ic:i. 3 . Sup<.·n o r colliculus
4. H }'IJogl,o<.:S,11 H Cl'\'e 4. lnfr·r i,:i,, ,oll!e11lu~
5. Spin.ll <'(Hi.I 7 5. 4th \'l..'Utricle
(,. L:1u~r.1J gcrn.:ulatc body (1. Dol's.11 medi:an sulcus
7. Media l gcnind.atc body ~ 7. l memtt•.J.iatc nuss
R 'li•ochlc:u ne1vc.:
9. Tri gt'nuu31 m·r-,~
2{! of th~lamus
R. Malx.-nuJar tngou~
10. Aa<.-'":>So1y m·rw 2 9 9. Tiufamus
; II
IO. l1111e-~I glaud
12 I 1. l\faWfo ccn.·bcU:l!
13 pedundc
12. Ante rior cc-rcbclfar-
3 1x-.dv11ck
14 13. Po.:m :rior ct:rc.•bdlar
~ ped uncle
15 14. Tubcrn1lum cu11..:atmn
10 6 15, f::t~<'k•thl<; gr;.lr-il1t
16 16. fasc.:ic:-ulm ,.:uw:atus

Human Biology

Bec.1use hmn;ms ~re vertebr:1te Qrg;,ni~ms.. the. uud}' of hum.m Bec;iu/le oi common.1.liry of pren:1tnl dt'\'dopm ent ,md du:tl
b iology is .lppmpnate m :t ~cner:tl bi<>logy cour~ . J lumm1 m1atcmy fun c:tic)t!S v i some of the o r~ns. the uriw,ry 1}'Sttm ;ind n.·pnidud i,,t•
1s t he scie:mific disciplini:: th:it invest1~:1tes the structure- of the bod y, Sy.Hem may be co11$idcred rogrther -:i.s the 1m';{!t.~1ital J)'.Ut'm. The
and humm, pltysi<,l~t?Y 1..c: t ht stie-utific discipline- that lnvt'Stig;.,tes urinary s:yste-m. con.sist1ng of the kidneys. urcter.s, 11rimrrr blndcler,-:i.nd
how body Sln 1c tures lunc:tton.1~he purpose of tlus ch :lpter 1s to utttlua, e-.'<trac~ :u1d proces,,;es wastes from the blood in the form
pre.sent :i '\-·1su:J lWCrv1evv of the- prl11cipal anaro uucaJ SLJ·ucl'ttrt'i o ( u n1\e . Tht1- nt.-tle :111d l~ftl~lle repn)ductl\o·e sysrerus produce
of che human bod)'. reg-ubl!Ory honnoues an d gan1t'les (spen1t 31\<l ova, respeccivel>1}
llec:tuse both the skelet,1/ systt'ln :ind th<- musrular ~1•s1em ate withul rhe gonads (cestes aod O\'lnes). Sexual reprodu c:t10 1) 1.'l
<.'011cerned with body tlh)'-'•emeul. t hey a,·e- trequt'utly d.iscus>ed the mechanism fo1 propag,u1on o f 0Jfspri11g that tra.Jts
together as the skt,ft·w11mstul,H1ttt systNu. In a fimcrion:tl sen~t!'. the from both pauuts.. The proc">ss of prenatal dewlopmeru is made
ilexible inte111.·d framewoik (or bont'S of the skeleton) supports and possible by the formation of cxm,embryonir 111t·mlmmcs (placema.
provides movement at che joims, whc-rt~as che muscles attached umbilical co1\1. allanrois. amnion. chorion, and yolk .S..'lc) within
to the bones produce their actions as they are stimulated to the uterus of chc prcgnam woman.
The ncrvom ~yst~w is anatornkally divided into the cmtml
n m1ow i)'SU'JII (CNS), which includes the lm1i'n and spU1t1I cor,I,
::ind chc pC'ril'heral nerV1J1t,> :;yJti'nt (PNS}, wbkh ind udt·s the
rnmMI tU'rvcs, ;1ri:,;ing fn) m the broin. ;111d th<.~ Sl'iual m:rv..·s, :arising
from the ~pin:tl cord. The am1momir t1enmu.,; f)'$tt'l11 (ANS) is ~
·ti.mcrion:11 division of the n crvOu$ system devoted co regubtu)n
c)finvol11nc.1ry :tcrivitit:s o( che body.The: hr:iin ;md spin,11 cord :m:
the cemers fur intt'f.,'Tlti-On and cO()rdm:mon of information.
Naws, composed of uturom-, co1wey nerve impul~s ro and l:rom
the bra.i n. St·wory c,~mL~, such 1s the tyes and ear$, rrspond to
1rt1pu1ses m che e-nvironrnent .tnd cotWC'y $t-ns.1t1011s to the
CNS.1"he ner,..·ous syscen1 fiu'lctions \'•tiLh t he mdocriuc sysum m
coon1ioattng body -:1.c 11,•1t1es.
Tht:- arrdiov,ua,ia( $y.uem Ct.)ns.ists o f the heart, 1,e4<st•U {both blood
and lymphark ve:uels), blciod, and the tls$ue-s that produce the blcl(,d.
The four...chambeted human heart 1s endose.J by a perimrdial s@:
w ithin the rhoradc c.avity. Artcrie$ and ,mt.T tO!t'i rranspon blood
away from dw he-art. wpillarit'f pe rmeate the: tissues an d are th e
fimc.rional un.lts for product <.'xch:mge with lhe cells,and 1'1.'>l11tlt's
:md tl'(.·irrs transport blood to,vard tit<.~ heart. Ly1111•haticvt·sscL• return
inccrstitiaJ fluid back to the drculatory system afi:er first passing
it thruugh lymph ""'Jes for ckan~ing. Blood cells ~uc produced
in chc bone marn,lw, and once old nnd ,,urn, they arc broken
down m the liv<-·r.
The n-.(1n'r,1b.)ry S)•Mnu consists of the <1md1t<Ji,~~ diliisum th(lt
tr:m.'Sf'{) rti; ~ir tQ -.amt (mm rhe r~pirarory divi,sim, wtthin tht: Figure 9. 1 The pbne. of reference 111 a person
/u,'R,·· Thl' d/11,0/J' <>f the hmh>s cont:1ct the c;ipiU~rit:.s of tht: while sc:indiug iu anawn1jcal position. ~Ole auaLOntica)
<.·:,rdu,v;1scubr ::,y::;tem :ind are the SJtO fo r tr;m ~port of n!i;p1r.ttOry position pm,..;dcs ;i b:i..,is of reference for describing
the rd arionship of one body pare tc) another. In the
gases into and out of the body.
.u1:1Lo11llt-al poi;ition, the person is, tlte feel ;u~
The ,l~vpti,11: " )':ltem ...-on $tSt) of :i. /i,a.strninUtJt;,,.,J Ima ((;J tract) p.ira11d. rhe eyes <lirecr.c<l fonv,wd , and the ,mm
and a(!'t.'S:.o'l' d~f!t:Slil'c' or~~ mu. Food tr:lvd mg through tht' GI tr:tct to the skies wuh the p~thns turned fot \\":II\I and the
1s proct:SSt'd such Lhat 11 is suitable fo r absorpL10 0 through the finger- poimed (,frnight down.
w:1U mto the: bloods11-eam. The- f>dHCTCtl5 au d /;v('r are
1f\tes.tJJl:t] I. phllL' (froiual p);mt')
tht' principal digesti\lt' organs. The pancreas produces hon nonf'i 2. Tr-.msverse plane (cross-sectional pb nc)
3. Sagittal plane
and eiu.ymes. The W..'"t:r pfoces.,;es 11.ulrieJtts, stotes glucose as
glycogen, and exc.t-etes bile.

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory



figure 9.2 ·1he inJJOt' body !X'r,~ ~nd •"tg,1011~ ,n h o1ttJ11~ (bip«l:il vertch•'t4tc).
(a) An .mtcTior vie-w. anti (b) J pun1:rior \'i·w.
I. Upper c-xrremity 9. P.:alm:u· region (p:ilm) l7. Antcb1';ld 1111m (forearm)
2, LO\\/'cr t•xtn:nn ry JCt. rc~1on (patella) 18. Glut~al n:giou {buttock)
3. Hc.-:i.d 1l. Cctvic:il rt-gion 19. Oonum of h:md
4, Neck, .1nterior- :i~1,('ct 12. l )dm1d l'("gi<>,, (sh011ldcr) 20. J!c,1n<H';ll regio n (lhig,h)
5. TI10n.x (dtt·st) 0. Axilb (armpit) 2 I. Pt>plit<.'".11 foss:i
6. Abdonh:n 14 .lk1chium (upper :trm) 22.'
7. Cubit:J tOSs:i. l5. lumbar n-g iou 2 3. t>bnur smf.lcc (sole)
~- Pl1h1c tegion 16 l~lhow

, - - --'r--Plt'Ul';ll <:.:aVil)• D
(.sur1"<1t111ding fung) R·
:, 4
\l,\--''\-1-,f-- -+ -PtrlCmlial c.\1.,;ty ~·
(~urrou11din~ h1t.:irt) "' 5

I )iapl.n1gr11

-1- - - - - - Abdo1ninaJ cavuy 2

(conr.:mH ab1k1min:il
\ri.ic.:•12 ) 7

- ,..\<'----'' - - - - - l-\>tv1C" C:l\'1')'

(contain:. int<.--rn~
rt•ptoducuvc ol'gans)

\ Figure 9.4 An MR inlilgc of the m mk showing

Figure 9.3 1\11 :1.11ttr-iot view (coronal 1,l.1ne) of dHt
, he body civiues :'I nd their r.oml."ms.
body <.11\•iti1.~ of th e- mmk. I. Thoracic c:M ty 5. lmag..: of n b
2. Ahd011)mo1'JClvic ,::)Vity tt. lo,;igc l)f luo,b~r
3. lma~re ofhtu.lrt Vt'rtcbr.J
4. of d1:iphr:igm 7. lnugc t)f ihum
Srr:num corm:um
Human B101om,

Dt.·nual JXtpilht"
Mets.<:nt"r's (acrilc) cocpusdc

•P-~~ - -"'----Smsory rc,cptor


- --'li--'"-'{'.-~ ~ - - - Am,ctor plli musck-

-tt--- -'-':--- - - - --;li'--....;r-'~ :J--\-- - - PJcm1:an (l:undl.ucd) corpu.sde
·~ i1, c':r-- - Ap,of'r-iuc <,\~at gl:rnd

f igure 9.5 The skin :utd

'-'!erum epKlem, s1rocuux•s,

2 •
.... ,.
~ .
• I


Figure 9.6 The gross r

' .,,. ..
structure of th~· skin
:rnd uudcr-l~•iog fa<;<i:i 3&4·
~ ::.--:- .. -'
, -

.... " ..
2 l. Epidt•nms ~

J 2. I >e-rmis

3. Mypudcrmis
-1 . P:Lsci:::.
5. Muscle
Figure 9.8 An cJcnron mictog1':lph t>( bone con1p.1a ns,;uc..
I lucen;ric,al l::uneUa(' •t lacunat·
2 L:undbe .5. ( ff;fe<m (H :wc.l'(i:in
3. Ccntr:l.l canal .S)'$tm1)
(Haversi:m c11ul)

3 2

Figure 9.9 A tr.\Jlsvcrse$C<:tion ofc,.vo o~cotts.
1 Stranml corntum I . l.acm12e with conuined 2. ("..cmn1I (Hlveni:in) c:1.n2ls
2. SrrJmm lucidum 6. Dermis vstcot~•tes 3. L:unellae
• A Photog,aph1c Atlas for the B1olog,, Laboratory

(___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S
em_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)


2,-1 15
,. ., 17


10 27

13 22
14 23





Figure 9.10 An,...rior view of the skeleton. figure 9 .11 A posterior vi.(.·w of the sk.:k"ton.
I , 1:reiuuJ bnn(: I 2, 1'111,i( 2..1 Sc:ipub 1 P:ir iet:)I bone HI. Tihi.'I IIJ. IJ..:'tchu~
2. Zygom:mc bone 13. C2rp:1J ))()ni;_-s 24. M:in ubrmm 2. Occ:1p!al bone 11. F'ibula 20. Ulua
3. M:iu<libk. 14, J\•\('-tal~rp:d IXJn,:$ 23. Canal cartilage 3. Cervical vert<."hra 12, 1'iktat:irsal b,mci. 21. Coccyx
4. C:t"rvic:al wn..-bra. 15. Ph:tbng<."S 26. T hol'lcic v.:rtcbr.t 4. Lt J>Jul.ut~cs. 22. C:trpal bouc--s
~- C l:w1ck I fl,
femur 27 llaciius S. Humcruf. 14, M:H)d1blc 23. M <."LlC,ltl),"11 b<U)CS
6. BoJ.y of st.:rnum 17. P:ndb. 28. Ulm 6. Ilium 13. Cbvick 24. Phal:mi;l."3
7. R.Jb 18. T~r:-.1l boncs 29. Sympll}'1'i1' pubi.-. 7. S:ic.rum 16. T hor:idc vcrt~br:i 25. bones
8. 1-Jumcms 19. M<:bbrsll bones .JO. f ;buh S. ls.::hium 17. Rib
'). l.umh:il' veru·hra 20. Ph:tbuge,;: 3 1 ~, ibi2 'J. l~cnmr I~ Lumh,-.r vct11,hi':'l
10. Uimn 21. Orbit
11 . Sacrum 22. M2xilla

Human B10!0©-


3 11
2 4 12
3 IO
4 11 5
12 14
5 6
1:1 15
6 7 • 17
8 18
,, l 'I
8 15
Figure 9.13 A J.m:-r:tl view of the hmnan ,..kull.
1. Co1·r11ll)l q1n11·e 11, Sqo3mos.1:I $u111tc
Figure 9.12 An :-mterhw view o( 1,h~ h uman skull. 2. b()rJC 12. bone
I. Front:i.l bout" 9 . Supraorbit:ll nurgin 3. Llcrim;al bone 13. Lunbdojd:l) suture
2. NaS:l.l bo11e 10. Spbeuoid bone 4. Nasal bout 14. E.trer11aJ acou.-;ti<: mcatt1s
3. Supt·rior orbittl fiss ure I l . Pcrpcnd.irnb r plate of 5. Zygonutic bone 15. Occipital bout'
4 Zyg,.,m:uir hon.e crhmr,id l)()!l¢ r•.M:tx1lb. 1'1, C:ood}far p in<;<"$$ o ( m:u1dible
3. Vomn 12. ln(borbit:i) (or,m1cu 7. Prt" 17. Ivb ndib ub r notch
6 . C:intnc 13. Infer ior n:isal conc:h~ 8. M<.'br.s 18. M:,st,)1d pn.,e-.,:ss, of ccm;)C)r.;il bOlll'
7, lnci~ors It M>.,il1', 9. fvl.audibh· 19. Coronoid ptucess of m:u1dihlc
8 . M e mal for:1111ro 15. t\'bndib lt 10. P!lt icu l hone 20. .'\ngtc of in.m<l1hlc



16 4 iO
6 11
19 12
7 13
22 s 15

Figure 9. 15 A s:,gitcli vit.'w l.)ftht' hmn.u1 s.kuU.

I. Frc)u1JI OOi>I! 9 , P;iTic1.3J bone
Figure 9.14 An inCerior v i~v o f dtC' hum:ut skull. 2. Frout:d sinlL~ 10. Oc~1pita.l bout'
I. ludsors 9. Forameo mai;tmun 17. MandiblJar tO.-:s-a 3. C1"isL1 g-:-ilb o f 11. hHe11ul arou<11ic
2 Canine 10. Super ior nuch.aJ lint' 18. Styloid proccs:s of eth111<.1id bone me:itus
3, lntcrlll!lXHfary S\ltur<:: I I • PT<.~mo fa rs. rcmpon1I bone 4 Ctibnf<w11, pbt<' 12. Seib h.1tdca
4. Maxill.1 12. 19. M:moid proct's~ of of <.·thmoid bone B. Hypoi;lo:;s.ll cau :J
5. Pal.ulnc bone 13. Zygom.tric bone tempor:tl bone 5 . N:tMI bl)llC 14. Sphcnotd;il 'linu~
6 . For:uncn ova.le 14. Sph1.mo1d hone 20. OccipnaJ 0011dylc 6 . Nas:d c(mch:i 15. Sryloid prOCt-S!I of
7. Ponmen b ccn11n 15, Zygnmi1ric ;.lt'(h 21. Tempo ral bone 7.. MaxiDJ tcutpor:J bom:.·
8. C..1.rocid c:au..1.1 16. Vomcr 22. On·ip1r:tl b out" ~- Mandible 1<-i. Vomer
• A Photographic Atlas 1or the B1olo!Of Laboratory


2 9
14 3
5 15

6 If,

19 5


Figure 9 .1 6 A l,,llpctior\V of th~ tTii1iunL
I. ~m1m:il hoo~ 1O. <:ri-s.u g:illi o f ethm01d b<>ue
2. For.uncn <.~t>cmu 11.Auknor crJmal foS>a
3. C ribrifonn pb tc of 12.Sph~noid bone
ethnl.()id ll<., uc 13. F(lranu: 11 rotuudum 13
-t O ptic c:tm! 1-L $dl:1 rurr.1c:a of ~)hcnoid b()!H'
5. For.uu<·n ov-.ik· 13. For:Wtt'U lactrum
6. Petrou.s pan o f JG. spin~um
1em 1x 1ral booc 17. luteru,~I acousc:1c rne:i.tus Figure 9.17 A posl'l·rlor view ofd1i:
7. Tt'mpor.11 bone 18.Juh'll.lar formtcu w rtcbr.., I colu mn.
~- For:1111,e.o IH:lgnnm 19. 1'<>.U:c:ri1'.>t cl':'lni.ll J<"tss.,:i 1 Acl:.s 8. S:t('l'<Hlb(' J()IIH
9. Occtpiul hon<"" 2. A.x1s 9. Ci:-rvic;tl vc-rtebr:tc
J 7th C<'rvic3.I vi!'rtebra I <t, Thor.lCJ<' \l?t t C'brle
4. 1st d1o r~ci1.· wncbr:t 11. Lumb.1r n•m:bra"
5 121h d)(')rac1c vcncbr:i 12. Sacru m
6. 1st lumbar wrtt:bra 13 . C\)CCyx
?• 5th lumbar w ncbr.a


Figure 9.18 Au :mtcr iM vic.-w ofrh" rih cage.

I , Tt ue rahs ($t\•c.11 pain)
2. F:tlsc: r i~ (fiv1.·
3.Jui; 11otch
7 4. tvt:wuhrium
5. Hod )' ol ~ternum
6. Xiphmd pror1.·s:s
8 7. c~ul c.:i,,-ilag..-:
8. Floatin1;, ribs (iuft'"rior t wo
9 p:i 11-s of !al"' 11hs)
9. 12th thoncic v«tc:br:i
10 . 12th rib

Figure 9.19 An :uu c11(ll'
vie\V o( lhc lcfi sc:ipula.
I. Supt•rio r bo1dcr
Human B10l0©-

2. Supt1·1<w !l11gle
.3. Medial {vcncbral)
7 4. Inferior :an~ c Figure 9 .20 A
8 5 . :\Cf"OIH! OU postt•rlor , •i t"\V of
6. Cor.tC01d pruc..-ss ,he left
9 7. C fen oid fossa l.Ac:romion
8. Infra~d;:uo iJ. tubc:rcli: 2. <.,;tcnoirl fo.;.s:i
~. $uhs~apub r l•f8:l 3. Uter'll (')
10. Later.ti (axill:,ry) border
bordl.'r 4. Sup..:rior aogle-
5. Su pt:i~pin<10<1 (o~
6. Spine
7. Ln foispmous fosS3
8. Mcdi:il ('-'1-~·
>. Inferior .,.ng)I'"

9 16

I I)


14 18
15 5
Figure 9.21 Tht: ngfn humt·rns. Figure 9.22 Au a ntt·ifor t it.w 1 figure 9.23 A posti:r:ior \!kw
(..t) Ant\'..rh)f vic, v. :lod (b) pt6rer1or v1ew o( the n ght u lni11 and radms. uf dlt' nghl uln:a an d rldtus.
I. Grc-:.atcr rubcrdc 10, Surgic..l! nc-ck I. Troddtar notch I Okcr.1non
2. lrnertuber<:-ub r groove 11. Po~enor bod)' 2 . H c:1rl of r;,dim, 2 . Lo<';icion of rldi:J! nO(ch
3 l.(:.(.~Cr mhcrck- (shaf~ o( h111Y1erus 3. ~eek o( mliti> of ulo:i
•I. Ddtoi<l tuberosil)' I~. O lc:a:anon ·L R•.-.cli..ll niberoii~• .3. Intcmsscous m:u-giu
5. Anrcno r h~1dy (shall) t3. C:orouoid fossa 5. Int('TOS.e<>us margin 4 I-lead of ulna
of' bmncni:> l-1. Me<lial ._:picoudyk 6. Loc~uion of ulu:ir notch of 5. Styloid process of u.l.u:t
6. l:ttcr.11 supr.1condybr ridge 15. T rochlca ~dius <, H e:i,i of r.ldiu~
7. Lneml eJ)ir<1o<lylc 16 i\ll,ltomic~I nc<'.'k 7. Stylmd proct--ss of radms i . N « .k o f r.ad1us
$. C:::ipirulum l7. Greater tubercle 8 , O Je..-~ n<u1 ~ I 111crO<Senu~ ma.rgh1
9 f-lc:.u l of hULll('l'US 1$ rJJ epico1,d~·lt 9. lntt.•ro~cous nt:irgiu 9. Ultur not<:h
10. Ned llf ulna 1() $tyloid proct-<;;S of ~ d n1$
11. J·kJd <.) ( ulna
27 3
• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory


IU 3


13 7

14 ~
I r, 9

Figure 9.24 An aru e-r1(1r "ftb~ a.rticubtcd pelvic glrdk , flgure 9.25 A 1><,sterfol' vjew 1)f tht artk-1.i.lJttJ rd \'iCg,rctlc.
showini; dtt· tv.u coxal bom.--s. the SJc1um. aud the- two ft·umra. showiui; the two c:o.ul bones. th..- s.anum. :md the two fomor.1..
l. Lm uba.r \'t:rtebr.i 9. Crest of tlu:. ilium I . Luml:xtr vtrl.:br..1 'J. lute.rtrod1ar11eric ertSt
2. lmcrw r1d, disk 10. Sacroih ac jo int 2. Cri;.~ of ilium 10. Sacroiliac joint
:;. Ilium 11 S:icrmn 3 . Ilium 11 Ac:c1.:ahul1111l
4. UUc l'ossa 12 . Pc-h ie brim ,L Sacnuu 12. O bturator fo r..uui;.•n
5. Anterior supenor 13. Ac,·ubulum 5. Cr,:-ate r sc1:mc norch 1.3. 1.schium
ili:K: spine 1-l. Pubic ,:rest 6. Coccyx 14. Pub is
() , of rCmur 15. Ohnu~tot fot:l rncu 7 l-lt :id of ft•,n ur 15. Pubic anglt'
7. C f\:.itcr trod1antt•r 16. lsc.hiwn 8 . Grt'ater trodl:uH.:r
8. Symphyst.5 pubis





18 7

Figure 9. 26 'lhe fomur. (a} An ;intenor V I (-"\\' :md figure 9.27 A,1 .:amcrior ,·,cw o ( tlu: {:a:} ldi p-.ucU~. tibia,
{b) a pu.m:rior \'iew. an d fibula. {b) A pOitenor new of the lcCt abia a nd fib ula.
I . fuvt'.I ca.pitiS: femori.,; 1 I. lat<.-r,1,J condyk I. Ba..;:.: o( patdla <>. coud~•l1:
2. H e:id I 2. Inrercondy1ar fossa 2. Apex of plldb 10.Tilna) Mt icular foct-<t oftibub
J . N eck. 13. 1-1(."::tti 3. Mcd,:il <'•ll d ylt> t I 1-feM of iibub
4. Le~<.·r rrodtaJH<.·r 14. Fowa capitis fomor i:i 4.Tibi:;31 n,~n.tsity 12. N::ck o(fibula
5. Mt·cli31 epicondrk 15. Neck 5. Amcrnw e re:., c'li ubi:t 13. Dody (sh:tft) l'>ftib ul.-
(). P·.udbr surf;;icc 16. Lesser ttoduntcr 6. Body (shalt) of tibi:t l-t. L:ncral m:tllcolus
7, Gre:iter t1l)c hancc r J7 I me-~ :l~J)Cl';l Oil $h :111 7. Mcd1:tl 1h:illcolu, IS, Fihular at 11cubr focec (Jf11b1:t
8. lutcrtnxhamerit· nest (bod}•) of f.:mur 8. lnte.rton<l)•b r tube-n:k, 16. Fibubr notch of tibi:r.
Y. fnt1'.:1rroduntenc line I~. MOOi;al epicondy1e
10. Latcra.l cpiC'.(mdyfo 19. Medial condyk
Occi{, m,
OtbicukirL~ ocuJi 1u t".§.1
Tr:.1pc·21 us. n ,.
Orbicubrk om 111. . ,~
~t<'modc1do11t:1<L()id m 11
Stt·rnodeidom.:.utv1d m_

Jnfi-a::.-puutus 1n. Lon~ lu:a.d of

triceps hr:ic."hii m.
\'Ir- Oehoid m. ltt'ad (\(
P~r101~lts. r)UJot m . 1n<:cp, l-r:irhi1 111
Scrnnu~ 1bt~s m~ror m.
M t'd ,:al head oJ
rnccps bnchii m.

Bncluor.adfa.lis m.
R~t· tus Jb<lom1U1,,: UL

EX(tn sor <.':.Hp1

Umbihn.~ - - - - ltln:,.,-l.;m
Flo.:xor carpi rAdi:tbs 111 Fkxor carp, .,,
l1J1h.1uris kmi:,"'-1~ 1u , Glu1e:us
ulmd!-oru n
. . '· { ,,( ;Ii i_ E.xt~n.sor digitonirn m. C
1:1.t.u.· m.
~- , I , niaxuuu~tu .
Kxrc-nm r rct11,ac11l111n
Gr,.1.<-ih-: in ,

Ptctmtlt, 111 "'

CrJcilbm. ··
Vasms Lm.'t'.lh.'I UL iD
Addocwr !onJ.,.'W m. 3

1\'mk111 of rectuj Long h<:ad oi
Recnti fomuris m. 1l",uciri, 111.
(e u \Orl> m .
. va.. .w s latnafu n L Scrnin,emhr.'1111).SOS 111. ~~
Patella -------.:i..' .\'1cdb..l hc:ad o r
Scrni1cod1110.w: m .

Sb011 head "(

V:c;ct1s iue<llalis in . ),;lSO\"lctlCIIII~ m .
biceps femon-: HL
Pa tdlar b~mlt'nt
fib-ularis l\m.b"l.lS m .l..Jtc-ral head o( tl>si-l
C:ou.'Oc tt<:nuu.s m. ~
g:i~fr(l('llCIIIIUl> ttl. '
Tib1:1hs.:iutcnor m..
S1-,lc11~ n, 1
Soleus 11 \
Extensor digitorum

Fibub rJS br<·vis Hl ,

'"R·ndo calc:1.n t'us
(j\ chilks' u:11d,111)

figure 9.29 .I\ poS-h."r iur \·it·w of human umsc:u latW\' (m = musdc).

Figure 9.28 An :unc-rior vil"w o.fhum:m mus<;ub turc (m = muscle).

• A Photographic Atlas tor the Biology Laboratory

figure 9 .30 An ante1ubtl'l:::.J vk·w of tlK· tnmk and upper :irm.. Figure 9.31 A po~crolatt•ral view of the trunk anU upper a rm.
l. Sti:rnodeidomas.toid m. 9. Pt·ctor.i.lis minor m. 1, 1~ rct •llS l)l, .., 1 (:1'('~ t)l :.\J(U' fll,

2. T.:ndon or 10. llrachfa]IS 1n . 2. Tnan~... 1.l Jll'intit:uio n 10. Tr icc,ps brachii m.

5tl'rnOdl~ldoo,a5toicl 111 11 13tC<'J)$ b1~1dui n1 3. L::iti'iMmus d ors1 mm. (kmg h~d}
3. Pt•ctoraJi.s major m . Oong h cJd) 4, Vt~m:bral colum n t I. Serranu anterior nun ,
4. ' 12 St·rrJtus antl:orior m. (spinous proce~c.-s} 12. E,m:rn:J abdominlll
5. R«tus abdominis m. 13. Ext..-rn-:i} ;ibdominal 5. l;Juttut lll:"l:,."'lm u~ m obtiq~•c m
6 ' li:1ldi11ol1~ U1S<:-rtptfon!: o f rec- oblique m. (r('llccted) 6. Dd 101d m . l3. Ilia<. c1'<."St
ltts :ab<lominis ro. 14. Extc:rn:iJ ime-n:ostal m . 7. l11fra~pill:th1l> m. 14. Gluteus nn ·d,us m.
7 . Umhilicm, 15. Tt:m.1,vcrse :.h<lommis. m . 8. Ter~ mino r m.
8. Ddroitl 111,

Figure 9.32 'TIH· '-Upt•rfi.::1:l)

l'llllS.d<'!: or gluteal and thigh
I. Gluc.c~•~ m~xinm<: an.
2. V:t'itlls Lucr:1b m.
3. Bicepl fomon:-l m.
4. Sc-uUtendinosus m.
5. Srnum<:m hr:llll)o:;iH m .
6. Gr:u:ilis m. 7

flgure 9 .33 T he Jeep ~
m·11c(u 1-e.'i 0(1hc gluteal regio n 9
I , PiriformL'> m.
2. Sci2tic n.
3. ObcuratOr iuterr1us ni.
3 4. Qwdnnis fomort. m.
=:., Arlduerol' mtnnu us m ,
(1. Gluteus 111cdius m .

