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Subject Mathematics

Grade Level: Grade 9

Objective: Solve quadratic equation by completing the square

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science - Topic: Motion and Quadratic Equations

- Learning Competency: Apply quadratic equations in solving problems

involving motion.

- Explanation: Quadratic equations can be used to model and solve problems

related to motion, such as calculating the time it takes for an object to reach a
certain height or distance.

2) English - Topic: Literature and Quadratic Equations

- Learning Competency: Analyze quadratic equations in literary works.

- Explanation: Quadratic equations can be found in literature, particularly in

poetry or symbolic expressions. Analyzing these equations can deepen the
understanding of the literary work and its mathematical connections.

3) Social Studies - Topic: Economics and Quadratic Equations

- Learning Competency: Apply quadratic equations in analyzing economic


- Explanation: Quadratic equations can be used to analyze economic trends,

such as predicting the relationship between price and demand or determining
the optimal production level for a business.

Review Motivation:

1) Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: None

- Students will act out real-life scenarios where quadratic equations are used, such
as calculating the trajectory of a basketball shot or determining the maximum profit
for a business.

2) Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes

Instructional Materials: Quiz questions, whiteboard or projector

- Engage students in a fun quiz format, where they answer questions related to
quadratic equations. This can be done individually or in teams, with points awarded
for correct answers.

3) Teaching Strategy: Picture Analysis

Instructional Materials: Pictures or graphs related to quadratic equations

- Show students pictures or graphs that represent quadratic equations and ask
them to analyze and discuss the patterns and relationships they observe.

Activity 1: Completing the Square Puzzle

Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning

Materials: Puzzle pieces with quadratic equations, number line or grid,


Significance: This activity aims to reinforce the concept of completing the

square by engaging students in a hands-on puzzle-solving experience.


1) Divide students into groups.

2) Give each group a set of puzzle pieces with quadratic equations.

3) Instruct students to arrange the puzzle pieces to form a complete square on the
number line or grid.

4) Students should use markers to highlight the completed square.


- Correct arrangement of puzzle pieces: 10 pts

- Accurate completion of the square: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the significance of completing the square in solving quadratic equations?

2) How does the process of completing the square relate to finding the vertex of a

3) Can you provide an example of a real-life situation where completing the square
can be applied?

Activity 2: Quadratic Equation Art

Teaching Strategy: Artistic Expression

Materials: Art supplies (paper, pencils, colored pens/pencils)

Significance: This activity encourages creativity while reinforcing the concept

of solving quadratic equations by completing the square.


1) Instruct students to choose a quadratic equation and solve it by completing the


2) Ask students to create an artwork that represents the equation and its solution.

3) Students should use their artistic skills to visually depict the equation and its


- Accuracy of solving the quadratic equation: 10 pts

- Creativity and quality of artwork: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How does visualizing a quadratic equation through art help in understanding the
concept of completing the square?

2) Can you explain the relationship between the elements of your artwork and the
quadratic equation it represents?

3) What challenges did you encounter in solving the quadratic equation and creating
the artwork?

Activity 3: Real-Life Quadratic Equations

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Materials: Real-life scenarios involving quadratic equations, whiteboard or

chart paper, markers

Significance: This activity aims to connect quadratic equations to real-life

situations, allowing students to apply their knowledge in practical contexts.


1) Present students with real-life scenarios that involve quadratic equations, such as
calculating the trajectory of a projectile or determining the optimal dimensions of a

2) Ask students to work in pairs or small groups to solve the quadratic equations
associated with the scenarios.

3) Students should present their solutions and explain the mathematical reasoning
behind their answers.


- Correct solution to the quadratic equation: 10 pts

- Clear and logical explanation of the solution: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How do real-life scenarios involving quadratic equations demonstrate the practical

applications of completing the square?

2) Can you provide another real-life scenario where solving a quadratic equation by
completing the square can be applied?

3) Reflect on your group's solution. What alternative approaches could have been
used to solve the quadratic equation?


Activity 1 - The Completing the Square Puzzle allowed students to practice

completing the square while engaging in problem-solving. By arranging the puzzle
pieces and finding the completed square, students reinforced their understanding of
the concept and its connection to quadratic equations.

Activity 2 - Quadratic Equation Art provided an opportunity for students to express

their creativity while applying their knowledge of completing the square. By visually
representing a quadratic equation and its solution, students deepened their
understanding of the concept and its visual representation.

Activity 3 - Real-Life Quadratic Equations allowed students to apply their knowledge

of completing the square in solving practical problems. By working on real-life
scenarios, students connected the abstract concept of quadratic equations to real-
world applications.


The objective of solving quadratic equations by completing the square involves

finding the missing value or values that make the equation true. By rearranging the
equation to create a perfect square trinomial, students can easily solve for the
unknown values. Understanding the rules and patterns of completing the square can
help students approach quadratic equations with confidence and efficiency.


Task 1 - Technology Integration

Teaching Strategy: Technology Integration

- Students will use graphing software or online tools to graph quadratic equations
and analyze their properties, including the vertex and axis of symmetry. They will
then solve the equations by completing the square and compare the results with the
graphed solutions.

Task 2 - Cooperative Learning

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

- Students will work in pairs to create a mini-project where they apply quadratic
equations by completing the square to solve a real-life problem. They will gather
data, create an equation, solve it, and present their findings to the class.


Teaching Strategy: Direct Instruction

Instructional Materials: Assessment questions, whiteboard or projector

Question 1: Explain the process of completing the square in solving quadratic

equations. (5 pts)

Question 2: Solve the quadratic equation by completing the square: x^2 + 6x +

9 = 0. (5 pts)

Question 3: How can you verify if a quadratic equation is solved correctly by

completing the square? (5 pts)


1) Guided Overview: Students will research and write a short essay on the history
and significance of quadratic equations in various fields, such as physics,
engineering, and computer science.
Actual Assessment Question: Discuss how quadratic equations have
contributed to advancements in the field of architecture. Provide specific
examples and explain their impact. (15 pts)

2) Guided Overview: Students will create a poster or infographic that highlights the
steps involved in solving quadratic equations by completing the square. They should
include examples and explanations to help their peers understand the process.

Actual Assessment Question: Create a step-by-step guide for solving the

quadratic equation: 2x^2 - 5x + 3 = 0, using the completing the square method.
Include a detailed explanation for each step. (15 pts)

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