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Nama : Resa Elok Agustiningsih

Kelas/Prodi : 1A/D4 Promkes

Tugas : Bhs Inggris TM 6

One day there was a woman who told me about her life, she told about the difficulty of managing
adequate rest time, such as wanting to relax and sleep. she is busy with work to support her
family and she also has to take care of her mother. And her husband helps his wife by taking care
of the children, she also feels the same way, which is feeling tired but she promises to stay
motivated because children mean a lot to her.
Sleep and its effect on mental health.
Lack of sleep has a negative effect on one's mental health and taking care of others should also
include taking care of oneself. Adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep every night,
but life can also sometimes affect our sleep timings, causing irregular sleep. If we lack sleep then
we will become less concentrated and forgetful but if we sleep too long it will also cause the
quality of thoughts in our brains to be not good. And a good bedtime tip is to turn off the lights
before going to bed to create a cool, cool and calm situation. And avoid before going to bed
using electronic devices such as playing cellphones when the lights are off. And lifestyle changes
that can also benefit sleep and mental health are creating routines like taking a warm bath,
reading a book or doing relaxation exercises trying to maintain a consistent sleep schedule. And
finally try to wake up or sleep at the same time in order to enjoy more time with family.

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