• (reOt"Ct.::d)
7. CJut..,•us minimus nt.
K Sup~'c.i<>r gcme lhtS m .
(> 9. lnfrrw r gt'IHdlus 111.
10. CJut(.' ll~ ma.ximus nL

Human B1ology

I, 4

4 5






Figure 9.34 A1l 11mc-r<)me<l1al \•it':'\-.· or Figure 9.35 /\ pos1cr1or \"'lCW of Figure 9 .36 An :int..:nor view o f
thl' right ,high. !OW('T lt"g. low~:r h:g.
I faltrrlal Clbtiquc Ol, J. Pbn1...1ns m. L P:ndb
2. Antcrior supc.·nor jliac spilll' 2. Puplilt"Ul> I'll . 2. Patdl,ir li~ment
'.\, ll1opso:ai m. 3. Soleus 111. 3. Tibi:tl tubc:-rosity
4 T<.·ruvr fas<:i3 lata m. 4, Pl:i, rcodo1l 4. Tibia
5. S.arrorirn• m. 5. G:litrocnemius m. (c:ut) 5. :imcnor m.
6. Add uctor km1:,111..) n L 6, Fibu.l,ris kmg:us ;md brt'Vis nuu. 6. lcudon of e-.-<lca~or
7. Rccru, fc-mo ,·t- 111. 7. Fko.xor h.aUuc:t. kmb"-•S 111. di~imrum lon~ri,s m.
8. Vastus media.las m. ~. C:tlc:"lnc:i.l 1c11do o (A<h11l~ f fc>11doo) 7. forul()n of exix:1)'1:<U
9. l>atdb 9. Tmd<m of O~xor halJm:is lougus m. luUu<:-is lo nt-'US m.
10. Fcnior:il ne-i'Vt 10. Calcancus
l I. Femoral :mt>ry I J. Pl:unar :tponC'urosis
l2. Fe1uc1r:i.l vein
13. J>ectin<-'US m.
1-1 Gr.lr1lis. m ,

• A Photographic Atlas tor the Biology Laboratory

., 9

2 11

Figure 9.38 A 11lt'd1al vil'w o f thl' n f;l-1t foot

I. Tl'ndo n of tibi:tl,s ant.:r-ior m. 7. !vk diaJ mallco ll11> ofubi:i
2. Extensor rci-in.aculum 8 . TcndcJU of tihUlis postciior m.
3. M <'d1:il ruod(orm '), Tcndo c:ilcancus
4. Tendon of exu.•nsor h:illucis lont-'1.ts n L 10. Ta 1don o fOi:xor digitomm lont,'U."> nL
s. f!irs.1 lll<'{:U;,'t 'l~I b<NH" 11. Ahduc to r lu llu<'i!; m
G. Pmxuu:i.l ph2l:mx of h:1Uux

Figure 9.37 Ao ;;meriM viC\v o(

d._,n;u m of t'l>ot.
I . Tendo n of tib l.lhS :.anter ior m.
2. Tendon o f t.•xtcnsor baltuc.:is
h r<'Vl$ m
3. Ten<lou of' t~xku.sur hallut11> 2
lc;,ngu~ m. 3
.t, LMcraJ 1nallcolus
5. S.u pc.•r io r <.' Xh:nsor re ri.u:ic:u!um
6. h 1ft·rior extt nsor retiuacu lu m s
7 . Tendo n o f c.'>'tc-u.sor
. d ig itornm 6
lo11gl1S m. 7
8 . Tc.•ndou of t'Xtc nsor digjtorwu
brcv1s m. 10

Figure 9.39 A latcJ"lJ vie,v of the n ght foot.

1. Tendon -.>i tibi:JTu a..ntc rior 1. Ext~•nso r d igiwrum im: vi~ m.
2. 'lC01foo o ( e:-..t¢11t.0r digirol'llm k)ngos m. ~ Tendoo of iih11lat1._f. longu~ m
3. Tt·ndvn oi fibularis tcrtiw m . 9. Tt•ndon of 6 bula.ris bn.'\tiS u1.
4. Sup~rior cxten~or rctin.lculunt Ht. C a.lcarn:us
5. ln tt'ri<) r ~x,o:nsor retina t·ulun, I l 5th ,net:ll:lr~ I boue
6 . l...itcr:d m:tlJcolus o f fibub

Human B10l0©<



5 9
6 3 7 10

3 4




figure 9.40 An :imersor Figure 9.41 Ao :mreriOt" Figure 9.42 A po~erior view o r Figure 9 .43 A p,1s1cr101· view
vil"\,. o(d1.: -lil1ptrficial vi<..·w o(tlu:· must·les of the the i.,1per6cfa) muscks of of the d l."l'p mus.tit's. o(d1t"
muscles of the- ri!91t foreann. right fore:inn. chc- right fon.·a.rm . forc:i rnt.
I, Pm11:.HM tCrt'.S: Ill, 1 Pron;icor 1ere" rn. 1
· , Ancoueus 1H . I E.'·Ue1'1$0r digm.wum i:11..
2. Or.ic-hiora<l,:ali..,;; m. 2. Orac:h ior.ldi:,fo, m. 2. Extl.'nsor carp i u ln aris m . (cut :and rdlo.•cto.•d)
3. At·xor carpi rJdillis m (cut aud n::Llccu:d) J. Ext,:1~0.r dig:i6 11unimj m. 2. Anooueus m.
4. Flcxor poUici.~ longtlS 1:n. 3. J>alrm,ri:; longus m. 4. Br.1ch ior.tdiabs m. 3. E.x(cnsor c-:irpi ulnaris m.
5. 1,,,1mar1s longu~ 1H , (ru1 :md 1-elle('Jed) 5, P.Xt(.'.!~Ol' c'.lrl>I rad1:i.h.4 l(logu~ in 4 . F:<tCl'l$1)r 1)<)1lir((; l<KlgtlS m
6. Fk·xor carpi uln:u-is m. ,S.. FJ~•xor <..-arpi u bu ris m. (cut) 6. Exh:nsor carpi r.i.dia.lis br.!vis nL 5. Extensor indids m .
5. Fkxor carp> r.l.d•:i.lii m. 7. Exrensor ,hgnorum m. (,. Bruh1or2dfaljs m .
(cut :and r<."0,:_,cc,-d) 8. Abduc(or pollu:is lo11~us 111. 7. Extensor carpi r,u.lfa lis
(,. J!Jc-x<w d 1guorum 1>. l;,X'tt>tl';OI' p,--.l!i('i~ bit:Vi( in.
k111gos m.
supcrficialis Ju. 10. Extl.'nsor p,>lliffi long:iis m. 8. Supiuator m .
7. Flexor polUl.'.ls lo ngus m_ I I . E..x1<.· nsor rct.i,uculuru 9. E.xtcruor c:trp1
8. l'ron:uor 1.1uadratus I.u. 12 T.:ndc»t of <·xtct~or brevis in.
o rp1 radi:JU bn.·vis I 0. Abduetor pollicis lougus m .
13 ll::11<lo 11 of CXt(:1ll(()r I 1,,~r 1)0lli1~((; bri,'ls m ,
carpr r:tdb)is lo ugus 12. Oors:11 i:nter~seoLt<: m.

• A Photographic Atlas tor the B1olo!Of Laboratory



Figure 9.44 An antnior vitw o( Figure 9. 45 A l:w:ra.l vie.•,•; figure 9 .46 A po~tt·ri<>r vfrw
nght lund. o f nght Lu nd. o f nglu h:md.
1. Fle.x•r c.~rp, ulu,'ln ~ nl I, E.~(t-11.w r carpi r_.di,diS: I, E,::rentor t.ligit0rum m.
2. Abdu.::tor pollicis brevis nt. h.>11~us m. 2. Extc-nsor c.-arpi ul.naris m.
.t Fl~xor polLicis brevii t'IL 2. Tendon of l.'xR·1t.sor carpi 3. Extensor <li~ti miuimi m .
4 . Adducror pollici.s m . l':adialis brcvts m. 4. Exn.'1lSOt rctin~cuJum
5 li}1JJ<.HIJ<••;J..''H' m ni 3. Al'iduct1)r pollicis lr.11,gus 1n. 5. Br:ic hior.\dtdii 0 1,
(l. Tt.•udons of fkxo r <ligitonun 4. Extensor pollici~ bn,vis m . 6. Extcns,or carpi r.tdi:ilis
sup<:tficuli, 5. Amt()m 1,cal .~rnfi'b"'x ht('Vis ill.
7. Lumbri<:al mm. 6. T<·ndon of exten sor poUicis 7. Ti:u<lon or e.xreusor carpi radiah.,i:
l) Flexor dignorum !:11perlidall1: longus m, lo.ngus nt
t,mdou (bifi.m:at~•d for inlilt'ni\m) 7. First dor,;al i.nti:rosscus 1n. ~. Abdui:tor pollfrb lontt'lL\ m.
9 . 1<:ndou o f flexor digi1orurn 9. fu,ensor pollicu, brcvi.~ m.
p n:>ti.1ndus 10. Radms
11. 'R·t-xlon of <.-Xt<.-mor poUicis
lo 11gu-. Ul,
I 2. P1rs1 d<t1·~ I mtcros.-.cus m.
13. E.xtt-l'ISor dig1torum lt'Jltkins
14. Extensor c):p:msi.011

(__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N_e_r_v_o_u_s_S_y_st_e_m
_ a_n_d_ S_
e _n_so
_ rg_a_n
_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,)
Human 81ology


4 ')
5 1--ll...-~'!!,,-- --'

figure 9.47 A htcr.1.I view of the br.uu.

I. l'l'ima.ry 111<.'lOr H, Central s.ulcu.s <.·01tcx 9. Prmury se-1uury
2. Gyri ce-1' cortc:c
3. Suk i 10. Parietal lobt• of ct-rtbni.m
4. from:il Jobi.' of cerebrum 11. OcapiuJ lobe o f arcbmm F~ure 9.48 An iulhior yi,:v; o(the brain ,vitlt d~
5. l :m:-r.t.l sulcus J 2. Auditory ce1,, cort-.•x C)'<.'S :and p-.m of tJtc tn(.•1ting~ st ill imact.
<,. O lfacro~• <'C1'C'h ul c.Mtt•x 13. Cerebellum ·1. Ey~·baJJ 6. Medulla. oblo111;,,m1
7. T~m_poral lobt· of ct·ocbrum 14. Medulla obloni.tta 2 , M11sd ~ 1)( 1he- e"}¥ 7, Ct1-ehellun1
3. lob... of L'c rebrwu S. Spi1u l co rd
4 Piunury gl:md 'I. lJur.1 nu1c,
5. Pont

Figure 9.49 A ~Jgim.l view

o f tht· br:1in.
1. lfody of cor1Hu <allosum
2. Crns of fornix
3. 3rd ve11u-icle
4. Pm.1<crlor i.:ommisl>urc
5. ~pl<'oium of C()rpus c.111().<.um
13 6. Pint·al body
7. lnfonor rnllicuh1s
14 8. ,\rb<n· ,..i,ae of ccrebeUwu
15 lJ. Vcrm is of cere-hdhun
10. C horoid pfoxus l>f 4lh
11. Tonsilb o l <'eL-ebelllm•
17 12. M<.·dull:i. obloug.Jt:t
IS 13. ~cpn.u n 1>ell11cidiuu
14. l utr.awntn cu l:u- for.m ,cn
19 I 5. G t-nu nf c::orpu~ c:illo.rnm
20 16. Antcrior comni.issure
17. Hypodl.l lann15
22 rn. O ptic cbjJs1n:1
23 19. Oculmuotor 11cn1e
20. Cer<.·braJ p.:dunde
24 2 1. Midbl'
25 22. Polls
23. tvlcscnccph:tlic
{ aqul·ducr
24. 4th w ntrick
25. Pyrauud ot' 11Jcdull:1oblon~Ha

• A Photographic Atlas 1or the Biology Laboratory

2 4

Fjgvre 9.50 /\ photoim(~~pl1 ol Purb 11Je Figure 9.51 A trausvcrSc stCll()11 0( 1he spiual cotd.
tl('llmns lrom the ccrcbcUwn. I . Posh.•n or (dona]) mot of spinal twrw
I, Molecul:tr 1.-iver l)f..-cn.:1wlb t t(')t'tC'X 2. Poo~rior (ckir~ I) horn (gt:iy iu:im,·)
2. (;r.anuLtr bv~r of cor-1.:.-x J . Spiu:il cotU tr.u:t (whitt· mJm•r)
3. Dc11dn1es "";f l'urk1ojc cell 4 . 1\utt"ri<)r ('.•tntra.l) horn G;r.-~• maut:r}
4.'J(' cdl body

Cdl h<>dy

T, bmwus
figure 9.53 /\ plHxo1mcrogr.1ph o f ~ ucurc:>n.
t. C)•toplamuc ~xt<:-n.s.ioru 3. C ell bod)' of ue-uron
Figure 9 .52 The- stru~tul'e of :1 myclu·mcd 11curon. 2. Nudrolm

Figure 9 .54 A l,>ngm1dloal vi<:w l"lf , he

hittoJ()gy o f:\ myello:tred ncrv(".
flgure 9 .55 A trJ11swrst< S<.•<:tion of a m:rn·.
I . Endoncurium 4. Nc-urofibri) node
1. l 'ct 111CU1'1lllll .3, Huucl.le of ;IX(Ul$
2. Axoo {oodc ()( R..3nvjer)
2. Epim:urium
3. Mydiu Lw~:r
Human B100©-

Th1,,,,;d-----7 <._:-:•;J

O vary


Figure 9.56 Thl' u n 1mmuscula.rjuuctio11.

1, Mornr n<'tw, .3. Skrk:t:il m usd<: fil'l<!r Figure 9.57 T he- f)rltltir:--1 cndocr111e gbnct(;,
2. Motor end pl..ttc-i.

J 2

Figure 9.58 Tlw p1tu11a, y glamL

I. Pars imi:rm.:.·di.1 (:id,:uohypopbysis} Figure 9.59 Tbt" diyroid gland .
2 l';w~ ,,e-rvo~ (nt11rohypo1,hy'Si~) I . F(illide edit
2. C cdls
3. Pars distalis (a.denohypophysis)
3. Colloid within fo.Uidc

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

J Figure 9.61 TI,, adrenal gi•nd.

1. Adreu:J c.:ortcx
2. Aclre·11a.l mcduU.i
3. Adre naJ concx
4. Blno<l v,•.ssd

Figure 9,60 The a<ln:nal {.supran:1:uJ) i;J.anJ.

1. Aclre,ul gbod
:!. Inferior supr,u-e1lal artery
3. Kidne}'

Susp1:nsory l ig.uncu ts

$den) \'CIIOUS


AntcTlot .;:wity:
(co, 11g :1quc<u.1c. bmr1or)
l'()q~ IM d).:lmber - -
AnH•ri0r c hamber
Pup~ -----e-
Lcn~ - - - -•

.,,-r:::c,.- - - - C:m~iou n::uron

Bipolar neuron
Pos.tcrior <.'avity ll<lrl.~ ~n<l r,o nc.<
(coJll.lmi»g -.·ureous h umor)

Figure 9.62 The s1nu:m cc of the eye.

{3) CiJiar}· body
\b) f.ovca cc-um.lis Choroi<l
(<') R«ina

Human B101og,,


--- 4 2

Figure 9.63 T he :um·ri\)T portion of the- t:}'t'. figure 9 .64 Th.;; r~rin:a.
l. C o1tjtulcti,•a 4. Lens I. Retina J . 0 1oroid
2 lri~ 5. Cili:11')' hor!y 2. Roch :md cones 4. Sciera
3. Coroi::1

5 6 7

~-<~- WWW

. _....,
4 - - -......- _

Figure 9.65Th.: structure of the ear. 250X

I. Helix 8 . St-mic..· ilt:ubr cau:ils figure 9 .66 The ),, org,m (org,.iu of Corti).
2. Auridc- 9. \-l-stibulococh lt.':ir ncrw I. Vestibular nh:mbr:1m:
3. E~ttro:al :imlit<u-y ..:an:).I 1O. A11ditc:>1•~• •SSi cl~ 2. Cochlear duct
4. Earlobt• 11 . Cochl-~:i 3. T,:tlOr ial membrauc
5. Outer c::a, 12. Vestibul:l.t (l\'lund) window -4. Hair cc-lls
6. Middle c:i.r 13. A uditor)' tube 5, U!'lsil:i,· nltmbu oe
7, lone,· ctu· 14 1ym1xm1c m<;rnbr:rnc:

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

(..____________c_ a_rd_i_o_v_
Right uucm.11 carotid
_ ul_a_r_S_y_st_e_m
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

Aortic :ir, h "Cl•phllic

.'\w('nding :aorta Or:1du,ll 111,~"l'C~~,1:,I
Pulu,on,u•y tn:111k
A~1lla.ry ---r~ ~Q U:i.ubc
Cdu.:- trunk - - --f-.P,~ 7 ":c;:; \ l>C'M'.cndm~ :ion:i ~ .\!l-tt-ln1t'nor , ~na '"1,-:i
Br:id1i:,J :\" Duph.1~ll .-l-1~t1----Rrn:aJ
Abdomitu:I 1 0m flcu:al
l..(11 u 1,I nglu
S\lpr.,reu:,I R:tdt.ll - - - . . . c om111011 iliac
R:ictial Mc,·b,m .u11tbt.:i,:-h1;J
lnfttior mc1cmc1' ic
Conuuon ilir
P..alnu, \~JK'>uoe
i'lfCll ,;'$

E:-.:11...,-n:d ib:ll

I ::;null $.l4'hcnous

:\nto:rilX' tibbl
l :.t.
~, ~~\ Domlu~•du
PbnrJr \'C'lk)O \ a.rrh
O.:,rs.:il vcn OllS ~ h

Figure 9.67 The pnnC>p31 .~11enC!l l)( 1he boctr Ftgure 9.68 The pn11c1p..U \'tiu~ o(rhe body


6 10
2 3

3 6

7 12


Figure 9. 70 Ant<·rior view o ( t11c hem and :associat<..-d strucn1rc1o.

1. Ri~tr v:t~Ui m·rvt· 8. Br.1chioc('plu lic: am:,ry
; 2, Right br:-irlnoc<:ph:ilii~,•crn 9 I.di h~chioc;<:ph~lu; V<"in
Figure 9.69 T he: position of d1e h-.•art t1w paicardium.
J. S upc.•rior vcna c:a\l.i 10 . Ao rtic arch
,I, Rjght phrenic nerv e 11. l..(,fl ph renic ot1"('
1. lvkdi:tstim.un 4. Di..-phrl~m 5. aoTt:t 12 . 1-d i vt•nrridc oflw:irr
2. l\..ight lung 5. Liver (,. Pe r1c::utlu un {cut) l.'.t AJ>CX of he..m
3. Pi:rit:ariliwn 6. Left lung 7. lt,j~ltt \ltutridt' of h1.'art

Human B101-0l?Y

22 2!-'.l
4 29
~ - - 30
5 23
"- ' --'I.-=--- 31
17 a ,....-':\,--- J2
6 18 33
7 34
9 20
JO 21
Figure 9,71 (3) Au aut...·rior \!it'\v ofdll' 1tn11.:tun.· of the hean. aud (b) th<?' imerna.l vi,:w o(tllt' stn1cu.1re of the h
1. Superior vcoa c:w;i 11. .'\c)rtlc :>t(h 21. t\pt1f ()(he,.v1 3 I. BiCU$J, ld \':'lh'e
2. Ascc:uding aorta 12. lig:uut·ntum arte riwum 22. lnte-r.urial s,:ptum 32. Ldt \"t'ntridt'
3. Or:iJlChC$ of nght pulmom1ry :mcry I.'\. Ur:mcht'S of lc:li pulmoo.ary :u l(.•ry 23. lt.1ght :unum 33. Cbord.:ii: tc ndi1ue
4. A uncle or r igJ11 a trium l4. l\1l1nonarv truu.k 24. Tr icusp1d V3lve 34. P..lpillary n'lltSCJe
5, lttg:IH pulmMl ill'',' \"Cin< 15. 1.,~tt :11rim ;l 2~. R ,gln w :i5. lmc-tve,l mr.ob r <c1>rum
6. l\ight :ttrium 16. b:ft pulmonary vt."ins 26. Myoc.a...tium 36. Endoc,u J ju.m
7. lltg1u corouuy .artery :incl vcm 17. Cm:umtlex :arn·ry 21. Amtic .lrcb 37. V i~ccral p~ricardJUm
8, ll ight \'ll11tride 1$. An.tcrior illl~rwntricullr .irtc:-1·y 21¾-. Pulmcmary \"alvc
9. [nforior wua C3V.t 19. Antc.·rio r i1w:rvemricubr vein 29. lcfi •trium
In. •,c :icwQ 20 teft w1m1rlc 30. Aortk \-Jive

9 7

12 2
4 10

Figure 9.n An •ntcrior view o f the hl·Mt and gn:at wssds.. Figure 9.73 The- intt'mal strucmre o f the hc-m.
I . Br:1d11or.~ph:1tic 1r 111tk 8 . .'\o,ruc :ud1 1. Righi atrium 7. Ascendi ng.-iort.l
2. Supcn o r \lt":Jl:l ca,•• 1. PuJmon:uy ,1rk1y 2. l.tJglu ;iiriove-ntn( l1hr \ia!Vt g, Aort,c valve
3 ;\scendmg Jc'!rt:i 10. Pu lmonary tr111tl: 3. Chord:i.e tc:-mliuac 9. /1.•tyo-t::m.lium
4. Right a.crium I L Ldi auiwu 4. R.ig:ln \'tntrfr:k I0, P.ipiU:ar)' mmde
5 . ltlghr vcntndc 12. Lc:ft wnrnd c 5. lntC'rveu tricubr septum 11. Ll•ft vemride
6. Ldt common e:-.i,utid arttT)' 13. Apex ot" heart 6 , l'r .i l)OC1ll:\t <'~'ll' O(::l('
i. ldt sulx:bvi:tn .utC'ry
• A Photographic Atlas for the B1ology Laboratory


Vis~e,al - --<I '


l~rk1al __.
Figure 9.75 An :inre1•1or vkw of dle b rynx,
pleu r • ~ tr.icht::t. an<l l u(~.
Pll"ur:11 I. Er,1glo1ti.< 7. l'n lmo1):u·y ~'-,(els
cavit')' 2. Thyroid c::irti1agt• 8. Trac:he:.1
3. (',ricoid c:aml:ige 9. Carin.a
( >bliep1t fi«ure D1:tp,hr:agm Cann:a oi u:idt<.•J. Cardiac notdt
4. T hyroid g;tand 10. Lei\ pnncq,'1
5. Right Jung (primary) bronch us
l""..,.C::::----- Bronchiole
(l, R.,gh, p1•1111,;1pal 11, I <.·ft lung
• - - - - Smo mh musdc: (prun:.r)'.) bmndms

flgure 9.76 ·n)c: tr.1di..:al w:iU.
l 'ul1n1'UU J)'
<'a pii LI ry hetts. I, R cspirato~• ep11helm111 4. StrOUlUCOUS sla11ds
2:. B:t.'ict1h.·nt mcmbr:utt' 5. Pcric:hondrium
Figure 9.74 Tbcstn1ctun· o(tlh.' n-s-pir3·torysystcm . :\. I )na of ~ ro 1m 1co11,;, gl:.nrl 6 . t-ly-.-hne cauibg,e

Human Biology


Figure 9.77 I\ r,ldiogt":lph 0( 1h,e the'>r.'lx. Figure 9.78 A hM11chio1e.

l 1'hor:ic1< vc,1chr, (. , Cbvidt I. Pulmonary ancriote
2. R.iglu lung 7. Ldi lung 2 . Omuchiolc
3. Rib fi . Mcdi.::istinu m 3. Puhnonary :Jveoii
4. lmage of righ t breast 9. Hc,:irt
3 . f>i:l phr:igiu /lwe-t IO. I )uphrAgt'nl~h;;11nadl

An ckc1ron m,crogt3J~h orthe lining of

2. Goblet cd)



, ---7

Figure 9.81 11,c- brouchll-..
• JOOX I. lkl:~ernent inemb~ue 5. GoMet l'tll
f1gure 9.80 T he pulmou:uy alveoli. 2 . laminl propri:a 6 . Lutut.'ll ofbroud:us
I C.::i.pdl:uy iu :'llw;obar w:,11 3, 'l)'J>e II p ncumocytes 3. Nuclcu~ uf cpithdial n·U 7. Cilb
2. M.:lcroph.lgcs 4. PS(•udostr:uilied squ.lmoU'i
• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology laboratory

(_____________D...;ig;;..e_s_tiv_e_ S
te_m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

r_________ ,_.Arotxi ghud

r_________ S ublini-tu:ll ~and


splun ct-.'.r

GallbbdJcr ---.r__
l )u<l\11..'mun l~
f-lau.scr:i T r,UlS\'l.'T&~ col o 11
As<'endmg col<1is1 2
ofbrg,: i11t1.--sdn l~ 01.-sc1.4ndmg: coJon
S mall iutestinc 4
l .' ,cnu~ l'.(1h
Sigmoid ccJon
Appem..lix i-l<.'<'111111 C';uial 5

Figure 9.82 'flu:- ,;:1rrn:rore l'li the d,ge.rnvc ~Y(l.i:IU. figure 9.83 A developing coorh
I. Am doblastS 4. Odontobfasts
2. En2md 5. Pulp
3. De111in

ll"!!-- 3

figure 9.84 A m ature tooth. Figure 9.85 1 he fibforn , :10<1 6 ,ng ifo,·m r~:ip1lb,,~.
I. Dcmin (c-n.uu d l.u.s :t Glll!t!\'.l I, Filit"onu papdlat'
been di..~olvcd away) 4. AJvt." boue 2. Fw,gifonn papilh
2. P,dp
Human B1olo©-


Figure 9.87 A transwne 5.:'l;tiou of ~pha~~.

l. M u..:os.:i 3. Musc:uhris
2, Sobn\uCOs:.\ 4 t,um<:n


Figure 9.86 The waU ofthi: t·sopha~us.

I. Inner c ircubr 1.:iye:r
( <'Xtcrru) 7
2. Omer lo u:dtudim..l bycr
(m uscti.l:tri.s t·xtl.'rlU)
4. Subu-wcosa
5. :...1uscul:1.ris e-xh:r na


8 Figure 9.89 l1H! m~jor ,·egioo~ and $U'11cturcs of

du.· ~tou1ach,
') I. Esopbagu.s 5. Pylorus of stomach
Ill 2. C.udi:tc pomon 6. Fundus of stonuc:h
of l-1:0\11adt 7 J3 0..1)1 of Sto l\\:tdl
] . lc-sst·r CUT\".ttun: 8. Cri::iti:r curvatur,: of
of:-tomadt st011\ad1
4. Duodenum


12 2

Figure 9 .88 An a.utcr ivr vit·w ot t hl.' trunk.

I Right Im~ 7 tclt hmg 3
2. F:dcUonu ligan )t'nr 8. DiJ.phr.11-,rJn
3. Right lobe ofUver 9. Left lobe of liw.r
.i. Gallbladder I 0. LC!l,S<r cw·v.aflln.." of
figure 9.90 Th~ stonm:h wall
5 Dody of 9r,m:irh ttt)m:i,ch
1. M11cni::1 .3, Mus(;.11bl'is exrc;rna
6 . Gn:ate-r curvattm.· of 1 1. Tr.tni,\1t t:Sc colo u
2. Subntucosa
12. Small um-snnc
• A Photog,aph1c Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

Figure 9. 91 T he hlstolog)' of th e i::trdiac region ofdu · stonllch. figure 9. 92 Titt' hiswlogy of th1.· j 1.j tuttm1 of tbe-
1. Lumen oi stom.-ich -~· Lun ioa 1>mpri:1 :-m:aU intt-sti111.•.
2. Surface CJHthcl.ium 6. P..1riet1J ~dis I . Suh111uco~ 6 , h l tt'Sllu,11 gbnd-,
3. Mucosal ridg1."S- 7. C hi<.-f (zymog<.•uic) cdls 2, Cirr-ubr :'Ind l<mgm,dina1 7. Suhmucos:i
4, Gasrnc pm, m uscles 8. Pll(;:t <.'lit:ul3ris
3. M ucou 9. Lumen of suull
4. Str()s.'.l
5. Villus




figure 9.93 A ~t•.::tion ofth1.· b rgc Figure 9. 94 A n Jio~mph o f the bqre i1m.-sciu1:.
imcst1ne (colo n). I. Ri£'IH colon 011.·patk'.) fl~ X ut\' 7. Tr.uisvcrse colon
I 4 Senulun:ir folds 2. /\scc;1l<ljng col<Ml 8 I uml~r \~1"1¢hr:,
2. T:teniae cvli (plicae) of colon 3. Sii;rnoid colon 9. Ocscendiu~ colon
J . Epi1,1oJC :.'lppeoda~ -t Caecum IO. R ectum
5, Ld't colic (iipkruc) t1exurt 11 . 1-itp jo iuc
<, 12d, nb

Human B101-0gy



Figure 9. 95 T he- c~ecum ,i nd .1pp('nd1x, Figure 9.96 An mk.rograph of the deum,
l. Ascending colo n 4. Ucum sho ,,11 in cros.~ section.
2. 1:'.leniac coli 5. Appendix I , hm:·.m n:ll v111i 4.
3. Caecum 2. Lumcu 5. Tuuii.:a musc:uJaris
3 . Mucooa 6. Adventitia

Adl\"113.I gl:111d
RmaJ i'lrtt'f)'
RcnaJ ,..~m

1'hrinmi11:1I :'l()t'l;\

Lnfonor \'t'll:1 c.iv:1

Urctt<r 5
Ur,11.,ry hbd,k·r

An1en(lr vi(':,,, Figure 9.98 The k id.m:y and un.'ter wtth uvt:-rlying
figure 9.97 T he or~n~ o( , he unn:ity ~ys:rcm. \'1'ie;CI':\ l'Clll('f\~ti ,
I. Liver 6. Qu:idrJ.tus lumhorum
2. .'\d,~nal i;krnd ll\\1$1'1¢
3. RcuaJ :trt-l"ry 7. Gallb1:tddcr
4. R c,u l vcm 8. IJ1fc·rior \•cua c.:rv·.1
5. R ight kidncr 9. Ur<.-tcr
• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

R cn:il :i1·tCl)'

2 6


fibrous IQ
Figure 9. l 00 A coro11:al ;;ci::uon oi 1hc l<:fi ln<lnL-y~
I. Rt·1ul ar «-r)' 5. R.:n:11 c:a.psuk· 9. Rcual m(.-<lu!h
Figure 9.99 1111: Strucmre of t he kidney, 2 Rc:nal \~<::in (1. Major i;::ityx HI ll¢11:\I co11c:x
.3. Lcii tcscicnlar v<.·iu i . RcnaJ pelvis
4 U~ttr S. Reoal P31>ill3


Ductus {v,1!>) {Uh("
d t.fcri:ns
Te.,,~ V:igin:i

Figure 9.101 The o rgans of the tnale r,:pmduawc syucm.. figure 9.102 The o rg:uu, of the fo-11ule rcproducti\tc s.ystl"IU.
£j.acufato1•y ,inc:r
Human B10!0©1

\ '(::)l Om plcxi,i.

