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marculedu (he/she), born 30 July 2000, is a producer and musician from

Naples, Italy. In 2022 he graduated in Electronic Music at the Conservatorio

San Pietro a Majella of Naples, where he is currently studying for a master

He has released several songs via Mutants Mixtape (a collaborative project

that raises funds for organizations that support and improve the lives of POC,
Queer and Trans people, featuring artists such as Arca, Yaeji, Nicolas Jaar,
Merzbow, Holly Herndon, Matmos, clipping., Glass Beach etc.). In February
2021 he released an electronic/experimental EP "Libidine"
( mastered by
Enyang Urbiks, containing the song "DDVerso" printed on vinyl in the
alongside tracks by Arca, Dorian Electra, galen tipton, Sega Bodega, Gupi
and many others. He performs his music on stages of Italian festivals such as
the Meeting del Mare (Marina di Camerota) and the Reset Festival (Turin).

In 2021 he joins People's Place 2021 Live A&R Session powered by Radio
Raheem and the following year he returns to Milan after being selected for
DR. MARTENS FEST’s Project Together presented by MI AMI. In 2022 his
song "Serendip" is played at the Atemporánea Festival in Buenos Aires,
"Crisalide”, out on April 14th, is the second taste of music from his debut
album "Domina" out on April 28. It is a piece in metamorphosis: it starts
gentle; gains weight with sub-basses and granular samples; then it opens up
with vocals until it explodes into an aggressive instrumental section. From
there a deconstructed beat and an ethereal synth line are left alone to express
marcu's intimate gender transition process.

The title of the record has a double meaning: one from the Latin "woman", the
other from the Italian verb "to control, to submit". Domina represents a certain
femininity kept buried after childhood but which continued to grow even
though it was thought as dead. Now this femininity, at the age of 22, has come
to be so strong as to take control. It makes its way outside of internal cages
for her to feel perceived and, hopefully, loved. The recurring doubt that
hallucinated the entire production process of this record has been: "what are
you really made of if you try to go deeper than gender constructs, going
beyond general ideas of masculinity and femininity?" This question gives rise
to 9 tracks, which attempt a realignment with the ego in search of a contact
with the little girl stuck inside himself, a little girl who has become an adult and
timidly takes steps towards a dialogue with what is found outside.
In “Appercezione”, released on March 31st, these questions become explicit:
above arpeggiated synths and electronic drums Domina speaks: "you should
make an effort, squint and give yourself just a bit more" understanding the
difficulty of others in perceiving her in the outside world; and then she
wonders: "how can I go beyond bodily limits without leaving bruises? How can
I manifest the imperceptible?", so that she can became clear, visible to the
eyes of others.

The last words resound in the hope of reaching that final musical euphoria
liberated by a person – and herself - who is finally able to see her for who she
is.. "You see me, how good it feels to be vivid, perceptible": this is her wish
expressed above percussion and through pitched vocals.

The video ( stages a space

where marculedu searches for intimacy with the gaze of an eye, which is both
social and personal. Slow dances, flames and plastic poses: marculedu wants
to seduce the view, so that it can free itself from the intrusions of other
senses. Only through the most honest expression of their sensuality and erotic
charge, the eyes will be able to find beauty and admire its strength.


full album streaming:
+39 3334193573

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