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Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness An Introductory Text for Emergency Management and Plannin

Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness An Introductory

Text for Emergency Management and Planning
Professionals 2nd Schwab Test Bank

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The Role of the Federal Government

Chapter 6 Test



Multiple-Choice, True/False
Below are 15 Multiple-Choice, True/False questions. Choose the best answer. Each question is
worth 4 points for a total of 60 points:

1. As put forth in the United States Constitution, the function of protecting public health and
safety rests primarily with the:
a. federal government
b. local government
c. state government
d. citizens of the United States

2. One of the programs created by the Stafford Act was:

a. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
b. National Highway Safety Grant Program
c. Homeland Security Grant Program
d. Taxpayers Relief Grant Program

3. __________, a program initiated by FEMA in 1997 that encouraged involvement of all sectors
of the community in emergency management and mitigation activities, was an attempt to foster
public-private partnerships for community-wide mitigation planning.
a. Project Hope
b. Project Relief
c. Project Save
d. Project Impact

4. This legislation is aimed primarily at controlling and streamlining the administration of federal
disaster relief and mitigation programs, and places emphasis on pre-disaster mitigation planning to
reduce the Nation’s disaster losses:
a. Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988
b. Disaster Mitigation Act
c. Hazard Mitigation Act
d. None of the above

5. __________________ is housed within the larger Department of Homeland Security, where it is

one of many different agencies responsible for protecting America from dangers of all kinds:
a. Federal Bureau of Prisons
b. Federal Emergency Management Agency
c. Department of Land and Agriculture
d. U.S. Army Corp of Engineers

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The Role of the Federal Government

Chapter 6 Test

6. Repetitive Loss Properties (RLPs) are defined as properties with ________ or more NFIP
claims over $1,000 each within a ten-year period.
a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 1

7. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires that federal agencies:
a. protect endangered species and their habitats
b. make it impossible to negatively impact the environment through their actions
c. study and disclose potential environmental impacts due to their decisions
d. all of the above

8. Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA) applies only to these specific mapped areas but can
restrict activities of the private sector or state or local governments if so desired. True or False?

9. The primary purpose of the federal Clean Water Act (CWA), formally known as the Federal
Water Pollution Control Act, is to increase quality of the waters of the United States by natural
resources and wildlife. True of False?

10. FIRMs are paper or digital maps that represent the full range of flood risk in the community.
True or False?

11. Businesses in particular, under the Internal Revenue Code, may write off many kinds of
uninsured expenses involved in restoring property to pre-disaster condition. True or False?

12. All together, the federal government carries out about 20 different programs that seek to
encourage development nationwide, including many programs that apply to high hazard areas such
as the coastal zone. True or False?

13. Clean Water Act, Coastal Zone Management Act, National Environmental Policy Act are
examples of “indirect mitigation programs”. True or False?

14. Local and state governments should assess hazard districts with lower tax rates or impact fees,
while increasing taxes and fees for properties built in safer locations. True or False?

15. The National Flood Insurance Program is notorious for providing low-cost flood insurance that
does not reflect the actual level of risk involved. True or False?

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The Role of the Federal Government

Chapter 6 Test

Short Answer
Below are 5 Short Answer questions. Each question is worth 4 points for a total of 20 points:

16. Climate change ___________ refers to the process of adjusting to our climate and its effects in
order to moderate harm or exploit beneficial opportunities.

17. The ___________________Program, notorious for providing low-cost flood insurance that
does not reflect the actual level of risk involved, could be greatly strengthened if repetitive loss
problems were addressed, perhaps by charging the owners of repetitive loss structures a higher
premium for flood insurance

18 A local rule or law that the government can pass and has the authority to enforce within its
jurisdiction is known as an ________________.

19. The ___________________Act establishes a national policy “to preserve, protect, develop,
and where possible, to restore or enhance, the resources of the Nation’s coastal zone for this and
succeeding generations.”

20. Section 404 of the ________________ Act contains provisions that restrict the discharge of
dredge and fill materials into the Nation’s wetlands.

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The Role of the Federal Government

Chapter 6 Test

Below are 2 Essay questions. Answer each question using complete sentences. Each question is
worth 10 points for a total of 20 points:

21. Explain the significance of the the U.S. Global Change Research Program and some of the
steps the federal government has taken to address climate change.

22. In 1990 Congress amended the Coastal Zone Management Act, and added several additional
activities for which states may use CZMA grant funds. Describe how some states have been
creative in establishing activities within their coastal management programs that are effective in
mitigating the impacts of natural hazards.

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The Role of the Federal Government

Chapter 6 Test

Multiple Choice/True-False
1. c. state government
2. a. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
3. d. Project Impact
4. b. Disaster Mitigation Act
5. b. Federal Emergency Management Agency
6. c. 2
7. c. study and disclose potential environmental impacts due to their decisions
8. False
9. False
10. True
11. True
12. False
13. True
14. False
15. True

Short Answer
16. adaptation
17. National Flood Insurance Program
18. ordinance
19. Coastal Zone Management
20. Clean Water

21. The USGCRP is a research program created in 1989 to help assess, predict, and respond to
human-induced and natural processes of global change – notably global climate change. Every few
years, they Program releases an updated version of the National Climate Assessment, which
summarizes the impacts of climate change on the United States. The Program also helps guide
research in the United States to better prepare the nation.
Several Executive Orders have been passed in recent years to begin to address climate
change. One released in 2009 required the creation of an Interagency Climate Change Adaptation
Task Force that led to the development of the President’s Climate Action Plan – a national
strategy to reduce carbon pollution and prepare for impacts such as increased flooding, prolonged
drought, and sea level rise. The federal government has also created tools to help communities,
such as the Climate Resilience Toolkit, the Climate Data Initiative, USDA Regional Climate
Hubs, and other resources with the aim of providing information and technical assistance to help
the nation reduce carbon emissions and anticipate and adapt to change.

• Shoreline management and retreat (creating setback rules, regulating shoreline
development, shoreline stabilization);
• Regulating shore-hardening structures (e.g. prohibiting or restricting seawalls, revetments,
groins, and other shore "stiffening" structures);

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Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness An Introductory Text for Emergency Management and Plannin

The Role of the Federal Government

Chapter 6 Test

• Managing post-hazard reconstruction (regulating the repair and reconstruction of buildings

damaged by a coastal hazard);
• Managing "unbuildable" lots (lots that should not be developed because of their proximity
to hazards);
• Building codes and construction standards (regulating construction through rules,
inspections and enforcement);
• Coastal wetlands protection;
• Policies to address sea level rise;
• Land acquisition programs (purchasing private lots in hazardous areas);
• Local land use planning (encouraging local governments to include hazard mitigation in
their land use plans);
• Special Area Management Plans (creating plans that deal with coastal hazards in certain
areas of the coastal zone).

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