Test icu.b:ir :in cry


I )uc tu, ('-'~!:) --+- -- Sm1.iuifcruus

dcll-rtn!: Gl:ms p('nis
Epididymll-- ~ ~- - - - - - -7

~ - - - 8xtcrna1 11n>tlu-:tl
Tcsos Scrotu1n

Figure 9,103 T he structm..:- ofth.: mah: gcnitalfa.

3. Mcdi:1.,;umu11
-1. Scn, ioi(erou ~ 1ubules

3 7
Fig ure 9.104 .~ l-e1tis anJ :mo~iati:d scrucn,n."S. Figure 9.106 The: m ucnm.• oftbi:ov:1.ry.
1. Bod)• ofcpidid ymjs 5. Spcrm.uic fasc ia 1. Corou.1 r:adiata 8 . Gt·nuinal <-pidu:lium
2. T;iil of 1.•pididymi.s b. HC":i.d of cpi<lidpms 2. Se-cond:)ry oocyte 9. l't 1m~ry folhcl<'~<-
3. Gubcrn:.11cuJ11m i. TL-s.tis 3. On1lation 10. Ovarian w:-.i.1.-L-.
4. Spernutic c.orcl 4. follicnl.:ir fluid \\~tlun ano,u n I I. Corp us alh1c:.ios
5. Cunn dus oophorus 12. Ovanau cortex
G. Oocytl' 13. Ov:1.n:m nH."d uJb
7. J!ofl,cul:JI' c<:lh 14. Corpus lull' l UU

• A Photographic Atlas tor the Biology Laboratory


CcrYix ot

ou.nor ----
--- E.xtcru:J
---. urc-du::tl
ure thral '-.,_ VJp_tual
opcnin~ ocifu:c

( "litOn$ [\; r i11c:-1Ull

i\J lll\

Figure 9.107 ·n,c l~Xtl~r11:1.I i:.,.;:oiu li.., aod intei·,1~1 Figure 9 .108 l'he tC"malc- c-x1ern.1I gc-oi1:ili.;i (\•ulv~).
l'l;'.prudm.-uw ori;ans of the- fem:Jt· n:produc.· tiw s~-,tcm.\ lll:IJot mmde - - - - - 1 ,'-'-- - -...!J~,!_

Adipos,: tllSu,: - -- - --1,L.!

M,1nrnu11• gbnd:,;

Nipp!< - -- -S.~
L.u:t1ierou~- -- --"~~

AJvt•Olar duct ----

Figure 9. 109 Thi: surface :ui:uom~• ofd1e fomalo: bn.u.1st. R ih

I 11<.'<.'tor3hS ,n:i.jl>r muocle 5. Nipple
2. Axilla 6. Bn.•3sc (rnnc:Un ing m:un-
.). L:ih"f':'l.l 1w<1CC(..C. n ( hn-.m maty gfaods) Figure '1.110 hm:·rnal snucmn.· of the fr-maJ,: breast.
4. An:ola

Figure 9.111 MJmm:uy gL1nds (m-,.1llact:uing g)and s). Figure 9.112 Mamm:1ry 1::,rbuds (l:tct.-mng gjan<ls).
I. lntcdohula.r duct 1. Lobt1k~ o( i;l-a1) tiS'-uC
2. h m:rlobul:tr connt"Ctivc.· c!Ssu~ 2. lutrJ1obubr crnu1c:ctiw tis.,.uc
3. tohulc nfgl:anch1lar nm,e 3. A<l::po",(" a ll~

Abdomen: rhe pornon of dk' o-unk ~dduaion• .1. 1110\'Cmem tow..,rJ ah'1olus:An ind1\-idu,:J illf C'Jt'SWc amu: the (CflllUlal end ofdtc
nfdu• m:1111nuliu1 hnrl)' lo.::itcd th,: ,1,Xi~ nr 1111dlin,: nf , h,. hrnly. widl in the lw1p; pu.-i1orwy dvcoli p;unounestiru.l opcntnR oJ
hi.-twt•,-,1 lli._. ,h.1phr-~11 :m,I opromc of ahdumon• .a l.llQ\fflt<"nt JI'\" the N.SJ, foocuonll un.iu of me J,nJI c uuL
iftt" pt'lv-k.. wh11'."h ro1;uiru 1h,:: nf., digtt u)w.trd ,fi,.. axi<. ,lf,1 lnul,, rttlpir.1ti<•n;:1l'll, th f'-30,·k,,r th,t aorta: 1l1o;> 111-i)"r \~f,!111k v~'k"l nf !fir
.Jxlumm:J c:1nty .uid. ib ,· a cJ-enohypophy,-i:.: :mteri<w p1um:11")( ~'-'11= .\ to;i<.h (ck111:,l :,lvcoluj), :irtrnJ puttion ,1ftl11.' d l\.· 11btory ouc of du: 1hr,._~ prin,ipaJ a dem)id: p:,in.-d lymphoid ;,trucuirl'- an,ino acid: a u ni, n r J)l"Olt'lll ,.c.,1 ,i)..,IC1n,(f11crg1ng (,nm ;he lr(i
body rtgioiu (h-c::id. thora.,,;. 3lld iu Chi!' n:,~()j)fC'lryux: :ii~•• ('!1llcd n1m:,im :iu :1111i110 g1nup (NHU \~111nde.
J!xluni,'fl} of111::auy .:ini1111b. ,.-<,rn-r•te:·,d 1,m,1fl. aud :u1 ..1C1d ~ioup (COOH}. apical m1.•riitcm: <:u1bryom<' pJ:uu
abduction: J. lllm'ttUC1lt :l\Vl'f fh,m the a deuosiue rriphosphatc. (ATI•): :i 811.lU.tiO'IC :l Jll('lllbl':lt.l C d u t su1 rouods ci!f.Ue 1ll dle up ofJ. toot. bud. or
.uis or n•dfolC' ol me body;o~itc rompo\md 1hM provides. the furw to oon0in lht' .llnni0<k shom where ro11tuHW cdl .:livL<;ioos
nf.1M11roon• .- "t<•vt•mm ,,r :i dign Cllt'fb'Y fu r ,·dlnbr u~ Omd C'a\l$C j'.;J0\'-1h lll kt!b"'Ul,
lw.av (m,m thc:":t.Xl'of:a !imh. a dhesion: .1n :inunion bc1.w«n 11u1n inc.e: m, :mnn:J 11'1:11 lu, :111 :uum,.111 apoc.rine gland: .t [)'[I\' ofi,\t-:::tt
.tbioti~; w1tht'll11 ll\'llll! n,g.,a,nh,nl'; 11JW1k:<'$Ul~13n,:es., dunng <"n'ltryonk dc.~IOJ"'llc:nc-; ~uxi du.t fo,11.~1:m.1" m c\'JPIJl':ltl\'C
nnnJ;1;1ng11011ion~ nf1hr- a Jipo..:<': fat., 11r f.ia --cr1111:iim11g, <m·h :,.. n:ptil~ bml-1,,nxl m:nmu.J, C(Xlllll!(,
.:1iv1rot1o1n,,1L .uhposo.> l~-'Uo.'. :Mn~ba: pru1u,:,t):u~ d1:11 mil\\.' by apot.1yk:op,mmg nf the rat~ul ,·--11"1,11
abSCUsion: tho: ~h,.'ddu1s oflc:'ll.-o. 11dn'l111I gfand11: t>u ,lunmi• glirnl.c_ unc inc::ti:1.r of pscudopodi:i. intn the- 1,pung11,: od of,pungei.
IJ~Vl'n, fruits. <• utb-.:r pbut pi.uh. :.up ~·ri,)r t<> e!'l ch 1:-iJ u<)'; :ibu t'llll-.;l aa.n~UarthrOSU: ::t sltp;ht!>' IUO\'\'::tbk ap_pta.kment~,uLm:isM<111hrl1.~nor.
uc<u:i.Dy !htlo\\"lug die forrn!'ltiou of !Upl,l!l't!JJ ,t?{,mtb. jotnr su ::1 fo1).' d1'lulk::1uou UAJa.1~, 1ohcltii~ :in 1:1xi to
.tn ;lruduion a,ll('. a dvenritious rooc Supportr.\' root ofJoUltl\, .1ign~-siou.
.ib.sor-p rion: mo-.\':111cnt of., Stibs:1;i1l('.<' dc\"'lnrmi from th<- .m•m oi); a,u.M:)robk rcspicacfon: mernboli:wig app,eud.ix: a. ~ort pouch dut :ai:ochcs
1mo .1 rd!,... .m nr~mi<.111, nr rhn::>1.igh aerobk: reqwrlll~ h~.- 0 1 fro r growrh ,,n.l gmv.i11g in d"lr .1bi<ru:c- ni to tb,... C::ICCUnt.
.1;.surfxC' within ~n or~uwm. .uul m1'bhc)l11.m :&o. m ti 1l· c :l-'<' uf oxygen. aqucou_s hwnor. the YRfff)' lh11d
;icap nb-:1 dn..~, m w.x;u.J :nnoimc <:~ 11 b,:,,t'.tt'ru ~ho ,·:illcd .-,n,~ analog"l) m•: ~ n1il.1r III f1111o.· 1mn 1h:1t ii.U\ tho;> anc~nr JX"il~rinr
nf C.01 ~n 1hdilu,xl. aggluti u11tiuu: dumping; u f n •Jl'i; ~g:utllOII 11fdM1cbp111~n1:1.I o rigin: c.h-,,nb<"l"S of1he C')'C-,
aeootnmodat iou: .a ch.'Ult,..._. I.O the µ1tri,._ tlbr n.·!~·rt11Cc to r.:-d b luU1.I £tCOC'r:ilr iu n.-fercn<i: ru ~ uubr ar:1chnnird· the, v..-,:blikr mid11!t'
lihlpc-ot thi: k:usof'd1c ~<c so dw ~c-Jl., in an iln0~'1l-::tmibody ad.1prntio1u. i:(:,,·t'nng (mc ulnx) .:,(1111: ,cmr.d
\ofi!OU U IUOirc ::.~~111,·: t<>Cmulg fol' n't11:cion. an::ttom.ical position: <.he p4S1t1011 u l lll't"VO-t~ ~ystcm.
',--.UtO\lS\CC'S. aAAtt~llte• fru.ic: rtpeth:d 0\'2f!CS fron1 hunun .inatomy in whidl th,"n: u arbor vitae: the br.uidlini:.
-acetone: ;lll or~nic ..-ompound tbJt ,1 su1gk dower ,vitb se"'n.ll sepmtt: 311 c-r«t bod}' sunc<" wnh d)c ~~ :'lrt;\~C1n cnt ofwhitc 1n:,ucrwidml
m;ry ht' prc-;ru in 1ht urmc of carpdt. dirmtrt fnrn'ilrd1fhc: <)ltlti JI th c- dt\· ccrtl>dhun.
1li.1h.-111•.:.\ ;:,ho , .die.I ~,,,.,,v btoifr agg l"C.\.""011: prtv.:olin g. iii I mm.-crmg s.ides. m d the p.llms of tb:- h.i.nds arcllllcbactcria: ori;;.ml.<aus widuu d1c-
acetylc:h<1linc: :i •>cul'Olr.lll'!<-1111Uer l>di.avtor (J("u1g N'lrnan:I kingdom Mon('ta dt,11 rc-pre-<m J.111
dlt'1mc::·cl i.ei:ft'lc"tl :11 tf11.• lMTimtll a lga (pl. 11lgae): :11'1)' of a di....~n..- 11111:ltomy: t ~ hr.mdi 11f ~it>m·~ t':11'~' gmup of 1111ipl.- life" km u.._

cud!> (>f111::tll)' llcumitt<; n.-:.<p<'lOSi!ic grvup of ::tq1l.tcie pb(lt·osyuthl·.s12m~ (:(mccn'k'.~l ·wnh dh• 1'lf1l<'tlln" of archrgQ-nium : fct11.Je ri:-pnxlll(tive
k)lf po-nyn:i1mc t1':ll.\Slni~io n • .tho 0~1msn li dtu m etthi:r u11i1<cUuLu <he body :111d d\;.: t\~btions.b!p of ,a lll'!!fUI iu t'l!ft :nu fK>U\t>c<l plai111':
c;illed /'101. or inulocclJufar: Jfi:;3e compri:.c tht- O~IS. :'I i,;.:uuct:mgium wli, r.: c~ :'11\':
aceeylc.holiue-.ste-rase.: :'..Ut enzyme th:at phytopbnkion and sc:iwtcd. of d1c angiosperut. i!o\w1·1.i,~ t,\blit. lu\•Uli:;, produc-c,L
brc-J.b down JCc<yk:holine: 3.lso Emb. double fcmlfa.mon ~tin~ in archc.utcrcm: dh:: princip:1I e,..wity
CJ!kt1 AG11ll alkalin(l; a su~1,cc, h.wu1g, a pl 1 dc-.·dopmntt ofSJ)<'culizcd sec-& o( 11l embryo di.tnng: !h~. i:t3Sttub
Ac,:hill~i.- tcndon·\ot(' i,•11J,1 mlru,v,:;.s, gn.-:11.:rch:,n 7.ll; (1<1t,r w eih in li-url't, saif. lmcd \\ith m doo.ienu. the
-1cid· ,1 substJJK'C dun rdea~ h),·dt ~ ~namoi~: 11!1 cxtrJ.embryomr 1.11m1.1~ : a llO\'\'Cflng pbm du1 .ird,cmc-1011 Jc,.•dors n1to the
i(llm (H~) in .i mlut,nn mo:1nhn.n111,i ~:,,:- 1hm fon~ hl(J('>tl c,1mpl<te-- i~ t"'n nR" lili- cp ·k m :,,a,1vc tn,i
:iddu:IU: :, dis,i«kr ofhody ... h!!tujury <:dhc :u 11:I gi\"-'lo ri_;,;_, m die r,._-t:J ,-i11t4c }'-'!11 o r ~ 1uwmg ~e;r;.uu . areo la : !he ptgmcncc,..'i ri~ .uo und the
tn ....tud, die sub$1an..x-1 of umbil1e::tl J.rt~rll"l J.nd Vl.~m: It .1l10 J ring: jX!.trl}· gio..,,•tb rn ppk
the blood~ reduced in ::tu :uno~ conmbm~-s to the !Ormaoon ot the d~m:en::.itmu 111 \\~Hx.'y pbu b arte.rib: bluod u.,.._,~k duu c:,rry bl,i..xl
bdow norm.U. nri:n:ity bbddtr. formed h)• builiup ufSl-<:Ond.try :tway from tile hl':U"l.
acc,.elowar« w11h\'>Ut 1 codom1<' allele: u1 1kcrn1th'<.· form o(:i i:.enc .xykm. articu.1,u· uirtilage!: a lcpJuw
CJ\'i(}t ,\$ 1ll fl.1tWJfU~. occurrmg ,u .1 gi\.·<'11 chmma;om.- annulu~.1 rinpjlkt' sc~mc-1)1..such .1~ l~tibgi11om Co\'i'mliov,.':f the
:I C()U$ttC: rd('rrmg t() ~llll~ (If tf1~ s•t<", or lon11, l-ody rmgi 011 ;1,11 eJnhwor1n ;ll'lkullffol,.Wtul't ot bon:-s oi
k n ')e ufh~ariu~. aU-or-0000 respooS(I: funcnonin~ antebr&cbhun: the lor:-arm. S)1l0.1JJ jOUta.
-1i;ri11· a J)IOt<"ut m nm~IC' lihc-l'l (n.;11 complece~• when c,cpo<.cd to a a nte'\nna; a $.CflSory ;lppcr1dJgc QII a~c;mcling ~on· t he pnrnnn r,f d,c
tt.,gt>tlwr w,th 1U)':lll.i11 i, ra.p1111.ithlc ,umu!m u{ll~l111h1 ,m.,ugth ; nuny \~1'1~-. ol m\"l:•rtd,r.u,· .a.111111:1b. I ~ imesune bm,~n the caecum
!(),r t'<x !tr.accion. ~lpliC.i to :,~"1i<>u J-'()ll"Jlti:'11~ ant~rfor {,;\\.lrd d .,..: fn im: ,,nd 11,e hcp,ni<.: (righc ,;oh,·) HeX\irc
aetiou poroo.tial: dH: ch.11:ii:;o: tn t bto u;:;h neu1on.s uui JU\tl('!c libc, the OJ)pm.iti: oi postmor (don::tl}. ai.c.1n11ll: l,µ:•kmg; 111-.rim·t ~o.'xu:il u~:nl"I
lOOK cturlt(' prop.ig:,ucJ. .llong lhe C, lntl"~ l1t01L anther: die Jl<X-.itio11 of a pl:im .st:uncn tind l>ek1ng d, e :ibJlity lo pruduice
membr:mc of .l 1l~-uron:d1c 111.'H't' alpha helix: n~ht-luB..1ed ~pir::d Ill wh1cb p<,lkn rs produced. p;im..-!<'"l.
impol.rc_ t)'pK::tl in proteins and L>NA. antheridhuu: nulc- rcprodu,._~uw 0!"Jl;U.1 as-ter: mimU<! r.iyi. of uii,"Ntubulcs !'It
-1c tl\C·e rr,1,nsport: Jn\''J',"('tnMt of .i ~,ltcru<Ui<m of glln(lrarions; cwo- m c:«tJJll lll)11Secd p brus Md alg.1e the end;: afche spindle- :ipp;11,;arus ill
"1111l~1re mu, or 11111 nfa n-11limn rh.i,.c:11Iii(' cydc ..-h:11r1<"1"1,ci,- wlw1e monle sperm produced. .mmu) cell.~ dwillit o:cl W\-is1on.
~ lcsM-r ro J gre-iter\~ono:cmraoon. ofmany'( in w!u..-h th.'n- anrioodon. thrtic (".1 m plc-1.'') aiyuunctry: not S)
n:.:punng :i .::1nwr mnl.,..,~u1~ :,rnl .u-.._.. \P''R'Jlh}""-"' ., rn.l ~11u-wphy1i: 11udt"C1Ud~ sc:1111r1K'I! m atone. the sttullCJt of 1111 demc-m
1:..:1>e11,bu.11~ uf l'1\lergy. g~n~·r.u1011$. ft'.111.'ft.'r RNA d l'.ll p:·,in w 1d1 3 cb;IJ. CJP C:USI .\ilhl soil ha'-'!'
a da.pca.1ion: /, p hy:<tol~l--.d. ()If altruism: b.:h::t\'!Ot bcnditiog od1o.'t- comp!tmc1ll:'ll)' c<i<lon (triplet) ut tht' pmrem,-.; oftl1.- ,•lc:111,:,11; U':'IJL< ol .1.n O~lllUm tb.u t>rtf11t1Htt1 wu li,, ul n.-g.ud to tb U\l'w.!'1~·r RNA. .:oll:.·l'tlw]y. !'lhn11\ 1(:,r m 111(lll' t'ul!:.'o
promote ITT i.tltVi V~ 10d conuibutc por61bk :i.,;lv1nu~ or 1.k trimcnt:d a:ntigert: .l fordSJ) IIU(Ctl!'ll. uswlly ::t u, 2 ,·ompound.
to in :ibtluy to ttpt0duce u11d~..r cdoct on d1e pcrloml«. pron.·rn. dut tnP{;:CN the- bnmm1c- ;ttOrnie uumbcr: fiit• ,wi~Jt bf the
mv.iroJ11nmc-J) coud1tions.. systc:m ro, produre anubod:-es. ::iwfu or :1 p::i rccu lu d1.'1Ul'ill.

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

a to•ni<. w<iighr the number of

prQ1oct1; togcth-r wilh 1h.- rn1111!1er
c>f 11:-u1ru1~ w~tlun the 11u.:-le11-1 ,'tf
J.n :n\.lm. syn-tmc:ltryi th..- morpholo:.;k
e<mditiun ofl1:1vm g .inII b r Oglu Joll(I
lcfr lulvn.
biri :ary 6.,;.\ io n· ~ p•o = , 'ti <~·m:il
bunock: the rump or tbhy m:l.U on
d1c pos~rior 3Sp('O:t oldie IM,'t'r
trunk. fom1t1.i try the
centrosome: 3 dc-nS<· body flC;l!' tile
uudcu~ ,)f:l. l"'cll th:,t eout:c.1b ;1p:llr
('t-pbalot horax:liMIOll of the hcJd i nd
ATP (a.lcnOii n<'! tr-ip h o,iphatc): !'I rcpmdul-ti<lu th:,t <k>t.1 110! nm,lw :a 1hor.:ioc region.$: lil:ir,tnl't'J:Snc: of
t'(1t11pou1ld af :i,k mnl.'. riba.t·. :mrl llt.itodl ~ iudlc c:acc:um· d ,c pi, urh ~lik.:: pottHwt nf t hr ri;-n:iin .u-Jm1potl~
thr« pbosphat(";(: It Ii the c-ncr~ bu1on,lal n on1c-ucbtu rc-: .wig1n11l'1lt l:irgc- i1Ul>;;linr.: w wl,id1 the ileum uf c;.crc1uia: lm'J c-f n a tWCOOc!. (tluffl) .
g,')Ul'CC foc rnon «-llubr pt\XC'SSl'$. of t\\\>n;uu~ h ) an org:1nism, 1h..- dH: sm:JJ intcstl1iC b :l(t.lChcd. c:crcbcUu m ; tli :- pu rtion ,lf,l, t- llr:, in
.itri mw "1th1T cir1he rw" ,l1pc-nnr titst of whidl is die )'.$11~ lnd d;c <:aforic: dw licit' n., quir,..•d co rai(o." t<m.-crn,>,I with !he 1..""<)UnlinHl,111 of
ch.1mbeu ofthe h::an rh,lt l\"Cd\'(' k'Cood th<" $p('Crtic cpidtcc t~d1<"r ooc kilos,•.1.m ofw.acero,1" dc,grco: lllO\'l:nte1HS 21ld ,:(Jlnlibr-iulll.
~y,nnn,; bln,:,,1 •'Tlll'>rit11nng d,r ~cir ntiJi, rum{' ccntii:;i':Uk. ttrebrmpituJ fluid (CSF)::. liqu.i,I
aLT011hy : \\:11¢111~ :i,or.,y or <~•·re:l•< m biom0: ii ffl,lJOr d,m:rx coummni y calyx: a rujHh,;p..-d p-oroon ,.,( chc thn: bllo)'\ .AJ)d c~hions the .:-cnt nl
~a.•of:iccU urorpn. ,·h;in,1c,,,:,erl by .1 p.vrkul ,r gn,1•r n-n:il p..-h~ d1;ait cndrd~ «'fl.ii ncn.oos systi.'ln.
a u ditory rnbe: l n.lflUW C'lnal th:u ,,fpb11"':uul 111m1:,k papil.\c; 1hc collt'CO'-"e term for dk' c:ic:rcbrum: rite lct~r portion of dlc
<:(i.fuhxi:< die middle cu ch:unti.:r biospb e-r~: th~ poruon ord~ Eln.h'i \('p:1!, of :, il('O\, ~r hl'<'in; et)Hlp<:.Sc-d nfthe nghr :i.n,1 l•f,
co the pluryn.,c: lbo- calkd t~ 3anosplv:rc 10J s,,uf3.:e wb~~n: liVU'lA c:a1:nbiunc ttl~ ~ uf mc mce m::iti(. hctuispher<"S.
(lbf~fli.i11 (dlla/. Cl~nhnd, e'l,,'~ . ca.uc III toou ::ind wc1111> ofouuy n:rvil;,.il: prrt1irung m rflC' ned: nr :,
'illl«lth>mk. ncrw.:>tu system (ANS)· biotic: pcrt11llfo~ to :1.i,ptru ofJlt~--. \'l.'>Cubrpbn u ili::st continue$ to necl:.bla- purll,)n of :m Ofl(,lrl.
self-gov~·miui;. divis..ion of tbt esp('('uUy to chmc«'fh (J(s. of produN cit.uc. cllcl ipl--d.t: &unt p.Ur (i,{ piu.."Cr-lil«.·
nm'Ous syst~m 1h:it comrol~ ('(~{l;'lnS.. canceUou~ boue: spoil!;)' bone: bone le~ in most d~-cap()d crustue:uu:
111\'nlunt:uy .,niviti~ bise.xu~J Oowtr: 3 tlO\,t':r du, .:--om..ins nssuc \\11h .1 Lmkclkt suucrun-. a~e,I fo, S.Ct.ti1t8 .u1J .:tlJ~hUlfV
a u lol!O.m e : a <l1 ru11l,~)111e dttu.-r 111:111 a l""th m.11:: and fom:i)(.' M"":W:i.l capill..lry:~ 01Kf1.lK op1c h~od ,'\'S.'<'l cbit iu: stl'OOJ:;, lfl•x:ibfc poly$3t:du rid,:
!.('.X .bromo,omc. \ tll l ('nlrt'\ d:iJ( co11U«"ti .ii; ancrKlk 1111d 1 focnun~ the e:x06.kd«ou of
imlOltOph: .1n u~mi~h c:ipil.• blade: th i: lmiud cxp:,mk'<l plirrn>n of vct1Ule; th<- fimction,;l tmit ,11:· ihc .mhYOpo<ls.,
ofsynd1e.i2111g il'< own o~nk :I k:ii. ,ircullrnry ,y,tt·m d1loropll)il: grcefl l)igmtnt IU
molcntks (toed) uom ino~ic bla;tocc,.-J: d1(.· t'i\'ily of :1uy hb,¢tJ:a. c;.11r.1pac..~:pn>k·Ctiw ..-:1.1wr111g ll'\<t.T the plmtos.yitth~iz.-ir1g Ol\?-tll'l.n ~ du ,
mol<'ctJcs, blanula: stlt,.."'t' oi embc}<Oni • dors.tJ pin oftho: Ix,.;!,>• ofcc1tllll .1li,;c,rh~ t'ncigr tR;,1111 1h.-. ~1m,
a.xilJa· 1'1c ,1,.-(l'JM!cd hnU,·,w mKkr 1hr ,tcvdopmttn of near cn1st:.H'l.':1rli ,uid tttrdl.,., ehlon>p,la;r;c • llll"1Ubr.111t-l•oclo"i:d
..1.rm: d1e• ,1rmpiL the- cud 04.· dt.JY,lf?: but bcto~ carcino~uic: stinml::inng or Cl\Wu~ OfS~leUc dl3t ('()l)t'lj(~ dili.)t\lf>IWD
;ixilJ:uy b-ud · .1 gml•pofnl:C'rl<;t~tUlflC: g:mmbrinn die ~rowtb of 1 m:ab~ tumor. :md ~ tli.: i.,k ofpll()C.O.p1c1:(.'.,t.'.
<:en~ at lhc j unt·tion uf.a l~f .aud blood: d1<' fluid conl'l('criv<' usa1c< thJt Of c;an,:er. cboanae: the two pos1C'tior op~nu)_p
SlC1 n 1.h:it <kwlOJ);' hr:u-.c:ht.-s or c11q1IJce< thn,uboh 1he .,-.J.rn10Y.1.:01l.u c:a.rriivor~: Jll)' :inmu l ch.K f«d s 11pon cbe n.-wl c.1,uy mto thc-
81.11.wn,; :llsu allcd laM.G i )' i'klll tu u-.uupun i u 1:1S1ci111." es .mother: esJ)('OJ).ly. tlcsh-e:iO ng n.isoplwynx.
8l:On:'Ttt(, ('k}f~'-'d pn lt'& uf !l din:n.~_
thout die brnt!,t IIIJJJ111l:1l. d lolu ttrol: 3hp1d med in chc
ucuion (m"fVI.' cell) lh3t tr.uumil'!i 3.0 bolu i ::i ru,>i),,l<.'ll <!•l m:1,\ u (fuotl t h:il is c:arpu.-.: 1tl..- pru,;mul poftiou of t he S)'ulhesii o f sterui,i hom)OIIC'S,
mtp1ds.c ,1w;iy tiom the cc-I body. S\\:i.UO\\t:J ih,m !hi.' or.·J i'.1.\ iry im..:, h:i:uJ d 1;at .:-uutiutt. d1e CDJ,\ll lx1oc!>. r:h1.m droc:rtc; a ...util1gi: a;-11
the ph,uynx. c:arrying Ol(Mdty- 11,~ 1n:i:o:im11111 d :m riuu : .111 l!X.tne111Lryuuk
bacillus (pl. ~cilli): ii rod-fl3pcd bone: J.U O~l.Q i'.Olll~'IOSCd of solid. ,ru:mbcr of0 1~:itn>.1lli of a spc.'C!Cj 1n,;-mbr:'lnc t h3t p:trticip:io:!S in t hi:
N(;r('rium. rig:1d \ (Wtn«O"-'<' ,i~u<'. iormmg .i du.t cJ:n be tndcfimtdy f<w111:1uu11 o f tlie jil:11:c n l:1..
h,u::lcria:pmkuyn•~ \l,'1tl 1m 1i1c ,:o mpollcnt of di(' .skd::tal $)'st<'ll14 111 an ec0t<,y.«cm. chorofrl! 1tw ,-.bCub:r. p1wm·m,:,d
k:mgdum Mum'1'1.; 1.IC'kiut,: d\e Oo"· 11 ~ (>llUIc; SC'<'1.Jc,•1o•m1,r ca.rdl:,gc; .a l}'f"C eyfC(tllll{'~W~ tl!!,llt' mkidl.:- Lr1-c1· ofth: w:i.Uofthe c-~~.
o~ :111,.IL~ " f euk:,ryodc: r..-H~ "i1'1J,, wnh 1 solid C'l.ucc nucrix.. chromatin: 1bre;1dlikc ncrwork of
buk: 01.!h'f 11$:\U(.' i.,yt..s of:, ( I\'(.' br.\i.n: llte eol,~1..•d "llpL-'i'iOr pl1ttion ,'If cat.iJyst: J. d 1cnuc:il. ~uch J.S ~n C1tZ)'nic. DNA •nd proC<•,i~ wid1in ihe
e01:lilSU1)S of cort.. cork o:-.uubtusn. 1llt:' .-,e,!ncr~ nt-rn.)lu ,, ..,...,u, k•otl!<I ch.11 :ux:d ,"l;ll,i:c, tl1c r.,tc- of a re,nmn nodtui.
cone:x• .and pht«m.. m d1" lTlO Oi:il c:i.v1ly ofdic dull. of :I chcmi.:-.11 1,nH'l'-' hu i) n ut ml- d 4;.lm:,mc,so,,11()· ~Tucu~ 111 cl,c mi.lei.ii
ln~I: Jt or the or pout( of br;.\insttm .. th..- portion of lh.:- bt:un 'IP in1i1t-pnx·~. IIIJII ('11111:1111;!; the• w,-ri~ fo r gt>nt"! ic
.uu chmt'flC, ·" of1 pbm titlooL a,inqs.on~ ol d;e mcdulh ob!oni;u·,;. caudal: n'kTrins to :a p0v1:io11 w.:m_. C:\f'n':t>.iOI L
bak!:a wbst,'lll<'.e dut COfl{ribu.C'$ pons.. and ntidbr:iin. rowJ.rd the uil. c:hyn 1c· 1he! 111:.,1.... ,r
,. p:ut i:,Dy ,hg('Jr:1
flr l,bc:r:11,:s hyd1\1Ki.;I(' 1<,n<; m :i bronchial rret-. t he- brondu J.nd. dtetr cell: the 1t:mcmnl .tnd fu.nrnou:il umt r..,.,>iJ d,:11 p :.U.' J fu)lr, d, e s1om:ad1
solut1(.m. but1dung bronchioles. of an orgmiuu: r,an..11es.t ~ru,1ut"t" uuo tho:' duod.:-m1m of tht small
basettte-nt membr:u1c: :i. d·,iu sh..-,:t bn .mchio lc: a ~m:,11 ,lm~,011 nf:1 .:-;ipablc Ol pcrtoruuni::; aU the llll<'.!rJllt'.
uf t-:O:tr.u:d lufar ~ult'bnu· tu winch brond111~ "'•11liu1 ll1e luug. fo1x uons llrt'l'$S.11)' ior hf('. cilia· miooscop1;.·. h.ud,l:c pro«'$SC."$
dh· b:'1~l sutfu-(.~ of n...-nt>r.1oous brom•hut : a brailt'h o-3eb(.'3 1hat c.:c:11 wi,U· .1 rigid pmtrr m"' -.1n.1rtt•~ dut move• m a \\~whkc num~r
qndtd1al cell< UC ::itt.'ldlcd. lc-:,ds..t,•:a hu·~ . ('If:, pbn1 i:dl ~unuu nilm~ th.:! n-ll on !he e-xp~d \.ltrfam ,'I( ccmm
basidia: d~h¥d n-prodt1(.'0\t': buccal. cavity. d11.- mourh, f'lr' orJJ (phmu) 111c1nbrl11c: ofto."11 co111pm(.-d e pithdL1I <·..-11-<
S(f!.l('tutej OI c.hlb hu~i dut (',lVJty. <'Ii~eUuluse ti Len e ntl,,:d1.l..-d m :1 c:ili:try bmlt : :i p<>rl1<111 ofd1c d M1\1t1.l
produce ~jdjo!f>~ dunni;.~l•x-nal budding; 3 type of :U('Xl.U) pol}•i,:1,:-ch:l.,ldc/pro1d11 mxm:. l:,}'l'r (1(ttl r ~ 1i1:1t '<m!II'<. :l(Jlll'OU\
rqnodt1rti.oi1 ~pmducrion in w'bi.:b cm1rvuwtlu cellular respiration: tht r<-.lCuons oc hrnm.1r:aull cuu1.m11> chc cil1:uy
ha1Wphit: Jo gr.1111,br l,::11lm..y1~ 1ft:1l from tbc puttt1 pLu• pinch off 10 P.h'\'.'olt"»S. Krtbs. ~-yck llfld demon nlUlCIC.
n.>-:,.:Wy it.'lins ,,, id1 l,1t,,uphili.e <ly(·. livr- inll<'J)t't1t:fcmly (IT nuy ~main tr1nspon ~stem dm p1m~dc .:-cUubr c-iliaces:r rotozo:uts d u t 1110\.~ by
belly: tl1c Ju, l:e1c ,;irrnm fcrt"11i,:r ~ :, :,tt:1l"ht>1I 111 form c.ulom<'S. en«sr .tud ,1aon1p.u:rym~rcJCtiou, mCJ.ns. ofolu .
*d,:ti.l uut-ek buffi.•r: 3 .:'Ul11pom1ll rn' .u1bi,t:'llllt' dl:11 (ll p,r,d\X'.c ATP. circadian rhythm :. .1 duly
benign: 00Muti:~1U1!(: 1 contiia-d pn-wrus. l.u-b't" d 1:111gec m the pl-I of ,:r.Uu~e:~ pnl}'\:i(X':h.llf1dc! 1pmd11rc-tl phriJOfogk.11 or bch:.v1oral C\"ent
rumOII'. ;, .sohtt.iuu. :is lil>cis) due fonm, a 11l:1j(w ,'tf n('.;nmn g Oil .'Ill apprmnnur('
berry: 3 umpL.- lks:hy fruit. bulb: 3 thid:.cn1..-d mldCfltfOO!ld SIC'IU d1 t" ril(id ceU w~I :m"Mmd ~ pl:uu rcfl 2,1 hour ..yde
bitu.nial: ;1.1-, t.uH th.1 t lh.'1:1 throur,h two ori:c-n end o,scd by enl.1.t~ tk-,.hy cent ml u cr \lOtu S)"IU•m (CNS):thi: <:Ueurnduet lon: .i l"OJte•hk(.•
gn:AAi ng k'..nous: geucn11)(. cht'$C l::wei coor:uui.r.i;: i torcd !o,io.t. bnu. ::ind dH:· 1pt1l::il cord. 111,~ tcmt'nt o f :1 hndy p,,n, $11d,
pb11C'- l1,.1v.- wgc-t,.111\'(' gn_-,.wtl, dunng buNa'. 1 s..acl.ikc- strum11"t" Iii.led witb centron1er.:a poroon ot thc- tlut d,~ dut:d cu,I nll~•r~ in :a ,,rdc•
d1l· tirncSc.•;i-;1111 \ind Ou-.H·r ..ud Sd !.ynovial thud du, occurs. ~ ,n,1 rhtomosomi: oo, which J. spindk- fibct while t he pr.rom::il potrion rt.rn1im
~,•1I dmmg tho: :<c'l·on.l <r.uo,1, yiim~ 3t0Chcs Junng m1rosis or me,ostt.. rcl3m"t'ly SQbit.

