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Group Z:

Nguyễn Trần Duy Phúc - 2312155157

Lê Thành Nguyên - 2312155138
Lê Thành Nam - 2312155113
Trần Quang Anh - 2315115001
Trần Đình Luân -2312155095
Dear Mrs. Canh,

I’m pleased to inform you about the candidates’ letters fitting best for the positions. My
perspectives on the candidates we have recently interviewed for Company A, Company B,
and Company C have been carefully considered, including an assessment of their suitability
for these roles.

Candidate 1 seems to be the ideal choice for Company C, where the main goal is to
maximize advertising revenue by reaching large audiences through program broadcasting.
Their history aligns well with Company C's objectives since this alignment between their past
performance and the company's core objectives is a strong indicator of their suitability for the
role and, hence, achieves the company’s profit maximization.

For Company B, which seeks individuals with creative talents and the ability to work
harmoniously in teams, Candidate 2 appears to be an ideal match. Their capacity to
collaborate with creative, less disciplined individuals suits the culture of Company B since
their skills motivate and help them accomplish the company’s goals in such a chaotic

Company A's need for someone proficient in implementing new systems requires efficient
outcome assurance, and Candidate 4's skills in this area could promote organizational
improvements. Furthermore, their proficiency in communication ensures that Company A
can effectively convey its objectives to both the employees and manage the business's
relations with customers, suppliers, neighbor communities, and public authorities,...

Lastly, Candidate 3 seems not to satisfy any demands of the 3 companies, because of his
skills that are more inclined to be a strategist rather than a specialist to tackle the
companies’ issues. Given the positions we've advertised, other candidates are better suited
for the operational roles aligned with its goals.

Please let me know your preferred choice or if you require any additional information or
insights about these candidates.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards.

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