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“Pretty Boy”

[ Schrodinger’s Scale ]
Tristan conjures an imaginary weight scale, that floats on top of him until power balance is reached.
 Slowly scales Tristan’s HP and ATK damage stats to a single opponent that have a higher HP and
ATK than him.
 The duration of the scaling process is between 5-8 seconds, and can be cancelled if Tristan
received more than 700 DMG during the process.
 If successful, Tristan will gain the [ Equilibrium ] effect that lasts for 60 seconds, in which he
gains the same max HP and ATK as his talent’s target, and also the ability to parry any attack
from the opponent he scales with, the [ Equilibrium ] effect will end if the parry is used for 4
times :
 Normal attacks can be parried up to 4 times.
 SKILL attacks can be parried up to 2 times.
 ULTIMATUM can only be parried once, and will instantly end the [ Equilibrium ] effect

[ Confidence Boost ]
Tristan snapped his fingers while releasing a magical green bird towards a single enemy, that:
 Deals 10% of Physical damage.
 Gives the [ Blessing Cancel ] effect, in which the target is unable to receive any kind of buff from
themselves and their allies for 10 seconds.
[ Image of Self ]
Tristan dashed backwards while creating a decoy of himself on where he was standing with his magic.
 When attacked, the decoy will explodes:
 Dealing 30% of Physical damage.
 Have a 10% chance of inflicting the [ Stun ] effect for 3 seconds.
 Increase nearby allies max HP and ATK damage by 10% for 4 seconds.

[ A Knight’s Ego Death ] (Talent must be active first)
As his magical birds circled around him, he prepares a thrusting stance and he lunges forward,
piercing through a single opponent, followed by his flock of birds.
 Deals 150% of Physical damage, followed by 20% tick of Physical damage for 3 seconds.
 If the [ Equilibrium ] effect is still active, the total damage will scale with the effect buff.
 The talent [ Schrodinger’s Scale ] will end right after this ability usage.

A decent Physical DPS unit that can stand well as a solo unit with no support, though he may not
be the strongest Physical unit of his class, he is still considered a great backup unit for dealing a
couple of final blows to end the fight.


“Efficiëntie in Luiheid”

[ Prepare for Trouble & Make It Quintuple ]
Ramiel manifests 4 duplicates of herself, that:
 Increase 30% of her ATK speed.
 Each clone repeats her every attack once, dealing 25% of her base ATK damage for each attacks.
 Has a 10% chance to inflict Lightning damage, that can cause the [ Shock ] debuff for 10 seconds.
 The “clones” only last for 30 seconds, or can be ended early by her ULTIMATUM.

[ The Ol’ Zig Zag ]
Ramiel rushes towards the enemy party with blinding speed, feigning attacks on each step that dazes
her opponents.
 Has a 30% chance to inflict [ Confusion ] for 8 seconds that:
 Makes the target next attack does 25% less damage.
 Cut the duration of target buff by 30%
 If the Talent [ Prepare for Trouble & Make It Quintuple ] is active, the chances to inflict
[ Confusion ] is upped by 20%
[ Verdict Cut ]
Ramiel sit on one of her manifested sword, and launches herself with the sword towards an enemy,
and ending it with a multitude of slashes.
 Deals 100% of Lightning damage to a single chosen enemy, causing the [ Shock ] debuff.
 The Talent [ Prepare for Trouble & Make It Quintuple ] stats is doubled for this skill usage,
but has a 5% chance of ending it prematurely after the skill ended.

[ Verdict Cut Final ] (one time use)
Ramiel assume a hanging stance while all of her clones dissapears back into her body, revealing an
aura of purple lightning. She then seemingly dissapears, while simultaneously slashing the whole
area, and returning back to her position, where her sword faintly disintegrate and ending the attack
when slashes takes effect.
 Deals 1000% of Lightning damage to the entire enemy in the area, giving the [ Shock ] debuff for
10 seconds (stackable with buff).
 Give the [ Thunderweep ] debuff, that makes the target takes 15% more Lightning damage for 10
 After using the ability, Ramiel is given the [ Paresseux ] curse, in which she:
 Takes 50% more total damage of any kind.
 Have 30% less ATK speed.
 Unable to use her skills and talent.
 Unable to be given any kind of buff.
 The [ Paresseux ] curse lasts until the fight is ended.

She is a great Lightning burst DMG unit capable of dealing short yet high burst damage, best suited
for fighting enemies with a high health and regeneration capabilities, especially if paired with a good
Lightning support unit and a DPS unit for backup.

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