dimn: eotmmmify. d1c foul subk-
wi~ in ~urc:"<.<:a('ln.
ditOTii: a ~n.lll, •·n"(:tile w uctun" m du·
\'Okt of th.: frmik.
oorJil::a.cmd:in:an dm h~ .1 c~1kh11n
,-.ubon:u.t" i.k.'ktnu wl11l'l.- l'l:'m:1i1)',,
,:(11wn btwc 10 form K"cls
rork· d 1¢ prm,:,.."li\\· 11ult'r 1:1)'-"l'Ofb:ui.:
diastole,: th,: pordou of d le cin1.ta("
cyde during ,vhich the Vfflfricula1
heJrt ;;h.lrnN:r w:JI is rd.tlCCd
diatom.1:.11111:ttir 11ni.-..-011br alg,1.-

elt'ctrotr t e: 1 sohmon th.u cooduC'I:\

dlxlnclt}' by m,·:u~ of,h:ug-.:J 1uus.
elt>ctromyogram (EflltG) : 3 tco.'.oru:ini:;
of the :1cciv1ty of:i muscle dud~

clUnl": :IM.·xu:1ll}' pr<lduu:d l.lllfl1u., 111~ o(111:11,y ln.·l'i., ....0 11 •p<>'l,,_.I ofde:id ,:haracto:ri1.c:d '-'>' ~ ,:ell w:all coo1f'O'lc:d contr,1ccion.
h:r;.in~ a -couu<reut ~~ncue ,;-,.:lb trut may bi.' ..Jou,tth~>d ,)!f. uf1w,1 ,;z))l';i. jm (»'t'g,l.ltC';I V.lh'<"I e.lecuon ,ti,. umt , 'II· utgt1.i\'r- do>;:trid1y,
COllSl:ltllOOll. ounn•a: th..- 1r.111.,un'.11L. cuu\-..-x, ,lkol: :, liml of .mg)Wf""m) "Jcm(lnt:" .scru;;rul't' cnmposcd of
en idari an: Jnl.'lll ;iqu :1t1c org,,msms :w1rnor pcut.lon o f the ou ter Ll)<:r of cb.u:1cto.'11~d bf tbc tn..-scne<: ofi-wo nnly Olk' 'YI',. ur :.mun (e.g, orhon,
k r,:mg r.1cl1,,1 1iymm~ry :iu•I ,hnging the \'era:-bute (')"C'. cut}'ltdo1u i1, d1e ~...-d; :,6.u ~.J!c.l l,ydn1i,:<!11, (>Xyg~}.
c<lk md1 n..-nUtOC)':'t~ cor«:x: dt(' outer Ll)'Cf of,111 o, , uo:h d••NJ•foi,,t. en-1hf'}•o: a pbm o t ail ll:unul :at :in
cor.hlr.11: 1h,: '-J1lr:1I 1:w,rr,nn of the' 11m c:r .1 ~ tilt" co,...,nhwr,I tt~nm1,,1&!1'('n:il diffusion: movi:1nent ot mokcnks l':tf~f j l:1gt> J ,l,...\.tfopml.'nt.

C'l.l" 1k11 <l)'I') d:ie $pi:r.J o ~m ~md,or kid.ale):. &om Jn 3/t:a oi ~...t« ronccTill'Jotion emt1ki6cation: dlc proci:i6 of
(<•~m urCort1). oo~t.;il <:.irtil:1g<?·1h<- .-unhgi: 1fi:11 to .1.n ;r~:i <:1fl('~t"f oonc:.:,11{ dlspctsi.Jl ~ OllC !Jqiud Ul .lllOtltt1.
cocoon. ptot~-ctr..'C. or ttStini;. n:.;,."C of c111u)C1.1.1 1hc rib,; lo th.- .~rcrmnu. dibybrid ;1 b~cdi11g cX~'l('nmem 0nan1t'l.dlc omcr. dcruc sub;rn11cc
J (',,•fo1:a1lu:11t 11) ctrtaUl uW1.-rt..- br.1tc crauial: p,:-r-1.:11nul~ to d,c Cr.llllUUI. in wh11:-h p:il't"ncl v:ireetlt;-$ iliffcring O:Q\'C'rio~ 1he crnwn (,j" .i 1001h
.u:unu.h. cranial Ut'l'\'t: (lflC- ofl2 p;iiN of J~r\'d tl l lW<I Ir.i i~ Al\" uuie,l endocwdium.: dte 6btous limn~ ohbc
codou: ,1 "tripkC ofdutt nudcoodC$ tto.u :n"is..• fn.)m thl• inferior surf~e uf di.morph.iim: fl.\U th.., tuk t lbru'!> hC'..lft. durnh-1'$ .ut<I v:11,·\'l>
m RNA 1h,11 dtnx-u the pl.iccnl<'m the bt-J.Ul. w1dJfo ,1. sp,.-ci-o. with teprd to sue. em:loc:hundr:il hom1: IKMle 1lu1 !Ol'm.\
of.m ,unmo .1cid 11110 J. ~\Ol)'l)cptidc aaniu m: th c bolll'S of lh,: sl,.,.\11 thu rolor. <>l)yln Slrnc.1ul'('. ;,ud ~o (H\. ~ hy:,lim• l";l.rtil.1t,.--c model! fml :.r.d

d mn t'"nckisc the br:1111 :aJxi ~1ppor1 rhe dlpbyodont:;: ot'tc«h. tho:n ~ <N!Jkd.
c:odon1: bo,:ly 1".J.V1ty o(lng h.-s- .tnm1:1b;, Oll,,IU$ ofi;igln. hcaring. ,1ud ~lee. d~~tduous :a.ud pcr111.111eur. enc.foerinc gland: a l10t1fl<ldk-
cou t ,imug \1iJC.....-:1l <'~ 111,,. a°"iog o,-er: 1he cxch:ing,: nf diploid; h;Mng two o.'.'1)•~ ofc;,ch prodtlCU~ ~nd due secrea:-s directly
collar ceUt : fu~lfa-:-J.1pp0tt,ni:; cdh 111 n.•m:'..l;f'lmding dm,m.ui:d (r-g>'ltt'II~ dtlfcrenr cbrottlO!Olll('. f.'lll'.'I of imo dle blood or body t1Wds..
die mu cr 1;1)-!cr uf dh:· \\ .Ill ui ipo:n~ of~ ' llt ti,._ 111:ttcri:l! of h u1n-.,logU11:-1 homolngou~ cbRunowmcs (2N) endodcrm: the innc-nnost of die th«-c
colon: the first porooo of d1c l:u'f..'\.' chromosomes- dt,tuis symp,ld i>f l~.i.~t:11:: M\~ from 1h.- m>dlinl! m Qngin; g:erm layers of:an c:mhl')o,
Ul~tUlC. Oi(•i()>.ii I. tho: <ipp<»itc of p-roxun~. endodermb:~ pl;int riSM:tc C(lllljlOS('"d
coounou bi.le duct: ti nitK- th.n rs ruricft.: w.i.:dtl:c CO\lerultt oo the dominant: a ht'1'l.-dit1t\' ch:u·:tcter1,.oc nf ,1 <i,11 1gl.- Ll)'t"roi.-dk 1h:i1 \ Urn,urn.l~
forn~1 hy 1ht" union <'If d u: h "p:ior- c-p1d(•rmi! cit' nouwoody r .ltnu. to 1hat .-xpn.'rl'S rt.~lf ~v~\ wl,cn d,..- :i1,,I «·~:·1t('$ d11.' pa.t,:,~ ..-L,·riili
dun q-suc <hm: uJm.poru bite Pft'\'t'nt wJ.rcr loo. h..;:n Ot)f'C i~ ll.:tC~'>OUS-. imo the v1SC1.J.u- cyluxkr of roou.
to ch~ ,lun.:l\"1111111 cy.anoh,ac--teria· rlm1Mpwll('fir donuaocy:J pctiod oi suspcnd~-d emlon-ll•lriun,: the imll-'f linulg of d-r:·
c:omp;1ct bouc: ~uly p:1~--l:e,I b,mc pr{'lbr)'Otl.'$ tnll hJ\~ dllorophyU ;icchnq• :u1d growd1. uu:nli..
th..l: u SUJ.-<:11ll"1:J 10 $p(>I~"'}' buoc,; :md rdc:, ~e o,·yg,: n, (postaior): pcrtuni11~ to the e-ndoWll'ton: hlrdcncd, suppom.,~
:1IJoll ,J,tlco:I dm.~· bl,,,,. c::ytokine.Pi: J N1.\Mm uf1114" l.."elluhr b:ai.:k or postcnor portion ofa bod}• immiaJ ll!,.\l(' of edunodcru~ .ind
comp1.1ritiott: Ul.l..'!~lt( iOll bcm\"l'!l t:•y[(lpla-1n. p:irr. 1hr npfl(..lO!t' ni \\'lllr:11 ,·('rtC"hr;ii,~
llldividu31.\ o:I the s.1mc oc du1Cn•m cytology: the w.,,.,,c:t' d1;::, li11g ...,, 111th,.,. 1luu~e hcli.x:.a duuhl~• \ pi.-,1.I merl tu endos~~rm: :i pb,11 tt§.~u e of
qK"ciC$ fo r :a ,mnu.d)}• ne('dl;;uy Utkl)' ofcdl~ lll~ ril,t- dil~d1r-:-i:-di1nc,,,io,~tl itcpc :111g)l1,,p,:T1n \<:edr. d,.- ~ n~•tT!<:nli,
m ,'l\inx-. cytoplasm : the ptotop!~n ofa ccU ufDNA. emlutheUum : the Uytt uf ~p1ll1dul
comple-t c BoW\':t: :a flower dut W locued ooiside o( tbc m1ckus. . duc-tus dcfe,rient: 1 mbi: th:1t c:trril'S ti~l(' dut form'! t h1: dw l it!.ll ('rltll lll~
(n\1t whor:I\ of i:Jor.J oompnncrlt~ cytosh.l~ton: prorci,, tib meens ~rnu tozo1 lrom the cpM'.11dymt.~ to ur"hl,wd \'C$loeb .o11ul hl':m d 1:11ul:i..-1"$.-
mdu dmg \c'pal"", pct;ih, ..r.ziucn,;, :11111 t:hroughou1 t he cyropl.1Sm of<t'ft.tin dlo: ej1cnl11ory <iu,t::a.lso c.lllcd dlt" e-n2)•me.11 proti.-iu eilrst th.u :icti~:ita.
, . .upds. cd1'1- 1h.n ht"lp m..;in(:)in di( cell sh.:ipe mJ,.( or .~,•111ii1J dJort, :I .spcdfio.'. t'C.lCUOtl .
c:ompmmd eye: ;inl,ro110,I ryo:: duo de.nwn: the-: porlilon ofthe eosfo(ll>hib type of whm• Nood , di
,._-•d ns;;i)lillS uf 111uhipll' !Cnft."). dcdJuuus: plm,u that S.C:U()(1a!l): :died .1nu.l llllt'$tJIJ~. th.n h«om~ .,c;iitl('d bv :1o d1C <:~n
compound leaf! 1 lc:ifbbd.: d!v1d~ dieirlt;:1\'t':.<. 1lur;1 nl;Ucr: , he orn,"ft1101o1 me:1u11x dye,constinu~ ;1bom 214--i'¼ of the
mto disti1tt1 lt'".ulcu . d.cmkit~: l. lll.'rw cdl procl~ th:u w wrmg du.· ~·,: 111r:J 111.'TVl)u i i1rtri:,rt. h\,m.'IJ:• wlmc bt(l(ld c--dk.
condyle:,1 f\.·, uodcd pnx,cn:at the u-.1.usmia impub.."'S < a ncuroo epic:;m.llum.: di.- thiu,outn hy~ ni
end I,)( :i long bone dm fom~ :an ;;cll bo~ l"OCTine gland: a ~\\'\~J.l ~ l d tlul d,c l1e.u-r. :1\.u (·1111.'J 1.hc 1iJ1M,,I
arocubtion denitrif)ing b act eria: ~in~-ccUubr functions in body cooling. J!!1J11n
c;onillia· ff'C)rt"S pmdur,il hy ;imgi o~nu dut coowtt mmue to ecology: tht mtd)' or !he rc.bti0tulup epicoryl: p:irt oft!\!: pl1n1 cmhryu du1
,luru~ :li1,..'.'<U.i.i n1wo duc.·tiui:L a1011oi•phcric QJtrop,cn, or· org.uu!Jns ~id the phy$SCJI C'Olltributcs to i tem dewlopmc-m.
conifer:1 c,1nc•bc.1m1t: ,vooJy ~ed clcntin: 1l1o;" pnrn111.:il 11.1l1<Jan(<' Q!:1 m·u o1ull('I)'{ and d1~:.r iml-r.cnons.. t1pideriuis: the outermost h)'fl ot
pb ut, 1,utl1 • pn1i;6r.:a11d <pn1..-e tood1 (:ll\U'l.'o:I ti,· eu:,md U\Yf d 1l• eoosyst"m· :i btolOGJcd comnmnity the comroscJ olsi:ndtic-J
coujugaticm: $c:,'WI union i.o which crown ::u1J by i:c 1no.'lllU1tl (11) thL- n)OL ,,ntl i~ ~ in,·1:11cs-l :1b1<11i<: s..1wmous e pithdium: also t"he- outer
the nuck:ar m.uerW oi one ceJJ W'rm.h: 1l1c- :-1.'( tmJ, Of ,l.:..:p.~T ,g- l'tl',Ul.ltll lll't'lt p.1rr <"fpl:an ~.
emc:n lll Olh..,.,.. sl:iu bcn,:,alh till' <vidcrmis. eaodcrm:thc <xncn11os1<lfthc t h1'ct cipidid)•m k :i rQilto:I 111bl" l<~ :11,;'(I ;,long
con.nectiwi tinue: one ot d1e- tour deSttndiug colon: the ~egmcm of the prmi;;ry ,~nbcyoni..- ~rm l;l)vr,;. tit,._. po$C1.-nur li..&:r of tht• h.-sn.;.
009c li(suc iypes au amm,115 lar~ incestinc th.u descend\ on the tdemacan c,r,.'tl,i\',: 1ncnlioo o!Oukl nor'l.'.l :1p<'t'Ol!'IIOU.U l 1l d , ludU~'(!i
l".')dy; n Ii .a .uid ~ipp()fO\-e kd i.idc from the lc\'CI Of.' the spleen iii the bod~• tmUCS. tlwm d u Mui l.'J~CUl.itiau.
tl\\lW \\'ll h :1hu1ul:m1 m:nnx. 10 lhe t::,'Cl of 1hc H1 ihac l"TCS(. etfector:.ln org.111 MKh as :'I s.!;1Ud e-pidu.ral Sf)Q!lct": J. ~ai:c b,.•twecu d\c
consumer. an ••flf,·,11i1o1 n thll! &:r1Vi.-s detri b15· nnn.vmg org;utk nun« or nwdc dut ~p,:inm h ) motor spm:.1 dur1 nua:-r and th~· bone 01
mn'rll!':llh by fi•t'l:lmg upon :unlll!Cl' unp,;,rt:,m ,n d11.• 11rnrie111 ,-yde m .11:1mul:auon. the ,'tnebr.1J c.uul
contro k .o1 s:u,1pl:- 1n :t11 l'Xp1:null'1ll ,oil lomution.. ~f'ft:l'('nt co,1,:eymt-t ;iw:,y from 1he t'pigkmis: .1 uttil~nous bfljk,:
tltu- und1.~t),.,"O~ :lll t he >teP5 in the Jfap.hmgm: :, !'Lu dume of ~kd«.J rl'llh~roi:m ~ ur M:nwtm~ stTUCnn-c ~ u10f1ed 011 top ofd;c
exp~-r1111eut ('XCC-pt lh(' 0 11(' b c mg liut!>dc- ::md O:lll:ll(.•~tl.W l1.mJc dl:tt ejac,Jation:thc duch:11~ t)f il.,IMl l,t'}11X 1h.1i ' "wi:r.( ell!' gl«11s ,lunug
UW'C'3tif;;'.ltCd. ~p:ir.-i.~ the thor.t('ic and :abo.lominal &um lhc 111:ile uwJ u:, during d im.a. ~w:,llo1,vmg.
com--ergl'11t evolution: t he- l"\'Oluuon u v-,cics m numn1.1ls. tlt'1..' lr(l('fln:U og,-m1 (ECG ur EKG): epint~iue: :1 hormun~ )<.<t'n'tCd
of.su1ulJI $lTLICtures in chlfc:n-n r diaphysis: d>.e b,'Xfy.or sb:Jt. of .l Joi~ :1 «·o:ordi11;,l ofthe doo-t'll-ai :aco,;icy lfum d,e adre11:1I medu!b remluu~
gn,i,ps of Ol)?lll'lm ~ ('Xpu't'(l 1,;> bone. th:it xoomp.t111es d1c carduc cydc. u l :ictiuu/1 :emahrtu d\(bt:' fn•u
,11,ul:a t'UYiro,unl.'slfi.. dfarthro,i~:.i frt-dy mo,'J.bJc~.1int in ;l elt>cnot-ncepbalogram (EEG): :I symp:1thcti.c 1tc1",,'l.'ltu 1}'Sll.'1U
funruun.d rl~ific:,111111 o(join" rcoordina:;.ofthc brain \\'.l\.~ parern. stimul:aaon: also c.dkd old1111~i11,•

