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Tel: (+251)11-5-50 59 95 P.O.Box: 41504
(+251)11-5-50 59 98 e-mail ADDIS ABABA

Assessment Method

Assessment Type Weighting

Continuous Assessment I 10%

Mid Exam 20%

Continuous Assessment II 10%

Group Assignment 10%

Final Examination 50%

Total 100%

Delivery method/Instructional methods/Teaching –learning approach

As itis indicated by education policy of the college, students learn more quickly and retain what
they have learned longer if they are actively engage. Here, the approach is the learner-centered
methodology in order to make use of the conceptual and cultural knowledge of students that they
bring with themselves to the class room. As a result, the instructors use combination of the
following techniques/ methods for this course:
 Group discussion
 Lectures
 Demonstration,
 Self Exercises, &
 Project Work
Communication and Feed Backs
It is obvious that students/learners are users of the instructor’s service (teaching). So getting
feedback on the used approach, exams, quizzes, and tests is crucial to improve the process of
teaching- learning process and produce competent graduates.
Therefore, the instructors collect information from the students about the issues mentioned above
mostly after completing each chapter and /or after each session sometimes or after giving
quizzes, tests, exams. Note will be taken about the suggestion from students so as to use as input
for the course review. Students are encouraged to give feedback

Addis Ababa Nekemte Shashemene Awassa Dilla

Tel.(+251)11-5-50-59-95 (+251)57-6-61-33-33 (+251)46-1-10-42-75 (+251)46-2-20-46-57 (+251)46-3-31-11-89

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