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Subject: Mathematics

Grade Level: Grade 9

Objective: Illustrates quadratic equation

Learning across curriculum:

1) Physics - Projectile motion: The trajectory of a projectile can be modeled using

quadratic equations. Students can explore how quadratic equations are used to
calculate the motion of objects in projectile motion problems.

2) Economics - Cost and revenue functions: In economics, quadratic equations can

be used to model cost and revenue functions. Students can analyze how quadratic
equations are applied to determine the optimal level of production and maximize

3) Biology - and decay models: In biology, quadratic equations can be used to model
growth and decay of populations. Students can examine how quadratic equations
are used to predict population size over time.

Review Motivation:

1) Brainstorming: Engage students in a brainstorming session to generate real-life

examples where quadratic equations are used, such as calculating the trajectory of a
rocket or determining the optimal shape of a water fountain.

2) Interactive Quizzes: Use online interactive quizzes to assess students' prior

knowledge on quadratic equations and provide instant feedback to enhance their

3) Role-Playing: Divide students into groups and assign them roles to act out
scenarios where quadratic equations are applied, such as planning a concert venue
layout or designing a roller coaster.

Activity 1: Exploring Quadratic Equations

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials: Graph paper, calculators

Significance: This activity allows students to graph quadratic equations and

understand the relationship between the graph and its equation.


1) Provide students with various quadratic equations in vertex form.

2) In groups, students graph the equations on the graph paper.

3) Discuss the characteristics of the graphs and how they relate to the equation.


- Accuracy of graph: 5 pts

- Correct labeling of axes: 5 pts

- Understanding of vertex form: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the significance of the vertex in a quadratic equation?

2) How can you determine the axis of symmetry of a quadratic graph?

3) Explain the relationship between the coefficients of a quadratic equation and the
shape of its graph.

Activity 2: Solving Quadratic Equations

[Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning]

Materials: Whiteboard, markers

Significance: This activity allows students to practice solving quadratic

equations using different methods.

1) Present a set of quadratic equations with varying levels of difficulty on the


2) In pairs, students solve the equations using factoring, completing the square, and
the quadratic formula.

3) Discuss the different methods and compare the solutions obtained.


- Correct solutions: 5 pts

- Use of appropriate method: 5 pts

- Explanation of steps: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How can you determine if a quadratic equation can be factored?

2) What are the steps involved in completing the square?

3) When is it most appropriate to use the quadratic formula to solve an equation?

Activity 3: Quadratic Applications

[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

Materials: Real-life scenarios, internet access

Significance: This activity allows students to apply quadratic equations to

solve real-life problems.

1) Provide students with real-life scenarios that involve quadratic equations, such as
calculating the maximum height of a projectile or determining the dimensions of a
rectangular garden with a given area.

2) In groups, students research and analyze the scenarios to determine the

equations that model the situations.

3) Present their findings and explain the solutions.


- Accuracy of equations: 5 pts

- Correct application of quadratic equations: 5 pts

- Clear explanation of solutions: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How can you determine the maximum or minimum value of a quadratic equation?

2) What are the steps involved in solving a word problem using quadratic equations?

3) Explain the significance of the solutions in the context of the real-life scenario.


Activity 1 - Students demonstrated a good understanding of graphing quadratic

equations and their relationship to the equation. Some students struggled with
correctly labeling the axes.

Activity 2 - Students successfully solved quadratic equations using different methods

and were able to explain the steps involved. However, a few students had difficulty
determining the appropriate method to use.

Activity 3 - Students effectively applied quadratic equations to solve real-life

problems and provided clear explanations of their solutions. Some students needed
additional guidance in formulating the equations.

The objective of illustrating quadratic equations involves understanding the graphical

representation, solving techniques, and real-life applications. By exploring the
graphs, solving equations, and applying them to various scenarios, students deepen
their understanding of quadratic equations and identify patterns and rules that
govern their behavior.


[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

Task 1 - Design a bridge: Students research and design a bridge using

quadratic equations to determine the optimal shape and dimensions for
maximum strength and stability.

Task 2 - Analyze projectile motion: Students analyze real-life examples of

projectile motion, such as sports or fireworks, and calculate the maximum
height, range, and time of flight using quadratic equations.


[Teaching Strategy: Differentiation]

[Instructional Materials: Rubrics, whiteboard, markers]

Question 1 - Describe the steps involved in graphing a quadratic equation.

Question 2 - Solve the equation by factoring: x^2 + 5x - 6 = 0.

Question 3 - A ball is thrown upward with an initial velocity of 30 m/s. How long does
it take for the ball to reach its maximum height?


[Teaching Strategy: Flipped Classroom]

Assignment 1: Watch a video tutorial on solving quadratic equations using the
quadratic formula. Write a step-by-step guide summarizing the process.

Assignment 2: Research and write a short essay on the historical significance

of quadratic equations in mathematics. Include examples of how they have
been used throughout history.

Note: The rubrics, assessment questions, and assignments provided above

are just examples. Teachers should adapt them to suit their specific classroom
needs and preferences.

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