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

c.P'physc,W plater. J c~u11hgmol1S byn

hc.11~! hl't""°.-n ct,,. .-_piph)·•i< ,111,!
dapliym , ,l:1 bng lx)ni: th:u fono;tl(ll~
111 kiognud!11'11 b()fi,: ttiw •tb.
fMci«1lui:;, bundle o(m uscle or ne,\~
foce": W.'l:<-te m;,t,m :il cxpdlt"~1 fiom
d~ t?-.:iromll'!\luul urt rluring
gallbladder. .i pouch-1:.kc OrJ):111
.ttt.ll:h..-d ro the interior side ofthe
lw-:-r srorcs :,nd co,xenU"Jtes bil('.
g:,mct~: ;a l1:,rl~1i,I ';t'X c~n. \pl'nn (...- i:gg
gonad: :i 1\"p:oducti"'-" tc,;m or
u\".tr~ dui pn>dtl!'et ~nctci :tlld .u·x
gramuu: ,1 "sud::-· of nk'
c pt phyilill: Lf,._, l'1id u l of:, loug .1cd-..-c:1t1o u, <'umpo;.-tl offood gametophyte.: ,he- h;iploi(Lg.1mc:te- fbuc11ed di!-b "'!:thin 1he dM(lrorlm
bone. d:.nuu c lll C':U'I;· bf,;- but lltcr reuduc. b:in~ri.i. i1ld ~r.:-ti-on.,: .Lko 1in:wlun ng g<'n..-ration m th.- lili- 1h-,11 q inr.1111 d,lumrhyll
bcconung p,m 0 1 lhC' W~ bone. oll..:J ,-tt,,·f. cyde <>f:i pbnL gray 1m1uer:- 1b..- poruon r.f i_he l:'t"mnl
t pi phyte: aonp:ir~inc pbnL sue h "' fettilization: d,~ fu.uou ,if t\~O lup,btd g.attuna gtobuli.n!: p1\)(<'t.n subsUl'ICC'S 1u·nU1t\ ~}"h"ll1 tlu1 i'I n"llllll<.~t"•.I n f
f'lrd-.i,.I .md Sp:rniili mq,.,;,cNc gru..,, ~mt to.' r,ucki to form .1 diploid d i .it :11.1 :.., ,1.11tibudil-,., uti.l'U 1(,uu J 111 m~1lun.cli1l1tell 11et\.\mt 1.1.«1c-.
Oil the s.url'.lCC' ofodl('r pll,m. zyg:O(c nuclcu.s. lffUlU\llt: scruu1.,. grazer:11um:il d)!'lt !<"eds on k,w-
c( tis;mc:; on ( nflht" f<mr Mk fotus: 1ht- unbnrn (IIT11f''"S during 1lk- ga11gliou::iu .a~1t,:;;uion 01 ncrv-:- ccU ~nl'\\'i11~ w ~•t:i1M.111,.-1ud1 :,s gr:,.~~-
O.t•u•• typi:,.; 1.he 1ype 11f ti.'ilu<': tli:u la<;1 ~t:igc of pl't' dc-\-clopment. bcx.iics ootsi<k d1t" cc-mr,1) nm'Ous growd, ring: 2 gr<,wdl Llytr of
c,,.vn (>t liu,·l till c.-.:po11::·d bo:fy fihr(1011 rotlf:,1n inct'R·wming m:I!, ,,1 \Ylrt-11) s«ond:lf'Y xylem (wood} or
su1f1o.-n. l'O (lb. ,.,f :,ho ut C(1'1:1I Ux~ gas-U-Oit1testina.l (GJ) trac,:thc- l«ondJ1y phhnu in g)mm:,srcrms
t.rcc1.ion: :, l\.."1X'>1i.~ w~ttun 20 o:iri'Ut. GJ::.men1: :i l.:,ng ch:',io ofCl'b. u.:d>l1br pmtlOII of rhc: d,ge,;u,-c n r :111g10,p('flll">,
such ~ th.' J.'<'.IUS. whcu it becomes fiJ1ei-r feede r. ,Ut ;U'.ulul that obuulS ~yttt>111 111:,1 mdu,l.->1 Ilic :o.tom.u:'1 guard ceU:w cp1d«111Jlcdl todte
IW');Jd ;u.1d C'l'e(t .'IS opposed to bcm~ food br scr,unmg i.t frum the w:ittr. :11.1J t h.: sm.1.Ui1'1t3 Luse snt~«iri.S. jld,: of :1 r..i.f,111111:1 d~ ltdtlS IO
ll.-,c(id. filtration: !ht"~ o(:. bquid ~enei-: pan Of !he DNA molccuk 1'()1iuul LI,.- ' ur.c.
trydirocytern rtd blood ccll. through ,1'r Of ~ luo..":ltcJ in .i ddi11.111.• pb:titk nl <m :i gut: tu t b t iutcniue.;
eM1phagu.s~.a tubul.1r orgm of di~ : frm!J'.'•likc- ..-xie1~1ons ffl'lm CCtUJ!l c hA) tn~ me llld oodini,::; tbr $l'f!Cr.l!ly 1 dC'\-~lopmcm:il. tmn.
g;1•nnmw«lfl:,l 1uct thu 1,-:,,lc from the bordm of tl1(' opm end of th..- Jspt'a6c product. gymnosperm : :1V):'li:ub1 M'~-d-
th..- ph:iryu:c tu 1.hc i.10111:,....h. uterinc uib.- gene pool: th<-' tn1al of;di th<.' gc:n('ll of pt0d1icing pl.uu: dut docs not
e.stro,ge11: fcmik S<.'.li: hOMIIOflc S.C,:f1.'tCd r~11ure: :1 gm,w~or 1umw1.Jdi ,f,:11 tb" indr..1dulls in .a popull6on. produce tk,,wn..
from the ov.'lri:11, (C.1:1:,iu.n) follicle. ~(~p:,r.Jtci two put:1 ('i.' :1:-1 ()fl_CltL g(lneri<- d.rift: ("\,-olun9n 1)}· chJ11cc gyn1A.: .i, rnn1,ulrncd dc\~ujo n or r idj}.'
e-.s.mary: .l ronc o( iruxu~ bct\\l:Cu Oa~Ua:. looi:;,1le1ldcr f(l(OlllOIOr pfo1·,·•,a
tieshw:.r« and ~ :t.\'.ittr. pioo..-,,,.~'-"' d:1.1r,H1.l-ristie u(!bgdl.dc generic:t.:dic study oflwm:--<lity. habit.1t: thtt t"cok,g1cal al.lode of.l pl.uic
e.uJcaryotirc.: 1)()$CSS,-i~ the p,otozo:u.~, c..-rt.'11t1 b.)('tcr1:1. w.d genOl:fJ)('! th'-' S("lll't.lC uu~up ofan n r mnuul 1,.pc:.:;1~.
m.,-mhr.111nl1\ org:111d)(-,,: sperm. Of~lii~m. hair::in <-'i:o£lcm1.'ll 11C:ructl11'\!'COll).ic.iu~of
ch.1r.1nC1"1~ic ofromplex ~'<lk flex.ion: ,l lllO\<mtctK tha.1 d{'('l'C'.UCS the gNmi: dto.' t::.XOllOIUtC C1tC{P,Y !'lbU\'C ktt.u:in.i2t"d dc:id cdh !h:11 luw b..':'n
\N' .,n.lir,:ry 11tbt-,
l' u~i;\r,.hi:m 1;:m:11· angle between n\'O bo,n~ of .1.jomr. spt"dcs llld bclow 6m.ily. pu,l1l'll up tl'l.11n i d!;i1.l:.utt hb.iJ liyn.
cvolutiun:Kt'nclic :111,I pJlt'm)l)l"~ opP®te ofext~'1~ion. g001:ro1,i11m: plun growth onrstted hair <db~spcc-fali2cd J\'<"~-pcor 11\'rw
ch:m~ oCCW't)ll!t 11) p~l,no,~ of no,·:v .1, gi;"'ll('r.l] l('n U K'lr fflC' pl:1111 bfc- wtth rcspc.:t to g:r.tvny: ~Cull grow t"11du1~ for mpondin~ toln1s.1tiom.
o ~:1nilJ1nd1n•igh 111nt',~11....-.tD'y ,,C:1reg1011 ur :1lt!.. upward. rooi:s g1uw downward, such .I,!. m d)<-' spiral OJ{;Ul of d1~
r'l"'Sl1JCU\t,; in il'l£'1\"~ d :ubpetciufl fut tlowt•: the b!u..~otn or!ltl .u~11.:gpc-rn1 gtmn cr..lh:: g_:1111ett'( or fl"lk 111:11 gi,re-
coucinucd ru,vJ\'lJ. tltil c'<JCIUl1u tilt' 1l• pn•ilut1i,·I' rwc h » ~mll"t1-~ ,1r ud:wr c<!'D,. hair tollicle::, fllbular dc:pn:1~011 in
excrerion:dJ~hlr,' \\~e 11utC"J1."d. OllyUIS. gl~t1nina1iou: th!! pn:)l'.X$ by which 1ili: cSkan m which :i k 1ir (l('\~1,'I"'
exocri11(: gJ,and· .1 gb.n(I 1h;ii ~f'tfe$ Duke: :i p:ir.1sitic il:ttwonu ,~idun the :, "1-"•·m.- ~1r l<l'~I end_.. ,k11·11uno:y hand: the: un,1111~ purt1on o l ll1.-
its produce to .tn epithelial sun:j~"<':. d.m Tn-marod.i. :bid 1\.-s.ttlUl!S noml:'11 nl('t:lbuUsm, uppcr cXtl\"lllt1y,co1~1$flu~ of tlic
d1rco:dy or tl1rough ~h1(« foDi cl(o;: th t" pomon o f d1e O\:"IJ}' 1h:11 d<:-'i'dopm~'1'.lt, :u,d i ,nwlh. c:1rpus. 11wc.1c:1rpuc,.mJ d~ eb..
c,m11kdcton;:111 r11.1h ·T, lurrli!t1~.._1 produces dx- ('m tind the fmule lr:< gill:~ g.1S-cxch,ll)g~ orglll clur.tnrmd~· haploid: unc copy of 1.'1".h
9.tpp()ctinl!I'. ~lnh'run- i.e~-retcd by hormone ('(l rq;i:'lt; di(" d (1,rt'$~1on of fu.))('$ ;wld niticr ;iqti.ltk or diitC.J\"llt chromOJOnl('.
l'a"IQ, l,:rm or rp11 Il!ftll I\. cJ1.11 ,,1ppon:'lo .11111 (k\'l'lilf"I :1 ft":Jtlltt scm J;tqUJti.: :inU,l.lls.. hard pabttv. the bony p.i.runon
clt;piri.uiou: the pn)O..'""-" ofc·xp~-linJit 2ir br h~r. giJ1gWa· dit' i3('.h>' CO\'t'l'ill~ 01,-n- bt"l'.'A'\"m rh..- nr,ll ,md n/lS.11 t·..1.,'lucs
&om f hc lunJi;i, thro"ttb bn::ilhulf: fi111i1U1d : :1 mt':ml1r11rn11~-cqv!!re1I til..- m:m.:lillle :1rn111u:i.:ill1 clm:11.1gl1 formed by t he m.oolhe ,rnd p.11.lunc
OUL .also colkd o:fuf,ltUII. n'S;it;)n on die :;.kuD ~.,f !'1 l°rtll!,; or w li~.:h t he ti..-eth p NlruJ.: w1d1111 th!! hnn~
exrcnsion; .i. ll):)'.'nlk'fll rh;'lt inoe,lS\"S b:i~• whet'!! ,')t.ifi.:ttfon lw 1101 y,'1 11w.111d1; :J."', c;:,llt',d the g11m. Han!n:ian iyi1 ,':fll:~c o.drt•11..
lhe anpjt bel'\\~en n\'O boots ot :1 occ:urrcd: :iho calcd l w.ft t-1,1:. gU',.:J of .a strip ufb:u½ 6--on, h ~W"I: a 11lllitul1r, pumpulS: ur~ u
joonL food "'00: dle food l ob bct\,ttn around 1 tree d(1,vn k'> the \\ood 13':'Ct. po~iUO.IC'1I m tlw 1humc:1c ('..'fl/U):,
cll'.lt'fn al ~:,r ch.- o-nr._.,. ['Orno,n o( popubuom in a comrnunny. gtand :,1,n o~:in mu ptodu.--c,. :i spcotic h_.ma1ocrit: t i,-.: 1,1nl111no..> Pl'ft'l'Ol~c of
die l"'.u; ~on-i.stiug of die :mride fooc the tennuul portion c,f tht- )0\,-cr subst.W('C' Of ;St'O't'OOJl. 1\-d blood cd.l- i o whole bk10,l
(pu l ll2),<!.'<1Cnu l :iuffitory C~l3l,,tnd .-,ntl."111\l)I cnn~fomg-0f t'1c t:1r,;i;1c, gb.w penis: th..- <"nllf'#\1. dtst:'ll enJ. ot he1u0Wobin: the p~n<'!H ot tt'd
l)'ntp.unuu. mel:·11:lfiui. , :md d.i~b. d1c J)mt\ blood cclk that transports. 0 1 ~ld
extracellular: ouuide 1 i:cll c,, rel!.. foratt'len:-:,.o op,tilini ill :i bo1K'. for the glc,mr.nibr 1;.n~ulc · 1h e ,!oubl¢- co,.
exrraembryoui<' tne>mbra.ues: .L ll h!Q()d \ "t.',l'ld ( !I:, IIC1'~. w:illl"•I proxumJ portl'On u f :1 re1ul hemopoiesis:pioducnon o(r....d bbod
m~inbf.mes th.u .ut' tl()( a p.m of the foratrwn 0\1ale,: dh • opc1ung <hmusf1 mhuk 1h1c i:-ndoo;c~ tit(' glu11rnil11~ nf cells.
embryo lu :ire <:SSo.'1)tul fu.r me' bdth the 1m~-nm:iJ sc,ptum of tbc tct'al :1 11tphru11: alto ..::11\.~, 1IJ.,11..,r..;111 l "'i,._,i:Je he()atic port.iJ circuh-1-io11:th.,-
4'td devdopmc.m ci t he- o~ism, he.m. g lomtrului. .i coikd rnii \1f ~ pilhrk, rct11m nrv~nuwd.,l,-,..-,.1 from 1he
otr in ,~: J"l\"rt.&imng n1 ;,Jl o~•~id(' or foua: :i ,.kprcsscd :un usullty on 3 th;).( ic; sunounded b)' th~,. ~omcrnl:tt dip!Vt' «.'qpns .in,J spl:-ei1 1hn-ugh
l'>:tttu:il nrigm bone-. c~ul~ ruto.l filters unne from the ~ r;i~l:,ry 11~-twnrl.: wi1l1in li1.- Im,
fo.uil· JIii)' prcs...n,-00 l't'lll:li115, or- bbod. he1i>n• d r:l1m1l~ iulu th,._. hl.'.an.
faco..,c ~ ~1uD., uunutl, ~1ir1:u:r. of:, l1<JCt<' m1pn-:1uu11<of:111 u,g.uu,u1. glotti.s::. abt-bkt: opening into she herbaceous: :i nom,\'>O(I~• pl.lnt.
....1!(!1it llr'bCUl.itmu <-'1t' Ulr1. fou.rth '\' et:1t.riclc!:.1~i<y"''1th 1.11 the bryu:i, positio,k:,I lx-n\~• , h,. 0,1c herbaceous stem. stein of :i
flldli<ated t ransport: mnsfi....- of:i llf:IU\ i:0 11t:.1i11ing ,~l111:>s1»n:1l 11111d. Vllt'!II /()1.l.... nom,oody pbm.
p:.rodt" mto or out 011,:dJ .tlon~ J. fcwt'a c1.-nlralis.: :i 1,l..~ ,i<,o on llk.· glyoog.:,n: 11.,.... pri11t.1p.J nurngc herbh'Or«.i.!l organi.<i'lu tb.Jt 1eC"Ck
<-'Oll(l'1ttr.l.tion !tr.ldi,...m by :i proc~':i-1 llUCufa lutC'l of tho:',;'}'(' \\"here on!}· cllfl,,1h~lr.1tt' in :1m nul\; it ti stor.-11 e:-.X"lmii:'t'q• on rt.mes.
rrqwnng. ,l curkr. ,:ones lte locif<'d. which Is the ~a ptm1:1rily m d ie liwr :Uhl b m!'lll,.. hcw.d i1 y: 111.- u.1,nsnm.<utn a(.;er1:am
fa.Uopi.m tube: sec- 1,1rr1ti(' 1,1J,'t.' ofkccncsr vis.ion. a,'liW:,k :'IS ~lucool" when ne~-ded d1:1r:"'1.o!ri.,11c.,.ortr.1i1S, fnm ,,11.'>
fa~da : :i lt'l\1gh <11.,., ,,r lil:wou\ froud:.1 le.U ot ii rem ll",ully by t he body .:ells. m oflipnng. vu th,.- ~ nt"I
Cl)IIIHIN'.tiw n.·ouc hux.lmi,t 1h.· \l:i11 r('l,s,1inmg lcJflecs.. goblet cd: l w1icdluhr ~Llnd withi1l heterudont: '1,Mu~ ~cdl ,l!..IT<!Mtl1,1h'J
1(1 urwkrfymg nm"drs ~ 1uppofring fniit::1 11ut11n:- m:,r)' ,:nd~mt! ~ )C'{'d .:oluimu.r c.pit.hdfa th.u s«~tc1 into ulciiors,c:ei:lincs., pn.•mob n. 2nd
-,x.l to..1,ar1c111~ mtL,d.-. <)Tllt't'tk lllll( Ul,. moutS tor spccttk fiwc11ons:.

LH.'.t.~n,uopfr .m oeyinl\Jn dut unlu~
pn-fr.irm..J U:,o,L
hetero:t.ygoui: luvu~ t\W ditr,•m11
.tlltln (i.e.• Bl'>) fo 1 3 W\'Cn mit.
intrinsic: $1UlJlC'd 01 l'fflaimng tn
in1,..n1.,I <>r1giu
inwrtcbmte: :m .mmu l d1.11 b cb
vttrt'hr:,I u,)1111111,
luttal root: :i kcondl~• mot tlut
:ir~ by bi,lochuig rfOm .in older
l.c;,f VC?iru· phnr umc:cun« ch:it
the spin.ll c(lfd.

medulla oblongata: ,l p,.)mOtl ofthe

bmiuntm ~n"\'o.•n 1.hc pou~ !'lud

medulla.ry cavi1y: tht" hoUow cemtt

h i.atul.'. J,n 1.>p,,\111!( or fl-..urc. irilit: Ll1l'. pigml'11tt,I \-.._i,uhr tu rnc cc:-•>saiu the- 1--:r«uhr n_,;su~ m :, leaf ofdi l"'$1S of., fon g h:me.
hihun: .1. 001tcl\'C or dcprtlf('d ::&re,l por!lon ofth..- <::)\." th:u surrolllldl l1•gume: :1 m.-ml'll'r nf1hr r~•, ur ot.o.·up1~ by w,I hnne m.un,.,..,
,vhcrt \"t".uch or ncr,-es curer or tht pupil :md re;91l1t~ ib. J i.unctcr. L,•:a.n, f:1111ily. mcgaq, orc: ;i rlan1 ,-port" !hat w,U
c:,.it ,lll org,m. isle-ti o f Langerhans: !n:- p,;111•11.vmc L.-ru! l tr.iu ~ :'Ul'ilf rcfrlCtn~ Wm.TUI'\." g.:;m,in:u,.. co hi:c,,m,.. ;i ff'm~lr
h i:,;tol ~ ; 1111,ro~·opi,· ;µmomy ,sku. ol the eye. d~rr."\'d rrom cnoderm ~ , 111,'C"uph )1t:.
of the <11ucrurc and ti.umion of iso,o(X": a ,:hc111io:.d <'l<'mem th,H hl.s :ind positio nOO poncrtor to ti~ meiosis: ~-en di\'uioo t,,, w hich
ti,;,~uc-,, th,: ~mt" Mrnm, nrn n~r :,~ ;1tl(1tht"r pupil and uis. p;lmN•.'1-. or luplOtd sex eels•.a.r:
h oldf;.,lt' luial e.xteu,liu II nt :i bm J different .nonuc .,.,nght. le-nticel: sp<)l-im' ;llt'J. in the b;'lfk tOCmcd. In pL•m.u. uw1<>.hs yielil
m1.dtico:-lu l.u 31~ th111: :itt~hn lt q{ :i m-rn nr ffl<'II th.11 ~nnits Jpor<S.
co ::i sohd ~1cct. j cjunurn: the miJdl<! lhwlion ('tf dw i.inNrh.mge ofj?JSCS ~t\\'CC':fl mclanocyte: ,1 p,gmcnt-prodt1ar,g
hotr'U'os1asi-.: -' 001~uteucy :u1J i.lll:ill 111~tu)o.•.loc;1n.."<.i b(-(\\l~l'I the 1111('fl1,;1l r~uo:'< J111I 1h,: ;n-m,:~phen-, , ~um lht: rl«p~ c-ptdc.-rm:,I byc-r
tulifomlity of the mtc.n,Jl body duo."Jd<-uum ~nd the Uo.' l~-ukoc.ytl.!: ., white blo,1d ed. ofdtc.sbn.
cm,ironmc-nt th.u m,lfot.un~ norm:11 joint C\!piuk>: !'I fibrous ci.t-tw cuff lichen: :ilg.,. ur b :·1«t:1i.1 ;11xJ linlgi m(ln1l.m;mc,u.s bone: bone th:11 !Qrms
btx-ly tim caon u1rround111f. :i m01:ibk joint cocximns UI .1 !l)J.tuai&k from mt!mLc-.anccu t<)l?UC'<' t11,.:

homologous: ;u,•l.u t.n dc-\--dop111c11ttl j ugular; pcn.un ing to dl c ~'t'iJu of the l'\.'.laUOu'.4~rp. tmu.- r.,thl':r dun fr<im cu"tibj;e.
ongm ,md .sh:mng J. n:,mmon 11(0:. rh.1t 1hc .lf'<",tS surpb~'O ligan1enc :a libmtis b:ind o( menarche: du 6nt mcnstru:ll.
Jltl('1.••.1ty. by the c:irocid amries.. con~Clr,"\' Oswe dlJt bmds bone dsi<::h!'lr~.
h o m oth;dJi<::;iJ)•'<1d u 1 \\h1.:h to bone ·10 '-trc-ngdien .,nt1 r,m,dc meninges: J. it\l\1p oi th1-cc tibrous
1Jhli\' produ(c both nur :-ind lmryotyrc· ,he .,rrni_gl'ffWUI of .wppon t._, d\e jomt~ also nuy meti1bm11ei covt-n. tlk- ccmul
f,•nu!o.> repmdm tiw .'ltrut:tttn_~ ~u)d d n\11110!!,IJ!III.'$ tlut 1$ d1:tr.ieteriici(' .wrron '-"ISl:<T.l. ll~l'QUS '-Y'\1<'111
ln'. $Clf-frml,:. oftht· spcocs ()f of:i ttn:uo limbic; ~ydcim · pcm ion nf1h,• l,r,1i11 menisc:us; "~dgt:4apcd c.:int).1ge tll
hormone: 3 dx-n:ti,.U s.ubsun,c dur mtl/vidu:J. .._"1)m:trn..·d wid, cm,1tima .and certmn $}'110\-;:il _JQino,
i~ p1odun-d in .in ctidocril'I(' kera1iu:1n tt:Sulubk proc:<:ul p~1n :imononuc :.CO\'!~ nicnOf"'Ul!I!: 1f1r 1-C-$~OQII of
.111wl <<'(rt'h·d 11110 th.- bl-.,:d;,n-.,m in the cpidenuis .u1d in cpid~•rmJJ locus: chc ~pl-afit: lua•:,timl oi- 1i10.• ufi ll'lt'1t.tru;J pl"nod,s III t h,.. hum :, n
10 , ,iusc J.n dk-n m 3 spt"citk c-.tri;-t dcr1w1ti11tt ~h JS, s.:.11~ . fc:iihm. s--oe \\idun lhc chron:io10mt:. fcm!'ll.e.
org;u1, h:11r,;i,wl m-il~ lumbar: pl'ft.unitl{:t to the rqrioo of m cmlitel!: tll e nioud,ly tlow ofbio..)d
h o i:t: :111 o~Usm un ,.- m wlllch kidney: one ofthe p,iu\'d organs of dteloi~. liom the hwnlll f..-nuk S<l1.-.ll O':'l.:t.
~1\1(')(.hcr ors~mm liVt-s. th,: ~tt-1 11 cfl,11 c·om:im lumen· 1110:- '¥"<' wuhm ,1 mh.11:ir menstntal cycle: the rhythimc
ll•"}'lm.111.t ~ucl 61ttT \\~W-IS fu.1111 JO'llCtun' d.l1'0\igh ,1-tJch :i ti:-m~c n"J)toducw.'t' cydc.
il(lutt1:ch(' t(!t'11Un:d pornoo M th.- tlloud 10 tht 10t111:1ti,10 ofthl' suh.t.1nre pm<'$ th:ir:u;~metl by i:-h:mgtt in
the :.m:ill 1ntc.mnt:. lxt...,-c:cn dtl• llnll:!. lung: , n 11.· oltlu· major urg:tm ho nuon<' k-,:~L-. .1nd pl?Y51c.11
jejunum :uki CJ«um. kingdom: ;I LU'.UI\Omi. ,;':U'C),.'.l),Y of n~pin.tiou \\'ldmi d\l! tl,oru-ic dcm~ 111 the nh,•nn(' hnmg.
imprin1fog-, type- o(l<"Jrnni p.rourln;:; rd:itcd phyll.. ~-..vi1y. m c nnru;diou: d ,.: .1~.,.d1:11t,.._. <>fl,1111.KI
bl"hJ\ior during a. lt1mud cridc.11 lymph! :i d,:;tt Jluid th!'lt 110\,'! ti,~ Ulcru/1 !'ll the
.u1J ti-A.UC (l'\)111

P"""d h1bia major; :i pott100 ()fche Qtenul throup;h ~1upbu1,: wss.ds. e1ul of dtc- 111,•11-.iru:,l i:ycfo.
ind~ nmu; ,;ug:1111)111, 1f1.:11 ,,n: 11.,th~ gc,malu of~ fcm:ik con.c.isa.Jii;:. lymph node: J smJI, ov,\I au• mcristcn1 tissue: uudiffl'tt'.lltUtcJ
h) !'I rcg,011: 1101 hii n11.luCTd. of,ll'\) 10~.h. <'If <kin lnc,1t,;•d ;rlong th<' cnul5t" oflymph pl.Int 11m1C thlt is caplbk of
iuguin;J:1lt' tn 111,... l>,mm t'Xt,· nilmg ,l,,wnwml :111.I bx·h,:inl -.,scl< di Viding .1,n d prod\11:int:t n'-'w .:dis.
f\'w,,n. fmm Ll,e m()flJ pub~. lympb(lcyc0: ,1 t)'J)e of wh1tt: blond mcscntery .-r fold of p,:rltone.J
ins('rtion:thi: mol\• mc,n:hk labia minora: C\\\) sm:ill !01~ of skut. cdl c;it:1r:1nl'"r1w-rl by:, gr-.imd11r 01embm.11t th,u ,uuches an
.m:ichmem of~ muKlc-. u~u:iU}• d.:w,id uf11:1.i..r :1nJ s,~x-;,t glmd», eyt•lf>'l.'1!>111. $1, •Jrg,U) 10 (h~ ~omtoo.l
IUOl't" dtstal Ill IOCJOO I), lyios bct\\~cn tbt Ubil m.ijorJ of "-..I.
impU'M:ion: the~c1 ofb1e:ithin1; ;Ut the cxrcnuJ ~cnit:11.i:i. of :i renuk nuicula luum: ;, d.:pl\.~011 m d\C m t-sodt'!rm:<hc 111i<ldll.' ,n,..-
into the pulmon.Jry .-.1,"t"oli of the l ac:rimal gland: J te,ir--s«miog gb.nd l'\:'IUU th:11 com:iui- die f(>\'C3 tt,n·t prim.i.rr g~n b)~rt.
lung,; :ih ,, 1M;dkd i'Jd1d(111'0,t, loc.u:cd on dl<' superior IJtcr:il ccmrl.h.~. d,c .1re1 of kecncs.1 ,'Le.ion. metophy~ th.- mj,ldlc.· th,u,: b)~ ,,f
irntar.iu~gc ,-L *'"'"'"'
or ,,tl...r portion of 1ht" <')t'buU uudctn(';&tb ru.alnutritiou:.iny :ibnonn~ .1. k :ifc<H)t:'l:l11a~ cdt lh:it J.:rC :icti\-C
,ut.lm:,pod d(,•dopml~lf bct\\'"°cn t h:: upp1'1" <1-.::li..-l amnulm on of food: recc1v111fZ in rho1osymhesis..
n111l1.1. hiclo.'111: .1 :-w:,ll lympl1:i11e d1Kt widu11 u1Sl1ffkic-n1 nurricll('I.. mesothclimw :i ~implc squ,u no~
im.-g nme-n1~~rt:-iiufog to the sk.i1l. a vilhu. of die s.m:dl in!l.'Stm,:. rmum11:ny gb1ml: 1>,,.. ~:im1 of cpuhdul rissue that liiws body
imernal ear: dlc mnttmot! poioon lacuna; :, hullow d ,:uubcr th;;t hl)tu~ ri~ 11u1mn:ili:111 f.·mall'" bn::11,t c:ivtoc,. .uld CO\~N .,..iS<.~aJ org.t,1~
or dwnber ofthe, COJ)ui1uug ::Ul OSlOO<)'{(' ill 11\)IUI\~ buo~ twt,c n.'ipuu.tiNc for beutwn .t:ild .J:u, (a!!ed ,r,og,
1hc cocbk.l :ind the ww.bub.r or :i chondrocyn.· in c:itOU~ wsu.:. 11,1uru;h111,.-,ii , .,fll1t• )Hrn1g. mt-t.;iboll,:rn: d ,,• d~1,11c:1I 1.+..u1~~
orgam. l amdbi:.1 conce:uttlC ring of nwrix nia..ntle: llcihy fold of thl' \\;ill d1:.t o«urwid1in a edl.
iotcrnod1.r. rc,g:1011 b<'twm1 ~em s.urrouud111~ the central c.11lll in :i.n oi :i moUu;k. typtc:dly mwih-x-d io m ~tacarpm1: tlw.- n·~un ofdY:
nod!"'.. osi:ron of numrc bone OS»R-. WlltOnmuon. lurid bctW'l.'<-'u the- \\'ltt ;1nd che
iu1('nti1ial: p<.'f'f:.i1m\( CO -~«'S or l ar~ .intestimt· 1h(' tlSf nMJor u.tarine: ~rt;W!ini:; ro die ,c:i or plul.m~. iildlldi~ the tiw booct,
,sm1.:n11'\"$ lx·1\\l" l'fl th<' lum111111ri11g portmo nft he g;,~mll11h":11;1U:1l 11:11-:t, marrow: 1he ro6 V.ISC\tbr tissue dt:i1 Ihm ron.<t1rute till:' palm olthe hand.
.;.Ch\'\.' <U~m· uf :·my
urg.:tu. cum11.,oni of the C!'ll'ClU U. u>kut o.;.('up,c- the mn,., c.1v1ty nfcen:i\u mecamorph~i~dun)ZC' m
i111·('n,--er1ebral disk: :i p:id of n.·1:111111,.Jnd :111.1) r m,~ hoo~ :1m l pril-ifucc>, hlood 1:dk morph olog1;.- fom,. iuch JS, wbcu
lit-JOc:1tObse belV,'C ctl the bodies of h1n'a: ;tu unuutun.•.dcw!opn!celll':d m.-iJrllt. d11.' ulll'TCclh~a :,r.ub«..Uk'C o( J O 11\'-C,.-I hn~, .;l('vd<'Op m tt) 1hr

.tdJJCCllt -..'l."ttcbt.le. su~~ lh:it is quite difTCl\'f:f fo:nn :, u,._.,11..... .a,duk or .a. 1,1:lpolc cle\'d()p imo u1
inte-sti.n.11 gland: .i snnple ruWl.u dlC' .to.iult. mhli:rs tlnurn: th,: puttti6 n lu th\! .tduk frus,-
digestive glJ.lld th,11 ('lflcru nmo the l.uyn.~ the SIJllCIU~ lo,c3tcd bctw«11 center of dle thora.'C bl•twcc-n die 1n cla •~nm1: dlt: n ·giim ,-L die;:
~urf:'.,·<'<•ftht- im<"llri11,1l muc·o~ ,be pb.uynx :ind a·.te.llC'.i t!m two pleuiuJ c:i,io~. foo1 hl"l..., ..-c-n Ilic ~uUc :ind di..-
.aud .~l't"n'tl~ di~u~~ c 11.:y111...s: ;tho hooses the 1--oc.:.I cord:-: C"<lllllllOn)y meduUa· the i:cmerpa-t1on of;111 pb:ihni~--s. c(>1U~linl\ of ti...~ botW'S.
c:,11,:od r11•111 ,f l.irb.·,J:,i(m, c~1llc,I ,tic- 1,.,i,1· l,,iw. ori;m.
inu-;1edlul:u: w 11luo tJw o.dl ibdf:

