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Praveena Balakrisanan Unni



Skills Enhancement (MPU2223)

It is very common that teenagers and also adults these days are very self-conscious of their physical,
social, and also personal self, which in other words, their appearance and how their personality
comes off towards others. Personally, I have been very aware and careful with how I appear to new
people ever since I was younger.

When it comes to physical self, I believe the concept of it refers to how individuals perceive and
experience their own physical bodies. It encompasses aspects such as body image, physical abilities,
and overall physical well-being. It involves both the objective aspects of one’s body, such as height,
weight, and physical attributes as well as subjective aspects, including self-perception and self-
esteem. If I were to apply this to myself, I would be overall proud of where I’ve come as it took me
years to be satisfied with how I am physically. I am currently in the progress of removing a bad habit
of unhealthy food intake and many more. I have learned that I should take advantage of my young
age to change my bad habits fast before it’s too late. Besides weight, I have learned to maintain clean
hygiene and study more about other ways I can take care of my physical self.

Besides physical self, there is also social self which refers to how individuals perceive themselves in
relation to others and how they interact with the social world. It encompasses aspects such as self-
identity, social roles, and relationships. The social self is shaped by social interactions, cultural norms,
and personal experiences. When it comes to my social self, I am still slowly but surely improving my
social skills. I have always been an introvert since I was young. Sometimes, it can be very difficult and
terrifying to speak to people as I have social anxiety but, I have always set my mind to always
remember that it does not matter what people’s perception of you are and that it is not the end of
the world if I mess up when I speak.

Lastly, the concept of personal self refers to an individual’s unique sense of identity and self-
awareness. It encompasses one’s beliefs, values, personality traits, and personal experiences. The
personal self is shaped by a combination of internal factors, such as social influences and life events. I
believe that as an individual, I have learned to accept myself no matter what. Throughout my 19
years of living, I have learned that being unsatisfied with the way I am born that does not harm
anyone in any way is pointless. My parents have always played a huge role in building self-acceptance
in myself. It is not odd to have people who are unhappy with you and my parents have taught me
that as long as I am not harming anyone physically and mentally, people’s opinions should never
bother me.

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