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I. Objective:
1. Identify changes in materials whether useful or harmful to one’s environment. (S4MT-Ii-j-7)

A. Subject Matter:
Identifying the changes in materials whether useful or harmful to one’s environment..

B. References:

Science 4 Teacher’s Guide First Edition 2015 pp. 89-95, Science 4 Learner’s Materials First Edition
2015 pp. 49-51, MELC p. 378,,,

C. Materials:

Kartolina, marking pen, television, laptop, pictures.

D. Process Skills: Observing, Describing, Investigating, Explaining, Synthesizing Ideas, and

E. Values Integration: Conservation of Natural Resources
F. Integration: Math – Solving problem using addition and subtraction.
II. Learning Tasks

Time Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity Teachers’

Allotment Note
7 min. A. Engagement
(The pupils will sing along
1. Unfreezing
Action Song: Taking Care of the Surroundings and dance with the song:
Taking Care of the
2. Review Surroundings)
Show pictures of different materials and let them
identify how those materials can be change.

Wood – cutting, chopping Teacher

Rocks – hammering will
Chocolates – melting facilitate
Paper – tearing, folding,
Metal bar – bending, cutting



3. Drill
Identify which trash bin you will throw the following loam

1. plastic wrapper

2. junk metals

3. wood chips

4. broken glass

5. dried leaves

3 min. 4. Motivation

Motive Question:
What do you think will happen to our
environment if the changes in the materials are
useful or harmful?

Let the pupils watch the video clip.

5. Presentation
Today, we will Identify changes in materials
whether useful or harmful to one’s environment.
So, we will have an activity.

25 min. B. Exploration

1. Setting the standards of doing group

activity. Cooperate with the group.
Raise your hand to speak.
What are the standards of doing group Follow direction quickly.
activity? Share ideas.
2. Group Activity

Group I- What I am?

Direction: Group the different materials in the

picture if it can be useful or harmful. Pupils do the suggested

Group II- How I am.

Direction: Match the different materials in column A

with the product that can be made out of it.

1. tin can A. paper flower 1. C. pen container

2. glass bottle B. lantern 2. D. vase

3. tires C. pen container

3. E. plant pot

4. newspaper D. vase 4. A. paper flower

5. plastic bottle E. plant pot 5. B. lantern

Group III- Why I am.

Direction: Give the effect of the different changes in

the materials.

C. Explanation

1. Posting of Output
2. Reporting of Output
3. Checking of Outputs
4. Discuss the result of the activity and will take
help pupils formulate ideas/concepts note of /
by asking: check
a. What are the characteristics did you The characteristics of the responses
observe as you examine your soil soil we have observed are to the
samples? its color, texture, odor and activity
water holding capacity. questions.

b. What soil has particles that are packed Clay soil has particles that
together tightly, and it has the finest are packed tightly and has
texture? the finest texture.

c. What can you say about sand soil? Does Sandy soil particles are
it hold much water? coarse and loose, and it does
not hold water. Water can
easily pass through.

d. What are the particles present in loam It is a mixture of sand and

soil? clay. It contains particles
like decaying plants and
- Loam soil is good for
e. What soil do you think is good for planting and growing plants
planting and growing plants? Why?
because it contains a large
amount of nutrients needed
by the plants like decayed
plants and animals.

Soil is very important in

f. How important is the soil in food food production because a
healthy soil produces
healthy plants and animals.
- The soil will be polluted
g. What will happen if our soil is and will become harmful to
contaminated with waste? living organisms.
- As a pupil I can help
Value Focus protect our soils and
h. As a pupil what will you do to help
conserve other natural
protect our soils and conserve other
natural resources? resources by practicing the
5R’s (Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle, repair and Rot) in
disposing our waste.

7 min D. Elaboration

1. Generalization
The three types of soil are
a. What are the three types of soil and
their characteristics? Clay, Loam and Sand.

Clay. Particles are packed

together tightly. It is sticky
when wet and has the finest

Loam. It is a mixture of
sand and clay. It contains
large amount of decaying
plants and animals. It has a
fine texture.

Sand. Particles are coarse

and loose. It does not hold
water. Water can easily pass
through between soil
2. Application
Pupils will find the area of
a. Mr. Dela Cruz is planning to make a
vegetable garden which measures 10 the land using the formula
of finding the area of a
meters long and 12 meters wide. He rectangle which is,
needed to find first the area of the land so A =L×W
that he will know the amount of soil = 10m × 12m
needed to fill the area.
= 120 square meters
Mr. Dela Cruz should put
loam soil to his garden
b. What soil do you think Mr. Dela Cruz because it contains nutrients
must put to his garden so that his plants needed by the plants to
will grow healthy? grow, like decaying plants
and animals.

5 min. E. Evaluation
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct

1.Which soil where water can easily pass

through between soil particles?
a. Loam
b. Sand
c. Mud
d. Clay
2. Which soil is sticky when wet and it has the c
finest texture?
a. Sand
b. Cement
c. Clay
d. Loam
3. What characteristics of loam soil that makes it d
best for planting?
a.It is sticky when wet and has the finest texture.
b. It is coarse and loose.
c. It can hold less water.
d. It contains particles of decaying plants and
4. Which soil is used to form pots because its
particles are packed together tightly. d
a. Mud
b. Loam
c. Sand
d. Clay
5. Which soil contains the right mixture of sand a
and clay?
a. Loam
b. Clay
c. Mud
d. Sand
3 min. Assignment:

Write in your notebook, what are the different

layers of the soil?

Mastery Level: Instructional Decision:

Prepared and demonstrated by:

Teacher I

Checked/Observed/TA by:



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