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Loooratory

m ic., -.,hiolog)': lht> M:,r11t·l" (\!!:J in~

Wld l erm.'n~\°l(>k' or,1;;rni,.mi.
mduding b.lctcria. fungi. protozoo.
nail: :, 11:m.ll-i,ed.., k.-ntim.lC'd plah• th:,t
.k\\'frJf'S lium th<-' cpuk rmis- 11\.1
foinns :1 pn•h.-cti\~ (U\'l'fl!lg (lfl the:
ooc.yte: ,t dc-\'C'lo,ping c-gg cdl
oogcn.i~i,i; 11k' pmr~ o f f.•m,,k-
~1m:h' fonnllllou.
p ancr0as: org;in m thc-abdommal
(:l\·it)' ilt:1t $1!\"tek-", g:1:1tril' Jtti,·.e-1 i11tcl
1he g:istTOintotinll tr.u-t ,md ii-is41ftn
~ \'U\ISCS. uuf:lcc.s ui th,:, d1~it1. oogouiunt l u 1ucdltd:tt fl11ut- ~,i..t ~~•,.:•~"(m 1111Q rtlc< l'Mnn,I.
m ic:.rosporo; ,1 ~port:' ,n :;t°ffl pbnt.~ natts: me ()f'l('ninf:,'i mt,:, the ~u. . ~ tt·pro:h1c·uw org;a.n uf v.1rie1m pant:reali c Nt.•hl: :1ductl"T , "It- n •Ht
th:ir dc\~lops into ;i poHen s,r.iio. avil:y: :iko«l r,.,;uits. prot i.~G thit COotli:iN 1 ~l~o.' OC witf1ui Ibo." pwt,rc:U th:'l t foru 11 !h.;
die m:11:- l}'lnierophyt<-. n.i.sal ca\'ity: ~ 1nu,;tl!;,1-hntJ l>pac<" SC\'«lli ~ - i: 111.loo: rim~portu, n o f i.lw p:,m re:tt;
1n ic:nA·illi: m1c·n~·,1pi(\ luirlil:.: abc,.•c ,he oral c.r,:ny 'lh.11t is optic: pcn.unini:; to d1e eye .:md lhc- d~> c:il.kd ukrs efLi,~,.m,.
pn;i:,u(.l(I~ uf <TD 11K·.rnbranes uu by ;i uas.1lsc-pwm .1ndlS t hc- fust !,C'OSC Qi\ '10011. papillae:sm:il mppk-Likc ~ i« tion:s.
r l!l'f:iio t>pi1t1di.,I n:J,. , h.m t1)1;!1' uf th,. n.-,;pn:uury ry'l'k!n 1 optic .anX-sh.tpt'd«rum1rc pan.nasal sinus:-l n'tlcou~ hnrd. l Jr
miJbuin: dw: p<)fti.•1 of d,t br:~u ntial .H'ptum:;a l>Ofl)' .utd c:ui:iutcinuu~ ni1 1'10: inft"n()r l SIXl<t of rh,.. twmn rh.,rnlX'r th,111 •':Q1mn 1111cJC('C ¼;th
bcC\'.'C<"ll !he poos :ind d~c forcbnu1. p:1r11tion tl1:1l i~:1-Jr.1U"'I till' 11lt'l:1I w lil"fl! d,= i, .1 patti.ll ('101,;ing nwr the nasal c~iq:
middle ear: the middle (>t°tho! three ,..iv 1ty iu to t\rn porti,m, .. oftibc~ iu thi: op!lc 1k -r•~. par.1,rite ;;m org.m~m 1h:ir mti,lC'\ in
eJr dumbc:rs, coutJUuug d1..- thn:e ria rural sekcrio n : the l,'OtuuonJt)• di.i:k::iM11:,II ~m1 oi1.hc<n.-1ina ur 1111 :111otJ1C:T fr.,.11 whi, h u .-kriv~
.i.uduory ossidcs. mech.uustu b,· ,.,,.ilKh ben« acbptt'd wlwn: d ,c fibi:o. u(tfi..- i,;:i11gf100 llu<tcu ancc.
m igr-.1rion; mcy.•emm of ori;in, un~ o~ns arr fav~:ff~I ro n-producr from d \C C'~blll (0
tlCUl\'.11."D CXII 1,:m111yrnpa1 hc:1:ic:: pt-'ri:u uiu g h> t hr!
limn nm· trni1•lp1u.-M$lie' co :ul(llhl'f'. .rnd p11Ss on thMr S('llC'( to !hc- next fomt t.hc opu,.. n::-rw: llho calktl the dj.,,imx1ofdl<: :n11011oou~ u,' r ll(Ku
m in1ia y: :i pru1c.'<'l"'e ~ mhln,LC of gt"lll'fllOOll Miitd sp:,t. l}'SUnt 000Cl"11lcd Wllh 11.:-tilftti,:s tlut
JJ\ or~o i.;.m to :iuudi (•r. n.:phran · 1'1(' hnict:inu:.I n11i1 n( the oral: pc-nJ.i1t ing to the mouth: :ilso .m.· l.tU;Jgonisdc to lhC' sympllhctk
m i coecb : th~ pro= ,·,f n·Ud iv11,1,1t1, imlni:y. i:om.utml!_( of.a ~uu1.,.r1d11~, cAllN fl!,«.:/ div~o11 oftbe autonomic tl(;l'lXU
111 wt1.1d1 die t\\O d.l~ncr <"ells ~um,:t1:1b , <':tpsule.1.'01~-olurcd orr n : ., iln1,·1m't\ <'(lf•...« in g <,f twn Qf S)'stC1U.
.ut idcnucll :ind com:tin t he s:imc u1bul'$. :Uhl !Ii~ IIL1>hrun L.11)p more llS-•~ •"'·~·t h,,1 pt•fl(>r ms :, ~pcc1fi... parad,yroids-s,1ull endocnn.... gl:imh
ornnbc:r of chroinOSOlnt'S. n<'tVt': 11 bt\1)(lk (>ish'r\!c lib-CB OutSl,I,: fo 1lt:lllHI.. il,.,i aft' ..mhrd• l"<I ,l n 1ht< po<t....rir_u-
uUtral ,-ah'e: the left :ur1owutrkul.11' rite C-Clltnl llCl'\'OUS J}'alC1ll. urg-.u1dk : :I nmmlot )(rm;u u~ uCth<! ,cm fa,' t' ofth.- d,ymid ~ab.
be".trtv,1!vt-:11bo c,tlled thr lumsp,,1 ne11ro.6br il 11od('; a gip in 1he myd:tn cuk:'lt')\>OCcell dur JK·rfo111r.o: J. and Al""!.'. coucrru cd \',. 1th C.Uo um
1tJ1,· she uh ofII lll'f\.'C filx-r: ruso C-..ilcd ~ mk (mmion. llll"t~)()Jr,;111
m i,u1d TIC!n•~: ;, 11.-rw t:u11U.11111~ both th... ,wdt efR,11.v,r, orgauis.111:.111 111dJvtd wl ~tJ:@ crC'an~. pan~chy ttui: dlc. p no n plll 11tuctur.U
1nuwir-:11ld)c11s,il)· 11t·rvc li.l~r1. m; uroglia: "J'C•-i.1lizc.:I ~~•ppnri:iw •~ otific0:11n o pc,ning: i,110 11 b\"ldy uvky cdh ot pfan;s.
moltM:u fe:.1 m1.111 1tt' m ;m ,1fmath•r , >f1Jw •"<'lll r.J llt'n-YIU~~)'lo.11'1U. Of t1.1l'IC. par ietal: pcrt:Uning to J w.dl of1111
cumpu~l'(.! uf ,1 1.1,>lllbuu llou of ue uroktmnocyte : :a )J)c~·i!"l!ij_cd o rigfo· ,11,... pl.Kt> nf nw~I,... .1nx h n~m OfRlll (It Cll\i ()•.
J.toins dut fot1f1 .1. ~·n c~nuC'JJ lh"IU-Ugli.1! , ell th:,t .'1!1!'1\.111110:h .nl Qlllll.l d~ ll!()re.-ct:ui,uu,ry fl()lin i 0 1 p a rotid gland: one ofthe p,nrtd
subst,u1t1:c- or c.:>1npound.. :,xuu fih.:r of :1 t"Cnpbcr.'11 m:nsc :uiJ ptu.•,:11-u:d lxmL';Ollf<"tllle Ilic uN:rtion . &lli\~11)' gl,md., on 1ht J:X;lc;s Qf die
mo1ring: rcriodk fflc-ddmg of an fornlS" the ncuriL."1um11! shcnb: al>e> ollmo.i.i_~:dw diifu,i1111 of w ahT fo1111 f:11't' ~l\>cr 111,~ 111:,ueier m md,•.
<'P,detnW-dcrr.'C'd «rum~. cJll<-d th~ S<lum,111 ~t'A'. :, uf lo:scr ~Oll<'l'fllrllt>On to parturition: 11,t> pnK.•dj or.:.Jlillbll!h.
monococ: :i 1.ypc of ang10-.prm1 in neuron: dtc strucnll'.1l .u1d fw1ctioo:d (llll" ~· gtt'l !Cl' ('Otl COUnti()lll d u tlt~ piuhogen : :u,y dii.e:1...-~pniduung
-.,:l11'h 1h,.. ~«t ha~,_ ,.,Ir :a l>mgJ._. un:t o(the ncn-ous J)'Stcm. l SCtUlpC'mle.:iblc mr111br.l.11c-. utg:tuWu.
c ,1t}'lt',k111; :ds,>c:,Ilot~I u11'1f1,'Avty!.·1t.'.v1. 1.- omp()(cd oia cdl bod~ dt'fldraK'S, oui cle: ooc- oflho: d!tel" bones oftlk: pectin: lll i'.>l'~llic compound In dtc
motm- neurn,o: :1 nt<n~ crfl rh:11 :,rnl au :,:wlfi; i hn r.1llf',I :, ,11n ,· n•N ntiddJc- t".u•. llncmUul11r l:1y~r ,Ind J.'111lllt)' w.lll
Cllfidu, ·i,. .-:teou 11<ic..·11t1:1I ,MA.Y u1!u tn :U1: :'I ,.uh,l(o ul!C p:ubd.,. m tl.: oste001c:J m;iiu!l' bonC' cdl of p-bm cdl w:1lk: rhe ba™of frun
liom the Cl'1ttr.lJ net,-otli l)"!.lcm .1ud uu,-lc-tK of:111 ,mun tlu 1 11:i< ::t wc-igl1t n~l~on: ~ gmup nf mtr-c,ryc,:,i, ,me! jclltC'$.
iM C'IV.ll~~ d f'octor ~ a t {musdCJ ofuuo:-JI01wc 111:,~ unit ~utl ~"'.u-rit... u111<1.' t' lllr1c )mud ~ -cu :, t~cton l girdle: d:ie pomon of th....
and !!Jands): 11bo c.illc-d efcra,f 111'1111111. llC>dl :U-ltO:. l"l'11Cr.1l 1;;~1n;il ·w,i hin hon.; ~ " 1('; :1k11 llkd,:ion il,.11 \oppn m ,1,,.. "r~
mot or unit: ,1 sar,ftk motor 11Cu l'Otl ne u trophil: J. l)'J)C 01 ph:igo,:yti.: white ,·.:died II HJwr.<L·m .i.)•iirnr. l'Mn-mi1i,'$.
•od the mu«Jc-iiben u mn«va1C1. blooded!. oval window: 1« t"-'1ri611ilr wi'wfom ("'!dlc:d : 111,: .<t,ili.. (-{ :1 fl(Y,V('r in .an
rnuc ~; :1 tl1ll<'t1tts lllo:'" 1h:11 nkht ! the- p oslt!OO .ind tu nct!On JJ rok ovarian tbllide: J. d<.";"\"lopu~ ovum I ulfoc~.'.(<'<"lll'r.

tiu o. n1rit1~ :111.J tl'at'b •·lfk'Ui•,s to of110 ori;,mi.q_n in it\ m»)'lltem. .md its- sutrounding-::puhcbal ,dk pelvic, p.:rUtfll.llt,'. IO the- pdvu.
cf,.,. t"Xll:nnr nipple: :, <l.1rk pi!,nC'nlffl.rpun,lctl O\rary: the fcm;ale ~nad. 111 whJch O\';l pelvic gitdJ~: thc- p<itnon oi thr
mu,;dc: :n, Clf~u :a.:l.ipci:,I 111 c:11n1r:10:t fKOj-«iun :11 tho:- up oitlw bn·:1<L .md cN0i11 kXUll hormones Jll' skdc-tou to which ,b:: hwc-r
thn,_-c rype, of u1u1li: o»uc :m: n itf<'g:C:tl 6.xarion: a pmn-t~ r:,rrici.i ~ldllCC\-l. c:)l:fl-otincs 11re :ittt.:hcd.
ClltdillC. smo«h. :inJ ~k1.i:tlll ,mt hr c:~..-uin mg;mii,nu, sud t oviduc t : 1h~ tuh~ 111:11 1r.1mtpur1S U VA. 1>enis: the C,,.'t't'rn:il 111.:ilc g,:m1ll orgm.
mutation:,\ ,w-i:anon in .m 1.nht"ritabk- a.~~· su,I b.~( tcna. whcr,:~• rrel.' fmrn lfi .... m·.ny t Q tftt" U{('n ij; :.Js,) th!Q\lgh -.-Aud, urm,:- r,1:95(';S d 11ring
ch:it11ctt:fisnc~ l pcmUJ?.Cnl 11miosph •: tic 1utr0g.~·n ii comx-ncd c.Mlc,I tllt' 1»,•mw 1uf,, or.C1fl,,pfo11 mhi•. un11:11ion mid th:it ITJ!'l•p,cid~ \C.'m<:n
crll.tSmi»--ibk- chm~ 111 w luch the imo :ur11no1iil ot lljQ'J:<C compounds. u vipos"itor. 1 '.C:rucl,m: :il 1h.:: m dll.' fn n,J .- (lurii~ cnm1\
olr<pr1rig cltlft"r from me (Y,ll'C'll5. node: loc1no11 on II Sf<.•m when~:i k ai Clld o{ the .tbdamen 111 mtny fcnuk pcr c n n :, p l:.111 d1.:11 Ji~l.,. tl1n1u gf1<1tU
mutm,li ~,n; :, hr11t'firu l rt•bu,,n~hip u :ar.:.-.:hcd. 11UC"Cu for bym~ l"ggS. tl' co m.tll}' gn:M'll'l{t k ·:Uuo.1.
bi:C\~'cl•n IWb ~:trusnt-1 of ,liff,..n· nt node: Qf R a.1wic r: ~c 11r,1•~jbri( ,,.,11,. O\'\llation: tbc rnptu1\~ of ll~l ov:in:in per k ardiwu::i protect!\~ scious
-.p,:,:w~. not m:h m-d:,1 11:--xil,lt- ITII.I (,( n1S11c- ch:11 foDKl:- with the rtk.JS:- of .ut 0"'\l.m. mc-mbrlll<-' th:ir n1rrotmi:k (hi.: hC'll't.
m)" lilc .a lipuptoti.'i11 111:ater1.J d 1;d; e<:tm-ls tht> Jengib of th<"" Nt'k of :in owul0: the fC'1m lt" r:produni,"t' perkarp: the D'l.tit w!ll dUf forms
Rlltm~ Hhc lilhlikc Cll\'<: ti•~ llt<Hul.:I 1-"mhryo :.m cl tn ,(lfU< ·" l,Ju. org:,,11 m .a ,t'lt',I pl.mi tk,1 rom :nn,. from the w.1.U of a m,HUt'<' 0\'3ty.
OCl'\'C' tihcn.. uudcM'. aidd: .m m-g_;mi(: mol~ uli: lll~!i;hp<loDl~ UIII w1ie~ rn~io~, 1~r-inn11u- the floor of th:- pdvtS.
m yocardiu m : lhc c..nl11c 111\liek fa}"\"f composed ofJoi1ied oudcolidc-s, ,-.:·..,~ a nil t he- fl"ln:i~ ~•m~1Qpt1yt¢ p c r ic,11h !.u m :1, Ghrom C(.)11t11,!r,ivc-
of the h<ML ~ h .u RNA 100 L>NA. i~pn.11.Iu~ ,I. 1i.~uot w ~·niug ib.:.~urfa<"..- ofbune.
myo6br-il: .-. 00.ridlc oi-:onm,.;ule nucleus: 11 spheroid body w:th111 11 OV\ltll: 3 .U'C.:MHl:iry OOC)'tC .tficr pcrip h cnJ n l'1'You 11 11ys-t L.•m (PNS):
Imel', \\'1tlti11 mrn,..1.,.. nik l'tlk.u)'Otic <t"II d ut ,::oru.tiru lhc ovufanou but bcrbrc fc-n:iliz.·uion. LI,~· ncn<cs :"Ind !o?'l°ll!!ll ofthe
ln)'l1Ueur:il jum:tion: the Mt(' ('}( ,bromo:~oml'$ of tht" cdl OCl'\OOS J)'lll~
"1ll t hai11.: ouui&: or
l' ( lfll'¥t lu:t\\ \'(1'1 ;m :IX'l'tn of a mc•tor mJt' ;i hanlctl<'d :in,·I dry linglt---'lo:'.-.:lcd palh-adt blyer: t bc \.'J)pct !:'l}'<'r of the the l.'lr.-ain :md &p11ul cord.
111'\l!Ull .1.n:I:. IIIU 'i!1l· !ili<!I'. frniL nld<lpl-.yU of .1 INf. wbkh \'.'ames pt>ristab is:rhytl:uni.: C0rl(J'3Crions
m yo,ii.n:~ thick fifarncn, ptuti::111 th:11. out photn'l.yulh~. of ~mooth 11"wdc m the v.•.:ilk ot
~thcr wuh 1co.n. a wes mwck ulfadury p,.rt:1imng tu the 1,1.•m.- of v.1riow tubulu Otl?,11'~ di.:i1 mO\'C'
C(llllt r1ctil'.>ll. 1n,:U. lh< comcnis llloug

pcrit onl.!mn : tl,~ Jeru1,~ 111,•mhr:mc
t~ lii1...~ d-:c .alxkloi~m•!'I! ,:,~iry ::ind
O:O\'C'~ the 1bdonu.n:J \'lSt'tr:L
ph .-unil nn~mhr.u1ei: 1,1.•,01~
m<.'.nlbt-:U1\~ dut s.unuu.11J tho.'
lung~ ,,1.u<l lm t llit! i.iu1f'.a~1;;" ,;.- .ivity.
r.1d.ial S}'ltm1ct.ry.:5>,111nctry .m.,tmd
:i crmnl :,xn ..o , h;,t :iny }qlf,:,f ,in
\l~ma m n id.:u lli::il ro 1l1e< utf1t!r.

s.1li\.1try gl111nd: :en J(l e'1SOty dii;esti,'t'

gL1rk-l 1Ji:11 '~1"'1~ .s.1~v:i in111 dlC
or;il ca,'liy.

ptta.l: lhc l~f of i lfow~1·, wluch i1 plexu..s: :I U('lWU1-k of SlllL'tfac-cJ ll<:n~ r('C~ptade: t h,• t!.p of rh,.~:ixii of :i ~.a rc:nlt.'fl1n1:,; ,b.• r-dl 111.-mhu ut' nf .1;
l""n«-J.l}y cohR"d or Vl.>t,;d!.. tlowa i.1.Jk 11,:,t li..!:cN t hr- 1lur:,I musde f:hl!t'.
pedoJ('!; •tuet \lJ"t' of :1 IC'.U dw cooo«u poU+m grain: num:itutt' male Ur~u,. iattomer~: th..- pvrtioo of:1 1.kd1.'Ul
dt<: bbd(' ti) the $tc"u1 p mero phyle g..-1}('1'Jnnn of ~l"l.i r't'Ceptor: a .1l!'ffl..- o~:a11 ('1( ~ sp«uJaed 11111M'.letibl!t'bl!C..,.,~<"llli1o."WM
phagoc:y1e; :mr cdl ,:origu16 odwr pl.1,nr.s. c-nd of ;a SeJJ$OI)' l)Cu mn tlm n"C<'M'S xlj:11.'cm Z llilo.'j dur 1s rousi.lm:d
, elk imimfo1g l)(:lct•"fl:l.ur 1,n1:1U pollin,ufon.: t.hc ddiv"°ry l-w ,Yind. stirnul16nm lht" cnvi.mnmctQ. the fu.l.:tionll tlHit of .t IU}'Olibrll
foreign p.ut,, I..-,:. walL-r, ,., .,mm;,I,; or poD,•u en d'II: r«"tuJU! rhc- re-mun.ti pon.iou oftbe s.1,'ll.11na:op<'n gr.iss.!.tnd wnh SCJll-ctt-d
phahinx.: :i. boo..: ofd ..- fu1~r or t (l(!. uvu~ uf I lel•,I plam , lc:,Jtu~ w g.;,urvlJ1testi,u l 1r.11,,__ . htf'.'.>c:(1'1 ,ht" OT<K
pharynx: the ~ion ofthe i,1t1 ugmoi,I culon and J ~ :111.11 r:m:11 Scbwarsn oell:$C'e 1A'.11mb11,1~·y.e.
i:;,utromt~tin.l! tr:'ICl :iod l\."S!)lt"ltOry polypeptide : .a u«)l>('uk- of uuuy reflex urc; the ba:,,.1~• o.0 1'1dc.u:t1,10 \(;Jcr;r tilt" 01.,r<'f w hile IJ)tt nr
syst<'m )o.._";l(ro :it dtc b.1ck of the oral !'llll!llO ::iclt'k l!.nkc-d b)• pi,:,dJ.c bond~. p::ithw::ir thrt,ush the llct\lOUS ~ystcm.. ( ou1i.-1:1n.•e ti~u._. tk,1 f..1nm t)lt'
:ind nJ..,'11 c.wn.ics 1111d t'>.'tffldin~ to d1c pons: the poruon ol the brlm seem Ju~ ~"011M)CU\~ u f :i feu:,;urr ncun,o. a ll pn1tn-1i1,,~• t:O•..~rmg oft he <
l.uyn:t :intcnorly .:and d1.c ~oph:igu~ ;iho\'° ,he m«iidll l)blon~t;i and um:rnctltOn {.u.od.w011). ::ind :1. .sclerea,chyrua: ~uppo1tu1~ tissue iu
fl')m,,·k..-Jy; ~ko r:,Rffl , tic_. thrc.1t. :.m,:,l'iorto dlc ,mbdh nu__ motor neuron. pl.u1c.s cun1p<w:.I ofhollt>w &X:U. w idl
phen ol ) '(M": the .tpfl"..U-.Uk'•• o f ,µ1 popn1ation: all rhe ~rg.uusin'.'- of die rcgcncr;1rion: rc~1m<.•th of ti!$UCor tht" ,ructcned w:il:i.
(IJ'l:,;ll~lil .::.tuk-d by di(" gtm)t}1'C ~;1111t' ,pc,"l"i,::,; in :, p.:i.nk ubr Jn,·• i(lfl fomution of,1 coo1.ple11.· o~u1ism soolex: flc:id ~ gion ot .i. t:ip..-..\\')fflt.
:md c 11 n n1u1 11,•n1:1! mtl l.K'11t't.''t. pu~leri,,r (Jonal); the b:,.:k. from .i port10tl .K;romm:., polK h of,skm d);-it c0tu.111'tS
pbttonaoue:J. cht:rnt<::tl ~l'r(•tcd by prtdaticm: <h e 00t:)miuprio11 (,{ l111c n:nal· pt"n.m,ing h .> 1hr ladnf1'. th<' rcsces J.nd their .ic<eisar\' ori:;tns.
onl' o~usm tlut inlfu~'!KC$ the •ffWUIIMn by auod1t-r. rem,I curpu.~fo: di..- f)(Ht1,1u of se.l.Mc.001.1$ gland: ...n ~·,·x:rmc glmd of
bch:ivior of aoothcr. prt"gnancy: .1. co111d11fon ui \\hti:h :i die 11,:,pbroo cunft!nllg ofchc tht' 4:in 1lur -t.t'fT<'l(o< i;~m1, :111 ciily
phloem: ...~sn1hr ru.~uo! in due thu::ile bl.<. :'I dc\'Clopin~ omprin;t Ul pu111eruJu,. .a:,td :i gf<1t11erul.\r L~.q,,~ilr-. prcite.:tn'i' pmJ.u d .
tu.mpom nm.riems.. the uterus.. rtnal pi;,tvis: the inotr ~.tvuy ofd1c weoudary grawch: phiu gmwd1
phou,,, ,~ iodism· , he t<'Sp()ns<: of :m pttuatal: rhc pe11od of oftipn1~ kid:t>e}' tbnnrd by the -c:q1,1nd,-d in girt!. bum S!!cum!.uy ,;,r latt'rnl
, wg,mwm co pn-nnh u(tigli. :md <iu¼ dc.,.ebpment preg11,ulcy~ umer, uno wtuch the c:a!yccs open. 1nc1inc1n,.
photMynlhe11is: thl.! pn1<.'ti)r of u~us: hcfnf"\"bmti ttnewable resource: :i u~d: ::i pbm cnlbfyo with :i food
tllC' <"l'l«gy ciftllt' ')'II U to m :1k.1." i -r: ·•~mi-1111• Llt:11 are lc •u,:I r.• .a ch.u is nQt tHOO up tK-,:.usc ir !'($(1'''° th:11 i-s \'.'lldilSC..-1 m ,1
<=:.lfl)()!iydr.1r-,: fn:u n t::irb.:,u diox.i,11.! pn~d:itur. ~ nmnnnally rrnrluc~ m 1l1t< protcCti\.-C .s,-cd C(~c:.sccds devc-lop
:ind \\~t,:,r. pnuluc:~r. ,,r~111111Cm< ,vithiu :111 ,·1w inm1ne11t. lrom mJturtd oi.'Uk~.
photocropism: sio,,.,·th or t..'t' lX}'lll(1l1 t h :lt fy11!h~°"12e ml':,mc rtplit:atiun: th..- pm'"""~ ofpru<.'ocmg :, k' mcn; rhc- <.('('1'(1)1)11 oh hc l'l;'f'10fl t1,:m,e
tnOV\"lll.:tw m ~ ponsc ro .i i:oiui,01.tnds from inor~uli.: , :• copjill$ or ,l11plk·.ati.:1ti, u~au,; oftl)C' m:ili!-, l.'<m,iui11~ uf
ru.~uouJ.I bp;bt sour(c-. conntrurnu. 1ud, a., l)."\IA n-pll'\!:,uun. Spt..TIU3r,.).2(1(1 :uu:I :i.J.:hll\o\.""S.
physiol~ thC" 9::1cn<'.e rM M.tls "\\'lth prokaryO((l; l)fgllll\nl, .SlKh JS J ttspiratiou: m,,., exch:lll!,;l" ofivucs wmilunar \"71Jv~:,·~nlt~ h.;,pr-d
JIC' ~u.-ly (lr bo:ly limctimt~ b:aneritun. d:w l.t~-b lhe specfabzcd b<-t'vceu the extern,J cir..'lrottulcm he:'trf .,":tin~ p<).\it:ion.:(I 11" d~
phytuplanktun: 111icn,,;c,1f»C. frce- org.mdl~ dlJ.t1)Cten<0c ofrontplc."t ;ind cl)(' cdls of:in O,~llNm: me Cl!trJJ".Co.'i ro !he :\Ort) :UHi t he
llo:mng, pl101.-xpwh,'<i.- org:mN111<. r<'H<., mct:iboh, :ict'.Plity of cell!. resuJtingrn pu.lmoiury owik.
tlw :1f\' tli,: m:,Jc)r prnn.,ry pn,dn,;er;; _proprioceptur: :i s:•11<,wr flL-r\~ c:rn.kng dt<: producocui ofA11! SCUM)ry u~uron:.1 ni:n,;- c;d ltl~t
m tttdwr.1l'Cr :'titd OU! U\e o."<'O~'}tc'JlU. 1h;,1 n-.;pm,d~ 111 .-ii:intr, m lt'I\U!ln nitina: 1'1.. in11..,.- b)\"1' oi th<' t")~~wind, conducts .m unpu.hc from ,1 tei::-ptor
pia 1uater: the inno.~tmon m..-niit.x.. iil a 1mi.d..- ur uu.lun.. couu.uu d1..- n)(b .ind t..' Oll d . or~n co th<' cnunl ncr,"Ous. sy,.tcm:
whkb rs in dmx-t conuct with the prostate: 1 w:11.ti-ur-dllJX'd ~ iuJ rhi:,.,ncne· .111 111xlc:rg,rum,;I Ut'tu ako , :,11;~1,!IJ'ffl'1J1 lll'llrt.fl
bnul llld spiu:iJ c'-'«1. .surtoonding the mak urcdtnjus.t m $C111ie pl;111t.,, llu t )lore.~ ~ pal:. Oult'ru 1<:,,,,1 wbori of t\m'L-'f
pineal gland: ,1 9l).ll coue-sh:ipt'd bd°"' d1e unn,)ry bbddttd1o1t phut06yntfu'lic l,'tudliCtS aud i 1\'h ,011cu11<'" b¢.:1w.a1.h tile' fll"I:.-~;
gbml kw:1t('cl 1n , hi' 11'W)f1,f ,h.- 1hml ,s('('.:tttes .in Add.all\'!: to scminJJ tlujd ,o
ris.c roots .md .ibo,-e-waund m:1m L"<1'1lc~ti"" ly c-.J.!ed t bo: udyx.
\'l!U!nd... ,1rd11.• hr.1111•. durmg rj,lcubuon. ;md lc-.t,'t$... s-trous membraue: :in epithelial ::ind
pi..1-il;:1n:p~11...-ti," uruc;t1tre ()f ., prot(lin · ;a rn:,crnmnl('(1il,: ,:ompl)S('cl ('If rod. ::i photM,-cc-poo-r in the- ~rit.'l coiutcctl\te wsuc mo.~mbr.toc-- lfm
!l;;m l'.!r crn11p<>\<·rl oft ht ~lj!:111;1,\'>1yll!. m 1t lJI' ~ \'t:r:,I p•ilypc!rc:,cli!'-. ofthe ('t'ofe that b ,1:"«ial1zc-,i tOC lines body (J.vitics :m..-1 CO\.l't'S \isccrJ:
:md (>\o'!'ery. pn.Hhallur .i fie;1n-~ d w un-nrc cnforlc,._<,.<\im- lipn ,i<.ion llso c:illcd .um.s,t.
pith: :i cc-ntnlly 1Ul'1tl.'d tt."1UC' within :1. dial i.1. tl11:· ~m<~k•phyte- gt'll t!f'.11iuo root: tl, c .uwhuri11i,: .<uht<~rr.u\e:u, su.imoid b0t1•:J. membranou.s bon\'.'
dicot Jt<"nt. ofa ~rn. poro(ln (:I( .i pl:,;.,,
d~ pc:nmt-1 lt)rm("il m :i 1cnl1.( m m l'("<.p(11)S(' to
pimitary Walld: ::i sm:il . pc:i-s.Jupcd proto11:::1 1ub:irom.i\ pomck 0 1 tfu' :1bs11rptjun am 1<'1111tlu r.i ion II f w:11er joiut ) Ire,,._
endocrine gl.i.nd sm1..nt'J. on the .uom nud~ thll lw. :i \\-C~t of :·, r,d 1111111,T.ah. u-.ssiJe :Mb";U)iSlns di:11 blk tou)111ot1,,111
mfcnl)( af rik' brain du, unc .:uonuc m1>s mtit .:.trnc11 root cap: cud mN ot pucnchyma cell• and r•m1:1iu <t,1ti~1tury.ui,tl :u
\C'crert'< ;1 111unl1C"r , ,(t,,1rm<lfll'-.;;,1i<,1 pos.itl\'e dl:ug,:::ik• c.tllcd :i /rrd,.,t,·11 dut protects tht" m-crisrem cf .~~,o~ ::ind ~•l::u1u,.
cJ.tle,I tli..- f,J1pq,/?'·•i'1. j,,,., :I l'\')()t. shooc poroon of :i v-.a.scubt pl.J.m du t
plac:C!n ta: d1e< O tt;AU c,( ml'(,,hc,hr pn,xi:ini,I: , lcWT to t ht' nucllln<' nf1h r- rooc bai.r: wtfoeUubr ..-pidennal htd udes• •cm ''-ich in br.t11,:hes
t'.itdl!'mg,: l:,..,1\\\.-.:.·11 t1111: mo!l,oer :111d l,uJy urongul of .1•.u 2Pf.>en.:l:i#; proje..-ttnn from rht" root of.t pL1m :tnd lc:ives.
the frtllS. •'flr<-"·u.- ,'lf ,lt'>u I d u1 liuu:bn l"- 1.11 ,11"orpti,1u .s.inoaa-ial (SA) node: :i nuss of
plank.ton: lQWtic. O"!X-tlo,11.inp. l•u b(-rty: tlw t'cri\xl c,fhunuo ruga~: d1..- tot.I> or m lgo.-s (,{ tilt.: c.1rdi:t,: R"6uein tht"wJ.ll<>fdx nghc
111.i,~ropic <irp,\1)11ll. Lll'Vl."lopme1u: ul wluch d1¢ w u ,:r.n:, of:111 nrg.u, .:n ri um 11ut inituU"'I d1(' c-yd..-;
plasn.ta:tbc thud. o..·u~cdluLlr pornon t\.-produnt'-"t' oiw:-is become :ilw .-:iH..-tl 1hi:• P-Jrn,1<lko.
"'d n::lJarfo i; tfoOO. funcci,:u1.1L saginal: :e \'<:ttec-J.l pboe chrough the '-inui;· " r ;11nry 1,lf" 1100uw ,p.,,:c: w11hm a
plasrid· ,m nrg:,nt'fl(' m rhl" cdl of pnl.tnonary: pc1tJ.1ll.inp. to the tun~. bod}' th:it div-ides 1t inro .i.nd hod)' o~:lu uteh as :I b.:inl'.
.:.err.1i11 p~mb d1.,1 i\ d 1t-,imi l<,r io)(>.I pupil: dle q, rhrotmh the ins dl:Jr ldi p<ittions. skde.-aJ m.u.scle: i l)'p,e of musde
nw.,11,farmrc ;ind q,ora_ge. p~1in. . glu en p-:.t~ thrrmgh th(' 1~'-" Stiiu.ity: s:tlnness Ul w;w:, or soil: ::i nwe Ii multinudeued. occur1
pfatdeb: r,:,g111<"11u uf ~fk-ci.fic hon!! 11nd t'ut1.-r 1Jw pou,~nu r c.ivecy. m<':t'.'-ttre of1he coocci'lrration of tn bw.tdlu . h.b c~j,,l)in<ls of
1n.urow cd h th:11 fonl' tl<lll 111 b lood ~b<4ok~cl <,Jiu,, pror:cms. .md COIU:l'l('t,S enhc-r Ul :I
, 0Ji::t,1baon: :\.ho calJcd rhrct11b:l(J·te.. '"b.1m:1ry or in,-olum.1ry £>sh ion.

