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Unidad Educativa Asignatura: INGLÉS Año Escolar: 2022-2023

Lapso: I
Colegio Yale
Contenido: SPELLING Fecha: 13-10-2023
Colinas de los Ruices
Docente: Irayam Hernandez Curso: 4th
Cód. Plantel: PD00601519
Sección: A-B


1. adopt: (Verb) To take (someone or something) by choice into a relationship

2. atlas: (Noun) A bound collection of maps often including illustrations, informative tables, or
textual matter.
3. misery: (Noun) A state of suffering and want that is the result of poverty or affliction.
4. platform: (Noun) A flat horizontal surface that is usually higher than the adjoining area.
5. carriage: (Noun) A wheeled vehicle.
6. couple: (Noun) Two persons married, engaged, or otherwise romantically paired.
7. railroad: (Noun) A permanent road having a line of rails fixed to ties and laid on a roadbed and
providing a track for cars or equipment drawn by locomotives or propelled by self-
contained motors.
8. prairie: (Noun) Land in or predominantly in grass.

9. request: (Noun) The act or an instance of asking for something.

10. meadow: (Noun) A tract of moist low-lying usually level grassland.

11. washcloth: (Noun) A cloth that is used for washing one's face and body.

12. view: (Noun) Extent or range of vision.

13. departure: (Noun) The act or an instance of departing.

14. transportation: Means of conveyance or travel from one place to another
15. wrinkled: To become marked with or contracted into wrinkles.
16. rumpled: (Adjective) To make unkempt.
17. rough: (Adjective) Marked by inequalities, ridges, or projections on the surface.
18. surround: (Verb) To enclose on all sides.
19. nestle: (Verb) To settle snugly or comfortably.
20. degree: (Noun) A step or stage in a process, course, or order of classification.

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