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Loooratory

llmaU infc:~tirw: die portion -oftlw

~'t:roint_·m11:ll Ir.k t b.:.-t~WCll t he
stonuch ;1.nd <he e1..~ um: tu:nrnons
.1sl;1rc.h : mol«·lJI!
synthcs.izcd &um phO<M)-lllhcci,
pm .:l11ct,\; com mon li'.x),l 'lhlrA~
t axonomy: d u:'Uco: of dt'SCribing.
..-14~-.iftmg. ,111,I n.uning urg:ini,.m-1.
tcrulu c:;ilc a ucuto;: 1:h,: r~mlou th:11
Ut()rine tube: th,e mbi: 1h('(1Ugh
wlnd1 the- (l'l.' llnt 1-. a.1:ns:po11cd In
1he uterus J.nd where t',:n1Jiu uo11
in Jbs.orpoon offood rrutri<nG. ,ubsi.:inc..- :n 1na,iy pb.m~ :tlt:'1<'-h~ d)C e.Jimuscks co dtc 1,.1k,:,; pl:wr; :,I-en .-,,Ilt>,·I 1'1.- ,,,.,dJt,J OT
&m ooth nu.tscle; J tff'\" of mosd.:, Stele : the \'.'ISl.'.Ubt f"i»l)C' :md pith or e,;Je.u'lc.'1,u~ bo11<·. fl1IL•JJU11r11J......
DSSU(' dl,lt i,; norutri,ut-d. o:11np~-d ground t~uc- :lt rhe cemr:il core of• te-tido-n:J. b:,nd of.tcftS>.: n-gufat ute rus.: :t bol!ow. m1.ucufar <)tg:'tn ul
c,ffi~form :ind sindo:--11l1d..-..11<'l.-l root orslt."m eonnccri-:c osme chu attu hc:1 \\ lud1 :t f~ius dl....d up1.; !o(::·,tOO
lihl'l"\.,:,rnl o)mr:11-1$ in :an stigma: dlt upf!<"r pomon ofrhe pisnl muscle to bone. wt1!1m d\c.' fc11uli: pd\'1s tx·m',:.,c11
im'UlunL'lry, rhydum.c l~h:-1)0 wirhiu (lr:J rlowt:r testis; rh<- prun:iry n:prodi.Kth<t- the urinMY bfadd..-r :ind the rco:tum.
tl,.- w.Jb of t•l,i.:·,-r.J O JWiffl j:IClo1na: .u1 upt:umg Ill:, rl:1111 1.-..d" Ofl;ILR of.:i m:.k wtuch produces uvula;~ rbh): pendulous poroon
solu ce: :i ji!JIIM:lflCi.' dmolwJ iu ;i t1truugh whid, ~ c:.:di:·ul~· ukl·J 'f'(rm:,to..:0.1 ;ind mi lt- :It"~ nf tn.-, oH: 1ulJ.1~ ,h,,,
t-loc~ the
s,,)lvem to f0tm ::i ~hcion. pbce. l1onm)f1~ nJSOplurynx during ~lAfllk,,.ving.
soh·e-nt: .1 Ouid si.1dl .u W'lttt dut ~tomach: .l puud ,,.lih'> diw,.'Sow ( "tt.lJl t etr"l'°d! 1 f01tr-:lpfJl.'IXi.l~J
M~I\,~ ~ Uf(j, bctm:cll dx C1oph:lj::US :tlld the vcrtebt:ltc. suclt .ts :tmphibi:in. tl-pc-ik, ._,.cuoli!: :, 11ui..l fiHe1I ~.i11.-lit-,
somark: pc-,uiu:.n~ to the duodenum, bir..l. ur uuih111:1l V11gim,: :·, cubu!~ o~m ,h:,c le:,~l~
parts "fd1t< body ~ le: rhc Ion~ sl('nder pomon oftf,_,e thoracic: pm.Uni11f; to dtc chest i'ro,11 dK" UlCl'US t• d l e \.\.'"Stibuk
M;m1.:1l ic; ~,ilk:111 d1c- ,;,;;".ll<of the lx, dr ptsnl Ot 3 lfO\\\'r, R:,;Klll , uf ll,c fcm:11· n:p~iduellw tr:td
of ,1n or~ 1rni,.m cx.-'(·pt 11~ g,.-rm Mlbm.uoosa:" l,ryt"T nf,<;opport1\'t': 1h0Nx · the t' hO(. ~nd r«dvi:1 the nuk pcnlS dur1ni
C('lli. ,•cuu~iw IJ\.'l lt' thJ•'l'lu$ 11 th)•mus gland: 1 bilobcd lymphoid COltw.
, oru, : .l d u,t er o f 1,.pur:u 1g1:1 011 tl1., umc;um 111,-iubr:,uc. Of&1R p l),';tt)(l1)Ct-l m d1,: upper V;1scular t i.uu« p bnt ttml(' comJx«d
uu dtni.:k- ofth'n pinuu-. SUCt->ttsion: the i'-"9U~-.1,e of <.·,-oJQSi,.-..-.1 tn<', lu,;tirn un, pcw!rri,,,r h i dw ot' "Yklll .;nd phloem: foocuon.s in
specie,s; a i::roup of ntOfl-\hofog,c.illy ~t~ by wh1l'h .a p:irtJcub, hioti(' «~·u11111 :'11111 b,._-tW l~n the lu.11~ . transport<'r, nucrt<:ntf..and
itn•l1r{common iJ'llt ~\001) C'-OIUUllJIIJf}' ttr.u:lu:tlly eh.'11.l ~'S Wllil tissu~ .u1 3st(n.1tui<)f1 ofs.i.m1b r cell\ phn11-,,.ynihrti,· pto<! ur.:t.\ 1h rr.111gl,otn
01'),tlllll.ll" th:.1 ltt' tt-pmductivdy riterc 1s 1 comnmllity 01' d11n:l.x :md thl- ir bimlmg ).l.1h~1:111l't:"'I.J(>i11l'l:I t.l1e pC1-11t.
isobt«I Jnd c.1p.ibl(' or mrerbrttding ,-ci;et:itlon. to p,.<rfrlmt .t ,iecifit liuK'll('.lll. wgetati"e: pl:utt p:uu uot spl'ei:iliu <l
J.D.• pmdn,;-11'@ frrnk· offipring. sucrose,: a d!s!o:o:-hmdc {douN-e sup.,:) tongue:J. pmmu.ibk muscuhr ~ (,,r n:pm:.luctivu: ~xu:al
•p~r-rna tic: c:ord.: die \t nlt'h m.• oi d ,e consas.n:ng ofii b.nkrd glucose :ind oo the lfooroftbc or.rlc.\\1l)', n.'pNdli.:ti ,o.
ui:.le n:pnxloctiw ))\'Cl'111. l'.o mpu(OO in,rlQlol: mnlcl:iilc:: ,~ pn1)dp,,I coxin::. poisooOl.t'. compou.nd wi.ns: blood wsseb th:tt con\'l.Y blood
ur d1r.- .lurcu~ ( ..·,ii) ll1:fr.n-rti., tr,1n,po11 of uig;u- in rl:mts, t.rachca: .; nibuk- in ,he mrit,UOf)' 1o•w:i.rd tht be:1Jt.
:,pcnJ.U.(R' \'c,-'>t'~. lll"f\tC,Ul:111.U(CtU' • urflll e Um C: :1 il..!b,,.t:m lX-pnld111:(XI ll)1 $Y'ltc-111 ('I( ...c)me invt'f'1chr:11~: tho: ~ntnll (11n, ~rior) ·1M\':ll'i"I lhe fn:m1
musd c. 1nd OO!li!ct:ttvc wsuc. dtc.'"' th:1t clc-1'.l'\!:1\~ d,r.- iurfa,'t' :iln.~.ay 1.-:,d.iug f1rnn th~ brp1ll 10 1l11e .surface ofd1t body.
sperma,ogenesis: ,~ prodnrooll or C.:m 1ul'l w 1Lb1n d,~ pu huu1ury broncl:.i m t b,· t1.~ pir.Uur'y s~tcm of , -ettf'brate::,n ;ininul th-lT ro~~,::s ;i
m.'llc St"S ~,1metes,or vcrm,110.zo,1 ::.M.-oli. ,,l'"",:,l..o c:ilr.-tl 11~ w•'11;lp•'p••· VL"r11~hnl ~u!umn .
spennatozoan: :l sp«m cc-U. or sunuec • E}T<' Of rnmw,,•.;ble JOlnt trace i b.w..U.- of ncrw tiben w1thu1 \'l'!\ t.ibular foW:.: the )l.1pporlu)i ti)Jd..
g;mictt ;i1m ulM.ingb~-.'«ll l)()f'lc:<; CJ( thc- the t''l."lltr.lJ OCl"\'OU. ~}"'StC!l L nf ti.Uut- t(ir t l ll' \OC:tl rulil'I witluu
,rhinct,,r; :, 1;1n,'l 1hr 1111t1,·1e 1k ,1 slml. t rait: :s duringuishinp. f.-:uu~ m1d1ed dh : b t)i lX.
c11u!l.!r11'1) .i. h1>.ly op,-,uug u r d~ S)1 llbiosis: J do"<" .6sod;inon bc-twttn m heredity. \'estiliuJar witldow: o membt:11\C'-
l11t1tl'U of., 1uh1hr ,ltft1('1Un" l W O nr§ink,m in ,1:l1u·h nnl' (lC° hoth uarupi.Ntiou: thc- cv.;por.;rion of covn'C'd opening m the bony w .;11
spinal c:onJ: d,e poru11n o( du• ..."\:111-nl "I)(.'~-,.~ dc rr1.•t- i.)eudi1, \\':Her fruo1.l k-af. whKh pulls wam b("l\\'effl die nud,-11c: .and 11111cr c;n
ncn~U)i~'!t.::1n th:it ,·xtc11<h from ~y,np:uh11tic~(lc'M:1imng tn ih:,t 6-om tht" rooa 1h,u11gl1 th.- ~1cm ('Of intowbich dtc foo1pl.tteofd1e
lhc br:u.n stem th!Oup;h lhc \'eftcbl'll p.'lrl u f tlw .uuunumic 1k."1'\'01U :, bf. .smp,:" fits: .tlio c.,lkid ,totu14/ 11V,.vl.io1•,
c,uul s~~CIU (!\ l!ll'tl'll•'<l v; 1th :leO\'nics fricu~pitl n lve; tlk' lk';sn v,1h't' vi.'I-CCl' :t ' d1r <•~ n~w11hm 1h,•

spinal nu"-.: o,~ of the 3 1 p,lits 01 :im:igoc.tisuc IC> die pu.uymp:uhctk. ll<'IW\'lc-u d11! r ig!1t 3mu:m :m,I th t." 2bdomu\:J ,,r thur.,c:ic: c:l1i ul..,,
nm'd th:11 :1nsc: tium tbc spin.ii sp1~pse: 1 m1Dlltl' sp.i,;:c: between nilu wntt!cle: :ihu ca.llcd n.,~(11 vitreou ll h u.m (lor: ,t,.: tr.111~11 l:'):'i
cord, the :l.Xon tcrntiu:.l of.i prcs}n:lptic t1Jn~,_,tl11tUJ1!Jr ntll'I'. lh .)I <l>Ctupin. lhc sp:l(."\c' 1.,,._, h'. <'<'!I clw
, p i rac:11.!· J "-""Pl.t'Jtory (l(~ ll ml_t m ncuroo :ind l dendrite ofl turg:or pre.uurc: oso:i,ooc pressur<: d1J.1 lens :t1hl rcuu.'l of d"" eye.
CC'rt.ll n ,m 1111:i.k ,;nrh ~ ,1rchl'O('(>(b. ro~)·u:,pcir- ncumn pro~ld«. rii::,d1ry ro :t eel. ,-ocal folds: lolds of dle mu;,:ou~
.uid d1:irk.... ~)"Utr-'"•r: un i1ff1 of guue t..-i in sexml tympauic mcr.1i br.ine: dle mc,nbr .;ne in tht btynx ih:it
spi:Tillum (p l. llpi.rilla): .a llpi~•slrnp,-d R-pro,fonwn; (cn1li,•4Qon nlC'rnbnnot1"1. ,:-J,mnnn JW"iidonl'd produ«: sound :is d1cy :tl't' pulled
b:.cter'ium. -')1 l.U\'i ;1] t:~v-ity: .1. \~O:c t~t,wtn 1'1~ bet wee u t he n III l't" ,<:i r ;u1<I II u, 11II(' uut .Uld vibrated: ;iko cJl1ed nx.J(
'l)leen: :l large, blood-li!JC'd org,m t,\u bonn (1f:. jplOVUIJOtrU, tiDeJ ('¥: also cJil«I 1ho: tyr1•~·11111m, or 1he r,;rik
loc;ned m the upper ldiofthc Wtth J}'llO.'i:ll mm'mot1, vuh-a: t hr.- e.~t:•m.:tl geni1:1li:1 (Ji ilk'
Jbdomcn .;J>d .;10,hcd by ,.b e s)--«c-ru.:.; woop ot'body 01g;11u tha fruuk d ut tirt\Jottu,I chi: \!fK-ili(tS
mR'ntt"nes Io 1he i;tom.t,:h, (w-,,:uon tO!$dlct. wubiticaJ cord: .; -:ord-hkc mt1cturc nfllw v.1gi1u; ;ilr,o l':1UOO t he
,po ngy hone:· ;i 'Yl'r.- nfh('Onl' ch-M s ys.tole: die n; contrA·DOJ1 of co111.1miug di e umb1lial 3fK>J'ks :ind Jnd1•1id11111.
Cot1CJ.11u m:iny JX:uo,,~i~n.; .tbu me" \'t'ntnrlc<- of the h('art tforu,g ,<etn due c.onocru t bc JC'tus v.1.t h dlc
c:,llc-rl rJ1u-rll,.,m bm11•, tlk' ,'"%nk11; i:)1·lt-, pbcem:l. u"OOO: interior ~ue of.1 tre-e-
,p <>mugiurn: :ioy ~ructuw w1d1i11 S)'lllOli.: preUt1n!: krtl.'TW b lo(>d mnbili,cu s;tht :stu• ,. .,J~ tht 1unl:11J)C:)I composed or,-"<'ond:iry xylem.
wtlid i Sf"ll"d l «· r-roJuccd. £'f't''1Utf1' duriu g d ,.- \ 'e'll lflcubr cm,I v.m .111:u;h<',l 111 th<' f<'Ul\;,,1l,o
spore( 1 rcprodncch"<' cdt C-,'J.\lbr 01 ~y!llolu.' p}U).t" of d1e c~nb:1( eydl!. <.·alled lik' 1Am{ ;(,(l()Spore: J tbgdt.11<'t1 or dl1J1ed !,pOI'(>
dc-,,elopui,g nHO 111 :idt>lt or19-01.,m un~ter: :1 t uh,:- th:11 tr:m,iport\ urmo:, p n,1l11,:f'(I ~ -~u:1Tiy hr -11;)111(' pnUl'lh,
\\ithout iu.t0n \\1Eh .mOfhcr cc-IL taproot: l pb.nt root srm·m m whid1 1 dlt' lotlnC}' ft, tho.." uriu:u-y :C:)"gtrte-: ;1 lhtill~.I .:l:Q,! cell !~,rmed by
sporophyU: modified k a\~ lh:u bear unpt; rl'.>OI is ittlck .uxt strllgfu:. bbddet. 11,e 11111<10 nf,. -cpo,u :,ml :m ()l\,'\1111
nn<' nr m<)J"e ,;p1)r:rng,., t&rget ori;au: d1c .sp«1ric body OJJ;i:ii urethra: .l rnb,e dui mru.pon.s urine
, unwu; J. ll'J1'f<.11.lm:t.i\'t Mructul\• ol:, ~ l'l.l hor,nonc- :l lfccu. fu:im die ~tl'in:1.1')' bladder to d\.:-
flr11,, •c,,c-om~ ~I nf;t lil,mem J ll•~ tan u s; perr.unmg co th,: .mk1.:; 1h,e oou!dc of d1e body.
.u1 ;mlh :'r, wln'R' pulMI gr:11m ;ire pn~llinW pmtmn ofd,e khlt 1h.11 11ri11ary bfadd cr. ,1 dis«·nubk· s:1e m
pl\)Juc ....:t. rtn11.ut~ the t:iN-11 li<l111C'( d1{' pt'iv1('. ,·:wit)' 1h:,1<otOl't'tl 1mnc-,

Acheta tfomestiea, 188 11lu1ricellular, 35 hacill1, 27 Hrandn·os-1<m1a, 20 1, 202- 204
Aclnumr,,es flexella, 38 pollinators, 124 8ac.illu$ megaterium, 29 bread mold, 136
aeon, wc,rnis, J94, 199 reproductil)it/sex organs, J49 bocreri,, I. 27, 30 bromc grass, 146
Acropora, 159 di.morphism (birds}, c.lassifica rjon, 28 brown algae, 56-59
Actmis.t:ia, 200 219 cc,njugmion, 29 b ryophyres/Bryophyr,, 67, 74-75
Actinoprerygii, 200,207,229 tissues, 1, 11 endosymbiosis, 35 Bubo 1,·irgiuianus, 2. 19
Adianlum, 90, 91 onnelids/Annelida, 172, 1 7J nitrO!,~n fixing, 29, J O
Bullock's oriole, 2 '1 9
Aepyceros melampus, 22 1 Anopheles rnosquito, 42 nonparhogcnic, 27 burdock seed, 134
African sleepir\g sickness, 42 Anopla, 172,173 c,blig.at_e and fuculr;ativc, 27 Ruturide$ rundermlli, 21 7
Agalyc.lmis callidryas, 20 I, 209, Alue-rifonnes, 2 l 7 org;111elles, 35 buttercup root, 109
21"1 :imd ope, 22 1,222 phvtosynthctic, 27 burrcrfl r, 19 1
Agkistrodou p,sdvorus, 243 A.nthcx-eroph>•ta, 67, 7 3 baker's )'east, l 39 monarch, 188
:1gn:lth:m-:, 2C)() A111hoceros, 7.3 h;1lanrid i:1sis//Ja/antidium coli, 44 spicebu:;h :;wallowmil, 18 0
Ailamhus silkmod1, 188, 190 Amhophora 11rbana, 124 Balsnmorhiu,/Bals,m1or/Jiza
Aix S/JQu SII, 219 A111hopleum so/a, 158 sa.~ittata, ·123) 126 ca.;..-rus, 118, 128
algae! 44,57.See also brown Anthozo.., 15!1--159 ha1uboo, 122 Callipcp/a cdlif.>mh:11, 2 16- 217
algae; golden algnc; green antibi(\tics., 141 8angia, 6 1 C.1mcroon ca(..-c.ilian, 209. 21 0
•lg;,•; red algae A.ntilompr., a,m•rkana, 2.22 barberry, leaf, 117, 146 ca11d)' lufr~ 122
:1 llig:.1tors, 1·1S A/1a fone spinifera, 214 OOrk, angiosperms Omtarella. 142
J\/ligalor ndss,ssipp,c,ms, 215 Apfmnitomcuon, 34 birch tree, 11 3 C',apsella burStJ f,t1storis, l 29

Allium, 117 Apitomplexa, 4 2 conifers, LJ3 capybara, 222

Allophyltts leaf, 1 I 5 Apis meW{em, 18S~189 barley smut spore, 4 carbohydr~ue:s, carbohydrate
Autanit~ 142 Apodiformcs order. 217 Easidiomycota/basidiom}·c(..1:<.-s, molecules, I, 67
Auutrantims, L26 appl,, 132 142, 143 CArnegiM gigautea, 1 18
A mblyrl,ynchus cristattts. 2 l 3 Ara anmmna, 2 l 7 puffballs, 144 Camivora order, 2.21
Aml>ystoma mexh'.•.mmn, 209, Arachnida~ 179 has1lisk/&s-iliso,$ plwnifron.s, 213 c,:.1rril.1ge, hy;ilint: and dastic, 14
210 Araucaria heteropl,ylla, I 0 1 basswood Car)'bdc-11 sivkkisi, 158
American avocet>218 ArlMcUJ, 199 loaf, 11 7 c:i t
American daner, 218 Archa ea, 27, 28,30,35 root, I09 arteries and veins, 260
American kestrel, 21, Archisr,irostnptus g;gas, 193 Bathynomus, 1::,:o .brnchlutn :rnd antebr:ichium,
Amocbas!Amoebozoa, 4 J Archosauria, 200, 215,216 Batrachoc.bytrium deudrobatidi6, 257
amoebic dyseriter); ~ 1 Arenaceous, 4 1 135 fomalc urogenital sysrc.m, 26],
Amoeba /}roteus, -11 Aristolochia stem, 112 Barmd,osp<.-rmum, 61 262
amphibians/Amphibia, 200, Armadillidium, I RJ har~ Malaysi:m frnit1 221 he::irr, 259
209-210, 230. See frogs armadiUo, 222 Bazzauia, 69 male urogenlral syscen1, 261,
color, 2·1·1 :irrowroor, 126 1,e.,ks {b ird ), 218 262
Amphipriou mchmop11s, 207 Artemla g1/im,, 180 beans, garden an<l lima, 131 muscles, 25 6
amphium:,'4mpl,iunut means, orthropods/Arrhropod:i. 179 hee:s a.s pollin:trors, 124 neck and chorax, 256, 257
209, l l0 Arthrospff'a, 34 iJl!rberis leaf, 117 skd eron, 255
Ampln>m, .38 Artiodacryla (.lrdcr, 22 1 Bettd.,1 occideutalis. Jl 3 skull, 255
Auabaena filament, 29 As(11ris, l 76- 177 Biddulphi,r, 38 shoulder aod brachium, 257
Auaxyrus i\$c/ef,ias, 13J Rllareri.1, 149 thigh and leg, 258
marmHS: 210 binary fission, 18 trunk,257, 26 1
w<.>0dhnusii, 109 MCQSpures, l 40 Bipalium, ·161 Caulastrea /urcala, 159
anemone fruiting bodies, 139 birch tree bark, '1 1J cdl(s), l. See 11/so at1irnal ceUs;
disk, 159 life cycle, 138 birds, 200, 216.See also Aves plant cells
sea, 159 parasitic, 139 beaks, 218 eukaryoric, l, 1., l49
sun burst, 158 unicellular, ·139 sexu al dimorphism, l 19 mem brane, l
Lube, 158 asexua I reproduction, 17, 18 bison/Bisou bison, 222 oeutoglial, 10
::m gi<.lSpcrm&, 67, J06, 107 :1sh St(.;m, 1"I 2 hivakcs/Riva)vfo , 168- 169 prokaryocic1 t
bark, 113 Aspergil/11s, J 41 Blaberus giga,tleus, 187 cellulose, I, 67
flowers, ]19-124 aster/Asieraceac, 123, 131 blackberries, 134 cencipcdes, 179, 193
le•ves, 113,114, 116 Asterias, 23 b lackbird, Brewer's. 217 centrioles, 3
life cycle, 115 Astreus, 142 black widow, 180 Q ,phalochordata, 200,202
pistol, 122 Ate/opus ;cteki, 135 b lastub, 14 9 cephalopodsiC, phalopodn,
stems, 110, 113 Audouinella, 61 Blepbarostoma, 69 169-171
anhinga/Auhing.t anbinga, 218 A.urdia 1 157 blue s pruce, 101 Ceratiwn, 40
auim:.tls/Animalia, 149 Aves. 200,2 16-219 Boler:,s, 14 2 Cerddipl,y/111111 leaf, J 15
cell cyd e, 17, 1 $, 19-2 1 :1xolorl, 209,210 h<me ,issue. 14 cerehellum, 16
rells, 7 axons, 16 Borella rea,rreutis, 20 G!rebran,lus lactens, 173
cytokinesis, 2 J Aytl,ya Ameriama. 2 16-2l 7 box jellyfish, 158 <..~tace:1 order, 221
electron mk~rographs. 7-10 Awl/a. 89 brachiopods/Brachiopoda, 166. Chacnomel,•t ;apouk,1, 121
mirosis, 2 1 172 Chamaesi{'hon , .B

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

ch:imt:leon. 213
Charac.lriiformes order, 216, 2 ·17
Cheliccrarn, 181
Corae:iiformes order, 2 ·17
coral (brain, cane, mushroom>
Staghorn), 158-159
Corio/us, l 42
r()Clto;1 107, '108
stem) ll 0, l J l,J 13
wood)', 1 IO, 112
Dicmmnit, 76
Escherichia C()/i, 29
Euglenowa/£,ig/ena, 42
cukaryottlcuka ryot.ic cells, 3. 10,
35, 36
Chelcdina p:1rkeri, 201 corn, 109, I 17, 122, 132, 146 dinoflagcllatc-s/Dinnflagdlaca, animals, 149
Ou·fonia mydas, 2 14 Cornu aspcrsum, 167 35, 40 dasslficauou sysre n'I, \'i
C1Jelm1oi<lis nigm, 214 crab, ·1SO Oitmaen muscipula, 118 cyropktsm, J
cherry flowe½ 120 hermn, 183 Dt'ospyros virginim,a, 6 definition, l
chic.ken horsesh()e, I ~u l)iplopr.Hfa, l 79 hum,111,9
aud chick development, 26 era )'fish, 134-1 86 /Jirr,fi/aria immitis1 178 nucleus :1 nd nucleolus. J
egg Stm cture-, 22 cricket, house, 188 ONA molecules~ I phyJogcnccic rdationships, vi
Chilopoda, 179, 193 crocodiles/Crocodilia, 2 l5 dogfish shark structure a ud function, 2
chimpanzee, 201 caiman Palewuchus palpebro- ancrics, 227 eukaryotes, singlc--ccl led, 35, 36.
Chjropte-ta order, 22 I sus, 215 bra m, cr:11)1:11 nerves, eye S<.•e also plants; ptocists
chimns, I 66 Nile Crocodylus j()/mstoni, muscles, .ind sensory org.;111s.. dassificarion of major lineage~
Cblrtmydomonas. 44-45 2 15 228 36
Chlornphyra, 44 Crotaph,11rema bommuelleri, branchial circulation, 226 evolution, locomotioo, and
chloroplasts, 1, 42, 6 7 209,2!0 m.:ife inremal :m:1tomy, 225 reprodm:tion, 35
chokcchcrry1 139 crustacc.ans/Crustacca, 180) 183 must-'\tlaturc) 224 Euphagu.s cyanoc.ephalus. 2 J 7
Chondrichthyes, 200 Cumoceph,1/ides, 190 respirawry :m:iromy, 226 Euspongfr1, I.S I
chordatcsK:hordata, 149, 2.00, Ctcnophorn, t 53 skckwn,224 Eutardigrade, 193
20 1 cucLm\bt:r/C,,curhita leaf, 117 veins, 227 evolution, 2.23
chromosomcs/chromacids, 1. 18, Ct:r.-url,ita maxim.1, 5 dolphrn, botclenose 1 221 eukal'yores, 35
19, 20, 21 curr:rnt, 120 dom:,in:;, ~sic chamcteri$rics, 1
CJJroococc11s, 31 curcle6sh, 169 dove, 216-2 17 Falco
Chrysaora {uscescens, melantiS· C)r3nobnt teria, 3 I-J4 dr:igon, Komoc:lo, 21.3 peregrinus, 217
Jer, and colomtai 157 C,•,mophyla) 31 dragonfl)\ flame ski1nmcr) 187 $p'1rverius~ 219
chytridiomycosts, 135 cycodslC)·c, dophyta, 92-% Dra/Jarualdia, 48 fa1coo
chytl'ids/O\ytridiomycota, J35 E,,cepba/artos vi/losus, 94 Dromaws ,somel,ol/a11dh1c, Arnerica1\ kestrel, 219
cicadri, 187 life <,..·yclc, 92. 2 16- 217 peregrine, 217
Ctdndcfll (t,lgida1 180 Mesozoic £ca histOt)~93 duck/wood duck, 2 16- 2 17, 219 Fak ooiformes or<le,, 216,2 17
Ciconiiformes order, 216, 2·17 2,amia, 9 5- 96 Dugesin, 161 htsdola
cilia, 8 Cycas rei,o/ma> 93, 95 l,epatiea, 162
cilimes, 43 C)'tk,id :m<l ctenoid !>Cnles, 229 earthworm, 174 magua. J62
Ciliophom, 43 Cym/Jel/a, 3$ ed udna, 22 1 female gametes, 22
Cioua intestiualis, 202 Cym>mys pamidens, 22. L Echinaradmius /Jarmn, J94 ferns, 88, 90
Cladonia tristaJc/Ja, 148 C}r1o kinesis, 19 eclunoderrns/Echjnodermattt• 18, :1rchegonia, 91
Cladu/lhora, 54 cyroplm,m, 1 149, 194 gamctoph)~C, 91
cb m, 40, 168- 169 Echinoidea, J 99 leave$, 89, 90
Clat1ice/}s purpurea, 140 daddy long legs (har.esrmen), Ecsocarpns, 54 life cycle, 83
Clirelbrn, 1 72, 17.5, 1 77 180 «t•de rms, 149, 194 m:iidenhai.r, 90
Clouorchi.s sinensis, l 63, 164 daffodil, 124 Egregia, 56 staghorn) 89
d over root, 29 da hlia, 119 Eichhomitt, I 16 water fem, 89
club moss, 78- 79 Danaus plexi/J/JUs, t 88 clcpham, African, 22 1 whisk, 82--ll4
Coldaria, 153 danddions, U3, 13 J Elodea eells, 4 feral pig
coed, 27 seed dispersal, 134 Elymus fl.,11tt~sc:eus, 122 :cl bdomiu.aJ orgaos a.ud scmc·
Cocconeis, 38 d:1 rter (hirtl),218 emu, 216-2 'l 7 nirc:s, 253
,.ocklebw- seed, 134 D11sypus uovemcincr.u.s, 222 E11cephalar1os ,,il/os-us, 94 atterics, veins) and viscera, 253
coclm):ich, 187 Oe,mosp,,ng:iae, 152 endode..rm, '149 hrain, 2 54
coconut seed dispersal, 134 Deudroas/}is jamesoui~2 13 endoplasmic reticulum , rough clirt.."Ctional terminology, 250
Cocuohita clypeatus, 'J 83 Dendrobutes lest(.Omelas, 211 and smooth, 9 female, 254
Culaptes auratus c.aferJ 217 Deudmhyrax valid1's, 221 £11/amoel>.1 hlstolytica1 41 male, 254
coleus n eudrophylli.,, 158 Euteroctoptt$, 169 mns<...,1l;nurc, 25~252
floral bud, 120 D,•nmW)tiSus gallinae, 182 Euleromorpbtl, 53 6bt'ocal'tilage, 14
.m;m, 1·11 dcsmitl$ (C.losterium, (',<)..•;marium, Enreropnt:u.Sf:1, 199 fis hes, 200
Coltunblfo rmes order, 216 1 2. 17 Desmidlum, MkTast.en'as). enzymes, polfmerase, 27 flagella, 35
Crmwtricl.,a typhoitles, 64 53 Epim:f1helus lauceol.1tus, 201 Oamingo, Chilean, 216- 217
comb jeUie~ 153 Prot1sra, 36 ep1thditll tissue/tp1theliurn, 11, na~,omis, 18, 160-161
cooes (pine), 103- 104 diatoms. 35, 36. 38 12 Oax, 6
conifers, 6 7, IOO-l02 hfe C)·de, 37 Epithl'nu'a, 38 flea
bark, 113 DilH>t')''J'' nmrbusum, 1.~9 Eptatretus, 205 CtenoceJ1halides 1 190
lea<«, IOI, 102 Dtet.7oproda ap.iche, 187 Equisecoph}'l'a, 85 water, I 83
srcms, '100,101 n i,eros. bit:omi$, 221 PaJeozoic Era, 87 mckers, 2 17
con11ecrive cissue, l l , 13 <licots, 5, 106 Equisn,m,, 85-87 flowe.ring plantS, tissues, 1, 5
Cu11ocepbalum, 69 arrowroot, 126 Eremobates pal/i/}es, 180 flowe rs) angiosperms, 119) 124
Couolop}ms subcristatus, 2 I 3 enlbryos, 129 Erysiphe grtmrinis$ l 40 Aukes, cow livc:r sheep liver, and

Cap,;m,s, 142,1 44 pigwced, 126 erythrocyte, human, 9 human liver, '162- 163, 164

green bonle, 187
houSt-Ay, 189
toraminifernn, 41
heartw<)rm, 178
Heliantfms, 120
Helod em1a s.rtspectum, 213
Helve/la (saddle fungus), 139
glute."11re~ion. 276
hand, 280
ht:m, 286, 287
hun'le rus, 273
h)'phae, US
Hypogymnia, l 48
Hypo,.-ylon, 139

Pmg:1ria, 123 Hemichordata, 194 intestine, large and small, 292. Hyracoidca, 221
fragmenratton, 18 Hemis"·olopf!udra margimua, kid.ue)' and ureter; 293,294
Fraxinus, 112, I l5 '193 leg, 277 lcterus lmllockii1 2 19
fr<>g$, 200, 201,209,2 10-21 1 Hericium, 142 lh•er,267 iguana.
a rteries :md vc:itl.$, 237- 2.38 hcrc..m, 2·17 lungsfre.:;rir:itory syl)l'em, 267 Galapagos land, 213
color, 211 Het1.,roa•nrro1us, 199 lymphatic vessels/lymph G:ifa p:1gos n1arine, 2 1J
development, 22, 14-25 Hctcrokontophyta, 35 nodes. 267 fociUus alvariu.s, 209
lntema] an atom}', 235 hete-rotnrdigra<le~ 193 1nale reproductive system/ insectsilusecra, 179, 180
musculatur<\ 232-234 h(...'tcrotrophs, JS, ·135 genitalia/ccs.tes, 294,295 anrcn nae, J 90
skeleton, 231 He-xapoda, U 7 muscular sys-tern, 267,275, development, UP
viscera, 236- 237 hibiscus/Hibiscus, 12.4, ·126 276 iuvet'cebnues, 149
Fucr1s, 56, 58, 59 Himantopus nu>xicam,s km,d~ nerves/nervous system, 267, lpomoea. 10R
fungi, 135 seni, 17 282 isopod, 180
ch)'trids, 135 Min1dinea, ·175 ANS (auronomic- nervous Lxodidac:-, 182
classification, ·l35 bistones, l system}, 267
eyefash cup, 139 Holothuro1dea, '1 94 CNS (central ne-rv-0us S)'S- jellyfish, box, 158
uses, 135 honeybee, 188, 189 <cm), 267 Joshua tree, ll8
wood, 144 hon\wOrtl>, 67, 73 PNS (pcriphc.r:il ncrvou-.
F11rici{er pard,,/is, 213 horseshoe en, b, 18 1 S)'Srem), 267 kaJ1garoo, 221
ho~rails, 85-86 p:1.ncre:1s, 267 katydid
Galliformes orde,; 217 houseOy, 189 nfuromuscular junccion, 283 arid-land~ 187
g:unc't:1ngi:i, 67 hov~rtl y, 180 neurons/Purkinje neurons, shieldback, ISO
gametes, 17, 22 Hoy,, camoso, 6 282 kdp, 36, 5.5, 56, 57
g~,metophyte plants, 67, 73, 74, human pancreas,267 Kingena. 172
76 bac-rer,a m Gt tract, 27 pap,Uae, fi}jform and flU1gi • kingfisher, 2 17
gar iish, 229 erythrocyte, 9 form, 290
gastropods/Gastropoda, 167 liver fluke, 163, 164 parella, 274 Lagomorpha order, 221
(;avialis gnugetirus, 21 S planes of refo.n:ncc::, 267 pelvi<: gir,lle, 274 !Amium·ia lifo cycle, 55, 57
Gaviformes.C':wi.1 p,1c.:i/ita1 216, human biolog)' peripheral nervous system i~1mpetrd tridentttta, 204
217 adren:.11 gbml. 284 (PNS), 267 Lamporm's clemenciae, 217
geranium, 117, 118 anti.tom)' .aJtd hmn:in phys10I~ pitu1t:.'l.r')' gland, 283 l~mpre-ys/mal'ine lampreys, 200,
giant kclp,35 ogy, definitions, 267 pulmonary alveoli, 289 204-206
gila rnonster, 2 13 atm, 276 tad,1..1$, 273 Lampropdtis
ginkgo/Ginkgophi10, 97 artcrit.'Sktrteriolc::s. 267, 2-86 n:sr irntory system (larynx, getula, 213
Ginkgo bi/0/,11, 97-98 autonomic ne,·vous system m1chea, lungs), 267, 288 Jriangulum elapsnides, 214
Cladiolus, f21 (ANS), 267 rib , .age, 27 J , 272 lamp shells, 172
Claucocystis, 34 blood, 267 SC:tpula, 273 lancelers, 200. 201, 202-204
Gnathosromarn, 200 body avicics/major bodr sensory organs, 26 7 Janrac, 149
golden olgae, 35, 3 7 part-s nnd regions, 268 skeletomuset,la.r systemlskeJe. Latrodec.tus l,esperus, 180
Gouiaslrea, 159 bone, marrow and tissue, 267, rnn, 267,270 lazuli buming, 201
Couium, 45 269 skju, 269 leaves, 111- ·119
gorilla/Gorilla gorilla gorilla, brain and spinal <.' otd, 2,67i skttll, 271 Al/ophy/11s, 115
222 2N'I spin:11ctml, 267, 282 :mgiosperm, 113 , 'I 14, 1'15,
Grant:fl, 152 bronchiole/bronchus, 289 spinal org;in,brgan of Cor<i, 116
grapefruit. 132 caecum, 293 2X5 bas:.w<)Qd, 117
grape stem, 112 cardio\'asn1lar S)'Stc01.i 2.67 stomach,29 1, 292 Berberis, .117
grass, 122, 124, 146 central rH>,rvous system (CNS), thigh, 277 C..1ct115) 1 ·t 8
grnssboppcr, I 88, 191, 192 267 tbora.x, 287 Cerddiphyllmn, 115
grebe, 216, 217 cranium, 272 rhrr•>frl g:lamt, 283 colors, ·115
green algae, 44-45, 48, 49,50, d igestive sysrem, 267 1 290 trunk, 268, 276, 29 I conifer, 101, 102
51 e.rulocrine sysrem, 267, 2N3 ulna, 27J t()m, 1'17
groupe,; 201 epidermal scrucni.res, 269 urogenital/urinary S)'Ste m. CUCllOl be,; 117
guir:irfish, 207 C,'iuph:1gus, 291 293-294 decomposition, 116
gull~ Franklin's, 217 t) t'S, 281, 284-285
ve..ios/venules, 267, 286 fern, 89.90
g)'mnospcrms. 67 rcprodu..:tivc S)'Stcm/ vcrrcbrnl column, l 72 Fraxinus, 115
external ge11iraliak>vaty/ huut1nillgbird, 124, 2 17 gel'anium, I 18
1-/ troglodytes, 180 breasr/rnammary gl:mds, hyacinrh mitosis, 19 hedge privet. J L6
Hadmm.s art'zonensis, 183 294,295- 296 Hyadnthus, rooL tip, 19 Joshua tree, J 18
hogAshes, 200, 204 femur, 274 Hya/odisrns, 38 Mimosa pudfra, 116
Html1'.sd1ia, 38 fore:.1rn1, 279 Hydm, l 54-155 l'inus, 102
Hap/ope/ma lividr,m, 182 foot, 278 Hydrochoerus h)'drochaerrs. 222 Populus, 1 l 5
Hawaiian stilts, 17 gastrointestinal tract {GI tract), J-Iydrodictyon, 54 prickly peor, I I 8
hawk, rcd·taikJ, 2·19 267 Hy /a arenicofor, 209 purple pi[chcr plant, I J8

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

spurge, 118
tissues, 3,4 1 6
romato, l 16
Tmdesc..mtia, 11 7
m:immals/M:1mm:ili:i, 200,220,
cnt, direction:11terminolot;}'
and planes of reference, 246
cardiac, 16
skeletal, 10, 15
smooth, 15
l'aclrycen·a ulhm Pmhriatus, 15:-t
Pad,ygmpsus cmss.ipes, 180
Paleosudms palpebrosus, 215
palnt plant. fossil, 11 1
\ft:nus f-lytrop, l IS roe, skeleton, 246 tissue, 11 Panamanian golden fr<>& 135
waret IJy and hyacinth, 116 maoduU/Mandrillus spl,i,u:, muslu·ooins, 135, J43, 144 1)a11creas, 267
)'l.1cc;:1,/Yucca, 1 Ut 22l mussels, "168 Pan troglodytes, 20 I
L,•>m, 148 mam1s1 Ca.rolma, 187 myceliw11, 135 Papi/to troi/us1 180
l«.-ch, '175, 1J4 Myrfapoc;ln, 193 paramecia 1 43
legumes, 30,131 Marchantia, 70, 71-n, 73 Mytilus, 168 Pnntmecium burs.arit1. 43
1-ei5/,mania dou<>vam, 42 Marchanriophyca, 67, 69 M>•xini, 200 Paramedum caudatum, 35, 43
leishmauiasis (Kala•az.·u dis- m:irigolds, 123 1\-lyxolll}'C<)t:t, 63 parapodia, 1 73
t""asc), 4'2 Marsilea, 91 parasitic
lemur/L,•mur mtta, 222 M.1rsupil1f1a, 21 1 Nllrceus amerit.1m1$, 180, 193 :.1sco1nyceres, l 39
lcop3rd ~h:-. rk, 223 Maslico{)his flagellum, 21.l Nautilu.s/Nautilus po mpilius, flea, 190
Lepidode11dro11/Lepidostrobus.• Maxillopoda, 179 169~ 170 pr<,t0:1.i,:1, .U
8'1 Megacery/e a/c:yon, 217 Navicula. 38 rnpeworm, J 64-165
Lepidosauria, 213 Megathura crt!nrtlnta, 167 Nedubt1 c.arinataJ 1SO Pnrborlasia c()rrugntus, 173
Lepidovo. 69 meiosis, 20, 22, 35 Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 29 Passcriformes order) 216 1 217
lesser siren!..S'rren intermedia, 209 plant, 67 nem,1odes/Nenu1oda, 176-178 Passr.'1'imt amoena, 201
Lethoarus medius, -180 Mela11op/11s, 188 Ncmc.·rtca, 172,173 passirm Rower., t 19
L.•uC<'>pha,•us pipixtttn, 2 17 Mt7ismopedia, 31 Neobarrettia spiuosn, 187 Pavn rristams., 219
Leucosoleuia, ·151 Merosromara, 179, 181 N,,.,eis virens, 173 p-ea, flower and fruit, l 23
I.ibe.llula s..1tumla, 187 Merte,L~;a, 153 NereOC)'Slis, 57 ru:ncuck (pen.fowl), 219
lichens, 147-148 · mesodermi 149 nerveshtervous system, ·t 6 peah,n. 219
1-igia italictt~ 183 1\ let:'\m Onacfa, 42 nervous tissue, 11 peanut plnnt, l 32
Ligustrum, 1.16 ~frcazoa~ JS, 150 neuromuscular junctio n, 283 pear, 10~, I 20, 130
lilac, 126 methanogel\s, 27 neurons, mornr and Purkfojc, pc::it moss~ 74
lily/Lili11111 Mdridium, 159 16 Peleca11ifonues, 217
flower, tlo,ver bud, anrher, Micm.sterias, 36 newr,209 Pelia, 69
ovary. 124, 127, 128 Mhc10<.'.0leus, 34 Nkoriana, 120 peljcau/Peluanus Ot'ddentalrs,
micn.,sporocyres, 20 Microcystis aemgmOSll, 33 Nidularia, ·142 2'1 7
pollen grains, 126 micrneukal'yotes, 35 nightshade, 120 penguin, (ialapagos, 217
pond,6 Micrurr,ides eHryxm1thus., 2·14 Norfolk Island pine, 101 PenicifHum, 139,14 1
lirnpet, 16 7 m1croscopes, co,npouod and Nostoc, 32 perch, skeleton artd ~,.oaron1y,
Linmlus, 181 binocular, 2. Notophtha/mr,.s viridesc:eus, 209 229- 230
Li11gul11, J72 mictoviUus, 9 oude.a t n1tinbtaoe, 1 Pcridinimn, 40
Lin11<.•3n d3ssific.:ition .system~ 35 mHdcw, fl()wdery, 140 nucle.1t pores, 7 .Pcri.ssodactyla or<ler. 221
Unum,6 milkweed, 133 nude-ic add, 1 persimmon, 6
lionfish, 207 millipedes, 179, 180,193 nuck>olus, 1, lO Pecromyzonrida, 200-206
U1hob,1u!s pipi~ns, 210 Mimosa pudica~ 116 Nuphnr,6 Petiza/Pez.iw repauda, 139, 140
Litoria iu{rafrenata, 210 mite, J 82 Phaeophyta, 56, S7
liver, 267 mitochon<lrion, 8 oak srem, l B phagocyrosis, 35
livcrflukt, 16J, 164 mitosis Obelia. 155- 156 Phalangium c,piliu. 180
liverworts, 67, 69- 73 nouna1 <.-ell, 21 octopus, 169,170 Phanerophlehia, 89
lizards, ·183, 2 ·13, 242 hyacinth srnges, 19 Oncorh)'ltdms kt•ta, 207 P/J;1ria P)'fa111id,1Ja, 194
J.olmlnria, 122 pl:im, 67 onion, 1'10. 1'1 7 Phasw /1,s, 108, Hl
Loligo, 171 M11eruiopsis /eid)1i, 153 oogenesis 1 22 pheasaor, 216
loon, Pacific, 117 Muium,. 76, 77 oog()nium/Oedogonium, 48, Phifodinn, 178
Loxodonta rl{ritana, 221 M0</oci<1 /)'pica/is, 180 49,50 Phoca vitulina} 221
Luci/;a s~ricata, 187 molds, 136, 138, 141. Se,a/so Oomycota, 65 Phocnicopccriformes, 217
Lumbricus, 174-175 btead 111old; slime mold; Ophis,wrus venlralis, 213 Phoenieopterus d,ilensis_,
1.y<O/Jersicon, '120.1J0 water mold Ophiuroide.1. 194 2·16- 217
Lycnphyiallycophyte, 78, 8 1 mollusks/Mollusca, 166 Op1mt1'a, 118 Phyllomed:,s.a lrypo,·ondri..1/is
1.ycovodium/1...yc,)f>odium clava• monocors, 106 orchid rom, 107 a~urea, 21 1
him, 78-79 roots, 107 or~anclles, 7. 35 Physalid, 156
L.yngbyn birgei, 33 stems, '11'1 Ortl,oporus omalus, ·193 Physnrum/ Pbysarmu cinerea,
Lys,,wta debe/ius, 183 ,vood)', 112 Orthoptera1 l ~rt 36, 64
lysosomcs, 8 Monocrcmc, 221 Oscillatoria, 32 Picea pu11gens, tOl, 104
Moulu.1fla L'St'11le11t.1, 139 Osreichthyes, 200, 207- 208, 229 J)iciformes ot'der, 2 16, 21 7
m:,1c.,,,; 2'17 morcl~Morchella, 140 oMcohfosts and osrc<,cl:ls:N;, 15 pig. See fcrnl pig
Ma,'.rocystis, 36, 56 mosses, 67, 74, 76 ostecx:yte, 10 pigeon
.'vJncmpus g;g,mteus, 221 dub, 78,-79 os teons, 269 Co/wnba,244, 245
Magnoliophyrn, 106 life cycle, 75 ostTich, 216 he:ut, 245
Ma iacosrraca, 179, 183 Mnium, 77 owl internal anatomy, 245
ma Iaria, 42 Spike, 81 batu,2l7 superhc1al muscles, 244
ma le gametes, 22 moth, Samia 0111thi:J, 187, 190 great horned~ 2·19 pill bug, 183

pinr/ Pinophyr:1, 5, 99- 100, IO I,
I0'.>-104, 105, J 13
pineapple, 132
Pinnipcdia suborder., 221
in cell memhrnne, 1
myosin, 149
proti~u/J>r0tisu, 35, 36. See also
Rhod<>phyta, 60-<>'I
Rhody1ne,1ic1, 61
RhizupttS> 136, 137. See also
bread niold
Sepiidae, 169

pulc.:herrima, 80, 8 l
,;exu:11 reproduc.-t1on~ 17

J'im,s~ 5, 99-IOO, I01- 105 muJriccllular, 44 Ribes, 120 eukaryotic, 35
cones, 103- 104 protozoa Ricc:ia,69 sharks, 200,223. See ,,/so dog•
le" f, 102 omoebas, 41 RN,\ fis h sh~rk; leopa rd shark
life cydc, 99 cili;tted, 43 111olecules, J black up and gray reef, 207
pin)'OD pine, s<.'<.-d gcrmlnar.ion, exomples, .l6 S)'nchesis> 17 jaws and tee-tht 223
105 flagellated, 42 rockweOO, 59 sheep
Pi.sum, 123 locomocion, 35 Rodcntia order, 22·1 brain, 264, 265, 266
placoid sdes, shark, 223 par:isitic, 35 .roots heart, 263
Plannri(J, 161 reproduction, 35 angiospc:rms, 107 shepherd's purse, 129
planktoll, 35 l'rimus/J'r,mus virgiuiamr. 121, basswood, I09 shrimp/fire shrimp, 180, 183
pl;mts/Planr.te, 67 '13.9 buttetcup, 109 Sirenia ordci; 221
classification, 68 Psemfomonas flagellum, 29 dover, 29, 11 ·1 Siren iutern,~dia, 209
g:imerophyre. 67, 7:l, 74, 76 pseudopodia, 41 com, 109 skaccs, 200
guard cells , 117 Pse.udo1,;l011 ruber, 209 ditot, 109 sltme ;nold, 36. 63-64
b nd, 67 . PseudotsttJJ,a, 103 monocot> 107 slugs, 167
nonvascular, 67 Psiloph yta, 82- 84 ore-hid, 107 Smilax roor, 107
reproduction~ 67 Psilotum/Psilotttm mu/um, 82, pear, I 09 s11ails1 167
seed, 67 83. 84 Phaseolus, I 08 sn:1kc..-.
sporoph)'te, 6 7, 73, 76 Psiuadfooues oc<le,, 216,2 17 Ram, nculNs ~ 109 Adzona coral, 2 14
,·aS(..1.1larlv::1scula r st.-cd, 67 Pteridium, 90 Salix, 108 color, 214
planr cells, I, J, 17 J>terido phyta, 82, 85, 88 Smil.1x, 107 garter, 213
h3rlcy smut !iipore, 4 Pt:erobr:mchla, '1 94 sweec pObtO, 10$ king, 213, 214
cellulose, l Ptcrois, 207 tip, 108 innle uuernaJ 3t'latomy; 243
chl1m>p b ~'tS. ·1 Ptempus hypomelantts, 22 1 whc..1t, l 08 skeleton, 242
q-de, 17 Pti/o$,tfCU$ gun u,11i1 l 5 8 ,,,illo,,\ I 08 vem)mous: a nd 110,wetlt)mo u s,
euk:iryo tit1 3 Purcinia graminis, 145, 146 roundworms, 176-·t 78 214
potato, 4 purple pircher plant, 11 8 todfets/Rorifeca~ 178 So/anum, 120
S\Jg:u cc;m¢ lenf, 4 l'yrus, '109, 120, 'l.lO SpeJliscifom1es otdcr, 216
plant organization. 3 arevistae, 139 spe.rmatoge.nesis, l i
plant tissues, I, 3 quail,2 16- 217 Sacc.:oglussi,s kowa/evskii, 199 Spha_ffmm moss, 74
Plasmodium/Plasmudium Quercus srem, l 13 salan,anders, 200. 209 Sphemscifor1ue~ order, 216,2 17
fi1lciparum, 42 quince, 121 Salamandra salamandra, 2 11 Spheniso1s meudicultts, 2 l 7
Pl,uycerium alGiOme, 89 &1/ix, 108 Spht•nodon pum:tatu.s, 213
Platyhelminthes, 160 robbir, com,ntail, 121 saJmon. 207 spider, 182
l1 luux:.o le,1, 69 radioJatiau, 4 1 Sanli,·1 c;ynlhid, I X7, 188, 190 spike. moss, S1
Pleodorina, 45 Rammc.:11/1tS root, 109 sand dollars, 194 spinal cord, 16
Pleurolus, 142 l':tt <.indAy, 42 Spirogyra, 50, 51 , 51
Podiceps nigric<)l/is ) 2'16- 2 17 abdominal viscera and vessels> s...1ndworms 1 172 Spimlina, 33
249 Saproleg,,ia, 65-66 sponge,:, 151-152
t>odidpedifonnes, 2 16, 2 17
Pt)dOCarpus, ·10 I arteries, 248 Sargassum, 57 ba1h, 152
cic.:-ub tory sp>tem, 24 7 Sarracenia purfmrea, ·118 encmsdng, '1 52
polar bear, 22 l
fem.aJe urogen.ital S:)'Stem. 249 Sautopsida d ass, 239 fres hwa,e,; 152
pc;,llen/pollination. 125~ I 26
he.,cl :md neck, 248 S.'lv:1nn:ih monitQr, 242 Crantia, 1.52
Polychae1.1, 172, 173
hean,249 Sc:apan!a, 69 leoconoid/Lcuc.osoftmia, 15 t
Polyord;is penidl/(i/us, 154
Polyplacophora. 166 hep:nit port:il l>)'l>tem, 249 Scelop<,ms magister, 213 sporophytt pbnu, 67, 73, 76
male um1?,enital S:)'Stem, 249 Sc.:olopendra squash stein. 5
Polypodioph)"t:t, 88 heros, 193 squid, 170-17 1
Polypcxlium virginianum. 90 supedicial rnusc.-ulamce. 24 7
skeleton, 246 sttbspin;pes. 193 Stagmommuis earo/iua, 187
l'o~•siphonia, 60, 61, 62 veins, 249 scorpion~180, ·1s3 sta rfish. ·194
Polytridmm, 76 Scute/1,'ru'a sc:i,tel/ara, 139 scem(s)
viscera, 248
poppy seed, 134 ray~ 200 Scyphm.o:i , 157 angiosperm, 1·10, '1 13
Popu/u5 leaf, 11.5 Rccurviros1ra amerfrana, 2 18,m1) 32 Aristolochia, 112
Pore/la, 69 red alg:1e. 60--{,2 sea cucumbt rs, l 94 ash, 112
P<'>rife.r:.1, 149, ·151-152 reproduction. See ,1/so ase:xu.:aJ sea letruc.-e. 53 d ove~ 1 1l
Post.e/5~1 palmacfonnis, 56 reproduction; scxua) rcpro- SC.".3 1, harbor1 221 Coleus, ·111
pmato. 4, 110 c-oojfer; IOO, 'I 01
ducrioo Sf'<\ nut, 153
prairie dog, 221 a nim,11, 149 SC.'l slater, 'ISJ dicnr, 110, 11 1, IB
Prinute:s order, 22 1, 222 Equisetum, 87
fungi, 135 sea srn r> l 94
Prohoscide:1, 22 l rep tiles/Reptilia class, 200 development, 23 Fraxinus, 112
p roboscis worms, J 72, 173 Rh:1coplum,s uigropalmdlus, intemal :matomy, ·t 95-196 grape~ 1l2
pro~ryotic cells. 1 209 st·.a urchins, 194, 199 monocot, 111
protcms rhiooceros. 22 J seed d ispersal, exan1ples, 133, l'inus. 10 1
actfo, 149 Rhodactis, 159 IJ4 Quercu.s, 113

• A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

squ:1sh1 5
Trl{olium, lJ l
underground, 1 10
wood)', 110, 112
ti.,;suc:$1 I
animaJ, I, 11, 149
bone, 14
, ardiac muscle, 16
Trtrsiops trwu:atus, 221
rurde/tono,se, 20 1,214,239
female interna l org:ms, 241
internal anatom)', 240
wafer hy.,cinrhs:., 1'1 6
water liJy, 11 6
warer mc)('casin, fom:ile-, 243
water 1nold, 65- 66
Stemonilis, 64 connt.-ctivc, n, 13 skeleton, 240 wax begonia, l 24
Sten/or. 36, 44 epithelial, 11 skull, 239 wa:< pktflt, 6
Stephom,discus, 38 1·1 viticcra, 24 1 w heat, IOS. 122. 128
Sti<hopus ("setts, l 94 net\lO US, ll Tyto .r/b,r, 2 17 wheat ruse/wheat smut, 145, 146
Stige<.u-louium, 48 pbnt, 1 w hisk fem.,, 8 2-84
Stigonenur, 32 )'UCcalyucca lnevifo lla, 6 U/01/n·ix , 47, 48 w hitefish hl:iscula, 2 1
StF.1.w berry, 12:l Tmesi/Jteris, 83, 84 Uhu,53 willow root. I08
Strepmcoam pyog,•nes, 3.1 toads, 200, 209,210 Ulvophyc-.,ae, 54 won-ns. Se~ 'also o.:om worms
Strigiformcs order, 216,217 tobacco, 120 Urochordata. 200 earthwo rm, 17~l 75
stron1:uoli1e-, foss1liud, 33 Tol)•pothrix, 33 Ursus mar1tim us, 22 l gill-wing, 194
StrophorUI, 144 rom::ito [1$.tilago ma)'dis, 146 he::imw>rm, 178
Sl!uthionifor1nes, 216,217 flowenu,d fruit, 130, 132 milky ribbon, U!rebmtulu s
sug.1 n;::mc leaf, 4 leaf, 116 Varam,s "1ctms, l73
sun Ao·wer, l 19, 12.0, 12 3. l24 ovnry, 120 komodr,ensts, 21 3 l'arfJQr/.1sia t:ormg:ttus, 1 73
sweet potato, 108 rom:uo do,vnfisb, 207 sa/i.•ator, 213 proboscis, 1721 173
Sylvilagu.t t1udubfmii, 221 "fnuhemys scri/>ta elegam, 214 vascular pl:mcs/vascular seed round,vonn, J76-178
syphilis bacte ria, 29 Tmdescantia leaf, 1·17 plams, 67 s.·mclwom1, 173
Syri11ga, 126 tree hrrax,2.21 Vaucheria, 39, 40 $(.."gmc::nrcd, 173
SJ<'/Jhidae. 180 trematode/fremaroda, 162-164 venus flytrap, 8, J 18
Treponem a pa /Jidum, 29 verrebrares/Vertchrnt:1, 1 49,200 Xantlu">ria, 148
Tachy~lossus ao,featus~ 2 21 Triakis :se.nu1,1so'ata, 223 Ac.tinoprerygii1 207 Xenia umbel/ata, 159
Taem"a pisiformit, 1 64, I 6S Trichine/Ja spimlis, 176 Amphibia, 200 X tmO/nts laet•is, 2l l
tapeworm, parasitic, 164-J 65 Trid1omonas vaginalis, 42 Q 1ondrichrhres, 207 xylem, 5
ta.ran tttla, I gz rrichomoni:isis, 42 Osteichth)'es, 208
Tar.1xacmn, 13 1 Tn'dac,ta deraS11, 168 Petromyz.ontida, 204- 206 yeast-s, 138
Tardi&'Tada, l 79, 193 Trifolium , 11·1 Rcptili:i, 212,216 y1.1ct:1/Yucca, I I S
testud inidae, 214 trilo bite, fossil. 180 Vitis, 112
Tetmopes telrhphthalmus, 187 Triticum/Triticum aestivum , Volvux, 45, 46, 47 Zamia/7..amia fmmila , 94-95, 96
Thamnophis, 2 13 108,11 1.1 2$ Z,•a ma)'s, 109, 11l~ 117
Tl,e/odenua corth:ale, 1 t 1 TrypanDsf,mtJ hruad, 42 w;1Jnur tntkins, 124 cob, 132
1:hennoac:1dophlles, 27 trypanosomiasis, 42 ,vater bears, 179, 19.3 smut, 146
Thiothri.", 27 niatara, 2·13 w.arcr bccdc, 180 Zenaida macr<mra, 217
cick, 182, 183 lubewonns, J 72 water felr nlg,i, 39, ·10 zoospores~ 4 8
tiger h«,rk, I RO tulip/Tulip,,, 12·1 water fcm 1 8 9, 9'1 lygnema, 51
Tilia coor ,u1d le--..1f, 109, 117 lunicates, 200, 202 water nea, 183 ?)'gore 1 ti


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